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417080162014 Aajeevika Skills ‘Government of India Ministry of Rural Development ‘Rural Skills Division New Deihi, Dated 26" August, 2016 Notiication No- 4212016 ‘Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Part | and Part Il for DDU-GKY- reg In continuation to this Ministry's Notfication No. 89/2015 dated 21% September, 2015 regasding Standard Operating Procedure Part | and Notification No. 39/201E dated 9° August, Jo ts eagarding Par Its sated that the Minty of Fural Development has mended SOP Part Fahd Pat Il 28 per provision of DDU-GKY Guidelines aligned in terms of Common Norms, ‘signment. with MoRD notations and taking into. sccount feedback received from \Tnnlomentation of DOU-GKY. The amended SOP Par | and SOP Par Il notited herein shall be {ollowed henostoth in implementation of ODU-GKY (including Roshni projects). The summary of the changes is as below: [Sie] exsting Revision proposed Reason for nnoxure Section no. in. | Sections Changed change SOP. 7 +3 Remedy To | Shite naw crapier Toon | This sa resulart_ Annexure T lay Procedures forhanding | process of Gefaults n SOP Part” | agrment of SOPs ‘with MoRD Potfication no 132016 dated 276.2016. J] TB Reon Tor | Shite naw shapier TO.on [This is a resultant Annexure default Procedures forhardling | process of Gefaultsin SOP Part” | algnment of SOPs with MoRD patton no. 312016 dated 27.6,2016. Sie se Sa new chapter Ton | Ths'isaresutant Annexure Monitoring of | Procedures forhanding | process of the prospective | defaults in SOP Parti | alignment of SOPs work schedule with MoRD and penal patication no Clauses for 3212016 dated failure 27.5.2016. 7} Fo: Ertarerse | Revsedn ine wih the IT | This is necessary Annexure TT Resource | architecture for DDU-GKY | to comply with Planning (ERP) | which requires Fequirement of platform and, CComman Norms MoRO. ‘Swe | Existing Revision proposed Reason for nnoxure Section no. in | Sections Changed change ‘SOP inter Ter repering arrangements | + Allthe stekeholders_| LMIS in MSDE. inthe system including PIAS, State Govt, CTSAS and 'MoRO te have IT systems for ‘manitring the projects + Primary data entry ‘ith reference to PIA project operations ‘al be dane fom PIA system. Sialy any data requirements fom CTSA ans State Got willbe done on ther respective systems. + Project monitoring wil be done from & Sesignated Cental system 10 be noted by MoRD and data integration ‘mechanisms (rctuding API) with other systems willbe ‘pected by MoRD. S| New section to | Ada TTF Contr Toanforce nnexure be acded Montoring Centre (CMC) in| improved chapter 1 SOP Part | rmontoring ‘mechanism oftheir projects by PIA Headquarters. This resulting outcome of need to plug gaps etectes in ‘monitoring in surprise Inspections by ‘She Existing Section no. in SOP Revision proposed Sections Changed Reason for change [anoxur Standara Form (SF)in secon 33 (Replace SFUIK Project ‘execution reaciness ‘assessment at Project Headquarter (i) Aad SF 3.381: Projact ‘execution reaciness fecesement al PIA Hesdauarter Tnvodueton of new formats for improved ‘mentoring ‘mechanism for project execution Feadiness at Project Headquarter and arpa Headauarter. This is resuting uteome of need to plug gaps elected in monitoring in suprise inspections by MoRD, FF Outing oF ‘Assessment ana Certification Replace 47 ‘Ad 4.7.1: Internal and {ormatva aasessment and course completion cetfiation Ads 4.7.2: External assessment and cerfiction To comply wih Fe objective of attaining Attude, Seis ang Knowledge ‘agenda, fr quality ‘kling leasing to high value placements. ‘Annexure W7 ‘BE Trepection of Traning center Replace 52° Inspection of training centre Provisions of sharing inspection reports with PIA for compliance ard ‘poring added. ‘Tis is resuting outcome af need to plug gaps elected in ‘monitoring in surpise inspections by MoRD. [rnexure V a ‘Assessment ‘and Certication of candidates Daleed, This secon fs naw shed into Section 47 of chapter 4 of SOP part! ‘Swe | Existing Revision proposed Reason for Annexure Sectionne. in | Sections Changed change SOP, To | SF 62a: Replace SF 62A3 Trader [Annexure VI Candidate | Candidate Application Form | factate Applicaton identification of Form cancite with appropriate ‘plod for skiing ‘courses under the program. TT [712 Desk | Replace 77720eek Enable ERP Annexure Vil vetticaton of | veeicaton of documents of | generation of ecuments of | candidates In Group A who | samples for candidates in | are tracked as par SF | verficaion, Permit Group who | 7-181) Pas for reporting are racked a8 ‘of placement data perSF7.181) with a month delay for amaximum of 20% placed candies, 7 _|Tis Dek | Replace 775 Deak Enable ERP [Annexure VI verticaten of | verifeation of documents of | generation of documents of | candidates in Group’ | samples for candidates in | (who are tracked as per SF_ | vertation, Permt Group‘ (who | 7-182) PIAS fr reporting are tracked a of placement date per