MKTG2006 Digital Communication Management Semester 1 2018 Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius INT PDF

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Curtin Business School (CBS) 

School of Marketing

Unit Outline

MKTG2006 Digital Communication Management

Semester 1, 2018

Unit study package code: MKTG2006 

Mode of study: Internal
Tuition pattern summary: This unit does not have a fieldwork component.
Credit Value: 25.0
Pre-requisite units: Nil

Co-requisite units: Nil

Anti-requisite units: Nil

Result type: Grade/Mark

Approved incidental fees: Information about approved incidental fees can be obtained from our website.
Visit for details.
Unit coordinator:

Title: Associate Professor

Name: Sonia Dickinson
Phone: 92663738
Location: Building: 408 - Room: 2017D
Consultation times: Wednesday 9.30-11.30

Teaching Staff: Name: Kevin Dahari

Phone: x
Location: Building: 402 - Room: CTI -

Administrative contact: Name: Kelly Nowak

Phone: 92663882
Location: Building: 408 - Room: 2014
Learning Management System: Blackboard (

Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and
present. The Centre for Aboriginal Studies aspires to contribute to positive social change for Indigenous Australians
through higher education and research.

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

This unit provides students with both a theoretical and applied understanding of digital communications. The unit
reviews digital platforms, critical research and agency best practice in digital communications. Students will develop
an understanding of the digital landscape, digital platforms, develop digital literacy as well as an understanding of
ethical and regulatory conduct in the digital space.

Welcome to Digital Communication Management (MKT2006). This unit provides students with an understanding of
the inter-relationship between paid, owned and earned media. In this unit, you examine the complexities of
interaction between media and today's digital consumers. The unit provides students with a rich and compelling
learning experience, as we learn about the digital communication landscape, digital consumers and related concepts
such as advocacy, empowerment and avoidance. Key topics taught include content marketing, owned and earned
media assets as well as digital reputation management. The unit uses WARC cases, short pre-recorded interviews
with industry members, and includes weekly two hour ‘hands on’ workshops to enhance digital literacy.

Unit Learning Outcomes

All graduates of Curtin University achieve a set of nine Graduate Attributes during their course of study. These inform
an employer that, through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills and
attributes which employers would value in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the Graduate
Attributes through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form a vital part in the process referred to as
assurance of learning. The learning outcomes notify you of what you are expected to know, understand or be able to
do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully designed to test your knowledge of
one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of the assessments you will have achieved
all of these learning outcomes.
Your course has been designed so that on graduating you will have achieved all of Curtin's Graduate Attributes
through the assurance of learning processes in each unit.
Graduate Attributes
On successful completion of this unit students can:
1 Recognise current digital communications environment, global issues and future
challenges for communicators
2 Critique the use of diverse digital communication strategies in an industry context

3 Critically reflect upon the ethical and legal ramifications of digital communication in
an industry context
4 Recommend digital strategies and tactics based on theoretical learning and digital
Curtin's Graduate Attributes

Apply discipline knowledge Thinking skills Information skills

(use analytical skills to solve problems) (confidence to investigate new ideas)

Learning how to learn

Communication skills Technology skills (apply principles learnt to new situations)
(confidence to tackle unfamiliar problems)

International perspective Cultural understanding Professional Skills

(work independently and as a team)
(value the perspectives of others) (value the perspectives of others)
(plan own work)

Find out more about Curtin's Graduate attributes at the Office of Teaching & Learning website:

Learning Activities
Digital Communication Management comprises a one hour online episode, and a two hour workshop. The weekly
online episodes are designed so that students learn by 'reading', 'examining', 'watching' and 'doing'. Each week, a
topic is presented to students in a audio-visual format that is engaging, and includes industry reports, quizzes,

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

industry interviews and workshop preparation activities. The workshops themselves are designed to apply concepts
and develop digital literacy. In the workshops, students will learn about their personal brand, they will plan and
execute a content plan for their personal brand, and engage in social media monitoring.

