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00 LET'S SOi • Play the CD again .

Students listen and repeat the

words. Point o ut that bicycle is another way to
say bike.
• Transport Answers / Transcript
• Places in a city 1 train 7 bicycle
2 car 8 bus
3 helicopter 9 rollerblades
• Comparatives 4 motorbike 10 plan e
• Superlatives 5 taxi 11 tram
6 underground 12 skateboard
• Bike it!
• Culture: Underlondon
Listening • Write the adjectives in the box randomly on the
• Tourist spots board . Ask students to match the adjectives with
the ir opposites and check they understand each
Speaking one. (cheap - expensive, uncomfortable -
• Compare people and things comfortable, fast - slow, dangerous - safe).
• Make a quiz
• English you need: Ask for travel information
• Students describe three types of transport from
exercise 1 using the adjectives in the box.
• -er and than: fa/ ( ____A_n_s_w_e_r_s__
scu_d_e_n_ts_'_o_w_n_ an_ s_w
_ er_s_ _ _ _ _)
• My city Consolidation
• Punctuation
• In pairs, students compare their descriptions.
Do they agree with their partner's sentences?
Extra Resources • Invite sorne students to read their sentences
to the class, and ask other students if they
- My Portfolio pages 16-17
... Multi-ROM Grammar, Vocabulary agree or disagree .
and Pronunciation
Teacher's All•in-one Book 3
-DVD • Write the example sentences on the board. Invite
- Mixed-ability Worksheets different students to complete each one.
-speaking activities
• Students write sentences about their favourite
types of transport in the three situations and
give reasons for the ir choice.
( VIICABIMRY} ·- - -,- - -
,.,.Student's Book Word list page 107
•Transport .... Workbook Word list page 34, Vocabulary page 36
• Give students a category: music genres, hobbies,
shops, personality adjectives, transport. In pairs,
students race to write five words connected to
the category. When they have five words they
shout 'stop'. Write the words on the boa rd .
Did the rest of the class think of anymore?
Repeat the game with a different category.

1 1.27
• Students order the words using the picture. They
do this by matching the words with the numbers
in the picture.
• Play the CD to check answers.
Vocabulary Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing
• Transport • Comparatives • Compare people and • -er and than: /al • My city
• Places in a city • Superlatives things • Punctuation

1 1 1 • Make a quiz
• Ask for travel information 1 1
~AB!ARY } Transport - -- - -- - - - - - - --

1 Order the words using the picture. 3 Which is your favourite type of transport?
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat . Why?

bicycle I bus I car I helicopter I motorbike' In the city, l like travelling by ... because ...
plane I rollerblades I skateboard
taxi I ffaif:I I tram I underground To go from one city to another; l like
travelling by ... beca use ...
1-train, ...
To go on holiday, l like travelling by ...
2 Describe three types of transport from because ...
exercise 1. Use these adjectives.
Bicycles are cheap but they're slow.
cheap expensive u ncomfortable
dangerous fast slow comfortable safe


~ Students discuss the advantages of

~ different types of transport.
1 Answer the questions. 2 Read the interviews. How do they go
to school?
1 How do you travel to schoo]?
I travel to school by bus. 1 A quarter of school kids in the UK.
on foot by car by bus other (what?) They go to schoo/ by car.
2 Helen
2 How far is it from your home to school? 3 Jamie & Laura
4 John

These days more and more young people are going to school by car. In the UK a quarter of all
secondary school kids go to school by car. But experts say it's healthier to walk or cycle . What do
you think?

''I usually walk or cycle

to school. 1 prefer
cycling because it's W
e go to school by car
Our parents think it's
safer and /aster than 1
skateboard from my
house to the bus stop
Then I get the bus to the
quicker than wa l k1ng. My walk1ng or cycling. Actually, town cen tre. Skateboarding·s
mum says bikes are four it's slower because the more exciting than getting
times /aster than walking traffic·s always terrible in the the bus, but the bus is better
and you use the same morning. And it's definitely because my school is eight
energy. My dad doesn·t like more bonng than walking. miles from where I live. And
cycling. He says 1t's more When you walk to school, you 1t's at the top of a hill.
danqerous than walking., , see your friends.

3 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 Experts a think going by car is slow.
2 Helen's mum b lives far from school.
3 Jamie & Laura's parents e uses two types of transport to go to school.
4 Jamie & Laura d says walking and cycling use the same energy.
5 John e say walking and cycling are healthy.
6 John f think going by car is fast.


Students compare different opinions

on types of transport and draw
( REAOltfG }1----- - -·- - - Consolidation
Write these adjectives on the board: boring,
(j) Bike it! dangerous, exciting, fast, quick, sale, slow. Can
students remernber which forms of transport
they describe in the interviews? Do students
• Students clase their books and try to remember agree with the choice of adjectives?
as many of the forms of transport from the
picture on page 23 as possible. Can they Answers
remember the arder in which they appeared?
boring (car) quick (bike)
Students look back at page 23 to check.
dangerous (bike) safe (car)
• Ask: Why isn't the traffic moving in the picture? exciting (skateboard) slow (car)
(The traffic lights are red and a farmer is crossing fast (bike, car)
the road with sorne sheep and a dog.) Ask: How
is the farmer travelling? Teach on foot and point
out that we usually use the preposition by to say ,- workbook Reading page 40
how we travel: by car, by plane, etc and that this
is an exception .

