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User Manual

Part Nr: DEB00186

Rel.: 22-Jan-13
Doc.: 1.1.31

Document Versions

1.1.30 November 15th 2012

Release for SeaGuide Software from VERSION 1.1.16
Update of Chapters concerning Chart handling

1.1.31 January 2nd 2013

Release for SeaGuide Software from VERSION 1.1.32
up to VERSION 1.1.xx
New Functions: Changed selection of Main and Backup Position Source
Improved management of alerts

This copy was printed at January 22, 2013

Document Authorization

22-Jan-13 SeaGuide ECDIS Issue: 1.1.31

Imtech Marine Page - 3 -

• All rights reserved. The content of this operation manual as well as the specification of the
equipment described are subject to change by Imtech Marine Germany GmbH.
• Any reproduction, in any form or by any means, disclosure, use, translation into a different
language, re-use and/or transcription of this operation manual in whole or in part requires explicit
prior written consent of Imtech Marine Germany GmbH.
• Any liability of Imtech Marine Germany GmbH for defects, failure of the system and/or damages
arisen during improper or unauthorized use or caused by use under abnormal conditions /
circumstances (such as earthquake, lightning, fire etc.) or caused by incorrect use by a faulty
understanding of the content of this operation manual is excluded. This applies equally to cases of
loss or change of stored data.
• Imtech Marine Germany GmbH is not liable for consequential damages and consequential harm
caused by a defect.
• Imtech Marine Germany GmbH does not assume any liability for defects, failure of the system
and/or damages arisen from modifications made by third parties – not authorized by Imtech Marine
Germany GmbH.
• Imtech Marine Germany GmbH does not assume any liability for damages arisen from malfunction
caused by combination of software and equipment connected.
Note: The features, functionality and capability which are described in this operation manual are
not necessarily present in all versions or configurations of the SeaGuide ECDIS System.

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System Version

The SeaGuide ECDIS system, described in this manual is certified by:
• Germanischer Lloyd –
(Module B) Certificate No.: 12 193 – 10 HH
• Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
(Module D) Certificate No.: BSH/4613/02803/2176/12
It complies with IMO Resolutions:
• IMO Resolution MSC.232(82)
• IMO Resolution MSC.191(79)
• IMO ResolutionA.694(17)
• IMO Resolution MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.17.1, 13.8

The version number

may be different

To check, if the version of the actual installed system coincides with this certification:
 Click with left trackball button [] onto the
label [Imtech SeaGuide] in the right upside
corner of main display.

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WARNING: Lethal Voltage Hazard

When access covers are removed, lethal voltages may be exposed. Some capacitors used in the
equipment take several minutes to discharge their stored voltages after switch OFF; this is a lethal
voltage hazard. Always set the supply switch-fuse to OFF or remove the fuses, before removing the
access covers of the equipment.

WARNING: Health Hazard

When cleaning the inside of the equipment, take care not to inhale dust. The dust may be a temporary
health hazard, depending on individual allergies.

Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESSDs)

This equipment contains ESSDs. Take care not to damage these devices by
discharge of electrostatic voltages.

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DOCUMENT VERSIONS ......................................................................................................................... - 3 -
DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
SOFTWARE VERSION ............................................................................................................................ - 5 -
WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS .................................................................................................................. - 6 -
CONTENT .......................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ - 14 -
1.1 SeaGuide ECDIS features .............................................................................................................. - 14 -
1.2 Structure of this manual .................................................................................................................. - 15 -
2 SEAGUIDE ECDIS SYSTEM TYPES ............................................................................................. - 16 -
2.1 SeaGuide ECDIS 1100 (Single System) ........................................................................................ - 16 -
2.2 SeaGuide ECDIS 2200 (Dual System) ........................................................................................... - 17 -
2.3 SeaGuide ECDIS 2220 (Dual System with Conning) ..................................................................... - 18 -
2.4 SeaGuide ECDIS System Types Overview .................................................................................... - 19 -
3 SEAGUIDE ECDIS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN......................................................................... - 20 -
3.1 Display Power On/Off ..................................................................................................................... - 20 -
3.2 Power On/Off the SeaGuide ECDIS CPU ...................................................................................... - 21 -
3.2.1 SeaGuide ECDIS startup .............................................................................................. - 21 -
3.2.2 SeaGuide ECDIS shutdown.......................................................................................... - 22 -
3.2.3 SeaGuide ECDIS with SG 24VDC Power Module........................................................ - 23 -
3.2.4 SeaGuide ECDIS with optional XANTO S1000 (230V AC UPS) .................................. - 24 -
4 SCREENCONTENT OF SEAGUIDE ECDIS .................................................................................. - 25 -
4.1 ECDIS display ................................................................................................................................. - 25 -
4.1.1 Status Bar content ........................................................................................................ - 26 -
4.1.2 Function Bar at lower screen edge ............................................................................... - 28 -
4.1.3 Menu Bar....................................................................................................................... - 29 -
4.2 Chart Handling display .................................................................................................................... - 30 -
4.3 Conning display .............................................................................................................................. - 31 -
5 SEAGUIDE OPERATION TOOLS .................................................................................................. - 32 -
5.1 The Mouse / Trackball .................................................................................................................... - 32 -
5.1.1 Left button function ....................................................................................................... - 32 -
5.1.2 Center button function ................................................................................................... - 32 -
5.1.3 Right button function ..................................................................................................... - 32 -
5.1.4 Cursor indication ........................................................................................................... - 33 -
5.1.5 Symbols for Trackball button operation ........................................................................ - 33 -
5.2 Input of text and numerical data...................................................................................................... - 33 -
5.2.1 Numerical input ............................................................................................................. - 33 -
5.2.2 Text Input by virtual Keyboard ...................................................................................... - 34 -
5.3 Save or print an ECDIS screen image (Screenshot) ...................................................................... - 34 -
5.3.1 Save ECDIS image ....................................................................................................... - 34 -
5.3.2 Save screen image by shortcut..................................................................................... - 35 -
5.3.3 Print ECDIS image ........................................................................................................ - 35 -
5.4 Backlight brightness and chart color change .................................................................................. - 35 -
6 CHART WORK................................................................................................................................ - 36 -
6.1.1 Select database ............................................................................................................ - 36 -
6.2 Advantages of vector based charts compared to raster based ...................................................... - 36 -
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6.2.1 Basic Chart Differentiation ............................................................................................ - 37 -

6.2.2 Scales of charts in use .................................................................................................. - 37 -
6.4 Select a chart .................................................................................................................................. - 38 -
6.4.1 Select an ENC-chart ..................................................................................................... - 38 -
6.4.2 Call a chart cell of a listed harbor.................................................................................. - 38 -
6.4.3 Call a chart cell by Lat/Lon input ................................................................................... - 38 -
6.4.4 Call chart cell, where own ship position is shown ......................................................... - 38 -
6.4.5 Call chart cell by Reference Position ............................................................................ - 38 -
6.4.6 Call chart cell by Globe selection .................................................................................. - 39 -
6.4.7 Shift chart area (Pan-function) ...................................................................................... - 39 -
6.4.8 Select an ARCS chart ................................................................................................... - 40 -
6.5 Content of chart image.................................................................................................................... - 41 -
6.5.1 Chart Range .................................................................................................................. - 42 -
6.5.2 Range setting on ARCS charts ..................................................................................... - 42 -
6.5.3 Information message about better usable charts.......................................................... - 43 -
6.5.4 Range scale bar ............................................................................................................ - 43 -
6.5.5 Bearing scale ................................................................................................................ - 44 -
6.5.6 Own Ship Symbol.......................................................................................................... - 44 -
6.5.7 Show Ship Position ....................................................................................................... - 45 -
6.5.8 Show Range Rings ....................................................................................................... - 45 -
6.5.9 Call up non shown chart details – ‘Pick report’ ............................................................. - 45 -
6.5.10 Pick report on ENC charts ............................................................................................ - 45 -
6.5.11 Pick report on ARCS charts .......................................................................................... - 49 -
6.5.12 ARPA and AIS target indication .................................................................................... - 50 -
6.5.13 Chart 1 – information .................................................................................................... - 52 -
6.6 Basic Chart Settings ....................................................................................................................... - 54 -
6.6.1 Select Chart Database .................................................................................................. - 54 -
6.6.2 Chart Orientation ........................................................................................................... - 54 -
6.6.3 Select Contents of chart display ................................................................................... - 55 -
6.6.4 Use of SCAMIN ............................................................................................................. - 56 -
6.6.5 Show Navigation Lights ................................................................................................ - 57 -
6.6.6 Show Traditional Navigation Symbols .......................................................................... - 57 -
6.6.7 Four or Two Water Color Shades ................................................................................. - 58 -
6.6.8 Chart Overscale Information ......................................................................................... - 58 -
6.6.9 Show chart boundaries ................................................................................................. - 59 -
6.6.10 Quality information about Chart content ....................................................................... - 59 -
6.6.11 Symbol fail indication .................................................................................................... - 60 -
6.6.12 User defined objects ..................................................................................................... - 60 -
6.6.13 Time-dependent Future and Past chart objects............................................................ - 60 -
6.6.14 Safety Depth Settings ................................................................................................... - 61 -
6.6.15 Chart color settings ....................................................................................................... - 62 -
6.6.16 Chart image in grey mode ............................................................................................. - 62 -
6.6.17 Save and load user selected settings ........................................................................... - 63 -
6.7 Chart work and manual chart updating ........................................................................................... - 64 -
6.7.1 Marking dangerous points, lines and areas .................................................................. - 64 -
6.7.2 Erase danger markings ................................................................................................. - 65 -
6.7.3 Insert Tidal stream information ..................................................................................... - 65 -
6.7.4 Insert remarks by function menu ‘Notes’ ...................................................................... - 66 -

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6.7.5 Erase a Mariner's Note ................................................................................................. - 68 -

6.7.6 Manual Update of charts ............................................................................................... - 69 -
6.7.7 Insert an chart object .................................................................................................... - 70 -
6.7.8 Insert a line or area object ............................................................................................ - 71 -
6.7.9 Move an chart object ..................................................................................................... - 72 -
6.7.10 Move a lined object ....................................................................................................... - 73 -
6.7.11 Annotate an object ........................................................................................................ - 73 -
6.7.12 Delete an Object ........................................................................................................... - 74 -
6.7.13 Delete a 'manual updated' Object ................................................................................. - 75 -
6.7.14 Withdraw an Update Set ............................................................................................... - 75 -
6.7.15 Differences of updating chart work in SENC charts and ARCS charts......................... - 76 -
6.7.16 View Chart Updates and Chart Update Status ............................................................. - 77 -
7 MONITOR OWN SHIP VOYAGE ................................................................................................... - 79 -
7.1 Alert settings ................................................................................................................................... - 79 -
7.1.1 Guard Zone setting ....................................................................................................... - 79 -
7.1.2 Off Course and Position difference limits ...................................................................... - 80 -
7.1.3 Turn Radius in relation to Speed .................................................................................. - 81 -
7.1.4 AIS and Tracked Target limits ....................................................................................... - 81 -
7.1.5 Anchor Watch settings .................................................................................................. - 82 -
7.2 Frame .............................................................................................................................................. - 83 -
7.2.1 Frame Size .................................................................................................................... - 83 -
7.3 Own Ship Indication incl. Ahead and Astern Vector ....................................................................... - 84 -
7.4 Main sensor for position calculation ................................................................................................ - 85 -
7.4.1 Sensor selection............................................................................................................ - 85 -
7.4.2 Position offset correction ............................................................................................... - 86 -
7.5 Dead reckoning position ................................................................................................................. - 87 -
7.5.1 Reset of DR position: .................................................................................................... - 87 -
7.6 Pasttrack settings ............................................................................................................................ - 88 -
7.6.1 Pasttrack settings .......................................................................................................... - 88 -
7.6.2 Pasttrack list .................................................................................................................. - 89 -
7.7 Monitoring additional data in ECDIS ............................................................................................... - 90 -
7.8 Check of Own Ship sensors............................................................................................................ - 91 -
7.8.1 Sensor Data Input ......................................................................................................... - 91 -
7.8.2 Antenna positions ......................................................................................................... - 91 -
7.8.3 Check Analog inputs ..................................................................................................... - 92 -
7.9 Radar/ARPA in SeaGuide ECDIS .................................................................................................. - 93 -
7.9.1 Radar input selection .................................................................................................... - 93 -
7.9.2 Radar antenna selection for tracked target table .......................................................... - 93 -
7.9.3 CPA/TCPA Limits for tracked targets ........................................................................... - 94 -
7.10 AIS-FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ - 94 -
7.10.1 CPA/TCPA limits of AIS targets .................................................................................... - 94 -
7.10.2 AIS target symbols ........................................................................................................ - 96 -
7.10.3 AIS target information ................................................................................................... - 98 -
7.10.4 AIS target filter .............................................................................................................. - 99 -
7.10.5 AIS Control window ..................................................................................................... - 100 -
7.10.6 AIS target list ............................................................................................................... - 100 -
7.10.7 AIS Message list ......................................................................................................... - 102 -
7.10.8 Voyage static data ...................................................................................................... - 103 -

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7.11 NAVTEX-FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................. - 104 -

7.11.1 Navtex Message-list .................................................................................................... - 104 -
7.11.2 Navtex Filter ................................................................................................................ - 104 -
7.11.3 Navtex setup ............................................................................................................... - 105 -
7.12 Date and Time setting ................................................................................................................... - 106 -
7.13 Reference Point ............................................................................................................................ - 107 -
7.13.1 CCRP or Conning Position ......................................................................................... - 107 -
7.13.2 Cursor reference point ................................................................................................ - 107 -
7.13.3 MOB Position .............................................................................................................. - 107 -
7.14 Bearing and Distance measurements ........................................................................................... - 108 -
7.14.1 Estimated Distance by scale bar ................................................................................. - 108 -
7.14.2 Distance by Fix Range Rings...................................................................................... - 108 -
7.14.3 Distance and Bearing by EBL + VRM ......................................................................... - 109 -
7.14.4 Own Ship EBL + VRM................................................................................................. - 109 -
7.14.5 EBL/VRM with Fixed or Floating Position ................................................................... - 110 -
7.14.6 Distance and bearing measurement with cursor ........................................................ - 110 -
8 MANUAL AIDS FOR NAVIGATION .............................................................................................. - 111 -
8.1 Nav. Calculator ............................................................................................................................. - 111 -
8.1.1 Calculate distance and bearing between two positions .............................................. - 112 -
8.1.2 Calculate end position by distance and bearing ......................................................... - 112 -
8.2 Dividers – quick distance measuring ............................................................................................ - 113 -
8.3 LOP (Lines of position) ................................................................................................................. - 114 -
8.3.1 Determine OS Position by cross bearing .................................................................... - 115 -
8.3.2 Determine OS position by distance measurement ..................................................... - 116 -
8.3.3 Check of an EPFS position by cross bearing ............................................................. - 117 -
8.3.4 Summary of LOP indications ...................................................................................... - 118 -
8.3.5 Erasing LOPs – Clear the chart view .......................................................................... - 118 -
8.4 Position Fix.................................................................................................................................... - 119 -
8.4.1 Determine Position Fix by LOPs ................................................................................. - 119 -
8.4.2 Set a Position Fix manually......................................................................................... - 121 -
8.4.3 Limits for position fix calculation by cross bearing method ......................................... - 121 -
8.4.4 Detailed information about a Position Fix position ...................................................... - 121 -
8.5 Clearing Lines ............................................................................................................................... - 122 -
8.5.1 Differentiation between Clearing Line and Danger Line ............................................. - 123 -
8.6 Prediction - of the motion of own ship ........................................................................................... - 124 -
8.7 ETA pre-calculation ....................................................................................................................... - 125 -
9 WAYPOINT AND ROUTE NAVIGATION ..................................................................................... - 126 -
9.1 Creating a draft Route – creating a route structure ...................................................................... - 126 -
9.1.1 Set default values ....................................................................................................... - 126 -
9.1.2 Some preparation work ............................................................................................... - 127 -
9.1.3 Create Leg .................................................................................................................. - 127 -
9.1.4 Create Waypoint ......................................................................................................... - 128 -
9.1.5 Insert Waypoint ........................................................................................................... - 129 -
9.1.6 Move a Waypoint ........................................................................................................ - 129 -
9.1.7 Edit - Legs or Waypoints ............................................................................................. - 129 -
9.1.8 Remove – Legs or Waypoints ..................................................................................... - 130 -
9.1.9 Remove All .................................................................................................................. - 130 -
9.1.1 Net of Leg constructions for variable route planning .................................................. - 131 -

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9.1.2 Automatic Route construction (Auto Routing) ............................................................. - 131 -

9.2 Plan Route .................................................................................................................................... - 133 -
9.2.1 Select Route................................................................................................................ - 133 -
9.2.2 Edit Route ................................................................................................................... - 135 -
9.2.3 Check Route ............................................................................................................... - 136 -
9.2.4 Result of Check ........................................................................................................... - 137 -
9.2.5 Release Leg ................................................................................................................ - 138 -
9.2.6 Deselect Route............................................................................................................ - 138 -
9.2.7 WP List – ‘Waypoint List’ ............................................................................................ - 139 -
9.2.8 Load – ‘Loading a route’ ............................................................................................. - 141 -
9.2.9 Route Manager ........................................................................................................... - 141 -
9.3 Navigating to a Waypoint and along Routes ................................................................................. - 143 -
9.3.1 Route monitoring ......................................................................................................... - 143 -
8.3.2 Route display .............................................................................................................. - 146 -
9.4 Alarms and Warnings .................................................................................................................... - 147 -
9.4.1 Course change alerts .................................................................................................. - 147 -
9.4.2 Track alerts ................................................................................................................. - 148 -
9.4.3 Waypoint alerts ........................................................................................................... - 148 -
9.4.4 Speed alerts ................................................................................................................ - 148 -
10 SEAGUIDE ECDIS - CONNING DISPLAY ................................................................................... - 149 -
10.1 Contents of conning display .......................................................................................................... - 150 -
10.2 User controls and settings in Conning Display ............................................................................. - 151 -
10.2.1 Changing the mode to another display ....................................................................... - 151 -
10.2.2 RESET ........................................................................................................................ - 151 -
10.2.3 Date and Time............................................................................................................. - 151 -
10.2.4 Options for Chart View ................................................................................................ - 152 -
10.2.5 Sensor-Menu............................................................................................................... - 152 -
10.2.6 Options for wind-indication .......................................................................................... - 153 -
11 CHART HANDLING ...................................................................................................................... - 154 -
11.1 Preface .......................................................................................................................................... - 154 -
11.1.1 Supported Chart Formats ........................................................................................... - 154 -
11.1.2 Chart Decryption and Authentication .......................................................................... - 155 -
11.1.3 Chart Import and Chart Update................................................................................... - 155 -
11.1.4 Chart Handling within a multi-workstation ECDIS system .......................................... - 155 -
11.2 The Chart Handling Display .......................................................................................................... - 156 -
11.2.1 Select the Chart Handling Display .............................................................................. - 156 -
11.2.2 Contents of the Chart Handling Display ...................................................................... - 156 -
11.2.3 Basic operation of the Chart Handling display ............................................................ - 157 -
11.3 Management of Chart Data........................................................................................................... - 160 -
11.3.1 Check the Chart Data base ......................................................................................... - 160 -
11.3.2 Licenses, User Permits and Chart Producer Certificates ........................................... - 161 -
11.3.3 Chart Permit Management .......................................................................................... - 165 -
11.3.4 Import / Update Charts ................................................................................................ - 169 -
11.3.5 Synchronise Chart Data base ..................................................................................... - 177 -
11.4 How to install charts on an Imtech SeaGuide System .................................................................. - 178 -
12 INTERACTION BETWEEN WORKSTATIONS ............................................................................ - 184 -
12.1 Interactions of a 'Non-bridge' SeaGuide ECDIS ........................................................................... - 184 -

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13 ALERTS FOR SYSTEM AND NAVIGATION................................................................................ - 185 -

13.1 Color denotation of alarms ............................................................................................................ - 185 -
13.2 Acknowledge alarms and warnings .............................................................................................. - 185 -
13.2.1 Right click to acknowledge alerts ................................................................................ - 186 -
13.2.2 Mute acoustical alarm ................................................................................................. - 186 -
13.3 Setting limits for navigational monitoring ...................................................................................... - 187 -
13.3.1 Alert setting menus ..................................................................................................... - 187 -
13.4 Detail selection for alert window ................................................................................................... - 188 -
13.5 Alarm history ................................................................................................................................. - 189 -
13.5.1 Calling chart position of alarm activation .................................................................... - 189 -
14 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................ - 190 -
14.1 Hardware maintenance ................................................................................................................. - 190 -
14.1.1 SG CU3140 ................................................................................................................. - 190 -
14.1.2 SG TFT Display........................................................................................................... - 190 -
14.1.3 SG Printer ................................................................................................................... - 190 -
14.1.4 Software Maintenance ................................................................................................ - 190 -
15 CONTACT SEAGUIDE ECDIS SERVICE .................................................................................... - 191 -
16 HOW TO SOLVE SOME ISSUES ................................................................................................ - 192 -
16.1 User Guide .................................................................................................................................... - 192 -
16.1.1 Startup of SeaGuide ECDIS ....................................................................................... - 192 -
16.1.2 Faulty image on SG TFT Display ................................................................................ - 193 -
16.1.3 Problems with importing charts and permits ............................................................... - 194 -
16.1.4 How to check and set the correct BIOS settings ........................................................ - 194 -
17 MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM ....................................................................................... - 197 -
17.1 Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” ............................................................... - 197 -
17.2 System check and system information ......................................................................................... - 199 -
17.2.1 Creating a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE”............................................................................... - 199 -
17.3 System configuration and update options ..................................................................................... - 200 -
17.4 System backup and restore options ............................................................................................. - 200 -
17.4.1 USER- backup creation .............................................................................................. - 200 -
17.4.2 Restore a delivery/commissioning/user backup ......................................................... - 202 -
17.4.3 Transfer Backup from/to USB memory device ........................................................... - 204 -
17.5 Maintenance and service options ................................................................................................. - 204 -
17.5.1 How to start a service/update tool {uid.1011} ............................................................. - 204 -
17.5.2 How to remove and repair corrupted system files ...................................................... - 205 -
17.6 Direct jump to menu or script ........................................................................................................ - 206 -
17.7 Change system date and time (UTC) ........................................................................................... - 206 -
17.8 Change maintenance level ........................................................................................................... - 206 -
17.9 Shutdown SeaGuide1 ................................................................................................................... - 206 -
17.10 Reboot SeaGuide 1 .................................................................................................................... - 206 -
18 SEAGUIDE REGISTRATION ....................................................................................................... - 207 -
18.1 Product Registration ..................................................................................................................... - 207 -
18.1.1 How to carry out a product registration ....................................................................... - 207 -
ANNEX ...................................................................................................................................... - 210 -
Annex 1 List of watched ECDIS objects ......................................................................................... - 210 -
Annex 2 ECDIS Alert messages ..................................................................................................... - 212 -
Annex 3 Chart contents according to IHO Standard S-52 .............................................................. - 217 -

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Annex 4 Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations ..................................................................... - 218 -

Annex 5 SeaGuide ECDIS and the S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme ............................. - 221 -
A 5.1 General ....................................................................................................................... - 221 -
A 5.2 Overview of Protection Scheme Relationship ............................................................. - 221 -
A 5.2.1 Basic Description ........................................................................................................ - 221 -
A 5.2.2 Participants in the Scheme ......................................................................................... - 221 -
A 5.2.3 Participants Relationships in general .......................................................................... - 222 -
A 5.2.4 ENC Data Licensing .................................................................................................... - 222 -
A 5.2.5 ENC Data Authentication ............................................................................................ - 222 -
A 5.2.6 SeaGuide ECDIS and the use of the S-63 ENC Data Protection Scheme ................ - 223 -
Annex 6 NMEA sentences used in SeaGuide ECDIS .................................................................... - 226 -
A 6.1 Mandatory and optional sensors for navigation .......................................................... - 226 -
A 6.2 NMEA sentences interpreted by SeaGuide ECDIS .................................................... - 226 -
A 6.3 NMEA sentences send by SeaGuide ECDIS ............................................................. - 227 -
A 6.4 Position (GPS / DGPS) ............................................................................................... - 227 -
A 6.4.1 System matter without a valid or faulty position .......................................................... - 227 -
A 6.4.2 Antenna position offset ............................................................................................... - 227 -
A 6.5 Heading (GYRO / RADAR) ......................................................................................... - 228 -
A 6.6 Heading data source quality and the systems priority behavior ................................. - 228 -
A 6.6.1 System behavior without a Heading information ........................................................ - 228 -
A 6.7 Radar and SeaGuide ECDIS System ......................................................................... - 228 -
A 6.7.1 Displaying ARPA – Information................................................................................... - 228 -
A 6.7.2 Antenna position offset ............................................................................................... - 229 -
A 6.7.3 Waypoint transmission to RADAR system .................................................................. - 229 -
A 6.8 MAN OVER BOARD System (Sea Marshall) ............................................................. - 229 -
Annex 7 Abbreviations used in navigational applications ............................................................... - 230 -
Annex 8 Abbreviations used in Nautical Charts .............................................................................. - 237 -
Annex 9 Chart notations according to IEC 61174 ........................................................................... - 240 -

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SeaGuide ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) is a computer-based navigation
solution that complies with IMO (International Maritime Organization) regulations and can be used as an
alternative to paper nautical charts.
SeaGuide ECDIS is the center of navigation on a ship’s bridge. Several functions like displaying
information from charts, ship sensor systems (e.g. GPS, Gyro and Speedlog) and connected data
sources like ARPA targets, AIS targets and messages or NAVTEX messages are integrated in
SeaGuide ECDIS.
Standard navigation tasks like route planning, route monitoring, position fix and bearings are tools
provided by SeaGuide ECDIS.
SeaGuide ECDIS systems, consisting of more than one SeaGuide ECDIS are built as redundant
systems with full synchronization of data and charts. These systems enable the ship to navigate without
paper charts, when official ENC S-57 charts for this area are installed on the system.
SeaGuide ECDIS fulfills international standards like IHO Data Standard S-57 Ed. 3.1, IHO Presentation
Standard S-52 Ed. 3.4, IMO ECDIS Performance Standard MSC.232 (82) and IEC Operational and
Performance Requirements MSC.191 (79), Methods of Testing and Required Test Results IEC 60945
(2002 and Corrigendum 2008) ; IEC 61174 (2008); IEC61162 Series; IEC 62288 (2008).

1.1 SeaGuide ECDIS features

• Chart import
o ENC – S-63 encoded
ENC – plain S-57
Direct-ENC (SENC)
o RNC (e.g. ARCS)
o Private (e.g. Navionics)
• Sensor data display and management
o Support of navigational sensors
(e.g. GPS, Heading, Speed, Depth and Wind)
o Display of ARPA, AIS and NavTex information
o Optional Conning display for RPM and Rudder information
o Standardized outputs for GPS, Radar and AIS
(Routes and Waypoints transfer, CCRP. AIS safety related messages)
• Full control of safety rules and navigation aids
o Route check functions
o Grounding warnings
o Collision warnings
o Anchor watch

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.2 Structure of this manual

To offer quick access to all functions, the manual is arranged in a way that most needed information is
assembled at first part of manual.
The manual is separated into following different chapters:
Chapter Content Page
16 MAINTENANCE - 190 -
ANNEX - 210 -

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Chapter 2 – SeaGuide ECDIS System Types


A wide variety of ECDIS system types is available to cover almost all technical needs and requirements
for an electronic navigation system. Beside this basic system types, individual options (for example an
additional ECDIS client or network printers etc.) can be added.
In the following, the different basic system types will be outlined briefly.

2.1 SeaGuide ECDIS 1100 (Single System)

The basic setup of SeaGuide ECDIS consists of a data collection unit (SG DataMatrix), a central
processing unit (SG CU3140) and a Human Machine Interface (HMI), The HMI is one TFT display
(standard size 19”, larger screens are optional), one trackball for controlling the SeaGuide ECDIS
functions and a keyboard for entering route names etc.

Several Options like an extended power module with wide input range (from 110V AC till 230V AC), a
UPS, a printer or navigation sensor input multiplier are available.

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Chapter 2 – SeaGuide ECDIS System Types

2.2 SeaGuide ECDIS 2200 (Dual System)

For redundancy purposes and/or paperless chart navigation a dual ECDIS system is needed. In this
case all data is exchanged via the SeaGuide Bus network. Sensor information and charts are
synchronized and available on all SeaGuide ECDIS CU3140 connected.
A basic redundancy is achieved via the connection of e.g. GPS1 to SeaGuide Datamatrix1 and GPS2 to
SeaGuide DataMatrix2. Since all sensor information is available in the SeaGuide Bus network, it is
possible to distribute the essential sensors for navigation on both SeaGuide DataMatrix.
For a complete redundancy the sensor input connections on both SeaGuide DataMatrix should match,
e.g. GPS1 connected to SG Datamatrix1 and SG Datamatrix2.

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Chapter 2 – SeaGuide ECDIS System Types

2.3 SeaGuide ECDIS 2220 (Dual System with Conning)

The Conning display consists of a software license and a hardware module (SG Analog/Digital Data
Module) for converting the analog signals.
The Conning option of SeaGuide ECDIS supports the display of up to
o Two propeller shaft rpm,
o Two propeller pitch values
o Two rudder angles or rudder propeller direction values.
Standard electrical signals e.g. 0…4-20mA, ±10V DC, 0-10V DC are supported. For the display of bow
thruster RPM is only as NMEA string accepted, analog signals are not supported for Bow thruster RPM.
Together with Conning, several discrete Alarm contacts are supplied.

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Chapter 2 – SeaGuide ECDIS System Types

2.4 SeaGuide ECDIS System Types Overview

Depending on the different ECDIS System types the following combinations are available:
SeaGuide ECDIS Computer Data Serial Analog. Digit. Radar
System Type Type Matrix Interface Interface. Interface Interface

1100 SG CU3140 1 8 In - - -
(Single System) 4 Out
1110 SG CU3140 1 8 In 4 8DI -
(Single System 4 Out 4DO
with Conning)
1111 SG CU3140 P2 1 8 In 4 8DI 1
(Single System 4 Out 4DO
with Conning
& RADARoverlay)

2200 2x 2 2x 8 IN - - -
(Dual System) SG CU3140 2x 4 Out

2201 2x 2 2x 8 IN - - 1
(Dual System SG CU3140 P2 2x 4 Out
with RADARoverlay)

2202 2x 2 2x 8 IN - - 2
(Dual System SG CU3140 P2 2x 4 Out
with RADARoverlay)

2210 2x 2 2x 8 IN 4 8DI -
(Dual System with SG CU3140 2x 4 Out 4DO
single Conning Module)
2211 2x 2 2x 8 IN 4 8DI 1
(Single System SG CU3140 P2 2x 4 Out 4DO
with Conning Module
& RADARoverlay)
2212 2x 2 2x 8 IN 4 8DI 2
(Single System SG CU3140 P2 2x 4 Out 4DO
with Conning Module
& RADARoverlay)

2220 2x 2 2x 8 IN 2x4 2x 4DO -

(Dual System with SG CU3140 2x 4 Out 2x 8DI
dual Conning Module)
2221 2x 2 8 In 4 8DI 1
(Dual System with SG CU3140 P2 4 Out 4DO
Conning Module
& RADARoverlay)
2222 2x 2 8 In 4 8DI 2
(Dual System with SG CU3140 P2 4 Out 4DO
dual Conning Module
& RADARoverlay)
1) 2)
DI = digital input DO = digital output

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Chapter 3 – SeaGuide ECDIS Start & Shutdown


The procedure for startup and shutdown depends on the current system configuration. But in all
configurations, the SeaGuide TFT Displays must be switched on and off separately before the SeaGuide
ECDIS system is activated.

3.1 Display Power On/Off

Note: In this chapter only the standard SeaGuide TFT which will be delivered with a new
SeaGuide ECDIS system is described. For other TFT Displays refer to the documentation
of the regarding manufacturer.

Power ON
To turn the unit on, push the button 'MENU' of the keypad inwards and release it instantly. A green LED
moves around the LED ring to indicate the search procedure for input signals
Turn the Dim-Potentiometer clockwise to increase brightness of the TFT display.
Refer to Status LED Overview later in this chapter for the various LED patterns that can occur.
Power OFF
To turn the unit off, push the button 'MENU' inwards and hold it down for at least 6 seconds. After the
first 3 seconds the OSD menu will appear. 3 seconds later the unit turns off and all LED indicators will
turn red. You can now release the 'MENU' button.
Status LED Overview
The unit features a multi-purpose indicator LED status ring which through different patterns and real-
time activity gives back the status of the signal detected, power on/off, calibration, menu activity and

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For units that are ECDIS calibrated from factory, the following LED pattern (Calibrated) indicates that the
backlight/brightness is at calibrated level. (Calibrated +) or (Calibrated -) means that the brightness
adjustment value is above or below the calibrated brightness level. Fine adjust the brightness in terms of
decreasing or increasing the value until the pattern for (Calibrated) is reached.

3.2 Power On/Off the SeaGuide ECDIS CPU

Each SeaGuide ECDIS system is equipped with a separate CPU, which has a Power on/off switch,
named ‘PWR’ at the front panel.

Note: During Startup, SeaGuide ECDIS executes some self-tests and loads the operating
system. The complete startup procedure may take several minutes due to consistence
checks of the operating system.

Warning regarding USB storage devices!

Disconnect any USB storage devices,
e.g. USB Memory Sticks before switching on the SeaGuide ECDIS. -
SeaGuide ECDIS may not start with USB storage devices connected.

3.2.1 SeaGuide ECDIS startup

In all SeaGuide ECDIS system configurations the electronic unit SG CU3140 can be started with the
Power on/off switch.
When +24V DC power is supplied to the SG CU3140 the LED in the button ‘PWR’ will be lit red.
 Push the button 'PWR' inwards and release it at once, to start SeaGuide ECDIS. The button
'PWR' turns from red to blue.
WARNING regarding the button ‘PWR’!
Do not hold the button 'PWR' longer than 4 seconds otherwise the SeaGuide
CPU3140 will be immediately switched off again, before a necessary start up
sequence has been executed. This may damage SeaGuide ECDIS file
Do not disconnect power before SeaGuide ECDIS system is properly

Note: When power is applied for the first time, the system will start without further user

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Chapter 3 – SeaGuide ECDIS Start & Shutdown

3.2.2 SeaGuide ECDIS shutdown

Button initiated shutdown
The shutdown sequence will be initiated by the button ‘PWR’.
 Push the button 'PWR' inwards and release it at once, to shutdown SeaGuide ECDIS. The
shutdown sequence will be initiated. When the button 'PWR' turns from blue to red the
system is properly shutdown.
Note: When the optional modules SG 24VDC Power Module or XANTO S1000 (230V AC UPS)
are connected to the system, the system will be shutdown automatically in case of a
Software initiated shutdown
Note: The software initiated shutdown sequence cannot be used without a connected keyboard!
To leave the SeaGuide ECDIS application by program operation (from the menubar):
 Click the 'Mode'-button and select 'ECDIS Display'
 Click the 'Focus' button and select 'Chart'
 Click the 'Task' button and select 'Chart work'
 Click the button 'Quit ECDIS'
 Confirm the pop-up dialog with 'Ok'

The ECDIS application will be closed and the “RESTART COUNTDOWN” pops up.
 Leave the “RESTART COUNTDOWN” with the key “↵ Enter”

The “SeaGuide > Main Menu” will be shown

1 Shutdown this computer [SEAGUIDE1]
2 Reboot this computer [SEAGUIDE1]
3 Restart SeaGuide software on [SEAGUIDE1]

 Navigate with the up ↑ and down ↓ arrow keys to the entry:

1 Shutdown this computer [SEAGUIDE1]
 And confirm with the key “↵ Enter”.
The shutdown sequence will be initiated.

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Chapter 3 – SeaGuide ECDIS Start & Shutdown

3.2.3 SeaGuide ECDIS with SG 24VDC Power Module

SeaGuide ECDIS systems can be equipped with the SeaGuide 24VDC Power Module.
This module has been developed to
protect SeaGuide ECDIS in case of a
blackout. The UPS supplies power for
approximately 3 minutes. In this period a
safe shutdown of SeaGuide ECDIS is
executed and all changes saved.

Operation without external SeaGuide On/Off switch

 When power is applied to the 230V AC input, e.g. by operating the external breaker,
SeaGuide ECDIS will start automatically the ECDIS application showing the ECDIS display.
 In case of power loss at the 230V AC input, e.g. blackout or intentional by operation of the
external breaker, the SG 24VDC Power Module initiates the shutdown sequence of the
ECDIS system.
 In case of blackout the shutdown sequence will be initiated. As soon as 230V AC power is
restored SeaGuide ECDIS will be restarted automatically.
Operation with external SeaGuide On/Off switch
With the optional supplied SeaGuide On/Off switch the autonomous operation of the SG 24VDC Power
Module can be inhibited.
SeaGuide On/Off switch is off:
 When the system is running, the shutdown sequence will be initiated.
 When the system is off, the system will not start when power is applied at the 230V AC input.
 In case of a blackout the system will not restart automatically as soon as 230V AC power is
SeaGuide On/Off switch is on:
 When the system is off and 230V AC is applied at the 230V AC input, SeaGuide ECDIS will
start automatically the ECDIS application showing the ECDIS display.
 In case of blackout the shutdown sequence will be initiated. As soon as 230V AC power is
restored SeaGuide ECDIS will be restarted automatically.

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Chapter 3 – SeaGuide ECDIS Start & Shutdown

3.2.4 SeaGuide ECDIS with optional XANTO S1000 (230V AC UPS)

SeaGuide ECDIS equipment should be protected via the XANTO S1000 UPS (Uninterruptable Power
Supply) option. Before SeaGuide ECDIS can be operated the UPS has to be activated.
The XANTO S1000 can be operated in two modes:
o Bypass mode (Standard after startup)
After connection and activation of the 230V AC supply, XANTO S1000 is switched on automatically. The
230V AC is bypassing the UPS and the input is directly connected to the output of the UPS. This mode
is called bypass mode, where the SeaGuide ECDIS is not protected when power fails.
If the power supply to the XANTO S1000 fails, an acoustic alarm appears with a short beep every 60
o UPS mode (manual activation)
To ensure an uninterrupted power supply, press the button “ON” at the front of XANTO S1000.
The correct mode for uninterrupted operation is indicated as follows:
- Load and battery capacity LEDs are on
- LINE LED is on
- BYPASS LED turns off after a 5 second delay
- INVERTER LED turns on

In case the 230V AC input power fails, SeaGuide ECDIS can operate uninterrupted for 10 minutes. If the
main power is not restored within this period, SeaGuide ECDIS automatically shuts down.
As soon as 230V AC input is available again, the On-button at the front of the XANTO S1000 must be
pressed again.
Switching off XANTO S1000
The power down procedure depends on the mode of XANTO S1000.
Bypass mode
(230V AC is directly connected to the output. The LINE LED and BYPASS LED are on):
Disconnect the 230V AC input (e.g. by switching the breaker off).
All LEDs for Load and Battery capacity switch off one after another, beginning with the lowest LED. The
lowest LED illuminates for 3 seconds before the UPS and ventilator are completely switched off.
UPS mode:
(230V AC is connected via the battery to the output. The LINE LED and INVERTER LED are on):
Press the button “STANDBY” for at least one second before disconnecting the 230V AC input power
(e.g. by switching the breaker to off). Disconnect the 230V AC input power by e.g. switching the breaker
All LEDs for Load and Battery capacity switch off one after another, beginning with the lowest LED. The
lowest LED illuminates for 3 seconds before the UPS and ventilator are completely switched off.

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Chapter 4 – Screencontent of SeaGuide ECDIS


SeaGuide ECDIS offers three basic working displays:
 ECDIS Display - as main working tool with chart image and all necessary navigation
 Conning Display* - to monitor all necessary vessel data which are important for navigation.
 Chart Handling - with all functions to handle and call up charts for planning and
maintenance of charts.
* The Conning Display is an option. It is not included in a basic SeaGuide ECDIS system.

4.1 ECDIS display

The SeaGuide ECDIS display is divided into following main parts:
- the Status Bar with all ship relating actual navigating data
- the Chart View section with activated chart contents plus ship relating synthetics
- the Menu with selectable working menus
- The Function Bar with bearing and distance functions plus different other activation

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Chapter 4 – Screencontent of SeaGuide ECDIS

4.1.1 Status Bar content

Conning Position
The displayed position is the GPS sensor position, calibrated to a Consistent Common Reference
Position (CCRP), which will be normally the Conning position. If more than one SeaGuide ECDIS
system is installed, the STB – working place on the bridge normally is configured as the CCRP position.
If more than one navigation receiver is connected, the main position source is automatically detected.
The position is displayed in latitude/longitude in geodetic datum WGS 84. SeaGuide ECDIS expects
DGPS but will also use standard GPS data if no better position information is available. The status
information about DGPS/GPS or another positioning device is placed at the right side of the position
information. If no electronic position fixing device is available, SeaGuide ECDIS works according to a
dead reckoning process (DR).
The format is: dd° N|S
ddd° E|W
If no sensor data is available the field is empty, showing a red background.
Note: The Own Ship’s position (CCRP) is referenced to the systems conning position,
independently of the used sensor position. The used antenna offsets are defined in the
parameter files of the system. Whole time the geodetic datum is WGS 84. If the position
sensor delivers position data in another datum and transmits the appropriate information to
SeaGuide ECDIS, the position will be corrected to WGS 84.
In case that the position receiver does not send a mercator datum, the EPFS must be set correctly to
WGS84 output.
The true (T) heading (HDG) is displayed as received from the gyro sensor. If no gyro information is
available, the heading may also be taken from a radar sensor, if a radar system is selected. This can be
done by selecting
 ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ ⇒ ‘Radar: Radx’
The format is: ddd.d° T
If no sensor information is available at all, the heading field is empty with red background.
Note: If there is no heading information available, the DR – process cannot work properly.
Note for SeaGuide ECDIS with Track Control:
Track Control will not be available without valid heading information.
Speed is displayed as received from the speed sensor. If there is an electromagnetic log installed, the
speed through water is displayed. If a Doppler LOG is installed, the value can be referenced against
water or bottom.
Bottom tracked speed information has a higher priority than water tracked information.
If no speed information is available the speed can be taken from the radar sensor. If the speed
information from the radar fails too, a manual speed input must be set.
This can be done by selecting
 ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ ⇒ ‘Pos: GPSxx’ ⇒ ’Position control’ ⇒ Dead
reckoning – ‘Set’
Format is: dd.d kn

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Chapter 4 – Screencontent of SeaGuide ECDIS

Course Over Ground

The course over ground (COGis received from the selected main navigational sensor (D/GPS). Shown
format is: ddd.d°
If no navigational sensor information is available, the text field is empty with red background.
Speed Over Ground
The speed over ground (SOG) in knots is received from the selected main navigational sensor (D/GPS).
Shown format is: kk.k kn
If no navigational sensor information is available, the text field is empty with red background.
Actual Waypoint data
If a waypoint in a planned route is activated it is defined as the next waypoint to go. In this case the
following values are displayed in four data fields:
Upper two data-fields:
- Time to go (TTG) - to Wheel Over Point (WOP); - if it is the last waypoint, to waypoint (WP).
- format: hh:mm
- Cross Track Distance (XTD) (meter left or right of the leg line) - format: mL (meter left) or
mR (meter right).
Lower two data-fields:
- Distance to go (Dist - to WOP ; if it is the last waypoint, to WP) - format: nnnn.nn nm.
- True course to go (actual course to the next waypoint) - format: ddd.d°
The course and distance to the activated waypoint is calculated according to the legs characteristic
(Rhumb line or Great circle), which ends at the WOP of the activated waypoint. This allows a continuous
route and course monitoring on Rhumb lines and great circles. If the activated waypoint is the first of the
planned route the loxodrome true course to go is displayed.
If no sensor position is available, the ‘time to go’, distance and bearing to the last valid ship’s position is

XTD is displayed, when a starting waypoint is activated, re. a waypoint in a route is passed.
If no waypoint is activated these text fields are empty.
Ship to cursor - Distance and Bearing
The distance and bearing of the actual selected cursor position, seen from own ship (CCRP), is
displayed in the format: nnnn.nn nm, ddd.d°
The resolution of the distance format depends on the actual value. Small distances are formatted with
more decimals while large distance values are displayed without decimals.
If the cursor is not inside the chart image, the text field is empty.
If the sensor position is invalid and the cursor is on the chart, the distance and bearing to the last valid
ship’s position is indicated.
Date and Time
Actual Time can be UTC, Local time or a given Ships time (see chapt. 7.14 ).