SF 7.182) ‘with a month delay {ora maximum of 20% placed ‘candidates, 3 [SF7ae Replace SF TZ: ‘The SF is beng [Annexure VI Procedure to | Procedure todraw samples. | modfied as per raw samples | for physical verification and_| provision of DOU- forphysical | confirmation of placement | GKY Guidelines veficaton and aligned in terms of confirmation af ‘Comman Norms placement Poti by Ministry ot Skil Development, requiring 70% placement 12 | SF720 Tams | Replace SF 720: ems t | SF is beng Annexure Vi tobe checked | be checked during on-site | modified as 2 ‘using en-sto | visit for placement resulting outcome visitor verficaton ‘of need to plug placement (gaps detected in verification ‘manitoring in supise SWo Eating Section no. in SOP Revision proposed Sections Changed Reason for change nnexure Trapectons By MoRD, 5 82 Financial rmontanng- oles and responsibilities of key agencies and actors ‘Aivand 82: Financial monitoring ~ roles and responses of key ‘agencies and actors Tntroduoed ‘Surprise inspection under section 8 2. This Fesuiting outcome of need to plug {ps detected in monitoring in surprise Inspections by MRO. IRD repare forms nd suitable Incorporation JnsoP. 6 Fist bulet oF 832:Cash inflows to the Project Account ‘Arvend Fret bulet FBS CCash intows to the Project Account ‘Based on Notifeation no. 27510620157 (2), dated June 1 2016 Issued by Ministry of Finance, provision for Tax Deduction {at Source (TDS) iced, Fannexure Vil 7 Naw section te be added RBTBAEE surance coverage ‘This isa Yesutant prooess of, Aigament of SOPs with MoRD notfeaton no. ‘2016, Rnnexure Vil 7 New seaton be added aa 648, Woble tracking support cost The new provision Is added as par provision of DOU- GKY Guldetines aligned in terms of ‘Common Norms notified by Ministry of ska Development, to aseist better tracking of cangidstes after placement Annexure Vi 7% ae Tanng cost and Incentive payment Replace 8.8 Trang cost and incentive payment Payment of career progression Incentive to cancldates and payment of (Annexure Vil So] Existing Revision proposed Reason for innexure Section no in| Sections Changed change SOP TaETon SURO incentive to candidates, as incentive sharing mechanism added In terms of DDU- GKY Guigeines approved by Empowered Commitee of INRLM in MORO. 2 | SF52B COTV | Replace SF52B Techical | To ensure good Annexure V = ‘specications for audio | quality of video Specifications, | video CCTV recordings, aucio location and | including Camera, recordings and recording, | Microphone, Network Video | adequate storage review and | Recorder, LAN switch, WAN | space. Technical Storage ‘outer, Bandwidth, UPS, | spectications are ‘Storage and review, en in explanation below 2 The SOP Part | and SOP Part Il shall not be appleable to Placement linked ski ‘evelopment projects sanctioned on or before 20" September, 2013 under the Guidelines for Spec jee uncer SCBYI NUM ns 9 spec he Mey. ae Under Secretary to Gevernment of india Tek 011-25742625 Copy to: retary, Department of Rural Developement, All State Governments ‘AI SRLMIState Skil Mission ED, NIRD, Rajender Nagar, Hyderabad- to suitably consolidate SOP ctanges in tems of notation and furnish revised SOP* fr publication \VP, NABCONS, New Delhi All offeais in DDU-GKY Division, MoRD (Guard Fis ‘Shri Rabindca Kesar ~for uploading the notiction on the website Annexure T 10 PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING DEFAULTS 10.1 INTRODUCTION Detailed guidelines and processes have been presctibed in the foregoing chapters for various aspects of project implementation under DDU-GKY. This chapter describes the actions to be taken and procedures to be followed, there is any deviation from the prescribed norms, and for imposition of penalty in cases where @ default occurs. ‘An overview of what constitutes a default and the procedures for handing defaults is provided in “SF 10.1A: Overview of Default Handling Procedures”, whe the table in ‘SF 10.18: Competent authorly for handling default procedures” describes the competent authority to deal with different stages of the default handirg procedures, Including impostion of penalies. 10.2 ISSUE, ESCALATION AND CLOSURE OF ALERTS 10.21 Yellow (Level 1) Alert Purpose To alert a PIA regarding oocurrence a dtauls) “To provide an oppertunty tothe PIA to address the defaut(s) | Reference to Not applicable guidelines, Prorequisites ‘Docarrence of detauke “Time Tor completion | As per the atv table | Resources ‘SF 10:24: Monthy Statement of Alors ‘SF 10.28: Yellow (Level 1) Art SF 10.20: Response to Yllow (Level 1) Alert Process owners | GTSATSrYPS SSRLM for APS: patios “Tas of la or df ing du 0 daa il Toa Emmet (renin “| SRLM for APS and CTSA | Issue Yellow Alert ‘SF 102K ‘month for for ¥PS pont sot | Monty ‘month | Statement of Alerts SF 1028: Yolow (level 1) Alert = [PR ‘reas ho dou and WF of tha [SF 1026: compte eraovantiack [monty | Inform the Art issuing Yolow Hert |to Yellow author of acon taken isreceded | Gavel 1) lect 