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Lesson plan

SCHOOL: Prva gimnazija Split


SUBJECT: English

TEACHING UNIT/LESSON: Real relationships, Unit 7A


MENTOR: Koraljka Pejić, prof.


DATE: 26 March 2018

AIM: to improve students' speaking, writing and listening skills and enlarge their vocabulary

OBJECTIVES: To develop language skills (speaking, writing, listening fluency)

To introduce and practice phrasal verbs

To make students familiar with describing relationships

TEACHING STRATEGIES: questioning, instructing, explaining

LEARNING ACTIVITIES: answering questions, listening comprehension, reading

comprehension, writing, speaking

TEACHING MATERIALS AND AIDS: PowerPoint Presentation, student teacher created

material, CD, CD player, student’s book, workbook

STUDENT GROUPINGS: whole-class grouping, pair work, individual work, group work

1.1.Housekeeping Estimated time: 2 minutes

- Greeting the students

- Introducing myself

- Checking the attendance

1.2. Warm up: introducing the topic Estimated time: 2 minutes

Objective: to arouse students' interest for new topic


- Show to the students a few pictures of couples on PowerPoint Presentation

- Ask the students if they know who the people on the slides are (relatives, friends, couple)
- Ask them what do we say for a couple.. »They are in a ….«
- Tell them that today we are going to learn some phrases we use to describe a couple/a

Aids and materials: PowerPoint Presentation

Whole class


2.1.STAGE 1: introducing new vocabulary Estimated time: 4 minutes

Objective: to explain the meaning of the new vocabulary items


- Tell the students to open their book at page 64 and to look at the phrasal verbs in the
exercise 1

- Before reading, tell them to listen carefully because they will use them in the whole

- Tell them to write meanings of phrases in their notebooks

- Read every phrasal verb and check whether they understand the meaning
- Explain each phrasal verb if necessary

- Ask the students if there is anything else that is unclear

Aids and materials: student's book, notebook

Whole class

2.2. STAGE 2: practice Estimated time: 4 minutes

Objective: to check understanding of new vocabulary


- Tell the students to do the exercise 1 (book p64)

- Read the instructions and ask one student to repeat them

- Tell them that they have 2 minutes to do the exercise, they can do it in pairs

- Tell them there is more than one possible answer

- Check their answers

- Provide feedback

Aids and materials: student's book

Whole class, pair work

2.3. STAGE 3: Completing sentences Estimate time: 3 minutes

Objective: to practise new phrasal verbs


- Tell the students to do the exercise 2 (p64)

- Give instructions

- Tell them they have 2 minutes to do this activity

- Help and give correct answer for first sentence

- Check answers
Aids and materials: student's book

Individual work

2.4. STAGE 4: Writing Estimated time: 10 minutes

Objective: to improve students' writing skills


- Tell the students they are going to do this exercise in pairs

- Each pair has to write a story while looking at pictures from exercise 5

- Tell them to use phrases from exercise 1 and time expressions from exercise 6

- Tell them they have 5 minutes to do this activity

- While they are working, check if they need help

- Check their answers

- Provide feedback

- Tell them to do the exercise 3 in student's book for homework and exercise 1 in

Aids and materials: student's book

Pair work

2.5. STAGE 5: Listening Estimated time: 5 minutes

Objective: to check students' listening comprehension


- Tell the students to look at the exercise 4 (p64) and to read sentences a-g

- Ask them if there are unknown words

- Tell them they are going to listen to few dialogues and they have to match them with

- Tell them there are 2 sentences they do not need

- Play it once again if necessary

- Check their answers

- Provide feedback

Aids and materials: student's book, CD, CD player

Whole class, Individual work

2.6. STAGE 6: Speaking Estimated time: 12 minutes

Objective: to improve students' speaking skills


- Tell the students they are going to do this activity in groups of 4

- Tell them each group will be given a picture of a celebrity couple and key facts about

- Tell them they have 6 minutes to make a story about their couple

- Divide them into groups

- Make sure that every group is active

- Every group presents its couple

Aids and materials: student teacher's created material

Group work

CONCLUSION Estimated time: 3 minutes

3.1. Ending the lesson

- Ask few students to enumerate at least new 3 phrasal verbs

- Remind the students of their homework assingment

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: ask students about their or other people's relationships, vocabulary
builder 7.1. exercise 1

26 March 2018

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