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is defined the function / : Σ2 Э Ρ ·-> / ο Θ(Ρ).

Behavior of /(ζ) for

large \z\ is the same as behavior of f(P) for Ρ near (0, 0,1) or alternatively

as behavior of / I — J for ζ near and different from 0.

Similarity of Α[ΝΟΘ(Ρ)} and A(NQP) implies that

e[(^,C)] = j4^+»Y^:

Θ is a homeomorphism. Furthermore Σ2 itself may be viewed as (the

homeomorphic image of) the one-point compactification Coo = Cu{oo} of

C. In that context, Θ has a unique extension Θ to Σ2 and Θ : Σ ι—> Coo is

a homeomorphism. Regions, curves, etc., in Coo are Θ-images of regions,

curves, etc., on Σ2.

When Ω is a region in C, then <9(Ω) is by definition a subset of C.

When Ω is viewed as a subset of Coo, °° may well be a boundary point of

Ω. Thus

я /0\ ^ / ^(^) 'f ^ 's bounded

°°( ' ~ \β(Ω)υοο otherwise

When {a,6} С Coo, S(a,b) is the Euclidean distance between Θ_1(α) and

Θ_1(6) (points in Σ2, a subset of R3).

5.6.1 Exercise. The function δ is a valid metric in Coo·

In the context described, a neighborhood of oo in С is equivalently

described as a set containing, for some positive R, { ζ : \z\ > R } or, for

some positive r, as the image under Θ of { Ρ : Ρ £ Σ2, 0 < δ(Ρ, Ν) < г }

(a punctured neighborhood of (0, 0,1) on Σ2). A neighborhood of oo in Coo

is for some positive r the set { ζ : δ (Θ-1 (ζ), TV) < г } or equivalently, for

some positive R, { ζ : \z\ > R }.

The behavior of / for large \z\ is that of f(P) for Ρ near but not equal
to N. Thus the locutions / has a pole at oo, / has an essential singularity

at oo, etc., may be construed equally well as descriptions of the behavior

°f / ( _ I f°r z near but not equal to zero or of the behavior of f{P) for Ρ

near but not equal to N or of the behavior of f(z) for values of ζ in Coo

and near but not equal to oo.

5.6.2 Exercise, a) If / is a polynomial of positive degree, f has a pole at

oo. b) If / is entire and is not a polynomial, / has an essential singularity

at oo. c) If oo is a removable singularity of an entire function /, then / is

a constant.

5.6.3 Exercise. If f(z) = ez, α φ 0, and R > 0, for some ζ such that

\z\ > R, ez = a.

[ 5.6.4 Note. The result above and illustrates the two famous

theorems of Picard. In summary form, they say that if α is an isolated

Section 5.6. The Riemann Sphere


essential singularity of / in Coo and for the punctured neighbor-

hood N(a) \ {a}, e.g., A(a; 0, R), # {C \ f[N(a) \ {a}}} > 1, then

/ is a constant.

In the neighborhood of an isolated essential singularity

the range or image of a nonconstant function omits no

more than one complex number.

Picard's Theorems (v. Chapter 9) are substantial strengthenings

of the Weierstrafi-Casorati Theorem, 5.4.3c).

On the other hand, FTA says that the range of a nonconstant

polynomial, a special kind of entire function having only сю as a

pole, omits no complex number.]

5.6.5 Exercise. If α is a pole of / and N(a) is a neighborhood of a, for

some positive R, f(N(a) \ {a}) D { ζ : \z\ > R }: for ζ near but not equal

to a pole of /, f(z) omits no complex number of large absolute value.

5.6.6 Exercise. The Maximum Modulus Theorem (5.3.36) may be

reformulated for Coo as follows.

If Ω is a region in C, / € Η(Ω) and for each a in <?οο(Ω) and some

M, inf sup \f(z)\ < M, for all ζ in Ω, |/(z)| < M.

Ν(α)βλί(α) г€ЛГ(а)Г)П

[Hint: If Ω is bounded 5.3.36 applies. If Ω is not bounded and

sup \f(z)\ > M, for some positive e, each m in N, and some zm in


\zm\ > m and \f(zm)\ > Μ + е.]

5.6.7 Exercise. (Minimum

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