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Let Thrones Beware Playtest Packet

Players Guide: Species, Background, and Class

Revision 005 – June 2017

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

CHANGELOG ...........................................................3 FINISHING TOUCHES ............................................. 64

CEYENUS .................................................................4 EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 66
WELCOME TO LET THRONES BEWARE .....................6 ARMOUR ................................................................66
REPERTOIRE ............................................................67
GAME BEFORE ........................................................... 6
IF YOU’VE PLAYED D&D BEFORE .................................. 6 COMPETENCIES .................................................... 69
IMPORTANT STUFF TO KNOW ....................................... 7
ADVENTURER TIER ....................................................69
POWER NOTATION ................................................... 11
ADVANCEMENT .................................................... 71
CREATING A CHARACTER ...................................... 13
ADVENTURER TIER ....................................................71
OVERVIEW .............................................................. 14
CHARACTER CREATION GUIDE..................................... 15 NON-COMBAT CHALLENGES ................................. 72

SPECIES ................................................................. 18 ORDER OF PLAY .......................................................72

ECHTHROI ............................................................... 18
IPOTANE ................................................................. 20 COMBAT CHALLENGES .......................................... 74
FEY........................................................................ 22 ORDER OF PLAY .......................................................74
FORMIAN................................................................ 24 THE COMBAT CHALLENGE ..........................................74
INSECTOID .............................................................. 26 THE COMBAT ROUND ...............................................76
BACKGROUNDS .................................................... 28 ENGAGEMENTS ........................................................78
MISCELLANEOUS ......................................................78
DETERMINED PEDDLER .............................................. 28
PITILESS CRIMINAL ................................................... 30 APPENDIX A: CREATING A CHARACTER ................. 83
STALWART GUARD ................................................... 33 APPENDIX B: CONDITIONS .................................... 84
TATTERED ARISTOCRAT ............................................. 35
APPENDIX C: MOVEMENT TYPES .......................... 86
CLASSES ................................................................ 37
APPENDIX D: GLOSSARY ....................................... 87
ROGUE ................................................................... 37
HEDGE WIZARD ....................................................... 44 APPENDIX E: POWER TAGS ................................... 90
KNIGHT .................................................................. 50 CREDITS ................................................................ 91
ORACLE .................................................................. 57

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Revision History
Date Revision
Mar 6, 2017 001 - Preliminary player playtest document
Mar 13, 2017 002 – GM content added
Mar 20, 2017 003 – Non-Combat and Combat material added
Apr 18, 2017 004 – Alternative class builds and step by step character generation
guide, character advancement
Jun 12, 2017 005 - Clarified advantage/disadvantage & edge system
Eliminated ability scores
Updated character sheet
Added Desperation mechanic
Revised adversaries
Example class power selections

To Come
Anticipated Changes
Rev 006 Sample adventure, additional adversaries, enhanced species and
background content, preliminary mass combat rules

Playtest Documents
Document URL
Character Sheet
Player Packet
GM Packet

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


The idyllic tranquility of Ceyenus (sigh-en-us) was shattered with a single word. Man. Appearing
long after the gods forged the world, Man's coming was as unexpected as it was cataclysmic.
Approached with open arms and promises of friendship, Man proved a terrible scourge.
Bending reality to his whim through a powerful force known as magic, Man wrenched the Fey
from their trees and set the forests aflame, severing their connection to the Fey Queen. Just as
easily, Man broke the great hiveminds of Xzzryxy, afflicting the Insectoid people with horrifying
curse of individual consciousness. Forming an empire on the ruins of its conquests, the Kingdom
of Man expanded, relentlessly pursuing domination over the earth.

Man next set his sights on the Formians, the architects of rock and stone, and they were quick
to fall, their castles reduced to rubble. Only the Ipotane, fierce, horse-headed warriors of the
plains remained unconquered. Yet Man's thirst was not slaked. Wave after wave broke over the
sword and shield of the brave defenders as the tide of Man swept over the world. For the
briefest of moments, it seemed as though Man's ambition was thwarted, but false hopes
birthed by respite were dashed by the full revelation of Man's malevolence.

Man's awful magics enslaved the very shadows, bringing form, intellect, and hate to what was
once only the absence of light. This new species, the Echthroi, was the culmination of Man's
horrific acts, and they cast down the last of the free species of Ceyenus in a fortnight. Thus
triumphant, the unassailable Kingdom of Man stretched through centuries, obliterating the
cultures and histories of its conquered peoples. Countless generations were born, toiled, and
perished under the yoke of Man.

But even the darkest of nightmares must end. It has been 300 years since the end of the
Kingdom. Stories, passed from parent to child, tell of an awesome noise, as though reality itself
had been torn asunder, and a brilliant flash of crimson, which echoed across continents. The
great capitol of Man, in all its ivory and marble, was laid waste, an island of fire and anguish,
surrounded by a great sea of roiling water, which consumed the rest of Man's Kingdom.

Those that had been enslaved, Fey, Formian, Insectoid, and Ipotane, those who were not
consumed in the sudden and unexpected downfall of Man fled. Even the Echthroi, freed from
Man's shackles, fled to the corners of the Earth. Your ancestors, amongst countless others,
retreated to the Deep Wood, a dark and foreboding forest that even Man had not conquered.
There, amidst the shadows of the trees, they found sanctuary for a time.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Alas, such peace was not to last. Just as Man's touch had changed the peoples of Ceyenus, so
too had it corrupted the very world in which they lived. Horrid beasts and unknowable terrors
drove the refugees deeper into the Wood, shattering families and splintering communities.
Some struck out for safer lands, and some simply disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Those who stayed congregated in Refuge Villages, isolated encampments whose natural
features made them defensible.

It is into this world that you have been born. Three centuries of eking out an existence in the
Deep Wood has led to an understand the natural rhythm of the forest; the terrors of the Wood
recede with the changing of the season, giving rise to the Passage, and two-week period in
which it is possible to move from village to village. As the Passage ends, the horrors of the
Wood return, and not even stout steel is enough to protect a traveler lost in the Wood.

With the end of Summer, one such Passage has just begun, and unbeknownst to you, your
destiny awaits.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware is a pen and paper roleplaying game about overcoming catastrophic
destruction and trauma inflicted upon the world of Ceyenus and its inhabitants by a foe that
has long since disappeared from the world.
Over the course of this game, you and your friends will encounter many difficult challenges and
obstacles. Triumph in these struggles, and you will heal the world. Fail, and the darkness may
never be swept away.

If You’ve Never Played a Pen & Paper Roleplaying Game Before

• In Let Thrones Beware, one of your group of friends will take on the role of Game
Master, while the rest will be heroes.
• As a player, you are represented by a hero, whose actions, thoughts, and feelings you
will control throughout the game. This character is your conduit to the adventures to
come, and is how you will interact with the rest of the game world.
• In Let Thrones Beware, your character will affect the world through combat and non-
combat challenges. These are divided into rounds, in which each hero and the GM take
a turn. The mechanics behind them are largely the same, though combat takes place on
a grid and non-combat is abstract.
• Trivial problems (e.g. actions that don’t carry with them an element of risk), aren’t
challenges. Players are always successful when they attempt a trivial task.
• A combination of combat powers, non-combat powers, and competencies represent
your character. Anything you attempt to do in the game will succeed or fail based on
how these are combined and used.
• Let Thrones Beware isn’t intended to be an adversarial game. There’s no score that will
make someone in your group the winner and the rest losers. To win in Let Thrones
Beware is to have fun with your fellow players.

If You’ve Played D&D Before

• Your species, background, and class provide you with a set of powers to participate in
challenges. These powers are either for combat, or non-combat.
• Unlike D&D, you don’t roll dice with every action you take in challenges. You only roll at
the beginning of a round. You will complete all engagements in a round using the same
• Repertoire, as assigned by your selected background, provides mechanical benefit in
non-combat challenges.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

• There are no attributes: your character can be as strong or weak, beautiful or horrifying,
cunning or imbecilic as you like. All characters, using a Roll Bonus in place of a stat
modifier, are equally capable of exerting influence on the world.

Important Stuff to Know

The Universal Mechanic
Let Thrones Beware has one universal mechanic: the challenge, which is how the game
determines whether your characters are successful in achieving their goals in Ceyenus.
There are two types of challenge in the game, combat (fighting Brigands, defending against the
Condemned, etc.) and non-combat (infiltrating an old ruin, convincing an aristocrat of the
danger of a rising threat, etc.), and your character will have a selection of powers of each type.
To accomplish any non-trivial task in the game, your character must engage in a challenge,
which is a contest between you and the Game Master, in which you both attempt to secure the
highest Force Score.
All your Force Scores will consist of the following:
1. A Tier Dice roll;
2. A Roll Bonus (which starts at +2); and,
3. A Force Bonus provided by a power that you choose to use.
If you have the highest Force Score in a challenge, the power you used to reach your final Force
Score is activated, and you apply its damage and effects to the situation (in the event of a tie,
both powers are applied).

Initiating a Challenge
When you undertake a challenge, you will take turns using powers with your target. There are
three categories of power in Let Thrones Beware, Attacks, Counters, and Interrupts, and each
can only be used at specific points in a challenge.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Interrupt / Skill Beats Attacks

Interrupt and Counters

Counter / Skill Counter Beats Attacks

Attack / Skill Attack Initiates challenge

For example, if you initiate a non-combat TENACIOUS HEROISM

challenge against the Game Master, you
Adventurer Tier Skill Versatile
must lead with one of your Skill Attack
powers (such as Tenacious Heroism, featured Force Score +0
right). Supposing you have a total Force Skill Potency 1S
Score of 11 (a Roll of 9 on your Tier Dice and
your +2 Roll Bonus, plus the power's +0 Force Effect
Score). The GM will attempt to respond with
either a Skill Counter or a Skill Interrupt that
has a Force Score that is higher than your 11 Tags
(in non-combat challenges, ties go to the Renew
player). Three possibilities follow:

1. If the GM doesn’t beat your Force Score of 11, then you have won the challenge.
2. If the GM plays a Skill Counter with a Force Score that is higher than 11, then you have
the opportunity to play a Skill Interrupt (replacing your original Skill Attack) that will
beat the GM’s Force Score. If you cannot, the GM wins the challenge.
3. If the GM plays a Skill Interrupt with a higher Force Score, then you have been defeated:
there is no power type that can supersede an Interrupt.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Guiding Principles
Always Round Up Numbers
Always round numbers up (e.g. 1.6 becomes 2, and 5.1 becomes 6).