3 SRM Tor APS and CTSA | Vary that coroctve action 13] 20" oF the ae salstectory ‘month itso, 90 futher ection is | which rscessary response to Yellow Aer oR Ig) receved oF supposed ‘ation as por 10.2.2 bo be reosived 10.22 Red (Level 2) Alert ‘Overview Purpose “To alert a PIA regarding occurence or continuance of default “To provide an opportunity tothe PIA to address the defaults) Reference to Tot applica guidelines, Prerequisites ‘No ton! inoomplsta action response to Yotow Alert or Defauit is such that issue of Red Alt drecty is warranted as per [SRLMICTSA, “Time Tor completion | As por the acy te Resources ‘SF 10:28 Monthly Satomont of Aris ‘SF 10.20: Red (Level) Alert ‘SF 10.26: Response to Rod (Love 2) Alert Ye SSF 10.2F: Closure of Red (Lovel 2) Ale Proceas owners [CTSATorYPS ay 'SRLM for APS. Activities ray Ta a pape [ces ue Red Alert ‘if there Ie. no response to month far pe a Yolow Alert or the previous | Monthy erent | recente er pl ioierme sist 2c Yes response to Yolow Ale Is Alots not satistactory or + defaut euch that Issue of SF 10.20: Red Red Alt directly is (Covel 2) Alert warranted 2 [RR 7Tekrese tha default and compete | 16" of the |SF_——T02E: the relevant task in [Response to month) Red (Level 2) Inform the Alert issuing authorty of | which Red | Alert facton taken and provide explanation for occurence of {Net efault received Z| SRLM for] Examine PINS explanation and [26" of ha [SF 02: ‘corrective action Gosure of Red APS and | they ae satisfactory, sond closure |"! "| (Level 2) Alert CTSA for | noteo to PIA vic yPs aA response (> Red Alert is ‘ation 98 per 102.3. 10.3, eosivee oF supposed ceo a received 40.2.2 Escalation to Penalty Process (for YPS only) Purpose To make @ recommendation to MORD for ifion of penalty proceedings against a defauting PIA “Toinform the PIs of CTSA's recommendation to MoRD “suo of At for does ang duet delays wl be automate tough an ERP system Taina for somplaon ay borane ones the ne systar is otis aes to ‘Not applosble guidelines Prerequisites arse Teco or no explanation andlor no acon! incomplete ‘action in response to Red Alert OR Decision by CTSA that penally proceedings shoul be inated “Time for completion | As por the actly table Resources ‘SF 10:26; Recommendation for Tliation of Panay Proceedings ‘SF 10.2H: Penally Recommendation intimation ‘SF 10,2: Action on Penal ination Recommendation Process owner [CTSA ‘Activities Top Ree eae ae ro is |, owe | Soat Red Alert is | Proveedings ee ee oes 1. [CTSA [Recommend to MORD "that penaly proceedings be insted ‘gaint a PIA + HF there fs po action in response to Rod Abert +f comective action and fexlanation in response to Rod alert aro not ‘accepted or +f CTSA. decides that penalty proceedings shouldbe inated against tho PIA at any point (hether en Alor has been ised or not) Inform the PUA about tho Penalty SF 1024 Recommendation to WORD Penalty Recommendation Intimation Z| WaRO | Decide —whathor penal | Win 30-day proceedings should be tnilated | oF seeeipt of fgainst the PIA int crsas Inform the PA in ease no penalty | SE 10.2 Acton "yamun of Alot or dfs ang due to days wi bo automa though an ERF system. ‘Tmolnas or somplaon mayo» reid ona ho new syst is es ray sme se ToH| SISSY completion’ _||decuments rooeedings are to be inlated or decision is defered oR ‘ation 2s por 10.3. 10.3 PENALTY PROCESSES 40.3.1 Initiation and Closure of Penalty Proceedings overview EE aan “To delineate the penally processes, Inctuding inti and of proceedings, inpositon of penalty, appeal and closure Reference t ot appiabie | guidetines Prerequisites ‘asin Toate penalty prosesaings efher on recommendation By CTSA or deny by MoRDISRLM: “Time Tor completion | As por the aay abe [Resources | SF 103A Show Cause Notes ‘SF 10.38: Response to Show Cause Notice SSF 10:30: Personal Hearing intimation SF 10.30: Proceedings of Personal Hearing SSF 10.36: Notte of mpositon of Penal! Dropping of Penalty Prooeeaings ‘SF 10.3F: Request for Closure of Penalty Procesdings SF 10.26: Note of Closure of Penally Proceedings SF 10.34: Appeal against Penalty SSF 10.3 Dedision on Appeal against Penalty Process avmers | MORD for YPS [SRLM for APS Activities Initiation of Penalty Proceedings Teeue Show Cause Notoe 1 PIA 103K Show Cavie Notice = [PR Provide wrlfen —respaneo To ‘SFO, Response Shaw Cause Notice to MORD (| to Stow Cause Note YPS) or SRLM (for APS), wih copy to CTSA 3 | MORD for [Consider wean response ofPIA | Witin 30 YPS —2N4 | pecide whether PIA neads to be [YS oF ‘SRLM for | glen an opportunity for personal | receipt of hearing (Compulsory major ws penalty “is. contemplated; | "Pone® ‘there optional) from PIA Issue notice to PIA, if parsonal| tS] se 40.30: Personal heating is requires dla, then | Hearing Intimation Inform the PIA it decision ss i¥imate pending the status ofthe ease, at least ‘once in 30 sys) "ior tor] Complete the personal hearing | Wein 90 SF 030: YPS. and| proceedings, inated faye of [Proscadings of SRLM “for vs OF | Bernal Hearing aS RRovord_tha personal. hearing | issuing ‘otal to the PIA pending proceedings and communicate Inform the PIA i decision is Personal Hearing Intimation (i there is lay, then intimate the status ofthe case at least concen 30 ays) Imposition and implementation of Penalty 5 [MoRD for] Take a deion regarding | Within 80] SF 106: YPS.” and | mposiion of penaly and inform | avg g¢ | Noize of Imposition of | SRUM “for | the PUA that evs oF | Penalty roping of aS + Penalty procesdings are| receipt of | Penaty Proceedings being cropped of | writen ‘+ A minor penaty 18 belna | ge Imposed or fosn + Ammar penaly is being | fom PIA Imposed or from Inform the PIA Ifthe decision is| #12 of pending personal hearing such an cpportuity is given the PA (6 there lay, then intimate the statis of the case atleast once In 30 ays) Cay T MROSRIN deaes to dep [As UF Gee the penalty proceedings, then no josie mn furtheracton is necessary | “6064 | Proceedings in Notice I pont imposed > + Comply with the pena | Imposition order of Penalty + Request for closure of penalty proceedings if the PIA does not ivoke the appeal process or + Aation a8 _per_Apoeal a plete provess ponaliy as been imposed, veaty whether the PIA. nas Compiled with the toms of tho penalty order and inform MoRD ccompliane eh the Notice of Imposition of Penaty 3 [MoRO Tor YPS. and SRLM “Tor aS ‘Goss penaliy proceedings and inform the PIA Wii 75 days of contmatio n of ful ‘compiane wth Notice of Imposition of Penalty ‘SF 7056: Noles of Clocure of Penalty Progsedings ‘opeal against panaly Witin 20 days of receipt of Notice of Imposition of Penalty ‘SF TO3H Appeal agahst Penalty "0. | Ropeliate ‘atnorty ‘ravido an opporuniy t the PIR to present is appeal against the penalty imposed, including Sppertunity for personal hearing Wihin 30 days of receipt of ‘SF_1030; Personal Heaing intimation SF “0.20: Prosgedings of Porsnal a m7 helen ‘appeal acainst Decide whether to ‘Uphold the penalty ‘Mody the penalty penalty + Caneel the penaity ther is no personal hearing oF 80 days of reonipt of ‘peal against penalty i ‘opportunity for personal hearing is provided (i thera ie delay, then intimate the status ofthe case at least cones in 30 ays) Ea SF 10.3: Decision on ‘Appoal against Penalty [PR ‘Comply wih the dessin of the [As ‘ppaliteauthory spect Request for closure of penatty| oréor of provaedings te appalite ‘author “SF TSF! Raquost Tor Closure of Penalty Proveedings 72, CTSASAL Me Vary _whathor the PIA Tas complied with the orger of the ‘sppellte authoriy penalty Is ‘phe ar mofo’ Comply with the toms of the ordar af tha apaaliais authority ‘penalty is cancelled or modtied TS CTSASRL [inform the PIA. that penalty ‘SF i056 Natioe of Mt proceedings are dosed Coste of Penalty Proseedings 10.32 Sue Motu Imposition of Penalty Notwithstanding the process delineated in 10.3.1 above, in exceptional cases (for ‘example, diversion or funds, fraudulent practices, persistent defaults, actions that affect the safety of candidates), the competent authorly may decde to Impose penalty suo motu on @ PIA. In such cases, penaily wil be imposed directly on the PIA without issuance of any Alert or Notice. However, the PIA will ein the right to ‘appeal against the penalty, and the appesl process wil be folowod as described above. 10.3.8 Penalty Orders, ‘An order by the competent authority to Impose @ penalty (major or minor) on a PIA shall be a speaking order, specifying the detals ofthe penelty imposed, and clearly laying down the reasons for penalty impostion as well as the process of implementation ofthe penalty. 10.4 HANDLING DEFAULTS BY CTSA (FOR YPS) / SRLM (FOR APS) In cases where there is any delay committed by the CTSA (for YPS} or SRLM (for [APS), the following procedure wil be followed. + Notice 1: Notice willbe issued by MoRD giving 5 working days to take further action + Notice 2: I the first notice is not complied with, @ second notice will be issued ‘lving § working days to take further action, ‘+ Notice 3: After waiting for twenty working days after issue of frst notice if CTSA has not completed the action MORD wil take suitable steps for getting the work done. It will also Iniate penal action against the CTSA for YPS. Similerly for APS if stato doos not respond MORD will regulate the flow of funds based on the project progress. f delays occur frequenty APS status of the state will also be reviewed. Ifthe delay continues after twenty days of Isaue of Notice 1, MoRD may take suitable action for completion of the task. It ‘may also initiate penal action against the CTSA ("or YPS) or regulate the flow fof funds based on the project progress (for APS). The APS slats ofthe state ‘may also be reviewed if delays occur frequently. Note: All such notices will be compiled and will become part of CTSA/SRLM performance evaluation. For procedures to desl with defaults other than delays, a separate notification will be issued by MoRD. 10.5 REPLACEMENT OF OLDER PROCEDURES AND