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Chapter 4 – Screencontent of SeaGuide ECDIS

The RESET button is located at right corner of the top line, to allow a quick return to a predefined
SeaGuide ECDIS mode. This function is not located in the menu bar, to avoid unintended activation.
This exposed location allows the ‘blind’ activation of the function in case the screen turned black by
some reasons, e.g. use of the wrong color table.
If the RESET button is activated, the chart display will be set to the default values:
• ECDIS Display
• Ship´s center to the middle of the chart screen
• Chart Color’s set to ‘Dusk’
• Range set to 12 nautical miles
• ‘Display’-‘AIS / RADx targets’ to ‘No AIS targets’ and ‘No ARPA targets’
• ‘Display’-‘Chart’ to Standard
Note: for SeaGuide ECDIS Dual Systems
Due to not equal operation modes/settings, it can be that the RESET button is displayed in red color.
This means that the SeaGuide ECDIS workstations are not synchronized. By pressing the button
‘RESET’, the SeaGuide ECDIS workstations will be synchronized at first. The Reset function will be
executed by a second click onto RESET-button.
Note: regarding OS Position!
All measurements, values and data, which refer to Own Ship position, are referring to the CCRP

4.1.2 Function Bar at lower screen edge

The Function Bar offers important one-step-functions:

(1) The Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) can be set via a popup menu (‘Set’ button) or it can be
toggled between EBL/VRM1 and EBL/VRM2.
(2) One Reference Point (Ref.Pt.) for measuring distances or bearings can be set. Pressing the
‘Go’ button centers the chart to the Reference Point position. The information (distance and
bearing) in the field right next to the “Ref.Pt.”-Button refers to the cursor position relative to
the reference point.
(3) By using button ‘Notes’, own text and graphic information can be added to the chart.
(4) Pressing the button 'Ship' centers the chart display back to Pressing the button 'Ship'
centers the chart display back to the position of the own ship. The indication at the Status
bar for the cursor position refers relative to the ship position.
(5) Enables/Disables the indication of range rings.
(6) 'Names' activates resp. deactivates the indication of names of objects in the chart. Text
labels, relating to chart objects, will become visible/not visible.
(7) 'Display’ opens a menu, where sort and content of chart display can be selected. The
selection is shown beside of button ‘Display’: - 'Std.’, 'Base’ or ‘All'.
(8) The current state of the loaded chart data source S-57 or ARCS is displayed. If better or
other charts are available, a yellow colored running character band will inform about. (see
chapter Information message about better usable charts.)
(9) The current state indication of the steering control. This is relevant only, if SeaGuide ECDIS
is equipped with Track control functionality.

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4.1.3 Menu Bar

A right click on to the ‘Imtech’ logo shows information about current
software version.

‘Alerts’ indicates the current alarm state by color and blinking.

A left click opens the alert window with the active alarm list, the alarm
history and settings.

Beside shown picture is an example of the different menu configurations.

The Menu Bar has several buttons which are shown or not shown
regarding the selected ‘Mode’, ‘Focus’ and ‘Task’. The basic layout is in all
menus the same:
‘Mode’ menu selects main displays – ‘ECDIS’ / ‘Chart Handling’ / ‘Conning’
/ ‘Chart1’.
The available options in ‘1. Focus’ depend on the selected ‘Mode’.
The available options in ‘2 Tasks’ depend on the selected ‘Focus’.
The available options in ‘3. Functions’ depend on the selected ‘Focus’.

‘Quit ECDIS’ to quit the ECDIS application is only available in ‘Mode’:

ECDIS Display > ‘’Focus’: ‘Chart’ > ‘Task’: ‘Chart Work’.

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4.2 Chart Handling display

This mode offers the handling with the chart library. Detailed descriptions see chapter 13 “C”

Attention: During ‘Chart Handling’-mode, all ECDIS monitoring functions are switched to Off.

Selecting ‘Chart Handling’ pops up a warning window. – ‘OK’ must be clicked to

activate the Chart Handling display

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4.3 Conning display

The Conning display is an option, which is not available in basic SeaGuide ECDIS version.

The Conning display includes all necessary information to monitor the actual navigation situation incl.
information about engine RPM, rudder angle position, wind direction and speed, sounder depth
indication and rate of turn. If Pitch propellers are used, the pitch will be shown too.
Further information and settings can be called up by clicking the buttons [Sensors] and [Options].
Detailed descriptions see chapter SeaGuide ECDIS - Conning display.

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Chapter 5 – SeaGuide Operation Tools


SeaGuide is operated by a trackball (or mouse) and by a keyboard for text input. If no keyboard is
installed, a virtual keyboard can be called up for text entries.

5.1 The Mouse / Trackball

As standard, a trackball with three click buttons is adapted. The trackball is used for many actions. The
button functions are:

5.1.1 Left button function

The left button has Info- and a Do-function.
If no function is selected and the cursor is within the Chartview, a click onto the left button results in
opening an information window with a ‘Pick Report’. This report contains information about the chart
area and/or about the object, which were marked by the cursor.
If menu functions are active, the left button performs actions (Do-Function).

5.1.2 Center button function

The Center button has a Pan function. A click to any chart position moves the selected position to the
center of the Chartview.
Alternatively the Pan function may be executed by press and hold the center button and then moving the
trackball slightly in the wished direction. The chart will be moved step by step to the actual selected
cursor position. At this the shifting runs the faster, the greater the distance between the cursor and the
center of the Chartview.

5.1.3 Right button function

The right button has different functions, depending on before activated functions.
o Clicking the button while the cursor point into the Chartview, a pop up menu with a ‘Goto’-
and a 'LOP'-operation function will be shown (see chapter. 5.1.3a and 7.3).
o If an input is made before or an action is started, clicking the right button cancels the
regarding input.
o If the cursor is placed onto the OS symbol, a past track line, a waypoint or a route leg,
clicking the right button opens a pop up menu with different functions or setting options.

Note: Because the right button mainly is used for cancel functions, it is also called ‘Cancel button’.

Context sensitive right button function

Depending on which Chartview content the right button click is made, different pop-up menus become
activated (see following examples clicking [] onto: ).

Somewhere into the OS symbol AIS symbol

a pasttrack line

a not activated a waypoint

an activated route
route leg

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5.1.4 Cursor indication

o Inside of Chartview, the Cursor is shown as an orange crosshair.
o Outside the Chartview, it changes to an arrow symbol.
o In case a dialog window is shown and it has the active focus on screen, the
cursor symbol might change to a prohibition sign, if the cursor becomes shifted
outside the activated dialog window. In those cases, a click to each of the
trackball buttons has
If a function is busy, the cursor will appear as sand glass to indicate that the system is busy and
insensitive for manual input.
When storing or printing a chart image, all synthetics stay remained, but not the cursor symbol.

5.1.5 Symbols for Trackball button operation

To simplify the reading of trackball button operation, following symbols are dedicated:
[] – click left button
[] – click center button
[] – click right button

Note: - If only ‘click’ is mentioned, it always means: - Click left button.

5.2 Input of text and numerical data

Input of text only can be done by a keyboard, but for numerical data only cursor and cursor buttons are

5.2.1 Numerical input

Numerical inputs can be done in different ways directly into the numeric fields. If a position is required,
the hemisphere can be toggled by pressing on the displayed character. Furthermore a geodetic datum
must be defined. If it is another as WGS84, ECDIS2000 automatically converts the position to WGS84.

Text input.
A [] double click into the fields
opens the virtual keypad.

Use the buttons with the

triangle to change the
degrees, minutes and

Define the geodetic

datum of the

Geographical direction can be

Move the cursor onto the value, click [] and the changed by moving the cursor
value becomes blue. onto the value and click
Change values by trackball scrolling. Click [] to [].
close the input.

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Chapter 5 – SeaGuide Operation Tools

5.2.2 Text Input by virtual Keyboard

A virtual keyboard can be activated when text has to be entered and no physical keyboard is
connected. Although if a physical keyboard is connected a virtual keyboard can be activated too.
A [] double click into a text line of a window opens the virtual keyboard.

Move the cursor above a letter

and click to type this letter into the
text input box.

To toggle between small and

capital letters, click the arrow up
button (shift).
Click vertical arrows to shift
Click this button (backspace) the input cursor to start- or to
to delete last made input. end point of text line.

Click horizontal arrows to shift

one letter into regarding

5.3 Save or print an ECDIS screen image (Screenshot)

To document actual navigational situations, it is possible to save or to print the whole image, which is
actually shown on screen, as a picture.
To save or print an ECDIS image:
Select: 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ 'Chart' ⇒ 'Chart Printing'

5.3.1 Save ECDIS image

To save an actual shown image,
 Click 'Save Screenshot'.
– A window pops up showing connected storage devices.
 Move the cursor over the storage device where the
screenshot should be saved to and click the left button.
– The screen content shown at the moment when ‘Save Screenshot’
has been clicked will be saved as “EChhmmss.gif”
a) If no external storage device is connected an empty pop-up
menu will be shown.
b) An external storage device may be connected to any of the free
USB slots located at the SeaGuide ECDIS electronic unit.

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5.3.2 Save screen image by shortcut

If a popup window is activated, it may be not possible to
save the image the way like before. In such cases, the
cursor icon changes to a not operable state.
But if a keyboard is connected, a screenshot can be
executed by following key command combination:
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [ D ]

A dialog window pops up, where a connected storage

device must be selected and clicked.
The screenshot is executed that
moment, when the needed storage
device is clicked.
This next following dialog window will
also be shown in the saved screenshot image.
Note: It may be that this dialog window is overlapping an interesting part of chart image, which
should be visible at the screenshot. In such cases, this window should be shifted to another place of
image, before selecting and clicking the needed storage device.
To do so:
 Click and hold onto the green headline 'Print chart' of dialogue window and shift the window to a
convenient position of chart image.
After execution of screenshot saving,
 Click 'Done' to close this dialogue.

5.3.3 Print ECDIS image

In case a supported printer is connected, the button 'Print Screenshot' will be
Clicking this button shall execute a printout of a hardcopy from the actual shown
ECDIS screen content.

5.4 Backlight brightness and chart color change

When a SeaGuide Display unit from Hatteland is connected the brightness of the TFT is set by
SeaGuide ECDIS via remote serial control. For each pre-set color scheme day, dusk and night the
backlight will be dimmed to the appropriate level.
For the correct position of the potentiometer refer to chapter 3.1 Display Power On/Off / Status LED
overview. Contrast, brilliance and other settings are factory preset and can only be changed by Imtech
Marine certified service technicians.
Color change for day, dusk and night conditions, see chapter 6.6.14 Chart color settings

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

All chart work for planning and monitoring is done in Mode ‘ECDIS Display’. This may be
executed with ENC based or ARCS based charts. But it is not possible to combine both types of
Before starting with chart work, first the kind of database should be selected.

6.1.1 Select database

To select the needed database:
 Click button 'Display' in inside the function bar.
– The menu window 'Display' pops up.
 Click button beside of 'Database'
 Select the needed database.
– A confirmation window pops up.
 Click 'Ok' (or 'Cancel', if no change shall be executed).
Now the new database will be activated.

According to regulations it is not allowed to use ARCS, if ENCs are available for same

6.2 Advantages of vector based charts compared to raster based

Raster based charts (RNCs) are digitalized copies of standard paper charts. They are not
‘intelligent’ compared to vector based charts.
The ECDIS is not able to identify objects of an RNC. For example, it is not possible to fulfill a
‘Route check’ or to activate an automatic ‘Anti-grounding’ monitoring.
Calling up a ‘Pick Report’, will only give basic information regarding the content of an RNC.
The table shows the advantages of ENCs in comparison to RNCs.
Function ARCS ENCs
Overview for planning limited by used chart no chart limiting
Geodetic datum transferred to WGS84 WGS84
Uniformity of display two national standards one international standard
Uniformity of units often not metric metric as standard
Night use dimmable different color dimmable different color
schemes schemes
Orientation North-up North- and Course-up
Range change / Zoom only limited zooming many steps with increasing detail
Automatic Route Check no yes
Automatic Anti-grounding no yes
Additional object data no comprehensive, detailed Info

Note: Following chapters generally describes the chart work with ENC charts.
Descriptions about ARCS charts are especially denoted.

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6.2.1 Basic Chart Differentiation

The standard S-57 classifies digital charts according to its use into six usages:
1. Overview 4. Approach
2. General 5. Harbor
3. Coastal 6. Berthing
The usage of a chart depends on the scale of its equivalent paper chart source. It is the
responsibility of the data producer to set the usage properly.

6.2.2 Scales of charts in use

In SeaGuide ECDIS, the displayed usage of the charts to load depends on the selected range:
Usage Range in NM
Overview 2000 / 1000 / 500
General 200 / 100
Coastal 48 / 32
Approach 8/6/5/4/3
Berthing 2 / 1,5 / 1
Berthing 0.75 / 0.5 / 0.25 / 0.15 / 0.1 – (with OS symbol option)
Changing the range of the chart display therefore may affect the SENC data to be loaded. The
mariner is not bothered with loading charts from the SENC. This is done automatically by
SeaGuide ECDIS to provide the full advantages of the seamless database. Depending on the
range, SeaGuide ECDIS loads all available charts of the depending usage.
Chart display areas not covered by data of the selectable usage are filled with a thin vertical line
grid to avoid gaps. If no data of adequate usage in the selected chart area is available this pattern
may extend over the whole view. Areas where data of a better usage than the selected are
available are outlined with a faint magenta line.
According to the standard S-57 some objects (such as intermediate depth contours or spot
soundings) may carry the attribute SCAMIN (Scale Minimum) to specify the smallest display scale
at which they should be drawn. At display scales smaller than SCAMIN the object would not be
drawn, in order to avoid clutter. Together with the loading of charts of other usage this is a kind of
generalization of the chart content. It is in the responsibility of the data producer to use this
attribute properly for the best results.
Note: Data from the private, non-HO data producers Navionics may take their own usages,
which may not fit always with the standard S-57 usages. SeaGuide ECDIS matches
these proprietary usages to the standard usages. Nevertheless, unexpected effects in
the chart display may occur. E.g., if two different proprietary usages are matched to
one standard usage and if SCAMIN was properly set in the data, it may look as if the
area with better usage shows less detail than the area with more coarse usage.

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

6.4 Select a chart

6.4.1 Select an ENC-chart
To work with ENC charts, the needed Database, 'S57' resp. 'S63' must be selected in menu
If mode ‘ECDIS Display’ is active, mostly the chart cell with actual OS position is shown.
There are following different ways, to call a chart cell:

6.4.2 Call a chart cell of a listed harbor

 Click [] to call up a pop up menu with two option button.
 Click the 'Goto…' button. - A dialog window pops up showing the
'Harbor list' with most known ports whole over the
(If instead the globe is shown, click [] onto the
‘Globe’ function button at the top of the dialog
window, and select the option ‘Harbor list’)
 Select the needed one by scrolling and click [OK].

For direct calling a harbor:
 Click the first letter of needed port at right side
alphabet. Then the list is shifted to ports with
regarding first letter.
If the port still is not shown,
 Click the second letter of regarding port. If necessary click the
next letters, until the needed port is shown.
 Click onto the port name in the list, to call up the area, where
this port is placed.

6.4.3 Call a chart cell by Lat/Lon input

Go to the below in the Lat/Lon input field and choose the needed coordinates.
Basically chart datum WGS 84 is set. If another datum is needed,
 Click the WGS 84 button and select the regarding datum.
After making correct settings, click [OK].
Now the chart changes to the selected area with the chosen Lat/Lon-position as center.

6.4.4 Call chart cell, where own ship position is shown

In first line of activated harbor list, <ship’s position> is noted. Mark this and click ‘Ok’.
Alternative click the button ‘Ship’ below in the in function line of chart display. The regarding chart
area will be called up with centered OS position.

6.4.5 Call chart cell by Reference Position

Set a Reference Position into an often needed chart area. If another chart area is shown, click the
button [Ref.Pt] and click the menu entrance “Go”. Then chart area is shifted, so that the
Reference Position is shown in the center of chart.

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6.4.6 Call chart cell by Globe selection

 Click [] somewhere in chart image and
select 'Go to'.
 Click [] into 'Harbor list' and select 'Globe'.
The Globe window pops up.
If the needed chart area is not shown,
 Click [] somewhere at one edge area of the globe, to
turn the globe into the regarding direction. If the needed region
is shown,
 Click [] into the center of the needed region to turn this
area into the center point of the globe. -

The below in the shown

Lat/Lon-values determine
always the center point of the shown area. If this is still not the
needed area, click [] onto the correct one.
If another chart datum than WGS 84 is needed, click the
'WGS84' button and select the regarding chart datum.

To call up the chart of the marked area,

 Click the button 'OK'.

6.4.7 Shift chart area (Pan-function)

To select a more useful chart area, move the cursor to the wanted chart area and click [].
Then the chart will be moved the way, that the cursor position is shifted to the image center area.
Alternatively press and hold the center button [] and scroll the cursor ball in direction of
needed chart position. The cursor symbol changes to an arrow cross and the chart will be
shifted step by step into the regarding direction as long as [] is pressed. - The larger
the distance to the center, the bigger are the shifting steps. – Stop to press the button, as soon as
wanted chart area is shown.

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6.4.8 Select an ARCS chart

To work with ARCS charts, in menu 'Display' and sub menu 'Database', 'ARCS' must be selected.
To select an available chart
 Click onto the range value of the scaling icons to pop up a list with available charts for
shown area.

 Select and click the needed one.

Take attention to the explanation of the shown letters
in the 'Status' line. If 'R' is shown, it is not possible to
activate the regarding chart. If 'E' is shown, the chart
is available, but the use is not legal.
 Shift the used chart sideward and
 click into the free image area, where you want to activate
a referring chart.

The chart will be activated.

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6.5 Content of chart image

Basic contents of Chart Image are the chart picture with digital chart data and chart features like
scale bar, Lat/Lon grid and north arrow.
Additional own ship's position (if placed in chart area), route- and waypoint markings, mariner
notes, radar (ARPA) targets and AIS targets may be displayed.

The projection is usually the Plotting Sheet Projection (as fast substitute for the Mercator
projection), until the chart center plus selected range has a latitude exceeding 75° north or south.
Then the projection is changed automatically to the orthographic projection.
SeaGuide ECDIS uses an enhanced proprietary version of the S-52 Presentation Library Version.
General differences to the actual official version 3.2 of the Presentation Library (shortage –
Preslib) are listed below:
o Difference between traditional and simplified presentation is only present in the
symbolization of buoys, beacons, light vessels, light floats and top marks.
o Raster symbols are used rather than the official vector symbols. The raster symbols
are derived from the official vector symbols. Further, buoys and beacons are
displayed colored in the traditional presentation, different from the official Preslib.
o Adjustments of text size and display (outlined) for the better readability.
o Symbols and raster are graphical described in the CHART 1 display.
The Lat/Lon Grid is always visible in North Up mode. In any range at least two meridians and two
circles of latitudes are visible and labeled.
In Course Up mode the Lat/Lon Grid can't be shown. This mode only allows activating a compass
rose scale.

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

6.5.1 Chart Range

The selected chart range is shown together with Zoom arrow
buttons in upper left corner of the chart image.
SeaGuide ECDIS uses the concept of range instead of a
chart scale.
If for example the range is set to 6 nautical miles the SeaGuide
ECDIS will display the chart from the lower to the upper edge
of the chart image area with an extension of about 12 NM
(depending on the selected projection). This has two
- The chart display can be made similar to the radar image for easy situation
- The scale of a mercator chart is not constant and of no practical use for
Further, the scale of the SeaGuide ECDIS chart depends on the size and resolution of
the used screen even if the range remains constant.
Ranges from 0.10nm up to 2000nm are available.
Changing of chart range can be done step by step, by clicking the regarding arrow
To make a bigger change, click into the indicated range. A range list pops up with all
available ranges (see right shown example).
Click the needed range to select the chart image with regarding distance wide.
If the range rings are switched on, the ring distance is displayed inside the shown range
button: [ 244 ].

6.5.2 Range setting on ARCS charts

The flexibility of range settings

is not available on ARCS raster Fixed range
charts, because the British setting depends
Admiralty offer raster charts Click onto the arrow,
only with limited, fixed ranges, to zoom in (or out)
optimized for display

To get other ranges, it is

necessary to use alternative
ARCS charts
(see chapter 6.4.8 Select an
ARCS chart)

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The alternative of before shown example

Now it is only possible to zoom out.

Selected range

The grey arrow of the range selector points out, that no further zoom in selection is available. To
get another range of ARCS chart, another available chart must be selected (see chapter 6.4.8
Select an ARCS chart).

6.5.3 Information message about better usable charts

If a more accurate chart or chart cell is available than the activated one, a yellow colored scrolling
text in Function bar, informs about that.
Following messages are possible:
• No official data available. Refer to paper
• Better S-57 data available at ship's position!
• Using ARCS while better S-57 data is available!
• Better ARCS chart available!
• Better ARCS chart available at ship's position!
• This chart is not up to date: UNSAFE FOR NAVIGATION

6.5.4 Range scale bar

A scale bar is shown on the left side of the chart display. It indicates the
distance according to the scale at the chart center. Close to the poles in the
orthographic projection, the actual length of the scale bar may differ up to 10%
from its nominal length. The units of the scale bar are nautical miles (nm). In
small ranges, beginning at chart scale 0,75, the unit changes to meters (m).
- Scale bars from 0.15 up to 5 nm are colored red/grey.
- Scale bars above of 5 nm are colored black/grey.
- Scale bars from 0.15 up to 0,75 nm are scaled in meter
- Scale bars above 0.75 nm are scaled in nautical miles.
Note: According to IEC61174, the official notation for scale sizes bigger than 5nm is 'Latitude

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

6.5.5 Bearing scale

A bearing scale can be called up into chart image. The circle line
is centered to the center point of chart image, but the bearing
scale always is centered to Own Ships position.
The example beside shows an extreme situation, where OS has a
very short distance to the circle line.
Where space on the line allows, the scale is separated into 1°-
steps, where not, the steps are 5 or more degrees.
To activate or deactivate the scale bar:
 Click menu button ‘Display’ in function bar to call up
the menu window ‘Display’
 Click radio button of ‘Bearing scale’ below in the
menu, to get it red for activation, resp. light grey for

6.5.6 Own Ship Symbol

The current own ship`s position is indicated by the Own Ship symbol (OS).
Beside shown example is the standard OS symbol with heading vector.
Left example shows OS symbol with heading vector incl. selectable time
increments and activated double arrows, indicating that SOG is
The arrow inside of circle indicates that waypoint navigation is active.

The own ship symbol changes its shape if the range of the chart is small enough to display the
scaled ship´s outline (1.00 nm range or less, depending on user settings and ships beam width).
To select the maximum range up to which the ship outline
shall be shown,
 Click [] directly onto the ship symbol.
Right shown menu pops up.
 Click line 'Ship's outline up to…' and select the
needed range.

Under different conditions, following ship symbols are shown:

Own Ship With valid sensor information With activated With invalid sensor
waypoint information

Only as Symbol

With Scaled

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6.5.7 Show Ship Position

As standard, the chart is not centered to the ship position. To place always the ship position into
chart image, the position data must be received.
 Click in below in the function line the [Ship] button, to set the button red colored.
Now the chart will be shifted in the way, that OS symbol is shown in centre of chart image. If the
ship is moving, OS will be shifted to a position outside of image centre. OS moves through image
until it reaches a preselected frame edge. Then the chart is shifted automatically, setting OS
symbol backwards to a start position (again with heading is directed through image centre).
If the cursor is moved, e.g. to get information about chart objects and if the vessel leaves the
frame, the reset of the chart centre is delayed until the user will finish his work.
If the chart is manually centred by using the middle button of the trackball [], the frame is
automatically switched off and the button ‘Ship’ in function line is set to Off.

6.5.8 Show Range Rings

Range rings can be activated, which are centred to OS like in a radar picture.
The regarding button [Rings] below in the in the function bar toggles the range rings on/off.
Note: - Please Note that in higher latitudes the range rings may not appear as circles, but
the distances to the own ship are still constant!
The spacing of the rings depends on the selected range of the chart. In case the rings are
switched on, the distance between the rings is displayed in the range field symbol separated from
the range by a vertical bar, for example [24 I 4].

6.5.9 Call up non shown chart details – ‘Pick report’

6.5.10 Pick report on ENC charts

Clicking at ENC charts onto a chart object marks this clicked position with starlike dashes and a
red colored arrow, pointing onto the clicking position. Parallel a ‘Pick Report’ window opens with
all available information regarding this chart point, respective the surrounding area. This window
may overlay the marked position, if there is no sufficient space beside.
Content of Pick report:
Basic information with Lat/Lon data of clicked cursor
position, depth values and identification number of selected
Object window with selectable associated information kinds.
Selecting and clicking a listed kind of information pops up
detailed information in following window ‘Attributes’.

Due to the fact, the clicked cursor position may not exactly
coincide with the marked position of object, the exact
Lat/Lon-values of this object are shown additional in this

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

To move the window to a convenient place,

 Click into the head line of the window and scroll it to another image position and click
again to fix it.
To get explicit information about a named object,
 Click the regarding object in the object
It will be marked in chart image by a surrounding
big red star icon, and in the 'Attributes' cell all
navigational information are listed.
If the list contains different dedicated information,
they are separated into information groups.
To close the pick report, click upside right the
crossed button.

Selecting the 'Object' line 'Sounding' marks all

soundings of surrounding area and calls up the
regarding depth values.
Selecting the 'Object' line 'Depth contour' lines out
the regarding depth areas (2m in this example)

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Pick report of a marked chart area

To get information about marked areas,
 Click onto any point of the bordering
lines to call up the pick report.
The regarding area should get a red colored
overlay. In this example it is a 'Military practice
area'. Because here are two areas Noted, select
in the field 'Objects' also the second Note. Then
a second area will be marked, which overlays
the selected area.
To get detailed information,
 Click the 'Attributes' line – 'Textual
Description, where two options are
shown: DEWRN06E and
'D' contains German and 'E' English text.
Clicking the English version opens
following window with detailed

Details about basic chart data (Legend)

To get more detailed information about basic chart data of used chart, click the button ‘Legend’ in
the upper part of pick report.
In ‘Legend’ window the actual details of called
up chart cell are shown.
The whole content or interesting details of the
legend may be copied to adapted storage
To save whole content:
 Click button ‘Save all to…’
A window pops up, specifying the adapted
storage media.
 Click the regarding one, and
whole content of the legend is

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

To save a block of legend lines:

 Click and hold on first line and scroll to last line of wanted block.
All scrolled lines marked black..
 Click button ‘Save selected to’
A window pops up, prompting to click an available media.
 Click the needed one, to copy only the marked lines.

To save some different lines:

 Press and hold [Ctrl] key and click each of
needed to be saved lines. They will be marked.
 Click 'Save selected to' and follow like before

To get informed about all included updates:

 Click button ‘History’.
A window pops up showing the content of last
made chart update and the number of total chart
updates, made for this chart cell.

 Clicking the vertical arrow buttons

scrolls through the update pages.
 Clicking button ‘Update log’ changes
to following window, where all update
are listed in one page.
 Moving the right slider bar scrolls to
all made updates.

 Clicking button ‘Import log’ in

before shown window, pops up a
list with all imported updates.

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6.5.11 Pick report on ARCS charts

Due to the fact, that in ARCS charts no
digital objects are implied, only 'Chart
Notes', which are fix content of the chart,
can be called up as 'Pick report',
To call up the Pick report, any position of
the chart may be clicked [].
The Pick report pops up with a content list
of available ARCS Notes.
Clicking a content button opens an
information window, showing the regarded
"Chart Note" as a zoomed in and
magnified picture.
To close the window,
 Click 'Done'.
In parallel, all information shown in the
Pick report, are also available in the
description part of the activated ARCS

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Chapter 6 – FOCUS Chart

6.5.12 ARPA and AIS target indication

SeaGuide ECDIS can display ARPA targets as well as AIS
target information

Activation of AIS and tracked Radar targets

 Click ‘Display’ in function bar. - Beside shown window
pops up.
 Click menu button in line ‘AIS/RADx targets
 Select which kind of targets shall be shown:
All, - ARPA only, - all dangerous targets, - none
 Click ‘Done’ to close window.
'All' and 'all dangerous targets' will include the AIS targets.

of AIS-
and radar
which are inserted into the ECDIS image.

Moving the cursor onto an AIS symbol pops up with a little delay
a window with short information about regarding target. This
example shows a sleeping (deactivated) AIS target.

This example shows an ‘activated’ AIS target (symbol is larger).

Activate/deactivate targets
 Clicking [] onto an AIS symbol pops up a context sensitive
menu, like shown beside.
In this example an activated AIS target is clicked. Therefore
'Deactivate target' is shown.
 Clicking the button line ‘Deactivate target’, changes the target
symbol to a sleeping target, and the button line changes to
‘Activate target’.
 Clicking the button line ‘Velocity drawing’ pops up the alternatives to activate
resp. deactivate a speed- and course vector indication at the target symbol,,
with or without time increments.

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Clicking onto AIS-Symbols opens the 'Pick report' with all

available basic data of cursor position.
Due to the fact, that an AIS-Symbol was clicked, a report with
all information received by AIS-transmission is listed.
Using the sliders will show the actual not visible information.
CPA and TCPA are calculated by SeaGuide ECDIS.

Send AIS message

 Clicking [] onto an AIS symbol pops up a context sensitive
 Click the button line ‘Send AIS message’.
Beside shown window pops up.
 Double click into the text field, to pop up the virtual
 Type in the necessary message.
If the message is to be transmitted to all AIS targets, mark the
radio button ‘Broadcast’.
If the message is to be addressed to a dedicated AIS target, the
radio button 'Adress' must be marked, and the target must be
addressed by selecting the 'Name ' or the 'MMSI' number.
Then the radio button ‘Address’ must be marked.
To transmit the message:
 Click ‘Send’.

Important notes regarding indicated radar target speed

The target speed is calculated by the ARPA Radar and that may be speed through water. But in
SeaGuide ECDIS the own ship's speed is taken from a navigational sensor like GPS and that is
speed over ground. Therefore the target speed measuring of Radar must be set to speed over
ground. Otherwise SeaGuide ECDIS cannot read the received information and is not able to insert
the radar target symbols.
Targets are only displayed in chart image, if SeaGuide ECDIS gets 'True Speed' information from
radar. The regarding setting must be executed at radar equipment.
Notes regarding indicated AIS target position and speed
AIS target position and speed data are received information from regarding ships. They are not
calculated by own SeaGuide ECDIS.

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6.5.13 Chart 1 – information

The whole contents of 'Chart 1' are available in SeaGuide ECDIS.
To call up 'Chart 1':
 Click 'Mode' button and select 'Chart 1'.
A warning window pops up to announce, that this mode will switch the
system into a non-operative mode.

 Click 'Ok' to call up one page of chart 1, together with the content menu of all available
pages of chart 1.

The above example shows symbols in 'Two Shade' mode. – To show symbols in 'Traditional'
mode, activate the radio button 'Traditional' and deactivate the radio button 'Two Shade'.

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Activating a radio button of another chart page, changes to that regarding page, - in following
example the page for 'Natural features'.

Marking a symbol, pops up with short delay the regarding explanation.

Marking a symbol in a chart extract,

pops up all information of this chart

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6.6 Basic Chart Settings

Most basic settings of chart content are done by clicking menu
button ‘Display’ downside in function bar, to pop up the beside
shown menu ‘Display’.
Direct activating is partly possible by clicking the radio buttons
beside of the regarding functions.
Depth contour settings are done by setting depth values in
For different base settings, submenus must be opened.

6.6.1 Select Chart Database

SeaGuide ECDIS supports two different types of charts:
- vectorized charts, formatted
according to the S-57 standard, or
scanned raster charts (ARCS)
from British Admiralty.
 click the button beside of
‘Database’ and mark the
needed one:
For S-57, SeaGuide ECDIS uses charts with vector data. This can be official and/or private

6.6.2 Chart Orientation

The charts can be orientated to North Up or to Course Up.
North Up is the default mode for the chart display, same orientation like normal used paper charts.

In left upper corner of chart, an arrow with the letter ‘N’ is

shown, pointing always vertical, to indicate that the chart is
fixed orientated to North.

To change chart orientation

 Click button ‘Display’ in the Function bar to pop up the
‘Display’ dialog window.
 Click the ‘Orientation’ button to popup both up
 Click the needed mode (in this case ‘Course Up’)

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In Course UP mode, the chart is rotated in a way, that the

actual course of the own ship is always pointing upwards.
The red ‘N’ arrow upside left in chart image has turned
together with the chart orientation, to indicate the new north

A course alteration
of OS will not automatically reset the chart orientation.
This must be done by manual order.
 Click [] onto OS symbol, to pop up beside
shown window.
 Click ‘Set chart orientation to COG.

Now chart is new adjusted, showing OS course into upside


6.6.3 Select Contents of chart display

If it is not necessary to monitor all kinds of chart content and to avoid an overcrowded chart
image, different navigational information may be
Chart contents can be shown in three categories:
o Displaybase
o Standard
o All Information
To select:
 click button [Display] in Function bar
 click the line of ‘Display’
 click the needed display type
The contents of the display categories are defined in IHO
Standard S-52 (Presentation Library).
Refer to Annex 3 Chart contents according to IHO Standard S-52 for a complete content list of the
three categories.

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Example of ‘Displaybase’
Only basic navigational information are displayed

Example of ‘Standard’
All important navigational signs and information are
shown, excepting differentiating depthlines,
spotsoundings and not dangerous underwater objects.

Example of ‘All Information’

Picture is overcrowded. It only should be used in critical
navigation areas and with shorter range selection.

6.6.4 Use of SCAMIN

To get more image clearness when displaying 'All
Information', it is recommended to use the SCAMIN

 Click button
‘Display’ in downside function bar to pop up the ‘Display’
 Click radio button 'Use SCAMIN' to get it red marked.

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6.6.5 Show Navigation Lights

To activate navigation lights, click the button beside of

This function allows switching on/off the lights

symbols manually, even in ‘Day’ mode. It is possible if
the system is only in S-57 mode.
The lights symbols are activated automatically, when the
color table in right shown menu ‘Chart’ and ‘Colors’ are
switched from ‘Day’ to ‘Dusk’ or to ‘Night’
(see chapt.6.6.15 Chart color settings).

Example in Dusk-Modus
Incl. track indication of Own Ship

6.6.6 Show Traditional Navigation Symbols

This function allows toggling between "Simplified" and
"Traditional" chart display as defined in the IHO S-52
Presentation Library. The function is available in S-57
mode only.
The simplified display shows chart symbols designed
for ECDIS systems while the traditional display
presents the chart with symbols similar to the paper
chart symbols.

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6.6.7 Four or Two Water Color Shades

The function is available in S-57 mode only. The 'Day Bright' chart image shows depth areas in
four color shades.
o dark blue - for shallow water,
o medium blue - for unsafe water shallower
than the safety contour,
o light blue - for safe water,
o white - for deep water,
The colors are partly different, when the color schemes 'Dusk', 'Night' or 'Grey Mode' are selected

The 'Two Shades' function allows toggling

between four-shade and two-shade display.
If 'Two Shades' and 'Day Bright' are selected:
- all depth areas shallower than the safety contour are displayed dark colored
- all depth areas deeper than the safety contour are lighter colored.
If another color scheme is selected it is reversed.
The chart display has to be adapted to the individual ship and the safety values, which can be
modified in menu window ‘Display’.
If more than one SeaGuide ECDIS are available, an automatic synchronisation will be active.
Synchronising of other ECDIS workstations depends on the working mode.

6.6.8 Chart Overscale Information

The Position exactness of all chart contents like navigation aids, symbols and shown value
settings depends on a particularly chart scaling. In case of over scaling a chart, the regarding
positions may be misrepresented.
Example: 1mm error at compilation scale of 1:20000 becomes a 1.3mm error at a display scale of
1:15000 and a 2mm error at a scale of 1:10000.
So it may be important to be informed about
such a dilution.
To select:
 click button [Display] in function bar
and mark the note ‘Overscale info’.
If a chart is over scaled, a regarding
multiplication factor as digit value is shown in
upper part of chart image.

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6.6.9 Show chart boundaries

To see, if better usable respectively more detailed charts are available,
 Click radio button 'Usage Boundaries' for activation.

To suppress the marking lines of the

regarding charts, deactivate the
'Overscale info'

Included more detailed charts are marked

red lined, when scaling is 10nm or more.
If red lined, they can be suppressed.

If the chart scaling is less than 10nm, the

boundaries of included detail charts are
shown in grey. In those cases, they are
always shown.

6.6.10 Quality information about Chart content

To get informed about quality and multitude of information in used chart, differentiating symbols
(according to chart 1) may be called up. But due to disturbance of picture clearness, they should
only be used for short checking und removed afterwards.

These examples show the quality degradation from high to low level in four steps.
To select:
 click button [Display] in Function bar and mark the note ‘Quality Info’.

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6.6.11 Symbol fail indication

The button 'Symbol fail' activates or deactivates the indication of objects, which are not defined by
the official Presentation Library, but which are integral part of the chart data. If 'Symbol fail' is
marked, those sort icons are indicated as little question marks (?), due to the fact, that no
regarding symbols are defined.

6.6.12 User defined objects

Drawings and notes, which are inserted by
the user may be shown or not shown.
To activate these settings, the radio button
of function 'User defined objs' must be

6.6.13 Time-dependent Future and Past chart objects

Navigation aids, as example buoys, are partly only existent in certain seasons (winter or
summertime). If these times are fixed, such objects may be not shown in charts, if the current date
is outside of these fixed times.
To view these objects outside of their validity time, the radio button 'Future/Past objs' must be
In right example, the function is activated. This is also noted in the chart image.

Clicking onto that object, the pick report pops up, informing, that this buoy is present from end of
September till beginning of April.
Function 'Use SCAMIN’ see chapter 6.6.4 Use of SCAMIN

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6.6.14 Safety Depth Settings

Menu button [Display] offers the feature to set Safety Depth
values for safe navigation in shallow waters.

Following parameter are adjustable:

Safety This parameter defines the threshold between shallow and deep soundings. All depth soundings
Depth which are less than the set value are displayed in black, while soundings which are deeper than the
set value are dimmed (displayed in gray in daylight image).
Safety This parameter specifies the depth contour that is boosted as safety contour. If no depth contour of the
Contour defined value is available the next deeper depth contour is chosen as safety contour. Whether the
selected contour is available or not can be determined by opening the chart legend in the pick report.
Shallow This parameter specifies the depth where the shallow shading is applied to depth areas that are
Contour shallower than the set value. If no depth contour of the defined value is available, the next deeper
depth contour is chosen as shallow contour.
Deep This parameter specifies the depth where the deep shading is applied to depth areas that are deeper.
Contour If the calculated Deep Contour is not available within the data, the next deeper depth contour is
displayed as Deep Contour.
Attention! These values influence the chart display. Therefore the values have to be defined
carefully. The minimum for safety depth and safety contour cannot be smaller than the
entered draught in the Guard Zone settings.
Note: - Changes of the safety values settings are synchronized on other connected
SeaGuide ECDIS workstations.
Please refer to the paragraph Synchronization in chapter 14 INTERACTION
BETWEEN WORKSTATIONS for further details.

Following examples show the influence of the Safety Value settings to the regarding chart image.

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6.6.15 Chart color settings

Basic color scheme and brightness settings are done by selecting one of following three pre-set

o ‘Day Bright’
o ‘Dusk’
o ‘Night’

To do the settings:
 Select Mode ‘Ecdis Display’
 Select Focus ‘Chart’ and Task ‘Chart Colors’
 Mark the box of the needed mode.

The monitor will be remotely dimmed and the regarding brightness and
contrast settings applied. A potentiometer at the monitor provides local
backlight dimming at the monitor.
The black sector of the menu bar, with the small grey square inside, is a
simple indicator for correct brightness and contrast settings. – The small
square must be clearly identifiable.

Note: - Changes of color settings are synchronized to other connected SeaGuide ECDIS
workstations installed on the bridge.

6.6.16 Chart image in grey mode

Water area also may be shown in different shades of grey color.
This is activated by marking the box beside of ‘Grey Mode’ in above
shown menu.

Note: - Changes of color settings are synchronized to other connected

SeaGuide ECDIS workstations installed on the bridge.

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6.6.17 Save and load user selected settings

Each ECDIS operator may prefer special own selected settings. SeaGuide ECDIS allows saving
those different basic settings into named user files.
To call up the user menu:
 Click ‘Display’ in downside function bar to
pop up the basic chart setting menu.
 Click button ‘Show users’ downside of
menu. - The sub menu ‘User system
settings’ pops up.
If the needed user is not shown,
 Click the shown user button. - A list pops up
with all saved users.