Specific Rules Supersede General Rules

Specific rules always supersede general rules (in many cases, your character will posses a power
that will allow her to do something that the rules would otherwise prohibit – when you use that
power, the general rule is disregarded).

Tier Dice
When you begin play, your Tier Dice will be 2d6 (two six-sided dice).
All heroes begin in the Adventurer Tier. Over time, and after a succession of quests, you will
graduate to the Champion Tier, and will roll 2d8. Ultimately, in the Legend Tier, you will roll

2d6 2d8
2d10 Legend
Adventurer Champion

Desperation is a measure of how terrified and Frantic a challenge has become. Desperation has
a significant impact on the behaviour of the adversaries and the nature of the challenges you
will face.
Every challenge, combat or non-combat, starts with Desperation at Composed. With the
beginning of each new round, Desperation grows, reaching Frantic in the fourth round. Once
Desperation has reached Frantic, it will not continue to grow.

Composed (+1) Anxious (+2) Panicked (+3) Frantic (+4)

Advantage and Disadvantage

Advantage and Disadvantage are universal modifiers that affects all of your actions for an entire
round. When you have Advantage, your Tier Dice increases a level (to 2d8 if you are an
Adventurer). If you gain Disadvantage, your Tier Dice decreases a level (to 2d4 at the

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Adventurer Tier). You can only have one Advantage or Disadvantage at a time. If you have both
Advantage and Disadvantage, they cancel each other out and you roll normally.
Advantage and Disadvantage are primarily gained through the use of powers during a
challenge, and will only ever apply to subsequent rounds; you cannot gain and apply Advantage
or Disadvantage in a current round.

2d6 2d8 2d10

2d4 2d12
Adventurer Champion Legend

Edge is a temporary modifier to your rolls that only applies to a specific circumstance (such as
surrounding an adversary). In just that one particular case, Edge provides you with a bonus.
If you gain an Edge, you add the Desperation number to your Force Score. If you lose an Edge,
you subtract the Desperation number from your Force Score. You can only have one Edge or
lose one Edge at a time. If you have both lost an Edge and gained an Edge, they cancel each
other out and roll normally.
Edge can be gained and applied in both the current and future rounds.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Power Notation
Your hero interacts with the world by using combat and non-combat powers to win challenges.
Combat powers will always be orange, and non-combat powers will always be green.


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Skill Counter
Archetype Feinter Force Score +2
Range Melee 1S
Skill Potency
Force Score +3
Damage 1W You may spend the Research and
Effect Inventory Influences of one ally as
if they were your own. Used
Bleed 1 (hard save clears) Influences are deducted from your
Tags ally's totals.

Force Score
Preparation Pays indicates a Force Score of “+ 2”. This means that you add two additional
points to your Tier Die roll and the Roll Bonus. Using Slice the Tendon, with a Force Score of “+
3,” you would add three points.

This indicates up to how many squares away from your character the power may be used. If the
indicated Range is melee, then the target must be adjacent to you in order for the power to be
usable. Skill powers do not have a range.

The combat power, Slice the Tendon, indicates that it does 1W worth of Damage, and the non-
combat power, Preparation Pays, indicates that it has a Skill Potency of 1S. In each case, this
means that you apply the damage or potency of the equipment you are using one time. If the
power said 2W or 2S, you would double the damage of your selected weapon or double the skill
potency of your selected equipment.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Powers usually have additional effects that override the basic rules of the game. An effect is
only applied if your Force Score ties or exceeds that of your adversary. Only the effect from the
power that won the contest is applied (or both, in the event of a tie).

Powers will often have tags, keywords that let you know the power behaves in a special way. A
list of all tags and their impacts is found in Appendix E, on page 90.


Adventurer Tier Combat Versatile Adventurer Tier Skill Versatile
Range Melee, Ranged Force Score +0
Force Score +0 Skill Potency 1S
Damage 1W Effect

Tags Renew

For an example, consider Tenacious Heroism power, the default combat and skill power to
which every character has access. It has the Renew tag. Normally, a power is exhausted after it
has been used, and you cannot employ it again until it has been refreshed. The Renew tag
means that the power automatically refreshes at the beginning of your turn.

Welcome to Let Thrones Beware

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Creating a Character
Your character in Let Thrones Beware is composed of ability scores, a species, a background,
and a class.

Follow these steps to create your character.

1. Choose your Species. Your species provides your character speed, and a species-specific
2. Choose your Background. Your background provides your character with a history, as
well as a selection of non-combat and combat powers, equipment, and influences.
3. Choose your Class. Your class provides your character with a number of advantages,
including an archetype, a competency, and combat equipment.
a. Pick your Archetype and Powers. Your archetype provides additional
customization to your character, and provides. You also pick three additional
combat powers from either class archetype.
b. Pick your Competency and Equipment. While your character can use any
weapon or armour, Competencies provide you with bonuses and additional
features for using specific types equipment. Your class also provides you with
some starting equipment, so you’ll want to take note of that as well.
4. Finishing Touches. With the, it’s now time to complete the last few bits before your
character is ready for play. These include:
a. Select your virtues and flaws. Virtues and flaws are a way to help define your
character. Roleplaying these traits will contribute to earning Refresh Points,
which you can use to be more effective in combat.
b. Set your HP and Reserve. Your HP is determined by your class, and your Reserve
is 75% of your total HP (rounded up). If you run out of HP in a fight, your
character is downed and is out of the running until your companions can heal
c. Hard and Easy Saves. When your hero is afflicted by negative effects, you will be
asked to make a hard or easy save to shake off the affliction. A hard save is your
Tier Dice, and an easy save is your Tier Dice plus a Roll Bonus. In both cases, you
will try to exceed 10.

Creating a Character
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Species Description
Echthroi Beings of shadow, created by the Kingdom of Man to be
(Eck-throy) enforcers of their terrible rule.

Ipotane Fearsome, horse-headed warriors of the great plains of

(Ippo-taw-nay) Ceyenus and cousins to the savage Minotaur.

Fey High-spirited, flighty, and short-lived, the boisterous Fey seek

to return to the woods from which they were torn.

Formian Stout and sturdy, with an affinity for the very earth of
Insectoid The remnants of a great insect civilization, struggling with
their mortality and individuality after the destruction of their

Background Description
Determined Peddler
Pitiless Criminal
Stalwart Guard
Tattered Aristocrat

Class Description
Rogue A hard-hitting striker that bypasses enemy armour to inflict massive
Hedge Wizard A mysterious eccentric who controls with battlefield through
dabbling in the forbidden magics of Man.
Knight A mighty defender whose heroism and strength of arms shields
comrades from the blades of adversaries.
Oracle A brave and inspiring leader who exhorts allies to shrug off wounds
and realize their greatness in combat.

Creating a Character
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Character Creation Guide

Step One: Species (Page 18)

Second, you will determine the species of your character (in this case, Fey). This choice will
provide a special power to which only player characters of your species have access. Your
choice will give you some guidance relating to the description of your character including
general physiology and some general motivations and beliefs that could provide you with

A Note on Inclusivity

It’s very nearly 2018. Play the sort of

character that makes you comfortable, and
don’t let anyone tell you it’s not allowed.

Let your flag fly, and always remember that

Step Two: Background (Page 28)
no gaming is better than bad gaming.
Third, you will pick a background (in this case,
a Guard). Your background denotes from
where your character came, and provides you with the bulk of your non-combat powers. It also
provides you with a repertoire for non-combat challenges. Finally, your background gives you
your starting Influences, which can be expend in non-combat challenges to give yourself a

Creating a Character
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Step Three: Class (Page 37)

Fourth, you will select a class (in this case, a Rogue), providing you with a class feature, a non-
combat power, and most your combat powers.
Your class has two archetype options, which each go about their purpose in different ways.
Select one of the archetypes, which will give you one of the two default powers your class
possesses. You then choose three additional combat powers from all the remaining class

Step Four: Finishing Touches (Page 64)

The last step in creating your character is to calculate your hit point and reserve values, as well
as your hard and easy save values. You will also select three virtues and three flaws for your

Creating a Character
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Creating a Character
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Unlike the other denizens of Ceyenus, the Echthroi are not natural inhabitants. Instead, Man
gave them life, wrenching them from the very shadows to rend the last defenses of Ipotane in
its conquest of Ceyenus. The Man’s creation was terrible in its victory and the Ipotane tribes
were utterly broken.
Echthroi avoid congregating in large numbers lest the corruption imbued by Man’s vile
sorceries begins to take hold. Should this transpire, the Echthroi begin to lose their
individuality, growing violent and becoming susceptible to outside influence.

Echthroi can be motivated by a sense of guilt for the actions of their forbearers; more
frequently, they are driven to demonstrate that they have moved beyond the enslavement of
Man and are not just mindless automatons.

Why Play a Echthroi?

Echthroi are great for players who want a character who seeks to atone for the misdeeds of
their ancestors, as well as players who wish to play a character who is struggling to find a place
in the world.

Echthroi have a Speed of 6.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

All Echthroi begin play with the following power:


Adventurer Tier Combat
Move Action
Range Zone 1 Range 5
Force Score -
Damage 0
Create an area of shadow centred
on any normal shadow within
range. At the end of your turn, one
enemy who you struck is
teleported to a square within the
zone. The Zone then disappears.

Physical traits
Echthroi are typically 4’6” - 5’6” tall and weigh between 170 and 220 lbs.

Echthroi have emerald skin, black hair, and are wreathed in soft shadows.

Echthroi live an average of 70-90 years

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Powerfully built, with the head of a horse, Ipotane are cousins to the savage minotaur, and
were last to fall to the onslaught of Man. Ipotane are most comfortable on the great plains, and
those that dwell near the Deep Wood tend to have an uncertain and nervous character.