• Invite a student to ask you the questions and
answer them . lf your answer to question 2 is in
kilometres, point out that in Britain distances are
usually given in miles. Do any students know
how many kilometres there are in a mile? (1 .6)
• Students answer the questions.

eAnswers Students' own answers )

• In pairs, stu dents ask and answer th e
questions in exercise 1.
• Invite sorne students to say how their partner
travels to school. Then find out who lives
nearest and farthest from the school. How far
is it from their home to school?

2 1.28
• Students look at the photographs. How do they
think the different people travel to school?
• Students read and listen to the interviews and
note how the people go to school. Point out that
quick is a synonym of fast.
• When checking answers, point out that cycle is
the verb far travelling by bike in number 2, and
that skateboard is used as a verb in number 4.
Were their predictions correct?

1 They go to school by car.
2 She usually walks or cycles to school.
3 They go to school by car.
4 He skateboards and gets the bus to school.

• Students match the parts of the sentences.

eAnswers 1e 2d 3f 4 a 5c 6b )
• Pause the CD for students to repeat.

• Comparatives 1 Books are cheaper than films.
• Write on the board: Cars are faster than bikes. 2 Trains are slower than planes.
A skateboard's more exciting than the bus. 3 Towns are safer than cities.
Underline the comparative adjectives and than 4 France is bigger than Portugal.
and explain that we use these to compare the 5 Science is easier than History.
same quality in two different things. 6 Saturdays are better than Mondays.
• Copy the table onto the board and explain the
rules for forming comparatives.
1 • Students complete the sentences so they are true
• Students write the comparative form of the for them.

e Answers Students' own answers )
cheap - cheaper
dirty - dirtier Consolidation
comfortable - more comfortable In pairs, students com pare their answers to
hot-hotter exercise 5.
nicer - nicer

2 1.29 • Students write sentences about the people.
• Students complete the dialogue with Explain that they can change the order of the
names if they want.

comparative adjectives.
• Play the CD to check answers.
Answers Students' own answers )
1 slower 4 better Consolidation
2 healthier 5 more exciting
In small groups, stu dents compare and explain
3 more interesting 6 quicker
their answers to exercise 6.

<e Go 4 it!
Students write sentences with comparative
• adjectives. Explain that they can change the
order to express the ir opinion .
• Students write sentences comparing people and
Answers things using the ideas in the box and exercise 6
as a model. Tell them to write at least six
1 are cheaper than sentences.
2 are slower than
3 are safer than 8
4 is bigger than • Students tell a partner their sentences. Do they
5 is easy than agree?
6 are better than
• Invite sorne pairs to tell the class about the things
Students' own answers. they did not agree on.
•- +Student's Book Grammar reference page 95
• Pronunciation: -er and than: h/ •-+Workbook Grammar reference page 32,
Grammar page 37
Write the example on the board . Say it, and ask
• students where the stress falls . (Books are
cheaper than films .) Draw students' attention to
the pronunciation of -er /;J/ and the weak
(unstressed) form of than /0-;J n/. Students repeat
the sentence after you .

4 1.30
• Students listen and repeat the sentences in
~ RAMM~ Comparatives - - - - - - -- --
Cars are faster than bikes.
A skateboard is more exciting than the bus. -er and than: fa/
Books are cheaper than films.
Adjective ~ Comparative
fast + er faster than
safe +r safer than 4 Listen and repeat the
big + g + er big ger than sentences in exercise 3.
easy -;r+ ier eas ier than
dangerous + more more dangerous than
good irregular better
bad irregular worse
5 Complete the sentences so they are true
-- - for you.
1 English is easier to learn than French.
1 Write the comparative form of the 2 Spain is . . than England.
adjectives. 3 Reading books is ... than chatting online.
cheap - cheaper 4 Going to a football match is ... than going
ebeaf} dirty comfortable hot nice to the cinema.
5 Trainers are ... than shoes.

2 Complete the dialogue with

comparative adjectives. Then listen and
6 Write sentences about these people.
check. 1 Eminem / Justin Timberlake (old) I think
Eminem is o/der than Justin Timberlake.
Julie I hate going to school by bus. It's so slow.
2 Jennifer Lopez / Shakira (popular)
Aisha What do you mean? I walk to school,
3 Fernando Alonso / Lewis Hamilton (good)
and that's even (1) s/ower (slow).
4 Tom Cruise / Bill Gates (rich)
Julie So why do you wa]k?
5 Johnny Depp / Brad Pitt (attractive)
Aisha Well, it's (2) ... (healthy) and it's also
6 Angelina Jolie / Madonna (famous)
(3) ... (interesting)
Julie Why don't you go by bike? Cycling's
(4) ... (good) than walking.
Aisha I hate cycling.
Julie Sorne of the boys go by skateboard. Write sentences comparing people and
That's (5) . .. (exciting) things. Use the ideas below.
Aisha So why do you go by bus?
Julie Mum thinks it's (6) ... (quick) Butshe two school subjects two famous people
goes to work by car 1
two types of food two types of music
. two types of transport two places

3 Write sentences with comparative adjectives. Maths is more difflcult than Geography.
Vegetables are healthier than hamburgers.
1 Books / cheap / films.
Books are cheaper than films.
2 Trains / slow / planes. 8 Tell a partner. Do they agree?
3 Towns / safe / cities. A I think Maths is more difflcult than
4 France / big / Portugal. Geography.
5 Science / easy / History B I don't agree. I think Maths is easier.
6 Saturdays / good / Mondays


• Students defend and justify personal

(!!cABULAR,Y} Places in a city - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -

beRaeft New York Paris Venice Sydney

The Globe Theatre - London

2 Which things can't you see in the photos? Listen and repeat ali the places.

art gallery I bridge I canal I eathedral I museum I railway station

river I square I statue I street I theatre I town hall

a cathedral, ...