 Click the needed one.

 Click 'Load', to activate the settings of the
selected user.

Now the settings of the selected user are activated. In this example, the user is ‘fkl’, who has
activated some more basic chart contents (red marked buttons).
 Click ‘Done’ to close the user menu.
If during operation some settings have been changed, which
shall be saved for next operation time, the menu ‘User system
settings’ must be called up again and button ‘Save’ must be

To add a new user

Call up the menu ‘User system settings’ and click ‘Add new user’.
– A new window pops up, where the identification of the new user
must be typed in and confirmed by clicking ‘Ok’.
The new user may change the basic chart settings to own
convenience. To use those new settings for next watch time,
these settings must be saved by clicking 'Save'.

To delete a user
Call up the menu 'User system settings', select the user name which shall be deleted and click
Note: No window pops up, asking for a confirmation. The user name with all specified settings will
be deleted at once, without a further warning.

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6.7 Chart work and manual chart updating

The mariner has the opportunity to manual update the actual used chart. All kinds of navigational
symbols can be inserted and of course be erased again later. They all must be named and user
signed. Additional it is possible to set dangerous points, lines and areas, tidal information and
different kind of notes.
If the SeaGuide ECDIS system consists of more than one single system, the updating is executed
automatically in all adapted units.
Chart work and manual chart updating is done by menu ‘Chart work’.
Select 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work’.

6.7.1 Marking dangerous points, lines and areas

Objects and areas which are dangerous for navigating can be highlighted by red markings. Three
kinds of settings are available: points, lines and areas.
To set danger markings into chart,
 click ‘Highlight Danger’

A popup window informs how to do

the settings.
Note: - To get the mark drawings
visible, the button ‘User objects’ in
menu 'Display' must be activated.

• To set a danger point, only click

[] into the regarding
position and click [] to
activate the setting
• To set a danger line, two or more
points must be clicked, to mark
the regarding danger area. To
activate and finish the setting,
click [].
• To encircle a danger area, the
points must be set, surrounding
the danger area, and the
finishing point must be placed
exactly onto the starting point.
Than the area is filled up red

If the ending point is not placed onto the starting point, only danger lines will be shown,
and the action must be finished by clicking [].

Note: - This marking function is especially helpful in ARCS charts, Due to the fact, that chart
content of ARCS charts consists of not vectorized objects, the ARCS chart itself cannot be used
for alarm and object monitoring. But manually inserted objects to those sorts of charts are
recognized by the alarm and monitoring functions.

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6.7.2 Erase danger markings

Two options are available to erase a danger marking:

First option:
 Click [] onto the mark. A context menu pops up.
 Click onto the line 'Erase – Danger highlight' to erase the mark.

Second option
 click ‘Erase’ in menu-bar. A popup window informs how to
 click into a regarding point, line or area to delete that object.
If more objects have to be erased, click next one.
 click [] to finish the erase function.

6.7.3 Insert Tidal stream information

If for a known position speed and direction data for a tidal stream are noted, those data can be
inserted into chart image.

Select 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work’.

 Click menu ‘Tidal Stream’. A window pops up, prompting to point to the position,
where the tidal stream shall
become active.
 Click the chart position, where
the tidal stream is active.

Beside shown window pops up for different

settings, prompting to make the necessary
settings. Parallel the tidal stream symbol is
shown in the before marked position.

o If the tidal data are actual data, mark ‘Actual’. – Then the actual time is shown, which
cannot be altered.
o If the data are predicted for a known time, mark ‘Predicted’ and set the noted time.
o If direction is known, set the regarding ‘Orientation’ value.
o If tidal speed is known for the predicted time, set the regarding value.

When all settings are done:

 Click ‘Ok’
Now the tide symbol is shown pointing into the set direction, together with the set speed value and
the time, when the noted speed shall be active.

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6.7.4 Insert remarks by function menu ‘Notes’

By using menu button ‘Notes’ in Function bar, remarks and drawings can be included into chart

To get settings by menu ‘Notes’ visible, following features must be activated:

o In menu ‘Display’ the button ‘User objects’
o In Function bar, the button ‘Names’

Note: Activation of button 'Names' is only required, if an added text note must be visible.

To start the note function:

 Click menu button ‘Notes’ in Function bar. The dialog window ‘Mariner’s note' opens.
 Click to a needed type of notes.

Within in the Chart view see all kind of ‘Mariner’s note' (orange colored)
and some kinds of ‘Highlight Danger (red colored).

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Insert ‘Caution note’

Using ‘Caution note’, an exclamation mark can be set into a
selected position.
 Click button ‘Notes’ in Function bar.
 Click ‘Caution note’.
 Click ‘Ok’ - Following dialog pops up.
 Point the cursor to the chart position, where a note shall be inserted and click there.
Following dialog window pops up:
 Insert a message referring to the
caution note.
The indicated position is the pointed cursor
position. If it is not the exact position for the
caution symbol, the shown Lat/Lon values
may be corrected.
If the position information refers to another
chart datum:
 Click ‘WGS 84’ and select the
referring chart datum.

If all settings are, correct:

 Click ‘Ok’ and the caution symbol together with the entered
message text is inserted into the chart image. The symbol marks
the referring position.

Insert ‘Event
An ‘Event’ is a spot marking, which is an information only for own ship purposes. Setting of an
Event message follows the same procedure as for ‘Caution note’ (see above).

Insert ‘Remark
A ‘Remark’ may be used to inform about the regarding area.
Setting of a ‘Remark’ message follows the same procedure as for ‘Caution note’ (see above).

Insert ‘Chart Drawing’

The function ‘Chart Drawing’ is similar to the function ‘Highlight Danger’. It is possible to draw a
line or to draw a closed area.

 Click button ‘Notes’ to popup the Note window.

 Click ‘Chart Drawings’
 Click ‘Ok’
Following window pops up:
 Set cursor to first point of drawing and click []

Next window pops up.

 Set cursor to next point of drawing and click []
 Repeat to set more needed
points of drawing.

If only lines are needed, finish the drawing by clicking []

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To draw a closed area, move the cursor exact onto the first point of drawing, and click []
to finish. Following window pops up, with all corner points coordinates of drawn area or polyline

If the corner points shall get an exact known

 Click the regarding Lat/Lon value line to
get it highlighted.
 Click ‘Edit’ to pop up an edit window.
 Change values to correct positions
 Click ‘Ok’ when finished.
If the closed area drawing shall be
 Mark the button ‘Fill area’.
If the drawing shall show an information,
 Click ‘Message’ and type in a regarding
 Click ‘Ok’ to finish.

6.7.5 Erase a Mariner's Note

Two options are available to erase a Mariner Note

First option:
 Click [] onto the mark. A context menu pops up.
 Click onto the line 'Erase – ….' to erase the mark.

Second option
 Click ‘Erase’ in Menu bar. A popup dialog informs how to
 Click onto a regarding Mariner Note to delete that object. If
more objects have to be erased, click next one.
 Click [] to finish the erase function.

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6.7.6 Manual Update of charts

With the Manual Update Function, the mariner can manually correct used charts.
Corrections might be based on new navigational information, which are not already included to
the used chart data.

Select menu ‘Manual Update’

Choose ‘Ecdis Display’ ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work’
 Click function button ‘Manual Update’ – Following window pops up

 Click into the chart area, where an update shall be made.

When clicking onto the needed position, the chart image automatically changes and shows the
dedicated chart cell or a part of the chart cell, where the cursor was placed.
The new activated window and its right side menu is titled ‘MANUAL UPDATING’. Below the title
the chart number of the selected ENC chart is indicated.
Clicking onto the SeaGuide logo
will open a window with all
relevant data of the used
software and the used
Presentation Library Version.
Following function buttons are
shown in menu bar:
• Annotate Object
• Delete Object
• Move Object
• Withdraw Update Set
• Updated objects
Below the function buttons an
area is shown labeled with:
‘Insert Objects’. Here are all
available navigational symbols
listed. Below the list a brief
description to the object is show,
if the cursor is moved over the
object in the list.
The slider at the right of the list
can be used to scroll through the
list of objects.

To insert an object to the chart, the needed object must be clicked []. Then a dialog window
pops up to inform about next steps to proceed.
Attention: Chart corrections and updates are only visible, when radio button ‘User objects’ in
menu ‘Display’ is activated.
To quit the Manual Update function,
 Click button ‘Exit’ at the upper right corner of screen.

Note: Chart corrections and updates are only visible, if the radio button ‘User objects’ in menu
‘Display’ at the Function bar is activated.

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6.7.7 Insert an chart object

The mariner can easily choose an object symbol from the list and place it
at a known dedicated position on the chart by cursor setting, or by manual
Lat/Lon input of the known position.

 Click the needed symbol (in this example a wreck).

A dialog pops up with the order to mark by cursor the exact chart
position where the object shall be inserted.
 Click onto the exact chart position, where the symbol shall be
A data input window pops up, where different inputs shall be made before
the manual update of the chart will not be accepted.

If the information for the update was received by official ‘NtM - Notice to Mariners’, some
regarding notes are received too, including exact Lat/Lon position for the correction.
The data window shows Lat/Lon data of the cursor marked chart position. If they do not coincide
with the data of NtMs, the shown data must be corrected, using the corresponding arrow buttons.
If the position has another chart datum than WGS84,
 Click the window button ‘WGS 84’ and select the needed chart datum.

If the inserted correction to the chart has to be set only for a dedicated time frame,
 Click menu button ‘Set duration limit’, mark ‘Start date’ or ‘End date’ or both and set the
correct date information.
 Click 'Ok' to close the popup-window

If the inserted object is a ‘Sounding’ object, then the ‘Depth value’ becomes active and a
corresponding value can be set. For all other objects this entry field remains inactive.

A 'user name' and a 'Remark' may by typed into the regarding lines.
At the line ‘Notice to Mariner’, a note must be typed in. This entry is used to sort, filter and/or to
identify the corrections later on. If the source for updating has been an NtM, the release number
of the NtM can be typed in here. Otherwise any other text input is possible.
Clicking the button ‘Recent input’ beside the line ‘Notice to Mariner’, a selection of previous made
inputs to this line is offered for selection.
If all entries made correctly, click ‘Ok’ to close that window.

Manual inserted objects are specially marked with a red marked pogo-stick
symbol below the nautical object.

Note: 'Notice to Mariner' entry must be added otherwise the object input will be refused.

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6.7.8 Insert a line or area object

Choose ‘Ecdis Display’ ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work’
 Click function button ‘Manual Update’ – Following window pops up

 Click into the chart location, where an area or line object shall be
When clicking onto the needed position, the chart image automatically changes and shows the
dedicated chart cell or a part of the chart cell, where the cursor was placed.
The new activated window and its right side menu is titled ‘MANUAL UPDATING’. Below the title
the chart number of the selected ENC chart is indicated.

When clicking a line or area

object from the “Insert
Objects”-list, a dialog pops
up, prompting to set the first
position point of object.
(Here a closed polygon.)

When clicking the first position point, the text changes and prompts to set next position of
An orange line will be drawn from point to point.
The last point must be positioned onto the
first point in order to create a closed polygon.

Then next dialog window pops up, showing the

position of each set point. If the drawn object
only has a limited duration time, click the regarding
function, mark start and end date and select the
regarding dates.

Set 'User name', 'Remark' and

'Notice to Mariner'.
Note: 'Notice to Mariner' must be
added otherwise the object input
will be refused.

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To finish and fix the object drawing:

 Click 'Ok' and 'Exit' to return to actual chart
Now the navigational area object is shown in the
chart view, labelled by small circles on the object
lines. At the centre of the area, a red marked pogo
stick indicates that this object is manually updated
by the user.

6.7.9 Move an chart object

Original chart objects and manually updated chart objects can be moved. Moving a chart object is
realized by crossing the original object by a red line and creating a copy of the object at the new
position. This function can only be used for point objects. It is not possible to move line or area
Note: - Moved or deleted objects are marked by a red crossed line.

To move an object:
 Click ‘Manual Update’.
 Click chart position, where the update must be done.
– Chart and menu changes (see previous chapters).
 Click ‘Move Object’ in Function Menu. Following dialog pops up:

 Click the object which shall be moved.

Following dialog pops up
asking for a new position:

 Click onto the new

Following dialog window
pops up for editing the
parameter of the moved

If exact information about the new position is available Lat/Lon-values for the new position can be
set in the dialog window. So the position can be exactly set by typing the referring values into the
position fields. Then the required notes for ‘User name’, ‘Remark’ and ‘Notice to Mariner number'
must be inserted.

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 Clicking the button ‘Ok’ will close the window and the regarding
object is shown in its new position together with the cross line
marked object in old position.
new position

old position

6.7.10 Move a lined object

A lined object, created by 'Manual Update' cannot be moved.
For moving, it must be deleted first and then be drawn again.

6.7.11 Annotate an object

After calling this function, the mariner is asked to select a position / object
for updating.

Any position of the chart can be selected

and annotated, but not a manual inserted

But if as example a buoy is selected and clicked, a

window pops up with notes of all features regarding to this
 Click the line note, where a notation must be

The window ‘Manual update – annotate object’ pops up,, where regarding corrections or notes
can be made.
When information has been set,
'Ok' must be clicked.
In beside shown example, the
warning window 'Input not valid'
pops up, because 'Notice to
Mariner' is not inserted and this is
a 'must'.
After setting all notations,
 Click ‘Ok’

The window disappears and the pointed object is marked with the pogo

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This example shows the ‘Pick Report’ of a manual

annotated object.

6.7.12 Delete an Object

Objects which are manually updated / inserted by user can be deleted totally. A complete deletion
of original S-57 objects from the ENC database is not possible, because these objects are part of
the original chart. Deletion of an original S-57 object will only be shown by
a small orange line, which crosses the regarding object marking it as

 Clicking menu ‘Delete Object’ pops up following window.

 Marking and clicking the object which has to be deleted pops up a new window, which
shows all navigational information relating to this marked position.

Example of a deleted original chart object

In this example a manual shifted buoy is clicked and

has to be deleted, therefore:
 Select the line ‘Buoy, lateral …’ in the popup
window and
 Click ‘Ok’

Now the window is closed and the shifted object is
removed totally, because it was not the original
S-57 object, but a manual by user moved object.

The original buoy, which was marked by an orange crossed line as deleted object,
gets valid again. The crossing orange line is removed from the object.

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6.7.13 Delete a 'manual updated' Object

Manual updated objects can be deleted by Function 'Delete Object' or
by Function 'Withdraw Update Set'. They will be erased totally.

If in beside shown example the inserted area must

be deleted, click into that area. A list pops up with all
navigational notes referring to that area.
 Select the note for the update, which shall
be deleted.
 Click 'Ok'
The lined area will be erased.

Note: Because it is not always sure, which note belongs to the regarding update, preferable the
Function 'Withdraw Update Set' should be used (see next paragraph).

6.7.14 Withdraw an Update Set

Chart objects, which are set by 'MANUAL UPDATING’, can be deleted, respective erased, by the
function 'Withdraw Update Set'. The Withdraw Update function is specially for deleting a set of
manual updated objects, which are manually updated under the same “Notice to Mariner” data
entry. (See also chapter 6.6.7 Insert an object)

Note: By using Function ‘Withdraw Update Set’, only

user made updates via Menu 'MANUAL UPDATING'
can be deleted. Objects to delete cannot be selected by
pointing with cursor. They must be selected from a list
of ‘Notice by Mariner’ entries.

For this operation, the referring 'Notice to Mariner'

should be known. Therefore, first
 Click onto the object which should be withdrawn
in the chart image. From the Pick report note
the referring 'Notice to Mariner' (in this case –
 Click Function 'Manual Update'

A window pops up and prompts to select the regarding area

The display changes and shows the 'MANUAL UPDATING'
Menu with the chart cell, which contains the updating area.

Clicking ‘Withdraw Update Set’ pops up this window.

 Click the line button of ‘Notice to Mariner’ to open a list of user made updates.
 Select the needed note ('30.3a’).

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The list closes and the selection is called up as 'Notice

to Mariner', together with the info note that next
command shall remove the regarding object.
 Click ‘Withdraw’ and the inserted 'ferry route' will be
deleted without any further security query.

Note: Once objects are withdrawn by using the function ‘Withdraw update set’, all manual
updates referring to the selected ‘Notice to Mariner’ set, are deleted from the database. The
withdraw process is not reversible.

After successful withdrawing an information dialog pops up with

information about this withdraw order.
Click 'Ok' to close the dialog.

Selection filter for 'Withdraw update set'

To call up only the manual updates for the selected chart cell,
the button 'Currently visible chart' must be marked.
Marking the button 'All charts' will call up all made manual
updates, which are executed in different chart cells but
referring to the selected ‘Notice to Mariner’ entry.

May be, that same 'Notice to Mariner' is added for different

manual updates. So it should be taken care onto the
regarding message which pops up, when clicking

6.7.15 Differences of updating chart work in SENC charts and ARCS charts
In case of chart updating by using menu ‘Manual Update’, the updates must be executed in SENC
charts and ARCS charts separately. If update is only made in one kind of chart, the update is not
shown in the other kind of chart.
Other chart update settings by ‘Highlight Danger’ and ‘Tidal Stream’ may be done only in one kind
of chart. Those settings are automatically shown in other chart kind too. This is also effective,
when using the button ‘Notes’ in Function bar.

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6.7.16 View Chart Updates and Chart Update Status

To check updates or the update status of charts which are part of

the current SeaGuide ECDIS chart library,
Select 'ECDIS display', ⇒ 'Chart' and 'Chart Work'.
 Click ‘View Updates'.
Beside shown window pops up with a list of all made updates,
sorted by the dates, the updates have been stored into SeaGuide
 Mark a needed date and click 'OK'.

A list pops up with all updated chart cells, stored at that date to
the SeaGuide ECDIS.
 Mark a needed cell and click 'OK'.

The selected cell will be shown,

together with a window including
a list of all updates, made for this

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If more than one update was applied

to the chart cell, the updates are
separated into pages. Clicking the
arrow buttons, scrolls through the

Clicking 'Import log' calls a list of all

imported update files for the selected

Clicking 'Update Log' calls a

log-list with detailed information
and specification of each made

Clicking 'Other cell' calls back the before called up list of cells, which was
chosen at first by the selected update-date.

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SeaGuide ECDIS is able to monitor the own ship movement and environment to give alarm in
sufficient time for the following situations:
a) Shallow waters in ahead direction
b) All kinds of objects, which are defined as dangerous for navigation and enter the Guard
c) Low bridge or other air structure constructions which are content of used chart
d) Off course and Off track situation
e) Offset from anchor position
f) Dangerous ARPA and AIS targets within user defined limits for CPA/TCPA.
g) Automatic activation of AIS targets within user defined limits for CPA/TCPA.
Warning, regarding external sensor information!
Monitoring the situations, given in point a) to c) are only done by comparing the set OS
Guard Zone data with the information included in the current active ENC chart. Information
received by external sensors is not evaluated.
Important note, when using ARCS-charts
When using raster charts like ARCS charts it is generally not possible to monitor navigation
aids and other chart contents like grounding areas.
The only way to monitor objects of ARCS charts, is by using ‘Highlight Danger’ to mark
them by setting danger points, danger lines or danger areas.
*Attention regarding radar targets!
SeaGuide ECDIS is not a tracking device. ARPA targets and AIS targets can only be
monitored if a regarding device is connected and sending the target information as serial
data stream.

7.1 Alert settings

7.1.1 Guard Zone setting
The Guard Zone is an adjustable zone around the vessel set by the Guard Zone settings. Any
‘dangerous’ marked object, when entering the Guard Zone, trigger an alarm.
The settings for the Guard Zone of alarm limits are included in the alert window:
 Click the red/yellow/green menu button 'Alerts' to open
the window 'Alerts'.
 Click menu button 'Settings' in alert window, to open
‘Alert settings’.
 Click onto ‘Guardzone’ to open the selection menu.

In Guard Zone, menu limit settings for following parameter can be set:
- Look Ahead Time
- Distance limit (both sides of OS)
- Draught of OS
- Air draught of OS

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Look Ahead (Time) & Distance Limit

The shape of the Guard Zone is defined by two values: ‘Look ahead’ (time) and ‘Distance limit’
and indicated as an orange colored rectangle frame with solid thin lines. The Guard Zone origin is
fixed to the CCRP.
The ‘Look Ahead Time’ can be set
between 3 and 15 Minutes. The forward
distance the own ship will travel within the
set time with the current speed defines
the length of the rectangle. The length is
adapted continuously to the current
vessel’s speed.
The width of the box frame is not
dynamically set. It depends on the set
distance limit in meter. The set limit is
applied to port and starboard and can be
set from 0m to 18520m.

Note: If the indication of the velocity vector of own ship is activated, the length of the vector is
determined by the set ‘Look Ahead’ time and the vessel’s current speed over ground.
The draught value will be compared to depth lines and spot soundings in ENC charts lying in the
direction of vessel’s current movement. Set the limit to a safe draught for your vessel. The value
can be set from 0m to 100m.
Note: The set draught limit has direct influence on the settings in the display dialog for

Air draught
The air draught value will be compared to bridges and above sea level structures in ENC charts
lying in the direction of vessel’s current movement. Set the limit to a safe value for your vessel.
The value can be set from 0m to 100m.

7.1.2 Off Course and Position difference limits

 Click 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Settings' in window 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Function button' in window 'Alert settings'.
 Select 'Limits'
The menu ‘Limits’ enables setting of following alarm limits:
a) an 'Off Course' difference angle in relation to the set steering course
b) a limit for a distance difference between the position of the main
positioning device and a controlling device, or from the calculated
position of a dead reckoning process.
Note: - The off course monitoring is active only, when waypoint navigation is activated.
The position difference monitoring is always active. It monitors the position differences
between the main and the controlling position finding devices. Where, the controlling
device can be the dead reckoning process if no second position finding device is
The 'Off Course' alarm works as follows: If the course over ground is available and the difference
between the actual heading and the track course to the next waypoint exceeds the 'Off Course
Limit', the 'Off Course' alarm is activated.

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7.1.3 Turn Radius in relation to Speed

 Click 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Settings' in window 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Function button' in
window 'Alert settings'.
 Select 'Radius values'
A speed table opens, where in 2 Knots steps a course change radius can
be set, which allows a safety and smooth course change movement, in
respect to the regarding speed.
During automatic route tracking the real speed is compared with the set
radius for the next course change turn.
If the ship speed is too high for the next turn, a warning is pointed out.

7.1.4 AIS and Tracked Target limits

 Click 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Settings' in window 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Function button' in window 'Alert settings'.
 Select 'Targets'
Within in the menu ‘Targets’ all settings
regarding ARPA and AIS targets are done. The
limits for dangerous targets, automatic activation
of AIS targets and fusion of ARPA and AIS
targets are defined here.
AIS alerts
When deactivated the acoustical and visual
alerts for:
a) dangerous targets (CPA/TCPA)
b) lost targets
are suppressed.
All Target
The limits for dangerous targets are applied to
both ARPA and AIS targets. A target is
considered dangerous when either the
estimated CPA or the TCPA of the target are
within the defined limits.
AIS targets
An AIS target within the defined limits becomes
automatically activated, refer to chapter 7.11.1
CPA/TCPA limits of AIS targets for further

Target fusion
When an ARPA target and an AIS targets reported position and COG/HDG are within the set
limits, the targets will be associated and only the AIS target will be shown. As soon as the
reported position and/or COG/HDG exceed the set limits the targets will be disassociated and
shown as two independent targets.

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7.1.5 Anchor Watch settings

 Click 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Settings' in window 'Alerts' ⇒ 'Function button' in window 'Alert settings'.
 Select 'Anchor watch'
The Anchor-watch alarms, when the vessel is drifted outside a preselected radius distance from
the anchor-position.
For activation and setup:
 Click button [Alerts] in right side menu bar. – Alert window
pops up.
 Click button [Settings] in window 'Alerts'
 Click button [Guard Zone] in window 'Alert settings' and
select 'Anchor watch'.
 Select ‘Max. Position diff’ and set a maximum alarm radius to
the anchor position.
If there may be a grounding risk, mark regarding box and set
Minimum depth for grounding alarm.
To be warned, if wind arises to a critical high speed, mark
regarding box and set a value for max. wind speed.
To be warned if wind angle changes, set an angle sector,
'From' – 'To', where no alarm shall occur within.

Values for angle settings can be changed by digital input or by clicking onto the sector angle lines
and shifting them to the needed angle.
Set a minimum wind speed in field 'Don't use below', to get no alarm at lower wind speed, if ship
is drifting around anchor position (as example, if tidal streams change their direction).
 Click [Start] at the anchor position, while anchor is set. A window
pops up, showing that anchor watch is active.

Note: Do not [Start] the 'Anchor watch', after full anchor chain length is given. This shall create a
wrong circle centre for the anchor watch.
Example for an anchor watch

As soon the CCRP position of ship exceeds the alarm circle, the alarm
will sound. Stopping the alarm executes a popup window with a warning
note, that anchor watch will be finished then.
Clicking 'Ok' stops the anchor watch and clears all indications in Chart
View for anchor watch.

To terminate an anchor watch manually:

 Click the cross marked button

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7.2 Frame
Frame defines an area that forces re-centering of the chart if the OS crosses the area
border. The frame is automatically activated by the ‘Ship’ toggle button in the Function
bar. The own ship symbol is placed inside the frame at a position with maximum
The frame can occupy 70% of the screen at maximum. The frame is indicated with faint,
dotted orange corners. The frame can be managed with the functions Frame Size,
Frame Move, Frame Auto and Frame Reset.

To change frame size and position, select [Ecdis Display] ⇒ [Monitor] ⇒ [Frame].

7.2.1 Frame Size

This function allows resizing the frame manually.
 Click menu [Frame Size]
 Move Cursor inside the chart area. Then the frame will change its size according to
the cursor movement and cursor position.
 Move Cursor to get a suitable size and click [] to fix this size.
Note: - The frame can neither be sized to the full extent of the chart display nor to a single
Note: - If the orthographic projection is on, the frame is always the default frame because this
projection does not allow under all circumstances the free positioning of the frame.

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Frame Move
This function allows moving the frame manually.
 Click menu [Frame Move]
 Move Cursor inside the chart area. Then the frame will move and follow the cursor
 Move the frame to needed position and click [] to fix this position.
Note: - The frame cannot be moved to the border of the chart display.

Frame is positioned to downside center area Frame is positioned to a rightside area.

Frame Auto
This function enables the automatic positioning of the frame on the screen. The frame size is
smaller dimensioned and shifted to a random position in a way, that the ship has always a
maximum way in ahead direction.
Note: - This function is not available if the orthographic projection is on.

Frame Reset
This function resets the frame to its default size and location.

7.3 Own Ship Indication incl. Ahead and Astern Vector

Own Ship can be shown as a predefined symbol or in low chart ranges as simplified outline
drawing. The outline drawing can be activated up to a range of 1.0 NM. Additional an ahead
speed vector and an astern vector may be activated.
To activate the regarding functions:
 Centre cursor onto the ship symbol and click [].

To select range, up to which outline drawing shall be shown:

 Click menu line ‘Ship symbol up to …’ and
 Click the distance range, up to which the outlines shall be

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To show speed vector of OS:

 Click menu line ‘Velocity drawing…’
 select the vector indication to be activated
‘Off’ – turns the “Velocity vector” off
‘On’ - shows a dashed line in COG direction without
further indications
‘With time’ - shows the dashed line with perpendicular
time increments
‘With time and stabilization Ind.’- shows in addition to the dashed line one arrow for speed
through water and two arrows for speed over ground.
To show stern line
 Click menu line ‘Stern line drawing…’
 select ‘On’
‘On’ - activates a dotted short line in astern direction.

7.4 Main sensor for position calculation

To get information about connected and active sensors for position calculation:
Select [ECDIS Display] ⇒ [Monitor] ⇒ [Monitor Sensors].
 Click 'Pos: GPS…' to open following window.

The content of this window depends on the individual ship's installation and may differ from this
example. Depending on the kind and the amount of sensors more or less sensors are listed and
their naming might be different.
If the vessel is equipped with DGPS receiver, the second information of the regarding sensor line
is the actual status of the position receiver. It can be 'aut' for a standard GPS calculation or 'diff'
for a DGPS position calculation. In upper example both GPS sensors actually receive information
for 'Difference GPS' calculation.
The listed sensor ‘DR’ is short for dead reckoning. This position is calculated by SeaGuide ECDIS
using ship’s heading (HDG) and speed through water (SPD).

7.4.1 Sensor selection

When the checkbox next to Automatic is activated (red square) the sensor with the best position
quality is selected automatically as main sensor. When another sensor receives a position with
better quality, this sensor becomes automatically activated as main sensor. The sensor with the
lesser quality is selected as monitoring sensor. When the main sensor fails, the monitoring sensor
is automatically selected as main sensor.
Note: By default the position sensor adjustments and antenna position settings are done
during commissioning phase of the system. If the system, build by position sensors
and ECDIS, is adjusted and working correctly, all GPS positions shown in the 'Position
Control' dialog window should show approximately the same position; within the range
of GPS accuracy.
All measurements, values and data, which refer to Own Ship position, are referring to
the CCRP position (refer to Chapter 7.15.1 CCRP or Conning Position).

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When the checkbox next to Automatic is not activated (no red square) the MAIN and MONITOR
sensor have to be selected by the user.
 Open the dialog box next to MAIN
 Select one sensor from the pop up list as MAIN sensor
 Repeat this step for the MONITOR sensor
When one of the selected sensors fails, an alarm (acoustic and visual) will be launched. In this
case, another sensor from the list has to be selected either as MAIN or MONITOR sensor.
A sensor with no valid or doubtful position information is not selectable in the list as MAIN or
MONITOR sensor.

7.4.2 Position offset correction

Under certain circumstances it might become necessary to adjust the position indication for a
GPS sensor. These adjustments can be done by setting a position-offset.
Clicking 'Set' of the regarding sensor, pops up an 'Offset'
window, where position difference must be input as Lat/Lon
difference values.
It may also be done by setting bearing and distance
difference values. To do this, click the radio button of
'Bearing/Distance' to get the input cells active, and set the

Click 'Done' to activate the set values. The Offset radio

button of these sensor changes to red.
Click 'Reset' to reset the values to before activated values.

Click 'Clear' to reset to cero values. – Red color of Offset button in window 'Position control'
When an offset value is set to the activated main sensor, adjacent
shown warning will be indicated:
The warning must be acknowledged by clicking 'OK'.

If the position of main sensor is

corrected by an offset value, a yellow
marked warning message pops up
every minute for 3 seconds beside the
position indication.
A quick reset of the offset values may be done by
 Selecting [Ecdis Display] ⇒ [Monitor] ⇒ [Monitor Sensors].
 Clicking the '3. Functions' menu ' Pos: GPS….' and
Clicking into the red marked offset button of the activated 'Position control' window.

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7.5 Dead reckoning position

The dead reckoning position (DR) is a position calculated by SeaGuide ECDIS. This position is
calculated from ship’s heading (HDG) and ship’s speed (SPD).
If no heading is received, no DR-position will be calculated. If no speed is received, the user set
manual speed will be used for the calculation.
Due to environmental influences like drift by wind or current the calculated DR-position may differ
from the position calculated by a GPS or EPFS device. When the difference is too high an alarm
will be generated and the DR-position has to be reset by the user.

7.5.1 Reset of DR position:

Select [Ecdis Display] ⇒ [Monitor] ⇒ [Monitor Sensors].
 Click 'Pos: GPS…' to call up the
window 'Position control'.
 Click 'Set' in 'Dead reckoning' field, to
call up the separate 'Dead Reckoning'
 Click the 'GPS…' value line to mark
(If the line already is marked, but the
button 'Copy' still is shown dimmed, the
line must be clicked twice to delete the
marking and to remark it, so that the
'Copy' button is highlighted.)
Now the real GPS position can be
copied to the 'DR' line.
 Click 'Copy', and the DR position
changes to same values of GPS position.
 Click 'Ok' and in chart image, the wrong DR position is shifted to the actual GPS position.
Attention! The 'Ok' order has to be given without delay behind of clicking 'Copy' since the
vessel is moving and the new DR position may be already too far off the vessel’s
current position.

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7.6 Pasttrack settings

Own ships position is calculated and monitored by an EPFS, normally by a
For monitoring the correct calculation of this sensor, a second GPS-Sensor
may be connected. Otherwise speed and heading data or a calculated
position by Radar may be used for dead reckoning OS Position to compare
with main sensor position.
If Past track line is activated, the past track of main sensor calculation is
shown as a thick black line with time stamps and the past track of the
monitoring position is shown parallel as a
thin black line with time stamps
too (if both positions don't
Beside example shows a track,
monitored by dead reckoning.
Therefore the sideway position
difference gets clearly bigger at a
big course change.
Due to the fact, that the dead
reckoning speed measurement
has a certain amount of variation
compared to a GPS calculation,
an increasing difference of
position will be stated. But
nevertheless it gives sufficient
security, that the GPS position is

7.6.1 Pasttrack settings

The display of the own ship’s pasttrack can activated or deactivated by
the user. Choose: ‘Ecdis Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’
and click in menu 'Functions' the checkbox next to ‘Show Pasttrack’ to
activate the display of the past positions.
The timing of the position recorded depends on vessel’s speed, turn
radius, chart usage and cannot be adapted by the user.
With the button ‘Pasttrack clear’ the Pasttrack recording for the last 48
hours will be cleared from the ECDIS buffered memory and will not be
available for the user anymore.
With the button ‘Pasttrack List’ a window showing the Position records
• Primary sensor – 48 hours
• Secondary sensor – 48 hours
• Primary sensor – 3 months
• Position fix data
will be displayed.
A left click on the Pasttrack line opens a context menu where the user
can set:
• The time mark interval
• A distinct time mark
Or choose to go to a certain time mark

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7.6.2 Pasttrack list

A click on the button ‘Pasttrack list’ opens the “Pasttrack list”-window, where the user can select
the position recordings displayed, either Primary Sensor, Secondary Sensor or Position fix data.
For each Position more details can be shown.
The complete list or just selected positions may be stored on an external USB medium.

 Move the cursor above the menu button next to Position records and click to choose from the
available sensors:
• Primary sensor – 48 hours
• Secondary sensor – 48 hours
• Primary sensor – 3 months
• Position fix data
 Move the cursor above an entry in the position list and click to highlight this line.
One or more lines may be selected.
• Now you may display more details about this position by clicking the button “Details”
• By clicking the button “Print selected” send the selected lines to a connected printer.
• By clicking the button “Save selected to..” the selected lines will be stored as txt-file on a
connected USB medium.
 The button “Save all to…” will store all positions from the displayed sensor as txt-file on a
connected USB medium.
 The button “Save extended to…” will store additional all positions with additional information from
the displayed sensor as txt-file on a connected USB medium.

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7.7 Monitoring additional data in ECDIS

The monitoring of ‘Additional data’ is only available, if the system option CONNING DISPLAY and
when regarding sensors are installed.
Following data (if available) may be displayed in an additional window:
o Rate of turn o Setting of Pitchpropeller
o Rudder angle o actual Depth sounder value
o Engine RPM o actual Windspeed
The indication window can be configured for all or a selection of above mentioned data.
To show ‘Additional data’, select ‘Ecdis’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Voyage’
 mark the box ‘Additional data’
A window pops up with the activated data, - in this example:
engine RPM and echosounder depth.
The color background of the ‘Depth’ indication field is
equivalent to the ‘Safety value’ setting.

To configure ‘Additional data’

 Click the arrow button in the data window
A selection table pops up with all available sensor data.
 Mark the boxes of needed data, - in this example – RPM and Depth.

Shifting Data Window

The data window can be placed anywhere at the chart image.
 Click the head line of the window. The cursor changes to a cross arrow symbol.
 Move the window by trackball to needed position
 Click [] to finish.
To close the Data Window:
 Click in menu-bar the red button of ‘Additional data’.

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7.8 Check of Own Ship sensors

SeaGuide ECDIS does provide a built-in test facility to check wether all configured and connected
sensors are working properly. To access this function:
 Click in the Menu Bar: ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’

7.8.1 Sensor Data Input

To check whether all configured and connected sensor information is received:
 Click in menu 'Functions' the button ‘Sensor overview’, to open an information
The source with the configured NMEA sentences will be
shown. An “OK” indicates sentence is received and “Fail”
indicates the sentence has not been received within a
certain time limit. Refer to the SeaGuide ECDIS Technical
Manual for further details about SeaGuide EDIS and
connected sensor information.

7.8.2 Antenna positions

SeaGuide ECDIS provides means to display the configured antenna positions. The position of the
antenna and the ship’s outline are entered in the commissioning phase.
Click in window 'Sensor overview' the button ‘Sensor inputs’ and select
‘Antenna positions’.

The ship’s outline together with the configured antenna positions is

shown. The CCRP is drawn as a solid circle; the antennae are indicated
with crosses.
Move the cursor above the antenna or position to show and click it to
highlight the regarding sensor in the window “Positions”.
In the window “Distances” the distance from the selected position to
‘bow’, ‘stern’, ‘port’ and ‘starboard’ are shown in meter and the regarding
sensor is highlighted in red.

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7.8.3 Check Analog inputs

The display of analog signals is only available if conning is licensed. SG1100 and SG2200
System come without Conning and have no means to display the analog signals.
The configuration and calibration of the analog input signals is described with an example.
Note: Bow thruster is not foreseen as analog value, only bow thruster with NMEA output can
be displayed in the Conning Display
In this example the sensor information is wired according to the table below:
Sensor Limits Display Min/Max

Rudder PS ± 40° ± 45°

RPM – shaft PS -110/+120 rpm ± 125 rpm

Rudder STB ± 40° ± 45°

RPM – shaft STB -110/+120 rpm ± 125 rpm

 Click in window 'Sensor overview' the button ‘Sensor inputs’ and select ‘Analog
 Choose the “Data line” (1) you want to check, e.g. “Converter1 RPM port” by moving
the cursor above it and click it with the left mouse button.






(5) (7)

 In the field “Staging posts” (8) the configured calibration values are shown. These are
entered during commissioning.
 In the field “Actual data” the current measured values are shown:
(2) the measured raw data with 0=minimum and 1023=maximum
(3) the estimated result after conversion to displayed value, e.g. rpm.
(4) the configured maximum value of the instrument, e.g. 125.0 rpm
 Next to the field “Actual data” is a graphical representation of the actual measured
value indicated by the orange line (6) in relation to configured minimum (5) and
maximum (7) staging posts, indicated by a blue cross.

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7.9 Radar/ARPA in SeaGuide ECDIS

A Radar/ARPA display unit may be connected to SeaGuide ECDIS. In this case SeaGuide ECDIS
is able to display information received via the serial interface:
• tracked target table
• own ship data: heading and speed
• Radar system data: cursor position, EBL1/VRM1, EBL2/VRM2
Additionally SeaGuide ECDIS may be equipped with a radar interface card and connected to the
Radar equipment. In this case the radar video can be shown as an overlay in the chart view.

7.9.1 Radar input selection

There may be more than one radar system connected to the ECDIS system. To select one as
source for data, choose: ‘Ecdis Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ and click in menu
'Functions' the button 'Radar: Rad…'.
This opens the popup window 'Radar Control':
 Click button 'Rad…' in window 'Radar
Control' and select input “Rad1” for the radar
connected to SeaGuide1 and “Rad2” for the
radar connected to SeaGuide2

This unit is then selected as source for own ship data, radar system data and tracked target table.

7.9.2 Radar antenna selection for tracked target table

SeaGuide ECDIS uses the selected antenna position to recalculate the distance and bearing of
received targets in reference to the CCRP. On vessels with X-Band and S-Band antennae the
radar display unit can be set up to show either X-Band or S-Band radar information. The radar
display unit does not tell the ECDIS which antenna is currently in use. The regarding antenna has
to be selected in SeaGuide ECDIS manually.
 Click button '…-Band' and select 'X-Band' or 'S-Band'.
 Click 'Done' to exit.

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7.9.3 CPA/TCPA Limits for tracked targets

When SeaGuide ECDIS is connected to RADAR/ARPA devices and the limits for CPA/TCPA are
entered correct SeaGuide ECDIS generates an alarm as soon as an ARPA target is becoming a
dangerous target for navigation.
How to change limits for CPA/TCPA regarding ARPA targets:
On ECDIS Display
 click menu button ‘Alerts’ to open the
Alert window
 click menu button ‘Actual alerts’ to
display the actual alerts
 click menu button “Settings” to open
the “Alert settings” window
 select menu ‘Targets’ to change the
target alert settings
 in field ‘All targets’ set the distance
for Closest Point of Approach (CPA)
limit and the time to the CPA (TCPA)
limit for dangerous target alerts.
 In field ‘Target fusion’ set the
maximum difference for distance and
COG/HDG between AIS and ARPA .
 After setting the limits, click 'Ok' to
safe and activate the settings, or
click 'Cancel' to close the window
without activating the new values.
Attention: There are no individual settings for ARPA and AIS dangerous target CPA/TCPA limits.
The Target activation CPA/TCPA limits apply to AIS targets only and do not generate a
dangerous target alarm. An AIS targets within these limits will be automatically activated. A
dangerous AIS target will always be automatically activated regardless of the set target activation

SeaGuide ECDIS is providing an AIS interface when an AIS-transponder is connected to the
system. AIS targets received by the AIS-transponder and sent as NMEA data stream to SeaGuide
ECDIS can be displayed in the chart view. Depending on settings for CPA/TCPA limits dangerous
targets will be detected and an alarm generated.
Depending on the type of the connected AIS and the installation on board SeaGuide ECDIS is
able to change “voyage static data” settings on the AIS.

