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[CANCER RESEARCH 52. 4183-4189, August 1.


Gene- and Strand-specific Damage and Repair in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Treated with 4-Nitroquinoline 1-Oxide
Elizabeth G. Snyderwine1 and Vilhelm A. Bohr
Laboratory of Experimental Carcinogenesis, Division of Cancer Etiology- [E. G. S.J, and Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology [V. A. B.], Division of Cancer
Treatment, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892

ABSTRACT much more efficient than repair in the flanking nontranscribed

regions or in the genome overall (1). The term "preferential
4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) is a model chemical carcinogen DNA repair" describes the observation that repair in transcrip
that has often been referred to as a UV mimetic agent. Previous studies
have indicated that UV-induced pyrimidine dimers are repaired prefer
tionally active gene regions is faster than repair in noncoding
entially and strand-specifically in actively transcribing genes. In the regions. In addition to the DHFR gene, preferential repair of
current study we have examined the gene-specific and strand-specific pyrimidine dimers occurs in other active genes of CHO cells (3)
repair of 4NQO in Chinese hamster ovary B-l 1 cells treated with 2.5 /u\i and in active genes of human (4) and mouse cells (5). Subse
4NQO. The methodology used for detecting adducts involved the treat quently it was determined that the repair of pyrimidine dimers
ment of DNA from 4NQO-exposed cells with uvrABC excinuclease, occurs in a strand-specific manner in active genes (6). It was
which incises DNA at adduct sites, followed by denaturing gel electro- shown that dimer repair in the transcribed strand of the DHFR
phoresis of DNA, Southern hybridization, and probing for the sequence gene is more efficient than repair in the nontranscribed strand,
of interest. We examined the active and inactive coding regions of the which is repaired at a rate comparable to that of nontranscribed
DHFR gene, the active adenine phosphoribosyltransferase gene, rela genes (6). This finding suggests that the DNA repair mecha
tively inactive c-fos oncogene, and the mitochondria! genome for 4NQO
nism might be associated with the transcriptional complex.
adducts. Initial 4NQO adduct levels found in these genes varied from
1.10 to 1.52 adducts/10 kilobases. Little difference in repair was found
A number of compounds, including chemotherapeutic agents
between active coding and inactive regions of the DHFR gene, or be and chemical carcinogens, have recently been examined for
tween DHFR, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, and c-fos genes, DNA damage and repair in specific genes (7-12). From these
which are transcribed at different levels. Approximately 71% of 4NQO studies it appears that the phenomenon of preferential repair
adducts were repaired within 24 h in all gene sequences examined. depends on the damaging agent. 4NQO is a model chemical
During this same time period, approximately 51% of adducts were re carcinogen which has been extensively studied with respect to
paired from the genome overall, as determined by comparing the re carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, DNA adduct formation, and
moval of bound radiolabeled 4NQO to total DNA. The results indicate DNA repair (13,14). Upon metabolic activation in cells, 4NQO
that 4NQO adducts, unlike UV light-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine
forms adducts in DNA primarily at guanine bases and to a
dimers (UV dimers), are not preferentially repaired in transcriptionally
lesser extent at adenine bases (14, 15). Three primary adducts
active genes. However, there may be regions of the genome that are not have been identified: 3-(/V2-guanyl)-4-aminoquinoline 1-oxide,
repaired with the same efficiency as the specific genes examined here. In A^-(guan-8-yl)-4-aminoquinoline 1-oxide, and 3-(/V6-adenyl)-4-
addition, little to no difference was observed in the repair of 4NQO
adducts in the transcribed and nontranscribed strands of the DHFR aminoquinoline 1-oxide, comprising 50%, 30%, and 10%, re
gene, a finding which is also in contrast to results with UV dimers. spectively, of total adducts. 4NQO behaves very similarly to UV
Interestingly, 4NQO adducts, unlike UV dimers, were removed from the light in several repair systems and has often been referred to as
mitochondrial genome, suggesting that repair of select lesions occurs in a UV mimetic agent (16, 17). Both bulky 4NQO adducts and
this organelle. Thus, there appear to be some differences in the repair UV light-induced pyrimidine dimers are repaired by nucleotide
pathways operating for 4NQO adducts and UV dimers, particularly excision repair pathways (18). The UV light mimicry of 4NQO
with respect to gene- and strand-specific DNA repair. has been seen in the sensitivity of Escherichia coli uvrA- and
uvrB- strains (16, 17) and in the sensitivity of various comple
INTRODUCTION mentation groups of xeroderma pigmentosum cells (19). In
addition, the DNA repair patterns of some xeroderma pigmen
DNA repair plays an important role in ensuring proper cell tosum cell lines have been shown to be similar for UV dimers
replication and preventing mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, or cell and 4NQO (20-22), and the excision repair of both UV light-
death after DNA damage. This damage can result from expo and 4NQO-damaged DNA shows a lack of involvement of poly-
sure to a myriad of physical and chemical agents. One recent (ADP-ribosyl)ation (23).
advance in the field of DNA repair is the ability to examine In E. coli, 4NQO adducts are repaired by uvrABC excinu
DNA damage and repair at the gene level. The first studies on clease, an enzyme complex which catalyzes the incision step
gene-specific repair were carried out measuring UV light-in
during nucleotide excision repair of U V dimers and many other
duced pyrimidine dimers (1, 2). It was shown that the repair of bulky DNA lesions (18). In vitro studies using purified uvrABC
pyrimidine dimers in the active DHFR2 gene of CHO cells was excinuclease have clearly established that the N2- and C8-gua-
nine base adducts of 4NQO are substrates for this enzyme (24).
Received 1/21/92; accepted 5/27/92. Recently, Thomas et al. (25) demonstrated that 4NQO adducts
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of generated in vitro in naked DNA can be quantified at the gene
page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accord
ance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
level. Their methodology involves the treatment of 4NQO-
1 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Laboratory of Experi modified DNA with purified uvrABC excinuclease followed by
mental Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, Building 37, Room 3C28, NIH,
Bethesda, M D 20892.
denaturing gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting, and hybrid
2 The abbreviations used are: CHO-B11, Chinese hamster ovary B-l 1 cell line; ization with specific probes. In our study this methodology was
4NQO, 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide; UV dimers, UV light-induced cyclobutane pyri used to examine 4NQO adduct formation and repair in genes in
midine dimers; DHFR, dihydrofolate reducÃ-ase;APRT, adenine phosphoribosyl
transferase; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; TE, 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, l min EOT A; vivo in cultured mammalian cells. The formation and repair of
DMS, dimethyl sulfate. 4NQO adducts were examined in several different gene regions