3 Complete the sentences with places from exercise 2.

1 Paris in on the River Seine. 4 The Mona Lisa is kept in an
2 St Paul's is a famous ... in London. 5 Grand Central is a big ... in New York.
3 Venus de Milo is a Greek ... in the Louvre. 6 Anne Frank's House is a ... in Amsterdam.

Q:•STENI~~)--·-·-- ----- - - -- - - - - --
4 Can you complete the lists with 5 Listen again. Write the places.
places in exercise 1? Listen to a TV news 1 It's the most important in the city.
programme to check.
The Grand Canal
The three best tourist spots 2 It's one of the biggest and oldest in the
1 world.
2 The Grand Canal 3 It's near the River Thames.
3 4 It's one of the busiest areas in the city.
5 It 's the tallest structure in the city.
The three most disappointing spots 6 It's the widest in the world.
1 The Eiffel Tower


(A Students look at famous buildings Students learn about the reputations

~ and places associated with and realities of famous international
wel 1-known cities. tourist spots.
( VOCABULARY)-.- ---- ( USTENING) ·- - -- - - - -
@ Places in a city 4 1.32
Warmer • Tell students that there was a recent survey to
• Ask students to imagine that they have a ticket find out the best and most disappointing tourist
to travel around the world. They can stop in the spots in the world. Check students understand
following places: London, New York, París, dísappoíntíng and touríst spot.
Veníce and Sydney. Can they name one tourist • Students try to complete the lists with places in
spot in each city that they'd like to visit? Write exercise 1.
sorne ideas on the board. • Play the CD to check answers.
• Students look at the photos. Can they see any of
the tourist spots? Answers
The three best tourist The three most
1 spots disappointing tourist
• Students match the places with the cities. 1 The Harbour Bridge spots
2 The Grand Canal 1 The Eiffel Tower
Answers 3 The Globe Theatre 2 The Louvre
The Globe Theatre - London 3 Times Square
The Grand Canal - Venice
The Louvre - Paris Transcript page 224
The Harbour Bridge - Sydney
Times Square - New York 5 1.32
• Students listen again and write the places.
2 1.31
• Students list the things they can not see in the
photos. Explain that a place with famous works of 1 The Grand Canal 4 Times Square
art is an art gallery in English, nota museum. Check 2 The Louvre art gallery 5 The Eiffel Tower
students understand town hall (and city hall). 3 The Globe Theatre 6 The Harbour Bridge
• Play the CD. Students repeat ali the places. Transcript page 224

a cathedral a railway a statue Consolidation
amuseum station a town hall • In pairs, students make a list of the three best
Transcript and the three most disappointing tourist spots
in their country.
art gallery museum statue
• Make a list with suggestions in each category
bridge railway station street
on the board. Then take a class vote to decide
canal river theatre
the top three in each list.
cathedral square town hall

,. ,.Workbook Listening page 41

Students complete the sentences with places
• from exercise 2.

1 river 4 art gallery
2 cathedral 5 railway station
3 statue 6 museum

• In pairs, students list the places they can find
in their town or city and the name of each one.
• Check answers by compiling a list of the
places and names on the board .

. ,..Student's Book Word list page 108

. ... Workbook Word list page 35, Vocabulary page 38
• St udents complete the questions. Then they
choose the correct answer, a or b.
• Superlatives
• Ask students to make a note of all the adjectives Answers
in exercise 5 on page 26: most important, 1 the longest - b 4 the highest - a
biggest, oldest, busiest, tallest, widest. 2 the biggest - b 5 the smallest - b
• Students close their books. Write the following 3 the fastest - a 6 the most intelligent - b
sentence on the board: lt's the tallest structure in
the city. Explain that here we're comparing the
Eiffel Tower to all the other structures in the city,
so we use the superlative form of the adjective.
The adjectives in exercise 5 are ali superlative • Students complete the sentences with the
superlative form of the adjectives and the ir
• Ask students to tell you the simple adjectives
from exercise 5 and write them in the following Answers
order on the board : old - oldest, wide - widest,
1 The best 4 The worst
big - biggest, busy- busiest, important - most 2 The most attractive 5 The most exciting
important. 3 The funniest 6 The most interesting
• Ask students to form the superlative adject ives,
and explain the rules. Students' own answers

• Students write the superlative forms of the Consolidation
adjectives. Point out that large is a synonym In pairs, students compare their sentences in
of big (not long). exercise 4 . Tell them to justify their opinions and
to agree on one name in each category.
1 the most famous 5 the most beautiful
2 the hottest 6 the easiest
•Go 4 it!
3 the largest 7 the most expensive
4 the tallest 8 the dirtiest
• In teams, students write four questions about
2 their city or country using superlatives and the
ideas in the box. Draw attention to the examples
• Students complete the sentences with superlative
to help them .
adjectives from exercise 1.

• Each team then asks other teams the ir questions
1 the most famous 4 the most beautiful and gives one point for a co rrect answer.
2 the hottest 5 the easiest
3 the tallest 6 the largest ..... Student's Book Grammar reference page 96
,,...Workbook Grammar reference page 33,
Grammar page 38
Write sorne more adjectives on the board:
comfortable, safe, fast, sad, healthy, cheap,
dangerous, fat, lazy, quick. Students write
the superlative forms of each one.