7.10.1 CPA/TCPA limits of AIS targets

When SeaGuide ECDIS is connected to AIS and the limits for CPA/TCPA are entered correct
SeaGuide ECDIS automatically activates AIS targets in activation zone and generates an alarm
as soon as an AIS target is becoming a dangerous target for navigation.
How to change limits for CPA/TCPA regarding AIS targets:

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On ECDIS Display
 click menu button ‘Alerts’ to open the
Alert window
 click menu button ‘Actual alerts’ to
display the actual alerts
 click menu button “Settings” to open
the “Alert settings” window
 select menu ‘Targets’ to change the
target alert settings
 in field ‘All targets’ set the distance
for Closest Point of Approach (CPA)
limit and the time to the CPA (TCPA)
limit for dangerous target alerts.
 In field ‘AIS targets’ set the distance
for CPA limit and TCPA limit for
automatic target activation.
 In field ‘Target fusion’ set the
maximum difference for distance and
COG/HDG between AIS and ARPA .
 After setting the limits, click 'Ok' to
safe and activate the settings, or
click 'Cancel' to close the window
without activating the new values.
Note: When the AIS interface is not enabled in the SeaGuide ECDIS configuration, the AIS target
settings are not present.
Attention: There are no individual settings for ARPA and AIS dangerous target CPA/TCPA limits.
The Target activation CPA/TCPA limits apply to AIS targets only and do not generate a
dangerous target alarm. An AIS targets within these limits will be automatically activated. A
dangerous AIS target will always be automatically activated regardless of the set target activation
Warning: The accuracy of the AIS target information depends on the data sent by the respective
target. This data could be affected if the position, heading or speed sensor connected to the
target’s AIS device is not working properly. The following data provided by the AIS for this target
is then not correct either:
- The target ship’s speed and course
- The target ship’s reported position (bearing and distance to own ship)
- The target ship’s CPA and TCPA values

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7.10.2 AIS target symbols

AIS targets are represented with the following symbols depending on the user defined settings
and the target status information received.
Sleeping Target
A target, which is received by the AIS transponder and which is outside the defined limits of the
CPA / TCPA calculation, will be displayed with the Sleeping target symbol.
Sleeping AIS target symbol
The direction of the triangle is the regarding ship’s true heading.

Sleeping AIS target symbol

with neither reported heading or COG

Activated Target
A target can be automatically or manually activated. The activated AIS symbol is a slightly bigger
triangle than the sleeping target.

Velocity vector
(var. length / Velocity vector
SOG&COG) (with time increments /
Heading line
(fixed length) ROT

To activate manually a sleeping target, place the cursor onto the AIS-Symbol and [] click
the right trackball button. Choose the desired action from the context menu. The deactivation of
a manual activated target has to be done manually in the same way.
As soon as an AIS target enters the zone defined by the user set CPA/TCPA-limits for AIS targets
it will be automatically activated. When leaving the activation zone it will be automatically
Note: The limits for CPA/TCPA of AIS targets should be adapted to the current situation. For
areas with a lot of traffic like ports, the limits should be set as small as possible.
Otherwise important information in the chart might be hidden by activated AIS targets.
Speed vector and heading line display
As soon as an AIS target is activated and the target’s SOG is greater 0 knots the velocity vector
will be displayed. If COG and heading of the target differ more than 5 degrees than the heading
line will be displayed as well. For targets with a ROT greater than 5 degrees the ROT indicator is
The length of the velocity vector, COG/SOG vector, depends on the setting for the ‘Look ahead’-
time of Own Ship in menu ‘Alerts’ > ‘settings’ and sub menu ‘Guardzone’.
Velocity vector:
The user can manually change the displayed vectors of activated AIS targets by [] clicking
with the right trackball button on the target.
Choose Velocity vector to display exclusively the velocity vector. The heading line will be
Velocity (with time)
Choose Velocity vector (with time) to display the velocity vector with time increments. The
heading line will be suppressed.

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Heading line
Choose Heading line to show only the heading line and suppress the velocity vector.
For targets with a valid ROT greater than 5 degrees the ROT indicator is shown.
No display of the velocity vector and heading line for this AIS target.
Pick report of a selected target
Clicking onto the symbol of an AIS target will open the
‘Pick Report’ window with all available AIS information of
the target.
The symbol of the selected target will be marked with a
broken square.

Dangerous Target
If the calculated CPA and TCPA of a AIS target fall
within the set limits for dangerous targets a
CPA/TCPA alarm for the target will be generated and
the target symbol will flash red until acknowledged.
The target will be automatically activated.
The alarm can be acknowledged in the alert window
or directly in the context menu of the target.

Lost Target
When no messages are received for a known target a
Lost target alarm will be generated and the target
marked with flashing crossed lines centered on the
target symbol. The timeout for the target to be
regarded as lost depends on the AIS target class as
well as target’s speed and course alteration.
After two minutes or when acknowledged the target
symbol will be removed from the chartview.
The alarm can be acknowledged with a right click on
the target (context menu) or in the alert window.
The AIS lost target alarm can be manually disabled by
the user.

On ECDIS Display
 click button ‘Alerts’ to open the Alert
 click menu button ‘Actual alerts’ to
display the actual alerts
 click menu button “Settings” to open
the “Alert settings” window
 select menu ‘Targets’ to change the
target alert settings
 Click “Enable AIS Lost Target alarms”
to disable the AIS lost target alarms.

Note: The last setting for AIS lost target alarm is automatically restored at each ECDIS start.
The lost AIS target symbol will be shown regardless whether AIS lost target alarms
are enabled or disabled.

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7.10.3 AIS target information

Place the cursor on an AIS target for more than
2 seconds. A text line pops up, with basic target
information (ships name / call sign).

A left click onto an AIS target opens the 'Pick

The Pick report contains different data referring to
the actual cursor position at activation.

Select “AIS target” (highlight) in the “Objects

area” to display the AIS target information in the
“Attributes area”

Use the sliders to show the actual not visible


CPA and TCPA are calculated by SeaGuide


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7.10.4 AIS target filter

To prevent cluttering of display, it is possible to filter the display of targets, so that only important
targets are shown with their symbols.
 Click button 'Display' at right part of function bar.
The window 'Display' opens.
 Move to the combobox 'AIS/RAD1 targets’ and click
the left button to change the filter settings for AIS
A pop up menu will be opened.
 Select the desired filter setting for AIS targets.
Following alternatives are selectable:
o No AIS targets
- Show no AIS targets
o Dangerous AIS targets
- Show only dangerous AIS targets
o Class A (SOLAS) AIS targets
- All non-SOLAS Class B targets will be
o All AIS targets
- Show all received AIS targets.

Note: The maximum value of displayed targets is 800.

The user will be informed with an appropriate message, when the maximum target
number has been reached. Then the range for processing and displaying AIS targets
will be automatically reduced until the processed and displayed target number is
below 800 targets.
Attention: As soon as the CPA /TCPA values of an AIS target are inside the limit for dangerous
targets, a dangerous target alarm will be generated even when “No AIS targets” is
selected in the ‘Display’ settings.
Choose “Dangerous AIS targets” in ‘Display’ to show dangerous targets in chart view.

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7.10.5 AIS Control window

In the AIS control window additional information, settings and functions are available:
Targets: AIS target table
Message: AIS messages list
Setup: Voyage static data of own ship

7.10.6 AIS target list

 Click 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ 'Monitor' ⇒ 'Monitor Sensors' ⇒ 'AIS'
 Click 'Targets' in 'AIS control' window, to open the target list
'Refresh' will update the
information while the 'AIS

The soft-keys:

- 'Target Info'
- 'Goto'
- 'Send

are insensitive
until a target is

Contents of AIS Target list

 Click the file-button to define the data information of the AIS target list.
 Click 'Show', to define the information
Mark the boxes, of those information, you want to
 Call Sign,
You can mark all, some, or only a single type.

Sorting the AIS target list

The AIS target list can be sorted by: Name, CPA and
 Click the file button,
 Click 'Sort by' and mark the kind of sorting
the list.
(Only one kind can be marked).

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Detailed AIS target information

Mark the AIS target in the target list, from which you
want to see all received information.

 Click 'Target Info'

All available data from the selected vessel will be shown
in a pop up window.

Goto marked AIS target

 Select an AIS target
 Click 'Goto'

The chartview will be centered on the selected AIS target.

Send an AIS message
 Select an AIS
 Click 'Send message' to create a message.
This may be addressed to an individual target or to broadcast a message.
An individual AIS object, you may select by 'Name' or by 'MMSI'.
Clicking regarding button opens the list of available AIS objects.

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Click into the into the 'Message' field, to

type in the message.
A double click opens the virtual keypad.
When finished,
 Click 'Send'.

The connected AIS will acknowledge that

the message has been sent out.
This may take some time.

7.10.7 AIS Message list

To access the received AIS messages (safety related messages – SRM) from AIS targets
 Click 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ 'Monitor' ⇒ 'Monitor Sensors' ⇒ 'AIS'
 Click 'Messages' in 'AIS control' window, to show the received messages list,
The messages are displayed as a list sorted by receiving date – from new to old. Messages are
stored for 3 months or until the maximum of 1.000 messages is reached. When the maximum is
reached the oldest messages will be deleted.

Switch between
messages by clickinng
one of the arrows.

With ‚Full Msg‘ the complete

received messages will be

‚Send AIS Message‘ to

Target with ‚Reply‘

‚Goto‘ centers chartview on

the selected AIS target

Clicking 'Reply' in
window 'AIS control'
opens the window
'Send AIS message'.

Double Click into the

message field and type
in a reply text.

Click 'Send' to transmit

the message to the
individual selected

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7.10.8 Voyage static data

If the connection between SeaGuide ECDIS and the AIS is carried out as a bi-directional interface
and the AIS is accepting the $EIVSD-message from SeaGuide ECDIS, then voyage static data
can be changed from the ECDIS-Display.
 Click 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ 'Monitor' ⇒ 'Monitor Sensors' ⇒ 'AIS'
 Click 'Setup' in 'AIS control' window, to access the setup window.
In this window a reduced set of voyage related static data can be set.
The 'Status'-button opens a list of available
navigation status information. The navigation
status has to be set manually by choosing an
item from the list.
The 'Cargo'-button opens a list of available
cargo definitions; Choose a matching
definition from the list .
'Draught' and 'ETA' at destination can be
changed by clicking the regarding arrow-
buttons or click into value field and scroll with
trackball right or left.
For input of the destination, click into the box
‘Destination’ and enter the destination. To
activate the virtual keyboard double click into
the box ‘Destination’.
 When all settings have been entered and check,
click the button ‘Set” to change the settings of “voyage static data” in the AIS.
Note: The button ‘Set’ is insensitive as long as no changes have been made.
 The AIS will send an acknowledgement when the changes have been accepted,
otherwise SeaGuide ECDIS gives a warning message.
Navigation status list: Cargo type list :

- under way using engine - harmless

- moored - Category X
- at anchor - Category Y
- not under command - Category Z
- restricted manoeverability - Category OS
- constrained by her draught
- aground - undefined
- fishing
- under way sailing
- undefined
The cargo type can only be set for the following ship types:
2-WIG, 4-HSC, 7-Cargo ships, 8-Tanker and 9-other types of ship
Note: The type of ship can only be set in the AIS itself and not from SeaGuide ECDIS.

Carrying dangerous goods (DG), harmfoul substances (HS), marine pollutants (MP), IMO
hazard or pollutant of category …
The reflecting categories X,Y,Z and OS were former categories A, B, C and D.

Attention: The cargo type has to be set initially in the AIS. As long as the AIS is set
to an unknown cargo type the ‘cargo’ button will be insensitive.

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A Navtex-Receiver can be connected to SeaGuide ECDIS. When connected and enabled in
SeaGuide ECDIS configuration, than the incoming Navtex-messages are stored into a list. They
are updated automatically. The newest information appears at the top of the list.
The user can set filter and configure alerts or warnings for each type of message.
The Navtex-Menu is available only in the ECDIS-Display.
To open Navtex-Menu
 click: ‘ECDIS display’ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ ⇒ ‘Navtex’
The Navtex-window opens and when messages have been received, the regarding list will be
shown in this window.

7.11.1 Navtex Message-list

To open Navtex-Menu
 click: ‘ECDIS display’⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ ⇒ ‘Navtex’ ⇒ ‘Messages’

The messages are listed with date, time and message

code. The newest message is shown at top.

To see content of a message,

mark the regarding message
and click ‘Full Msg’.

7.11.2 Navtex Filter

The list can be sorted applying three types of filter.

With this filter the list can be sorted by the
frequency where the message has been
 Click on the “Frequency”-button
Choose the frequency you want
to look at
'All frequencies',
'490 kHz',
'518 kHz' or
'4209.5 kHz'

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With this filter only messages received by
the selected station are shown.
 Click on the “Station”-button
 Choose the station you want
to look at
‘All stations’,
‘Station A’,
‘Station B’,
‘Station …’ or
‘Station X’

With this filter only messages matching
the selected category are shown.
 Click on the “Category”-
button (right)
 Choose the category you
want to look at
‘All categories’,
‘Nav. warnings’,
‘Meteo warnings’,
‘Meteo forecasts’,
‘Ice report’,
‘Pilot service’ or

7.11.3 Navtex setup

For each category the way how the user will be informed when a new message of this category is
received can be selected independently.
 click: ‘ECDIS display’⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Monitor Sensors’ ⇒ ‘Navtex’ ⇒ ‘Setup’
 Click on the button right of the category to choose:
When Alarm is selected, the user will be informed by a red
flashing alert button and an acoustic alarm about a new
message of this category.
When Warning is selected, the user will be informed by a
yellow flashing alert button and no acoustic alarm about a
new message of this category.
When Ignore is selected, the user will not be informed about
a new message of this category.
 Leave this setup with ‘Done’

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7.12 Date and Time setting

The ship´s Date and Time is displayed continuously on the right top of the screen in the
information line in the format: hh:mm
A click onto the time button opens a dialog box displaying following information:
- Date and time of UTC
- Ships time and date with order button to change to UTC.
Time button
Attention: If the note (UTC) is not shown, it is
Local time or Ships time.
Ships or local time

The indication of ‘Time source’ informs which

sensor delivers the UTC time. Normally this is the GPS in use as primary sensor.
The user may adjust the date and time to the actual ship´s date and time.
The ship´s time is used for all time stamps at objects e.g. at the past track line. But the settings of
LOPs and calculated Position fixes gets always timestamps in UTC.
If there are more than one SeaGuide ECDIS workstations in the system, the time is synchronized
to all displays.
Valid values are: Time: hh - 0 to 23 (hour)
mm - 0 to 59 (minute)
Date: dd - 1 to 31 (day)
mm - 1 to 12 (month)
yyyy: - 1970 to 2099 (year)
Setting ship's time
 Click the time button upside right, to open the window 'Ships time setup'.
 Click into the regarding data cells or the arrow-buttons to set the local resp. the ships-time
 Click 'Ok' to activate the set time and to close the setup window.
Setting ships time to UTC-time
 Click the time button to open the setup window.
 Click the button 'Set to UTC'
 Click 'Ok' to activate UTC time and to close the setup window.
Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the time setup dialog without saving any changes.
Attention: Ship’s time can be set to any user defined time and date. It can be local time or any
other time.
Although the shown time in the data line and in the chart image may be local or ships time, the
time in all logging reports, as well as the time for LOP settings and position fixes are set as UTC.

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7.13 Reference Point

7.13.1 CCRP or Conning Position
All measurements, values and data, which refer to Own Ship position, are referring to the
Consistent Common Reference Point - CCRP. On most vessels the conning position is defined as
CCRP. The CCRP will be entered during installation and commissioning of the SeaGuide ECDIS
If more than one ECDIS Display is installed on the bridge, basically the display which is installed
on starboard side will be the set up as CCRP. The CCRP will be defined during installation and
commissioning of the SeaGuide ECDIS system.
To center chart view on the CCRP click the checkbox “Ship” in the function bar.
The information (distance and bearing) in the field right
next to the “Ref.Pt.”-Button refers to the cursor position
relative to the CCRP.

7.13.2 Cursor reference point

One Cursor Reference Point (Ref.Pt.) for measuring distances or bearings can be set:
 Click 'Ref.Pt.' below in the function bar.
 Select ‘Set’ to activate the function
 Move the cursor to a position in chart view

 A left click sets the actual cursor position as

cursor reference point, indicated by an orange cross.
 Click ‘Go’ to center chart view on the cursor reference

The information (distance and bearing) in the field right

next to the “Ref.Pt.”-Button refers to the cursor position
relative to the reference point.

7.13.3 MOB Position

SeaGuide ECDIS offers to place a Man-Over-Board Position (MOB) by one click order at the
actual own ship position.
To mark the actual OS position as MOB event:
 Click 'Ref.Pt.' below in the function bar.

 Click 'MOB' to set an event mark at the actual position.

The event will be automatically marked with the notation ‘MOB’ and a ‘Man over board’ alarm will
be triggered. This alarm is shown on all workstations in an ECDIS system.

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Note: The MOB-Position is only saved as an event position, not as a waypoint which may be
activated by a one button order.
To see the exact Lat/Lon values of
the MOB position, click onto the
MOB marking to call up the pick

– Mark the object event, if it is not

automatically marked, and the
position values are shown in field

7.14 Bearing and Distance measurements

SeaGuide ECDIS offers different features to define bearings and distances.

7.14.1 Estimated Distance by scale bar

The scale- or latitude-bar at left side of chart image may be used for rough distance estimation.

range ring

scale bar

7.14.2 Distance by Fix Range Rings

To get easy estimation of distances, range rings can be activated like in radar systems. To call
them up,
 Click button ‘Rings’ in below in the function bar to red.
Then fixed red colored range rings are shown in chart image, centered to own ship (see above
example). The respective distance from ring to ring is shown upside left in the chart range
indication box, beside of range value [8.0 2.0]. In this case it is 2 NM.

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7.14.3 Distance and Bearing by EBL + VRM

Exact Distance and Bearing measurements can be done from three different reference positions:
 Own ship (conning position) – the origin is placed and fixed to
conning position and follows the ship motion.
 Selected fixed chart position – the origin can be placed
anywhere on chart image and stays fixed onto this point.
 Selected floating chart position (related to own ship) – the origin
can be placed anywhere on chart image, but then it follows the
own ship motion. All time it stays with fixed bearing and distance
in relation to own ship.
To select the needed reference position,
 click button [Set] in function bar.
Following menu pops up

7.14.4 Own Ship EBL + VRM

SeaGuide ECDIS offers two independent EBLs and two VRM. To set EBL and VRM for own ship,
select first ‘EBL/VRM1’ or ‘2’ in function bar. Each click onto button [EBL/VRM] changes between
‘1’ and ‘2’.
 Click [Set] in function bar, - the Set
menu pops up
 Click ‘Conning Pos’ in pop up menu
 Click the needed kind of EBL value
‘Set EBL true’ or ‘Set EBL rel’, resp.
‘Set VRM’
 Move the cursor into chart image. –
The EBL and/or the VRM are shown,
centred to conning position, with the
crossing point of EBL and VRM
following the Cursor position.
 Move the cursor to the needed
measuring point and
 Click again to fix the EBL and VRM. –
Then the Cursor can be moved
 Click [Set] in function bar, - the Set menu pops up
 Click ‘Conning Pos’ in pop up menu
 Click the needed kind of EBL value ‘Set EBL true’ or ‘Set EBL rel’, resp. ‘Set VRM’
 Move the cursor into chart image. – The EBL and/or the VRM are shown, centred to conning
position, with the crossing point of EBL and VRM following the Cursor position.
 Move the cursor to the needed measuring point and
 Click again to fix the EBL and VRM. – Then the Cursor can be moved independently.

If EBL/VRM1 is shown, EBL/VRM2 can be shown too. To do so:

 Click the button [EBL/VRM1] in function bar to change to [EBL/VRM2]. Then follow
same procedure as described before.
The shown chart image example contains both, - EBL/VRM1 and EBL/VRM2.
EBL/VRM1 are drawn with dashed lines.
EBL/VRM2 are drawn with dotted lines.

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Chapter 7 – FOCUS Monitor

The measured EBL/VRM values are shown beside of regarding button in function bar. Because
they are related to OS position no prefix is set in front of the values. The EBL is a true bearing.
Therefore a ‘T’ is set behind of value.

(Example belongs to the above chart image, where the EBL 1 points nearly exact to 17°.)
To get EBL and VRM both indicated in chart image, set both radio buttons of Set menu to red.
If VRM is not activated, the VRM distance is marked onto the EBL line as small circle symbol at
the selected distance.

Note regarding OS Position!

All measurements, values and data, which refer to Own Ship position, are referring to the CCRP

7.14.5 EBL/VRM with Fixed or Floating Position

Beside example shows EBL/VRM independent positioned on a free selectable position, in this
case on a chart symbol (X).
In chart image it is not indicated, if it is a
(F)ixed or in (R)elation to Own Ship a
floating EBL/VRM.
This only is indicated in the value window of
function bar.
The following example shows a fixed
EBL/VRM, - indicated with (F).

It shows 66.6° True and belongs to the enclosed chart image. The EBL is parallel in line of ships
course. So it can be compared with ships course, where a true course of a little less than 70° can
be read.
Changing the EBL from True to Relative, it shows nearly 360° resp. 000°.

This is correct according to chart example, because it is pointed in parallel to ships course.

A Floating, resp. Relative positioned EBL/VRM is indicated with an (R) in front of the bearing

(This example does not coincide with above shown chart image).
The center of EBL/VRM is moving in a fixed distance and bearing to ships motion.

7.14.6 Distance and bearing measurement with cursor

The actual distance and bearing from cursor to selected reference
point is indicated in the function bar next to the button ‘Ref.Pt.’
Refer to Chapter 7.15 Reference Point for further details.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation


SeaGuide ECDIS offers different tools for basic navigational calculations.
To call up these tools select from the menu
 ‘Ecdis Display’ ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work

8.1 Nav. Calculator

The Nav. Calculator is a tool which is independent from the actual shown chart.
Following nautical calculations can be performed:
• Converting a position with local datum to a WGS 84
• Converting a position with WGS 84 datum to a position
with local datum.
 Calculating distance and bearing between two given
 Calculating another position by distance and bearing
from a given position.

To get the calculator menu active,

 Click button ‘Nav. Calculator’ in menu '3. Functions'

Convert a position with local datum to a WGS 84 position

Following geodetic datum is available:
WGS 84 / WGS 72 /
ED50 /OSGB 36 / Tokyo
/Australia 1984/ NAD 27

 First select the geodetic datum of the chart from where

the position is detected (as example – ED50).
 Put in the ED 50 Lat/Lon coordinates into the ‘Start
position’ cells (alternatively click in chart image onto
the regarding position).
 Click ‘Calculate’
As result, the regarding coordinates of WGS 84 are shown.
Converting a WGS 84 position into another of the available datum
is done the same way.

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8.1.1 Calculate distance and bearing between two positions

To calculate distance and bearing from one point to another:

 Select function ‘calculate distance and bearing’.
 Select the regarding geodetic datum.
 Select leg type, if ‘Rhumbline’ or ‘Great circle’.
 Put in the start position.
 Put in the end position.
 Click ‘Calculate’
As result, the values for distance and bearing (‘Course’) are

8.1.2 Calculate end position by distance and bearing

To calculate the end position from a start position by

distance and bearing values:
 Select function ’calculate end position’
 Select the regarding geodetic datum
 Select leg type, if ‘Rhumbline’ or ‘Great circle’
 Put in the start position
 Put in the distance to end position
 Put in the bearing to end position
 Click ‘Calculate’
As result, the Lat/Lon-values of end position are shown.

For setting the start/end position, alternatively the position can be picked up from the chart
image by clicking the corresponding button ‘Pick start/end position’. A following dialogue

pops up, directing to click into the regarding chart position.

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8.2 Dividers – quick distance measuring

For a quick distance determination, a divider function is available.
 click ‘Dividers’
A dialog pops up directing to set a start point. Click to the regarding

A next dialog prompts to move the cursor to the next position. An

orange line follows the cursor, but a distance will not be shown
until the next position is clicked.
This can be repeated as often
as needed. Hereby the
measured distances between
the clicked positions are
cumulated and indicated. The
function can be canceled or
quit by [].

In case a position was not set correctly and should be withdrawn,

 Click [] to pop up a window with following divider

'Undo last position' – the last set line/distance will be
removed and can be new determined.
 Click the ‘Undo…’ button.
 Click the ‘OK’ button.

'Cancel divider' – the divider line will be deleted and the

divider dialog will become closed if the ‘OK’ button was
clicked afterwards.
'Ok' – if neither the ‘Undo’ nor the ‘Cancel’ option was
clicked before, the option window closes. The divider line
stays and follows the cursor and next positions may be

In case the final measurement was done and the divider shall be quit

 Click [] to pop up a window with following divider options:

'Cancel divider' – the divider line will be deleted and the divider dialog will become closed if the
‘OK’ button was clicked afterwards.
 Click the ‘Cancel…’ button.
 Click the ‘OK’ button.

If neither the ‘Undo…’ nor the ‘Cancel…’ option was clicked before, the option window
closes without any further action. The divider line stays and follows the cursor and next
positions may be selected.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

8.3 LOP (Lines of position)

In case of a used faulty EPFS-system or just to check the actual position data of the used EPFS-
system, the OS position can be determined manually by using the function ‘Line of Position’.

Lines of Positions (LOPs) can be determined by following

Kind of measurement Abbreviation
in the
chart image
Dead reckoning DR
Estimated EP
Visual V
Astronomical A
Radar R
Decca D
Glonass Gl
Loran/Tchaika L
Omega O
Transit/Tsikada T
Differential GPS dG
Differential Glonass dGl
Differential Omega. dO

1. During manual position determination by LOPs, speed and course should be constant.
2. Pasttrack line indication should be activated to get better optical control of LOP setting results.
3. The selection of the method for measurement is for indication within a pick report only.

The following chapters describe the handling of LOPs exemplary for a case that no position from
an EPFS is available and the OS position shall be determined.

If only a check of the received EPFS position should be executed, a more simple way of
handling the LOP procedure is recommended, see chapter: 8.4 Position Fix

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8.3.1 Determine OS Position by cross bearing

Select two clear detectable objects, which also can be
identified at the chart image. Take the bearings from
both to OS by means independent of the ECDIS (e.g.
bearing compass). Note the bearing values and the UTC
time for each bearing.
 Click menu button ‚Line of Position‘, to popup
regarding window.
 Click radio button ‘Bearing line’ (if not
 Set the noted bearing value of first object.
 Set the noted UTC time of bearing.
 Click button of ‘Method’ and select the used
 Click ‘Ok’.

Following message dialog pops up, prompting to mark the bearing

objects. Identify the used bearing object in the chart view and
 Click [] exactly onto the bearing object.

A next dialog message pops up prompting to set the line length.

 Move cursor into direction of OS up to a point, where the
bearing line surely crosses past track line of OS and
 Click [] to fix the line.

The fixed LOP gets a times stamp at starting point, which shows the UTC time of the LOP setting.
Now a second (or more) LOPs shall be set the same way like the first one.

Example for a second LOP setting

The selected target has a bearing to OS of
193°. This value has to be set into the ‘Bearing’
field of the dialog window.
The length of the LOP shall cross the before
set LOP to get a line interception.
The set time ‘10:23’ shall be the time of bearing
After setting the second LOP, and clicking ‘Ok’,
the cross bearing position can be calculated.

If at least two LOP are set, proceed with chapter 8.4 ’Position Fix’

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

8.3.2 Determine OS position by distance measurement

Determination of the OS position by distance measurement is preferable carried out with the VRM
function of the Radar equipment. Two chart objects, which can be clearly identified and which can
be selected as clearly separated targets on the radar, may be choosen to measure the distances.
The distance values and the UTC time of this measuring action at
the radar should be noted.
 Click menu button ‚Line of Position‘, to popup regarding
 Click radio button ‘Distance ring’ (if not activated).
 Click into the ‘Distance’ cell and set the before at the
radar determined distance value of the first object.
 Set the noted UTC time of bearing action
 Click button of ‘Method’ and select the used one.
 Click ‘Ok’.

Following message pops up, prompting to mark the selected first chart
object for which the distance value was set.

 Click [] exactly onto this first bearing object.

Now a line is shown with the set distance length, starting at

the selected chart object and fixed into direction of the
actual cursor position.
Then a circle segment must be drawn, which crosses the
OS position, respectively the past track line.
 Move the cursor to an angle, where the
circle segment shall start (the line follows the cursor) and
click [].

The message window changes and prompts to set the endpoint of

arc segment.
 Move the cursor to a point, where it surely crosses the OS
position, respectively the past track line and click [].
A circle segment with the set distance value is fixed between both
clicking points.
Now the second distance circle segment should be set the same
way like the first one. Repeat the whole procedure like before.
Both segments are signed with a time stamp of setting.

If at least two LOP are set, proceed with chapter 8.4 ’Position Fix’

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8.3.3 Check of an EPFS position by cross bearing

If an EPFS position has to be tested for correctness quickly, then there is a simplified procedure
for determining the position by cross-bearing means.
Select two clear detectable objects, which also
can be identified at the chart image. Take the
bearings from both to OS by means
independent of the ECDIS (e.g. bearing
compass). Note the bearing values and the
UTC time for each bearing.
Identify the used bearing objects in the chart
view and
 Click [] exactly onto one of the
bearing objects to
open the menu

 Click the entry ‘Set Line of position’

to open the ‘Line of position’ dialog
The value of the bearing from the OS to the clicked chart object, calculated by ECDIS, is shown
and a LOP is drawn. This indicated bearing value can be compared with the bearing value
determined by the ECDIS independent means. If necessary the indicated bearing can be adjusted
in the ‘Line of position’ dialog window. Also the UTC time shall be corrected to the time of taking
bearing. The ‘Method’ of bearing should be selected, too.
Clicking ‘Ok’ closes the menu and the shown bearing line will shift to the manual bearing value.

Proceed with further bearing objects the same way.

If at least two bearing objects were used and at least two LOP with a common interception point
were created, now the cross bearing
position can be calculated.
(refer to chapter 8.4.1 ’Simplified method
of Position Fix by LOP’)

The position of the calculated position fix

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8.3.4 Summary of LOP indications

LOP indications are orange colored.
The thin LOP lines are the original set LOPs. The thick LOP lines are the running LOPs, which
moves parallel to the movement of OS. They are signed by the shorting 'TPL' (Transferred
Position Line).
The crossing point
of the TPLs is
marked by a small
Primarily the TPLs
are not shown.
They are activated
by selecting the
original LOPs in
function 'Select
The starting points
of the TPLs are
marked with their
selection numbers.

8.3.5 Erasing LOPs – Clear the chart view

Line of position can be erased from the chart view in two ways.
 Click [] on the LOP to delete within the chart view.
♦ From the popping up selection menu select the entry
‘Erase- Position Line’. The selected LOP will be erased from
the chart view.
 Click [] on the button ‘Erase’ in the menu.
♦ A message dialog directs to ‘Click with DO-button to
item to erase!’
Moving the cursor onto the LOP to delete and
clicking [] erases the LOP from the chart view.

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8.4 Position Fix

A position fix can be set either by using already set LOPs (see also chapter: 8.3) or manually by
selecting a chart position.

8.4.1 Determine Position Fix by LOPs

After constructing two (or more) LOPs with crossing point at a past
position of OS
 Click menu button ‚Position fix‘, to popup the 'Position fix''
 Click button ‘Select lines’, to popup the message window.

 Place the cursor onto one of the LOPs and

 Click [].
The bearing/range value is set at line ‘1’ of position fix window and
content of the small window changes, prompting to click the second

After clicking onto the next line, the regarding bearing/range is shown at line ‘2’ and so on. If all
lines are selected the crossing lines are shown:
The thin red lines are the original set of LOPs. The fat red drawn lines are the calculated TPLs,
calculated by the dead reckoning process
in relation to the current OS movement
based on current speed and course. The
calculated TPLs interception point is called
a 'running fix' and it is marked by a small

Running fix

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

Now the regarding bearing/range position can be calculated.

 Click the menu button ‚Create position fix‘.
That places a ‘Position Fix’ symbol into the chart onto the running fix mark. The position fix
symbol is labeled with the UTC time of creation and the abbreviation of the selected method (see
chapter 8.3 ‘LOP (Lines of position)’).

In case, that past track is not recorded,
when 'Create position fix' is clicked, a
warning window pops up with following
warning message:
'No past track data for the complete
lifetime of this line. Actual position has
been calculated using actual speed and

Simplified method of Position Fix by LOP

After constructing two (or more) LOPs with crossing point at a past position of OS
Click [] on one of the LOPs within the chart view.
A selection menu pops up at the cursor position. Here select the entry
‘Create position fix.
The ‘Position Fix’ dialog window opens.
All corresponding LOPs are selected
automatically and becomes indicated as
TPLs. The bearing/range values of the
selected LOPs are indicated in the

 Click on the button ‘Create position fix’.

The position fix symbol with the labels
indicating the current UTC time and the
selected position finding method will be
set to the chart.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

8.4.2 Set a Position Fix manually

Center the chart view so the position where the position fix shall be set is within the chart view.
 Click the function button ‘Position Fix’ at the menu to open the Position Fix dialog.
 If ‘Manual input’ is not already selected,
click onto the ‘Bearing lines / range
circle’ button and select ‘Manual input’
from the opening menu.
 Click the button ‘Set position’. The cursor
can now be moved over the chart view.
A message pops up directing to point to
the position to fix.
 Click on the position to fix. The position data becomes indicated in the Position Fix dialog
window and the position fix symbol becomes set at the regarding chart position. If
necessary, the datum of the position can be adjusted by click on the datum button below
the position indication. Additionally, the finding method shall be set correctly by click on
the ‘Method’ button. The position itself can be fine-tuned too.

As long as the ‘Position Fix’ dialog is not closed, any adjustments in position, datum and
method can be done. Any change has an immediate effect to the drawn position fix

8.4.3 Limits for position fix calculation by cross bearing method

If a valid position estimate cannot be obtained, a warning message pops up. This may happen, for
example, if the LOP lines/circles have multiple crossings that are too far apart, or if two lines are
nearly parallel or don’t intersect at all.

8.4.4 Detailed information about a Position Fix position

To get detailed information about a position fix position
 Click onto the regarding position fix symbol to popup the Pick report.
In cell ‘Objects’, you can select the line ‘Position’ to pop up detailed information in cell ‘Attributes’
of exact position and about date, time of setting and the position finding method.
If the LOPs are still shown, additional details can be called up, by selecting the line ‘Position Line’
in the object cell.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

A Position Fix position can be used to

reset the continuously running DR
 Click button 'Set DR position'.
At this moment, the DR process restarts
it’s calculations with the new start
position - the Position Fix position.
If the DR process is selected as the
secondary positioning source, the visual
effect will be, that the past track line
from the DR position source will jump to
the time updated new DR position,
following the track of OS position with
course and speed values of the
selected main EPFS positioning source.

For further details about how to select the DR process as a positioning source, and how to reset
the DR calculations please refer to chapter 7.9 Dead reckoning position.

8.5 Clearing Lines

Clearing lines, also called 'Danger Bearing', are a valuable aid to navigate free of dangerous
objects and areas.
To operate with clearing lines, select ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Chart’ ⇒ ‘Chart Work’.
 Click function button from the menu ‘Clearing Line’.
A message dialog pops up directing to ‘Point to target position!’
 Click onto the bearing object.
 The menu ‘Clearing Line’ pops up, where the Lat/Lon position of the clicked object is
shown. If the exact chart position is known and differs to the shown one, the values may
be corrected. A red line with an arrow is pointing onto the clicked bearing object.
 Now the needed line bearing must be set as true value. - The line turns simultaneously
with the changing of setting. This makes it easy to control which bearing matches the
actual situation.
 Then a line length shall be set matching the actual situation.
 On the line the bearing value is shown together with the label ‘NLT’ (Not Less Than). The
options ‘Not Less Than’ and ‘Not More Than’ are selectable by the menu button
 If all settings are done, exit the Clearing Line dialog bei click the OK button.
In respect to the shown example, it means, that the bearing value to the pointed object must be
bigger than 89°, before a course change to Stbd may be executed, to get clear of dangerous

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

In beside shown example, the planned course

shall be directed to north. To get clear of
dangerous depth, the bearing to light house 'Bulk'
must be less than 290° (Not More Than).

8.5.1 Differentiation between Clearing Line and Danger Line

Following example shows one ‘Danger Line’ and two ‘Clearing Lines’.
The Danger Line separates a part of chart image between a safe navigation area and hazardous
The Danger Line has a monitoring function. When OS approaches to this line, an alarm will be
activated, as soon as the Guard zone of OS meets this line.

Clearing Line
The Clearing Line is only an aid for manual navigation. It does not separate between safety and
dangerous areas. It marks only an abeam line, from where the next course change may be
executed. An earlier course change may guide through dangerous areas.

Please also refer to chapter 6.7.1 Marking dangerous points, lines and areas.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

8.6 Prediction - of the motion of own ship

The motion prediction of SeaGuide ECDIS allows the mariner to see the future position and the
future swept path of his vessel within the next seconds or minutes. It is a useful aid to support
maneuvering in narrows fairways.
To use this function select ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Monitor’ ⇒ ‘Prediction’ in the menu.
This prediction is not a simulation! In fact, it is the extrapolation of the actual motion parameters
and therefore applicable for all types of vessels. That means, at the time of wheel over, a straight
prediction line will be shown. This line will bend slightly as soon as turning starts. A reliable
predicted turn arc will be shown as soon as a steady rate of turn has been reached.
The prediction is applicable when the scaled ship's outline is visible. That means, the prediction is
available in scale ranges less than 1.5 nm only.

Three functions are available to set the prediction:

Prediction On/Off
This function enables or disables the indication of the predicted path of the vessels motion. If the
prediction is off, the ‘Freeze’ and time setting function are insensitive.

Set Prediction Time

This function allows the setting of a prediction time. A useful prediction time for a manoeuvre will
be 60 seconds or less.
If the prediction is frozen, the prediction time counts backwards to zero seconds and then is
restored to the pre-set value.

This function freezes the prediction indication. This is particularly helpful in narrow fairways with
hard course changes.
The prediction is only an extrapolation of the present motion parameters and no simulation of the
manoeuvre. So the predicted position could be located ashore and confuse the mariner. The
Freeze function avoids this.

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Chapter 8 – Manual aids for navigation

8.7 ETA pre-calculation

If data of ship position with heading and speed are available, an estimated time to arrival (ETA)
for any position in the chart can be called up very easy. It calculates a direct steering from own
ship position to the marked point.

 Move the cursor to a position in the chart

image and click []. A selection menu
with the entry – 'ETA to pick position' pops up
at the cursor position.
 Click [] on this entry. A dialog window
‘Calculate speed for ETA’ appears.
The date and time of arrival to the pick
position, if the ship starts to steer in a straight
line with actual speed to that position (great
circle or Rhumb line, depending on actual
pre-selection), is indicated.

 If necessary, adjustments to the indicated ETA and to

the type of leg (Rhumb line or Great Circle) can be
done to the regarding dialog fields.
Any adjustment results in a re-calculation of the speed
indication. So setting a given ETA immediately indicates the necessary vessels speed to
reach the clicked point of interest in time.

This ETA calculation does not consider any kind of imponderables on the way. The ETA
and the calculated speed indication are for straight line steering valid, only.

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation


SeaGuide ECDIS enables the mariner to navigate along pre-planned routes and to waypoints.
The SeaGuide ECDIS splits the handling with routes into three different steps.
1. The first step is the design of a draft route with its different waypoints, route segments
and settings for the cross track distances etc. For this work various functions are available
which can be found under the menu item "Create Structure".
2. The second step is to plan a trip from point A to B by means of a prepared, already pre-
planned route or a pre-designed draft route. For this also various functions, for instance a
Route Manager, a Route Editor or a Route Checker is available. These functions can be
found under the menu item "Plan route".
3. The third step is activating and navigating on a route using route monitoring.

9.1 Creating a draft Route – creating a route structure

A route is based on a number of waypoints. The route plan is created by entering ‘waypoints’ –
using the cursor to enter individual waypoints onto the chart display. The system then connects
the waypoints to create track ‘legs’. A series of track legs comprises a ‘route plan’ for a voyage.
The SeaGuide ECDIS can carry out route planning including both straight and curved line
segments. In the latter case, curves (of controlled or constant radius) between straight legs are
created in order to achieve realistic behavior of a maneuvering ship. Also, great-circle routes may
be created by curved line segments. Multiple draft route structures can be created and displayed
at the same time.
To create a draft route:
 Select ‘ECDIS Display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Create Structure’.

9.1.1 Set default values

Before starting to create a draft route structure, some defaults settings should be proofed and, if
necessary, be adjusted.
 Click the function button ‘Default’ to
open the corresponding window. Here
the following default values can be set.

 Turning radius
This is the planned radius for course
change to a new course at actual
Warning time
This is the time, the system should
inform the mariner about the imminence
reaching of the WOP (Wheel Over Point)
in the given time period. The warning
time can be set from 3 and 10 minutes.
 Planned speed
This is the default speed setting for the
whole plan constructions. (The cruising
speed for individual legs can be adjusted
by other means)
Because this is the default speed setting
for all constructions, it is recommended
to put in the standard cruising speed of
the vessel.

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 XTD limit
This is the default setting for the cross track distance for all ‘legs’ of the whole plan
construction. The set value refers to port and starboard side. So the track corridor width is
two times the given XTD value. (The XTD for individual legs can be adjusted by other
 'Index lines'
Parallel index lines are only shown during construction of a new ‘leg’ to give an indication
for safety distances to chart objects. They have no influence on any monitoring function or
XTD setting. The index lines indication can be enabled / disabled, and Distance between
the lines can be set.

Note: All set default values to waypoints as well as route ‘legs’ can be overwritten
individually by other means.

9.1.2 Some preparation work

Planning a route from point A to point B from scratch is very simple and reliable on the ECDIS.
The first step is to construct the draft route. This can be done quickly and easy by graphically
planning by dropping waypoints and creating legs.

To start, the sea areas necessary for the intended voyage from start to arrival position should be
displayed – usually on a small scale overview chart.

If not enabled the function radio button ‘Show All Legs’ shall be enabled (marked red)
in order to have access to the functions needed for creating a draft route. If the XTD
limits should be indicated too, the corresponding ‘Show XTD Limits’ radio button shall
be enabled too.

9.1.3 Create Leg

To draw legs, select a chart scale, where an exact position setting is enabled.
In menu ‘Create Structure’:

 Click ‘Create Leg’ – A window pops up

prompting to set a waypoint.
 Click into the chart, where the first waypoint shall be positioned.
 Move the cursor to a next waypoint position, where a course change is
necessary. A centre line, starting at the previous waypoint, together with
parallel index lines (if activated in default menu) follows the cursor. (Details
about parallel index lines see paragraph 9.1.1 ‘Set default values’)
 Click to set the next waypoint. It will be set and automatically connected to the
previous waypoint by a dotted line and a light coloured orange band. It
indicates the set XTD.
Proceed with further waypoints as described. If the last waypoint was set, quit the
‘Create Leg’ function by click [] to finish.

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 When reaching an edge of chart image, click [] to shift the chart to this area. Or
move cursor (while the leg line is bound to the last waypoint) to scale change buttons and
select a more convenient bigger chart scale. This does not interrupt the leg construction.
It allows moving through bigger distances to set the next waypoints.
 If a leg line crosses a leg line of a previous part of the construction, or another route
construction, a waypoint may be placed exactly onto the crossing line or on an existing
waypoint of the other route construction, to create track junctions.
 If the actual route construction shall be continued, only
 click [] and then move cursor to next needed waypoint and click [] and so
 It is possible to place only a single waypoint without a bound leg graphically. This might
be useful for setting dedicated waypoint positions first. Then later these waypoints can be
combined to a draft route by connecting the waypoints by a leg.
To place a single waypoint:
 Click menu ‘Create Leg’.
 Move cursor to needed waypoint position.
 Click [] to set waypoint and click [] to finish.