of CHO-B11 cells that were of particular interest with respect DNA in 22 n\ buffer (50 HIMTris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10 HIMKC1, 10 HIM
to the link between transcriptional activity and repair and with MgCl2, 5 imi dithiothreitol, 2 HIMATP), and incubated for 15 min at
37°C.Control samples were also run under identical conditions, except
respect to possible target genes in carcinogenesis. We were also
interested in studying 4NQO adduct repair in light of similar that no uvrABC was added. The reaction was terminated by the addi
ities to UV dimer repair. The CHO-B11 cell line was chosen tion of 2 M!of a proteinase K-SDS solution (20 ng proteinase K, 5%
SDS) followed by incubation for l h at 37°C.The sample was then
because gene-specific and strand-specific repair of pyrimidine
dialyzed against TE buffer using a microdialyzer (Pierce, Rockford, IL).
dimers has been well characterized in these cells (1,2, 6). The
The entire sample was then loaded onto a gel and electrophoresed as
genes examined in the current study are the active and inactive
described below.
regions of the DHFR gene locus, the relatively inactive c-fos
Conditions Used for Nonamplified Sequences. The reaction condi
gene, the active APRT gene, and the mitochondria! genome. tions were identical to those described above, except that the entire
The repair of 4NQO adducts in the transcribed and nontran- reaction was scaled up 10-fold such that 10 Mgof DNA were treated
scribed strands of the active coding region of the DHFR gene with 18.4 »ig of each uvr subunit. Following termination of the reaction
was also examined. Another measure of preferential repair is by incubation with 20 p\ proteinase K-SDS solution, DNA was ex
whether the active gene region is repaired more efficiently than tracted once with phenol, followed by phenohsevag (1:1) and then
the overall genome, such as is the case for pyrimidine dimers in sevag. DNA was precipitated with 2 volumes of ethanol after the addi
these cells (1, 2). Thus in addition to gene-specific and strand- tion of ammonium acetate and washed with 70% ethanol. DNA was
specific repair, we also measured the overall genome repair of dried to just dampness and redissolved in 55 n\ of TE. The concentra
4NQO adducts in CHO-B11 cells. tion of DNA was determined spectrophotometrically (in triplicate in
2.5 ii\ of sample), and 4-^g portions of DNA (adjusted to 45 n\ with TE)
were used for gel electrophoresis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Gel Electrophoresis, Southern Transfer, and Hybridization Condi
Chemicals tions. Alkaline gel electrophoresis, followed by Southern transfer to
Sure Blot nylon support membrane (Oncor, Gaithersburg), and hybrid
4NQO, thymidine, and methotrexate [(+)-amcthopterin) were pur ization with labeled probes were carried out essentially as described
chased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). pH]4NQO (ring-labeled; 1.9 Ci/ previously (9, 26).
minoli was purchased from the National Cancer Institute Chemical DNA Probes and Washing Conditions. DNA probes for the 5'
Repository. [3H]Thymidine was obtained from NEN-Dupont (Wil DHFR gene, 3'DHFR gene, and downstream regions have been de
mington, DE). Ham's F-12 medium and dialyzed fetal bovine serum
scribed previously (2). Fig. 1 shows the DHFR gene regions probed by
were obtained from Gibco (Grand Island, NY). Purified uvrABC en pMB5 (Fig. 1/1), pB13-7 (Fig. IB), and cs-14 (Fig. 1C) (subcloned to
zyme subunits were provided by A. Sanear (University of North Caro ni ¡mini/orepetitive sequences). The cs-14 region is not transcribed, as
lina). determined by Northern assay.' The c-fos probe (5-kilobase genomic
Hind\ll-BamHl mouse insert) was obtained from Lofstrand (Gaithers
Cell Cultures
burg, MD). In the Apnl-restricted hamster genome, c-fos probes for a
CHO-B11 cells carrying the amplified DHFR gene were grown in 17-kilobase region which spans over the 3.5-kilobase reading frame of
Ham's F-12 medium without glycine, hypoxanthine, or thymidine and the gene (9). APRT probe was provided by R. Nairn (University of
supplemented with 10% dialyzed fetal bovine serum, penicillin-strep Texas). This is a 3.9-kilobase ßamHIfragment genomic probe which
tomycin, and 500 n\i methotrexate (26). For studies of repair in specific spans over the 2.2-kilobase gene (9). This probe detects a 10-kilobase
DNA sequences, cells were prelabeled with [3H]thymidine and subcul- Kpn\ fragment that encompasses the total reading frame of the gene.
tured into normal media without methotrexate (2.5 x 10* cells/10-cm The probe used in hybridizations with mitochrondrial DNA was pro
dish) 1 day prior to carcinogen treatment. vided by S. Le Doux (University of South Alabama) and consists of the
entire 16-kilobase mouse mitochondria! genome inserted at the .Sari
Carcinogen Treatment site of plasmici pSP64. This probe recognizes a 16-kilobase Kpn\ frag
4NQO (dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide) was added to the medium, ment in the mitochondria! DNA of hamsters. The DHFR probes,
and the cells were incubated for l h at 37°C.The medium was removed, APRT, and c-fos were labeled by the random priming method, and the
and the cells were washed twice with warm (37°C)media followed by mitochondria! probe was labeled by nick translation. Membranes were
two washes with warm phosphate-buffered saline. Cells used for the hybridized with approximately IO7 counts/bag. After hybridization
determination of initial adduct levels were lysed immediately with lysis membranes were washed as described (9, 26).
solution (10 imi Tris, 1 HIMEDTA, 0.5% SDS, and l mg/ml proteinase RNA Probes. The riboprobe constructs have been described in detail
K). Cells used for repair analysis were reincubated with medium sup elsewhere and will be just briefly described here.4 Plasmid pZ3d8 was
plemented with bromodeoxyuridine:fluorodeoxyuridine (10~5 ,\i:10~6 constructed by R. Nairn (University of Texas) from the pGem vector. It
M). Following repair, cells were washed twice with phosphate-buffered contains a 2.5-kilobase fragment of the hamster DHFR genomic se
saline and lysed. quences from the active coding region of the gene at the Aval site. The
plasmid pZ3d8 was digested with restriction enzymes //«ml11and Kpnl
Purification of Parental DNA and Restriction to generate templates for strand-specific riboprobes. Reactions contain
ing either T7 or SP6 RNA polymerase produce the transcribed or
DNA purification and restriction have been described in detail pre nontranscribed strand probes, respectively. ["P]CTP labeling of the
viously (26) and will be only briefly described here. Following incuba
probes was carried out using Boehringer Mannheim (Indianapolis, IN)
tion with proteinase K, DNA was purified by phenohchloroform ex
SP6/T7 transcription kit reagents and protocols. The membranes were
traction and treated with RNase A. DNA was subsequently restricted
with Kpnl, and the parental DNA was purified by CsCl gradient frac- prehybridized, hybridized, and washed as previously described (26).
tionation. Parental DNA was used for all repair measurements. This After autoradiography, the resulting bands were analyzed as described
for double-stranded probing.
was necessary because replicated DNA would be incorrectly assayed as
repaired under the conditions of our assay.