Ipotane can be motivated by a need to roam free; the tight confines of the refuge villages and
the isolation of the Passages mean that travel is exceedingly dangerous. Consequently, your
Ipotane may seek to alleviate the danger of the Deep Wood so that it is safe to move freely
throughout the forest.

Why Play an Ipotane?

Ipotane are a strong, formidable people and great for players who want a species with an
uncertain history and a strong connection to the open plains. You could also go against type by
being an Ipotane who has heartily embraced the towns and cities of Ceyenus.

Ipotane have a Speed of 7

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

All Ipotane begin play with the following power:

Adventurer Tier Combat
Free Action
Range -
Force Score -
Damage 0
If you move more than three
squares before making an attack,
you may move both the target and
yourself one additional square
before engaging. This additional
move does not trigger a Reprisal
from your target.

Physical traits
Ipotane are typically 5’8” - 6’9” tall and weigh between 200 and 250 lbs.

Ipotane live an average of 100-115 years

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Relatively uncommon, legend tells that the Fey of Ceyenus were once immortal, but today
wither away to ash before their 30th birthday. Their short lifespans mean that Fey live in the
moment, prioritizing new experiences. As a result, many see them as flighty and untrustworthy.
“As unreliable as the Fey Queen” is a commonly heard expression.
Fey form strong and intense bonds with those whose company they enjoy and disregard those
individuals they deem unimportant. Fey frequently fixate intensely on things that catch their
interest, but these flights of fancy rarely last long. Invariably, the exception is the Deep Wood;
Fey are drawn to the massive trees, perhaps in a vain attempt to rekindle the connection to the
primeval forests from which they were torn.
Within the Deep Wood, Fey often settle into patterns of behaviour that offer excitement and
variety; they are much more likely to be traveling merchants, caravan guards, and roaming
bandits than they are to be farmers bound to a single field. This tendency to wander means that
Fey are usually not found in large groups, though it is common for small groups to congregate
on the trails during their travels. Fey families are small and transitory, remaining together for
only as long as it takes for the children to become independent.

There are many reasons that an adventurous Fey might strike out from the safety of the refuge
villages. Revenge, wanderlust, and boredom are all reasons that a Fey might set out to explore
the world. Especially driven Fey might even seek to uncover the truth behind the curse of ash.

Why Play a Fey?

Fey are great for players who want a character who is eager to explore and try new things.
Alternatively, they are a good choice for players interested in a fatalistic character resigned to a
grim end.

Fey have a movement speed of 6.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

All Fey begin play with the following power:

Adventurer Tier Combat
Free Action
Range 5
Force Score -
Damage 0
At the beginning of an encounter,
impose the Surprised condition on
one adversary.

Physical Traits
The Fey are generally between 5’7” and 6’6” tall, and weigh between 110lbs and 180lbs.
Barring an unnatural end, each Fey life lasts exactly 30 years. At the end of the first day of the
30th year the Fey expires, body solidifying into a fine grey ash that crumbles at the touch. There
is no known Fey who has avoided this fate, and the inevitability of sudden death has
significantly impacted the Fey outlook on mortality and life.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

It is said that the Formians sprang from the very cradle of Ceyenus itself, earth given breath to
defend the planet from the those set upon its surface by the gods. To be sure, were that the
case, not only would it explain the brilliant metallic colour of their hair, the mottled, stone-like
appearance of their skin and features, and their affinity for rock and earth. Formians tend to be
deliberate and considered in their dealings and have been described as “slow as the mountains

Most Formians place great emphasis on familial ties, and Formian families, when unchecked,
grow to be quite large in comparison to those of other species. These linkages, as well as the
connection they feel to the land, may be why the Formians are generally reluctant to escape
the Deep Wood.

Within refuge villages, Formians are typically farmers, using their connection with Ceyenus to
nurture crops in the less than ideal environment. In some exceptional cases, the link to the
earth is so strong that they are able to manipulate the very rock itself. The fortunate villages
which possess such extraordinary Formians are encircled by sturdy stone walls, deterring many
of the dangers of the Deep Wood.

While they are not the most adventurous of the peoples of Ceyenus, Formians are fierce
protectors of their homes and family; many a Formian adventurer has ventured out to right a
perceived wrong or defend their loved ones from danger.

Why Play a Formian?

Formians are great for players who want a character with family history and extensive,
meaningful ties to a home.

Formians have a Speed of 5

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

All Formians begin play with the following power:

Adventurer Tier Combat
Free Action
Range Gout 2
Force Score -
Damage 0
You (and only you) may treat
difficult terrain in the area of effect
as normal for this turn.

Physical traits
Formians are typically 4’6” - 5’6” tall and weigh between 170 and 220 lbs.

Formians live an average of 90-100 years, are usually quite averse to adventuring, preferring instead to
stay with their kin. In those cases where a Formian does take up heroics as a career, the Formian
generally departs in their 40s, after they have raised their children. It is unusual for one to set out
before founding a family, and rare for a Formian adventurer to be absent for extended periods; most
will find excuses to return home on a regular basis.

Formian skin tones resemble rock and mineral. They are hairless, and have prominent veins of
metallic in colour lacing their skin, which range from copper and bronze to shining gold and
brilliant platinum.

Unlike most, Formians do not require food or drink; however, they must remain stationary with
their feet touching fresh earth or rock for several hours a day as they replenish nutrients from
Ceyenus itself.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Before the coming of Man, the Insectoids were as one, unified under the great hiveminds of
Xzzryxy. Thinking as one, acting as one, existing as one, Insectoids spread across the whole of
Ceyenus. The vastness of their civilization made its shattering all the more tragic. Where there
had only been one voice, suddenly a cacophony. The shock of sudden individuality was too
much for most, killing many and driving others mad. Those who survived did not fare better,
being immediately enslaved by Man.

The descendants of those survivors have made a life for themselves within the Deep Wood.
Insectoids do not have family units, preferring instead individual lives lived in close proximity to
others of their kind. Despite this preference, Insectoids lack the territoriality that one might
expect from such a large species, and it is commonplace for a group of Insectoids to live
amongst others.

The shattering of the Hivemind bestowed the curse of individual consciousness upon the
Insectoids, and the sudden realization of Man's infliction of mortality means that few Insectoids
intentionally seek out adventure and glory.

Reluctant heroes, those Insectoids found adventuring are driven by a force which outweighs
their tendency toward self-preservation. This motivation might be personal in nature, such as a
friend in need, or it might be larger than life, like seeking to reforge the hivemind.

Why Play an Insectoid?

Insectoids are great for players who want a character who wrestles with their inner nature, who
becomes a hero in spite of themselves, not because of who they are.

Insectoids have a Speed of 6

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

All Insectoids begin play with the following power:

Adventurer Tier Combat
Move Action
Range -
Force Score -

Damage 0

Move up to your speed. At any
point during the move, you may
leap up to three squares, bypassing
terrain (and adversaries)
underfoot. This does not extend
your movement range.

Physical traits
Insectoids are typically 6’1” - 7’10” tall and weigh between 170 and 220 lbs. They have six legs,
four lower legs which they use for locomotion, and two upper appendages with complex claws
for grasping and manipulation.

Their large mandibles mean that Insectoids lack the physiological means to speak. Instead, they
communicate by broadcasting their thoughts into nearby minds. Though it is unsettling to those
unaccustomed to it, this is not a subtle act; much like spoken word, everyone within range will
receive the transmission.

Insectoids live an average of 50-70 years.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Determined Peddler
Merchants are the lifeblood of the Deep Wood, the sole way in which goods vital to the survival
of the denizens of the forest circulate between the fortified hamlets. It is a hard life, full of
danger and risk, but for those who undertake the perilous journeys every Passage, it is one that
surpasses all other professions.
More than just purveyors of goods, traveling Peddlers are held in high regard for their
knowledge of the goings-on of the Deep Wood. Their travel from settlement to settlement
provides them with unique insight into the forest, and can often be found serving as guides and
navigators when they are not leading caravans themselves.
Peddlers are among the rare few from the forest who have ever visited the Gate of Thorns, a
fortified redoubt built upon ancient ruins which guards the solitary mountain pass connecting
the Deep Wood to the wide-open plains of the east.

Adventurers with this background are often motivated by a desire to find wealth beyond what
they were able to obtain as peddlers. Peddlers may also be inspired to take up a life of heroics
by the banditry and violence that plague the winding trails connecting the refuge villages. A
Peddler adventurer may also be driven to take up adventuring to supplement a flagging

Why Play a Peddler?

The Peddler background is a good choice for players who want to have a character who gave up
a lucrative (or not) past to pursue something greater than themselves. When adventuring,
Merchants always seem to have just the thing to overcome the obstacle confronting them.

Your starting Influences are as follows:
Inventory 3, Research 0, Contact 1

Peddlers also have the following non-combat and combat powers:

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Skill Attack Adventurer Tier Skill Counter
Force Score +1 Force Score +3
Skill Potency 1S Skill Potency 1S
Effect Effect
For every one Inventory influence You may trade two Inventory
spent, you can provide an ally with Influence for a use of a Contact
a +1 modifier in the same contest. influence.
Tags Tags

Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Range Melee
Force Score +3
Damage 1W
You may move one square after
this engagement. This movement is
not subject to Reprisal.

The Peddler begins with the following repertoire:
Type Knowledge
Circumstance The Deep Wood
Skill Potency 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Pitiless Criminal
Characters with this background are smugglers, poachers, thieves, and burglars. They have
expert knowledge in coded signs, possess shady connections, and have a skill set perfect for
exploring dangerous areas.

Adventurers with the Criminal background are often motivated by a desire for wealth; missing
caravans and whispers of long-forgotten ruins buried deep within the forest provide tantalizing
promises of treasure. Criminals may also be fleeing from ambitious, heavy-handed militia.

Why Play a Criminal?

The Criminal background is a good choice for players who want to have a character from the
fringes of society, proficient in unsavoury practices like lockpicking and burglary. Criminals
know how to navigate the seedy underbelly of the Deep Wood, and form strong relationships
with the people they consider to be associates.

Your starting Influences are as follows:
Inventory 2, Research 1, Contact 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Criminals also have the following non-combat and combat powers:
Adventurer Tier Skill Attack Adventurer Tier Skill Counter
Force Score +0 Force Score +2
Skill Potency 1S Skill Potency 1S
Effect Effect
If the total Force Score of this Skill You may spend the Research and
Contest is even, do not discard Inventory Influences of one ally as
Research or Inventory spent to if they were your own. Used
boost your total. Influences are deducted from your
Tags ally's totals.

Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Range Melee
Force Score +2
Damage 1W
Immediate: Move an enemy one
square before attacking. Does not
trigger a Reprisal.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

The Criminal starts with the following repertoire:
Type Physical

Circumstance Slums
Skill Potency 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Stalwart Guard
The Stalwart Guard is a familiar sight to all who dwell in the Deep Wood. Whether escorting
merchant convoys during the Passage, keeping a watchful eye on the forest from atop a
fortified village tower, or holding the Gate of Thorns against terrors that seek the verdant
greens beyond the mountains, guards are essential to continued existence within the Deep
The training and experience of guards is varied; those who enlist at the Gate of Thorns benefit
from a rich and storied martial tradition, while those born deep within the forest who volunteer
to protect their home are considerably less well off. Competent guards, no matter where they
served, are not only formidable in battle, but also observant and quick to bring down the might
of their comrades in order to confront an obstacle.

Adventurers with the Guard background are often motivated by a desire to bring order to the
wild and dangerous Deep Wood. They might also be looking to escape the regimented, routine
life and find some adventure.

Why Play a Guard?

The Guard background is a good choice for players who want to have a character with a formal,
quasi-military past. Guards have deep insight into the workings of their jurisdictions, whether
they be castles, sprawling estates, or small villages. Guards can be grizzled old veterans, eager
young recruits, or anything in between.

Your starting Influences are as follows:
Inventory 1, Research 1, Contact 2

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Guards also have the following non-combat and combat powers:


Adventurer Tier Skill Attack Adventurer Tier Skill Attack
Force Score +1 Force Score +2
Skill Potency 1S Skill Potency 1S
Effect Effect
An ally assisting you provides a +2 GM draws two more Obstacles.
bonus rather than +1. Look at all three, pick one to
Tags discard. GM may use either of the
other two.

Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Range Melee
Force Score +1
Damage 1W
Target is stunned until the end of
its next turn.

The Guard begins with the following repertoire:
Type Social
Circumstance Refuge Villages
Skill Potency 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Tattered Aristocrat
Nobility is a rare sight in the Deep Wood; the tall spires and robust stone walls of their
fortresses reside firmly outside the densely-forested territory. Few inhabitants of the refuge
villages have ever seen a Baronet, and the dangerous, dreary Wood holds little appeal for the
landed class.
To be sure, there are traces of a new nobility in the Wood. Some Burgomeisters in the more
prominent refuge villages have begun to amass power, consolidating their influence and
assessing how best to expand beyond the walls of their settlements into the Deep Wood itself.

Adventurers with this background are often motivated by a desire to enhance their prestige
amongst the aristocracy by proving their mettle undertaking dangerous quests. Aristocrats may
have rejected the stuffy traditions of their family legacy, or may be so low in the line of
inheritance that setting off to make their own fortune is a more prudent course of action.

Why Play an Aristocrat?

The Aristocrat background is a good choice for players who want to have a character who
comes from a life of privilege and storied tradition, one who is able to comfortably navigate
high society. Characters with noble background are also ones who are out of their element, as
the Deep Wood and the refuge villages nestled within do not have a robust aristocracy.

Your starting Influences are as follows:
Inventory 0, Knowledge 1, Contact 3

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Aristocrats also have the following non-combat and combat powers:


Adventurer Tier Skill Attack Adventurer Tier Skill Interrupt
Force Score +2 Force Score +3
Skill Potency 1S Skill Potency 1S
Effect Effect
Research played with this power is If Obstacle is social, you may reroll
not lost unless this action is your Tier Dice with Advantage. You
trumped. must keep the second roll.
Tags Tags

Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Range Melee
Force Score +1
Damage 1W
Your target becomes surprised.

The Aristocrat begins play with the following repertoire:
Type Social

Circumstance Nobility
Skill Potency 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


The Rogue is a speedy, nimble class that focuses on dealing massive amounts of damage to
your adversaries by bypassing armour and ganging up to overwhelm foes. Their class feature
allows the Rogue to quickly inflict guaranteed damage against their enemies.
Rogues are at their most effective on the battlefield when they seek out powerful foes,
leveraging the confusion of combat to exploit weaknesses that allow them to deal devastating
damage to their victims.
Rogues do not have a high degree of health, and so a wise rogue always fights unfairly, utilising
terrain and nearby allies to ensure that there is always an advantage over the opponent.

Why Play a Rogue?

Rogues are great for players who want a character who charges into danger, tackling even the
largest foes.

Rogues have 8 HP.

Class Feature
A Rogue who has an Edge while engaging an opponent can exhaust a power to use an Interrupt
power in place of an attack power (requiring two powers in total, this means that your Interrupt
cannot be prevented). When wielding a light weapon, you may exhaust a third combat power
of any type to inflict its damage (but not effect) on top of the Interrupt.

The Rogue has two archetypes, Feinter and Trapper. The Feinter specializes in goading
adversaries into attacking, then capitalizing on their mistakes. The Trapper deploys special trap
attacks that lie in wait for adversaries to draw near.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

When beginning play, select either the Feinter or Trapper archetype, and add the
corresponding default combat power to your character sheet. When you reach the third
milestone of the Adventurer Tier, you will gain the Signature power of your archetype.


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Feinter Trapper
Archetype Archetype
Default Default
Range Melee Range Ranged
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 0 Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Immediate: You may move up to Move your target two spaces.
your Roll Bonus in spaces before
making this attack. Tags


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Feinter Trapper
Archetype Archetype
Signature Signature
Range Melee Range Ranged
Force Score +2 Force Score +2
Damage 2W Damage 0
Effect Effect
Remaining adjacent at all times, One Trap power used in this
move both you and your adversary engagement applies its effect and
one space, plus one space per damage to a target in range. The
power used in this engagement. Trap power is not exhausted and
You are both subject to Reprisal, can engage another adversary
but not from each other. moving through its target zone.
Tags Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

As a Rogue, your class has access to the following powers. When creating a character, select
three combat powers (from either archetype) from the following list. You also automatically
gain the non-combat power.


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Feinter Archetype Feinter
Range Melee Range Melee
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Bleed 1 (hard save clears). You may move up to two spaces
after the engagement has
Tags concluded without being subject to


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Feinter Archetype Feinter
Range Melee Range Melee
Force Score +2 Force Score +2
Damage 1W Damage 1W+1
Effect Effect
+2W per Tier if the target is If neither you nor the target at
engaged by another opponent. within two spaces of another
Tags combatant, you gain Edge on your
next engagement with this foe.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Feinter Archetype Trapper
Range Melee Range Melee/Ranged
Force Score +2 Force Score +2
Damage 1 Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Bleed 3 (easy save clears). If your adversary triggered a trap in
this engagement, you gain
Tags Advantage. If you are using a Light
Missile Weapon, this power gains
the Penetration property.


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Archetype Trapper Archetype Trapper
Range Ranged, Zone 1 Range Ranged Zone 1
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W + 1 Damage 1W + 1
Effect Effect
Target is blinded (hard save clears). Target suffers Knockback 1.
Additionally, it is rendered prone
Tags unless it succeeds at a hard save.
Trap Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Trapper Archetype Trapper
Range Melee/Ranged Range Ranged
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 1W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
After resolving this engagement, In exchange for forgoing damage
you may exhaust your Tenacious from winning this engagement, you
Heroism combat power to deal its may cause your adversary to suffer
damage to any target within range Disadvantage as well as Losing an
as a free action. Edge.
Tags Tags


Adventurer Tier Skill Counter
Force Score +3
Skill Potency 1S
If you are being assisted by an ally,
you have an Edge

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

As a Rogue, you begin play with one of the following competencies.


Basic Competency – Light Missile Weapons Basic Competency – Light Melee Weapon
Ranged attacks you make while using a If you haven’t attacked an adversary to
Light Missile Weapon, you can benefit which you are adjacent, you do not suffer a
from Flanking even if you’re not adjacent reprisal from them while moving away.
to the target.


Basic Competency – Light Armour
Once per round, while engaged with an
enemy you may change your position to
another space adjacent that enemy as a
free action.

Rogues begin the game with the following equipment.


Type One-Handed Type One-Handed
Melee Ranged
Reach 1 Reach -
Range 0 Range 5
Damage 1 Damage 1

Initiative 0
Resistance 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Sample Character: Sue’s Fey Rogue

Sue, the Fey Rogue, wants her character to be a fast

and dangerous duelist who outwits her opponents
on the battlefield.

She selects the Feinter archetype, and adds the

Cunning Feint power to her sheet. Since her
archetype works best with lots of Interrupts, she
takes Pierce the Heart and Shot in the Back as the
first two class powers.

Wanting to be able to make quick getaways when

needed, she also picks the Stealthy Escape power,
which she can use to escape when enemies become
too dangerous.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Hedge Wizard
Man’s incursion introduced magic to Ceyenus; and though its greatest secrets died with the
Kingdom of Man, some enterprising individuals have eked out a modicum of success. Due to
their harnessing the remnants of Man’s magic, Hedge Wizards are regarded with a great deal of
The Hedge Wizard is a lightly armoured, fragile offensive controller class that focuses on dealing
damage to multiple opponents at the same time.
The Hedge Wizard relies on straightforward attack powers, but unlike the Rogue, who has the
tools to get up close and personal, Hedge Wizards are at their most potent when they are out
of immediate danger, contributing to the fight from the safety of the sidelines. Their attacks can
scatter foes about the battlefield, creating opportunities for allies and forcing adversaries to
choose between melee combat and avoiding the Hedge Wizard’s incantations.

Why Play a Hedge Wizard?

Hedge Wizards are great for players who want a character who is able to challenge adversaries
from across the battlefield, and for those players who want a connection to the power that
fueled the Kingdom of Man.

Hedge Wizards have 6 HP.

Class Feature
When using a Hedge Wizard power, create an area of difficult terrain (Zone 1) at Range 5,
lasting until the end of your next turn.