Note: A draft route structure is not stored as a Route for navigation automatically. To store
the draft route structure as a Route, it must be established for navigation. This can be
done by the function ‘Select Route’ (see chapter 9.2.1- ‘Select Route’).

9.1.4 Create Waypoint

Using the function ‘Create Leg’, the draft route waypoints are set graphically. Therefore, a precise
and exact positioning of a waypoint might become a difficult undertaking. If precise position
setting of waypoints is needed, the numerical positioning by using the function ‘Create Waypoint’
can be used.
Waypoint positioning by Lat/Lon input
To place a single waypoint on a given exact position:
 Click menu ‘Create WP’.
A Window pops up, prompting to input a name, a remark
and exact Lat/Lon values. Additional information may be
set. When finished, click ‘Ok’.
Now a single waypoint is placed at the given position.

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9.1.5 Insert Waypoint

To insert an additional waypoint at a leg of a draft route structure,
 Click Menu ‘Insert WP’. – A window pops up, prompting to select a leg.
 Click with cursor to any point of the needed leg line. A waypoint is set there, and the
pop up message changes, prompting to select another position.
 Move the cursor to the selected new position. The leg line follows like a rubber band.
 Click at the new position and the waypoint will be fixed there, connected by leg lines
to the other waypoints.

9.1.6 Move a Waypoint

To move any waypoint of a draft route structure,
 Click Menu ‘Move WP’. – A message dialog pops up,
prompting to select a waypoint.
 Click with cursor to the selected waypoint. The pop up changes, prompting to select
new position.
 Move Cursor to the selected new position. The waypoint follows together with the leg
lines like a rubber band.
 Click at the new position and the waypoint will be fixed there, connected by leg lines
to the other waypoints.

9.1.7 Edit - Legs or Waypoints

In order to set or change the nautical attributes of Legs or Waypoints to the nautical needs, the
function ‘Edit’ can be used.

To edit a Leg:
 Click menu ‘Edit’. Following message dialog pops up:
 Click any point on the selected leg.
A dialog window pops up:
Change the shown values to meet the nautical demands.
 Click ‘Done’ to finish.
 Proceed with further legs, so the draft route meets the
nautical demands.

To edit a waypoint:
 Click menu ‘Edit’. The above message dialog
pops up:
 Click on the selected waypoint, which has to be
edited. A dialog window pops up, prompting to
input a name, a remark and exact Lat/Lon values.
Additional information may be set.
 Click ‘OK’ to finish.
Note: If the position values have been changed, the waypoint
is shifted to new position.

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9.1.8 Remove – Legs or Waypoints

To remove a waypoint:
 Click menu ‘Remove’. Following message dialog pops up:
 Click the selected waypoint which has to be removed.
1. If it is the first waypoint in a draft route structure,
this one is removed together with its connected leg line. So the before been
second waypoint becomes now the first waypoint of draft route structure.
2. If it is a waypoint within a Leg construction, this waypoint is removed and also
both connected Leg lines to previous and next waypoint are deleted.
This splits the draft route structure into two parts. One starts at the previous
and one starts at the next waypoint. To close this “hole” in the draft route
structure, the function ‘Create Leg’ (see paragraph 9.1.3) can be used.

If it was the intention to keep the whole Leg structure together, the function
‘Move WP’ (see paragraph 9.1.6) should be used instead of ‘Remove’.
Herewith the waypoint, which should to be removed, can be moved onto the
previous or next waypoint. In this case, the previous waypoint is then
connected directly to the following waypoint.

To remove a Leg:
 Click menu ‘Remove’. The above message dialog pops up
 Click the Leg which has to be removed.
1. If it is the Leg beginning starting at the first waypoint of a draft route structure,
the Leg line is removed, but the first waypoint stays active. Nevertheless, the
second waypoint is now the first waypoint of the whole draft route structure.
2. If it is a Leg within a draft route structure, the selected Leg is deleted.
This splits the draft route structure into two parts. One starts at the previous
and one starts at the next waypoint. To close this “hole” in the draft route
structure, the function ‘Create Leg’ (see paragraph 9.1.3) can be used.

If it was the intention to keep the whole Leg structure together, the function
‘Move WP’ (see paragraph 9.1.6) should be used instead of ‘Remove’.
Herewith the waypoint, which should to be removed, can be moved onto the
previous or the next waypoint. In this case, the previous waypoint is then
connected directly to the following waypoint.

9.1.9 Remove All

To clear the chart view from previously and currently created draft
route structures, the function ‘Remove All’ can be used.

 Click the menu ‘Remove All’. A message dialog pops up.

 Click the ‘OK’ button, if all waypoints and Legs shall be removed.

Note: All waypoints and Legs from all draft route structures are removed, even the ones,
which were not currently in the chart view.

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9.1.1 Net of Leg constructions for variable route planning

In regions with varying harbour calls, it may be helpful to create a wide net of leg constructions.
Then it will be easy to adapt a route plan quickly to actual need.

9.1.2 Automatic Route construction (Auto Routing)

SeaGuide ECDIS offers the possibility to create a draft route structure automatically by only
determine a start and end position. A global net of major traffic
routes are pre-defined and part of the SeaGuide ECDIS.
The suggested draft route structures, the ‘Auto Routing’-
Function offers, are only skeletal structures and not ready to
use. In any case, the mariner has to complete and he has to
check the complete draft route structure for his navigational

To do so, select ⇒ 'Planning' ⇒ 'Create Structure'

 Click 'Auto Routing'. – A window pops up, prompting to click onto the start position of the
route construction.
• The clicked positions will not get a marking sign.

 Next window pops up, prompting to click onto the end

position of planned route.

 Select a chart area, where the destination port is shown and click onto the wanted
destination position.
 Now it takes some time to calculate the route construction.
 When finished, the total route will be called up into the
chart display, including all waypoints for course changes.

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Example of an ‘Auto Route’ draft route structure

It is essential to check the whole draft route construction by zooming out, to see all area details. It
may be necessary to adjust, to delete or to add waypoints.

• An auto route construction must be checked very carefully in all details.
• Complete constructions are only available for frequently used destinations.
• Not frequently used ports of call may not be stored for ‘Auto Route’ calculation, even if
they are content of the 'Go to harbour' list. In such cases, the Start and the End
waypoints may be set somewhere in the vicinity of the regarding port.
The suggested draft route structures, the ‘Auto Routing’- Function offers, are only skeletal
structures and not ready to use. In any case, the mariner has to complete and he has to check the
complete draft route structure for his navigational needs

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9.2 Plan Route

The task ‘Plan Route’ contains several functions and tools to plan a trip from
point A to B using an already pre-planned Route as well as a pre-constructed
draft route structure. In latter case, first of all the draft route structure has to be
established as a Route.

To call up the menus for route planning

 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’.

9.2.1 Select Route

To establish a Route to the ECDIS, first of all a draft route structure has to be
defined (see chapter 9.1 ‘Creating a draft Route – creating a route structure’).
If a draft route structure is already available, then this structure can be used to
convert it to a Route which can be stored to the system and can be used for
To establish a Route the function ‘Select Route’ shall be used.

To do so use the function as follows:

 Modify the chart view so that the first waypoint of the draft route structure, which should be
converted to a Route, is within the chart view.
 Click ’Select Route’. A window pops up, prompting to select a start waypoint.

 Click the first


Now all waypoints and legs, beginning from the first waypoint up to the last waypoint become
converted and fat red marked, indicating that now the former draft route structure has become a
Route (for navigation).
If the draft route structure has been a net of Legs with crossroads, the conversion starts from the
first waypoint and interrupts at the first crossroad. Here the ECDIS asks for ‘Select leg to go’. A
click to the chosen Leg the conversion process continues to the next crossroad or to the last
It is also possible to quit the route conversion on a crossroad. To do this:
Click [] when marked route has arrived the needed crossroad.

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If the last waypoint was reached, a ‘Save route’ Dialog window pops up.

Type in a route name* (see note) and

 Click ‘Save’ to save the Route to the system. In
case the route file already exists, following
window pops up:
If the route shall not been overwritten, click
‘Cancel’, type in a new route name and click
‘Save’ again.

With saving the Route to the system and giving the Route a name, the Route becomes usable for
the system and can now be used for Route monitoring.

• The SeaGuide ECDIS can display and use for monitoring only one selected Route at
a time.
• Beside the selected Route, of course as many as needed draft route structures can be
displayed at the system.
• Selecting a Route establishes the route as ready for route monitoring at the system.
• A route name should be no longer than 12 characters.
A route name with more than 12 chars might be accepted, but the route name
indication in the right bottom area of the screen cuts the name to 12 chars.
Following characters are allowed for route naming: A…Z, a…z, -, _, 1…9

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9.2.2 Edit Route

Once a Route is selected at the system, it might be
necessary to adjust some parameters of the Route in order to
meet the current navigation situation.
A selected Route can be edit using the function ‘Edit Route’.
 Click ‘Edit Route’ to open the edit window for the
selected route.
In the upper part, the window includes a table with all legs in
ascending order, numbered by the following waypoints.
Below the table, the window contains the data for the
selected leg respectively the selected waypoint.
 To select a listed waypoint from the table, the
corresponding line can be clicked. If selected, the
line becomes marked black.
If a waypoint was selected the chart view will be
shifted so that the selected waypoint becomes
visible in the centre of the chart.
 Adjust the navigation parameter as needed.
Any change in the settings is directly followed by
a change of image indication in the chart view.
Editing values affects only the selected
 If the settings for ‘Planned speed’, ‘XTD limit’, ‘Radius’ or ‘Warning time’ shall become
valid for the following legs:
• Click button ‘Set…’ to pop up an additional menu (see below).
• Here click the regarding menu line.
Then the corresponding values of the next legs will be adapted to the same
settings of before edited leg/waypoint.

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 If the position of the selected waypoint shall be adjusted, the exact position can be set
in the corresponding entry fields. If the waypoint shall be set graphically:
• Click button ‘Move’ and move the cursor into the chart view area. The
selected waypoint is now bound to the cursor position. Move the cursor to the
new position where the waypoint shall be positioned to.
• A Click to that new position sets the selected waypoint.
 If all adjustments to the navigation parameters of the route are done,
the edited route must be stored to the system:
• Click the button ‘Save’.
The ‘Save Route’ dialog opens with a list of all routes stored
at the system.
• Choose a line of the list to select the corresponding route
name, or enter a new route name into the ‘Route name’
entry field.
Click ‘Save’ to save the Route to the system. In case
the route file already exists, following dialog pops up:
If the route shall not been overwritten, click ‘Cancel’,
type in a new route name and click ‘Save’ again.

9.2.3 Check Route

After finishing the route plan, the route shall be checked against dangerous obstructions.
Following criteria for route check are applied
• A planned route shall not cause the grounding of a vessel.
• A planned route shall not cause the collision of the vessel with floating or fixed objects
or obstructions below and above sea level.
• A planned route shall take into account that depending on circumstances and
navigational aids the vessel may deviate more or less from the route.
• The route must be safe in respect to the vessels manoeuvre parameter.
Therefore three parameters are defined representing the above mentioned safety requirements.
The values of the parameters have to be adjusted to the regarding vessel.
The three parameters are:
1. Safety Draught
The Safety Draught should be set to the maximum draught plus a required safety range in
meters. ‘Safety Draught’ should not be mixed up with the ‘Safety Depth’ which is used for
the chart display indication and the ‘Anti grounding’ functions only.
2. Safety Height
The Safety Height should be set to the ship´s height plus a required safety range in
3. Safety Distance
The Safety Distance should be set to the required abeam safety distance to dangerous
objects in meters. The defined safety criteria have to be maintained along the whole
planned route. This is proofed by the function ‘Route Check’.
The route check has to be performed before the route is used for navigation. If the route check
encounters a violation of the safety parameters, an information window with a list of detected
criteria appears.
• The route check works always with the best available ENC’s installed at the system. Even
if the route is displayed on ARCS charts, but S-57 charts for same area are available too,
the route check function works in conjunction with the S-57 charts.
• The route check can only be applied to an already selected route.
(See also chapter 9.2.1 ‘Select Route’)

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To check the route plan:

 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘Check Route’ in Menu ‘Functions’
A ‘Route check’ menu pops up the own ship safety
 Edit necessary settings (see above) and
 Click ‘Ok’
Then the whole route is automatically checked.
Route Check Warnings
If the route check procedure has been finished, a warning list pops up with all registered
Selecting an entry of the list and clicking
the ‘Goto’ function button, will shift the
chart to the regarding area and changes to
a scale, where details are shown.
The marked obstruction will be highlighted
as follows:
 An area will be red marked like
in shown example, the
restricted area.
 A point gets a surrounding star
 A line gets thick red coloured.

The highlighted objects will automatically

return to their usual appearance as soon
the warning window is closed.
After modifying and correcting, the route must be newly stored and checked again. This iterative
procedure may be repeated several times if necessary. If the mariner accepts the new selected
route, it can be used for navigation.

9.2.4 Result of Check

To recall the result of the last route check for the currently selected route, the function ‘Result of
Check’ can be used:
 Click ‘Result of Check’ in Menu ‘Functions’
The ‘Route check warnings’ dialog, will be displayed.
 To get detailed information about obstructions found along the route see chapter 9.2.3
Route Check Warnings.
 Click ‘Done’ for closing the dialog window.
• If the selected route was edited, and it was saved under a new name, then the previously
selected route is not selected any more. Therefore the ‘Result of Check’-function will be
disabled, until a new route check was made to the new route.

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9.2.5 Release Leg

A selected route can be partly deselected by using the function ‘Release Leg’.
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’

 Click ‘Release Leg’

in Menu ‘Functions’
A message dialog
pops up prompting
to select a route leg
to release.
 Click at a route leg
to release.
The selected route
leg and all following
parts (waypoints and
legs) become
In the ‘Save route’
Dialog select either
an existing route name entry or enter a new route name.
 Click ‘Save’ to store the changes.
• Saving the changes, the still selected part of the route as well as the deselected part of
the route (draft route structure) becomes stored. If the stored route will be loaded for later
use, the state of the route with its selected and unselected parts remains available.

9.2.6 Deselect Route

A selected route can be deselected by using the function ‘Deselect Route’.
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘Deselect Route’ in Menu ‘Functions’.
The selected route becomes deselected and it becomes a draft route structure without
any further note.
The draft route structure then can be edit by using all methods for creating a draft
route. (See also chapter 9.1 ‘Creating a draft Route – creating a route structure ‘)
• The function ‘Deselect Route’ is available only, if a route is currently selected at the
system. If no route is selected, the function button is insensitive.

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9.2.7 WP List – ‘Waypoint List’

To call up an overview with all route related data and parameter for a selected route, the function
‘WP List’ can be used.
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘WP List’ in Menu ‘Functions’.

 The ‘Waypoint List’ information window opens, informing about all navigational
parameters regarding the selected route.
 To close the window, click the ‘Done’ button.
Saving Waypoint Lists
It is possible to save the complete waypoint list or part of it to an external storage device (e.g.
USB memory stick) for further documentation needs.
To save the waypoint list proceed as follows:
 Plug in the external storage device to the USB port of the SeaGuide ECDIS main unit.
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘WP List’ in Menu ‘Functions’.

To save the whole waypoint list proceed as follows:

 Click ‘Save all to…’ function button within the ‘Waypoint List’ window.
 Click onto the indicated external storage device ID (e.g. ‘USB: …’)
The waypoint list, as indicated within the ‘WP List’ window, will be
stored to the external storage device. Here it can be identified by the
filename: wplist.txt.
 To close the window, click the ‘Done’ button.

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To save a part of the waypoint list proceed as follows:

 Select the lines which shall be stored to the external storage device.
Here move the cursor onto the first line, which shall be selected, and press the left
trackball button. Keep the trackball button pressed, while moving the cursor
downwards. Move it onto the last line of selection. Release the trackball button. Now
the lines selected get marked black, and the function button ‘Save selected to…’
becomes active. Click ‘Save selected to…’ function button within the ‘Waypoint List’

 Click onto the indicated external storage device ID (e.g. ‘USB: …’)
The waypoint list, as selection indicated within the ‘WP List’ window, will be stored to
the external storage device. Here it can be identified by the filename: wplist.txt.
 To close the window, click the ‘Done’ button.

Printing Waypoint Lists

If the SeaGuide ECDIS system has a SeaGuide Printer available, a waypoint list or a part of it
can be printed out. Within the ‘Waypoint List’ window, the function buttons ‘Print selected’ and
‘Print all’ are only sensitive, if a printer is configured to the system.
To print out the complete waypoint list proceed as follows:
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘WP List’ in Menu ‘Functions’.
Click ‘Print all’ within the waypoint list window.
 To close the window, click the ‘Done’ button.
To print a part of the waypoint list proceed as follows:
 Select the lines which shall be printed.
Here move the cursor onto the first line, which shall be selected, and
press the left trackball button. Keep the trackball button pressed, while moving the
cursor downwards. Move it onto the last line of selection. Release the trackball button.
Now the lines selected get marked black, and the function button ‘Print selected’
becomes active. Click ‘Print selected’ function button within the ‘Waypoint List’

 To close the window, click the ‘Done’ button.

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9.2.8 Load – ‘Loading a route’

To call up a, already created, route for route navigation, the function ‘Load’ can be used.
To load a route:
 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘Load’ in Menu ‘Functions’.
A selection dialog window opens, listing all routes stored at the
 Choose an entry by moving the cursor onto the corresponding
row and click [].
 Click the ‘Load’ button, to load the selected route.
The selected route will be loaded and displayed without any
further note and the dialog window closes.
 To close the window, without any further action, click the
‘Cancel’ button.
• Loading a route will not automatically move the chart view to the area where the loaded
route starts with its first waypoint. Instead, the chart view remains at its current state. So
depending on the current chart view situation, the loaded route might become displayed
outside the current view. In this case, the chart view shall be panned manually to the area
of interest.

9.2.9 Route Manager

To administer routes at the system, a ‘Route Manager’ function is available. Herewith routes can
be deleted or renamed, or copied from and to external storage media.

To open the Route Manager:

 Select - ‘ECDIS display’ ⇒ ‘Planning’ ⇒ ‘Plan Route’
 Click ‘Route Manager’ in Menu ‘Functions’.
The route manager window opens, listing all routes currently stored at the system.

External storage
media selector.

List of routes, List of routes,

stored at the stored at an
system. external storage

Copy function,
from/to external
storage media

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Select storage media

 Plug in the external storage device to the USB port of the SeaGuide ECDIS main unit.
 Click ‘Storage media…’ button.
 Click onto the indicated external storage device ID
(e.g. ‘USB: …’). If some routes are stored at the root
directory of the selected device, after a few seconds,
the routes will be listed below the ‘Storage media’

Delete a route

 Choose an entry (either from the system or the external storage media list) by moving
the cursor onto the corresponding row and click [].
The corresponding route name becomes highlighted and the function button ‘Delete’
becomes activated.
 Click the ‘Delete’ button.
A safety warning dialog opens.
 Confirm the safety warning by clicking the ‘OK’
The selected route will be deleted from the selected
storage area.
If the delete function should be aborted, click the
‘Cancel’ button instead.

Rename a route

 Choose an entry (either from the system or the external storage media list) by moving
the cursor onto the corresponding row and click [].
The corresponding route name becomes highlighted and the function button ‘Rename’
becomes activated.
 Click the ‘Rename’ button.
A dialog window opens for entering a new route
name. Enter the new route name (see note).
 Confirm the entry by clicking the ‘OK’ button.
The selected route will be stored and renamed.
If the rename function should be aborted, click the
‘Cancel’ button instead.

• A route name should be no longer than 12 characters.
A route name with more than 12 chars might be accepted, but the route name
indication in the right bottom area of the screen cuts the name to 12 chars.
Following characters are allowed for route naming: A…Z, a…z, -, _, 1…9
• If a route with the same name already exists, the system will inform about. Then
another name has to be chosen.

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Copy a route

 Choose an entry (either from the system or the external storage media list) by moving
the cursor onto the corresponding row and click [].
The corresponding route name becomes highlighted
and the copy function button ► or ◄ becomes
 Click the activated ► or ◄ button.
The selected route will be copied to the opposite
storage area (from storage media to system or vice
versa) without any further note. The route name
remains the same.

• If the route to copy already exists at the destination
storage area, a ‘Route copy information’ dialog window
opens. Here choose the further actions. (see also
paragraph ‘Rename a route’)

9.3 Navigating to a Waypoint and along Routes

9.3.1 Route monitoring
Route monitoring ensures a safe navigation. For this purpose the system offers a guard zone, a
limit setup and additional information for track monitoring. All monitoring features are valid for the
selected route.

Some preparation work

In preparation for route monitoring it is essential to prove the current alert settings first. The route
alert settings are in general connected to the default route settings which are chosen before
constructing a route (see chapter 9.1.1 ‘Set default values’). When the route is activated the alert
system will follow those values if they were not changed manually.
Beside the route alert settings the Guard Zone settings, the limits for ‘Off course’ and ‘Position
difference’, the settings for the ‘Radius values’ and the ‘Targets’ have to be checked against the
navigational needs. (See chapters 7.1 to7.4)
For navigation along a route, first the regarding route must be loaded (See chapter 9.2.8). (If a
proper route is not available, a new route has to be created. See also chapter 9.1 and 9.2).

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation

After loading the regarding route, the chart view has to be set to show the OS position and the
first waypoints of the route, from where the route monitoring shall begin.

If the route is loaded and selected, and the display is adjusted as needed, the route has to be
‘Activated’ for route monitoring. ‘Activate WP’ starts the internal route monitoring processes. The
status of the running route monitoring process is indicated within the OS symbol. Instead a small
inner circle a small triangle is shown.

Standard OS Symbol OS Symbol with active route monitoring

Activate / deactivate the route monitoring

 Select 'ECDIS Display' ⇒ 'Monitoring ⇒ 'Monitor Voyage'.
 Click 'Activate WP'
A message window opens, directing to select
next waypoint.
 Select a waypoint which will be considered as the next waypoint to go.
Click onto the waypoint.
The Waypoint will get a yellow circle inside as indication for activated

• The waypoint can only be selected when the ship is moving towards the desired
waypoint. Otherwise, an alert will appear and the waypoint will be deselected
• For deactivating the route monitoring, click the 'Activate WP' button again.
• Route monitoring is available in ‘ECDIS Display’ mode only.

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation

Create a temporary leg

In order to steer OS to the initial waypoint, chosen for activating the route monitoring, a temporary
route leg can be created automatically by the system. Using this function a temporary leg from the
current OS position to the activated waypoint will be created. This temporary leg will be checked
against the set navigational safety parameter of the system (e.g. safety depth, obstructions etc.)
and the summary result of this check will be prompted.
 Click [] onto OS symbol and
from the opening menu select
'Create temp. leg to active

A temporary starting waypoint at

the OS position, and a leg directed
to the active waypoint will be
drawn to the chart. The route
monitoring is extended to the temporary leg too.
The temporary leg is built, based on the set default parameter für route construction. (See
chapter 9.1.1 ‘Set default values’)
• A temporary leg can only be established, if the OS steers into the direction of the
activated waypoint. If not a warning will be generated and the route monitoring stops.
(See chapter 9.4.3 – ‘No turn to WP’)

ETA on points of route legs

If data of ship position with heading and speed are available, an estimated time to arrival (ETA)
for any position on the monitored route can be called up very easy.
Clicking [] on any point of an activated route, does not show the needed time along the route.
Furthermore it calculates a direct steering from own ship position to the marked point only.

 Move the cursor to a position on the leg of the

activated route and click []. A selection menu
with the entry – 'ETA to pick position' pops up at the
cursor position.
 Click [] on this entry. A dialog window
‘Calculate speed for ETA’ appears.
The date and time of arrival to the pick position, (if
the ship follows the route with actual speed to that
position), is indicated.
 If necessary, adjustments to the indicated ETA can be done
at the regarding dialog fields.
Any adjustment results in a re-calculation of the speed
indication. So setting a given ETA immediately indicates the
necessary vessels speed to reach the clicked point of
interest in time.

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation

8.3.2 Route display

Several information about the active route, are available at waypoints and along route legs. Some
of these information are only indicated, if the function ‘Names’ in the function bar (See chapter
4.1.2 Function Bar at lower screen edge (6) is enabled.

Activated waypoint (yellow marked) with waypoint

identification number (i.e. WP_007).

visual turning radius to next waypoint line

Steering course to following waypoint (266°)

and a steering direction line which marks the

ETA at wheel over point based on actual


Remaining distances to Waypoint

Bearing and planned speed for legline

Positioning the cursor onto the waypoint or leg, pops up a bubble text with data for length
and bearing of leg line or name and turning radius of waypoint.

Visual limits of lights

Leg lines on a monitored route can be marked with the visual limits of lights. (i.e. rising/dipping
range). The visual limit is presented as an arc. The arc is centered on the navigational light and it
is positioned, from where the light is visibly detectable under normal sight condition.

To activate the indication of visual limits of lights:

 Click [] on any point of the established route line. A menu
window pops up.
 Click [] the line 'Set Visual limits of lights'.
A dialog window opens to set the ‘Observer’s height’.
The ‘Observer’s height’ is typically the height between sea
level and bridge level. Adjust the value as needed.
 Click [] the ‘Done’ button to close the dialog window
The visual limits of lights arcs are displayed.
 Enable the function ‘Names’ in the function bar (See chapter
4.1.2(6)) to get additional information about the visual limit of light.
The denotation of the light and the distance to the light are shown.

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation

Visual sight distance Visual sight

to 'Burgstaaken distance to

To deactivate the indication of visual limits of lights:

 Click [] on any point of the activated route line.
A menu window pops up.
Click [] the line 'Deactivate Visual limits of light.

9.4 Alarms and Warnings

During route monitoring several alarms and warning are generated while sailing along an
activated route. In general the type of alerts can be split into 4 major groups:
1. Course change alerts
2. Track alerts
3. Waypoint alerts
4. Speed alerts
Hereby, the type of alerts can be an alarm or a warning.

9.4.1 Course change alerts

Early course change
Alert type: Warning
Alert message: ‘Wheel over point will be reached in xx min yy sec’
The ‘Early course change’ warning informs about the imminence reaching of the Wheel Over
Point. The time for generating the warning, depends upon the waypoint settings for ‘Warning time’
(See chapter 9.1.1 – ‘Warning time’). The warning time can be set from 3 up to 10 minutes.
If the warning arises a countdown timer within the Status Bar (See chapter 4.1.1 Status Bar
content) starts to countdown the seconds when the wheel over point will be reached. 60 seconds
before reaching the WOP, the ‘Early course change’ warning will be altered by an ‘Actual course
change’ warning. (See below)
Actual course change
Alert type: Warning
Alert message: ‘Wheel over point will be reached in xx sec’
60 seconds before reaching the WOP, the ‘Early course change’ warning (See above) will be
altered by an ‘Actual course change’ warning.

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Chapter 9 – Waypoint and route navigation

9.4.2 Track alerts

End of track
Alert type: Warning and Alarm
Alert message: ‘Approaching last waypoint’
5 minutes before reaching the last waypoint of the route, an ‘End of track’ warning will be
generated. Reaches the distance between OS and the last waypoint less than 0.2 nm or is the
course difference between OS and last waypoint more than 90 degree, than an ‘End of track’
alarm will be generated.
Off course
Alert type: Alarm
Alert message: ‘COG exceeds Off-Course limit’
If the course over ground is available and the difference between the actual heading and the track
course to the next waypoint exceeds the set 'Off Course Limit' (See chapter 15.3.1 Alert setting
menus), the 'Off Course' alarm will be generated.
Off track
Alert type: Alarm
Alert message: ‘Ship is beyond XTD limit’
If the distance between OS and the position on the actual route leg, perpendicular to OS, exceeds
the set 'XTD limit' (See chapter 9.1.1 and 9.2.2), the 'Off track' alarm will be generated.

9.4.3 Waypoint alerts

No turn to WP
Alert type: Warning
Alert message: ‘No turn to initial waypoint. Deactivating waypoint’
If the course over ground is available and the course change between the actual heading and the
track course to the initial waypoint increases, the ‘No turn to WP’ warning will be generated. The
waypoint will be deactivated and the route monitoring stops.
WP leave
Alert type: Warning
Alert message: ‘Steering away from the active waypoint. ECDIS deactivated this waypoint’
If the distance between OS and the next waypoint increases continuously within a time frame of
more than 20 seconds the ‘WP leave’ warning will be generated, and the route monitoring will be

9.4.4 Speed alerts

Turn speed
Alert type: Warning
Alert message: ‘Speed is too high for the next turn’
The ‘Turn speed’ warning indicates that the current ships speed it too high for performing the next
turn with set turning radius of the next waypoint (See chapter 9.1.1 and 9.2.2).

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Chapter 10 – Conning Display


The Conning display is an option, which is not available in basic SeaGuide ECDIS version.

The Conning display includes all necessary information to monitor the actual navigation situation
incl. information about engine RPM, rudder angle position, wind direction + speed, sounder depth
and rate of turn indication. If Pitch propellers are used, the pitch may be shown too.

To call up the Conning display:

 Click the 'Mode' button in the Menu Bar and select
'Conning Display'

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Chapter 10 – Conning Display

10.1 Contents of conning display

The Conning Display is divided in three screen sections: right, middle and left section.
Left display section: Ship’s movement and propulsion information
• Own ship position with sensor information: GPSNo/signal quality
(corrected to CCRP)
• Course over Ground with source indication
and Speed over Ground with source indication
• Compass-Heading with source indication
and Speed Through Water with source & mode indication (bottom /
water track)
• Depth from sounding device/( below keel or waterline is selected
automatically and any offset entered at sounding device will be applied)
alphanumeric indication
graphical indication with 6 minutes history
(with the same colors as defined in chart view for safe depth, etc.)
• Engine or Shaft RPM indication
alphanumerical (negative = counterclockwise)
indication bar (green = clockwise; red = counterclockwise)
(The layout is defined in the configuration file: 0/1/2x RPM)
• Propeller pitch indication
alphanumerical (% of maximum; “-“ = astern)
indication bar (green = ahead; red = astern)
(The layout is defined in the configuration file: 0/1/2x PITCH)
Middle section: Ship’s heading and steering information

• Bow thruster indication (non-standard option)

• Rate-of-turn indication from gyro or a rate of turn device,
graphical and alphanumerical indiction (standard option)

• Ships-heading, alphanumerical and as course-scale with pointer

(standard option)

• Wind-indication:
- alphanumeric with true and relative values
- graphical indication with ship’s heading and user defined layout:
Click Arrow in the right upper corner of indication to select:
- Display orientation: Heading up (relative) / North up (true)
- Indicator option: Show arrow / show needle

• Rudder indicator with alphanumeric and graphical information.

(The layout is defined in the configuration file: 1/2x rudder or
1/2x Thruster).

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Chapter 10 – Conning Display

Right section: chart view and route information

• Operation section with five button:
o The company logo is a button, which pops up the software
version info window.
o Date- and time-indication, click to access date and time
o RESET-button , click to reset SeaGuide ECDIS to defaults.
(Refer to chapter 6.6.13. Status Bar content / RESET)
o Button 'Sensors' opens a menu to choose and control input of
navigational sensors and information.
o Button 'Conning Display' opens a menu to switch over to
another display: ECDIS Ddisplay, Chart Handling and Chart1.
• 'Route' shows data of route- or waypoint-navigation.
• 'Wheel over point' shows info about next steering-action.
• The chart-window shows a clip of full chart display in ECDIS, with
a distance scale and centered to the OS-position.
• Button 'Options' gives access to choose between different scales
and different chart-contents.
• 'Next leg' shows the planned course change radius at the next
waypoint and the steering-course of the following route-leg.
• Below menu gives direct access to display color schemes.

10.2 User controls and settings in Conning Display

10.2.1 Changing the mode to another display
Click on 'Conning Display' to open the popup menu with the options
'ECDIS display, 'Conning Display', 'Chart Handling' and Chart1,
click on one display to change to the regarding display.

10.2.2 RESET
A click onto the button labeled 'RESET' resets the SeaGuide ECDIS application to the defaults,
refer to chapter 6.6.13. Status Bar content / RESET for further details.

10.2.3 Date and Time.

A click onto the displayed time opens the settings window for date and time, refer to chapter
6.6.13. Status Bar content / Date and Time for further details.

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Chapter 10 – Conning Display

10.2.4 Options for Chart View

Button ‚Options‘ in Chart View:

 Click onto ‘Options’ to change:
o Display
With display the details shown in the chart
view can be selected, refer to chapter 4.1.2
Function Bar at lower screen edge for
further details.

o Range
With range the scale of the displayed chart is set.
When ‘Auto’ is selected, the range is adapted
automatically matching current vessel’s speed.
Maximum scale is 6NM.

10.2.5 Sensor-Menu
The button ‘Sensors’ has the same function as the ‘Task’ button ‘Monitor
Sensors’ in the Mode ‘ECDIS Display’ with the Focus ‘Monitor’.
 A right click on this button opens the popup menu
showing the functions
Refer to chapter 7.11 Monitoring additional data for further details.

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Chapter 10 – Conning Display

10.2.6 Options for wind-indication

The wind indication can
 Click the triangle-button in the
Wind indication box.
A popup menu will be
 Move the cursor above
‘Orientation' to choose the
orientation of the indication:
“Heading up” (relative
“Noth up” (true indication)

 Move the cursor above

‘Display’ to choose the
pointer style:
Needle or arrow

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.1 Preface

This chapter gives an overview about how electronic charts are organized within the SeaGuide
ECDIS, and how to handle the different functionalities in conjunction with the Chart library.
Additionally some general information about the Chart Data Protection Scheme is available.
Following subjects will be covered by this chapter:

• General information about electronic charts, their encryption and their data protection
• Viewing and modifying the chart data base of navigational charts (ENCs or ARCS),
• Organizing chart permits.

Handling of chart library is enabled by the SeaGuide ECDIS Mode ‘Chart Handling’.

The Chart handling mode requires the “Non Operation Mode” of SeaGuide ECDIS.
This means that the received sensor data from the navigation sensors are not
processed. At a single ECDIS system the systems alarm monitoring is disabled. The
route monitoring mode, if activated, becomes deactivated.
Since the Chart import and update, process may take some longer time, depending
upon the amount of Charts, it is highly recommended to do the Chart management
during the vessels demurrage.

11.1.1 Supported Chart Formats

The SeaGuide ECDIS supports four different electronic chart data formats. These are:

o ENCs : Electronic Navigational Charts

o SENCs: System Electronic Navigational Charts
o RNCs : Raster Navigational Charts
o Private ENCs

ENCs are vectorized charts produced according the S-57 Chart Data Standard. SeaGuide ECDIS
can read S-57 non-encrypted charts as well as S-57 encrypted charts (following the S-63 Data
Protection Scheme).
SENCs are ENC chart data, which are already pre-compiled for an individual SeaGuide ECDIS
system. SENCs can also be delivered from some chart dealers. The advantage of using SENCs is
that these charts are already pre-compiled. So during the chart data import to the SeaGuide
ECDIS no compilation and decryption process has to be executed by the system. So in total the
chart data import process is much faster than using ENCs.
All installed ENCs at the SeaGuide ECDIS are internally stored in the SENC chart data format.
ENCs as well as SENCS are called “ENCs official” within the Chart Handling Display mode.

RNCs are raster navigational charts. These charts are electronically scanned paper charts.
SeaGuide can read ARCS charts produced by British Admiralty only.
Beside ENCs und RNCs the SeaGuide ECDIS can read “Private ENCs”. These charts are also
vectorized charts but do not necessarily fulfill the S-57 Chart Data Standard. “Private ENCs”
mostly uses its own specific chart data format. (e.g. CMAP or TX84). As “Private ENCs”, the
SeaGuide ECDIS can read charts from the chart producer NAVIONICS only.
These types of charts are called “ENCs non-official” within the Chart Handling Display mode.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.1.2 Chart Decryption and Authentication

Before loading encrypted chart data and updates, permits (licenses) for each individual chart have
to be available. These permits allow the ECDIS to decrypt and load base data and updates.
Permit and chart belong together. A Chart Permit is valid only for the current chart, but is also
valid for the updates of this ENC.
So Charts can only be imported, if the relevant Chart Permits are valid. Otherwise, they have to be
provided to the ship and be installed into the SeaGuide ECDIS. (For further details please refer to
chapter 13.3.3 Chart Permit Management‘’).

To verify that the ENC chart data from a bona fide source of the protection scheme the data are
signed to be compared against a public certificate in an ‘Authentication’ process.
So before loading encrypted ENC chart data and updates, beside the valid Chart Permits, a valid
public certificate has to be available. This certificate allows the ECDIS to check the ENC chart
data to ensure the data are produced by a bona fide source.

Note A more detailed description about Chart decryption and Authentication can be found at
Annex ‘SeaGuide ECDIS ant the S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme’.

11.1.3 Chart Import and Chart Update

Regardless of the differences between the used chart data formats, the SeaGuide ECDIS has
only one defined procedure for chart import and chart update. SeaGuide ECDIS don’t differ
between Import and Update. The handling within the Chart Handling Mode for both, Import and
Update of charts is the same.

The handling of the installation/update process at the SeaGuide ECDIS system is divided into
three steps:
1. Check and/or Installation and/or Selection of the proper public certificate authentication.
Note This step has only to be executed while handling S-63 encrypted ENC chart
data. (See also paragraph 13.1.2).
For details see chapter 13.3.2 ‘Licenses, User Permits and Chart Producer Certificate’.
2. Check and/or Installation of the latest valid Chart Permits.
For details see chapter 13.3.3 ‘Chart Permit Management’
If not already installed, the installation of the ENC Chart Permit file received from the Data
Server via the Chart Dealer.
3. Selection and Installation of charts and/or chart updates.
For details see chapter 13.3.4 ‘Import / Update Charts’

11.1.4 Chart Handling within a multi-workstation ECDIS system

If the system contains more than one SeaGuide ECDIS, a chart synchronization function is
available, which allows to synchronize any changes to the chart and permit database between all
ECDIS within a SeaGuide ECDIS network.
All SeaGuide ECDIS workstations within the network contains the same charts with the same
update status. So a full chart redundancy is ensured.
For details see also chapter 13.3.5 ‘Synchronise Chart Data base’

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.2 The Chart Handling Display

11.2.1 Select the Chart Handling Display
To select the ‘Chart Handling’ Display’:
 Click the ‘Mode’ button ('ECDIS
Display' resp. 'Conning Display').
 Click ‘Chart Handling’.

Immediately after selection of ‘Chart Handling’,

following warning window appears:
 Click ‘OK’ to proceed.

The image changes, showing a picture of the globe, together with different needed menus for all
kind of chart handling (see also chapter 4.2 “Chart Handling display”).

11.2.2 Contents of the Chart Handling Display

The Chart Handling display is divided into following main parts:
- the Status Bar with the cursor related geographical position on the presented globe,
the “Date and Time” and “RESET” function buttons adopted from the Status Bar of
the ECDIS display. (See chapter 4.1.1 “Status Bar content”)
- the Globe View for indicating the chart covered areas and the control buttons for
zooming in and out.
- the Menu with selectable working menus
- the Chart Status Bar indicating the amount and status of installed or available charts.
- the Filter Section with several chart filter options for the Globe View indication.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.2.3 Basic operation of the Chart Handling display

Handling the Globe View

The presented globe shows a general view of all installed or available charts. The global areas,
covered by the installed charts or available charts, are represented by corresponding colored
areas at the globe, at which the indicated color represents the status of the Chart Permit validity.

To get more details of specific areas, the globe can be turned and zoomed as follows:
 Move cursor into the area of interest and click [].
The globe turns, moving this area to the centre point of globe.
 Click [] to popup the ‘Goto’ window and
 Click [] inside the ‘Goto’ button to open the ‘Harbour’ list.
 Select a harbour inside the area of interest
 Click 'Ok'

Zoom up the selected area by clicking button , or zoom down by button.

Cursor position
As soon as the cursor is moved inside of globe or
chart image, the actual Lat/Lon values are shown
upside right in regarding data field, named ‘Crsr Pos’.

Time and date indication

Beside of cursor data field, the time and date is shown. Setting of regarding data is described in
chapter 4.1.1 “Date and Time”.

Changing the Chart Colors Scheme

To change mode of chart colors,

 Click button 'Charts' in menu '1. Focus' and
select 'Chart Colors'.
 Mark the needed modus button, - 'Day Bright',
'Dusk' or 'Night.
The image colours changes accordingly

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Change to ECDIS Display

Changing to the before used ECDIS image is done as follows:
 Click and hold [] onto the ‘Mode’ button of main
menu, (Chart Handling) to popup following alternatives.
 Move cursor to line ‘ECDIS Display’ and loose the button.

Quick restore of default settings (RESET)

A Click on button ‘RESET’ changes the display mode directly back to ‘ECDIS Display’. The default
settings for brilliance (dusk mode), - range (12nm) will be set and to own ship position will be
centered in the chart view area.

Software version control

A Click onto the Imtech logo opens a window
with information about the current software
version and official system certifications.

Chart Status Bar

At the bottom of the 'Chart Handling' display, a line is shown indicating the status and the number
of all chart cells depending upon the set filtering (see paragraph ‘Filtering’ this chapter).

Each status is marked by a color. The covered chart areas of the charts are presented at the
globe with the corresponding color.

'Still valid' means that the Chart Permit validity will end soon. The regarding charts are still usable
but they shall not be used for navigation anymore. ( for details see chapter 13.1.2 ‘Chart
Decryption and Authentication’)
'Invalid' means that the Chart Permit validity has expired or is not be installed. Charts which have
an invalid or no Chart Permit cannot be updated by an update service. These charts will not be
displayed anymore at the ECDIS Display.
( for details about chart validity, see chapter 13.1.2 ‘Chart Decryption and Authentication’)

The numbered indication beside the colored fields shows the number of regarding charts,
depending upon the set selection filters. (see paragraph ‘Filtering’ this chapter)

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling


The selection buttons on the left of the display Chart Handling, allows a selective control of all
available charts. Herewith it is also possible to filter which available charts shall be indicated at
the globe area.