uvrABC Exinuclease Treatment ' K. Wassermann and V. A. Bohr, unpublished observations.

4 A. May, R. Nairn, D. Okumoto, K. Wassermann, T. Stevnsner, J. Jones, and
Conditions Used for Amplified Sequences. uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC V. A. Bohr, Repair of individual DNA strands in the hamster DHFR gene after
protein subunits (1.84 ^g each) were mixed on wet ice, added to 1 fig treatment with UV, alkylating agents, and cisplatin. submitted for publication.


4NQO Adduct Levels and Repair in the Overall Genome. In
order to establish that uvrABC was recognizing and incising
Kpnl 4NQO adducts in the DNA of CHO cells, uvrABC excinuclease
incision of DNA from 4NQO-treated cells was first measured
1 _L J L L
in the overall genome. Using alkaline sucrose gradient analysis,
-60 -50-40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 kb we observed that treatment of DNA isolated from 4NQO-ex-
Fig. 1. Map of the DHFR gene locus. Bold line, position of the gene; vertical posed cells with uvrABC caused incisions in DNA which were
lines, Kpn\ restriction sites. Locations of the probes: A, p\iB5: B, pbl3-7; C detected as a decrease in the average molecular weight of single-
stranded DNA (Fig. 2). The molecular weight average of DNA
from unexposed cells treated with uvrABC or of DNA from
exposed cells not treated with uvrABC was 20.6 X IO6. In DNA
Quantitation of Adduci Levels in Specific Genes. After washing the from 4NQO-exposed cells treated with uvrABC, the molecular
membranes, band intensities were quantified using a Shimadzu dual- weight declined to 12.6 x IO6 and 0.54 x IO6 at 2.5 and 25 MM
wavelength thin-layer chromatoscanner model CS-930. Each mem
4NQO, respectively. We calculated that at 2.5 MM4NQO there
brane was deprobed and reprobed to examine the repair in a number of were 3.1 enzyme-sensitive sites/108 daltons of DNA or 0.2
different sequences. Calculations of adduci levels in specific genes were adducts/10-kilobase single-stranded DNA (assuming a 50%
carried out as described using ///mflll-restricted pBR322 as an internal
cutting efficiency of uvrABC). At 25 MM4NQO, there were 180
standard to control for DNA quantitation in individual samples (1, 26). enzyme-sensitive sites/IO8 daltons of DNA or 12 adducts/10-
The average number of adducts per fragment (adduci frequency) was
kilobase single-stranded DNA.
calculated from the zero class measurements by the Poisson expression
(average number of adducts/fragment = —¿Inof the zero class fre Analysis of cesium chloride gradients of DNA from untreated
quency) and assuming a 50% incision efficiency of uvrABC (24). cells and cells treated with 2.5 MM4NQO indicated that a 15%
reduction in DNA replication occurred over a 24-h period in
Assays for Measuring 4NQO Adduct Level and Repair in the Overall cells exposed to 2.5 MM4NQO, suggesting that this concentra
Genome tion of 4NQO was minimally toxic to the cells. The repair of
4NQO adducts in the overall genome was determined for com
Binding to DNA. CHO-B1 1 cells (not prelabeled) were parison with the gene-specific repair by measuring the removal
plated at a density of 2.5 x IO6 cells/ 10-cm dish 1 day prior to treat
of radiolabeled 4NQO from bulk DNA at different time inter
ment with pH]4NQO. Cells were treated as described above for unla- vals after exposure to 2.5 MM[3H]4NQO. Approximately 51%
beled 4NQO. Following treatment, cells were lysed immediately for the of 4NQO adducts found initially in DNA were removed 24 h
determination of initial adduct levels or allowed to repair in the pres
after treatment (Table 1). Repair synthesis, as measured by the
ence of bromodeoxyuridine:fluorodeoxyuridine prior to lysis. The DNA
repair replication assay, also showed a linear increase over the
was isolated by phenol extraction and treated with RNase A. The DNA 24-h period following exposure to 2.5 MM4NQO (data not
was then sheared through a 25-gauge needle (twice), and parental DNA
was isolated by CsCl gradient centrifugation. The parental DNA was
dialyzed against TE and precipitated. The DNA concentration was
determined spectrophotometrically, and the [3H]4NQO adduct concen 18
tration was determined by liquid scintillation using Aquassure (NEN-
Dupont) on a Beckman scintillation counter programmed for quench 16
Alkaline Sucrose Sedimentation Analysis following uvrABC Excinu-
clease Treatment. DNA (1 n%)isolated from pH]thymidine-prelabeled 14
CHO-B11 cells exposed to 4NQO was treated with uvrABC excinu-
clease exactly as described above under conditions used for amplified 12
sequences. The reaction was terminated by the addition of 2 ¿il0.5 M
EDTA. The entire reaction was loaded onto a 5-ml, 5-20% alkaline
sucrose gradient containing 0.3 NNaOH, 2 MNaCI, and 0.01 MEDTA. o
Centrifugation was carried out in a Beckman SW 50. 1 rotor at 30,000 CO