Write the following on the board:
famous / p lace
tall / stmcture
beautiful / building
easy / way to travel
expensive / restaurant
In pairs, students write superlative sentences
about their town or city using the prompts.
(!l!,AMMn~ Superlatives - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -
The Louvre is one of the oldest art ga/leries in the world. 3 Complete the questions. Match the
The Grand Canal is the most important canal in the city. questions with answers a or b.
1 What's the /ongest river in the world? (long)
Adjective ~ Superlative a the Amazon b the Nile b
old + est the oldest
2 What's .. ocean? (big)
w ide + st the w idest
big + g + est the biggest a the Atlantic b the Pacific
bu sy -;r+ iest the busiest 3 What's ... anima!? (fast)
important + most the most important a a cheetah b a tiger
good irregular the best
4 What's . mountain? (high)
bad irregular the w orst
---- a Mount Everest b Mount Kilimanjaro
5 What's ... country? (small)
1 Write the superlative form of the
a Andorra b Vatican City
6 What's .. animal? (intelligent)
1 famous the most famous
a a horse b a dolphin
2 hot
3 lar ge
4 tall 4 Complete the sentences with the
5 beautiful superlative form of the adjectives and
6 easy your opinion.
7 expensive 1 The .. (good) TV programme is .
8 dirty The best TV programme ís ...
2 The (attractive) actor is .
2 Complete the sentences with superlative 3 The ... (funny) film is.
adjectives from exercise 1. 4 The ... (bad) pop group is.
5 The ... (exciting) computer game is.
1 The most famous square in London is
6 The ... (interesting) website is .
Trafalgar Square.
2 El Azizia desert in Libya is ... place in the

world. (66 ºC)
The Statue of Liberty is ... statue in the till A lit
USA (46 5 metres) 5 In teams, write four questions about your
4 People say that the Taj Mahal is . city or country. Use superlatives and the
building in the world . ideas below.
5 The public transport system in London is
river monu ment square statue
good. It's .. . city to travel in.
museum street a rt gallery
6 Tiananmen Square is ... square in the world.
(880 x 500 metres) What's the longest ríver?
What's the bíggest square?

6 Ask other teams your questions. Give one

point far a correct answer.


~ Students describe monuments and

~ geographical features.

• Students evaluate and justify personal

1 Is there an underground in your country?
lf so, where?
Yes, there is. There are two. One in ...

2 Where's the underground in the pictures?

3 This underground has sorne world records.

What do you think they are?
a the longest b the fastest e the busiest The Tube, as Londoners call it, opened in 1863,
d the oldest e the cleanest and is the oldest underground railway in the world.
lt's also the world's longest; on the Central Line you
can travel 54 kilometres without changing trains!
4 Read and check your answers. However, Beijing's underground will be longer when
it's finished in 2020.
The Tube isn't only long - it's also very busy. Every
day, people make about 3 million journeys. Ali those
passengers generate a lot of rubbish, so at night an
army of workers, called fluffers, clean the stations
and the tunnels.
Because they work in the tunnels at night, fluffers
see the Tube's ghost stations. These old stations
are now closed. And near a ghost station called
~ London Underground is more than just a
Aldwych, sorne fluffers say they see the ghost of an
~ railway. lts logo and map are two of London's
actress. This is perhaps because Aldwych is on the
site of an old theatre. Fortunately, she's not there in
most famous symbols, and it's one of the first things
the morning when passengers return!
that people associate with the city.

5 Read again. Answer th e quest ions. 6 Match the words with the definitions.
1 When did the London Underground open? 1-c
lt opened in 1863. 1 Londoner a a person that travels
2 What's the maximum distance you can on transport
travel on one train? 2 Tube b when you travel from
3 Where will the longest underground be in 2020? one place to another
3 journey
4 When do people clean the stations and e a person from London
tunnels? d a station that people
4 passenger
5 What do sorne cleaners see near Aldwych don't use now
Station? 5 fluffer e the Underground
6 Where is Aldwych Station? f a person that cleans
6 ghost station the Tube

• Find the names of five other cities w it h an underground rai lw ay. W hen did t hey open?


Students autonomously use the

media available to them to research
a tapie.
~.~~~~·~~~~ Answer
It's the oldest and the longest underground
(i) Under London railway.
CLIL objective: Students learn about the London
Underground. Did you know?
Tokyo and Moscow's metro systems are
• Play hangman with the words underground, generally considered to be the busiest in the
metro and subway. world, though Internet sources don't agree on
• Ask students what the connection between the which one is busier. Tokyo Metro is quoted
words is. Explain that they all mean underground on the Internet as being the world's cleanest
railway in different parts of the world. Subway is metro system.
generally used in the USA, underground is used
in the UK, and metro was first used in Paris but
is now used in many other countries. 5
• Check that students understand will and cleaners
1 in questions 3 and 5. Explain that wi/1 is used to
• Students write if there's an underground in their talk about future facts .
country, and if so, where. Draw attention to the • Students read the article again and answer the
example answer to help them. questions.