In menu 'Charts' the charts can be filtered by selecting the used storage
'System' indicates all charts, which are already imported to the system.
'Available' indicates an overview of all available charts worldwide.
'Import media' indicates all charts, available on a connected and selected
storing media device, like CDROM or USB Storage Device.
Only one “Charts” storage media filter at a time can be selected.
In menu 'Format' the type of chart can be selected.
‘ARCS’ indicates the raster scan charts from the selected storage media.
‘S-57 official’ indicates official ENCs charts in S-57 or S-63 data format.
‘S-57 non-official’ indicates ENCs charts in S-57 data format produced by
private, non-governmental, chart producers. (e.g. Navionics)
Only one “Format” filter at a time can be selected.
In menu 'Permits' the status of Chart Permits can be selected.
‘Valid’ indicates only charts which have a valid Chart Permit.
‘Still valid’ indicates only charts, where the Chart Permit will expire soon.
‘Invalid’ indicates only charts, which have a non-valid Chart Permit. These
charts are still available at the system, but not available for navigation.
All “Permits” filter can be selected simultaneously.

In menu ‘Usage’ the chart scaling groups can be selected.

‘Overview’ indicates charts with a scale smaller than 1 : 3.000.000
‘General’ indicates charts with a scale better than 1 : 3.000.000
‘Coastal’ indicates charts with a scale better than 1 : 1.500.000
‘Approach’ indicates charts with a scale better than 1 : 350.000
‘Harbour’ indicates charts with a scale better than 1 : 120.000
‘Berthing’ indicates charts with a scale better than 1 : 30.000
One, some or all scaling groups can be selected simultaneously.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.3 Management of Chart Data

11.3.1 Check the Chart Data base
Availability of charts at the system
 Click the selection button 'System' at the filter section ‘Charts’.
This enables the call up of all charts, which are currently stored at the
SeaGuide ECDIS system.
Depending upon the further filter settings (see chapter 13.2.3,
paragraph ‘Filtering’) the installed charts become indicated at the globe.
All green and yellow marked areas at the globe are covered by charts
for which valid Chart Permits are available at the system. All red marked
areas are covered by installed charts, where the Chart Permits are
already expired. These charts might be out of date and therefore unsafe
for navigation.
Additional information about the amount of charts and their Chart Permit
status is presented at the Chart Status Bar below the globe.

Availability of charts to buy worldwide

 Click the selection button 'Available' at the filter section ‘Charts’.
This enables the call up of all officially released charts, which are
currently available to buy worldwide. (Charts from private chart makers
are not part of).
Base of this indication is a chart catalog which will be automatically
updated whenever officially released charts are imported or updated at
the system. Every chart media (e.g. Base CD’s or Update CD’s)
delivered from the chart supplier contains this chart catalog.
The current availability for using the charts is indicated by the Chart
Permit status color scheme indicated at the Chart Status Bar and the
All red marked areas are covered by charts for which no valid Chart
Permits are available at the system.

Availability of charts from an external storage media

 If not already connected, connect the CDROM drive to the ECDIS main
unit and insert the chart CDROM which shall be checked…
…or connect any other external storage media (e.g. USB memory stick)
which might contain ECDIS charts and which shall be checked for chart
 Click the button 'Select media' at the filter section ‘Charts’.
 Select from the upcoming selection list the entry which refers to the
external storage media.
The external storage media will be scanned for valid charts. If available
from the media, the areas which are covered by the found charts are
indicated at the globe. The current availability for using the charts is
indicated by the Chart Permit status color scheme indicated at the Chart
Status Bar and the globe.

Check Chart Updates and Charts Update Status

Viewing a single update for charts, or checking the update status of single charts, please refer to
chapter 6.7.16 ‘View Chart Updates and Chart Update Status’.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.3.2 Licenses, User Permits and Chart Producer Certificates

Each SeaGuide ECDIS System has its own individual and unique system license. This system
license is assigned to the owner (e.g. Ship, Shipping Company, Person) of the system, and
becomes assigned during the system delivery. Based on this system license each system has its
own individual User Permits for ARCS and ENCs, too. These User Permits are the licenses for
ordering Chart Permits from the different chart suppliers around the world. Based on the User
Permits, the chart suppliers are generating then the Chart Permits. So the Chart Permits will be
assigned individually to a single SeaGuide ECDIS system and therefore to the owner.

To verify that S-63 ENC chart data from a bona fide source the data are signed to be compared
against a public certificate with an ‘Authentication’ process.
Each registered ENC chart data producer publishes its own individual public certificate.

So before loading encrypted S-63 ENC chart data and updates, beside valid Chart Permits, a
valid public certificate has to be available and selected at the SeaGuide ECDIS system. The
selected certificate allows the ECDIS to check the ENC chart data to ensure the data are
produced by a bona fide source.

Note If necessary, the respective public certificate can be installed from the ENC Chart
Data producer’s data media (CDROM, DVD etc.). The certificate regularly is valid for a
couple of years, before it becomes renewed by the chart data producer. So typically
the installation of a new certificate has to be done rarely.
As long as the chart data are always obtained by one at the same chart data producer
(e.g. British Admiralty), once selected, the public certificate setting must not be
changed unless the certificate becomes invalid because of reaching its expiry date.

Selection of a Chart Producer Certificate

Check of the current public certificate selection setting can be done in mode 'Chart Handling' by:
 Click 'Authentication' in menu '2.
The 'Authentication' window pops up:
To check the certificate setting:
 If not already selected, click upper left
button and select 'S63 certificate'.

The window shows all certificates for

ENCs together with its expiry date.
By default the IHO.crt and PRIMAR.crt
certificates shall be pre-installed.

 Click on a line of the list calls up the

regarding certification code below the
list. The certificate contains a huge set of
alphanumeric character groups.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

To select a certificate for use:

 Click on the button ‘Certificate in use for
encryption’ and choose from one entry
from the expanding list.
 Click on the ‘Done’ button to close the
dialog window.

Installation of a Chart Producer Certificate

If not already connected, for the certificate installation first the storage media device containing
the public certificate file, must be connected to the ECDIS. Typically, each ENC Chart Data
CDROM contains a public certificate file, published by the CDROM producer. So it is
recommended to connect the SeaGuide DVD drive to the SeaGuide main unit and to insert the
latest ENC chart data BASE-CDROM.
Installation of a public certificate can be done in mode 'Chart Handling' by:
 Click 'Authentication' in menu '2.

The 'Authentication' window pops up:

 Click the button ‘Read from…’

and select the storage media device from
the expanding list.

The system searches for a public

certificate file in the root directory from
the selected storage media.
If found, the certificate will be imported
without any further notice.

If the certificate was imported successful,

a ‘Certificate Import result’ dialog window
opens. The entry indicates that the
certificate file was imported, but a
Warning SSE26 was generated.

This warning SSE26 can be ignored. It
informs about the circumstance only, that
the imported certificate is not
authenticated against an IHO certificate
published by the IHO which acts as the
administrator für the ENC data protection
scheme. The imported certificate still
remains valid for use.

 Click on the ‘Done’ button to close the

dialog window.

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If the system did not found a public

certificate file in the root directory from
the selected storage media, a dialog will
be shown.
 Click on the button ‘OK’ to browse the
storage media manually to find the public
certificate file for installation.
 Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to close the
dialog window and to quit the certificate
import process.

Reading the S-63 User Permit

For ordering S-63 ENC Chart Permit from the chart supplier, they need the S-63 User Permit in
order to generate ENC Chart Permits assigned for the individual SeaGuide system.

The S-63 User Permit can be read out by:

 Click 'Authentication' in menu '2. Functions'.

The 'Authentication' window pops up:

 If not already selected, click upper left button and

select 'S63 user permit'.

The S-63 User Permit will be indicated.

Write down the User Permit for further use.

Note The User Permit shown at the right picture is

an example only. So this Permit shall not be used.
Each SeaGuide system has its own unique S-63 User

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Reading the ARCS license / User Permit

For ordering ARCS Chart Permit from the chart supplier, they need the ARCS User Permit and a
ARCS Pin number in order to generate ARCS Chart Permits assigned for the individual SeaGuide

The ARCS User Permit and Pin number can be read out by:

 Click 'Authentication' in menu '2. Functions'.

The 'Authentication' window pops up:

 If not already selected, click upper left button and

select 'ARCS license'.

The ARCS User Permit and PIN will be indicated.

Write down the User Permit and PIN number for
further use.
If already valid ARCS Chart Permits available at the
system, additionally here the current licensee
information are indicated, too.

Note The User Permit and licensee information

shown at the right picture is an example only. So this
Permit shall not be used.
Each SeaGuide system has its own unique ARCS
User Permit and PIN!

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

11.3.3 Chart Permit Management

General Permit Management

Since each Chart Data format has its own licensing procedures, the General Permit Management
offers a generic means to individually check the Chart Permit Data Base, individually for each
chart format.

To open the General Permit Management,

 Click 'Permit' in menu 'Functions', to pop up the
window 'Permit Info'

 Click 'General management' and select a chart

format of interest.

A list pops up with all stored chart cell permits for

the selected chart data format, showing the chart
numbers, the expiry date and the status of validity.

The table can be sorted by Cell-No., Expiry date or

 Click on the Icon 

To set the wished sort order.

The current sort order setting can be identified
at the tables headline. The column set for
sorting has a white background.

To navigate through the table, the slider at the right

side of the table can be used.
 Click either the  or  Icon to scroll up and
down line by line.
Alternative 1:
Click the  or  Icon and hold the trackball
button for Auto Scrolling.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Delete Chart Permits

To delete the chart permits,

 Click 'Select invalid'.
All invalid chart permits will be marked.
Navigate through the list; using the slider at the
right of the table. Find single chart permits
which shall be deleted.
 Click at the corresponding row entry.
The single chart permit will be marked.
Repeat this step if necessary to select
more permits for deletion.

 Click 'Delete' the button

A warning window ‘Permit deletion’ pops up
 Click 'Ok' to delete all marked charts, or
click 'Cancel' to stop the deletion
The selected chart permits become

Install Chart Permits

If not already connected, for Chart Permit installation first the storage media device containing the
Chart Permit data, must be connected to the ECDIS. For SeaGuide ECDIS typically the
SeaGuide USB memory stick can be used for data transfer.
When the regarding medium is connected, resp. inserted,
 Click 'Permits' in menu '2. Functions'. The window 'Permit Info' pops up.
 Click 'Read from' and select the regarding medium.
The system searches at the root directory of the selected media for
chart permit files. If found, the import process starts without any further

Never disconnect a removable storage medium during down- or up-loading. This

may cause malfunction in SeaGuide ECDIS software!

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Once the import process finishes,

the dialog 'Permit import result' pops
The result list shows all imported
permits. The new copied permits are
marked with 'OK'.
The 'Permit import result' list may be
copied to an external medium. - If
only the new added permits shall be
copied, they must be marked first.
Then the button 'Save selected to…'
changes to black and can be clicked
to select the storing medium for
If a printer is connected, the list may
be printed, too. - To finish, click
Note: New imported permits are
added at the end of the Chart Permit
list. (refer also to paragraph ‘General
Permit Management’)

If the system did not found a chart

permit file in the root directory from
the selected storage media, a dialog
will be shown.
 Click on the button ‘OK’ to browse
the storage media manually to find
the chart permit file for installation.
 Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to close
the dialog window and to quit the
import process.

If no medium could be read, as example

a CD-ROM, a regarding message pops

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Save Chart Permits

The Chart Permits Data Base can be saved to an external storage media. First the storage media
device must be connected to the ECDIS. For SeaGuide ECDIS typically the SeaGuide USB
memory stick can be used for data transfer.
For saving the Chart Permit Data Base,
 Click 'Save to…'
The Chart Permit file will be copied to the
external storage device.

If the external storage device cannot be

identified by the ECDIS the message
<No media found> will be prompted.

Manual insert single Chart Permits

The permits consist of a long string of alpha-numeric characters of a defined structure. Due to the
length of the permits and may be to the large number of ENCs (or ARCS charts) within a permit
validity time period, it is time-consuming and, in practice, not possible to enter permits manually
without errors.
Anyway, it may still be useful to manually input a single or only a few chart permits to the permit
data base.
For manual input of permits,
 Click 'Permits' to popup the 'Permit info' window
 Click 'Manual insert'
An editing window pops up, prompting to type in
a single Chart Permit. Depending upon the used
chart data format (ARCS or ENC), the Chart
Permit is a 48 or 67 digit hex number.
Only one code can be inserted at a time.

 Enter the Chart Permit

 Click 'Ok' to insert and
Repeat the course of
action to input a next
Only valid entries will
be accepted.

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11.3.4 Import / Update Charts

Regardless of the differences between the used chart data formats, the SeaGuide ECDIS has
only one defined procedure for chart import and chart update. SeaGuide ECDIS don’t differ
between Import and Update. The handling within the Chart Handling Mode for both, Import and
Update of charts is the same.

Since the Chart import and update, process may take some longer time, depending
upon the amount of Charts, it is highly recommended to do the Chart management
during the vessels demurrage.

Before installation of charts the following has to be checked in advance:

1. If ENC chart shall be installed, is the proper S-63 ENC public certificate been selected?
(See chapter 13.3.2 ‘Selection of a Chart Producer Certificate’)
2. Are for the charts which shall be imported, are valid Chart Permits installed?
(See chapter 0 ‘Install Chart Permits’)
3. If not already connected, for chart installation first the storage media device containing the
chart data, must be connected to the ECDIS. For SeaGuide ECDIS typically the
SeaGuide DVD drive is used. Connect the storage media, and insert the proper chart
data CDROM.

If not already selected, select the ‘Chart Handling’

 Click the ‘Mode’ button ('ECDIS Display' resp.
'Conning Display').
 Click ‘Chart Handling’ from the expanding list.

Immediately after selection of ‘Chart Handling’,

following warning window appears:
 Click ‘OK’ to proceed.

The Chart handling mode requires the “Non Operation Mode” of SeaGuide ECDIS.
This means that the received sensor data from the navigation sensors are not
processed. At a single ECDIS system the systems alarm monitoring is disabled. The
route monitoring mode, if activated, becomes deactivated.

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Select the storage media for import

First, for charts import the regarding storage medium must be selected.
 Click 'Select media' and select the connected media. Typically, it should
be the entry ‘CDROM’.

The SeaGuide ECDIS system starts to search at the storage media for
a proper Chart Data directory structure.
If found, the system scans the media for a chart catalogue which will
be the base for displaying the availability of charts at the globe of the
Chart Handling display.

If the chart file of the medium is not in the main

directory, beside shown window pops up.
 Click 'Ok' to browse the storage media manually.
A window with the available directories pops up.
Click ‘Cancel’ to quit the process and close the dialog window.

Select charts from the media to import

 Click 'Import' in menu '2. Functions'.

A ‘Charts to import’ dialog window opens.

To the left of the dialog a list with all for import available charts is
available. The colour indication of each line of the list represents
the validity status of the corresponding Chart Permit installed at the
system. Green or yellow marked lines indicates, that the chart can
be imported since the corresponding Chart Permit is either valid or
still valid. Red marked lines represents charts for which no valid
Chart Permit is installed. Therefore these charts cannot be

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To navigate through the list, the slider at the right side of the table can be used.
 Click either the  or  Icon to scroll up and down line by line.
Alternative 1:
Click the  or  Icon and hold the trackball button for Auto Scrolling.

To select charts for import, three different means are available.

1. Select all “Accessible charts”.

 Click in the ‘Charts to Import’-Dialog the
button ‘Accessible charts’.
Automatically all accessible and former
green or yellow marked charts (see above),
become selected for import and are now
colored blue. In the list to the left of the
dialog the selected charts (lines) become

2. Select charts “Graphically…”

 Click in the ‘Charts to Import’-Dialog the
button ‘Select graphically…’
The system prompts to select the 1 corner
of a spherical square with the cursor at the
 Click at the wished position on the globe.
The system prompts to select the 2 corner
of a spherical square with the cursor at the

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 Move the cursor. A red lined square follows

the cursor. Enlarge the spherical square so
all chart areas which shall be installed are
inside the square. Click at the second

Automatically all accessible and former

green or yellow marked charts (see above),
which were inside the graphically set
spherical square, are now selected for
import and are now colored blue. In the list
to the left of the dialog the selected charts
(lines) become highlighted. Repeat this
procedure as often as all charts are
selected which shall be imported. To quit
the graphical selection process, exit with the
click at the trackballs CANCEL button.

3. Select single charts from a list

Each line, respectively each listed chart

number can be individually selected for
chart import.
To navigate through the list see above.

 Click a line (chart number) within the list of

the ‘Chart to Import’-Dialog which is colored
green or yellow.
The corresponding chart area at the globe
becomes marked blue.
 Repeat until all charts for import are

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Import Charts resp. Updates

If charts are selected for import (see above)

the ‘OK’ button in the ‘Charts to Import’ dialog
window becomes active.
To start the import process

Since the Chart import and update, process may

take some longer time, depending upon the
amount of Charts, it is highly recommended to do the
Chart management during the vessels demurrage.

 Click ‘OK’ button.

The import process starts immediately. A
message box indicates what task the
import process is currently dealing with.
At the end of importing, an ‘Import result’
window opens. A list with the specification
numbers of all imported charts will be shown.
Behind the chart number, the import status is
shown. 'OK' if successful loaded, or 'Failed', if
the import failed. If the import failed additional
information about the cause of import failure
including an error code might be indicated.
(For a complete list of error codes see annex
‘Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations’

The import result list may be printed (if a

printer is connected to the SeaGuide System)
or be saved into another storage media. (E.g.
USB storage device). For storing connect the
external storage media to the SeaGuide main
computer unit.

 Click the ‘Save all to…’-Button and

select the media from the expanding list.
The complete list will be stored to the
external storage media as a text file.

If only a single or a few entries from the

import result list shall be stored
 Click to the line of interest to
select a single line, or
 Click to the line and hold the
trackball button pressed while
moving the cursor downwards the
list. This selects parts of a list.
Selected lines become
The procedure for printing is the same like
above. But instead the function buttons ‘Print
all’ or ‘Print selected’ must be used.
 Click the ‘Done’-Button to close the
dialog window.

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Delete Charts

From time to time it might be necessary to “clean” up the SeaGuide ECDIS chart data base.
Especially if charts are not more available because their Chart Permit has been expired, they shall
be deleted.
The procedure to deleting charts from the chart data base is quite similar to the procedure for
importing charts.

 Click the selection button 'System' at the filter section ‘Charts’.

This enables the call up of all charts, which are currently stored at the
SeaGuide ECDIS system.
Depending upon the further filter settings (see chapter 13.2.3,
paragraph ‘

Filtering’) the installed charts become indicated at the globe. All green
and yellow marked areas at the globe are covered by charts for which
valid Chart Permits are available at the system. All red marked areas
are covered by installed charts, where the Chart Permits are already
expired. These charts might be out of date and therefore unsafe for
navigation. They should be deleted.
Additional information about the amount of charts and their Chart
Permit status is presented at the Chart Status Bar below the globe.

 Click 'Delete' in menu '2. Functions'.

A ‘Charts to import’ dialog window opens.

To the left of the dialog a list with all available charts is shown. The
colour indication of each line of the list represents the validity status
of the corresponding Chart Permit installed at the system. Green or
yellow marked lines indicates, that the chart can be used for
navigation since the corresponding Chart Permit is either valid or
still valid. Red marked lines represents charts for which no valid
Chart Permit is installed. Therefore, these charts, even if they might
be still displayable in the ECDIS Display, are not safe for navigation
anymore, and shall be deleted.
To navigate through the list, the slider at the right side of the table can be used.
 Click either the  or  Icon to scroll up and down line by line.
Alternative 1:
Click the  or  Icon and hold the trackball button for Auto Scrolling.

To select charts for delete, three different means are available.

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1. Select all “Unaccessible charts”.

 Click in the ‘Charts to Import’-Dialog the
button ‘Unaccessible charts’.
Automatically all unaccessible and red
marked charts (see above), become selected
for deletion and are now colored blue. In the
list to the left of the dialog the selected charts
(lines) become highlighted red.

2. Select charts “Graphically…”

 Click in the ‘Charts to delete’-Dialog the
button ‘Select graphically…’
The system prompts to select the 1 corner of
a spherical square with the cursor at the
 Click at the wished position on the globe.
The system prompts to select the 2 corner
of a spherical square with the cursor at the

 Move the cursor. A red lined square follows

the cursor. Enlarge the spherical square so all
chart areas which shall be installed are inside
the square. Click at the second position.

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Automatically all unaccessible and red

marked charts (see above), which were inside
the graphically set spherical square, are now
selected for deletion and are now colored
blue. In the list to the left of the dialog the
selected charts (lines) become highlighted.
Repeat this procedure as often as all charts
are selected which shall be deleted. To quit
the graphical selection process, exit with the
click at the trackballs CANCEL button.

3. Select single charts from a list

Each line, respectively each listed chart

number can be individually selected for chart
To navigate through the list see above.

 Click a line (chart number) within the list of the

‘Chart to Import’-Dialog which is colored red.
The corresponding chart area at the globe
becomes marked blue.
 Repeat until all charts for deletion are

If charts are selected for deletion (see above)

the ‘OK’ button in the ‘Charts to Delete’ dialog
window becomes active.
To start the delete process

 Click ‘OK’ button.

The delete process starts immediately
without any further notice.
At the end of deletion, an ‘Deletion result’
window opens. A list with the specification
numbers of all deleted charts will be shown.
Behind the chart number, the deletion status
is shown.

 Click ‘Done’ button to close the window

and finish the deletion process.

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11.3.5 Synchronise Chart Data base

If a chart updating or chart import has been executed at one SeaGuide ECDIS workstation, an
alarm window with a regarding message pops up at all other systems of the SeaGuide ECDIS net
and the yellow message band right below in the ECDIS display mode status bar starts with a
regarding message.
Then the operator can decide to synchronize the chart and permit data base at once or later on.
For synchronization, the operation mode must be switched to 'Chart Handling', where the button
'Synchronize' has changed from insensitive to active.
The ‘Synchronize’-Function button becomes activated only, if the SeaGuide ECDIS system
contains more than one ECDIS workstation, and if the chart or permit data base has changed at
one workstation.

 Click 'Synchronize' in menu '2. Functions'.

The system starts to synchronize the Chart Permit and chart data

Since the Chart synchronizing process may take some longer time, depending
upon the amount of Charts, it is highly recommended to do the Chart
management during the vessels demurrage.

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11.4 How to install charts on an Imtech SeaGuide System

Permit installation
Select the option “Chart Handling” in the “Mode”- button.
In the “Chart Handling” mode, select “Charts” in the “Focus” and Picture1: Permit info
press the button “Permits” to open the “Permit Info” dialog. (See
picture 1)

This window combine all permit related functions of the Imtech

SeaGuide software.

Attach the USB sticks with the latest permits to one of the free USB ports of the SeaGuide
Computer or insert the CDROM disk with the permits in the attached USB CDROM disk drive.

P4: Picture2: Drop down list with the USB stick

After a few seconds press the “Read from...”
button and select either the CDROM disk drive or
the USB stick from the drop down list.
(See picture 2; only one USB device was
connected to the SeaGuide Computer)

Note: If permit files are stored in the Picture3: Do you want to browse it by yourself?
root directory ( [USBDRIVELETTER]:/ ), the
SeaGuide software will import these permit
files automatically otherwise the software
will ask if you want to browse the directory
structure by yourself. (See Picture 3)

If the subdirectory, that contains the permit files, is selected, the SeaGuide software will indicate
this in the “Browse removable media” window, which shows all the subdirectories of the selected
USB stick or CDROM disk. (See picture 4 & 5)

Press the “Ok” button to start the import process of the permits.

Note: The import process can take from seconds to minutes to complete. This depends on
how many chart permits are included in the selected permit file.

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Picture4: Browse removable media Picture5: Permits found

After the import process has been finished the “Permit import result” window will be shown. The
result for each chart permit will be shown.

If there isn’t a problem with the permit the result of the import will be
“Permit import OK (valid until XXX XX 20xx)”

If the same chart permit is already installed the message will look different. In that case the result
will be:
“Permit import NOT OK ( this Permit is already installed )
Picture6: Permit import result

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Install the corresponding S-63 certificates

For the installation of ENC (AVCS) charts the corresponding and valid S63 certificate has to be
installed. The chart decryption, which is part of the automatic chart installation process, will fail
without the correct and valid S63 certificate.

A.1: Picture7: Authentication

Still in the “Chart Handling” mode, open

the Authentication window by pressing
the “Authentication”. (See picture 7)

Note: The latest valid S63

certificate for UKHO ENC (AVCS)
charts can be found on the official ENC
(AVCS) BASE CDs. This may be
different for other chart suppliers.

Insert any of the ENC (AVCS) Base
CDs in the USB CDROM disk drive and
press the “Read from...” button.

Select the USB CDROM disk drive from the drop down list to start the import process of the
certificate files.

After a couple of seconds the “Certificate import result” window shows the result of the import
process of the certificate from the CDROM media.

Note down which certificate file has been installed, because this is necessary for the next step.

Note: Until the transition from the old authenticate scheme to the new use of the S-63
scheme the following warning may appear as the result of the certificate import:

“Warning SSE 26: This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator”

It means that the ENC (AVCS) charts from the set of BASE CDs are not yet signed with the
IHO.CRT certificate as it will be in the future due to the new S-63 scheme. While the transition is
still in progress the ECDIS- Systems must display the above warning.

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Next the certificate for the ENC (AVCS) BASE CDs have to be selected before any chart
installation can take place.

Choose the installed/updated certificate from the drop down list “Certificate in use for decryption”.

The warning message “SSE 26” can appear, if it was already shown in the certificate result
window for the imported certificate. (See picture 8) You have to confirm this message and
afterwards the certificate will be used for decryption and import of the ENC (AVCS) charts.

Picture8: S-63 certificate handling

Press the “ Done “ button to close the “Authentication” window. The Authentication window may
be necessary if the certificate expires or it gets necessary to change the “Certificate in use for

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Chart installation
If you don’t know, which ENC (AVCS) BASE CD are required, you may start with the ENC (AVCS)
BASE CD1 and check all CDs for valid charts.

Insert the first BASE CD in the attached USB CDROM disk drive.

Wait a few seconds, then press the “Select media ...” button.

Choose the USB CDROM disk drive from the list of available devices.

The software reads the catalogue file of the BASE CD and afterwards it will overlay the chart cells
from the ENC BASE CD onto the globe. The cells may be green, yellow or red.
Green chart cells indicate that the SeaGuide System contains valid permits for chart cell.
Yellow chart cells indicate that the System contains permits which will expire in the next 30 days.
Red chart cells indicate that the SeaGuide System does not contain any valid permits for this cell.

Press the “Import” button from the Functions menu, which can Picture9: Charts to import
be found on the right side. This will open the “Charts to import”

You have the choice how you wan to install the charts from the
inserted ENC BASE CD.

The fastest way is by pressing the “Accessible charts” button

from the “Chart selection” group. This function will selected all
valid and still valid charts for import from the inserted ENC

Press the Ok button on the bottom of the window (See Picture

This import can take a few minutes to complete.

Note: If the Warning SSE 26 was already displayed during the import process and the
selection of the certificate, it will be displayed again. This message window (See picture8) will only
be displayed each time an import will be started.

After the import process has been finished, the SeaGuide Software will display an “Import Result
Window” with the status of the installation for each ENC (AVCS) chart cell. (See picture 10)

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Chapter 11 – Chart Handling

Press the “System” in the “Charts”- group on the left side bar. This will select the system chart
database and unlock the USB CDROM drive.

You may import ENC charts from another ENC (AVCS) chart CD by repeating C.1) to C.7) with
the second ENC (AVCS) CD or another one.

Picture10: Chart import result

If all ENC (AVCS) charts are installed, you may leave the “Chart Handling” mode.

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Chapter 12 – Interactions in SeaGuide ECDIS Multi unit systems


SeaGuide ECDIS systems, which consist of more than one SeaGuide ECDIS unit, are
synchronized during operation in relation to the necessary demands.

Following parameters are sensitive for the synchronization process:

• Ship´s Time
• Manual Ship´s Speed Setting
• All parameters Safety Values
• All parameters Safety Settings
• Off Heading Limit , Off Course Limit
• Position source selection with defined position offsets
• Mariner Notes
• Highlight Danger Objects
• Manual Update Objects
• Color Scheme Settings
• Routes

Synchronization of the parameter depends on the operation mode of the SeaGuide ECDIS:
Synchronization of the parameter if the change is issued on ECDIS2
Operation modes of ECDIS 1 A B C D E
ECDIS2 located on bridge - with active Synchr. Synchr N/A Synchr Synchr.
ECDIS2 located on bridge - no active Local Local Local Local Synchr.
ECDIS2 not located on bridge Local Local Local Local Local
Operation modes of the ECDIS1:
A - TRACK Control operation, an active waypoint exists
B - HDG Control operation with an active waypoint
C - HDG Control without active waypoint
D - Route Monitoring with active waypoint
E - Route Monitoring without active waypoint
Synchr. - The settings will be synchronized on the other ECDIS Systems.
Local - The setting is only local on the ECDIS, where the setting is initiated.
N/A - Not available
The time is synchronized in the whole SeaGuide ECDIS installation, independent of the number
and the localisation of systems.

12.1 Interactions of a 'Non-bridge' SeaGuide ECDIS

If a 'Non-bridge' SeaGuide ECDIS is installed, e.g. in the captains office, all settings on those
system are local.
In case that the settings differ from the bridge systems, the 'RESET' button of the local system
becomes red.
To synchronize with the bridge systems, the 'RESET' button must be clicked.

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Chapter 13 – Alarms for system and navigation


SeaGuide ECDIS monitors all sensor nmea data, all chart functions and the system components
which are relevant for safety of navigation. In case of failure or breach of safety related limits an
alert is generated.

13.1 Color denotation of alarms

The alerts are divided in:
Detection of system failures and dangerous
navigational situations, which may cause dangerous
situations for own ship and surrounding traffic.
Not acknowledged new alarms will be indicated by a
red flashing ‘Alerts’-button and an audible alarm.
Acknowledged but still active alarms will be shown in
red non-flashing.
Detection of system failures and navigational situations,
which may not cause a dangerous situation for own
ship and surrounding traffic but need to be attended by
the officer on watch.
Not acknowledged new warnings will be indicated by a
yellow flashing ‘Alerts’-button and no audible alarm.
Acknowledged but still active warnings will be shown in
yellow non-flashing.
Alarms and warnings which are not acknowledged but
where the reason for the alarm or warning has ceased
(e.g. ‘guardzone’ or ‘dangerous target’ alarms)
Acknowledged inactive alarms or warnings will be
removed from the ‘Actual alerts’ list.

13.2 Acknowledge alarms and warnings

 Clicking onto the red/yellow/green menu button 'Alerts' pops up the window 'Alerts'.
It does not silence and/or acknowledge the alarm/warning.
The actual alarms are shown under ‘Actual alerts’ in a list sorted by time and date of occurrence.
Not acknowledged alarms and warnings are flashing.

A click on silence will stop the audible

The alarm is flashing
alarm but not acknowledge the active
as long as the alarm
is not acknowledged.

Double clicking into the flashing line

acknowledges the alarm and stops the
Alternatively, one click into the flashing line
will mark this line. Then the alarm can be
ack-nowledged by clicking the button
If more than one alarm or warning are
flashing, the button 'Confirm group' may be
clicked, to acknowledge all alarms of the
same group.
Clicking into an alarm line shows 'Additional
information' about the cause of alarm.

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Chapter 13 – Alarms for system and navigation

13.2.1 Right click to acknowledge alerts

The right trackball button may be used to acknowledge alarms. There are several ways to do so:
1. A right button click on the alert button opens the confirmation dialog for the latest active
non-acknowledged alert.

A left button click acknowledges the alarm and the next active non-acknowledged alarm
will be shown.
Note: When no non-acknowledged alert is left, then the confirmation dialog will not be
2. A right button click on a target in alarm state (Lost target / dangerous target) opens the
context menu.

A left click on the entry: “Acknowledge dangerous target” or “Acknowledge lost target”
acknowledges this single alarm.
Move the pointer to the next target and repeat the steps above to confirm the next alarm.

13.2.2 Mute acoustical alarm

Next to the “Alert”-button is a Silence button for the acoustical indication of alarms.

By pressing this button the acoustic alarm can be switched off and on.
This setting remains until changed or SeaGuide ECDIS is restarted.
When SeaGuide ECDIS is started, the acoustic alarm indication is always turned on.

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Chapter 13 – Alarms for system and navigation

13.3 Setting limits for navigational monitoring

The menus for settings of alarm limits are included in the alert window.
For selecting those menus:
 Click the red/yellow/green menu button 'Alerts' to open
the window 'Alerts'.
 Click menu button 'Settings' in alert window, to open
‘Alert settings’.
 Click onto ‘Guardzone’ to open the selection menu.

13.3.1 Alert setting menus

Guard Zone Limits
See chapter 7.1 See chapter 7.2

See chapter 7.4

Radius values
See chapter 7.3

Anchor watch
See chapter 7.5

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Chapter 13 – Alarms for system and navigation

13.4 Detail selection for alert window

The size of the alert window may be reduced by selecting only essential details. To select details:

 Click the file icon in window ‚Alerts‘ - the ‚Show‘ button pops up

Click button ‚Show‘ to open the selection

Select the details to be shown in the ‚Actual
alerts‘ list (e.g. Date, Chart, Position)

In beside shown example,

only Date and 'Source' of alert
are activated.
One alert is highlighted to get
more detailed information,
shown in window 'Additional

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Chapter 13 – Alarms for system and navigation

13.5 Alarm history

Alerts which have happened in the past, but which are not shown in actual list, are stored into an
'Alarm history' list.
To call up the 'Alarm history':
 Click the red/yellow/green button 'Alerts' – The 'Alert' window pops up.

 Click button 'Actual alerts' and select 'Alarm history.

The Alarm history list pops up, offering same selections like the 'Actual alarm' list by clicking the
file icon.

13.5.1 Calling chart position of alarm activation

Clicking an alarm info in the 'Alarm history' list calls up
more detailed information in the window 'Additional
information' and the button 'Goto' pops up.
 Click button 'Goto' and the chart image will be
shifted to the area, where the regarding alarm was
If a single chart object has caused the alarm, this object
will be marked by a surrounding star icon.

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Chapter 14 – Maintenance

SeaGuide ECDIS is a ruggedized and sophisticated system which contains no moving parts.
Therefore maintenance is reduced to a minimum.

14.1 Hardware maintenance

14.1.1 SG CU3140
• No maintenance needed.
• Clean housing with soft cloth or duster if necessary.
• Do not use abrasive and liquid cleaners, e.g. acetone.
14.1.2 SG TFT Display
• No maintenance needed.
• Clean display with a soft cloth or duster if necessary.
• Switch power off before cleaning with liquid cleaners.
• Use only nonabrasive cleaners for TFT display front, e.g. water, isopropyl and alcohol.
• The rear of the TFT display has openings for ventilation. Do not use liquid cleaners as this
may result in damage of the internal electronics.
14.1.3 SG Printer
When you replace certain parts or clean the inside of the printer, remember
the following:
• If your clothes are smeared with toner, wipe off the toner with a dry cloth
and immediately wash the clothes in cold water to avoid stains.
• Be careful not to inhale toner
• After you have just used the printer, some internal parts of the printer will
be extremely hot. To prevent injury, when open the front cover or back
cover (back output tray) of the printer, DO NOT TOUCH the shaded parts
shown in the illustration. If you do this, you may get burned.

• Replace Toner Cartridge when empty

• Replace drum unit when full.
14.1.4 Software Maintenance
SeaGuide ECDIS performs a system check at each startup. Normally there is no need to maintain
SeaGuide ECDIS software. In case SeaGuide ECDIS lost power during operation and was not
properly terminated, the file system may be corrupted. This may happen if SeaGuide ECDIS was
not equipped with a SG PowerModule or this unit is out of order.
In order to solve these kinds of problem or a software update becomes necessary, the mariner
may get a service/update tool from Imtech Marine. In some cases ECDIS helpdesk may ask the
mariner to enter the „MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM“ to solve the problem with SeaGuide

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SeaGuide ECDIS is a reliable, lean and ruggedized system designed for daily operation on sea-
going vessels.
In case the system is not working as designed and explained in this User Manual refer to the
Chapter 18 How to solve some issues and 19 MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM to check
your system.
After carrying out the basic checks and when your system is still not working properly you may
contact your SeaGuide ECDIS service company.
When sending an Email to your SeaGuide ECDIS service company you may include some
additional information like the “system-information-file”. This file contains the latest settings and
log-files of the regarding SeaGuide electronic unit CU3140. Refer to the “SeaGuide Technical
Manual” Chapter “Creating a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE” for further instruction.
When contacting your SeaGuide ECDIS service company you should include some basic
information which is necessary to provide a quick and qualified response to your service request.
1) Product name
2) SeaGuide ECDIS system type (one ECDIS unit, two ECDIS units, with Conning?)
3) serial number (if available/applicable)
4) Vessel name and IMO number
5) Your contact information
6) ETA to destination and next port name
7) Problem description
8) A new generated “SYSTEM INFO FILE” for each electronic unit in your system

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Chapter 16 – USER GUIDE


Some problems which occur during use of SeaGuide ECDIS may be solved by using this User
Guide. Please take the steps suggested in Chapter 18.1 User Guide before contacting ECDIS

16.1 User Guide

Note: This guide should be able to assist the user to get all information needed to contact
ECDIS helpdesk. This information enables ECDIS helpdesk to provide a better service
in less time. Not all problems which may occur during use of SeaGuide ECDIS may be
solved with this guide.
1.) Choose the category where the problem occurs.
a. Problems with startup of SeaGuide ECDIS
→ refer to 17.1.1Startup of SeaGuide ECDIS
b. Problems with SG TFT Display
→ refer to 17.1.2 Faulty image on SG TFT Display
c. Problems concerning Chart import and display
→ refer to 17.1.3 Problems with importing charts and permits
16.1.1 Startup of SeaGuide ECDIS
SeaGuide ECDIS displays no image on SG TFT after applying power
First check whether the LED in the “PWR”-button is illuminated blue.
Then carry out the procedures of chapter 17.1.2 Faulty image on SG TFT Display before contacting
ECDIS helpdesk.
SeaGuide ECDIS application is not starting after applying power
You may get several error messages displayed on the startup screen. The further actions depend
on what happened before to SeaGuide ECDIS:
Power Supply to SG CU3140 failed and SeaGuide ECDIS was not properly shut down
If the power supply to SG CU3140 failed and the SeaGuide ECDIS application was not properly
shut down, then some system files might be damaged. In this case try first to reset the application
by removing all temporary application files. Refer to Chapter 19.5.2How to remove and repair
corrupted system files / “Remove and recreate application files” for further instructions.
If SeaGuide ECDIS application won’t start although all application files have been reset you may
have to restore the last backup to restore the file system. A password is needed to restore the
backup. Please contact ECDIS helpdesk to obtain the password.
Refer to Chapter 18 CONTACT SeaGuide ECDIS SERVICE for further instruction.
An error occurred during installation or update of the chart data base
If SeaGuide ECDIS has been rebooted due to an error during installation or update of the chart
data base some files may be corrupted. This issue may be solved by starting the
Refer to Chapter 19.5.2 How to remove and repair corrupted system files for further instruction.
Unknown error
In this case enter the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” and generate a “System-
Information-Disk” according to the instrucitions given in Chapter 19.2.1 Creating a “SYSTEM-
Transmit this information together with the service request to ECDIS helpdesk.

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Chapter 16 – USER GUIDE

16.1.2 Faulty image on SG TFT Display

This is a general guide to solve minor faults of SG TFT display.
Dew condensation behind glass
Note: This problem will not occur on bonded products.
For non-bonded products execute the following:
• Apply power to SG TFT Display
• Set the brightness to 100% using the dimming knob.
• Start SeaGuide ECDIS
After a few minutes the dew will be gone.
WARNING: Do not overheat the product by use of portable heaters.
No picture or LED behavior
If there is no light at all in the LED at the FRONT, check power cables.
If the LED in front is green then check if SeaGuide ECDIS application is up and running by the
LED on the front of SG CU3140. The green PWR LED and LKN1 LED should be on. Check the
cable connection between SG TFT and SG CU3140.
If SG CU3140 is up and running and the cable connection is ok, then reset the BIOS of SG
Reset BIOS to VGA-Display:
1. If the computer is on then press the PWR-button shortly.
Wait until the LED in PWR button changes from blue color to red color.
2. Press the PWR-button shortly again and start to press the [DEL] key frequently for the next 20
seconds, approx. once per second.
3. You will still see no picture, this is okay.
4. Press the [Arrow right] key once,
press the [Arrow Down] key once and
press [ENTER]
5. Next press [Y] key once,
then press [ENTER]
6. Press the [F10] key once,
press [ENTER]
7. Your computer will reboot now.
Now the computer should boot with an activated VGA port. If you still see no picture you may
repeat steps 1 to 7. It might happen that the first try won’t be successful.
8. If you see a picture you should set the BIOS to the correct values.
Refer to the Technical Manual for further instructions.
Scrolling / unstable image
Signal cable may not be completely connected to either SG TFT or SG CU3140.
Display is not centered / sized correctly
Verify the serial connection cable is connected properly to both SG TFT and SG CU3140. If the
connection is not established during startup of SeaGuide ECDIS the automatic SG TFT size
detection may not work.
Image appearance
A faulty TFT panel can have black lines, pixel errors, failed sections, flickering or flashing image.
An incorrect graphic mode on SG CU3140 will probably cause the image to the wrong size, it may
scroll, flicker badly or possibly even no image is present. Sparkling on the display may be caused
by a faulty TFT panel signal cable. This faults need immediate service attention, please contact
ECDIS helpdesk.

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Chapter 16 – USER GUIDE

16.1.3 Problems with importing charts and permits

WARNING: Imtech Marine does not provide charts and permits. Before taking any of the
steps below, make sure you have the latest official charts and permits for your
SeaGuide ECDIS available. Charts and permits on CD-ROM or USB media
are supported.
You may contact your chart provider to get the latest charts and permits.
When problems occur during update or installation of charts it may be necessary to reset the data
stored in SeaGuide ECDIS.
Refer to Chapter 19.5.2 How to remove and repair corrupted system files for further instructions.