The Hedge Wizard has two archetypes, Element and Shadow. The Element harnesses the
elements, Mountain, Plains, Forest, and Ocean to harm a specific foe while applying effects to a
group of adversaries. The Shadow harnesses the remnants of Man’s twisted dark energies to
indiscriminately damage combatants.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

When beginning play, select either the Elements or Shadow archetype, and add the
corresponding default combat power to your character sheet. When you reach the third
milestone of the Adventurer Tier, you will gain the Signature power of your archetype.


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Elements Shadow
Archetype Archetype
Default Default
Range Range 4, Zone 2 Range Range 6, Zone 1
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Difficult terrain in Zone does not Combatants in Zone are slowed
hinder the movement of your allies until the end of their next turn.
until the end of your next turn. Tags
Tags Indiscriminate
Particular Damage, Selective Effect


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Elements Shadow
Archetype Archetype
Signature Signature
Range Range 6, Zone 1 Range Range 5, Zone 2
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Adversaries in Zone are staggered Combatants in Zone are knocked
(hard save clears). prone. Any combatant already
Tags prone suffers 1 additional damage.
Particular Damage, Selective Effect Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

As a Hedge Wizard, your class has access to the following powers. When creating a character,
select three combat powers (from either archetype) from the following list. You also
automatically gain the non-combat power.


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Elements Archetype Elements
Range Melee, Zone 2 Range Range 4, Zone 2
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Adversaries in Zone suffer One adversary in Zone is knocked
Knockback 1 in the same direction. prone.
Tags Tags
Particular Damage, Selective Effect Particular Damage, Selective Effect


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Archetype Elements Archetype Elements
Range Range 5, Zone 1 Range Melee, Gout 2
Force Score +3 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Adversaries in Zone are pulled Adversaries in Zone are
toward you 1 space. immobilized until the end of their
Tags next turn unless they voluntarily
lose an Edge.
Particular Damage, Selective Effect
Particular Damage, Selective Effect

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Elements Archetype Shadow
Range Range 5, Gout 2 Range Melee, Zone 1
Force Score +1 Force Score +2
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
The path of the Gout becomes Combatants in Zone are pulled
difficult terrain until the end of toward you 1 space. Any
your next turn. combatant that would enter your
Tags space is instead knocked prone.
Particular Damage, Selective Effect Tags


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Archetype Shadow Archetype Shadow
Range Melee, Zone 1 Range Melee, Gout 4
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Combatants in Zone are blinded Combatants in Gout suffer
until the end of their next turn. Knockback 1.
Tags Tags
Indiscriminate Indiscriminate

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Shadow Archetype Shadow
Range Range 6, Zone 2 Range Range 5, Gout 3
Force Score +1 Force Score +3
Damage Special Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Combatants in Zone adjacent to Combatants in Gout are Staggered
another combatant suffers until the end of their next turn.
1W/2W/3W damage. Tags
Tags Indiscriminate


Adventurer Tier Skill Counter
Force Score +2
Skill Potency 1S
If this skill contest is Research, you
have an Edge.

As a Hedge Wizard, you begin play with one of the following competencies.


Basic Competency – Talisman Basic Competency – Light Armour
You may count any adjacent space as the Once per round, while engaged with an
originating space for your attacks. enemy you may change your position to
another space adjacent that enemy as a
free action.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Hedge Wizards begin the game with the following equipment:


Type One-Handed Initiative 0
Ranged Resistance 1
Reach 1
Range 10
Damage 1

Sample Character: Bill’s Insectoid Hedge Wizard

Bill, the Insectoid Hedge Wizard, wants his character

to be reckless and aggressive on the battlefield.

He selects the Shadow archetype, and adds the

Grasping Shadow power to his sheet. Since the area
of effect powers that Hedge Wizards use need to be
able to overcome the defenses of enemies, he takes
Peal of Night and Ravenous Vortex as the first two
class powers.

Wanting to be able to pour on the attacks, he also

picks the Darkness Reigns attack power, which he
can use as an opening to a second engagement.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

The Knight is a heavily armoured defender class that focuses on protecting allies from harm; in
fact, through its Bodyguard class ability, Knights are the only ones who are able to interject
themselves into engagements between other combatants. Knight powers are oriented toward
counterattacks and interrupts.
Knights are at their most effective on the battlefield when they protect their more fragile allies,
so be on the lookout for companions who need a helping hand and adversaries that are capable
of inflicting powerful blows.
To ensure that they’re able to withstand such extensive punishment in combat, Knights have a
very high base health.

Why Play a Knight?

Knights are great for players who want a heavily armoured character who protects their friends
and allies from danger. The Knight is an iron bulwark against danger and harm.

Knights have 12 HP.

Class Feature
All actions taken by the Knight have the Bodyguard property.

The Knight has two archetypes, Shielder and Blocker. The Shielder specializes in protecting
allies from the attacks of adversaries. The Blocker locks down foes, preventing them from
moving to engage weaker allies.

When beginning play, select either the Shielder or Blocker archetype, and add the
corresponding default combat power to your character sheet. When you reach the third
milestone of the Adventurer Tier, you will gain the Signature power of your archetype.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Shielder Blocker
Archetype Archetype
Default Default
Range Melee Range Melee
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Your foe loses an Edge on all Your foe cannot use a move action
engagements not involving you until the end of its next turn.
until the end of its next turn. Tags


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Shielder Blocker
Archetype Archetype
Signature Signature
Range Melee Range Melee, Gout 2
Force Score +1 Force Score +3
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Your foe cannot use a move action If the gout can connect you and an
until the end of its next turn. ally, the gout is impassable terrain
Tags until the end of your next turn.
Stackable Tags

As a Knight, your class has access to the following powers. When creating a character, select
three combat powers (from either archetype) from the following list. You also automatically
gain the non-combat power.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Shielder Archetype Shielder
Range Melee, Zone 3 Range Melee
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
If you are countering a ranged If this power is used in response to
attack, its damage may be applied an area of effect attack, all spaces
to any one adversary within this behind you are unaffected by that
power's area of effect. power.
Tags Tags


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Shielder Archetype Shielder
Range Melee, Zone 3 Range Melee
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Immediate: You and one ally in the Immediate: You may give yourself
zone may gain an Edge against an Advantage next turn, but you will
area of effect power in exchange inflict 0 damage in any engagement
for going prone. this turn.
Tags Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Shielder Archetype Blocker
Range Melee Range Melee
Force Score +3 Force Score +2
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Immediate: If you have an unspent Adversary is knocked prone.
action this turn, you may use it to
move up to your speed before Tags
using your bodyguard class feature.


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Blocker Archetype Blocker
Range Melee Range Melee
Force Score +1 Force Score +3
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Immediate: If you have an unspent Increase your armour's Resistance
action this turn, you may use it to by 1, up to its maximum.
move up to your speed before Tags
engaging with your target, so long
as that target has engaged with
one of your allies this turn. If this
attack is successful, your target is

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Blocker Archetype Blocker
Range Melee Range Melee, Zone 1
Force Score +3 Force Score +2
Damage 2W Damage 2W
Effect Effect
Knockback 1. All traversable squares around you
becomes difficult terrain.

Adventurer Tier Skill Attack
Force Score +1
Skill Potency 1S
If this skill contest is Physical, you
have an Edge.

As a Knight, you begin play with one of the following competencies:


Basic Competency – Light Melee Weapon Basic Competency – Heavy Melee
If you haven’t attacked an adversary to Weapon
which you are adjacent, you do not suffer a Whenever you do damage to an enemy,
reprisal from them while moving away. you may additionally reduce that enemy's
Resistance by 1.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Basic Competency – Polearm Basic Competency – Heavy Armour
Any enemy attempting to enter your All forced movement effects imposed on
threatened range must make a hard save. you are reduced to 0 unless you choose
On failure, their movement is halted. On otherwise.
success, they may continue their move in
exchange for suffering 1 HP worth of


Basic Competency – Shield Basic Competency – Light Armour
Roll a second Tier Dice. You may use this Once per round, while engaged with an
result when employing a Counter or enemy you may change your position to
Interrupt power with a shield, but if you another space adjacent that enemy as a
do, your action deals 0 damage. free action.

Knights begin the game with the one suit of armour and one two-handed weapon or a one-
handed weapon and a shield.


Type One-Handed Type Two-Handed
Melee Melee
Reach 1 Reach 1
Range 0 Range 0
Damage 1 Damage 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Type Two-Handed Type One-Handed
Melee Melee
Reach 2 Initiative 0
Range 0 Resistance 1
Damage 1


Initiative 0 Initiative -1
Resistance 1 Resistance 2

Sample Character: Martin’s Ipotane Knight

Martin, the Ipotane Knight, wants his character to be

powerful defender, capable of going toe to toe with
the most fearsome of foes.

He selects the Blocker archetype, and adds the

Armoured Challenge power to his sheet. The Blocker
Archetype is all about holding foes in place and
responding to their attacks, and because Martin
plans to be on the defensive, he takes Overwhelming
Gauntlet and Righteous Saviour as the first two class

Assuming that he’ll be suffering from the attacks of a

great many foes, he picks the Plate Perseveres
counter power, which will help him maintain his
armour’s Resistance during a fight.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Oracles are leaders, natural champions who exhort their comrades to greatness. Oracles are
capable of wearing the same heavy armour as Knights, and their skill in light weapons is
legendary. Beyond her considerable fighting prowess, this leader has many actions that can
heal comrades or otherwise assist them in battle.
The Oracle is a fierce, inspiring leader who motivates, exhorts, and pushes companions to
greatness. The Oracle’s class feature allows companions to heal with every power she uses, and
her attacks convey additional means of bolstering allies.
Oracles are at their most effective when they are fighting in close proximity to allies, where
their powers can boost their comrade’s effectiveness.

Why Play an Oracle?

The Oracle provides players with a champion, a warrior and a healer. The Oracle is capable of
standing toe to toe with her foes on the front line, fighting against foes while also ensuring that
their brethren do not fall on the field of battle. Moreover, the Oracle is a veritable toolkit on
the battlefield, capable of enhancing the abilities of her companions while she makes attacks.

Oracles have 10 HP.

Class feature
When using an Oracle Power, one adjacent ally may increase his or her Resistance by 1 per
Oracle tier, up to their armour’s maximum.