rpm for 6 h. The gradients were fractionated into scintillation vials, and =§ e
the fractions were counted for radioactivity. The average molecular CO
weight in excinuclease-treated or untreated DNA was calculated 6
through the use of a computer program provided by A. Van Zeeland
(University of Leiden). The enzyme sensitive sites were determined
from the molecular weight averages as described previously (27). Cal
culation of the adduct levels per 10-kilobase fragment was extrapolated
from the adduct level per unit of DNA assuming a molecular weight
average of 330/nucleotide base and a 50% cutting efficiency of the
uvrABC enzyme.
Repair Replication. The repair replication method was carried out as 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
described by Smith et al. (28). [32P]Orthophosphate-prelabeled CHO-
Bl 1 cells were treated with 2.5 MM4NQO and then allowed to repair in Relative Distance Sedimented
the presence of bromodeoxyuridine:fluorodeoxyuridine and pHjthymi- Fig. 2. Alkaline sucrose gradient analysis of DNA from untreated CHO cells
dine for 4, 8, and 24 h. The amount of tritium incorporated into 4NQO (•)and from cells treated with 2.5 MM(A) and 25 MM(O) 4NQO. All DNA samples
were treated with uvrABC excinuclease as described in "Materials and Methods"
repair patches in parental DNA was determined following alkaline prior to running the gradients. Arrow, sedimentation of a A DNA standard with a
rebanding (28). molecular weight of 1.5 x IO7.

Table l 4NQO adduci levels and removal in hulk DNA of CHO cells" ing in and around the DHFR gene, APRT gene, c-fos gene, and
|'H)4NQO mitochrondrial genome, 4NQO adducts were clearly detectable.
Time bound//ig
DNA*97 repaif17%23%51%
The adduct frequencies in different genes at different repair
±3180 times were quantitated from two or three biological experi
ments (Table 2). The initial adduct levels found in the genes
±6% were approximately 1.10-1.52 adducts/10 kilobases, and al
»CHO Bl1 cells were incubated with |-'H|4NQO (2.5 /IM)for l h at 3TC. Cells though there was some variation in initial adduct levels among
were lysed immediately (0 h, no repair) or lysed after being allowed to repair for the the genes examined, this difference did not appear to be signif
designated times in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine. DNA was isolated, and
parental DNA was purified by CsCI density centrifugation. The level of total ad- icant. In all regions examined a substantial repair of 4NQO
ducts was calculated from radioactivity bound per >igDNA. adducts was observed over a 24-h period (Fig. 5/1). While some
* Values are the mean ±SD of three experiments.
c The percentage repair was calculated for each experiment, and the value shown heterogeneity in the percentage of repair was observed among
is the mean of three experiments. the genes examined at 4 and 8 h, no correlation of repair with
transcriptional activity was apparent. By 24 h, little heteroge
neity in repair was observed among the different genes. In and
around the DHFR gene the percentage repair after 24 h was
approximately the same despite differences in the transcrip
HvrABC - +
" + - * ! Fragment Size tional activity of the different regions. The repair in the active
DHFR gene, 3'-DHFR region, and noncoding downstream re
gion was 70%, 77%, and 72%, respectively, after 24 h. In ad
A. 5' DHFR •¿Â»_••_ 14 kb
dition, repair levels in the active APRT gene and relatively
inactive c-fos gene were similar over the 24-h period. Approx
imately 65% and 71% of the initial 4NQO adducts were re
B. 3' DHPR 9 kb paired from the APRT and c-fos genes, respectively, during this
time. In the mitochondrial DNA, the rate of 4NQO adduct
removal during the first 8 h appeared to be slightly higher than