C-_A_n_s_w_e_r_s__s _tu_d_e_n_ts_'_o_w_n_ an_ s_w_ el'._s_ _ _ _ _) Answers

1 It opened in 1863.
Consolidation 2 You can travel 54 kilometres without changing
trains .
• Write the following questions on the board. In 3 It will be in Beijing
pairs, students discuss their answ ers: 4 People clean the stations and tunnels at night.
How often do you use an underground railway? 5 They see the ghost of an actress.
What are the good and bad thin gs about 6 The station is on the site of an old theatre.
travelling by underground?
• Invite sorne students to share their answers
with the rest of the class. 6
• Students match the words from the article with
the definitions. Check that students understand
2 the meaning of that in defin itions a, d and f .
• Students note where the underground in the
pictures is. To check answers, ask them to read ~--A_n_s_w_e_r_s__1_c_2_e_3_b__4_a_5_
f _6_d____)
the first paragraph of the article. Check they
understand /ogo and map.

e Answer It's in London. )

• auest
• Students find the names of five other cities with
an underground ra ilway. Encourage them to find
cfties in different parts of the world. They can do
this by entering the name of a city and the word
• Explain that the London Underground holds metro into an Internet search engine. Also
sorne world records. Students decide which suggest that students find out when each
records they are. underground railway opened.
• Write the records on the board. For each one,
students put up their hands if they think it is one
of the London Underground's records. Note the
number of hands for each one.

4 1.33
• Students read and listen to the article and check
their answers. How many people guessed the
records correctly?
e EtfGUStt YDU NEEO} --·-- -- - 4 1.36
• Students complete the dialogue with the phrases
in the box.
@ Ask for travel information
• Play the CD to check answers.
• In pairs, students prepare to give information Answers
comparing two forms of public transport in their 1 Can I have 4 What time's
area. Write the following on the board: price, 2 Would you like 5 I'd like
types of ticket, destinations. 3 Howmuch is
• Pairs tell the information to another pair, who
pretend to be tourists and ask questions if
anything is unclear. Reinforcement
1 1.34 In pairs, students practise the dialogue in
exercise 4. Then th ey change roles and repeat.
• Ask students to describe what they can see in the
photos. Tell them they are going to listen to two
dialogues connected with the photos. 5
• Students listen and match the photos with the • In pairs, students prepare and practise a
dialogues. dialogue. One student chooses a destination
from the table and asks for travel information .
Answers The other student answers the first student's
a dialogue 1 b dialogue 2 questions using information from the table. Then
they change roles and repeat.
Transcript page 224 • Invite sorne students to perform their dialogues
for the class.

2 1.34 Consolidation
• Students read the information. Check they In pairs, students prepare and practise new
understand single (a one-way ticket), and teach dialogues about travelling on public transport
return (a two-way ticket) and day return (a where they live.
two-way ticket for when you go and return on
the same day).
• Students listen and complete the information. ,, ..Student's Book Word List page 108
Pause the CD to give students time to write their ,..~workbook Word List page 35, English you need
answers. page 41

1 Street 3 11 .45 5 return
2 Circle 4 7.50

Transcript page 224

3 1.35
• Students order the words.
• Play the CD to check answers.
• Play the CD again. Students listen and repeat the
sentences. Focus on intonation.

Answers I Transcript
1 Where's the nearest underground station?
2 What time is the next train to Wimbledon?
3 Can I h ave a ticket, please?
4 Would you like a sin gle ora return?
5 How much is a sin gle?
6 I' d like a return, please.
tf_~ó) - Ask for travel information - - -- - - -- -

® @

4 Complete the dialogue with the

phrases. Then listen and check.

I'd like Would you like What time's

Can I have How much is

Assistant Can I help you?

Sally Yes. (1) Can I have a return to
London Victoria, please?
Assistant Are you coming back toda y?
Sally Yes.
Assistant (2) ... a day return?
1 Listen. Match the photos with the Sally (3) .. a day return?
dialogues. Assistant It's f:17.50, but you can't travel
before 9.15.
Sally (4 ) . .. the first t rain after 9. 15?
2 Listen. Complete the information.
Assistant It's at 9.25.
Dialogue 1 Toe nearest underground station is Sally OK. (5) ... a day return, please
called Baker (1) Street. It's on the (2) .. Line. Assistant That 's f:1 7.50, please.

Dialogue 2 The next train is at (3) .

5 Work with a partner.
A single is f: (4) , anda (5) ... is f:11.00.
A Choose a destination from the table.
Ask for travel information.
3 Order the words. Then listen and check.
B . Answer student A's questions.
1 station / nearest / the / where 's / underground ? Use information from the table .
Where's the nearest underground A What time's the next train to ... ?
station? B lt's at ...
2 next / what time / is / the / train / to
Destination Next train
3 have / ticket / please / a / can ?
4 you / or a return / like / would / a single ?
5 single / a / much / is / how ?
6 please / a / like / return / I' d .


Students use language that can be

transferred to real-life situations.
~ Mycity - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -

1 Copy the diagram. @ Punctuation

Chicago's a great place to visit!
in the west of the
You can see museums, parks and the Sears Tower.
United States Where do you live?

3 Find examples in the description of

1 an exclamation mark (1) for emphasis .
. . . it rains a lot in summer!
2 a comma (.) in a list.
3 a question mark (?) at the end of a question.
4 a capital letter (S) for countries, languages,
cities, names , days and months.

4 Write the sentences with punctuation.

2 Read about Chicago. Complete the
1 my favourite city is cardiff in wales i !ove it
missing information in the diagram.
My favourite city is Cardiff in Wales.
//ove it!
2 people speak english and sorne people
3 it's famous for cardiff castle llandaff
cathedral and the millennium centre
4 the most important festival is in july or
5 i usually go shopping in queen street on
6 what's your favourite city

5 Write about where you live.
Paragraph 1: Location, population, languages
Paragraph 2: Places to visit, shopping areas,
Chicago's in the west of the United States. lt's the parks , food , festivals
biggest city in lllinois and three million people live Paragraph 3: Transport, weather
here. Most people speak English.
Chicago's a great place to visit! You can see
museums, parks and the Sears Tower (the tallest 6 Now read your work again. Can you find
building). The most popular tourist spot is the Ferris any errors?
Wheel - 1often go there on Sundays. We have an ~ j

important food festival in July called The Taste.