The Oracle has two archetypes, Healer and Inspiration. The Healer specializes in restoring the
health and fighting spirit of companions. The Inspiration focuses on motivating allies to
perform great deeds on the battlefield.

When beginning play, select either the Inspiration or Healer archetype, and add the
corresponding default combat power to your character sheet. When you reach the third
milestone of the Adventurer Tier, you will gain the Signature power of your archetype.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Inspiration Healer
Archetype Archetype
Default Default
Range Melee, Zone 2 Range Melee, Zone 2
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
A single ally may immediately move Immediate: One ally may transfer
3 spaces. 1HP per Tier from his or her
Tags Reserve.


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Inspiration Healer
Archetype Archetype
Signature Signature
Range Melee, Zone 2 Range Melee, Zone 3
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 0
Effect Effect
All allies within the Zone gain All allies in Zone may immediately
Advantage on their next turn. transfer up to 5 hit points from
Tags their Reserve.
Stackable Tags

As an Oracle, your class has access to the following powers. When creating a character, select
three combat powers (from either archetype) from the following list. You also automatically
gain the non-combat power.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Attack
Archetype Inspiration Archetype Inspiration
Range Melee Range Melee, Zone 3
Force Score +1 Force Score +1
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
A single ally gains Advantage on A single ally may immediately move
their next turn. 1 space, bringing with them one
Tags adjacent enemy.


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Inspiration Archetype Inspiration
Range Melee, Zone 5 Range Melee, Zone 5
Force Score +3 Force Score +3
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
A single ally gains Knockback 1 on If you win this engagement, an ally
their next Combat Power. in the Zone gains Advantage on
Tags their next turn.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Inspiration Archetype Healer
Range Melee, Zone 3 Range Melee, Zone 3
Force Score +2 Force Score +2
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
If you win this engagement, an ally One ally in the zone may gain 2
in the Zone gains an Edge until the points in Resistance if they defeat
end of this round. an enemy this round.
Tags Tags


Adventurer Tier Combat Attack Adventurer Tier Combat Counter
Archetype Healer Archetype Healer
Range Melee, Zone 5 Range Melee, Zone 3
Force Score +1 Force Score +3
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
Two allies no more than one space One ally in the zone may transfer
distant may switch positions up to 4 points from Reserve to the
without triggering Reprisal. HP of an adjacent ally.
Tags Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier Combat Counter Adventurer Tier Combat Interrupt
Archetype Healer Archetype Healer
Range Melee, Zone 3 Range Melee, Zone 5
Force Score +3 Force Score +2
Damage 1W Damage 1W
Effect Effect
One ally in the zone may transfer One ally in the zone may swap HP
up to 5 points from Reserve to HP. and Reserve. Any excess in either
Tags category are lost.


Adventurer Tier Skill counter
Force Score +2
Skill Potency 1S
If this skill contest is Social, you
have an Edge.

Oracles begin play with one of the following competencies:


Basic Competency – Light Melee Weapon Basic Competency – Heavy Armour
If you haven’t attacked an adversary to All forced movement effects imposed on
which you are adjacent, you do not suffer a you are reduced to 0 unless you choose
reprisal from them while moving away. otherwise.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Basic Competency – Shield Basic Competency – Light Armour
Roll a second Tier Dice. You may use this Once per round, while engaged with an
result when employing a Counter or enemy you may change your position to
Interrupt power with a shield, but if you another space adjacent that enemy as a
do, your action deals 0 damage. free action.

Oracles begin the game with a light melee weapon, shield, and either light or heavy armour.


Type One-Handed Type One-Handed
Melee Melee
Reach 1 Initiative 0
Range 0 Resistance 1
Damage 1


Initiative 0 Initiative -1
Resistance 1 Resistance 2

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Sample Character: Pam’s Echthroi Oracle

Pam, the Echthroi Oracle, wants her character to be

a brilliant strategist who leads her comrades from
the front lines of every battle.

She selects the Inspiration archetype, and adds the

Draw the Line Here power to her sheet. Wanting her
party to be effective, she selects two powers that
boost the Tier Die rolls of her allies, Onward, Heroes
and By My Example.

For her final power, she selects Suffer the Victorious,

an in-combat heal power that will allow her and her
allies to sustain the fight against dangerous foes.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Finishing Touches
With the mechanical choices that make up your character selected, it’s time to apply the
finishing touches!

Roll Bonus
When you begin play, you have a Roll Bonus of +2. Add this bonus to every roll of the Tier Dice you
make, unless instructed otherwise by the Game Master.

Hard and Easy Saves

Your character has two saves, a hard save and an easy save. Your easy save is 2d6 + Roll Bonus,
and your hard save is 2d6 + 0.

Your initiative modifier is the same as your Roll Bonus, plus any modifier provided by your class,
background, and equipment (heavier armour will slow you down). When you begin combat, you
will roll your Tier Dice and add your initiative modifier. The combatant with the highest
initiative acts first in each combat round, and the order of play continues from there in
descending order.

You possess Influences, which can be used to help you succeed in non-combat challenges.
Influences represent the people that you know, the knowledge that you've acquired, and the
possessions you own that can help with a challenge. Unlike the powers your character has,
when you use an Influence, it is expended rather than exhausted; you will not regain it. Through
the course of your travels, you will be rewarded with additional Influences.

Calculate Reserve
Now that you’ve added your chosen HP to your character, don’t forget to calculate your reserve
health (which is your character’s health multiplied by 0.75).

Virtues and Flaws

Choose three virtues and three flaws for your character; add them to the Virtues and Flaws
section of your character sheet. When your GM believes that you’ve done a good job of

Finishing Touches
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

roleplaying that aspect of your character, you will add to either the Virtue Track or Flaw Track,
as appropriate. When both tracks are full, clear them and add one to your Refresh Pool.

Sample Virtues Sample Flaws

Always a fair deal, Never leave a man behind, Cold and Brooding, Short Fuse, Suspicious,
Protector of the downtrodden, Determined Overconfident, Slow of action, Slow of
and professional, Humble, Kind, Charitable, thought, Quick to judge, Acquisitive, Sucker
Tithing for a pretty face

Refresh Pool
Every character has a Refresh pool; it begins at 0. At the beginning of each combat round, you
may spend an available point from the Refresh Pool to refresh an additional specific power in
addition to the randomly refreshed power you receive automatically.

Finishing Touches
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide



Initiative Penalty
All armour slows you down, imposing a penalty to your whatever powers you exhaust for your
initiative stack while it is equipped.

Resistance indicates the number of points of damage that your equipped armour can prevent
over the course of a combat. Each time you cancel a point of damage, your armour’s resistance
is decreased by one.
At the end of a fight, your armour’s resistance is reset to its original value.


Initiative 0 Initiative -1
Resistance 1 Resistance 2

Type One-Handed
Initiative 0
Resistance 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide



Type Social Type Physical
Circumstance Nobility Circumstance Slums
Skill Potency 1 Skill Potency 1


Type Knowledge Type Social
Circumstance The Deep Wood Circumstance Refuge Villages
Skill Potency 1 Skill Potency 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Type Two-Handed Type Two-Handed
Melee Ranged
Reach 1 Reach -
Range 0 Range 10
Damage 1 Damage 2


Type One-Handed Type One-Handed
Melee Melee
Reach 1 Reach 1
Range 0 Range 0
Damage 1 Damage 1


Type One-Handed Type Two-Handed
Ranged Melee
Reach - Reach 2
Range 5 Range 0
Damage 1 Damage 1

Type One-Handed
Reach -
Range 10
Damage 1

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Adventurer Tier


Basic Competency – Heavy Missile Basic Competency – Polearm
Weapon Any enemy attempting to enter your
You may fire a heavy missile weapon from threatened range must make a hard save.
the prone position without penalty. On failure, their movement is halted. On
success, they may continue their move in
exchange for suffering 1 HP worth of


Basic Competency – Light Melee Weapon Basic Competency – Heavy Melee
If you haven’t attacked an adversary to Weapon
which you are adjacent, you do not suffer a Whenever you do damage to an enemy,
reprisal from them while moving away. you may additionally reduce that enemy's
Resistance by 1.

Basic Competency – Shield Basic Competency – Heavy Armour
Roll a second Tier Dice. You may use this All forced movement effects imposed on
result when employing a Counter or you are reduced to 0 unless you choose
Interrupt power with a shield, but if you otherwise.
do, your action deals 0 damage.


Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Basic Competency – Light Missile Weapons Basic Competency – Talisman

Ranged attacks you make while using a You may count any adjacent space as the
Light Missile Weapon, you can benefit originating space for your attacks.
from Flanking even if you’re not adjacent
to the target.


Basic Competency – Light Armour
Once per round, while engaged with an
enemy you may change your position to
another space adjacent that enemy as a
free action.

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

The GM will let you know when you’ve reached a milestone, an important step in the
progression of any hero. When you reach a milestone, your character gains additional features,
as detailed in the following charts. Note that you gain from both charts, so a hero reaching
Milestone 2 gains both an additional competency and an additional class combat power.

You may choose any competency you wish, whether or not it appears in the list of
competencies for your class.

Adventurer Tier

Competencies and Health

Tier HP Reserve Competencies Species Powers
Adventurer 1x 0.75x 1 1
Milestone 1
Milestone 2 +1
Milestone 3

Class Non-
Background Non- Background Combat Class Combat
Tier Combat Powers Combat Powers Powers Powers
Default +3
2 1
Adventurer 1 Additional
Milestone 1 +1
Milestone 2 +1
Milestone 3 +Signature

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Non-Combat Challenges

Order of Play
1. GM determines challenge type
2. Initial Phase
a. If challenge duration is exceeded, player loses
b. If in the second round or later, refresh one power per tier
3. All sides roll Tier Dice
4. Non-combat exchange
a. Side One initiates the challenge with an Obstacle of Skill Power
b. Side Two selects, exhausts power in response
c. Side One responds & exhausts counter, if desired
5. If player has highest Force Score, the challenge suffers damage equal to the Skill Potency
of the last power used
6. If the challenge’s health is reduced to zero, player wins
7. Consolidation Phase
a. Increment round
b. Return to Step two, reversing order so Side Two initiates

Influences are used to modify outcomes in a non-combat challenge. There are three different
types, each representing a different resource to which the hero has access. When an influence
is used in a non-combat challenge, it is expended. Their use is optional; you’re never required
to use an influence, but you can use one whenever you need a boost in a non-combat

Inventory influences represent the possessions and equipment that a hero can use to assist in
accomplishing a task.
Whenever an inventory influence is used, the Obstacle Score is reduced by 1.