C. 3' Dwnstrm •¿Â» —¿ 14 kb that observed in nuclear genes. By 24 h, 70% of the initial
adduct levels were removed from the mitochondrial genome,
which was approximately the same as that observed in the other
10 kb
genes. This result suggests that the repair of 4NQO adducts
occurs in the mitochondria.
The same Southern blots that were hybridized with the ge
nomic DHFR probe pMB5 were also probed with the specific
£. c-fos 17 kb
probes for the transcribed and nontranscribed strand of this
same 5'-DHFR region. Representative autoradiograms are
shown in Fig. 4, and the results from two experiments were
1. Nitochnd 16 kb quantitated and pooled in Table 3. 4NQO adducts were clearly
detectable in both the transcribed and nontranscribed strands of
Fig. 3. Autoradiograms showing (he repair of 4NQO adducts in specific re the active DHFR gene at equal frequencies. After 4 h, repair in
gions of the CHO genome. CHO cells were exposed to 2.5 /IM4NQO and allowed
to repair for the indicated times. A'pnl-restricted parental DNA isolated from
the transcribed strand appeared to exceed that in the nontran
scribed strand (Fig. 5B). However, at 8 and 24 h approximately
CHO cells was treated with uvrABC excinuclease where indicated. After alkaline
agarose gel electrophoreses and Southern blotting the membrane was probed for the same level of repair was observed for both strands. The
the following regions: the DHFR gene (A); the 3' DHFR region (B): the DHFR
percentage repair for both strands was approximately 50% by 8
downstream noncoding region (O: the APRT gene (D); the c-fos gene (£f);and the h and increased to approximately 70-75% by 24 h. In addition,
mitochondrial genome (F). The level of adducts in each sequence was determined
as described in "Materials and Methods" using pBR.122 as an internal standard the level of repair after 24 h in the transcribed and nontran
(not shown). scribed strands of the DHFR gene was essentially the same as
that observed using the pMB5 probe for both strands of the
shown). This finding supported the conclusion that removal of DHFR gene.
radiolabeled 4NQO adducts was associated with the DNA re
pair processes.
Gene-specific Damage and Repair. For the analysis of DNA Table 2 Repair of4NQO adducts in different gene regions in CHO cells
adducts in specific genes, DNA from cells exposed to 2.5 MM Adduct levels" at various times after 4NQO treatment
4NQO was treated (or not) with uvrABC excinuclease, sepa Oh 4 II 8h 24 h
rated on gels under denaturing conditions, transferred to a sup DHFRActive
port membrane, and probed for the specific sequence of inter 3' adjacent
±0.27 ±0.20 ±0.07 + 0.21
est. Following autoradiography, membranes were deprobed and 1.51 ±0.22 1.34 ±0.08 0.68 ±0.05 0.34 ±0.08
DownstreamAPRT 1.52
±0.081.29 ±0.271.01
1.49 ±0.060.61
0.81 0.42
reprobed for other gene sequences. Fig. 3 shows representative
autoradiograms used to quantitate the formation and repair of genec-fos ±0.14i.m ±0.410.89 0.040.56
± 0.090.32
4NQO adducts in various genomic regions in CHO-B11 cells. n.is1.49
geneMitochondrial1.39 ' 0.380.96
± ±0.100.55 ±0.110.44
The decrease in hybridization to labeled probe seen in samples
treated with uvrABC exinuclease indicates the presence of ±0.341.27 ±0.090.84 ±0.070.42 ±0.07
" Adduct levels in the probed sequences were determined from the intensity of
4NQO adducts in that sequence. From the proportion of DNA Southern hybridization as described in "Materials and Methods" assuming a 50%
sample incised by the excinuclease, the number of adducts per incision efficiency of uvrABC. Each value was normalized to a 10-kilobase fragment
fragment was determined. In all gene regions examined, includ size and is the mean ±SD of two or three biological experiments.