TRANSITION ‘TO THE NEW PROCEDURES 10.5.1 Sections to be replaced From a date to be notified by MoRD the procedures prescribed in this Chapter will come into force. Subsequently the following sections/parions of SOP version 2.0.0 Issued on August 3, 2018 will stand repealed + Section 1.5 and 1.6 of Chaptor 1 + Section of Chapter 3 + SF 7.1F of Chapter 7 — portion relating to correction of erors found in the 1* round of desk data verification by SRLM (for APS) and CTSA (for YPS) on the ‘samples checked by the PIA OP team and Q team 10.5.2 Dealing with defaults where action has already been initiated ‘Al defaults that occur after the notification of this Chapter wil be dealt with in ‘accordance with the processes described in this Chapter. However, in cases where 2 default has occurred before the date of this notification the same shall be dealt vith, as per earlier procedures. 10.5.3 Nomination of competent authorities by CTSA/ SRLM “The competent authorties for handling defaults atthe State lovel shallbe decided by ‘each State within one month of the notifation of this Chapter. Faling this, the Powers delegated to levels lower then COOISklls of SRLM wil be vested with COOISkills, and all other powers will remain as per this Chapter. The competent authority from SRLM for handling default procedures for APS should not be below the level of State Project Manager (SPM), ‘The competent authortss for handling defaults at the CTSA level shall be decided ‘and notified by each CTSA within one month of the notification of this Chapter. Failing thie, MoRD wil issue @ notification on the matter, in consultation with the CTSAs, within two manths ofthe notification of this Chapter. 10.6 LIST OF STANDARD FORMS IN CHAPTER 10 F028: Yauow ee) ss $1026 snot rovecw Ur aa F020: LE ART SF 1028 Rsront RD Le 2 ALT ‘5-203: Nor oF rast or PeNsTr/ DrorrnG OF PEM PROCEEDS nonce AB ‘F103: Raison clon or Pa Preriones SREERRRNE Bee SF 10.12: Overview of Default Handling Procedures. Default Meaning and Scope Defaults include but are not limited to + Delay ~ Non-completion of activities as per specifiod timelines + Shortal - Inability to achieve the desired level of performance vith reference to various processes + Non-compliance with prescribed norms and processes ‘+ Fraudulent practices Identification of a default Violation of the processes, norms and timelines prescribed in the manual of SOP, the Guidelines, and the Notifications issued by the Sklls division of MoRD will be the ‘basis for identification of defauit. ‘The defauits that occur due to violation of SOP are easly identifiable and will be dealt with as per the processes described inthis Chapter. {A default could also occur due to (a) a violation of the Guidelines, the Notifications, the Sanction order and the Memorandum of Understanding, or (b) the commission of ‘omission of an action for which the processes of default in SOP ere not ceerly ‘specified. In such cases, the competent authority wil take a decision regarding + dentfication of the defauit + Course of action to be taken under Chapter 10 ‘The competent authority wil glve clear speaking orders speciying the basis on which the decision was taken Default Handling Procedures. ‘Two main processes are envisaged for handling defaults: a. Alert processes ». Penalty processes 1. Alert processes, ‘Alerts are intended to serve as a waming to PIAS that a defauit has occurred. There is no penelty imposition intended at this stage. However, every Alert issued will be recorded and may affect the assessment of the PIA's performance. ‘Two levels of Alerts are provided for [A Yellow Alerts a level 1 ser, informing @ PIA that a default has occurred. 1H the PIA takes appropriate action within the specified timelines to address the dlofauit, the Alert is deemed to be closed. Ifthe defauttis not addressed satisfacorly, the next lovel of Alert will be issued. If a default occurs but ls addressed before the issue of a Yellow Alert, the Alert will slil be Issued. In such a case, the Alert will be @ deemed Yellow Alert, and wil be recorded as such; it wil be counted as an Alert atthe time of assessment of the PA's performance. However, the PIA does not have to take any further action and the Alert is automaticaly closed. A Red Alert is a level 2 let. It will bo issued if the PIA does not respond satisfactory to @ Yellow Alert (in which ease it wil be an escalation ofa Yellow Alert) Ori the default is considered serious enough to warrant a level 2 Alert direct. ‘APIA Is expected to not only address the defauit within the timelines speciid in the ‘Alert but also provide a satisfactory explanation for the occurrence andlor Continuance of the default. A Red Alert will be closed only if both these conditions are satisfied, If either of these conditions is not met, the Alert process will escalate to 1 Penalty process. ‘Any default that occurs in any ofthe processes proscribed in the SOP will ead to the Issuance of an Alert, as per the provisions