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(i) Title of your chosen poem : Five Senses

(ii) Chosen year of primary education : Year 4
(iii) Pupils’ language proficiency : Average
(iv) Pupils’ prior knowledge : Pupils have senses and know how to use
(v) Materials (if any) : Balls, Whiteboard and Whiteboard Marker
(vi) Preparation (before class) : 1. Teacher will create the template for the
poem which can be universally used for
any topics.
2. Teacher makes the list of the objects,
animals and foods that she wanted to tell to
3. Teacher will choose a good music for the
pupils to play the game.

(vii) Procedure (in class) : 1. Teacher recaps about the 5 senses

that pupils were taught in the previous
2. Teacher introduces a template of poem to
the pupils.
Line 1 -Looks like . . .

· Line 2 -Sounds like . . .

Line 3 -Smells like . . .

· Line 4 -Tastes like . . .

Line 5 -Makes me feel like . .

3. Then, teacher informs that they are

going to carry out a game on filling up

words in the poem. Teacher explains to the

pupils how to play the game.
4. Pupils will sit in a circle and Teacher tells
name of any objects or animals or even
foods to the pupils and plays the music.

5. Once the music started, pupils will pass

the ball to the next pupil. Teacher stops the
music. The pupil who holds the ball when
the music stopped will fill up the lines which
are related to the given word according to
the topic given. For instance, the name of
food given by the teacher is Cake. The pupil
who holds the ball will choose the lines
which can be used to describe cake through
his sense. He will choose line 1, 3, 4 and 5
because line 2 is related to sound and he
knows cake has no sound.

6. After completing the poem, the teacher

will play the music again and the process
will continue again.
Short story
(i) Title of your chosen short story : The Jungle Book
(ii) Chosen year of primary education : Year 4
(iii) Pupils’ language proficiency : Average
(iv) Pupils’ prior knowledge : Pupils knows the story line of the story
‘The Jungle Book’
(v) Materials (if any) : Envelope that contains short description of
each chapter (Appendix 1), butcher paper,
marker pen
(vi) Preparation (before class) : 1. The teacher prepares the materials
needed for the lesson. For instance,
envelope that contains short description of
each chapter, butcher paper, marker pen
(vii) Procedure (in class) : 1. Teacher divides the pupils into group of
4 or 5.
2. Each group will be given an envelope
containing a short description of each
3. Based on description, pupils role play
each chapter without any dialogue.
4. Pupils are allow to use their own masks
and props.
4. In groups, pupils will discuss and write
the moral values of each chapter in a circle
map (Appendix 2).

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