16.1.4 How to check and set the correct BIOS settings

 SeaGuide Computer TYPE: SG-CU3140 
If the SeaGuide computer is off, then switch ON the SeaGuide computer and go on with step 2....
1.1) Leave the SeaGuide ECDIS program as follows...
Choose 'Chart' in the 'Focus' menu,
choose 'Chart Work' in the 'Task' menu,
and choose 'Quit ECDIS' in the 'Function' menu.
1.2) Press the <CANCEL> button within 10 seconds to interrupt the "RESTART COUNTDOWN"...
A menu will be displayed.
1.3) Choose...
“2 Reboot this computer [SEAGUIDE]”... using the arrow keys and press the <OK> button
1.4) The ECDIS computer will restart now.
1.5) Wait until the screen disappears, then...
2) ... start to press the [DEL] key periodically once a second.
After a short time you should see the BIOS Headline:
.Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
If you missed the right moment to press the [DEL]- key, then the SeaGuide computer will boot and the
SeaGuide ECDIS will start. In that case please repeat this instruction from step 1.1)
2) Please select...
"Load Optimized Defaults"
... by using the arrow keys (, , , ) and press [ENTER]
Confirm the message...
"Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)?"
... with ...
[Y] followed by [ENTER]

3) Select...
"Standard CMOS Features"
... by using the arrow keys (, , , ) and press [ENTER]
Please check if the time and the date have been set correctly.
The ECDIS is using the "UTC"- time:
Remark: - Chinese time: UTC = Chinese time - 8 hours
- German wintertime: UTC = MEZ - 1 hour
- German summertime: UTC = MEZ - 2 hours
You may modify the date and time by using the following keys:
- the arrow keys (, , , ) ... to select a value
- the +, -, PgUp or PgDn key ... to modify a value

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Chapter 16 – USER GUIDE

4) Check if the IDE- drives have been located correctly by the BIOS.
If the BIOS had located all drives then you should see similar values like this...

 IDE Channel 0 Master Note: The device names in

[TS32GSSD25S-S] brackets [ ] may differ on
 IDE Channel 1 Master [ None] your system!
 IDE Channel 2 Master [ None] Please just check if you
can see valid names and
 IDE Channel 3 Master [ None] no "scrambled" characters.

In this example...
... a "Transcend 32 GB Solid State Disk" has been located for the "IDE Channel 0
Master" (Linux device: /dev/sda)
... NO device has been located for the "IDE Channel 1 Master"
(This is ok. because there is no device connected at that port)
... NO device has been located for the "IDE Channel 2 Master"
(This is ok. because there is no device connected at that port)
... NO device has been located for the "IDE Channel 3 Master"
(This is ok. because there is no device connected at that port)
Please just make sure that following IDE-DEVICE...
"IDE Channel 0 Master"
... has been located by the BIOS.

 If this IDE-DEVICE has been located correctly then go on with step 5) now.
If no device has been located at the IDE port "IDE Channel 0 Mater", "[ None]" will be
displayed instead of the device name...
ONLY IN THAT CASE, please carry out the steps a) to d) as follows...
a) move onto "[ None]" by using the arrow keys (, , , )
b) press [ENTER] and you should see similar lines like this...

IDE HDD Auto-Detection [Press Enter]

IDE Channel 0 Master [Auto]

Access Mode [Auto]

c) You should see the "value" [Auto] twice! If the second or the third line
doesn't include the value [Auto] then...
... please use the arrow keys (, , , ) to select the value and press [ENTER]
(a list of possible values will be displayed...)
... select Auto from the list and press [ENTER] again.
d) press [ESC]
5) Press [ESC] to return to the main menu.

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Chapter 16 – USER GUIDE

6) Select...
"Advanced BIOS Features"
... by using the arrow keys (, , , ) and press [ENTER]
Check/modify the following values...
You can select the values with the arrow keys (, , , ) and modify them with the +, -, PgUp or
PgDn key.

First Boot Device [CDROM]

Second Boot Device [Hard Disk]
Third Boot Device [Removable]

7) Check/modify the following values (in the same way / see step 6)...

** VGA Boot Device Setting **

Boot Display [CRT1]
Panel Type [1280x1024
18bit D]
Init Display First [Onboard]

Press [ESC] to return to the main menu.

8) Select...
"Power Management Setup"
... by using the arrow keys (, , , ) and press [ENTER]
Check/modify the following value...

Video Off In Suspend [No]

Press [ESC] to return to the main menu.

9) Select...
"Integrated Peripherals"
... by using the arrow keys (, , , ) and press [ENTER]
Select the line...

 USB Device Settings [Press Enter]

... and press [ENTER]

Check/modify the following value...

USB 1.0 Controller [Enabled]

USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
USB Operation Mode [High Speed]
USB Keyboard Function [Enabled]
USB Storage Function [Enabled]


10) Press the [F10]- Key
Confirm the message...
"SAVE to CMOS and EXIT (Y/N)?"
... with ...[Y] followed by [ENTER]

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SeaGuide ECDIS is equipped with two operating systems, one is SeaGuide ECDIS including the
user interface and the other is the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” or “RESCUE-
Standard operation mode is SeaGuide ECDIS and without user action SeaGuide ECDIS starts
automatically after applying power to the SG CU3140. The “RESCUE-SYSTEM” is not active until
manually started during startup of SG CU3140. This system includes several functions for
restoring SeaGuide ECDIS or resetting the system to initial state.
WARNING: Several functions of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” result in loss
of individual settings and stored route information on SeaGuide ECDIS.
Please read the displayed information carefully and only confirm the execution
of actions when all consequences are known.

17.1 Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”

To access the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” connect a keyboard to SG CU3140.
If the SeaGuide computer is off, then switch ON the SeaGuide computer and go on with step 2....
1.1) Leave the SeaGuide ECDIS program as follows...
Choose 'Chart' in the 'Focus' menu,
choose 'Chart Work' in the 'Task' menu,
and choose 'Quit ECDIS' in the 'Function' menu.
1.2) Press the <CANCEL> button within 10 seconds to interrupt the "RESTART
COUNTDOWN". A menu will be displayed.
1.3) Choose...
“2 Reboot this computer [SEAGUIDE1]”... using the arrow keys and press the <OK> button
1.4) The ECDIS computer will restart now.
1.5) Wait until the screen disappears, then...

2) ... start to press the [ESC] key periodically once a second.

Note: You may press the key “ESC” periodically once a second during startup
until the System selection screen appears.
After a short time a menu will appear:
║ SEAGUIDE (choose for default) ║
... by using the arrow keys (, ) and press [ENTER]

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3) SeaGuide will boot the RESCUE – SYSTEM and show the <MAIN MENU>
┌───────────────────── MAIN MENU ─────────────────────┐
│ Please use the arrow keys to select an option and │
│ Press [ENTER] │
│ │
│ NOTE: Some options may be password protected! Those │
│ options are marked with [PW] │
│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 1 System check and system information │ │
│ │ 2 System configuration and update options │ │
│ │ 3 System backup and restore options │ │
│ │ 4 Maintenance and service options │ │
│ │ j Direct jump to menu or script │ │
│ │ d Change system date and time │ │
│ │ l Change maintenance level [PW] │ │
│ │ s Shutdown SeaGuide │ │
│ │ r Reboot SeaGuide │ │
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ < OK > │

To navigate in the menus of “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” use the up ↑ and down ↓
arrow keys or type the displayed red numbers or letters.
To enter a submenu hit the key [ENTER].
In each “SUBMENU” the item “m Back to main menu” is available.
The key [ESC] is not implemented in the menus of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”.
“j Direct jump to menu or script” enables the user by entering a “uid.”+4 digit code to
execute service tools without navigation through the menu.
ECDIS helpdesk may include these four letter codes with their service instructions for execution of
service tools.
Note: Some functions are password protected indicated by [PW]. Please contact ECDIS helpdesk
with a detailed fault description of SeaGuide ECDIS problem to obtain a service tool,
password for a certain option or detailed explanation of steps to do.
“l Change maintenance level” and some of the maintenance and service options are
reserved for a marine service engineer, authorized by Imtech Marine, only!
Leaving the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” is only available in the “MAIN MENU”.
The user can choose between
“s Shutdown SEAGUIDE1” which shuts the SG CU3140 completely off, or
“r Reboot SEAGUIDE1” where the SG CU3140 will be restarted.

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17.2 System check and system information

│ │ 1 System check and system information │ │

This menu allows the user to collect and save information about the status of the system.
The SeaGuide manuals valid for the current software release can be downloaded to a USB
storage device.

17.2.1 Creating a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE”

Note: The creation of a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE” and transmission of these data together with
a service request to ECDIS helpdesk enables ECDIS helpdesk to assist the user faster and
more efficient than without this information.
1.) Enter the “MAINTENANCE & RESCUE-SYSTEM” according to
Chapter 19.1Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”
2.) Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]
3.) Enter uid.1008 when prompted, followed by [ENTER]
4.) Wait while the tool is checking the system and creating the file archive.
5.) Insert a USB medium to a free USB slot on the Cu3140.
Press <OK> to choose the USB device for data transfer.
6.) The “CHOOSE USB DEVICE” dialog will be opened.
Use the arrow keys (, ) to select your USB device
┌───────────────────────── CHOOSE USB DEVICE ─────────────────────────────┐
│ Please choose an USB device for data transfer │
│ │
│(You may connect or disconnect an USB device. The menu will be refreshed │
│ │
│ USB-Type: Vendor-ID: FS-LABEL Part.-SIZE: DEV:-SIZE: │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 1 STORAGE SanDisk PENDRIVE 4GB 4GB │ │
│ │ 2 STORAGE USB2.0 USB-Disk 2GB 2GB │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ < OK > <Cancel> │
Use the arrow keys (, ) to select <OK>, press [ENTER] to proceed.
7.) Please wait while the archive file will be copied to the selected USB medium. Do not remove
the USB medium while the file transfer is in progress.
8.) A dialog will confirm the successful transfer. After pressing <OK> it is safe to remove the USB
┌────────────────────────────── Done ─────────────────────────────────┐
│ Job finished. │
│ The archive has been transferred to USB device. │
│ │
│ -Filename of archive.......EF{3-digit Nr}.tgz │
│ -Directory on USB device...[USB device]:\seaguide \YYYY-MM-DD_hhmm │
│ │
│ You may send the archive file to: │
│ -Company...................{YOUR ECDIS service company} │
│ -Email.....................{YOUR ECDIS service company email} │
│ │
│ press <OK> to return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE MENUE. │
│ < OK > │

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17.3 System configuration and update options

│ │ 2 System configuration and update options │ │

This menu contains several options for commissioning and updating SG ECDIS.
Note: The functions in this menu are password protected and intended for the use of a
marine service engineer, authorized by Imtech Marine, only!

17.4 System backup and restore options

│ │ 3 System backup and restore options │ │

The “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” includes three restore levels from SeaGuide
a) Delivery backup Factory presets; Working state leaving the factory
b) Commissioning backup Commissioned system; Working state after installation
c) User backup Should be carried out before each software update
SeaGuide ECDIS can be restored to each of these initial states when necessary.
Restrictions regarding backups:
- Only the SeaGuide ECDIS application files can be restored.
- No backup or restore of the SeaGuide ECDIS database, e.g. of “Routes” “Past tracks” or
“Charts”. (Please save the “Routes” and “Past tracks” in regular intervals on a USB

17.4.1 USER- backup creation

Note: Only one USER backup per day is allowed to be created. When an additional USER-
backup will be created the same day, than the newest USER backup will be
1.) Enter the “MAINTENANCE & RESCUE-SYSTEM” according to
Chapter 19.1Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”
2.) Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]
3.) Enter uid.1004 when prompted, followed by [ENTER]
4.) The “CREATE BACKUP MENU” dialog will be opened.
Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
2 Create backup of actual software & settings. Name= backup_YYYY-MM-DD [PW]
… and press [ENTER]
Note: You can return anytime to the <MAIN MENU> with the key [m], followed by [ENTER].
5.) Since this function is password protected a dialog with a PW_UID will be shown:
┌─────────────────────── Password protected ─────────────────────────┐
│ This option is password protected for normal user-mode │
│ │
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│ Did you receive the matching PW_KEY to the above mentioned PW_UID? │
│ │
│ < Yes > < No > │

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CASE1: When you have started the tool for the first time and have not received a matching
a. Choose <No> to display the PW_UID and the email address of ECDIS helpdesk.
┌──────────────────────────────── Password protected ────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Please send the PW_UID to {email address} and ask for the PW_KEY. │
│ │
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│Please also send us the name of the vessel and s short status report of the ECDIS system│
│ (Thank you in advance) │
│ < OK > │

b. Note this PW_UID: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - E F __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

and send it via Email to:

This email should contain at least the following information:

1) Name of vessel
2) IMO-Number
3) The PW_UID displayed in the dialog above
4) The SeaGuide unit number (SEAGUIDE1, SEAGUIDE2, or SeaGuide?)
(You can see the SEAGUIDE unit number in the upper left corner of this screen.)
5) A brief report on your ECDIS system and why you want to create a USER backup.
6) Return with <OK> followed by 8m] to the MAIN MENU
and Reboot SEAGUIDE with the key [s] to restart SeaGuide ECDIS application.

Note: Refer to chapter 19.2.1Creating a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE”,

for instructions how to create a system-info-file.
c. When you received the reply repeat the steps1.) to 4.) and proceed with step 6.)
6.) CASE2: When a matching PW_KEY to the above shown PW_UID has been received,
choose <Yes> and enter the PW_KEY (including all “-“ !) in the following dialog:
┌─────────────── Enter PW_KEY ────────────────┐
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│ Please enter the PW_KEY now ... │
│ │¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯│ │
│ < OK > │

… and confirm with [ENTER].

7.) If the correct PW_KEY has been entered, the USER- backup will be created.
This may take up to several minutes.

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8.) Wait until the “BACKUP COMPLETE” dialog appears then press [ENTER].
┌─────────────────── Backup complete ───────────────────┐
│ Backup completed │
│ │
│ Elapsed time: 3 minute(s) │
│ Backup name: USER- backup │
│ Backup type: incremental │
│ Backup size: 33 MB │
│ │
│ press <OK> to return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE MENUE. │
│ < OK > │

9.) Return to the <MAIN MENU> with the key [m], followed by [ENTER].
10.) Exit the rescue system and reboot SeaGuide computer with the key [r] , followed by [ENTER]
to start SeaGuide ECDIS application.

17.4.2 Restore a delivery/commissioning/user backup

Note: Only the latest backup should be restored.
1.) Enter the “MAINTENANCE & RESCUE-SYSTEM” according to
Chapter 19.1Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”
2.) Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]
3.) Enter uid.1005 when prompted, followed by [ENTER]
4.) The “RESTORE BACKUP MENU” dialog will be opened.
Use the arrow keys (, ) to select the backup to be restored and press [ENTER]
┌───────────────────────────── RESTORE BACKUP MENU ──────────────────────────────────┐
│ Please use the arrow keys to select an option and press [ENTER] │
│ (Some options are password protected. Those options are marked with [PW] │
│ │
│ 1 Display help │
│ 2 Restore DELIVERY- backup (State before COMMISSIONING) [PW] │
│ 3 Restore COMMISSIONING- backup (State when handing over the system to owner) [PW] │
│ 4 Restore [backup_2009-02-13.tgz] (State at 2009 February 13 / USER- backup) [PW] │
│ m Back to main menu │
│ < Ok > │

Note: When the delivery backup will be restored all ship specific settings will be deleted.
5.) Since this function is password protected a dialog with a PW_UID will be shown:
┌─────────────────────── Password protected ─────────────────────────┐
│ This option is password protected for normal user-mode │
│ │
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│ Did you receive the matching PW_KEY to the above mentioned PW_UID? │
│ < Yes > < No > │

CASE1: When you have started the tool for the first time and have not received a matching
a. Choose <No> to display the PW_UID and the email address of ECDIS helpdesk.
┌──────────────────────────────── Password protected ────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Please send the PW_UID to {email address} and ask for the PW_KEY. │
│ │
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│ Please als send us the name of the vessel and s short status report of the ECDIS system│
│ (Thank you in advance) │
│ < OK > │

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b. Note this PW_UID: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - E F __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

and send it via Email to:

This email should contain at least the following information:

1) Name of vessel
2) IMO-Number
3) The PW_UID displayed in the dialog above
4) The SeaGuide unit number (SEAGUIDE1, SEAGUIDE2, or SeaGuide?)
(You can see the SEAGUIDE unit number in the upper left corner of this screen.)
5) A brief report about the ECDIS system & why you want to restore a USER backup.
6) Return with <OK> followed by [m] to the MAIN MENU
and Reboot SEAGUIDE with the key [s] to restart SeaGuide ECDIS application.

Note: Refer to chapter 19.2.1Creating a “SYSTEM-INFO-FILE”, for instructions how to

create a system-info-file.
c. When you received the reply repeat the steps1.) to 4.) and proceed with step 6.)
11.) CASE2: When a matching PW_KEY to the above shown PW_UID has been received,
choose <Yes> and enter the PW_KEY (including all “-“ !) in the following
┌─────────────── Enter PW_KEY ────────────────┐
│ PW_UID: ????-?????-EF???-???? │
│ │
│ Please enter the PW_KEY now ... │
│ │¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯│ │
│ < OK > │

… and confirm with [ENTER].

6.) If the correct PW_KEY has been entered, the selected backup will be restored.
7.) Wait until the “backup restored” dialog appears then press [ENTER].
┌───────────────── RESTORE USER- backup ────────────────┐
│ │
│ Restore complete! │
│ │
│ Elapsed time: 6 minute(s) │
│ Backup name: USER- BACKUP │
│ Backup size: 555 MB │
│ │
│ < OK > │

8.) Return to the MAIN MENU with the key [m], followed by [ENTER].
9.) Exit the rescue system and reboot SeaGuide computer with the key [r], followed by [ENTER]

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17.4.3 Transfer Backup from/to USB memory device

Be careful when using this function. This function will overwrite the backup
files already stored on the USB device.
ONLY backups from the same unit can be restored, backups from other units
won’t be restored.
A transfer from a SEAGUIDE1 to a SEAGUIDE2 in a SG2220 system is not
possible. A transfer from ship A to ship B is not possible either.
1.) Insert a USB memory device into one of the front USB slots.
2.) Enter the “MAINTENANCE & RESCUE-SYSTEM” according to
Chapter 19.1Usage of the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM”
3.) Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]
4.) Enter uid.1007 when prompted, followed by [ENTER]
The “CHOOSE USB DEVICE” dialog will be opened.
Use the arrow keys (, ) to select your USB device
┌───────────────────────── CHOOSE USB DEVICE ─────────────────────────────┐
│ Please choose an USB device for data transfer │
│ │
│(You may connect or disconnect an USB device. The menu will be refreshed │
│ │
│ USB-Type: Vendor-ID: FS-LABEL Part.-SIZE: DEV:-SIZE: │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 1 STORAGE SanDisk PENDRIVE 4GB 4GB │ │
│ │ 2 STORAGE USB2.0 USB-Disk 2GB 2GB │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ < OK > <Cancel> │

Use the arrow keys (, ) to select <OK>, press [ENTER] to proceed.
5.) The “CHOOSE DIRECTION” dialog will be opened

Use the arrow keys (, ) to select

“1 Transfer backup FROM:SeaGuide computer TO: USB device”
For storing a backup to the USB device
“2 Transfer backup FROM:USB device TO: SeaGuide computer”
For recalling a backup saved to USB earlier.

17.5 Maintenance and service options

│ │ 4 Maintenance and service options │ │

These options allow the user to solve problems with SeaGuide ECDIS application.

17.5.1 How to start a service/update tool {uid.1011}

1) Insert the USB-Medium with the service tool “tool(4-digits).sgt”-file into one of the free USB-slots
in the front of the SHG-CU3140 computer now.

NOTE: Ensure there is only one file “tool(4-digits).sgt” on your USB-Medium!

It is common use to store the “tool(4-digits).sgt”-file in the folder “SeaGuide” on
your USB-Medium
2) Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]
3) Enter uid.1011 when prompted, followed by [ENTER].

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4) Wait until the next dialog window will be opened.

The computer will now scan for the USB-Medium with the service-tool on it.
If the System has found one or more USB-Media a dialog will be displayed where the correct
USB-Medium can be selected.
┌───────────────────────── CHOOSE USB DEVICE ─────────────────────────────┐
│ Please choose an USB device for data transfer │
│ │
│(You may connect or disconnect an USB device. The menu will be refreshed │
│ │
│ USB-Type: Vendor-ID: FS-LABEL Part.-SIZE: DEV:-SIZE: │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 1 STORAGE SanDisk PENDRIVE 4GB 4GB │ │
│ │ 2 STORAGE USB2.0 USB-Disk 2GB 2GB │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ < OK > <Cancel> │

5) If no USB-Medium is recognized by the system, check whether you have connected the USB-
Medium properly. Confirm the dialog with < OK >.
6) The system will now look in the “SeaGuide”-folder for a service tool and if it founds one it will
display the “START SERVICE TOOL” dialog.
┌─────────────────────────────── START SERVICE TOOL ─────────────────────────────────┐
│ Found service tool on USB device │
│ │
│ Name of Tool: │
│ Update DataMatrix FW 2.3.48 / 2012-06-29 │
│ │
│ Description: │
│ Only for use with SeaGuide DataMatrix! Not to be used for Nomatronics Magigplex8+! │
│ Do you want to carry out the service tool now? │
│ < Yes > < No > │

7) If the description of the service tool is showing the actions you want to carry out, choose < Yes >,
otherwise choose < No >.
8) Follow the instructions given by the service tool.

17.5.2 How to remove and repair corrupted system files

Imtech Marine does not provide charts and permits. Before taking any of the
steps below, make sure you have the latest official charts and permits for your
SeaGuide ECDIS available. Charts and permits on CD-ROM or USB media
are supported.
You may contact your chart provider to get the latest charts and permits.
The steps below result in loss of individual settings and stored route
information on SeaGuide ECDIS. Please read the displayed information
carefully and only confirm the execution of actions when all consequences
are known and understood.
Remove and recreate application files {uid.1012}
All user settings, e.g. position of dialog windows and user defined objects, are removed. All
PASTTRACK information is cleared.
Note: This option has to be carried out after each software update and optionally if
SeaGuide ECDIS application will not start.
Remove all ARCS permits {uid.1013}
All ARCS permits in the database are deleted. These can only be restored from the media
delivered by the chart provider.
Remove all ARCS charts and permits {uid.1014}
All ARCS permits and charts in the database are deleted. These can only be restored from the
media delivered by the chart provider.

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Remove all ENC permits {uid.1015}

All ENC permits in the database are deleted. These can only be restored from the media
delivered by the chart provider.
Remove all VECTOR charts {uid.1016}
All VECTOR charts in the database are deleted. These can only be restored from the media
delivered by the chart provider.
Remove all routes {uid.1017}
All routes in the database are deleted. There will be no option to restore these with the rescue
system. If routes have been stored on a USB storage device, these may be imported using the
SeaGuide ECDIS application.
Remove all charts, permits and routes {uid.1018}
The complete database will be cleaned. Charts and permits can be restored from the media
delivered by the chart provider.
Reset track control parameters {uid.1019}
All entered values for track control will be set to default.

17.6 Direct jump to menu or script

│ │ j Direct jump to menu or script │ │

ECDIS helpdesk may give instructions including 8 letter codes (uid.XXXX) for direct access of
certain menu options. These are entered here. To leave this option hit the key [ESC].

17.7 Change system date and time (UTC)

│ │ d Change system date and time │ │

Follow the instruction on the screen to change the system date and time. This time stamp is only
used for log files and error messages or when no GPS data is received. SeaGuide ECDIS
application uses the time received with the GPS signal.

17.8 Change maintenance level

│ │ l Change maintenance level │ │

The functions in this menu are password protected and intended for the use of a marine service
engineer, authorized by Imtech Marine, only!

17.9 Shutdown SeaGuide1

│ │ s Shutdown SEAGUIDE1 │ │

Terminates the “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” and switches SG CU3140 off.

17.10Reboot SeaGuide 1
│ │ r Reboot SEAGUIDE1 │ │

The “MAINTENANCE- & RESCUE-SYSTEM” will be terminated and SG CU3140 will restart.

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18.1 Product Registration
The warranty becomes valid once the SeaGuide PRODUCT REGISTRATION was completed for
this SeaGuide Computer. In a SG22xx system the product registration has to be carried out for
each unit.
The product registration has to be completed after commissioning before handover of the system.
If the registration key cannot be received in time from ECDIS helpdesk, the registration process
may be completed by the crew of the vessel.
During the process of the product registration a “system information file” has to be generated and
transmitted to ECDIS helpdesk. This ensures a better support quality since otherwise the latest
settings, made during commissioning or service are not available for the ECDIS helpdesk.
18.1.1 How to carry out a product registration
If the product registration has not been carried out, the user will see a reminder the SeaGuide
ECDIS application will be started.
┌───────────────── MAIN MENU ──────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ │
│ Register the system after commissioning and testing. │
│ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 7 │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ < Start SeaGuide > < More info > │

This reminder appears for 10 seconds before SeaGuide ECDIS starts and can be interrupted by
navigating to one of the button by using the arrow keys (, ) followed by pressing the [ENTER]
If you see this reminder it is necessary to create a “System-info-file” and send it together with the
product registration request to ECDIS helpdesk. To create a “System-info-file” please carry out
the steps below:
If the SeaGuide computer is displaying the ECDIS, then …
1a. Leave the SeaGuide ECDIS program as follows...
Choose 'Chart' in the 'Focus' menu,
choose 'Chart Work' in the 'Task' menu,
choose 'Quit ECDIS' in the 'Function' menu.
1b. Press the <CANCEL> button within 10 seconds to interrupt the "RESTART COUNTDOWN".
1c. A menu will be displayed.
1d. Choose...
“2 Reboot this computer [SEAGUIDE]”... using the arrow keys and press the <ENTER> key
1e. The ECDIS computer will restart now.
… otherwise start the SeaGuide CU3140 computer with the SeaGuide ECDIS on/off switch
and proceed with step 2.

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2. When the screen comes to life start to press the [ESC] key periodically once a second.
After a short time a menu will appear:
║ ║
║ SEAGUIDE (choose for default) ║
... by using the arrow keys (, ) and press the [ENTER] key.
3. SeaGuide will boot the RESCUE – SYSTEM and show the <MAIN MENU>
┌───────────────────── MAIN MENU ─────────────────────┐
│ Please use the arrow keys to select an option and │
│ Press [ENTER] │
│ │
│ NOTE: Some options may be password protected! Those │
│ options are marked with [PW] │
│ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ 1 System check and system information │ │
│ │ 2 System configuration and update options │ │
│ │ 3 System backup and restore options │ │
│ │ 4 Maintenance and service options │ │
│ │ j Direct jump to menu or script │ │
│ │ d Change system date and time │ │
│ │ l Change maintenance level [PW] │ │
│ │ s Shutdown SeaGuide │ │
│ │ r Reboot SeaGuide │ │
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ < OK > │

1. Use the arrow keys (, ) to select

“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]

2. Enter uid.1008 when prompted, followed by the [ENTER] key.

3. Wait until the system check is completed and the “System-info-file” has been created. This will
be indicated by a dialog window.

4. Insert a non-write protected USB memory device in a free USB slot and hit the [ENTER] key.
5. Use the arrow keys (, ) to select your USB device, for example
┌───────────────────────────────── CHOOSE USB DEVICE ──────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Please choose an USB device for data transfer. │
│ │
│ (You may connect or disconnect an USB device. The menu will be refreshed automatically.) │
│ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ < OK > < Cancel > │

… and press the [ENTER] key.

6. The “System-info-file” will be copied to your USB memory device.
When finished, remove the USB memory device.
Press the [ENTER] key to return to the menu.
7. Use the arrow keys (, ) to select
“j Direct jump to menu or script”
… and press [ENTER]

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8. Enter uid.9898 when prompted, followed by the [ENTER] key,

to get a PW_UID for the product registration. This PW_UID has to be sent to ECDIS helpdesk
together with the “system-information-file” in order to obtain a valid product registration.
9. Follow the instructions given in the dialog box.
┌──────────────────────────────── PRODUCT REGISTRATION ───────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ (For SeaGuide PRODUCT REGISTRATION please find detailed information in │
│ 'SeaGuide ECDIS Technical Manual' / Chapter 'SeaGuide Registration') │
│ │
│ STEP 1) The actual SYSTEM INFORMATION must be copied to a USB stick. │
│ │
│ STEP 2) This program must be started again to get a PW-UID. │
│ │
│ STEP 3) The SYSTEM INFORMATION must be sent together with the PW-UID to: │
│ │
│ Email: │
│ │
│ STEP 4) The service company checks the data and informs you whether further │
│ steps are required. │
│ │
│ STEP 5) After all necessary steps have been done, then you get the PW-KEY │
│ from the service company. │
│ │
│ STEP 6) Start this program again to enter the PW-KEY and complete the │
│ │
10. Please send the “System-info-file” together with your request for a product registration to:
With the subject line:
SRID9898 – product registration / ships name MV “correct vessel name here”
The system information file can be found on the USB memory device in the folder:
(YYYY=current year, MM=current month; DD=current day; hh=hour, mm=minute)
It is a tgz-file containing the SeaGuide ECDIS production number (EF_ _ _) followed by the
computernumber (S_) in the system, i.e. EF111S1.tgz.

Note: The product registration has to be done on each unit of a SeaGuide ECDIS system.
Repeat the steps 1 to 12 on each computer in your SeaGuide ECDIS system to obtain
an up-to-date System information file and the valid PW_UID for each computer.
11. You will then receive a product registration confirmation together with further instructions.

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Annex 1 – List of watched ECDIS objects

Annex 1 List of watched ECDIS objects
The following list contains object classes to be warned about by Watchdog. A list of attributes may
be given, preceeded by DISTANCE, HEIGHT or DEPTH, which are checked against the ship's
safety distance, ship´s height and draught as defined with the menu Monitoring/Voyage/Safety
Values. A text or display may be given preceeded by INFORMATION, WARNING or DANGER.
The list is also used in the Check Route function where the values are checked against the safety
parameters of the route check.
Joined object Warning info Danger Info
AIS – Target Vessel -
Anchor berth Anchor -
Anchor point Anchor -
Beacon (all kinds) Beacon -
Berth - Berthing
Berthing facility Berthing -
Bridge - Bridge
Buoy (all kinds) Buoy -
Cable, overhead - Cable
Causeway Causeway -
Caution area Caution -
Cargo transhipment area Cargo -
Chain , wire Chain -
Coastline Coast -
Danger highlight - Dangerzone
Depth area - Depth Area
Depth contour - DepthContour
Diffusor - Diffusor
Dredged area - DredgeArea
Dry dock Dock -
Floating dock Dock -
Fishing facility Fishing -
Fish havn - Fishing
Gate - Gate
Hulk Hulk -
Incineration area Incineration -
Intertidal area Intertidal -
Land area Land -
Landing Place Land -
Landing Stairs Land -
Light / Light float / Light, moiré effect -
Light vessel -
Log pond Light -
Vessel -
Pond -
Mast Mast -
Mooring/Warping facility Monument -
Obstruction - Obstruction
Offshore platform Platform -
Oil barrier Barrier -
Pile Pile -
Pingo - Obstruction
Pipeline, overhead - Pipeline
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Annex 1 – List of watched ECDIS objects

Joined object Warning info Danger Info

Pipeline, submarine/on land Pontoon - Pipeline
Production Installation Ponton -
Pylon/bridge Support Installation -
Pylon -
Radar transponder beacon Beacon -
Restrict Area Restriction -
Rescue station Rescuestation -
Telepheric - Height
Tower Tower -
Traffic separation line / separation -
zone / separation scheme boundary
Trafficzone -
Underwater/ - Obstruction
awash rock
Vessel Vessel -
Wire Wire -
Wreck - Wreck
Zero Meter – Contour Zerometer -

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Annex 2 – ECDIS Alert messages

Annex 2 ECDIS Alert messages

Source Alert message Alert information Class
Nav monitor Anchor watch Depth data not available Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Depth limit exceeded Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Position data not available Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Position diff limit exceeded Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Wind data not available Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Wind direction out of limits Alarm
Nav monitor Anchor watch Wind speed limit exceeded Alarm
Nav monitor Guard Zone object Refer to list of watched ECDIS objects Alarm / Warning
Actual course change Wheel over point passed! Please turn Alarm
Actual course change Course is changed Normal
Route Wheel over point will be reached in xx
Actual course change Warning
monitor sec
Actual course change Course will be changed in xx sec Warning
Route Wheel over point will be reached in xx
Early course change Warning
monitor min xx sec
Early course change Course will be changed in xx min xx sec Warning
End of track Approaching last waypoint Alarm
End of track Last waypoint reached Alarm
Route Passing actual waypoint. Next waypoint
Next WP Alarm
monitor activated
Route No turn to initial waypoint. Deactivating
No turn to WP Warning
monitor waypoint
Time to WOP Speed change: Adjusting time to WOP Warning
Route Steering away from the active waypoint.
Track lost Warning
monitor Ecdis deactivated this waypoint.
Turn speed Speed is OK for the next turn Normal
Turn speed Speed is too high for the next turn Warning
Route Steering away from the active waypoint.
WP leave Warning
monitor Ecdis deactivated this waypoint.
AIS message New AIS message arrived Alarm
AIS sensor data No reception of AIS sensor data Alarm
AIS sensor data Receiving AIS sensor data again Normal
Dangerous AIS target Dangerous AIS target MMSI: xxxxxxxx Alarm
Dangerous AIS target AIS target status is OK MMSI: xxxxxxxx Normal
Dangerous ARPA target Dangerous ARPA target Radx / IDxx Alarm
Dangerous ARPA target ARPA target status is OK Radx / IDxx Normal

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Annex 2 – ECDIS Alert messages

Source Alert message Alert information Class

Data consistency All sensor data is consistent again Normal
Some sensor data is not sent by all
Sensor servers.
Data consistency Warning
monitor Please have a look at the sensor
Depth sensor data No reception of depth sensor data Warning
DR sensor data No POS data Alarm
Engine sensor data Receiving pitch data again Normal
Engine sensor data Receiving rpm data again Normal
Engine sensor data No reception of pitch data Warning
Engine sensor data No reception of rpm data Warning
GPS1 sensor data No POS data Alarm
GPS2 sensor data No POS data Alarm
Gyro sensor data No HDG data Alarm
HDG switch HDG switched to %SENSOR NAME% Alarm
LOG sensor data No LOG data Alarm
Sensor LOG switched to %SENSORNAME% /
LOG switch Alarm
Lost AIS target Lost AIS target MMSI: %ddddddddd Alarm
Sensor AIS target status is OK MMSI:
Lost AIS target Normal
monitor %ddddddddd
Lost ARPA target Lost ARPA target Rad %d / %d Alarm
Lost ARPA target ARPA target status is OK Rad %d / %d Normal
Navtex message New navtex message arrived Alarm / Warning
POS difference too big (GPS1/ GPS2) or
(GPS1 / DR) or (GPS2 / DR)
POS difference Difference: xx Alarm
Limit: xx m
Limit origin: safety value
POS difference POS difference is within limits again Normal
POS quality RTK and DGPS lost - using GPS Alarm
POS switch POS sensor switched to GPS2 / GPS1 Alarm
POS switch POS sensor switched to GPS1 / GPS2 Alarm
POS switch POS sensor switched to GPS1 / DR Alarm
POS switch POS sensor switched to GPS2 / DR Alarm

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Annex 2 – ECDIS Alert messages

Source Alert message Alert information Class

Radar sensor data No radar data Alarm
Rudder sensor data No reception of rudder sensor data Alarm
Rudder sensor data Receiving rudder sensor data again Normal
SkySails sensor data Receiving SkySails sensor data again Normal
SkySails sensor data No reception of SkySails sensor data Warning
Wind sensor data Receiving wind sensor data again Normal
Wind sensor data No reception of wind sensor data Warning
This ECDIS contains ARCS permits
Sys monitor ARCS permit warning which are expired or invalid. Warning
Please check the permit database.
This ECDIS contains ARCS permits
Sys monitor ARCS permit warning which will soon expire. Warning
Please install new permits.
Sys monitor Chart database Chart database is synchronized Normal
The chart display has been modified by
Sys monitor Chart display modified Warning
another ECDIS
The … settings have been modified by
Sys monitor ECDIS setup changed Warning
another ECDIS
Sys monitor Man over board MAN OVER BOARD Alarm
This ECDIS contains ARCS/S-63 permits
Sys monitor S-63 permit warning which are expired or invalid. Please Warning
check the permit database.
This ECDIS contains S-63 permits which
Sys monitor S-63 permit warning will soon expire. Warning
Please install new permits.
Sys monitor Safety contour Selected safety contour is visible again Normal
Selected safety contour is not contained
Sys monitor Safety contour Warning
in visible charts
The TFT in use is not calibrated for this
ECDIS system. Be aware of possible
Sys monitor TFT warning Warning
dangers caused by invisible chart
TFT is not responding to commands.
Please check the serial communication.
Sys monitor TFT warning Warning
Be aware of possible dangers caused by
invisible chart information.
New TFT detected. Please restart this
ECDIS to load the correct color values.
Sys monitor TFT warning Warning
Be aware of possible dangers caused by
invisible chart information.
Sys monitor UPS alarm Alarm
Please check the mains input of the UPS.
Power restored.
Sys monitor UPS alarm Normal
UPS mains input is ok.
Sys monitor UPS alarm Too many devices are connected to the Alarm
Sys monitor UPS alarm UPS power load is ok. Normal

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Annex 2 – ECDIS Alert messages

Source Alert message Alert information Class

Sys monitor UPS alarm Please shutdown the ECDIS system and Alarm
check the UPS temperature!
Sys monitor UPS alarm UPS temperature is ok. Normal
The next blackout may damage the
Sys monitor UPS warning ECDIS system! Warning
Press 'ON switch' (SW2) of the UPS for
two seconds.
Sys monitor UPS alarm UPS in backup mode. Normal
Normal operation.
Sys monitor UPS warning Warning
UPS connection lost!
The next blackout may damage the
Sys monitor UPS warning ECDIS system! Warning
Please check the connection between
UPS and SeaGuide system.
UPS connection restored.
Sys monitor UPS warning Connection between UPS and SeaGuide Normal
system is ok.
The UPS should be tested reularly.
Sys monitor UPS warning Please carry out the 'UPS Performance Warning
UPS manager has not been started!
Please check the UPS and check the
Sys monitor UPS warning Warning
connection between UPS and SeaGuide
Track control Autopilot fail Autopilot error. Alarm
Track control Autopilot fail Autopilot lost HDG data. Alarm
Autopilot didn't respond to NMEA
Track control Autopilot fail Alarm
Track control Autopilot fail Autopilot sensor error Alarm
Track control Autopilot fail Speed too low for heading control Alarm
Ship does not turn despite autopilot
Track control Autopilot fail Alarm
Track control Autopilot sensor data No reception of autopilot sensor data Alarm
Track control Autopilot sensor data Receiving autopilot sensor data again Alarm
Control mode switched to Heading
Track control HDG control Alarm
Automatic switch to Heading control in xx
Track control HDG control Alarm
Track control Min speed Speed too low for heading control Alarm
Track control Min speed Speed is OK again for heading control Normal
Track control Nav status Autopilot control lost Alarm
Track control Off course COG exceeds off-course limit Alarm
Track control Off course COG is within off-course limit again Normal
Track control Off heading HDG exceeds off-heading limit Alarm
Track control Off heading HDG is within limit again Normal
Track control Off track Ship is beyond XTD limit Alarm
Track control Off track Ship is within XTD limit again Normal
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Annex 2 – ECDIS Alert messages

Source Alert message Alert information Class

Sensor position lost.
Please select a valid position sensor or
Track control POS fail Alarm
switch to Heading Control or steer
Sensor position lost! Stopping track
Track control POS fail Alarm
Track control POS fail Sensor position is back for track control Normal

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Annex 3 – Chart contents according to IHO Standard S-52

Annex 3 Chart contents according to IHO Standard S-52

To avoid an overcrowding of chart image, three categories of content of chart image are
Display base ⇒ Standard ⇒ All information
o In Displaybase only the fundamental chart contents are shown
o In Standard the fundamental content and all needed information for safety navigation
are shown.
o In All information whole content of regarding chart is shown.
Display base presents the minimum set of information which must be always displayed and
cannot be removed from screen. The ‘Display base’ shows only the most important objects, e.g.
coastlines, isolated dangers, buoys, traffic routing systems and own-ship’s safety contour.

In general, this is not sufficient for safe navigation!

Standard display must always contain at least the ‘Display base’, in addition e.g. th 0 metre-
contour line, fairway limits, conspicuous objects, special areas (e.g. spoil ground), and additional
objects on land can be displayed.
The scope of information can be changed by the Watch Officer according to his wishes. In normal
operation, the ‘Standard display may be used as appropriate ECDIS display for navigation.
The ‘Standard display’ determines which SENC data will be displayed when the system is
switched on.
All information can be displayed on demand. This category includes additional objects like spot
soundings, underwater cable route, details of navigation aids and additional objects on land. It is
recommended to select ‘All information’ only in zoomed chart images otherwise the screen may
be overcrowded with information, so that important objects are not Noted quick enough.
Content-Table of the three categories:
Display Base Standard Display All information
1. Coastline (high water). All contents of Display All contents of Standard
2. Own ship’s safety contour, Base Display
to be selected by the mariner. plus: plus:
3. Indication of isolated 8. Drying line. 15. Spot soundings
underwater dangers at depths of 9. Indication of fixed and 16. Submarine cables and
less than safety contour which floating aids to navigation pipelines
lie within the safe waters defined
10. Boundaries of 17. Ferry routes
by the safety contour.
fairways, channels, etc. 18. Details of all isolated
4. Indication of isolated
11. Visual and radar dangers
dangers which lie within the safe
conspicuous features. 19. Details of aids to
waters, etc., including buoys and
beacons, whether or not these 12. Prohibited and navigation
area being used as aids to restricted areas. 20. Contents of cautionary
navigation. 13. Chart scale boundaries Notes
5. Traffic routeing systems. 14. Indication of cautionary 21. ENC edition date
6. Scale, range, orientation 22. Geodetic datum,
and display mode. 23. Magnet variation
7. Units of depth and height. 24. Graticule
25. Place names

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Annex 4 - Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations

Annex 4 Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations

Error Error/Warning Message

Code Description and user action:

SSE 01 “Self-Signed Key is invalid”

SSE 02 “Format of Self Signed Key file is incorrect”
SSE 03 “SA Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid”
Description and user action: See Error Code SSE 06

SSE 04 “Format of SA Signed DS Certificate is incorrect”

Description and user action: The format of the certificate is not correct. Install a new valid certificate.

SSE 05 “SA Digital Certificate (X509) file is not available. A valid certificate can be obtained
from the IHO website or your data supplier”
Description and user action: No valid certificate file was found at the system. The chart installation process
Install a valid certificate. A valid certificate can be installed e.g. from one of the ENC Base CDs. (See
chapter 13.3.2 “Installation of a Chart Producer Certificate”).

SSE 06 “The SA Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid. The SA may have issued a new
public key or the ENC may originate from another service. A new SA public key can
be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier”.
Description and user action: An invalid certificate element of an ENC signature file is authenticated against
the installed or selected certificate, selected for S63 decryption. The installation process aborts.
Select or install a proper certificate. (See chapter 13.3.2 “Installation of a Chart Producer Certificate”).

