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Current Commentary

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Ethical

Approaches to the Identification of Pregnant
Women Who Use Drugs
Mishka Terplan, MD, MPH, and Howard Minkoff, MD

Although it is an expected and treatable consequence of

The United States is experiencing an epidemic of opioid
opioid exposure, the symptoms of withdrawal can be
use, addiction, and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Con-
severe and result in prolonged hospital stays.
sequentially, a great deal of public, and public health,
A pediatrician who is armed with knowledge of
attention has turned toward the timely recognition of
pregnant women who use drugs. We explore the clinical
a mother’s drug use during pregnancy might be better
efficacy and ethical acceptability of different methods of prepared to diagnose and intervene in a timely fashion
identification—contrasting drug testing (using biologic to temper the effects of neonatal abstinence syndrome.
samples such as urine) with screening (using an instru- A recent review focused on opioid use in pregnancy
ment or questionnaire) under both universal and selec- suggested that, “health care providers should routinely
tive approaches within the current legal and social screen all pregnant women for drug and alcohol use
landscape, which is fraught with potential adverse con- through a comprehensive history and physical examina-
sequences for both the woman and her child. Unlike tion and with validated screening tools. After informed
other medical conditions such as diabetes, the sequelae consent and assurances of patient confidentiality, urine
of drug use in pregnancy can go beyond the clinical, drug testing can then be used to detect or confirm sus-
because its assessment may result in child removal as pected substance use.”1 Although this approach, on the
well as maternal arrest, prosecution, and punishment. surface, seems reasonable, it masks, or at least under-
Although universal voluntary screening using a validated states, the deeper ethical and social challenges that any
instrument is the most reasonable public health strategy, approach to identifying pregnant women who use drugs
physicians should advocate for that only as strongly as may raise, because the process by which a physician
they advocate for social support and addiction care serv- uncovers a mother’s substance use is fraught with poten-
ices for those subsequently identified. tial adverse consequences. In this article, we explore the
(Obstet Gynecol 2017;129:164–7) ways in which the interests of the drug user, her child,
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001781 and her family can best be served, highlighting the need
to avoid compromising the family’s well-being through

T he opioid epidemic in the United States has left an

epidemic of neonatal abstinence syndrome in its
wake. Neonatal abstinence syndrome is the result of
policies that ignore the legal and social ramifications of
identifying a woman as a drug user.
In a perfect world, detecting prenatal drug use
the sudden cessation of chronic fetal substance exposure. would be simple. Every pregnant woman would get
tested with an accurate tool, and both the mother and
From the Behavioral Health System, Baltimore, Maryland; and the Department the newborn would receive appropriate treatment.
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York. Drug use would be recognized as a medical issue,
Each author has indicated that he or she has met the journal’s requirements for and legal entanglements would not flow from posi-
tive toxicology results. Societal resources would be
Corresponding author: Mishka Terplan, MD, MPH, 1 N Charles Street, Suite committed to strengthening family bonds and to the
1300, Baltimore, MD 21201; email:
well-being of each family member. Indeed, a pre-
Financial Disclosure
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest. cedent for treating medical conditions in this manner
already exists. Our medical approach to glucose
© 2016 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. testing during pregnancy provides an informative
ISSN: 0029-7844/17 analogy. Testing for hyperglycemia is routine with


Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the goal of identifying diabetes and preventing associ- would make this approach ethically parlous, however,
ated complications. When diabetes is identified, the would be the strong possibility of bias, explicit at
mother who goes off her diet or has a newborn jittery worst, implicit at best. The implicit association test is
from hypoglycemia is neither reported to child pro- a method for gauging the degree to which judgment is
tective services nor incarcerated despite failure to weighted by subconscious bias. Experimental results
adhere to a medical treatment plan. Hence, physicians have confirmed the extent to which our perceptions of
are not caught between the Scylla and Charybdis of social groups shape our judgments of individual
ignoring a medical issue or risking their patient’s incar- character and potential.6 In his book, Blink Gladwell7
ceration and her child’s exposure to foster services, described an example of judgments that were ren-
many of which are facing system-wide lawsuits that dered during orchestral auditions. When panels
claim abuse and neglect of children (including place- charged with choosing new members for orchestras
ment with a convicted rapist), dangerously high case- were not “blinded,” when they both listened and
loads for social workers, and serious foster home watched performances, the candidates who earned
shortages.2 That choice—caring and harming or nei- spots in top orchestras were overwhelmingly male.
ther—is, unfortunately, the status quo with opioid use The judges avowed that bias against women played
even when, as several court cases exemplify, the drug no role in their decisions; however, when the musi-
has been prescribed by a physician. For example, cians were moved to the other side of a curtain, out-
a woman who had been adherent to methadone treat- side the view of the judges, women started to earn
ment was determined to have abused and neglected more places in top orchestras. Candidates for drug
her newborn because her the child developed neonatal screening have not yet moved behind the curtain.
abstinence syndrome. Although the decision was ulti- In fact, studies have clearly demonstrated racial
mately overturned,3 the mother spent 3 years carrying bias in prenatal drug testing. In a classic paper by
a child abuse sentence. Chasnoff,8 urine toxicologies were anonymously col-
What then would be the most clinically efficacious lected over 6 months. During this time, 133 women in
and ethically acceptable approach to determining Pinellas County were reported to health authorities
whether a fetus is at risk of neonatal abstinence after delivery. Despite similar rates of substance use
syndrome? In theory, four approaches are possible: among blacks and whites in the study, black women
1) selective drug testing (eg, toxicology tests), 2) were reported to social services at approximately 10
universal drug testing, 3) selective drug screening (with times the rate for white women, and poor women
validated questionnaires), and 4) universal drug screen- were more likely than others to be reported. Similar
ing. Each of these approaches has potential advantages findings have been more recently reported. Ellsworth9
and potential pitfalls. used the electronic medical records and assessed drug
The goal of any screening program is the identi- screening rates among 2,121 mother–newborn pairs
fication of individuals with a medical disease amena- to determine the strongest predictors of whether
ble to improvement with appropriate intervention. a neonate was screened. Neonates born to black
Unfortunately, the consequences of a positive screen mothers were more likely to have screening per-
for substance use are often far from salutary. In the formed whether they met screening criteria (35.1%
United States, 18 states define substance use as child compared with 12.9%; P,.001) or not (5.3% com-
abuse, and three states consider it grounds for civil pared with 1.2%; P,.001). In a logistic regression
commitment4 and any state can arrest, prosecute, or analysis, black race remained independently associ-
incarcerate pregnant women for drug use and they ated with drug screening even when controlled for the
have. A recent investigation discovered examples in standard screening criteria, income, insurance status,
at least 45 states of prosecution and punishment of and maternal education.
pregnant women for drug use.5 Additionally, the Universal testing avoids the risk of implicit bias
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act requires and has the advantage of simplicity; health care
all states to have policies to notify child protective providers need not be familiar with algorithms of
service agencies of substance-exposed newborns. risks to determine who needs a toxicology assessment.
Therefore, the consequences of a positive screen for The inability of busy clinicians to remember which
drug use in pregnancy often include a response groups are at risk for a given disease is evidenced by
beyond medical assessment, treatment, and referral. the fact that universal glucose screening has become
Selective drug testing would allow health care common practice in prenatal clinics despite the fact
providers to narrowly focus on those at greatest risk, that by guideline it is acceptable to select out low-risk
thereby achieving efficiency and specificity. What women who do not need screening. Hence, what

VOL. 129, NO. 1, JANUARY 2017 Terplan and Minkoff Screening of Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs 165