Learning Resources
Library Reading List
The Reading List for this unit can be accessed through Blackboard.
Other resources
Refer to organisations and media in your local country. In Australia, examples of organisations and websites with
useful content include;
Ad news:
The Communications Council:
The Public Relations Institute of Australia:
The Media Federation of Australia:
The Advertising Standards Bureau:
The Australian Association of National Advertisers:

Assessment schedule
Unit Learning
Task Value % Date Due Outcome(s)
Digital Report 30 percent Week: Topic Week 7 1,2
Day: Week
Commencing 16th
Time: During Your
Presentation 40 percent Week: Topic Week 2,3,4
10 and 11
Day: Week
2 Commencing 14th
May and 21st May
Time: During your
Digital Brand Planning 30 percent Week: Topic Week 8 2,3,4
3 Day: Sunday 6th May
Time: 5pm
Detailed information on assessment tasks


Each weekly module provides students with a range of concepts related to digital paid, owned and
earned media. Questions for the digital report WILL be DRAWN FROM THE SAMPLE QUESTIONS
provided at the end of each DCM module episode on Blackboards. Each question requires students to

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

apply theoretical. NOTE - the questions listed at the end of each online module are the EXACT questions
that form the digital report assessment. 
The digital report assessment is conducted in class for all campuses.  Students will be guided on how to
access the digital report assessment via the Blackboard system. Blackboard will randomly
allocate question/s to each student. Students type their answers into the Bb system.  This assessment
examines student knowledge in relation to specific modules.
TOPIC WEEK 7 - students will answer THREE questions that are randomly generated from either module
1, 2, 3, 5 or 6
Each question is worth 10 marks. 
Your presentation relates to your branded content strategy and the use of owned media assets to attract
an employers attention. Imagine an employer doing a Google search and finding your website. They will
be impressed! During workshops, with the guidance of your instructor, you will develop a branded
content strategy that showcases your personal brand. You will use owned media assets such as your
website, and Linkedin to showcase your brand. Students are expected to create the following owned
1. Ensure that BEFORE you begin you fully understand what the assessment expectations are:
a. Create a homepage: just like any website, this should be a static page that tells the reader
about YOU. It should be fitting for your intended audience. How many words - whatever
you feel is appropriate, but at least one paragraph. Write in 1st person, or 3rd person point
of view - think about your audience in you decision making.
b. One additional content page: this page should showcase YOU. For example, if you
wanted to work in fashion PR, then you would likely have a page that curates content about
fashion or pop culture moments that fascinate you. Alternatively, if you wanted to work as a
Marketing Manager for a boat manufacturer, a student may have a page that curates
content about great boat journeys of the world, or dream boat rides.
c. Two blog posts that are related to one key theme (two posts that have maximum 500
words each). Remember, your blog posts are different to your additional content page.
How? Well, your blog posts provide your opinions/reflections about a topic that is of
interest. So for example, thinking back to the student that wants a career in fashion PR –
they may write about why wearable technologies are the next big thing in fashion , OR,
perhaps a reflection regarding global fashion trends. These blog posts DO NOT have to
relate to the digital world. These blog posts are about topics that fascinate you, and you
have an opinion about AND are strategically able to gain the interest of your dream
employer. The posts that are going to get the highest marks, will be the ones that connect
the student to the employer though rich and compelling content, and clearly demonstrate a
cohesive brand strategy.
d. A LinkedIn page: you may already have a linked in page – you will need to do a FULL audit
(guided in class) to ensure what you have now showcased on your website is consistent with
how you want to position yourself in the employment market. Consistent messaging across
media is essential.