SSE 07 “SA signed DS Certificate file is not available. A valid certificate can be obtained from
the IHO website or your data supplier”
Description and user action: A certificate element of an ENC signature file could not be authenticated
against a valid certificate. The installation process aborts.
Select or install a proper certificate. (See chapter 13.3.2 “Installation of a Chart Producer Certificate”).

SSE 08 SA Digital Certificate (X509) file incorrect format. A valid certificate can be obtained
from the IHO website or your data supplier.
Description and user action: The certificate file selected for S63 decryption has an incorrect format. The
chart installation process aborts.
Select or install a proper certificate. (See chapter 13.3.2 “Installation of a Chart Producer Certificate”).

SSE 09 ENC Signature is invalid

Description and user action: The signature of an ENC cell is invalid. The chart cell installation process
aborts for this cell as its integrity may have been compromised.
Contact the chart dealer.

SSE 10 Permits not available for this Data Server. Contact your data supplier to obtain the
correct permits.
Description and user action: The chart permits installed at the system are not generated by the chart
producer, whose ENC charts shall be installed. The installation process aborts.
Contact the chart dealer for correct chart permits suitable for the available Data Servers ENC charts.

SSE 11 Cell Permit file not found. Load the permit file provided by the data supplier.
Description and user action: No chart permit file found. The chart installation process aborts.
Load valid permits. (See chapter Install Chart Permits)

SSE 12 Cell Permit format is incorrect. Contact your data supplier and obtain a new permit
Description and user action: The format of the chart permit file is incorrect. The permit file installation
process aborts.
Contact the chart dealer to obtain a new permit file.

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Annex 4 - Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations

SSE 13 Cell Permit is invalid (checksum is incorrect). Contact your data supplier and obtain a
new permit file.
Description and user action: The chart permit file is invalid. The permit file installation process proceeds,
but its files integrity may have been compromised. Contact the chart dealer to obtain a new permit file.

SSE 14 Incorrect system date, check that the computer clock (if accessible) is set correctly or
contact your system supplier.
SSE 15 Subscription service has expired. Please contact your data supplier to renew the
subscription license.
Description and user action: The chart permits which shall be installed are expired. The permit installation
process proceeds, but a permanent warning message will be generated while using installed charts.
Contact the chart dealer to renew the chart permit subscription license.

SSE 16 ENC CRC value is incorrect. Contact your data supplier as ENC(s) may be corrupted
or missing data.
Description and user action: The validation of the ENC data file integrity failed. The chart installation
process proceeds, but the installation of the validated ENC data file aborts as its integrity may have been
Contact the chart dealer to get new ENC chart data files.

SSE 17 User permit is invalid (checksum is incorrect). Check that the correct hardware device
(dongle) is connected or contact your system supplier to obtain a valid user permit.
Description and user action: Contact Imtech Marine Germany service department for assistant.

SSE 18 HW_ID is incorrect format

Description and user action: Contact Imtech Marine Germany service department for assistant.

SSE 19 Permits are not valid for this system. Contact your data supplier to obtain the correct
Description and user action: The permits which shall be installed are valid, but not assigned to the used
ECDIS system. The installation process aborts.
Contact the chart dealer and Imtech Marine Germany service department for assistant.

SSE 20 Subscription service will expire in less than 30 days. Please contact your data
supplier to renew the subscription license.
Description and user action: The chart permits which shall be installed will expire in less than 30 day. The
installation process proceeds.
During normal use of charts, this warning message will also be generated, if the chart permits will expire in
less than 30 days. (Warning indication within the ALERT dialog)
Contact the chart dealer to renew the subscription license and to get new chart permits.

SSE 21 Decryption failed no valid cell permit found. Permits may be for another system or
new permits may be required, please contact your supplier to obtain a new license.
Description and user action: No valid chart permit found. The chart installation process proceeds.
Load valid permits. (See chapter 0 ‘Install Chart Permits’)

SSE 22 SA Digital Certificate (X509) has expired. A new SA public key can be obtained from
the IHO website or from your data supplier.
Description and user action: See SSE 05 error message above.

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Annex 4 - Chart Import Error Codes and Explanations

SSE 23 Non sequential update, previous update(s) missing try reloading from the base
media. If the problem persists contact your data supplier.
Description and user action: The chart update which is used for import is out of sequence. Try previous
update and/or contact the chart supplier. The installation process aborts.

SSE 24 ENC Signature format incorrect, contact your data supplier.

Description and user action: An ENC data file is corrupted. Contact the chart supplier. The installation
process aborts for the chart.

SSE 25 Viewer – “The permit for ENC<cell name> has expired. This cell may be out of date
and MUST NOT be used for Primary NAVIGATION”.
Description and user action: The chart permit for the currently used chart within the ECDIS Display mode
has expired. Renew the chart permit. Contact the chart supplier.

SSE 26 This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator.
Description and user action: This warning SSE26 can be ignored. It informs about the circumstance only,
that the imported certificate is not authenticated against an IHO certificate published by the IHO which
acts as the administrator für the ENC data protection scheme. The imported certificate still remains valid
for use.

SSE 27 Viewer – “ENC<cell name> is not up to date. A New Edition, Re-issue or Update for
this cell is missing and therefore MUST NOT be used for Primary NAVIGATION”.
Description and user action: The chart currently used within the ECDIS Display mode is out of date. Renew
the chart by chart update or chart installation. If no newer chart version available, contact the chart

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Annex 5 - The S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme

Annex 5 SeaGuide ECDIS and the S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection
A 5.1 General
Following chapters describes the standard for the protection of ENC chart data information. It
describes the security constructs and how ENC chart data are distributed in a secure and viable
A 5.2 Overview of Protection Scheme Relationship

A 5.2.1 Basic Description

The purpose of the data protection is threefold:
1. Piracy Protection: To prevent unauthorized use of data by encrypting the ENC
2. Selective Access: To restrict access to ENC information to only those cells that a
customer has been licensed for.
3. Authentication: To provide assurance that the ENC data has come from approved

A 5.2.2 Participants in the Scheme

There are several types of users of the scheme, these are as follows (see also figure 1 above):
• The Scheme Administrator.
The Scheme Administrator role is operated by the International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB), as
secretariat of the IHO, on behalf of the IHO member states.

• Data Servers
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Annex 5 - The S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme

Data Servers are responsible for the encrypting and signing ENC data. Data Servers issues ENC
licenses (permits) so that Data Clients with valid user permits can decrypt ENC data.
Prominent examples of Data Servers are: UKHO, PRIMAR, PRIMAR Stavanger, JHO.

• Data Clients
Data Clients are the end users of ENC information and will receive protected information from
Data Servers. Navigators with SeaGuide ECDIS systems are examples of Data Clients.

• OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

OEMs are the ECDIS manufacturer. The scheme administrator (IHB) provides OEM
applicants with their own unique manufacturer key and identification.
Imtech Marine Germany is an OEM with its SeaGuide ECDIS System.

A 5.2.3 Participants Relationships in general

The Scheme Administrator (IHB) authenticates the identity of the other participants within the
scheme. All Data Servers and System Manufacturers (OEMs) must apply to the Scheme
Administrator to become participants in the scheme and, on acceptance, are supplied with
proprietary information unique to them. Data Clients are customers of Data Servers and OEMs
where Data Servers supply data services and OEMs the equipment to decrypt and display these
service. Chart Dealers act as an agent between the Data Client and the Data Servers.

A 5.2.4 ENC Data Licensing

Data Clients (the end users) do not buy ENC Data. They only can buy a license for each ENC cell
to use the cell. Licensing is the method that Data Servers use to give Data Clients selective
access to up-to-date ENC cells for a given period of time.
For this reason the Data Servers encrypt their ENC chart data by using their unique Data Server
certificate which they received once from the Scheme Administrator. So every single ENC chart
data is locked by an encryption key. In addition for every single ENC chart a “Signature File” will
be generated. This is used for data integrity check purposes at the Data Clients system (see also
chapter 13.1.4a below). This signature file together with the ENC chart data file becomes a data
“Exchange Set”.
The Data Server can distribute the ENC chart data and/or their updates as “Exchanges Sets” to
all Data Clients via the Chart Dealers. Additionally to the ENC chart data the Data Servers publish
their own unique and public authentication certificate. This certificate must be used for later
verification of the Data Servers authentication (see chapter 13.1.4a below).
For decrypting and unlocking the ENC chart data at the Data Clients ECDIS system, the Data
Client needs a uniquely fitting key.
For this reason the OEM (official equipment manufacturer) provides the Data Client with a unique
S-63 User permit and S-63 User ID. This user permit and user ID is generated by the OEM using
a unique system Hardware ID and the Manufacturer key which the OEM received once from the
scheme administrator.
The unique and private key for decrypting the ENC chart data can only be generated by the Data
Server. For this the Data Client has to forward its S-63 User permit and it’s S-63 User ID via the
Chart Dealer to the Data Server. Based on the unique system identification, the Data Server will
create Cell Permits specific for the Data Clients system. The Data Server delivers via the Chart
Dealer an ENC Chart Permit File to the Data Client.

A 5.2.5 ENC Data Authentication

The scheme administrator certificates to each Data Server; each certificate is unique. Encrypting
ENC chart data the Data Server uses its unique certificate, so it becomes included within all ENC
cells and updates signature files.
The Data Client’s system (e.g. SeaGuide ECDIS) has to verify that the ENCs, received from the
Chart Dealer, are from an authorized source. It does this by ensuring that the Data Server’s public

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Annex 5 - The S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme

authentication certificate provided within the ENC signature files can be validated against the
Scheme Administrator’s public key.
Therefore ENC Data Authentication can be considered to have three distinct phases:
1. The Scheme Administrator verifies the identity of a supplier of ENC information and
provides the supplier with data to allow them to sign ENC data.
2. A Data Server issues ENC data signed with their identity (and its verification by the
scheme administrator).
3. The subsequent verification by the Data Client (end user) of the Data Server’s identity (by
its association with the scheme administrator) and the integrity of the ENC data.

A 5.2.6 SeaGuide ECDIS and the use of the S-63 ENC Data Protection Scheme
According to the IHO ECDIS Performance Standard the SeaGuide ECDIS has to fully support the
S-63 ENC Data Protection Scheme. The SeaGuide ECDIS therefore provides any means
necessary to comply with the above described Scheme.

Therefore the S-63 ENC chart import process always follows three phases:

1. Pre-Installation check for verifying the ENC Data Authentication

The ECDIS uses the IHO public certificate to validate the Data Servers certificate.
If this validation fails, the ECDIS validates any other Data Server certificate which might be
installed at the system. If this validation finally fails too, a failure will be reported and the load of
chart data aborts.

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Annex 5 - The S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme

2. Pre-Installation check for verifying the ENC Data integrity.

The ECDIS uses the installed Data Server certificate to validate the ENC signature file of every
ENC cell.

3. Decryption and installation of the ENC Data

The ECDIS uses the installed ENC Permits, received from the Data Server, to decrypt the ENC
chart data.

In consideration of these three phases the handling of the installation process at the SeaGuide
ECDIS system is divided into three steps:
4. If not selected or installed, Installation/Selection of the Data Servers public certificate for
ENC data authentication. If necessary the respective public certificate can be installed
from the Data Servers ENC data media (CDROM, DVD etc.).
5. If not already installed, the installation of the ENC Chart Permit file received from the Data
Server via the Chart Dealer.
6. Selection and Installation of the ENC charts.
S-63 ENC chart updates are treated the same way as described.
Further details about how to carry out the single steps at the SeaGuide ECDIS please refer to
chapter 13.1.3 ‘Chart Import and Chart Update’

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Annex 5 - The S-63 ENC Chart Data Protection Scheme

IHO Data Protection Scheme Edition 1.1 (S-63 Edition 1.1) – March
“The Electronic Chart” 3 revised edition by Geomares ISBN/EAN:

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Annex 6 – NMEA Sentences

Annex 6 NMEA sentences used in SeaGuide ECDIS

A 6.1 Mandatory and optional sensors for navigation
According to IEC61174 and MSC232/A15 SeaGuide ECDIS shall be connected to the ship’s
position fixing system, to the gyro compass and to the speed and distance measuring device. For
ships not fitted with a gyro compass, SeaGuide ECDIS shall be connected to a marine
transmitting heading device.
If the ship is equipped with two position fixing systems, the second position fixing system shall be
connected as backup and control system to SeaGuide ECDIS.
If AIS and/or ARPA targets should be displayed, SeaGuide ECDIS shall be connected to ship`s
AIS device and at least one ARPA device.
Additionally wind and depth measuring devices can be connected to SeaGuide ECDIS.
All connected device should be certified according to the latest performance and test standards by
a notified body.
A 6.2 NMEA sentences interpreted by SeaGuide ECDIS
The SeaGuide ECDIS system supports the NMEA – version IEC 61162-1 Ed.4 (2010) / IEC
61162-2 Ed.1 (1998) and the older NMEA - version IEC 61162-1: 1997. For detailed information,
please refer to IEC 61161-1 Ed.1 (2010).
In addition for NAVTEX and AIS communication, the related NMEA messages are conform to IEC
61097-6 Ed.2:2005 and IEC 61993-2:2000.
In the following table the possible connected sensors and the supported NMEA sentences are
Mandatory Sensors Supported NMEA sentences
electronic position fixing device
Gyro or THS, HDT, ROT
transmitting heading device
Log or VBW, VHW
water tracking device

Additional Sensors Supported NMEA sentences

Depth (Echosounder) DBT, DPT
Wind MWV
Navtex NRX
SeaMarshal (MOB) MOB & WPL
Bowthruster (RPM) TRC, TRD
Propeller (RPM&PITCH) RPM
Rudder (Angle) RSA

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Annex 6 – NMEA Sentences

A 6.3 NMEA sentences send by SeaGuide ECDIS

SeaGuide ECDIS is able to transmit the following NMEA sentences to connected devices:
ECDIS Output Supported NMEA sentences

Further details of the NMEA sentences content and format can be found in the SeaGuide ECDIS
Technical Manual / Chapter 4.2 NMEA sentences used in SeaGuide ECDIS.
A 6.4 Position (GPS / DGPS)
Only GPS/DGPS-Systems should be used as first position sensor, because of their high
If the electronic position source delivers the position in another geodetic datum then WGS-84 and
confirms this within the DTM message, SeaGuide ECDIS automatically transforms the position to
the geodetic datum WGS-84 using the offsets from the DTM message.
The following geodetic dates will be transformed to WGS-84: W72, S85, P90 and EUR (ED50)
A second electronic position sensor can be a terrestrial navigation source or a secondary
The system selects automatically the position sensor with the highest quality as main sensor and
the other position sensor as control (second) sensor. When the control sensor has a higher quality
than the main sensor, it becomes the main sensor and the main sensor is then used a control
(second) sensor until the new main sensor itself has a lower quality then the new control sensor.
SeaGuide ECDIS calculates the correct position for the center common reference point and
transmits this corrected data set at Port6 (RADAR port) of SeaGuide DataMatrix.
Attention: The SeaGuide ECDIS system uses the local datum format WGS-84, because the ENC
reference datum has this format. ARCS charts are displayed with a calculated offset.
The SeaGuide ECDIS system is only working correctly, if the connected position sensor
transmits the position in the geodetic datum WGS-84 or sends a DTM message.
A 6.4.1 System matter without a valid or faulty position
If there is no longer a valid position available, the symbol of the ship will change to one ring.
With a valid position the ship’s symbol consists of two rings
In this case, the user can switch the control (second) position sensor to be used as the main
The tools for measuring, e.g. SHIP-CRSR, will be kept, but relate to the last valid position.
If no electronic position device is available, but heading and log signal are available, the
SeaGuide ECDIS automatically switches to the Dead Reckoning position.
Once the Dead Reckoning position is used and the electronic position is available again, the
system switches back to the position sensor automatically. A warning is given that the position
device is used of the position again.
A 6.4.2 Antenna position offset
The actual antenna position of the device is entered during commissioning.
This position will be displayed into the ship’s symbol as long as the scale of the displayed sea
map is lower/equal than the range defined by the value “Ship symbol up to …” (default 0.5 nm).
To change the value right click on ship’s symbol to open the context menu. The ship’s symbol will
only be displayed, if the ECDIS system gets valid heading information.
The position reference for calculation will be applied from the present defined conning position in
the configuration file.

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Annex 6 – NMEA Sentences

A 6.5 Heading (GYRO / RADAR)

A heading device must be connected to the ECDIS-System. The system can use the heading
data from a magnetic compass or a gyro which is recommended.
If the GYRO-System is malfunctioning, the heading data from the connected Radar can also be
used. In this case, the user has to select the Radar in the CHART SETTING menu of the
SeaGuide ECDIS System. (The default setting enables Radar N° 1).
After selecting the connected Radar, the heading data is displayed with the evaluated source
If the GYRO information from the Radar fails too, the alarm ´NO VALID HEADING´ appears. If
there is a second Radar connected, the heading data can be detected from that Radar by
selection of Radar N° 2 in the MONITOR > MONITOR SENSORS menu.
Attention: The heading data is very important in order to have a well working „Dead
Reckoning“ process (DR) in the background. If there is no electronic position source
available, the DR-process will take place for position monitoring.
A 6.6 Heading data source quality and the systems priority behavior
Four data source qualities are defined:
HE heading sensor, gyro, north seeking = best quality
HF fluxgate sensor
HN heading sensor, gyro, non-north seeking
HC heading sensor, compass, magnetic
xx any valid heading data message = worst quality
Directly after system start the system reads any heading data message, independent from its
talker ID, and uses this source as default at the beginning. If the system receives a message from
a “better” source, it renews its default to the better standard. Once a better source is automatically
selected, the system will not accept heading data from a source with lower quality until the better
source fails.
A 6.6.1 System behavior without a Heading information
- The own ship symbol will be reduced to a double circle with a course/speed vector.
- It is not possible to get ARPA targets on the SeaGuide ECDIS display.
- Furthermore the prediction mode is not working without heading information.
A 6.7 Radar and SeaGuide ECDIS System
A 6.7.1 Displaying ARPA – Information
Electronic charts will normally be displayed in “north up”-mode. Radar systems have the
possibility to show the Radar image, and/or the plotted echo data, relative to heading.
Plotted targets are only allowed to be displayed in an electronic chart, if the bearing/range of the
plotted ships have the status TRUE, i.e. north up.
The point of presentation of ARPA targets is calculated by using the position of the selected
Radar antenna (entered in the SeaGuide ECDIS configuration file) and the bearing and distance
values for the target, which the ECDIS will get from the Radar. The correction is visible at very big
vessels displayed in ranges lower than 0.5 nm.
The targets are not shown in the SeaGuide ECDIS, if the heading (GYRO) signal fails.
The SeaGuide ECDIS will take over the own ship speed data from the navigator (normally the
GPS), so that the speed is equal to the speed over ground. Speed calculation for plotted targets
will be made by the ARPA-part of the Radar system.
The reference for speed calculation by the Radar system is the speed through water (applied from
the LOG-Sensor). Therefore, it is possible, that in some areas with a high drift component, a
misinterpretation will occur.
If a target is marked as REFERENCE TARGET by the Radar, the SeaGuide ECDIS will identify
the target as reference target by drawing a small R near the target symbol.

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Annex 6 – NMEA Sentences

A 6.7.2 Antenna position offset

The actual antenna position of the device is entered during commissioning.
This position will be displayed into the ship’s symbol as long as the scale of the displayed sea
map is lower/equal than the range defined by the value “Ship symbol up to …” (default 0.5 nm).
To change the value right click on ship’s symbol to open the context menu. The ship’s symbol will
only be displayed, if the ECDIS system gets valid heading information.
The position reference for calculation will be applied from the present defined conning position in
the configuration file.
A 6.7.3 Waypoint transmission to RADAR system
If a waypoint is activated in the SeaGuide ECDIS, throughout the menu function ACTIVATE WP,
the actual own ship position named WP000, the activated waypoint and the next eight waypoints
will be sent to the Radar. If a waypoint in the middle of a route is activated as the first waypoint,
the waypoint before and the next nine waypoints are transmitted to the connected Radar.
The WP000 with the own ship position is necessary for the visual control of moving to the first
activated waypoint by help of the Radar.
If the first waypoint is reached, the SeaGuide ECDIS switches to the next waypoint. The previous
and the next nine waypoints will be transmitted.
For Radar systems without the ability to interprete the identifier „$EI“, the configuration can be
modified, so that the message identifier of the transmitted NMEA messages will be appropriate for
the Radar (normally „$EC“)
A 6.8 MAN OVER BOARD System (Sea Marshall)
SeaGuide ECDIS supports the Sea Marshall system. This system should be connected to one of
the four input channels on the SeaGuide 4NMEAto1 Multiplexer.
Note: Only MOB-systems sending the location of the man over board as WPL-sentence are

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Annex 3 – NMEA Sentences

Annex 7 Abbreviations used in navigational applications

ACK Acknowledge BRM Bridge Resource Management

ACQ Acquire, Acquisition BSH Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und
AZ Acquisition Zone Hydrographie
ADJ Adjurst BWW Bearing Waypoint to Waypoint
ADMAR Automatic Distance Measure and CAD Computer Aided Design
Ranging CADRG Compressed ARCS Digitised
AFC Automatic Frequency Control Raster Graphics
AFT Aft CAL Calibrate
AGD Australian Geodetic Datum CAS Collision Avoidance System
AHS Australian Hydrographic Service CATZOC Category of zone of confidence
in data
AIS Automatic Identification System
CBT Computer Based Training
ALT Altitude
CCRP Consistent Common Reference
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMC Atmospheric/Meteoro-
CCRS Consistent Common Reference
AML Additional Military Layer
CD Compact Disc
ANCH Vessel at Anchor
CEACT Channel ECDIS, AIS & Course
ANI Additional Navigational Trajectory
CEDD IHO’S Committee on Exchange
ANT Antenne of Digital Data
ANTS Automatic Navigation and Track- CENELEC European Committee for Electro-
Keeping System technical Standardisation
AOUS ARCS Online Update Service CENT Center
APC Appropriate Portfolio of Up-to- CHG Change
date Paper Charts
CHO Co-operating Hydrographic
ARCS Admiralty Raster Chart Service Offices
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid CHS Canadian Hydrographic Service
ASL Archipelagic Sea Lanes CID Conning Information Display
ASCII American Standard Code for CLR Clear
Information Interchange
CNCL Cancel
ATON Aid to Navigation
COE IHO’s Committee on ECDIS
AUD Audible
COG Course over Ground
AUV Autonomously Operated Vehicle
COL Character of Light
AUX Auxiliary System Function
COMF Coordinate Multiplication Factor
AVCS Admiralty Vector Chart Service
CONT Contrast
AZI Azimuth Indicator
COOPS U.S. Center for Operational
BA British Admiralty Oceanographic Products and
BAMS Bridge Alarm Management Services
System CORR Correction
BCR Bow Crossing Range COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
BCT Bow Crossing Time CPA Closest Point of Approach
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network CPU Central Processing Unit
BIIF Basic Image Interchange Format CRT Cathode Ray Tube
BITE Built in Test Equipment CRS Course
BKGND Background C&SS IHO’s Color and Symbol
BNWAS Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Specification
System CTS Course to Steer
BRG Bearing CTW Course Through Water
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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

C UP Curse Up EGC Enhanced Group Call
CURS Cursor EML Expected Motion Line
DBMS Data Base Management System ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
DECR Decrease ENCD Electronic Navigational Chart
DEL Delete Data
DEP Departure ENCDB Electronic Navigational Chart
Data Base
DEST Destination
ENCTDS ENC Test Data Set
DEV Deviation
EOP End of Sea Passage
DG Dangerous Goods
1 EP Estimated Position
1 EPA Electronic Plotting Aid
DGNSS Differential GNSS
1 EPDIS Electronic Pilot Display and
DGPS Differential Global Positioning
Information System
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
DIGEST NATO Digital Geographic
Information Exchange Standard ER Echo Reference
DISP Display ERBL Eletronic Range and Bearing
DIST Distance
ERC Electronic Reference Chart
DIVE Vessel engaged in Diving
Operation ERML Expected Relative Motion Line
DRG Vessel engaged in Dredged or ESB Environmental/Seabed/Beach
Underwater Operation ESSA Environmentally Sensitive Sea
Distance Route Mean Square Area
DMA U.S. Defense Mapping ETA Expected (estimated) Time of
DNC Digital Nautical Charts
ETD Expected (estimated) Time of
3DNC Three Dimensional Nautical
ETML Expected True Motion Line
DNV Det Norske Veritas
ETRF European Terrestrial Reference
DPTH Depth
DR Dead Reckoning,
EUT Equipment under Test
Dead Reckoned Position
FACC Feature Attribute Coding
DRS Data Recording System
DSID Data Set Indentification
FAOP Full Away on Passage
DTG Distance to Go
FLT Flat Land Tint
DTM Digital Terrain Model
FSA Formal Safety Assessment
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
FUND Full Utility Navigation
EC Electronic Chart Demonstration
ECDB Electronic Chart Data Base GAS Grounding Avoiding System
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and GC Great Circle
Information System
GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision
ECDIS-N Electronic Chart Display and
GI Geographical Information
Information System, (NAVY)
GIS Geographical Information System
ECEF Earth Centered, Earth Fixed
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and
ECHO European Chart Hub Operations
Safety System
ECINS Electronic Charting + Integrated ‘
GML Geography Mark-up Language
Navigat. Syst.
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ECPINS Electron Chart Precise Integrated
Navigation System GNSS Global Navigation Satellite
ECS Electronic Chart System
GPS Global Positioning System
ED European Datum
GRI Group Repetition Interval
EDI Electronic Data Information
GRND Vessel Aground
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

GT Gross Tonnage INMARSAT

GUI Graphical User Interface International Maritime
Satellite Organisation
HAZMAT Hazardous Material
INP Input
HCS Heading Control System
INS Integrated Navigational System
HDG Heading
INT International (series)
HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
IR Interference Rejection
HF High Frequency
IRCS Integrated Radio Communication
HGE IMO/IHO Harmonisation Group
ISM International Safety Management
HGMIO IHO-IEC Harmonisation Group of
Marine Information Object ISO International Standards
HIS Hydrographic Information System
ISS Individual Ship Service
HL Heading Line
ISW Interswitch
HMI Human Machine Interface
ITRF International Terrestrial
HO Hydrographic Office
Reference Frame
HRCF Hydrographic Raster Chart
ITRS International Terrestrial
Reference System
HS Harmful Substance
ITU International Telecommunication
(applies to AIS)
HSC High Speed Craft
IWC Integrated Water column
H UP Head Up
JCG Japan Coast Guard
HUD Head-Up Display
JHA Japan Hydrographic Association
IAIN International Association of
JOP Joint Operations Picture
Institutes of Navigation
LAN Local Area Network
IALA International Association of
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
IAMU International Association of
LAT Latitude
IBS Integrated Bridge System
LBO Large Bottom Objects
ICE International Centre for ENC
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
EC-ENC International Centre for ENC
LF Low Frequency
ICS Integrated Control System
LIM Limit
ID Identification
LON Longitude
IEC International Electrotechnical
Commission LOP Line of Position
I-ECDIS Inland ECDIS LORAN Long Range Navigation
IECE International ECDIS Conference LP Long Pulse
and Exhibition LR Long Range
IENC Inland electronic Navigational LUS Local Update Service
Chart LWY Leeway
IFF Identification, Friend or Foe MACDIF Map and Chart Data Interchange
IHB International Hydrographic Format
Bureau MAN Manuell
IHO International Hydrographic MAP Map(s)
MAR March
IMO International Maritime
MBES Multi-Beam Echo Sounder
MCA Marine Coastguard Agency
INCR Increase
MEH Marine Electronic Highway
INDRIS Inland Navigation Demonstrator
for River Information Services MET Maritime Education and Training
INF RED Infrared MF Medium Frequency
INIT Initialisation MFD Maritime Foundation Data
MFD Multi Functional Display

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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

MFF Maritime Foundations and NUC Not under Command

Facilities N UP North Up
MIN Minimum OEF Open ECDIS Forum
MIO Marine Information Object OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
MIS Management Information System OIC Officer in Charge
MKD Minimum Keyboard Display O/O, O-O Object Orientation
MKR Marker OOW Officer on Watch
MLWS Mean Low Water Spring OPA Oil Pollution Act
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity OS Own Ship
MOB Man Over Board OSI Offshore Systems International
MOU Memorandum of Understanding Ltd.
MP Medium Pulse OTSR Optimum Track Ship Routing
MP Maritime Pollutant (applies to AIS) OUT Out / Output
MPA Marine and Port Authority, PA Position Approximate
Singapore PAD Predicted Area of Danger
MPP Most Probable Position PASSV Passenger Vessel
MSC IMO Maritime Safety Committee PAST POSN
MSI Maritime Safety Information Past Position
MSL Mean Sea Level PD Position Doubtful
MSTR Master PDOP Positional Dilution of Position
MTS Marine Transportation System PERM Permanent
MVR Manoeuvre PGP Pretty Good Privacy
NAD North America Datum PI Parallel Index Line
NAV IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of PIM Point of Intended Movement
Navigation PIN Personal Identification Number
NAVOCEANO PISCES Potential Incident Simulation,
Naval Oceanographic Control and Evaluation System
PL Pulse Length
NAVSSI Navigation Sensor System
PI or PIX Parallel Index
PM Pulse Modulation
NCS Network Coordinating Station
POB Person Over Board
NDI Nautical Data International Inc.
POD Print on Demand
NECSA Navigational Electronic Chart
Systems Association POSN Position
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence PPC Predicted Point of Collision
Agency PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
NHO National Hydrographic Office PPR Pulse Per Revolution
NHS Norwegian Hydrographic Office PRED Predicted
NIMA U.S. National Imagery and PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
Mapping Agency PRR Pulse Repetition Rate
NIS Navigational Information System PS Performance System
NLT Not Less Than PS Positioning System
NM Nautical Mile PS Product Specification
NMT Not More Than PSIWG Primar Stavanger –
NMB Network Model Bathymetry IC-ENC Working Group
NMEA U.S. National Marine Electronics Information
Association PSSA Particular Sensitive Sea Area
NOAA U.S. National Oceanic and PWR Power
Atmospheric Administration PWSA Ports and Waterways Safety Act
NT Night QC Quality Control
NtM Notice to Mariners RAD Radius
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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity SC/SC Scan to Scan

Monitoring SDME Speed and Distance Measuring
RAIN Anti Clutter Rain Equipment
RAL Routes/Areas/Limits SEL Select
RC Regional Coverage SEN Simulated Electronic Navigation
RCC Rescue Coordinating Centre SENC System Electronic Navigation
RCDS Raster Chart Display System Chart
RDBMS Relational Data Base SEP September
Management System SEQ Sequence
REF Reference SET Set (i.e. set and drift, or setting a
REL Relative value
RENC Regional Electronic Navigational SF CNT Safety Contour
Charts Coordinating Centre SHOM French Hydrographic Service
Rep Recognised Environmental SIM Simulation
Picture SIRGAS South American Internation.
RGB Red-Green-Blue Geodetic Ref.System
RIM Vessel restricted in SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
Manoeuvrablility SNC Standard Navigational Chart
RIO Radar Image Overlay (Conventional paper chart)
RL Rhumb Line SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
RM Relative Motion SOA Speed of Advance
RMS Root Mean Square SOG Speed over Ground
RNC Raster Navigational Chart SOLAS International Convention on
RNG Range Safety of Life at Sea
ROM Read Only Memory SP Short Pulse
RoRo Roll On/Roll Off Vessel SPD Speed
ROT Rate of Turn SRNC System Raster Navigational
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
STAB Stabilized
RP Radar Plotting
STANAG NATO Standardisation
RPM Revolutions per Minute
RR Range Ring
STBD Starboard
RSS IHO Recommended Security
STBY Standby
STCW International Convention on
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for
Standards of Training,
Maritime Services
Certification and Watchkeeping
RTK Real-time Kinemetic for Seafarers
RTS Real Time Sub-System STDMA Self Organised Time Division
RTU Real Time Updating Multiple Access
Rx or RX Receive STG Speed to Go
S South STN Station
S-57 IHO Special Publication No.57 - STW Speed Through Water
‘IHO Transfer STW IMO Sub-Committee on
Standard for Digital Hydrographic Standards of Training-
Data’ Certification and Watchkeeping
SAIL Sailing Vessel for Seafarers
SAR Search and Rescue S-VDR Simplified Voyage Data Recorder
SART Search And Rescue Transponder SYM Symbols
SARV Search And Rescue Vessel SYNC Synchronised
SAT Satellite T True
SBO Small Bottom Objects TA Time of Arrival
SCAMIN Scale Minimum TC Track Control
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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

TCPA Time to Closest Point of UOC Use of the Object Catalogue

Approach UPS Uninterruptible Power Suplly
TCS Track Control System USCG United States Coast Guard
TCVR Transceiver UTC Universal coordinated Time
TD Time Difference UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
TDOP Time Dilution of Precision UWE Vessel Underway Using Engine
TGT Target VAR Variation
THD Transmitting Heading Device VCD Vessel Constrained by Draught
TIME Ships Time VDR Voyage Data Recorder
TM True Motion VDU Visual Display Unit
TMHD Transmitting Magnetic Heading VECT Vector
VHF Very High Frequency
TMTR Transmitter
VID Video
TOA Time of Arrival
VLF Very Low Frequency
TOD Time of Departure
VOSS Voyage Optimisation and Safety
TOD Tactical Ocean Data System
TOR Terms of Reference VOY Voyage
TOW Vessel engaged in Towing VP Voyage Plan(ning)
VPF Vector Product Format
TPL Transferred Line Of Position
VPN Virtual Private Network
TPR Transponder
VRENC Virual Regional Electronic
TRK Track Navigational Charts
TRIAL Trial Co-ordinating Centre
TRIG Trigger Pulse VRM Variable Range Marker
TRKG Tracking VTIS Vessel Traffic Information
TSD Traffic Situation Display System
TSMAD IHO’s Transfer Standard VTS Vessel Traffic Service
Maintenance and Application WAT Water
Development WBS World Broadcast Service
TSS Traffic Separation Scheme WCS Waypoint Closure Velocity
TT Target Tracking WECDIS Warship Electronic Chart Display
TTG Time to Go and Information System
TVO Time Varying Object WEND Worldwide Electronic
TWOL Time to Wheel Over Line Navigational Chart Database
TX Transmit WGS World Geodetic System
Transmit and Receive WNI Weather Routing Inc.
UAIS Universal Automatic identification WOL Wheel Over Line
System WOP Wheel Over Point
UHD Universal Hydrographic WOT Wheel Over Time
Database WORM Write Once, Read Many
UHF Ultrahigh Frequency WP(T) Way Point
UKC Under Keel Clearance WWNWS Worldwide Navigational Warning
UKHO United Kingdom Hydrographic Service
Office XTD Cross Track Distance
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on XTE Cross Track Error
the Law of the Sea
UNSTAB Unstabilised

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Annex 7 – Abbreviations used in navigational applications

These abbreviations may be presented using lower case text, for example , 'dGNSS', 'Rx'.
When the abbreviation for 'Relative' is combined with another abbreviation, the abbreviation
'R' shoult be used instead of 'REL', for example 'R CRS'.
The use of abbreviations 'SIM' and 'TRIAL' are not intended to replace the appropriate
symbols listed in table A.5.

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Annex 8 – Abbreviations used in Nautical Charts

Annex 8 Abbreviations used in Nautical Charts

A DWT Deadweight tonnage

Aero Aeronautical P 60–61.1 DZ Danger Zone Q 50
Aero RC Aeronautical radiobeacon S
16 E
AIS Automatic Identification System S E East B 10
ED Existence doubtful I1
Al Alternating P 10.11
Explos Explosive R 10
ALC Articulated Loading Column L
exting Extinguished P 55
Am Amber P 11.8
ASL Archipelagic Sea Lane M 17
f Fine J 30
F Fixed P 10.1
FFl Fixed and flashing P 10.10
B Black Q 2, Q 81
Fl Flashing P 10.4
bk Broken J 33
Fla Flare stack L 11
Bn Beacon P 4–5, Q 80
BnTr Beacon Tower P 3, Q 110
Fog Det Lt Fog detector light P
Bo Boulder(s) J 9.2
Br Breakers K 17
FS Flagstaff, Flagpole E 27
Bu Blue P 11.4
ft Foot/feet B 47

c Coarse J 32
G Gravel J6
ca Calcareous J 38
G Green P 11.3, Q 2
CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring L
GPS Global Positioning System
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
Cb Cobbles J8
GT Gross tonnage
cd Candela B 54
CG Coastguard T 10–11
Ch Church E 10.1
h Hard J 39
Chy Chimney E 22
h Hour B 49
cm Centimetre(s) B 43
H Helicopter T 1.4
Co Coral, Coralline algae J 10, K
16 hor Horizontally disposed P 15
Consol Consol beacon S 13
Cy Clay J3 I
INT International A 2, T 21
D Intens Intensified P 46
DGPS Differential Global Positioning IQ Interrupted quick P 10.6
Syst. S 51 Iso Isophase P 10.3
Dia Diaphone R 11 IUQ Interrupted ultra quick P 10.8
Dir Direction light P 30–31 IVQ Interrupted very quick P 10.7
dm Decimetre(s) B 42
Dn, Dns Dolphin(s) F 20 K
DW Deep Water track, M 5.1– km Kilometre(s) B 40
5.2, kn Knot(s) B 52, N 27
Deep Water route M 27.1, N 12.4

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Annex 8 – Abbreviations used in Nautical Charts

L Prod Well Submerged production well

LANBY Large Automatic Navigational L 20
Buoy P6 PSSA Particularly Sensitive Sea Area N
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship G 184 22
Lat Latitude B1 Pyl Pylon D 26
Ldg Leading P 20.3
LFl Long-flashing P 10.5 Q
Lndg Landing for boats F 17 Q Quick P 10.6
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas G 185
Long Longitude B2 R
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas R Coast radio stations QTG service S
G 186 15
Lt(s) Light(s) P1 R Red P 11.2, Q 3
R Rock, rocky J 9, K 15
M Ra Radar M 31–32, S 1
m Medium J 31 Racon Radar transponder beacon S
m Metre(s) B 41
RC Circular marine radiobeacon S
m Minute(s) of time B 50
M Mud J2
RD Directional radiobeacon S
M International nautical mile(s) B 45 11
or sea mile(s) Ref Refuge Q 124, T 14
min Minute(s) of time B 50 Rep Reported, but not confirmed I
Mk Mark Q 101 3.1
mm Millimetre(s) B 44 RG Radio direction-finding station S
Mo Morse code P 10.9, R 20 14
Mon Monument E 24 RoRo Roll-on, Roll-off (RoRo Terminal)
F 50
MR Marine Reserve N 22.3
Ru Ruin D 8, E 25.2, F 33
RW Rotating-pattern radiobeacon S
N North B9
NE North-east B 13 S
No Number N 12.2 S Sand J 1
NT Net tonnage s Second(s) of time B 51, P 12
NW North-west B 15
S South B 11
SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring L
O 12
Obscd Obscured P 43 SBM Single Buoy Mooring L 16
Obstn Obstruction K 40–43, L 43 SD Sounding doubtful I2
Oc Occulting P 10.2 SE South-east B 14
occas Occasional P 50 sec Second(s) of time B 51
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System sf Stiff J 36
Q 58
Sh Shells J 11
Or Orange P 11.7, Q 3 Si Silt J4
Sig Signal T 25.2
SMt Seamount O 33
P Pebbles J7
so Soft J 35
PA Position approximate B 7
Sp (Church) spire E 10.3
PD Position doubtful B8
SPM Single Point Mooring L 12
priv Private P 65, Q 70 SS Signal station T 20–36
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Annex 8 – Abbreviations used in Nautical Charts

St Stones J 5
SW South-west B 16
sy Sticky J 34

t Ton(ne)(s),Tonnage (weight) B 53, F
temp Temporary P 54
Tr Tower E 10.2, E 20

ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
G 188
UQ Ultra quick P 10.8
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

v Volcanic J 37
vert Vertically disposed P 15
Vi Violet P 11.5
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
G 187
VQ Very quick P 10.7
VTS Vessel Traffic Service

W West B 12
W White P 11.1, Q 130.5
Wd Weed J 13.1
Well Wellhead L 21
WGS World Geodetic System S
Whis Whistle R 15
Wk(s) Wreck(s) K 20–30

Y Amber P 11.8
Y Orange P 11.7
Y Yellow P 11.6, Q 3

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Annex 6 – Chart Notations according to IEC 61174

Annex 9 Chart notations according to IEC 61174

BCN…. beacons LNDMRK landmark
BOY…. buoys LOGPON log pond,
BRIDGE bridge booming ground

BUAARE built up areas LOKBSN lock basin

buisgl building MIPARE military practice area

CANALS canal MORFAC dolphin,

tie-up wall,
CATDAM flood barrage
mooring cables
CATICE glacier
OBSTR wellhead,
CATMOR tie-up wall, crib,
dolphin ice boom,
CATOBS ice boom, rocks, wrecks etc.,
wellhead, obstruction
OFSPLF offshore platform
CATOLB floating oilbarrier
OILBAR floating oilbarrier
CATRTP racon
OSPARE offshore prod. Area
CATSEA archipelagic apron
CBLARE cable area
PIPARE pipeline area
CBLOHD overhead cable
PIPOHD overhead pipeline
COALNE coastline
PONTON pontoon
CONVYR conveyor
PRCARE precautionary area
DAMCON flood barrage
PYLONS pylon
DAYMAR daymarks
RADRFL radar reflector
DEPARE depth area
RCRTCL recommended route centre line
DEPCNT depth contour
RCTLPT recommended traffic lane part
DMPGRD dumping ground
RDOCAL radio call-in point
DOCARE dock area
RESARE restricted area
DRGARE dredged area
RETRFL retro-reflector
DWRTCL deepw. route centerline
RTPBCN racon
DWRTPT deepwater route part
SEAARE archipelagic apron
FAIRWY fairways
SLCONS shoreline construction
FERYRT ferry route
TOPMAR topmarks
FLODOC floating dock
TSELNE traffic separation line
FOGSIG fog signals
TSEZNE traffic separ. zone
TSSBND traf. sep. scheme boundary
TSSLPT traf. sep. scheme lane part
ICEARE glacier
TWRTPT two-way route part
ISTZNE inshore traffic zone
UWTROC underwater/
LIGHTS lights awash rock
LITFLT light float, VEGATN vetation
light vessel
WRECKS wrecks
LNDARE land area

Issue: 1.1.31 SeaGuide ECDIS 22-Jan-13

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