Hours 24

Fig. 4. Repair of 4NQO adducts in the tran
scribed in and nomranscribed (B) strands of Fragment Size
the DHFR gene. Membranes probed with ge-
nomic probes (Fig. 3) were reprobcd with ri-
boprobes for the transcribed and nontran- A. Transcribed Strand 14 kb
scribed strands of the DHFR genes.

B. Non-Transcribed Strand 14 kb

Table 3 4NQO adducts and removal from the transcribed and nontranscribed
strands of the DHFR gene of (HO cells
treatmentTranscribed Adduci levels" at various times after 4NQO

h1.24 h0.71 h0.38

±0.34 ±0.49 ±0.16 ±0.20
Nontranscribed 1.59 ±0.17 1.53 + 0.17 0.74 ±0.22 0.42 ±0.05 DHFR 5'
Overall DHFROh1.431.39 ±0.274 1.27 + 0.208 0.84 ±0.0724 0.42 + 0.21 DHFR31
"Membranes were probed with pMBS for the DHFR gene region (overall + Downstr
DHFR) and then reprobed with riboprobes for the transcribed and nonlranscribed -O- APRT
strands of the DHFR gene. Adduci levels were determined form the intensity of A c-fos
Southern hybridization as described in "Materials and Methods." assuming a 50% —¿it- Mitoch
incision efficiency of uvrABC. Each value was normalised to a 10-kilobasc fragment
si/e and is the mean ±SD of two biological experiments. 24