Your pages should be written in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience. Your
content should be original and related to the your personal brand. Your pages should demonstrate
writing quality that is free of grammatical errors, show evidence of self-editing, and use accurate citations

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

where relevant. Your owned assets should be unified and include enhancements such as tags, hyperlinks,
video, and images.
Your presentation is assessed on the assets your have developed, as well as the strategy behind their
content. Your presentation should use POWERPOINT or PREZI.  Show samples of your content from
Website and LinkedIn by pasting visuals into your presentation and then discussing the strategy behind
the content rather than rehashing content per se. Your presentation should be 5 minutes in length. You
should include the following statements when presenting:
1. The key story communicated across your owned assets is
2. Each of the assets is cohesive, as demonstrated by
3. To enhance my digital footprint, I would leverage these owned assets by joining the following groups
on Linkedin _______________, and sharing my website with _________________ platforms. These are relevant
because __________________________________________In addition to this;
4. In the future, I need to strengthen my digital brand by
Note, you must copy and paste the content from your live website into a word document. Ensure you
have a cover page that lists your website name (for example, KrissyCloud) AND provide the electronic link
directly to your blog (for example, Note - your website pages and posts
will be marked digitally via the live site - the assessor will mark your pages/posts as they are presented
on your live websitesite. The upload of the printed/scanned blogs via Blackboard is for Turnitin plagarism
detection purposes only. The content contained in these owned assets will form part of your presentation
mark (see rubric).
Students have the option to use FREE WordPress or WIX platforms. Guides are available for each of
these on the unit Blackboard site.
Utilising Social Studio helps students to develop ICT literacy skills, and open up to new ideas; like
collaborating with peers. As a potential employee students need to ensure their virtual presence supports
their work-life philosophy and promotes the individual as an excellent employment prospect. This is
especially evident in the world of digital marketing. Exploring new tools like Social Studio, will assist
students to become an ICT LEADER in the workforce.
Students have the opportunity to learn how to use Social Studio listening software to analyse owned and
earned conversations to develop deep insights around campaign impact, message volume and customer
sentiment. Your group with then use these data insights to prioritise a content strategy for your chosen
This activity is reflective of ‘real world’ digital brand management, where firms use a paid, owned and
earned media data to formulate digital strategies.
This assessment task requires you to form a group of 4 students. Your group will be allocated a
topic/brand, and will use Social Studio data insights to identify key opportunities and issues for the
topic/brand. The insights drawn from Social Studio and other relevant secondary sources will allow your
group to develop content recommendations. Based on your analysis of data, you will write a report that
includes the following;
a) Cover Page (1 page)

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

b) Contents Page (0.5 page)

c) Data Insights and Competitor Analysis (2 pages) - Using Social Studio listening software you will be
able to gather information on the key data trends for your company. Identify the key issues, and any
relevant data regarding a key competitor using Social Studio software, and secondary sources. Any
visualised data should be in an appendix. Use Chicago referencing where relevant.
d) Identify key opportunities and issues (1 page page) – Identify the issues and opportunities in
relation to the key data insights and competitor analysis.
e) Determine the content narrative and content distribution plan (3 pages) Write a content plan for
the next three months. This will include planned content headline, description of the
narrative/storyline, justification of relevance, content distribution (scheduling and platforms). You can
format this in a table.
f) References (1 page)
f) Appendicies; data visuals, record of group meetings, attendance and completed tasks.
One electronic copy of your groups’ assessment is to be submitted online through the Assessment tab
on Blackboard.
Report Style Guidelines
1. Each page has a page number.
2. Times New Roman (12 pt font) is used.
3. 1.5 line spacing.
4. Normal Margin Settings – as defined by MS Word.
5. You MUST include an appendix with data visual AND a table that documents your team meetings,
attendance and completed tasks.
6. Written in business style with 3rd person point of view not 1st person point of view and no
contractions or abbreviations.
7. Report uses excellent English expression and grammar.
All groups need to document agreed meeting dates, times, attendance and group deadlines for sharing
of content. ALL groups must submit this as an appendix in their uploaded document. This evidence will
be used by the Unit Coordinator should members of the group report an incidence of group conflict .