The best way to travel is by 'L' train because it's
faster than driving. You can also cycle but it's cold
in winter and it rains a lot in summer!
Where do you live?


Students use strategies to plan their

own written work.

• Students use strategies to evaluate

an d develop their own written work.
(WRITl"!)r-~ -- -- - - 4
• Students w rite the sentences with punctuation .
• Check the answers by asking d iffe rent students
• My city
to write a sentence each on the board .
• Write the following sentences on the board . Ask Answers
students if they can find one mistake in each 1 My favourite city is Cardiff in Wales. I !ove it!
sentence: 2 People speak English and sorne people speak
This city's in the west of United Sta tes. Welsh.
lt's the bigest city in //linios. 3 It's famous far Cardiff Castle, Llandaff
Three millions peop/e live here. Cathedral and the Millennium Stadium.
The popularest tourist spot is the Ferris Wheel. 4 The most important festival is in July
The most good way to travel is by train. ar August.
lt's faster that driving. 5 I usually go shopping in Oueen Street
• Tell students that the sentences describe a city. on Saturdays.
Can they guess what city it is? Give the first letter 6 What's your favourite city?
(C), the second letter (h), and so on until they
guess the name. (Chicago)

1 5
• Students prepare to write about where they live.
• Students copy the diagram. First, they make notes. Encourage them to make
a diag ram like the one in exercise 1, and to
2 include languages, shopping areas and food too.
• Students read about Ch icago and complete the Then they write their description.
missing information in the diagram .
Answers • Students read t heir composition and check for
Location - in the west of the United States errors. Write the following checklist on the board
Population - 3 million for st udents to refer to:
Places to visit - the Sears Tower, the Ferris places in a city
Wheel comparative and superlative adjectives
Weather - cold in winter and it rains a lot punctuation
in summer
Festivals - The Taste food festival Consolidation
Transport - the 'L' train, bike
In pairs, students practise presenting their city
to their partner. One student is a tourist guide,
the oth er is a tourist. The tourist guide tells th eir
• Punctuation partner abou t their city, and the tourist asks
• Students clase their books. Write the following questions. Then they change roles and repeat.
sentences on the board . Tell students there are
five punctuation mistakes. Can they find them?
chicago 's a great place to visit ·- -Workbook Wr iti ng page 42
You can see museums parks and the sear's tower
Where do you live
• Students open their books and check with the
example sentences.

• Read the punctuation rules with students.
• Students then find examples of the punctuation
in the description of Chicago.

1 .. . it rains a lot in summer !
2 You can see museums, parks and the
Sears Tower.
3 Where do you live?
4 The United States, English, Chicago, the Ferris
Wheel, the Sears Tower, Sundays, July.
1 In picture A, a fan is taking a photo with
Vocabulary a camera, but in picture B she's filming
the scene with a camcorder.
• Personality adjectives • Music genres 2 In picture A , the sign on the bus says Summer
• Hobbies • Transport Music Monster tour, but in picture B it says
• Shops • Places in a city
Winter Music Monster Tour.
Grammar 3 In picture A , the theatre poster says the
Monster concert starts at 8 p.m. but in picture B
• Present simple
it says the concert 8:30.
• Adverbs of frequency
• like + -ing form 4 In picture A , there are five fans waiting for
• Present continuous the bus, but in picture B there are three fans.
• Object pronouns 5 In picture A, the boy's on a bicycle, but in
• Present simple v. present continuous picture B he's on a skateboard.
• Time expressions 6 In picture A , there's a baker's, but in picture
• Comparatives B there's a bookshop
• Superlatives 7 In picture A , there 's a bird on top of the statue,
Reading but in picture B there isn't a bird.
8 In picture A, the man walking down the street
• Meet the band
is wearing a green shirt but in picture B he's
Listening wearing a red shirt.
• Ask the band

• Radio interview
• Students write more words in the categories.
Project They can do this in pairs.
• Forma band
Suggested answers
Song 1 skateboard, bicycle, bus, car, helicopter,
• Rock music motorbike , plane, rollerblades, taxi, train, tram,
• You're my best friend - Queen underground
2 baker's, bookshop, chemist's, jeweller's,
florist's , mobile phone shop, music shop,
Extra Resources newsagent's, pet shop , post offi.ce, shoe shop ,
sweet shop
. .. Tests Term Test 1
3 art gallery, bridge, canal, cathedral, museum,
Teacher's Atl•in-one Book railway station, river, square, street, theatre,
. ...CLIL Worksheets town hall

• Ask students to think about the local a rea and
in pairs list shops, monuments, amenities • Students choose picture A or B and write three
and streets. questions about the picture. Draw their attention
to the example d ialogue to help them .
• Students look at the picture at the top of the
page. Do any of the things in their lists appear in • Students close their books and ask their partner
the picture? the questions. Can their partner answer them
• Tell students a music group is arriving in town to
give a concert at the theatre.
• Students look at pictures A and B and find eight
differences in the pictures.
1 Find eight differences in the pictures.
In picture A a fan is taking a photo, but in picture B she's using a camcorder.

2 Write more words. 3 Choose picture A or B. Write three

1 Transport: skateboard, . .. questions. Then clase your books and ask
2 Shops: the questions to your partner.
3 Places in a city: A What time does the concert start in
picture A?
B /t starts at eight o'c/ock.