Research influences represent the specialized knowledge a hero possesses that can overcome
an obstacle.
Whenever a research influence is used, the player may swap one die of the Tier Dice for one of
the GM’s dice.

Non-Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Contact influences represent the people your hero knows who are able to help in a situation.
Whenever a contact influence is used, the GM plays a new Obstacle power.

Non-Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Combat Challenges
Order of Play
Combat Challenge
1. Determine surprise
2. Determine initiative
3. Set Desperation
4. Combat rounds:
a. Adversary morale test
b. Resolve saving throws
c. Roll Tier Dice to determine modifier
d. Combatants refresh combat powers
e. In initiative order, combatants may take up to two standard actions.
f. Grow Desperation

An engagement occurs when a combat power is used.

1. The attacking combatant opens with an Attack power

a. The defending combatant may choose to use an eligible power, so long as its total Force
Score meets or exceeds that of the attacker.
b. The attacking combatant may choose to use an eligible power, so long as its total Force
Score meets or exceeds that of the defender.
c. The defending combatant may elect to return to step A
2. The damage and effect of the combat power with the highest Force Score is applied to the
opponent. In the event of a tie, both combat powers are applied to their targets.
3. All powers used in the engagement are exhausted.

The Combat Challenge

Determine Surprise
Determining surprise is straightforward; if the players or their adversaries are attempting an ambush or
employing stealth, run a non-combat challenge for the players: if they are successful, they’ve either
detected the ambush in advance, or have successfully surprised their enemies. All combatants on a side
that have been surprised suffer from the Surprised condition, which lasts until the end of the first round
of fighting.

Determine Initiative
Each adversary the players face has an initiative modifier: arranging these from lowest (typically minion
opponents) to highest (fast, mobile enemies) before the fight provides you with the Initiative Stack.

To determine when they go in each combat round, the heroes first decide amongst themselves the
order in which they would like to act. Once they have determined their order, the heroes as a group

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

exhaust as many combat powers as they want, totalling the Force Score of the powers they have bid to
form an Initiative Stack of their own.

The order in combat is determined by comparing the values of the competing stacks. The side with the
highest-valued stack goes first, the largest value is removed from the stack, and then another
comparison is made, and so on. Once determined, initiative order does not shift for the remainder of
the combat.

In the event of a tie, place the player in the initiative order ahead of the adversary, and remove the
rightmost value from each stack.

Players begin the first round of combat with all powers chosen for the purposes of determining initiative
order exhausted.

1. Sue the Rogue
2. Bill the Knight
3. Martin the Hedge Wizard
4. Pam the Oracle

1: A Right 2: Arrogant Strike 4: Draw Them In 6: You Must 9: Powers

Cudgeling (+1) (+1) (+2) Prevail (+2) Preserve Me (+3)

1. Sargent
2. Knife
3. Marauder
4. Hatchet
5. Hatchet

0: Hatchet 0: Hatchet 2: Marauder 4: Knife 8: Sargent

(+0 init) (+0 init) (+2 init) (+2 init) (+4 init)

In the above Stack, the heroes have committed to winning the initiative, and have exhausted five
powers to try and make sure they go first. In the first comparison, their stack has highest total value (9
vs. 8), and Sue acts first. The heroes remove the rightmost value from their stack, and another
comparison is made. This time, the adversary stack is largest (6 vs. 8), and so the Sargent is placed next
in initiative order. The adversary stack is reduced, and another comparison is made, identifying Bill as
the next to go (6 vs. 4). The comparisons continue in this manner until the order of one side is full
determined. At that point, the remainder of the other side is appended to the initiative order.

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Set Desperation
Desperation begins every combat at Composed (+1). At the end of each combat round, Desperation
climbs one rank, until it reaches Frantic (+4).

Composed (+1) Anxious (+2) Panicked (+3) Frantic (+4)

Add Desperation to your rolls whenever you have Edge, and subtract Desperation from your rolls
whenever you lose Edge. Your Adversaries don’t follow the same rules: Desperation will modify their
combat powers, adding damage and changing effects.

You can track Desperation with counters, chips, or a die. Make sure it’s somewhere everyone can see it.

The Combat Round

Morale Test
Morale in combat exists to give the heroes an alternative to having to defeat every adversary, which can
serve to delay fights after the outcome has become a foregone conclusion. Morale tests do not apply to
heroes, though they should be applied to any hired help the heroes have retained.

Adversaries make their morale check as they would an easy save (which will be noted in their stat block),
unless otherwise noted (they must roll higher than 10 to remain fighting). Subtract the current
Desperation from the morale roll. When conducting a morale check, it’s okay to group adversaries by
type and do one test per group.

A morale test should be made when the total number of adversaries drops below 50% (note that
calculation this does not include minions: a combat against four minions and four standard adversaries
only calls for a morale check when two of the standard foes have been defeated: it doesn’t matter how
many of the minions are alive).

Following the first morale test, additional tests should occur in every round that follows the elimination
of another adversary, and don’t occur in combat rounds where a new adversary is not defeated.

Resolve Saving Throws

Saving throws are how combatants shake off debilitating status effects that have been inflicted upon
them by their foes. Following the morale check phase, every combatant suffering from an afflicting or
status effect can make a saving throw roll. If the combatant’s roll exceeds the target (which is always 10
in the Adventurer tier), the effect is removed.

Tier Save Type Calculation Target

Adventurer Hard Save Tier Dice + 0 10
Easy Save Tier Dice + Roll Bonus 10

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Rolling the Tier Dice

In combat, the Tier Dice is only rolled once per round (though this roll is distinct from morale tests and
saving throws). Everyone, heroes and adversaries alike, all roll the Tier Dice at the same time. This result
is kept until the beginning of the next round; don’t roll the Tier Dice for each new engagement a hero

When a new round begins, all Tier Dice – regular, as well as those with Advantage and Disadvantage, are

Combatants Refresh Combat Powers

At the beginning of each round, players refresh combat powers, which is how they regain the use of
exhausted abilities. Any power with the ‘Renew’ keyword automatically refreshes, and players may
refresh up to one action per Tier, selected randomly (i.e. an Adventurer Tier hero refreshes just one

Players may spend points from their Refresh Pool to refresh specific powers in addition to their
randomly selected power. This occurs after the random refresh.

GM-controlled adversaries automatically refresh all of their powers, unless a power explicitly notes
otherwise (yes, this means that all the baddies begin each round fully combat capable).

Taking Actions
Actions are the units of time that each player has to act within a combat round; each player and each
adversary receives two standard actions. These standard actions cannot be saved between rounds.
While a combatant doesn’t need to take both actions, any action not used is wasted.

Free actions exist in addition to standard actions; free actions are quick, easy things that require minimal

Combat Action Types

Standard Actions Free Actions
• Engage an adversary • Speaking to comrade
• Move up to the combatant’s speed • Open or close a door
• Refresh an exhausted power • Switch between carried weapons
• Switch order in Initiative Stack with an

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Grow Desperation
Desperation climbs after every combatant has taken their turn. Increment it by one, up to a maximum of
Frantic (+4).

Engagements are the mechanism through which combatants are able to damage each other. To initiate
an engagement, a combatant uses an attack power against a valid target. The attacker combines this
round’s Tier Dice roll, the power’s Score, and their Roll Bonus to determine their total Force Score.

The target of their aggression may then respond by making use of a counter or an interrupt, so long as
their Force Score meets or exceeds the initial attack. If the defender employs a counter power, the
attacker may react using an interrupt, following the same rules as before. If the defender makes use of
an interrupt, the engagement ends after that power.

When the last power in an engagement is used, the final Force Scores are compared. The combatant
with the highest Force Score inflicts both its damage and effect on the loser. In the event of a tie, both
combatants apply their powers respective damages and effects simultaneously.

Combat Power Interactions

Combat Power Type May be used against
Attack Initiates engagement. May not be played following any other power
Counter Attack powers
Interrupt Attack and Counter powers

Area of Effect
Some powers and other combat effects apply to an entire area rather than an individual combatant.
When this happens, the initiator proceeds as if there was only one engagement taking place, employing
the attack with the area of effect. All applicable combatants may then respond, playing a counter or
interrupt. When they completed their response, the initiator may then respond in turn.

Unlike regular engagements, where the combatant must exceed the defender’s Force Score, in this case,
the initiator may elect to use a counter or interrupt that meets or exceeds only a portion of the targets
in the area. If this occurs, the adversaries that have won inflict damage as per the rules for ranged
engagement, and the adversaries who did not beat the initiator suffer damage and effects as normal.

There are two shapes that an area of effect can take: a gout, and a zone. Area of effect powers may also
have a range. How these two properties interact is shown below.

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide


Area of Effect 1 - Gout 3, Range 0 Area of Effect 2 - Gout 4, Range 2


Area of Effect 3 - Zone 2, Range 0 Area of Effect 4 - Zone 1, Range 3

At its most basic, cover provides protection from the attacks of adversaries, preventing ranged foes from
engaging. To determine whether a target is in cover from a particular attacker, trace a line from any
corner of the square in which the attacker resides to the centre of the target’s square. If the path is
uninterrupted, the attack can be made, otherwise the target is protected any may not be attacked.

Attackers employing powers with an area of effect may still attack combatants behind cover so long as
there is a square outside of cover that will still include the targets inside the area of effect. Cover will
protect combatants if the originating square occurs on the opposite side.

Cover also protects against weapons with reach in the same manner.

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Determining Cover

Cover 1 - No Valid Path to Adversary Cover 2 - Valid Path to Adversary

Difficult Terrain
Most terrain in combat consumes one point of speed for every square traversed; a Speed of six means
that a hero may move six squares.

Difficult terrain, which can range from marshy ground to knee deep water to ground strewn with rubble
requires two points of Speed per square crossed.

