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Birla Public School, Doha - Qatar

Class IV Mathematics Question Bank

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. In the product of 200 and 25 which digit is in the 100’s place.

(0, 5, 10)

2. Which of the following is not true?

(9877 x 0 = 0, 9877 x 10 = 9870, 9877 x 1 = 9877)

3. Which of the following is false?

(941 ÷ 1 = 941, 48 ÷ 0 = 0, 949 ÷ 949 = 1)

4. Which set of numbers gives a sum of 160 and a product of 5775?

(55 and 105, 60 and 100, 65 and 95)

5. Sam baked 2000 cookies. He sold 600 of them and gave the rest equal to
20 of his friends. How many cookies did each of his friend get?
(18, 70, 80)

6. Mrs. Rose sold 7928 cakes on the 1st day of the month. She sold 350
more cakes at the last day of that month. How many did she sell in total?
(7288, 8000, 8278)

7. During plantation in school, children made 50 rows of plants and each

row has 30 plants. How many plants are there in total?
(1550, 1500, 1600)

8. There are 100 toffees in a packet. How many toffees are there in 25 such
packets? (100 ÷ 25, 100 x 25, 25 + 100)

9. Sara caught twice as many fishes as her dad. If her dad caught 15 fishes.
How many fishes did Sara catch?
(15 + 2, 15 ÷ 2, 15 x 2)
10.Which of the following is equal to 24?
(4 x 2 x 3, 2 x 3 x 4 x 6, 4 x 3x 1)

11. Joy needs to drive 720 km. Yesterday, he drove 175 km. Today he drove
345 km. What is the total number of km that Joy still has to drive?
(200, 210, 520)

12. What number goes in the blank to make this number sentence true?
(7 – 3) x 5 = 4 x ___ ( 3 , 5 , 4)

13.Which value of g makes the number sentence true? g ÷ 8 = 32

(256, 4, 245)

14.There are 168 chocolates to be shared equally among 3 classes. How

many chocolates will each class get? (56, 58, 76)

15.Tom and Jerry divide 5287 marbles equally. How many are left after
equal division? (1, 2, 3)

16.If there is no remainder, the quotient and divisor are always the ______
of the dividend. (Factors, multiples, product)

II. Fill in the blanks

1. If we interchange the multiplier and the multiplicand the ___________

remains the same.

2. 1230 ÷ ______ = 1

3. 6782 ÷ 1 = _________

4. 0 ÷ by 2318 = ________

5. ______ ÷ (22 +23) = 1

6. 136 ÷ (89 – 85) = ___________

7. (79 - _____) ÷ 90 = 0

8. 74000 ÷ 1000 = ___________

9. 4980 ÷ 10 = _________

10.1600 ÷ 100 = _________

11.______ ÷ 10 = 0

12._____ ÷ 1 = 14

13.Division is repeated _______________.

14.The remainder is always less than the ____________.

15.The quotient and the dividend are equal when the divisor is ____.

16. Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = ______________.

17.1588 + 47 = 47+ ________________

18.6600 -sixty-six =_____________

19.721350 +100 =_______________

20.53942+ 1000=_______________

21.Greatest 6-digit number – Smallest 6-digit number =___________

22.Difference of 488765 and 49614 is _____________

23.342842 -342842 = _____________

24.34175 - ______________ = 34175

25.63142 – 0 = _________________
26.In 120 – 6 =114, the minuend is _____

27.48 less than 1000 = ______________

28.In the multiplication fact 4x5 = 20, what is the multiplicand?

29.The answer of multiplication is called -------------------.

30.Multiplicand x _____________ = product.

31.When a number is multiplied by 0 the answer we obtain is --------.

32.Multiplication is repeated ____________.

33.81 x 5 = ___ x 81.

34.120 x 2 x 0 = ____.

35.989 x 1 = _____.

36.1434 x 4321 = _____ x 1434.

37. (21 x 7) x 9 = (9 x __) x 21.

38. (302 x ___) x 121 = (121 x 207) x ___

39. Double of 12 is _____

40. ______ x 30 =900.

41. What is twice the product of 10 and 10?

42. 71 x _____ = 71000.

43. 195 x 10 – 159 x 10 = ___.

44. 4000 x 100 – 400 x 100 = ___

45. 200 x 25 = ____.

46. 600 x 40 = _____.

