Assure Lesson Plan Draft 2

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ASSURE Lesson Plan Draft

ED 240 ON – Spring 2018

Instructions: For Part 1 of your ASSURE Lesson Plan, you are asked to use what you’ve
shared in the Analyze, State Standards and Objectives, and Select Strategies and
Resources assignments to develop the first part of your ASSURE Lesson Plan. By the
end of the course we’ll cover all steps in the ASSURE Model. Please integrate revisions
based on the feedback that was provided to you. Start by painting the picture, this
gives a little background on you in the teacher role, and then introduce your topic.
Finally, you’ll Analyze your Learners and State the Standards and Objectives and
share the Strategies for your Lesson. The rubric on the last page will be used.
First and Last Name:

Paint the Picture (Motivator) & Lesson Introduction

In two short paragraphs, paint the picture and introduce your lesson.

Paint the Picture - Who are you? What is your degree in? What are you teaching? Where are you teaching? What grade level are
you teaching? Who will your students be (research the district)? “I am Ms. Nettles and I am teaching Educational Technology…”

Lesson Introduction – Introduce your lesson in a detailed and engaging way. The introduction should motivate learners.

Lesson Planning using the ASSURE Model

Analyze Learners
• Fictitious Course/Class:
• Lesson Topic:
• Grade Level:

ASSURE Analyze Learners

1. General Characteristics

2. Specific Entry

3. Learning Styles
State Standards and Objectives
Use your Stating the Standards and Objectives assignment to complete this section. Use the same grade lev el and
subject that was provided in the Analyze Learners assignment.

CPALMS State Standard(s) ISTE Standard(s)

Enter your 3 Learning Objectives Aligned to National Standards below.

Lesson Objective 1 Lesson Objective 2 Lesson Objective 3
Select Strategies and Resources
Reviewing your Select Strategies and Resources assignment, which strategies did you select for your lesson? Describe how the strategy
will be used and how technology will support the learning experience.

What Technology and Media will you use in

Instructional Strategy Description of how strategy will be used. your lesson and how it support the selected
instructional strategy?
Lesson Plan Rubric
1- Insufficient 2- Minimal 3- Adequate 4- Proficient 5- Exceptional

Paint the Appropriate and

Somewhat appropriate
Picture/Lesson Does not meet No motivator or Appropriate motivation creative motivation
Not motivation and brief
Introduction assignment introduction. Very and Lesson introduction. and Lesson
submitted. introduction. Lacking in
requirements. little detail. Somewhat Detailed. introduction. Very
(5 pts) Detail.

Analysis briefly
addresses one or Analysis fully
Analysis addresses
more of as required Analysis addresses some addresses all aspects
aspects of General
Does not meet in any combination - aspects of General of General
Analyze Learners Not Characteristics, Specific
assignment General Characteristics, Specific Characteristics,
(5 pts) submitted. Entry Competencies,
requirements. Characteristics, Entry Competencies, Specific Entry
and Learning Styles but
Specific Entry and Learning Styles. Competencies, and
lacking in detail.
Competencies, and Learning Styles.
Learning Styles.
CPALMs Standard(s) CPALMs Standard(s)
Does not meet CPALM Standard(s) CPALMs Standard(s)
State Standards Not and ISTE and ISTE Standard(s)
assignment or ISTE Standard(s) and ISTE
(5 pts) submitted. Standard(s)identified identified and fully
requirements. missing. Standard(s)identified.
and summarized. written out.
Some objectives are All objectives are
Objectives are vague action verbs that are action verbs that are
Objectives are
Does not meet or wordy. CPALMs and observable and observable and
Objectives unclear. Missing
Not assignment ISTE standard(s) measurable. Includes measurable. Covers
submitted. requirements. present. Missing some most ABCDs of well- the ABCDs of well-
(5 pts) Standard, or ISTE
ABCDs of well-written written objectives. written objectives.
objectives. Missing CPALMs or ISTE Includes CPALMs and
Standard. ISTE Standard.

Does not meet Description of Fully described the

Does not provide Instruction strategies
Select Strategies assignment instructional strategies instructional strategies
Not instructional provided for the lesson
and Resources requirements. and technology used being used in lesson
submitted. strategies at all but but no discussion of
( 5 pts) provided but lacking in and how technology
talks a bit about technology.
detail. will support strategy.

25 Points Possible

Lesson Planning using the ASSURE Model

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