of Sections 10.2 and Section 10.3. Every month, along with Yellow and Red Alerts for defaults occuring inthe previous ‘month, a consolidated Statement of Alerts wil be sent to every PIA. This Statement will give the status of al Alerts Issued to the PIA, and indicate pending actions fey. ‘A delay in issue of Alerts wil, however, not negate the occurrence ofa dofault. Notwithstanding any ofthe above, special processestimelines are prescribed for the following defaults: "+ Delays related to the Prospective Project Work’ Schedule (srocesses for dealing with delays in PPWS are elaborated in Annexure —!) + Delays related to payment of food and to-and-fro charges and Post Placement ‘Support (PPS) to candidates, and payment of salaries to tsiners, master trainers and Q-team (processes for dealing with such delays are elaborated in ‘Annexure ~ Il) », Penalty Processes Penalty processes comprise two main stages: ‘+ Initiation of penalty proceedings and imposition of penalty ‘+ Appeal against penalty Initiation of penalty proceedings and imposition of penalty ‘A penalty may be imposed on a PIA for any kind of default, in one of the following ways: ‘+ As an escalation ofthe Alert process and initiation of penalty proceedings: If the PIA does not take ealisfactory action or provide a satisfactory explanation in response to a Red Alert, penally proceedings may be intiated by issuing 2 Show Cause Notice to the PIA. These proceedings may result in the Imposition of @ penalty + Directly afer intiation of penalty proceedings: Penalty proceedings may aso be iniated by issuing a Show Cause Notice to the PIA, without going through the entire Alert process. These proceedings may also result inthe imposition ‘of a penalty. ‘+ Suo Motu: In exceptional cases, a penalty may be imposed suc motu, directly by the competent authority, without inating separate penalty proceedings, ‘ut after recording the reasons fr such imposition. ‘A penalty imposed by the competent authority may be either major or minor. 'A detaled description of penalties that may be imposed under each calegory is given in the table below. ‘Table 10-1: Details of minor and major penati Fine upto Rs. 60,000 per oocasion Retraining candidates wihout any atonal payment to PIA Casing of raining centres Reduction of targets Censure ajor ‘Fins higher than Re 50,000 but not excooding 2% of he project cast Ctosure ofthe project lacksting of PIA in the slate fora speci period 9. Blackisting of PIA in the county for specie period” | Note: Ar penales are hlevarchical wih asconding oder of severly. While posing the penalis a competent authorty impose a combination of penalties provided, ‘ve provedure as prescribed or Imposing the higher penal i flowed * For blackting across the county by the State government, por approvalot [ Mor wal be required. Appeal against penalty Regardless of the process followed for imposition of a penalty, a PIA will have the Fight to appeal against the penalty to the Appellate Authority. However, even if@ PIA decides to appeal, ithas to comply with the ferms ofthe penalty notice that i, it can {90 in appeal only after the penalty is pac. [As part of its appeal, the PIA may provide relevant documents and also make a ‘personal representation to the Appellate Authoriy ‘The order ofthe Appellate Authority wil be final and binding on all partis. Note: The above doas not take away the author ofthe State/Cente tn inate other proceedings under applicable laws, including Revenue Recovery or Public Demands Recovery Act Issue of default notice ~ combining more than one dofault in a single notice Generally a single notice vill be Issued for @ single default. However, if more than ‘one default occurs in a single process, the competent authority has discretion to issue a separate notice for each default. (Clarifation on single process: All steps included under heading level 4 in any Chapter of the SOP will be treated as a singla process, For example: items under Section will be part ofa single process. But if mare than one default arises ‘ut of the inspection carried out under this section, the competent authority may decide whether to Initiate action under one default process or as sezorate default processes. However, if defaults occur under sections 62.13 and then ‘separate defauit processes wil be inated under each section.) Further, nothing in the foregoing precludes a competent authotty ffom issuing single notice for defaults occurring in different processes. ‘Communications rolated to defaults and penal ‘Al communications related to defaults wil be sent tothe PIA at the primary email id provided by the PIA in the project execution readiness form. The emai is deemed to have been received by the PIA two days after the date of despatch. In addition, where penalty proosedings are initited, notices will be sent to the PIA by Registered Post or Speed Post, |All communications related to defaults sent by the SRLMICTSAMORD will specify the emall id to which the