47. 1000 x 50 = ______.

III. Do as directed

1. Find the sum

a. 14923 +33951+50413

b. 32290+47506

2. write the following numbers in figures and find out their sum.

a. Seventy-two thousand and One thousand five hundred.

b. Five thousand five hundred and five hundred twenty-five

3. Subtract and Verify the answer with Addition.

a. 59437 -35282

b. 195269 -153782

4. Subtract 16736 From 124586.

5. Simplify the following.

a. 40458 -11404 + 23816

b. 982746 - 12768 + 34189 - 48156

c. 64144 - 14280 - 42921

6. Divide and verify your answer

a. 4397÷ 24
b. 1485 ÷ 17
c. 67939 ÷ 35
d. 86281 ÷21
e. 74382÷51
f. 88456 ÷ 44

7. Find out the dividend: -

a. Divisor = 9, quotient = 485 and remainder = 3

b. Divisor = 27, quotient =236 and remainder = 5

c. Divisor =25, quotient = 324 and remainder = 24

d. Divisor =33, quotient = 625 and remainder = 15

e. Divisor =80, quotient =545 and remainder = 54

8. Multiply the following and find its product:

a) 7 0 8 b) 4 9 8 c) 9 0 0 2 d) 8 9 7 6

X 4 x 7 x 8 x 6

e) 6 7 f) 9 3 g) 3 1 9 h) 4 5 6
X4 2 x 7 0 x 5 6 x 2 5

i) 2 9 9 7 j) 7 0 6 5 k) 8 8 9 l) 7 0 1
X 3 1 x 9 4 x4 6 6 x 5 0 9
IV. Solve with Statements.

a. A cow can eat 280 kg of grass in 2 weeks. How much grass can the cow
eat in a day?

b. The product of 2 numbers is 640. If 1 number is 20, find the other


c. A number divided by 25 gives 512 as quotient and 20 as remainder. Find

the number?

d. 150 students in a school, were put into teams of 9 each. How many teams
did they make. How many children were left?

e. 23 children collected Rs.5635 for the old age home. If each child
collected an equal amount, how much did each contribute?

f. In an examination 1800 children were to be seated equally in 36 rooms.

How many children were there in each room?

g. Raj wants a mobile phone that costs Rs.27608. He can take it home by
paying Rs.5000, and pay the rest in 18 equal monthly payments. How
much will he have to pay each month?

h. For a trip to Agra, Rs.5500 was collected from 50 children. Just before
the trip, Rs.10 was returned to each child. How much did each child end
up paying for the trip?

i. There are 325 rows in an auditorium. Each row has 136 chairs. Find the
total number of chairs in the auditorium.

j. Find the product of the greatest 3-digit number and its predecessor.

k. What is the product of the place value of 7 in 7230 and the place value of
4 in 345?

l. What is the product of the face value of 9 in 92010 and the place value of
6 in 6089?
m. A ship can carry 528 passengers in a trip. How many passengers will it
carry in 52 such trips?

n. A packet has 48 pencils. How many pencils will 235 such packets

o. If 672 vehicles cross a toll bridge daily, find the number of vehicles
crossing the bridge in the month of August.

p. Find the product of 372 and 239.

q. Find the product of 4732 x 7 by breaking one of the factors.

V. Read the following problems and ring the correct sign, then solve

a. Aarti had 840 stamps, she put 15 stamps on each page of her album.
How many pages did she need? ( +, - ,× , ÷ )

b. Paul exercises for 50 minutes every day. How long did he exercise in
30 days? (+, - , ×, ÷)

c. John had Rs 55425. After he bought a watch, he had Rs.9845 left.

What was the cost of the watch? (+, -, ×, ÷)

d. In a school, there are 3450 students in primary wing and 4085

students in secondary wing. How many students are there in the
school? ( +, - ,× , ÷ )

e. 5000 pencils are to packed in packets containing 100 pencils each.

How many packets can be made? ( + , - , × , ÷ )

VI. Addition subtraction, Multiplication and division with changed signs.

Do the following calculations if?
(* means +, @ means -, $ means x, # means ÷)
a. 123151 * 30000 = _____________

b. 8000 $ 9 = ____________

c. 35000 @ 4000 = ___________

d. 45000 # 5 = ___________

e. 2500 $ 4 = ____________

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