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

Pass requirements
Students must attempt all assessments and must score overall at least 50% to pass the unit. 
In summary: Students are expected to attempt all assessment components in order to satisfy the unit
requirements. In order to pass the unit the student must;
a) Receive an overall grade greater than or equal to 50, AND
b) Submit all assessment activities.
Note - late submission will incur standard penalties UNLESS a medical certificate or relevant medical note is
provided AND students complete the assessment extension form (see relevant section below). Ensure you
contact your tutor to discuss issues PRIOR to the submission date.
Students that are absent from their allocated presentation week will be given a mark of ZERO for the
presentation component of this assessment (see rubric) UNLESS a medical certificate or relevant medical note is
provided. If a medical note is provided, the word document related to the assessment must be uploaded by the
expiry date of the medical note. For example, once you apply for an assessment extension using the relevant
form, your extension will be approved IF evidence to support the extension is provided. The extension will be in
accordance with the medical note. For example, if one day medical leave has been supported by a medical
practitioner, then the unit coordinator will review the medical note, and confirm via email with the student that
a one day extension has been granted. The student's WordPress site/word document must be uploaded in
accordance with the one day extension ie they are provided one extra day for upload of the word document.
The verbal component will be delayed until the next available time slot for the respective instructor. 
Without completing an assessment extension form AND unit coordinator approval, penalties will apply.
It is the students' responsibility to ensure they are present for their presentation. No alternative arrangement
will be made for a defered presentation UNLESS a medical certificate or relevant medical note is provided.
Students that are absent from their digital report asssessment will be given a mark of ZERO UNLESS a medical
certificate or relevant medical note is provided AND an assessment extension form has been completed and
emailed to the Unit Coordinator.

Fair assessment through moderation

Moderation describes a quality assurance process to ensure that assessments are appropriate to the learning
outcomes, and that students work is evaluated consistently by assessors. Minimum standards for the moderation of
assessments are described in the Assessment and Student Progression Manual, available from

Late assessment policy

This ensures that the requirements for submission of assignments and other work to be assessed are fair,
transparent, equitable and that penalties are consistently applied.

1. All student assessments are required to have a due date and time specified on this Unit Outline.
2. Students will be penalised by a deduction of ten percent per calendar day for a late assessment submission
(e.g. a mark equivalent to 10% of the total allocated for the assessment will be deducted from the marked
value for every day that the assessment is late). This means that an assessment worth 20 marks will have two
marks deducted per calendar day late. Hence if it was handed in three calendar days late and given a mark of
16/20, the student would receive 10/20. An assessment more than seven calendar days overdue will not be
marked and will receive a mark of 0.

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

Assessment extension
A student unable to complete an assessment task by/on the original published date/time (e.g. examinations, tests) or
due date/time (e.g. assignments) must apply for an assessment extension using the Assessment Extension form
(available from the Forms page at as prescribed by the Academic Registrar. It
is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate and provide evidence for exceptional circumstances beyond the
student's control that prevent them from completing/submitting the assessment task.
The student will be expected to lodge the form and supporting documentation with the unit coordinator before the
assessment date/time or due date/time. An application may be accepted up to five working days after the date or
due date of the assessment task where the student is able to provide an acceptable explanation as to why he or she
was not able to submit the application prior to the assessment date. An application for an assessment extension will
not be accepted after the date of the Board of Examiners' meeting.
Late presentation assessments will not be accepted UNLESS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SUCH AS A MEDICAL
CERTIFICATE IS PROVIDED. If a student is absent from their allocated presentation week, they will NOT have an
opportunity to present at a later date, without supporting documentation (medical note AND the assessment
extension form being completed). Once approved, the student's written work will need to be submitted in
accordance with the allowance provided by the medical note and the Unit Coordinator. The verbal presentation
component will presented at the next available opportunity based on staff/class availability (the next available
presentation date). 
If a student is absent for the digital report assessment, they will NOT have an opportunity to sit the assessment at a
later date, without supporting documentation such as a medical certificate AND completing the assessment extension

Deferred assessments
If your results show that you have been granted a deferred assessment you should immediately check OASIS for

Supplementary assessments
Supplementary assessments, if granted by the Board of Examiners, will have a due date or be held between
16/07/2018 and 27/07/2018 . Notification to students will be made after the Board of Examiners’ meeting via the
Official Communications Channel (OCC) in OASIS.
It is the responsibility of students to be available to complete the requirements of a supplementary assessment. If
your results show that you have been granted a supplementary assessment you should immediately check OASIS for

Reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities/health circumstances likely to impact on

A Curtin Access Plan (CAP) is a document that outlines the type and level of support required by a student with a
disability or health condition to have equitable access to their studies at Curtin.  This support can include alternative
exam or test arrangements, study materials in accessible formats, access to Curtin’s facilities and services or other
support as discussed with an advisor from Disability Services (  Documentation is required
from your treating Health Professional to confirm your health circumstances.
If you think you may be eligible for a CAP, please contact Disability Services. If you already have a CAP please provide
it to the Unit Coordinator at the beginning of each study period.

Referencing style
The referencing style for this unit is Chicago.
More information can be found on this style from the Library web site:

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

As part of a learning or assessment activity, or class participation, your image or voice may be recorded or
transmitted by equipment and systems operated by Curtin University. Transmission may be to other venues on
campus or to others both in Australia and overseas.
Your image or voice may also be recorded by students on personal equipment for individual or group study or
assessment purposes. Such recordings may not be reproduced or uploaded to a publically accessible web
environment. If you wish to make such recordings for study purposes as a courtesy you should always seek the
permission of those who are impacted by the recording.
Recording of classes or course materials may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for
compensation, or for any other purpose other than personal study for the enrolled students in the unit. Breach of this
may subject a student to disciplinary action under Statute No 10 – Student Disciplinary Statute.
If you wish to discuss this please talk to your Unit Coordinator.

The course material for this unit is provided to you for your own research and study only. It is subject to copyright. It
is a copyright infringement to make this material available on third party websites.

Academic Integrity (including plagiarism and cheating)

Any conduct by a student that is dishonest or unfair in connection with any academic work is considered to be
academic misconduct. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences that will be investigated and may result in
penalties such as reduced or zero grades, annulled units or even termination from the course. Assessments under
investigation will not be given a mark until the matter is concluded. This may result in the unit grade being withheld
or a grade of Fail Incomplete (F-IN) until a decision has been made by the Student Disciplinary Panel. This may
impact on enrolment in further units/study periods.
Plagiarism occurs when work or property of another person is presented as one's own, without appropriate
acknowledgement or referencing. Submitting work which has been produced by someone else (e.g. allowing or
contracting another person to do the work for which you claim authorship) is also plagiarism. Submitted work is
subjected to a plagiarism detection process, which may include the use of text matching systems or interviews with
students to determine authorship.
Cheating includes (but is not limited to) asking or paying someone to complete an assessment task for you or any
use of unauthorised materials or assistance during an examination or test.
From Semester 1, 2016, all incoming coursework students are required to complete Curtin’s Academic Integrity
Program (AIP). If a student does not pass the program by the end of their first study period of enrolment at Curtin,
their marks will be withheld until they pass. More information about the AIP can be found at:
Refer to the Academic Integrity tab in Blackboard or for more information, including
student guidelines for avoiding plagiarism.

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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Expectations

Curtin students are expected to have reliable internet access in order to connect to OASIS email and learning systems
such as Blackboard and Library Services.
You may also require a computer or mobile device for preparing and submitting your work.
We recommend that you bring your own device (laptop / ipad or similar) during classes so that you have
access to your own content when building a personal brand and when reviewing your social media accounts.
For general ICT assistance, in the first instance please contact OASIS Student Support:
For specific assistance with any of the items listed below, please contact The Learning Centre:

l Using Blackboard, the I Drive and Back-Up files

l Introduction to PowerPoint, Word and Excel

Additional information
This unit requires students to participate in online lectures and related discussion boards, as well as attend
workshops. Each component is essential for your learning experience. Assessment activities are integrated into
workshops and as such, it is essential for students to attend the workshops STARTING IN Week 1. To be able to
apply to your in workshops, you MUST watch the online episode PRIOR to attending the workshop. Weekly
online episodes are uploaded in advance to ensure students have time to review online materials prior to attending
a workshop.
The Digital Brand Planning assessment is a group assessment. This unit uses a peer review system should a conflict
It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct - you can check your enrolment through the eStudent
option on OASIS, where you can also print an Enrolment Advice.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of all relevant legislation, policies and procedures relating to their
rights and responsibilities as a student. These include:

l the Student Charter

l Values and Signature Behaviours
l the University's policy and statements on plagiarism and academic integrity
l copyright principles and responsibilities
l the University's policies on appropriate use of software and computer facilities