PIA has to send its response. In addition, responses by the IA to all notices related to penalties should also be sent by Regislered Post or ‘Speed Post to the address specified in the relevant communication. ‘Competent authority ‘Competent authorities to deal with all processes related to defauits are specified in “SF 10.18: Competent autharty for hancling default procedures! Impact of policy changes Notwithstanding any of the procedures prescribed In this Chapter and Standard Forms, PIAs may be required to undertake or madify acivlles in te event of ‘change in government policy or programme objectives. In suc cases, the newirevised activities to be undertaken by PIAS would be considered part of the streamlining process and would not constitute any penal action. Annexure Monitoring of the Prospective Project Work Schedule and action for default [This annexure roplaces section] ‘These norms and procedures apply only to training commencement, that is, the number of trainees for whom training has to start; they do not apply to taining ‘completion or quality of training, ‘+ The number of candidates in a batch sfter a batch is frozen willbe treated as number of candidates for whom training has commenced and shall be considered forthe purpose of monitoring of PPWS. ‘+The total number of cumulative trainings that have commenced til the end of every month wil form the basis for evaluation of the PIA's performance, and rot the number commenced in that month alone; that Is, the cumulative Performance atthe end of each month will be assessed. ‘+ The cumulative training achievement will be reviewed by CTSA’ SRLM as Tollows: ‘2. Shortfall in the cumulative total for training commencement should not bbe more than 10% of the target forthe fist 6 months from the project ‘commencement date. ‘© Shortfall in the cumulative total for training commencement should not bbe more than 8% ofthe target from the 7! month onwards, and up to 6 months before completion of the project. However, for projects with a duration of 1 year or less, there should be no shortiall from the 7 month onwards, © There should not be any shortfall in the cumulative training ‘commencement target forthe last 6 months ofthe project ‘Any deviation from the norms prescribed above will constitute a default and will be dealt with as per the timelines of Sections 10.2 and 10.3. The process for issue of Alerts and initiation of penalty proceedings will be as follows: +A Yellow (Level 1) Alert will be issued the frst time there is @ shortall in achievement of the cumulative target at the end of a month, The Alert will be closed if there is no shortfall at the end of the following month. For any subsequent shortfall, a new Yellow Alert will be issued. + Ifthe shortfall continues ~ thats, I there isa shortal atthe en¢ ofthe month immediately folowing the one for which the Yellow (Level 1) Alert was issued = then the Yaliow Alert wil be escalated to @ Red (Level 2) let. The Red Alert wil be closed if there is no shortfall at the end ofthe follaing month. For ‘any subsequent shortfall, new Yellow (Level 1) Alert will be issued. ‘+ Ifthe shortfall continues furher that i, if there is shortfall athe end ofthe ‘month immediately folowing the one for which the Red (Level 2) Alert was issued ~ then willbe escalated to Penalty proces proces: + Once a default escalates to the penally stage, all Alerts will be stopped until ‘one ofthe two steps given below is completed © Ifa decision is taken that penaity proceedings will not be inliated and 10 Show Cause Notice is issued: MoRD/SRLM will indicate the action to be taken for the next occurrence of a default faling this, a Yellow Alert wil be issued on the occurrence of the next default © Ifa decision is taken to inate penalty proceedings: A Show Cause Notice will be issued after considering the actual cumulative performance at the end of the previous month, and the competent authoriy wil consider the current performance before taking # decision regarding imposition of penalty, The order imposing a penalty or dropping of penalty proceedings will Indicate the action to be taken for the next occurrence of default; faling this, a Yellow Alert willbe issued on the occurrence of the next default, For example: if on 8 February, a Yellow Alert Issued for a shortfall in January, thon by ond of Fobruary, the PIA has to achieve the cumulative target for the ‘month of February forthe Yellow Alert to be closed. I the cumulatie target is not achieved in February, then a Red Alet will be issued on 8 March. If the cumulative target fr the month of March is not achieved, then it wil be escalated to penalty processes. Annexure =I) Default procedures on payment of food and to-andfro charges, post placement support to the candidates, and payment of salaries to trainers, ‘master trainers and Q team members Periodiaty, timelines, accounting and audit procedures for payment of food and to- ‘and-fro charges, post placement support to the candidates