Students process information visually

and then orally.
CREAD•~,) Meet t he band - -·- -- - - -- - -- -- - -- -

1 Answer the questions.

1 What's your favourite pop group?
2 Who are the band members and what instruments do they play?
3 Can you play a musical instrument?

2 Read the article. Match the adjectives with the group members.

cheerful tallmtive shy lazy generous kind quiet grumpy

Ben: ta/kative, ...


We asked the group members to tell us about each other.

Sharon on
Ben plays bass guitar and sings. He never stops talking, but 1
don 't always listen to him . (Only joki ng, Ben .) He laves danci ng
and doing martial arts. He's a kung fu expert. He likes giving
presents and doesn't mind helping other people. He says he's
not afraid of anything , but I know he hates spiders.
Gerry on Sharon:
Sharon plays the drums and sings. She's a great person to have in
the group because she's always happy. She laves performing but
sometimes she doesn't want to practise and does nothing all day.
She doesn't like flying and always tries to travel by bus or train if
she can.
B on Gerry:
Gerry plays the guitar. He doesn't say much and he hates
meeting people for the first time. He isn't usually very happy
in the mornings! 0Ne don't talk to him then !) He has a strange
hobby. He collects packs of sugar. When we go on tour he
always takes packs of sugar from cafés and restaurants.

3 True or false? Correct the false sentences. 4 Replace the underlined words with object
1 Ben's good at martial arts. True
2 He doesn't like helping people. him her it them us
3 Sharon likes working all the time.
4 She prefers travelling by bus or train. 1 I don't listen to Ben. I don't listen to him.
5 Gerry doesn't mind meeting new people. 2 He doesn't mind helping other people.
6 He has an unusual collection. 3 Gerry plays the guitar well.
4 He takes packs of sugar from cafés and
5 Ben likes Sharon a lot.
6 Sharon says, 'Toe fans really like the qroup. '


Students look at relationships in a

band .
e REAOING )--- - - - - -- -- -
• Students decide if t he senten ces are true or fa lse
and correct the false sentences.
@ Meet the band
Warmer Answers
• Remind students that the word band is often 1 True
used instead of group when referring to a music 2 False - He doesn 't mind helping people.
group. 3 False - Sharon doesn't like working ali the time.
• Play a game of Hangman with the name of a 4 True
famous group that includes English words in the 5 False - Gerry hates meeting new people.
name, for example: Green Day, Coldplay, Take 6 True

1 Reinforcement
• Ask students to name sorne musical instruments. • Students write one more true/false sentence
Write the list on the board and make sure it for each member of the band.
includes electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and • In pairs, students close their books and read
keyboards. out their sentences for their partner to answer.
• Students answer the questions. ·

eAnswers Students' own answers ) Extension

• In pairs, students imagine that they are both
Consolidation members of a group and a write short text to
describe each other.
• In pairs, students ask and answer the questions
• Students show their texts to their partner.
in exercise 1.
Does he/she agree with what it says?
• Invite sorne students to tell the class about
their partner's answers.
• Students replace t he underlined words with the
2 1.37
• Write the na mes Ben, Sharon and Gerry on the
board. Tell students to look at the photos of the Answers
three people. Which adjectives from the box do
1 him 3 it 5 her
they associate with each person? Writ e th eir
2 t hem 4 them 6 us
suggestions on the board.
• Explain that the three people are the members
of a pop group. The students are going to read
an interview in which the group members
describe each other.
• Students read and listen to the article and match
the adjectives in the box w ith the group
• Ask students how many of their predictions
about the group members were correct.

Ben: talkative , generous, kind
Sharon: cheerful, lazy
Gerry: quiet, shy, grumpy

(usn~N0,- ·~ ~~----~ ~- Answers

1 tells 4 's got
2 's listening 5 's playing / are playing
• Ask the band
3 listens 6 loves
• Ask students What do bands do on tour? (play
concerts, appear on TV, etc.) Write students' 9 1.40
suggestions on the board and include give radio • Students listen and complete the questions.
interviews. Pause the CD after each question to give
• Write a phone-in on the board. Tell students they students t ime to write .
are going to listen to a radio phone-in show in • Students imagine they are a member of the band
which people call and ask the band members and answer the questions.

5 1.38 Answers
1 singer 4 better
• Students write the comparative and superlative
2 interviews 5 hobby
of the adjectives.
3 person 6 music
• Play the CD to check answers.
Students' own answers
Answers / Transcript
1 funnier, the funniest
more expensive, the most expensive
better, the best
~ ·- ·---- --
4 healthier, the healthiest
5 more boring, the most boring 10
6 worse, the worst • In pairs, students prepare and practise a radio
7 more exciting, the most exciting interview. One student is the presenter; the other
8 more famous , the most famous is from the band . They should talk about all
three of the topics.
• Invite sorne pairs to perform their interview for
6 1.39 the class.
• Students listen to the interview and note how
many people call the show. CPRUCT)i---- - --
•Forma band
Five people call the show.
Transcript page 224 11
• Tell students that they are going to forman
imaginary band. Divide the class into groups of
7 1.39 three or four.
• Students complete the sentences with the • Students follow the steps and finally present
comparative or superlative forms from exercise 5. their band to the class. Students can also create a
wall display ora music magazine with
• Play the CD to check answers. information about the different bands and
profiles of the band members.
1 the funniest 4 better
2 the most expensive 5 healthier
3 more expensive 6 the most boring
Transcript page 224

• Students complete the sentences using the
present simple or present continuous.
~ STEN•~:) Ask the band - -- -- - -- - -- -- -

5 Write the comparative and superlative 9 Listen. Complete the questions. Then
of these adjectives. Then listen and check. imagine you are a member of the band
and answer them.
1 - funnier, the funniest
1 funny 5 boring 1 Who's your favourite singer ?
2 expensive 6 bad My favourite singer's ...
3 good 7 exciting 2 Do you like giving ... ?
4 healthy 8 famous 3 Who's the most famous ... you know?
4 Are you . .. than Justin Timberlake?
5 Do you have a ... ?
6 Listen to the interview. How many
6 What ... are you listening to these days?
people call the show?

