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Achlys, the Eternal Night

Denizen of the Doom Aspect

The personification of misery, sadness, and the Mist of Death which falls over one’s eyes as
their death comes and Thanatos takes their soul away. She was represented on the shield of
Heracles: pale, emaciated, and weeping, with chattering teeth, swollen knees, long nails on her
fingers, bloody cheeks, and her shoulders thickly covered with dust. She may also have been
the goddess of deadly poisons. She was perhaps the first created being, who existed even
before Chaos. Or perhaps she is the daughter of Nyx, trapped in Tartarus while the misery she
spreads has no hold over humans.

The Quest
Land of Miasma: The Land upon which Achlys rests is nearly consumed by a dark and
foreboding miasma. Most who wanders into it never return, those who returned cursed, though
how differs upon each victim. A consort here simply die of sickness immediately, there one
suffers bad luck, yet another turned into an animal. Whatever the case, the Player must find a
way to stop the mist and save their consorts.

Land of Flowers: A Land covered in many varieties of flowers some fragrant and beautiful,
others poisonous and terrifying. The Player must either exterminate the poisoned flowers or find
a cure for their toxins.

The Battle
Achlys fights not only with her miasma, which may both conceal her and curse the player, she
also spawns a variety of poisonous flowers wherever she goes. The Player must find a cure for
the maledictions the Denizen may bring to bear before they can win against the Denizen.

The Prize
Alkahest of Forms - An ointment of some sort gathered from pool found around Achlys. Once
smeared upon the skin of the target, or ingested in some way, the ointment would quickly turn
the victim into a random animal. Or perhaps it is simply a super deadly poison. Depends on
whether it was distilled before being used.
Strife Portfolio

A heavy fog that Achlys constantly emits around herself. The Miasma is not just a single poison,
rather it is the combination of thousands of them. Each catered to a specific biology, to ensure
that its effectiveness on all who inhale it. The miasma is mostly transparent, allowing it to remain
unnoticed for the most part. Though it becomes opaque with thickness, such as around Achlys’
head. The miasma disperses quite quickly, giving it a short range. Ranged attacks are advised.

Venomous Exhale
Achlys breathes out one of her poison mists towards the Player. The Exhale has a much longer
range than the Miasma, reaching for miles and miles. Achlys can only breath out a single poison
at a time, though she does retain access to her repertoire of deadly gases. It is advised that the
Player prepare appropriate antidotes based on their knowledge of Achlys’ power, or bring a Life
Player along, whichever is most convenient.

Acidic Diffusion
Achlys can release acids through her skin, the likes of which can burn through stone and metal
with ease. This grants her attack acid damage, and allows her to damage weapons and armor
that she touches. As an extra, she can use the acids to melt through the ground with ease,
allowing her to burrow under the floor and catch the Player unawares. In some cased, she can
even damage the ground enough to cause it to collapse.

Corrosive Spit
Achlys can spit out acid as easily she can exhale poisons. Corrosive Spit has a longer range
than Acidic Diffusion, though not as long as Venomous Exhale, with a maximum range of a few
dozen yards at most. Like Acidic Diffusion, Corrosive Spit can melt through most weapons and
armor, though granting them immunity to acids is quite possible and most Legendary Weapons
are immune to being wreaked.

Toxic Harvest
Achlys can summon a field of toxic plants. Most of them are flowers, their pollen toxic and their
thorns positively dripping with poison, others are vine likes, reaching and grabbing and just
generally hindering the players movements. Extreme cases basically jump towards the Player to
wrap around them. However, their natures mean that they are extremely flammable, use of
incendiary abilities and weapons are advised.
Treasure Hoard

Alkahest of Forms
A lotion of great effect. Once applied to a target’s skin, it would have a 50/50 chance of
activating either Polymorphic Lotion or Venomous Concentrate.
Polymorphic Lotion - the lotion has a polymorphic effect, transforming the victim into a random
anima, frequently an animal that resonates with them.
Venomous Concentrate - the lotion is incredibly poisonous causing immediate painful death to
any creature, only those with Complete Immunity to Poison Effects can survive it

Achlys Venom
A dose of the poison collected from Achlys’ fangs, it is incredibly deadly, the slightest drop
capable of killing most creatures on contact
Rancorous Malevolence - the substance is so incredibly poisonous that one drop can kill
creatures the size of a Denizen in under a minute. It can also bypass all attempts at hindering it
less than being a God Tiered Doom Player.

Misc. Items
Other than those, Achlys is known to hoard poisons of all kinds, with a little searching one can
find poisons for any living being in existence, even ones such as Universes, Horrorterrors, and
First Guardians.

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