A number of approaches have been developed to measure
carcinogen adducts and repair in specific genes since the earliest
studies conducted on pyrimidine dimers. These methods are
based on the ability of specific enzymes, such as T4 endonu-
clease V and uvrABC excinuclease, or alkali treatment to cause
single-strand nicks in DNA at adduci sites which are then quan-
titated following restriction, denaturing gel electrophoresis.
Southern blotting, and probing for the sequence of interest. In
the current study, purified E. coli uvrABC excinuclease was
used to measure 4NQO adducts and repair in a number of DNA
sequences in CHO cells. The decrease in the intensity of the
hybridization upon treatment of 4NQO-modified DNA with Repair Time (Mrs)
uvrABC is a direct reflection of the level of adducts in the Fig. 5. Percentage repair of 4NQO adducts in different genomic sequences (A)
and in the transcribed and nontranscribed strands of the DHFR gene (B). Exam
sequence. Repair is measured by the increase in the hybridiza ined in A are the DHFR. .i'DHFR. and downstream (Downstr) DHFR gene regions:
tion signal over time in the uvrABC-treated DNA relative to the APRT and c-fos genes: and the niitochondrial (Mitoch) genome. Examined in
untreated DNA. This study is the first analysis of gene-specific B are the transcribed (7) and nontranscribed (AT) strands of the active coding
region of the DHFR gene and in the overall DHFR gene (Both). The percentage
and strand-specific repair of 4NQO adducts. repair was calculated for each experiment, and the values shown are (he means of
4NQO forms two guanine adducts, the /V2- and CK-guanine 2 or 3 experiments.
adducts, which comprise the majority of adducts, and one ad-
enine adduci which accounts for approximately 10% of total
adducts (14, 15). Previous studies have shown that uvrABC
excinuclease recognizes the A'2- and Cx-guanine adducts of thai ihe level of 4NQO guanine adducts was approximately the
4NQO but not the adenine adduci of 4NQO (24). Thus our same in the gene regions examined and range from 1.10 to 1.52
assay provides a means for quantitating the ¿V2-
and C8-guanine lesions/10 kilobases. The level measured in the gene regions
adducts of 4NQO in specific sequences. For 4NQO and many was approximately 5-7 limes higher lhan ihe level expecled
olher lesions excised by uvrABC excinuclease ihe frequency of from measuremenls of adduci levels in the overall genome us
culling is consislenlly 33-50% of the total lesions in DNA ing uvrABC excinuclease and alkaline sucrose gradient analy
fragmenls of Ihe kilobase size (8, 12, 24, 25). Il also appears sis. The initial levels of adducts in gene regions were also about
lhal Ihe excinuclease recognizes 4NQO guanine adducls in a 4-5 times higher lhan lhal found in ihe overall genome by
sequence-independent manner, since studies have shown that [3H]4NQO binding (which was calculaled lo be 0.3 adducts/10-
the level of incision by uvrABC at a 4NQO-guanine adduci kilobase single-slrand DNA from fmol adduci bound/ng DNA
closely follows the level of modificalion at thai sile (24). In our assuming an average molecular weighl of 330). The discrepancy
calculai ions of 4NQO adduci levels in genes we have used Ihe in adduci level measuremenls belween Ihe overall genome and
50% value for cutting efficiency (24), but further sludies are Ihe genes may be due to the different melhodologies used lo
needed lo delermine the precise frequency. We have delermined determine adduci levels. However, the discrepancy also raises