10 In pairs, prepare a radio interview.

Talk about:
1 The tour. Are you enjoying the tour?
2 The current hit album.
3 The band's daily routine .

(PROJECT) Form a band ...

7 Complete the sentences with the
comparative or superlative forms from 1 Work with other students and form a band.
exercise 5. Then listen and check.
1 Who's the funniest member of the band?
2 What's ... thing you own?
3 My Tommy Hilfiger suit was ... Gerry's guitar.
4 I'm much ... thanks .
5 I'm eating ... food now.
6 What's . .. thing about being a pop star?

8 Complete the sentences. Use the present

simple or present continuous.
1 Ben always tells (tell) jokes.
2 At the moment, Gerry .. . (listen) to rap music.
3 Before a concert, he usually .. . (listen) to
heavy rock.
4 Sharon ... (have got) a sports car. 1 Decide which instruments you play.
5 Next month , the band ... (play) in France 2 Think of a name for the band.
and Spain. 3 Write magazine proflles about each other.
6 Sharon .. . (!ove) being famous. 4 Present your band to the class.

- -~---------- - - ~ - ~ --

Students reflect on the realities of life

for a music group.

• Students look at the steps to form

a music group.
@ - vou're my best friend - - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- --

1 True or false?
1 Rock music became popular in the 1990s.
False - in the 1960s
2 There are usually six musicians in a rock band.
3 Rock bands often give big concerts in
stadiums and arenas.
4 Oueen only played rock music.

2 Read and check your answers to exercise 1.

Rock music
Rock music has its roots in 1940s and 50s
rock and rol!, and first became popular in
the 1960s. Queen formed in 1971. Like most
Ooh, you make me live
rock bands, Queen had four mernbers -
Whatever this world can give to me
Fredc:tie Mercury (singer), Brian May; (electric
It's you, you're ali I see
guitarist), John Deacon (bass guitarist) and
Ooh, you make me live now honey
Roger Taylor (drurnmer).
Ooh, you make me live
Rock bands often play to large auc:tiences in
arenas or stac:tiums, and Queen were famous
You're the best friend that I ever had
for their incredible live shows. They also
I've been with you such a long time
experimented with other musical gemes,
You're my sunshine
including classical music and pop.
And I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really !ove you
3 Listen to the song. What's it about? You're my best friend

a A good day with a best friend.

Ooh, you make me live
b Problems with a best friend.
I've been wandering round
e Ali the good things about a best friend.
But I still come back to you
In rain or shine you've stood by me girl
4 Translate these lines. I'm happy at home
1 You make me live. You're my best friend
2 You're my sunshine.
3 My feelings are true. Ooh, you make me live
4 You've stood by me. Whenever this world is cruel to me
I got you to help me forgive
Ooh, you make me live now honey
5 Is going to a concert better than buying Ooh, you make me live
a CD?
Concerts are more exciting. You're the first one
You can listen to a CD again and again. When things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely
You're my only one


Students find out about the origins

of rock music and interpreta song's
e !DfG }-,____._ _ __ _
Answers e )
~ You're my best friend
Background • Students translate the lines from the song .
• Queen is one of the most successful, influential
and popular rock bands of all time. Their albums
have spent longer in the UK charts than any
eAnswers Students' own answers )

other musical act, including The Beatles and Elvis

Presley. Since the death of Freddie Mercury in Consolidation
1994, the band has continued to produce albums
and perform live concerts. Students choose two more lines from the son g
and tran slate t h em into their lan guage. Then
• You're my Best Friend was originally included in
they say the !ines to a partner, w h o tries to find
the A Night at the Opera al bum in 1975 and was
the English equivalent in the song.
released as a single ayear later. The song was
written by John Deacon for his wife.

Warmer 1.41 5
• Students clase their books. Ask how many • Students answer the question. Encourage them
musical gen res they can remember and make a to use the useful expressions in their answers.
list on the board. Circle rock and ask students to • Discuss the question with the whole class. Find
name sorne famous rock bands they know out how many students think going to a concert
(Queen, U2, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, etc) . is better and how many think buying a CD is
• Play the beginning of the song and ask: Do you better, and why.
know the name of the band? And the song?
1 Refer to the rock bands students named in t he
• Students read the sentences about rock music warmer. Ask students to decide w h o they think
and try to answer if they're true or false . is the greatest rock band in the world today a nd
then take a class vote to decide their number
2 on e ch oice.
• Students read about rock music and check their
answers to exercise 1.

1 False - in the 1960s.
2 False - there are usually four.
3 True.
4 False - they also played classical music and

3 1.41
• Students listen to the song and decide what it's
about, a, b or c. The song on the CD is longer
than the version in the book so either pause the
CD at the end of the book version, or play the CD
to the end of the song but warn students that
they will hear lyrics that aren't included in the
book. The CD version ends with the following
And / /ove, I real/y /ove the things that you do
You're my best friend
Ooo, you make me live
l'm happy at home
You're my best friend
You're my best friend
Ooo, you make me live
You, you're my best friend

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