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
universal testing lacks in specificity, it makes up for in even influence the manner in which the screen is
simplicity and sensitivity. However, what makes it performed and its results interpreted.
untenable in the case of drug testing are at least two We would argue that a policy of universal and
ethical–legal roadblocks. uniformly performed questionnaires would be the most
The first is the Fourth Amendment of the appropriate approach to the problem. With such
Constitution that prohibits unreasonable searches a policy, all women, regardless of any preconceived
and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially notions of health care providers, would complete
sanctioned and supported by probable cause. That a questionnaire, which would allow their physicians
point was driven home by the case of Ferguson v City of to identify, and provide services to, any women with
Charleston in 2001. In a six to three ruling, the evidence of substance use. Universal screening is
Supreme Court stated that drug testing by a public recommended by the American College of Obstetri-
hospital in Charleston, South Carolina, violated the cians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of
Fourth Amendment of the Constitution although the Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the
hospital was putatively trying to prevent women using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.13
crack cocaine from harming their fetuses.10 That rul- Although no single instrument has proven superior,
ing might not be dispositive in regard to all hospital- several have been validated among pregnant women.14
based drug testing of pregnant women. Rather, it Given the social risks and possible medical
could be more narrowly interpreted as a check on benefits (albeit perhaps currently only in an ideal
only governmental bodies because the hospital in world) of identifying drug using pregnant women,
Charleston was a state institution and Ms Ferguson what approach should an ethical obstetrician support?
was reported to a governmental agency (the police) We would start with principles. We are physicians
based on the results of her drug test. A more encom- writing for physician readers. As such, we believe that
passing ethical constraint on universal counseling was it should be accepted, res ipsa loquitur, that drug use
eloquently expressed by Benjamin Cardozo who, is a medical condition, not a moral failing. Although
when writing the majority decision in a case that es- this may seem intuitively correct to many readers, it is
tablished the right of informed consent, said, “Every not a universally agreed-on doctrine. A study in 2002
human being of adult years and sound mind has a right reported that 45% of physicians favored statutes that
to determine what shall be done with his own defined substance use during pregnancy as a form of
body.”11 Although the obligation to obtain consent “child abuse.”15 That clash of attitudes will ultimately
might, de facto, be dealt with in a pro forma manner undermine any attempt to achieve a consensus
in many circumstances (ie, using a hospital’s global approach to optimizing maternal and fetal well-
consent for care to handle inconsequential matters being. Our second supposition is that, as noted pre-
such as performing a blood count), it would be risible viously in this article, using the best questionnaires
to assert that it would not require a more rigorous available and applying them universally and uni-
application for a test with the potential life-altering formly has the best chance of identifying, in a nondis-
consequences of a drug assay. Consequently, it would criminatory fashion, women who need help. Third,
be reasonable to infer and would comport with nor- we should be clear about our goals. Testing should
mative ethics to conclude (as has the American Col- result in a medical “good,” not merely the capture
lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) that pregnant and stigmatization of those with a disease. The good
women must provide explicit consent for urine drug should pertain to the mother and to the child. Con-
testing and, consequently, they also have the right to centrating solely on pregnant women will yield only
refuse testing.12 fragmentary benefits and in its narrow focus could be
An alternative to testing biologic samples would as easily perceived to be a selective persecution as
be to screen women using a validated questionnaire. a rational approach to health care. Indeed, because
Again, the options with a questionnaire would be to society’s concern should include the home environ-
apply the instrument selectively (eg, to those at ment into which the neonate will be brought, testing
increased likelihood of substance use) or to apply it fathers as well as mothers would be logical. If civil
universally. Unfortunately, the selective approach liberties be damned in pursuit of neonatal interests,
would have all of the shortcomings of a policy of perhaps routine drug testing of obstetricians and anes-
selectively applied toxicology testing without the thesiologists would be justified. When the only sug-
commensurate sensitivity and specificity. Health care gested targets of testing are pregnant women, they
providers are likely to let their assumptions influence could be perceived as targets of opportunity rather
who they ask to complete the questionnaire and could than an appropriate sole focus.

166 Terplan and Minkoff Screening of Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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VOL. 129, NO. 1, JANUARY 2017 Terplan and Minkoff Screening of Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs 167

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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