the possibility that there are regions of the genome which con these studies, the rate of repair of DMS adducts in the active
tain considerably lower levels of 4NQO adducts than the spe coding region of the DHFR gene was found to be the same as in
cific gene regions examined here. that found in the downstream noncoding region (9, 35). In
The results of repair studies indicate that 4NQO-guanine addition, little difference in ./V-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene
adducts are not preferentially repaired in active genes. The repair was observed between these two regions (7).
extent of 4NQO adduct repair in the genes examined did not Among all the compounds examined to date in gene-specific
appear to correlate with their known differences in transcrip- studies, the most dramatic difference between repair rates in
tional activity. The percentage of 4NQO lesions repaired in the active and inactive regions is for pyrimidine dimers. A number
active DHFR and /I/"/?/" genes (70% and 65%, respectively) was
of lesions have been shown to be preferentially repaired (see
similar to the repair seen in the relatively inactive c-fos gene
Refs. 36 and 37 for a review), although not to the extent of
(71%) (Fig. 5/4). In addition, the extent of repair was similar in pyrimidine dimers. Cisplatin intrastrand adducts are preferen
the active coding region of the DHFR gene and in the down
tially repaired in the active DHFR gene, when compared to
stream noncoding region. Interestingly, the repair of 4NQO
inactive genes, to noncoding genomic regions, or to the overall
adducts after 24 h from the overall genome was approximately genome (12). Cisplatin interstrand cross-links appear to be re
one-third less than that observed in the genes (51% for the
genome versus 65-77% for the genes). These data again suggest paired slightly faster than the intrastrand adducts, but the cross
links do not show preferential repair after 24 h (12). In the case
that there are regions of the genome that are not being repaired
or are being repaired with much less efficiency than the specific of alkylating agents, although DMS damage is repaired with the
genes examined here. Whether the repair heterogeneity ob same efficiency in an active gene and in a noncoding region,
served among the genes at the 4- and 8-h repair points and nitrogen mustard (9) and methylnitrosourea (10, 11) adducts
between the genes and the overall genome over 24 h has impli are preferentially repaired in the active gene. Thus among the
cations for 4NQO-induced mutagenesis and carcinogenesis re alkylating agents it appears that even related compounds are
quires further study. repaired in different ways.
Although there are common pathways for repairing UV and In addition to gene-specific DNA repair measurements of
4NQO adducts (16-23), the results of the studies shown here 4NQO adducts, we also examined the strand bias of the repair
indicate that there are important differences in the repair path process. Strand bias of pyrimidine dimer repair with almost
ways operating for UV dimers and 4NQO adducts with regard exclusive repair of the transcribed strand has now been reported
to gene-specific repair. In contrast to the results shown here for in several mammalian genes, and there is increasing evidence
4NQO, UV dimers are repaired faster in actively transcribing that this strand bias of repair correlates with the strand bias of
genes than in inactive regions (1, 2), as demonstrated when mutations found in these genes (37, 38). The extent of strand
either T4 endonuclease V (1, 2) or uvrABC excinuclease (25) is bias in the repair of a particular lesion may be related to the
used to cut at dimer sites. While a number of studies have degree to which the lesion blocks transcription (37). While it
shown similarities in the repair of UV dimers and 4NQO ad has been established that UV dimers block transcription (39), it
ducts in the mammalian genome (19-23), differences in their is not known if 4NQO adducts are similarly effective in vivo.
repair pathways have also been reported (22, 29-32). The di Recent studies have indicated that a transcription-repair cou
vergence in 4NQO and UV repair pathways has been shown by pling factor confers strand-specific repair in E. coli (40). Gene-
differences in the sensitivities of repair-deficient mutants of specific repair, however, may not be as closely associated with
Chinese hamster cells to 4NQO adducts and UV dimers (29) transcription as is strand-specific repair. This is supported by
and in studies with xeroderma pigmentosum group A cell line, some recent studies showing that the efficiency of gene-specific
which display some capacity to repair 4NQO adducts but not repair in a given genomic region does not appear to be related
UV lesions (22, 30, 31). In another study, HeLa cell extracts to the level of transcription (41). In the current study, we ob
which excised UV dimers were incapable of excising 4NQO served no strand bias in the repair of 4NQO adducts, suggesting
adducts, thus suggesting that there are differences in the initial that there is no coupling of 4NQO adduct repair to transcrip
steps of the excision repair process (32). Interestingly, differ tion. A lack of strand bias in repair has been observed for DMS
ences between the repair of 4NQO adducts and UV dimers is (35); however, this alkylating compound has never been con
also seen in the mitochondria! genome. In the current study, we sidered to be UV mimetic. Our finding with 4NQO is in sharp
observed that 4NQO adducts are removed from the mitochon
dria! DNA. UV dimers, however, are not repaired in this or- contrast to the distinct strand bias seen with pyrimidine dimer
ganelle (33). Another study has shown that adducts of strepto- repair (6). Thus there appear to be distinct differences in the
repair pathways operating for UV dimers and 4NQO adducts
zotocin are removed from mitochondrial DNA (34). Thus it
with respect to the coupling of repair to transcription.
appears that mitochondria may be capable of carrying out the
It is still unclear what factors govern the gene-specific and
repair of select adducts. The mechanisms of this repair and the
strand-specific preferential repair of select lesions. Neverthe
reasons for its selectivity are not known.
The results of the studies shown here comparing the repair of less, it appears plausible that variations in the repair of different
4NQO adducts in transcriptionally active regions, such as the chemical adducts in select genes could play an important role in
active coding region of the DHFR gene and APRT gene, with the basic mechanisms of malignancy. Some factors that could
transcriptionally inactive regions, such as those of the down influence repair in genes are the specific alterations to DNA
stream DHFR region and the relatively inactive c-fos gene, sug structure, such as the size of the lesion and the degree of dis
gest that preferential DNA repair is not a generalized feature in tortion caused by the adduct. Factors involved in the transcrip
the repair of bulky carcinogen adducts. While the lack of pref tion of genes also appear to play a role in preferential repair.
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results with jV-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and DMS. In scribed by polymerase I or II, can influence repair in that gene

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