Some difficult terrain will permit movement at full speed at a cost. Sharp caltrops may permit moving at
full speed at the price of suffering some damage.

If the angle of two combatants who are adjacent to the same adversary is more than 90 degrees, the
combatants are flanking the adversary, and both gain an Edge. If three or more combatants flank the
same adversary, all gain an Edge.

In the event that a player’s Tier Dice roll is maximum possible (e.g. 12 on 2d6), the player enters a Fury.
If the player wins an engagement using the aforementioned Tier Dice, he or she may exhaust an
additional combat power, adding its damage (but not effect). Fury persists for as long as the maximum is
rolled on a Tier Dice. A maximum achieved through Edge will still result in the character entering Fury.

Ranged Combat
If one combatant engages another at range, the engagement unfolds as normal, with the following

• The attacker must use ranged powers throughout the whole engagement; and
• The defender can use ranged or melee powers in response, but if a melee power is used, the
defender cannot do damage or apply any effects that target an adversary.

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Combat Adversary Non-Combat
Tier 2d6 Force Score: 0
Skill Health: 1
HP Initiative Resistance No effect
2 +1 1
Hard Save Easy Save Force Score 1
+0 +3 No effect

Merciless Stab Melee Attack Setback

Force Score 4 Force Score 4
Damage 1 On failure, lose one Influence of your
Inexhaustible choice

Duck and Weave Melee Counter

Force Score 6
Damage 1

Combat Challenges
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix A: Creating a Character

1. Pick Species
a. Add species power
2. Choose Background
a. Add background non-combat powers
b. Add background combat power
c. Add background repertoire
d. Add background influences
3. Choose Class
a. Add class default combat power
b. Select three additional combat powers (not including default powers or
adventurer signature powers)
c. Add class non-combat power
d. Select competency
e. Add class weapons and armour
4. Finishing Touches
a. Pick a name for your character
b. Calculate HP, Hard and Easy Save, Initiative modifier and Roll Bonus
c. Choose three virtues and three flaws to round out your character’s
d. Draw a picture of your character

Appendix A: Creating a Character

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix B: Conditions

Bleeding (x, default 1)

A character who is bleeding suffers X hit point of damage per round. Resistance does not prevent

The character is blinded and cannot see. Imposes disadvantage on all die checks.

Drain (x, default 1)

Drain reduces the target’s Roll Bonus by X points. Unless otherwise specified, the Roll bonus is degraded
until the next short or long rest.

The character is furious and can only use attack actions.

The character cannot utilize actions with forward momentum.

Cannot move, cannot use Heavy Missile Weapons. Must expend a Major Action to stand up. Melee
attackers gain Advantage against you, ranged attackers gain Disadvantage.

The character is staggered; all damage dealt by this character is 0 until the condition clears.

The character is surprised. Any Tier Dice has an automatic result of 0 until surprise clears (which occurs
at the end of the round). The character cannot utilize actions with a Force Score of less than 3/6/9,
representing the great effort required to overcome their shock. Surprised characters cannot use their
resistance to reduce damage.

The character’s Roll Bonus is halved. An adversary who is enfeebled has disadvantage on all checks.

The character’s Roll Bonus is halved. An adversary who is weakened has disadvantage on all checks.

The character’s Roll Bonus is halved. An adversary who is muted has disadvantage on all checks.

The character’s Roll Bonus is halved. An adversary who is dulled has disadvantage on all checks.

The character’s Roll Bonus is halved. An adversary who is stunned has disadvantage on all checks.

Appendix B: Conditions
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix B: Conditions
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix C: Movement Types

Knockback is involuntary movement; a combatant subject to knockback is immediately moved the
specified number of spaces away from the effect’s instigator. The instigator chooses the direction of

While leaping, a character is in the air, and avoids terrain and objects in the squares he or she is
traveling over (including enemies, traps, and difficult terrain).

Characters cannot leap in tightly constrained quarters, but this should not be a regular occurrence. (e.g.
leaping is generally possible indoors and inside dungeons).

A combatant may move a number of spaces up to its Speed value. The combatant enters and exits each
space on its path in order, and is subject to any effects that may exist or be triggered in that space. A
character may move in any direction (including diagonally), but may not move through solid objects.

Appendix C: Movement Types

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix D: Glossary

When rolling with advantage, increase the size of the die by one (i.e. d4 becomes d6, d10 becomes d12).

An adversary is an opponent in combat; the adversaries of characters are typically the foes controlled by
the GM, the adversaries of the GM are typically players.

Area of Effect, Gout (x)

This effect is a line of size 1 by X, originating from the initiator’s space. If a range is specified, the Gout
may be placed at a distance, so long as one end point is within the range. A Gout must be in a straight
line (either horizontal or vertical).

Area of Effect, Zone (x)

This effect is a square of size X by X. If a range is specified, the centre of the Zone may be up to that
many spaces away from the initiator.

Armour Piercing
Attacks with this keyword bypass an armour’s Resistance, inflicting damage directly to hit points.

Anyone engaged in a combat, friend, foe, or third party, is considered a combatant. Neutral observers
are not considered combatants.

Combat Power, Attack

Attacks are aggressive opening moves. They are used to start a combat engagement, and cannot be
played in response to any other combat power type.

Combat Power, Counter

Counters may only be used in response to attacks and other counters. A counterattack may only be
played on an attack or a counterattack of a lower tier than itself.

Combat Power, Interrupt

An Interrupt may be played on any type of attack from an adversary except another Interrupt of equal
or higher tier.

Combat Power, Move

A combat move allows a player to make a move (and in some cases, apply an effect). As with all move
actions, your may move up to your character’s speed.

A dead character cannot be healed or revived, may take no actions, and has no impact on the game.

Difficult Terrain
Moving through a square of difficult terrain requires two points of speed, reducing total movement for
the action by one point.

Appendix D: Glossary
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

When rolling with disadvantage, decrease the size of the die by one (i.e. d6 becomes d4, d12 becomes

An adversary that is downed is no longer in the fight, and is not capable of taking actions unilaterally.

A character who is dying is helpless. A dying character does not expire immediately, and may be revived
by another member of the party who is not helpless during a brief or long rest. A character who does
not receive attention at the first available opportunity will die.

Non-player characters typically do not target a dying character with attacks.

Two or more characters in a combat are considered to be engaged if they are within weapon reach of
each other, or are attacking each other with ranged weapons.

A power that has been exhausted cannot be used.

Free Action
A free action is an action in a combat or non-combat challenge that does not consume one of the
player’s two standard actions. Free actions are typically short and contained such as yelling to a
comrade or pushing open an unlocked door.

The character cannot perform any actions.

Hit Points
A pool representing an individual’s ability to carry on. When a player’s character is reduced to zero hit
points or below, the character is dying. When a non-player character is reduced to zero hit points, it is
downed and out of the fight. At the end of combat, players may decide whether downed enemies are
dead or merely unconscious.

Hit points may be restored during rest or with actions, spells, or items.

Powers with this tag can be used to respond to attacks made against other characters. To use this
feature, a character must be adjacent to the target of the attack.

Non-player character
Any entity in the game that is not controlled by a player.

Particular effects only affect one target of in the area of effect.

Appendix D: Glossary
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

The maximum distance at which a melee weapon can hit a target. When not specified, reach is a value
of one (adjacent squares only).

Combatants inflict an automatic [1W] of damage when an adversary they are engaged with uses a move
action that causes them to no longer be adjacent. Only one reprisal may be made per adversary per

A pool of reserve hit points that a character possesses. The reserve may be transferred to the
character’s hit points on a one for one basis during a brief rest.

The reserve is replenished during a long rest, and the size of the reserve is based on the character’s
maximum hit points and tier of the character.

Rest, Brief
At the end of a combat, the party make take a brief rest; this serves to refresh all of a character’s
actions, and is an opportunity to spend some of the reserve to heal.

A party that is not able to take a brief rest after combat will find their next encounter to be particularly
difficult; this is a challenge that should be used sparingly, if at all.

A brief rest is typically no more than 3-5 minutes. A party may take a brief rest in almost any
environment, so long as they are not threatened or otherwise in danger.

Rest, Long
A long rest is a significant affair, requiring that the party retire to the comfort of a safe locale and
recover from their encounters.

A long rest is typically 1-2 days long, and mandates a level exertion that is less than that required to

Upon completing a long rest, the party will be fully healed, and their reserves will be replenished.

The party should brave a reasonable number of combat encounters before being able to enjoy a long

A reasonable default is four encounters; if the party insists on taking a long rest before they have dealt
with all four, they suffer a negative consequence, and should the successfully triumph over five or more
encounters before halting, they earn a benefit.

Appendix D: Glossary
Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Appendix E: Power Tags

If the target of this attack does not respond with a counter or interrupt, you may inflict 1HP. If the target
does respond with an attack, this power is not exhausted.

The power effect is triggered immediately upon power use, whether or not it is the last power played in
an engagement and whether or not the combatant using the power has the highest Force Score.

An indiscriminate power affects all combatants in its area of effect, whether they are allies or

An inexhaustible power is not considered to be exhausted at the end of a combat action, and can be
played in the next action without needing to refresh it.

Particular effects only affect one target of in the area of effect.

A power that is exhausted is no longer exhausted.

A renewed power is not considered to be exhausted at the end of a combat round, and can be played in
the next round without needing to refresh it.

Selective effects affect only those in the area of effect that the combatant who employed the power
wishes to affect.

A stackable power’s effect is applied when the combatant that used it wins the engagement, whether or
not it was the power that won the engagement.

When used, this power is not resolved until an adversary moves through the area of effect specified by
its user. When that occurs, pause the adversary’s movement and resolve the ensuing engagement
immediately. When the engagement is resolved, the target may continue its move. Once a trap power is
resolved, it is exhausted and cannot affect another adversary.

A versatile power is one that can be used as an attack, a counter, or an interrupt in either combat or
non-combat challenges, according to its type. When used, they count as the lowest-possible power (i.e.
a versatile power played in response to an Attack is considered to be a Counter).

Appendix E: Power Tags

Let Thrones Beware: Player's Guide

Credits Lorc, Delapouite & contributors License CC BY 3.0


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