Information on all of the above is available through the University's "Student Rights and Responsibilities" website at:

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18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

Student Equity
There are a number of factors that might disadvantage some students from participating in their studies or
assessments to the best of their ability, under standard conditions. These factors may include a disability or medical
condition (e.g. mental illness, chronic illness, physical or sensory disability, learning disability), significant family
responsibilities, pregnancy, religious practices, living in a remote location or another reason. If you believe you may
be unfairly disadvantaged on these or other grounds please contact Student Equity at or go to for more information
You can also contact Counselling and Disability services: or the Multi-faith services: for further information.
It is important to note that the staff of the university may not be able to meet your needs if they are not informed of
your individual circumstances so please get in touch with the appropriate service if you require assistance. For
general wellbeing concerns or advice please contact Curtin's Student Wellbeing Advisory Service at:

Recent unit changes

Students are encouraged to provide unit feedback through eVALUate, Curtin's online student feedback system. For
more information about eVALUate, please refer to

To view previous student feedback about this unit, search for the Unit Summary Report at See to find out when you can eVALUate this unit.

Recent changes to this unit include:

The digital report assessment has been updated to reflect changes in materials and to enable students to apply
concepts in a practical manner.

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18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

Program calendar
Teaching Begin Lecture/Seminar Workshop Activity Assessment Due
Week Date

1. 26 Feb Communication Introduction  

Unit outline
Paid, Owned, Earned Media

2. 5 Mar The Digital Landscape Paid, Owned, Earned Media industry  

case study
Personal Branding Part I - What is a
personal brand & Communicating via
owned digital assets

3. 12 Mar The Digital Consumer Personal Branding Part 2 “Who am I?  

Your visual brand -Collage Creation

4. 19 Mar Digital Paid Media Personal Branding Part 3 - Planning your  

content strategy
Creating your Wordpress/Wix asset
Transfering your brand identity to your
owned assets

5. 26 Mar OWNED MEDIA Digital Brand Planning Part I -Introduction  

to Social Media Listening with Social
Content Marketing
Studio, Allocation group topics/brands
for digital branding planning
Identifying issues and opportunities with
Social Studio data

  2 Apr Tuition-free Week

6. 9 Apr OWNED MEDIA Digital Brand Planning Part 2 - learning  

to become a data interpreter &
Types and data
developing a narrative from data.
Personal Branding Part 4 - FINAL review
of personal branding presentation

7. 16 Apr EARNED MEDIA Digital Report Assessment IN CLASSS 60 Digital Report DUE (In
mins Class).
Theory and digital
practice Digital Brand Planning Part 3 - Social Modules 1,2,3,5 and 6
Media Listening with Social Studio -
Opportunities and Threats & narrative

  23 Apr Tuition-free Week

8. 30 Apr EARNED MEDIA Digital Brand Planning Part 4 - Social DIGITAL BRAND
Media Listening with Social Studio- PLANNING ASSESSMENT
Types of earned
Content Planning & Developing a DUE SUNDAY 6TH MAY
media and valuing
Narrative 5pm

9. 7 May Digital reputation Reputation Management Management  

Ethical and Legal Digital Conduct

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18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)
Curtin Business School (CBS) 
School of Marketing

10. 14 May Discussion board WordPress Presentations in workshops. WordPress presentations

in class as allocated by
tutor. Week commencing
14th May

11. 21 May Discussion board WordPress Presentations in workshops. WordPress presentations

in class as allocated by
tutor. Week commencing
21st May

12. 28 May Your Future Personal Brand & Summary  


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Charles Telfair Inst Mauritius CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
18 Feb 2018 The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
School of Marketing, Curtin Business School (CBS)

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