and salaries to trainers, master trainers and Q team members are detailed in chapter 8 of SOP. This SF deal with procedures to deal with defaults related to these payments. Every payment due to every single candidatetrainer/master trainer team member should be made by the presorbed due date. Delay in even a single payment to @ single individual would constitute a defaut. ‘The action to be taken for such a default will be measured on the basis of the ‘numberof fortnight(s) that have elapsed since the due date for payment. Depending upon the extent of delay, Alerts/Notices wil be issued as per the following table: Arar +1 | Not paid on due date but paid within the same frniht| Vow (Level 1) Alert In which due date fals (eg. payment is due by 3° of ‘month but paid any Hime ator 3 but before 15° of the mont) 2. | Not pad In the same fright in which due date falls | Red (Level 2) Alert but pald within the next fortnight. payment is due by 3*of a month but paid any imo after 15% but before end of the month; orf payment is due by 18" ofthe ‘month but paid any tie after 1 but before 15 ofthe ext month) '5_| Not paid wahin tho fortnight folowing the one in which | Escalation 10 pena | due date falls (2.9. i payment is due by 3" of a month | process but not pad bythe and ofthe month; orf payments | (recommendaton to ‘ue by 18% ofthe month but not paid by 15” ofthe | MoRD for iaton of | ‘ext month) penalty. proceedings) for YPS and beue of ‘Show Cause Notice for APS ‘A sample schedule for issue of YelowRed Alerts for payment of food and to-and-ro charges toa single candidate is indicated below: Carer el oer Asus viii che ae Shige | eave Iie id 1 [16% to art] 9° January For payment made|s" | Yetow December | 2016 between 4 and 15" | arch | Alt 2015 January 2016 ae fetight) For payment made on| > | Red 46 and 91% January | March | Alert zor | 2016 216 February 2 | wo a8] 10" 2016 | For payment made on | 8° | Yellow January | January.2016 40" to 81" January| March | Alert 2o1e (1 2016 218 fortnight) For payment not] 8* | Red made by 81 January | Narch | Alert 2016 28 While every single instance of delay or non-payment wil invite the issue of an Alert, ‘a PIA will be sent a consolidated let of Alerts for each month ~ that is, all the individuals for whom payment is pending willbe ised, with the kind of Alert being issued in each case indicated against the name of each individual ‘SF 10.18: Competent authority for handling default procedures Table 10-4: Competent author TUR Connie autho age ‘Auton to faue & MoRD: Jot Secretary (Skis) escalate, (CTSA: Head of sills unit of ‘The porson designated to the organisation Issue such notices" IA: Authoizod signatory & CEO, Red Alot ‘utr to Tesue, escalate | Authorized | MoRD ot Seoretany (SIR) ‘Rose the ale” signatory | CTSA: Hao! ofthe ‘The person designated to ‘organisation Issue such notoas" PIA: Projcl head & CEO. Tsave of Show Plssuing Authority = ‘Rathoraed | MoRD: sort Secretary (Ski) cause notice | COOISkils, SRLM ‘signatory | CTSA: Head of skils unt of the organisation PIA: Pojectfiead & CEO Trnpostion of | COOVSiila, SRL Tuthorized | MoRO: Joint Secretary (Sil) rior penaty/ signatory | CTSA: Hood of kil unt of Termination of the organisation penalty PIA: Projecthead & CEO provoedings Impositon of | CEO/SRLM or equivalent major panalty | (who ig aleve ghar han Cools, SALM) “Fopeisie nor penal ‘Ratbaraed WORD: Joint Secretary RIB] ‘Autyoiy GEOISRLM or equivalent | signatory | CTSA: Hoad of skis unit of (he i a level higher than the organisation (Coorsklls, SRL) PIA: Pojecthead & CEO Major penaty: Principal Secretary, RD, State Government Direct imposton | Minor pena ‘Rathored | MRD: Joni Secretary (Ske) ‘ofpenally | CEOISRLM ox equivalent | signatry (CTSA Hoad of skis unt of {hoi a evel higher than the oganisation CoOrsKils, RLM) PIA: Projet head & CEO Major penaty Principal Secretary, RD, State Government The competent authority from SRLM for handling default procedures for APS should not be below State Project Manager (SPM). Ite 10:5: Competent authority to hanling default procedures for YPS ‘Athol to issue & escalate ‘The person designated to, issue such noice fram CTSA TUAOHEELGH 'MoRD: Joint Secretary (Skis) ‘SRLM Head ef the organisation PIA: Authorized signatory & CEO ot penalty For Major Pena: ‘daitonal Secretary incharge of Skil in MoRD. Tad Rony ws SRST —T SRS eae oor Sac |S areas ae Bajo eee ee on Tae — Sn i oar — trois TTS EE aca i Lis SAE cs ogenintin Soc ociatte Ippon” a Sorta OORT NERD | rae — fA Mesa —— eet eee ne Fane canaaon ronan ones oro a oan tinge | sink sooty (ae Hono anew any Tate — ra RT Mew [Alara cert weage [Romer | Cones eee SE an cgerntin acmctercees rere Porat tn a Pecae ees SS ated — a aT con |SheSScomm Gam, wero [aomeer’ | Seuntassd ne wenn PIA: Project head & CEO. ‘SF 10.2A: Monthly Statement of Alerts ‘ Address and Email ID ce: 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSAISRLM 3. Joint Secretary (Skis), MoRD 4. Office copy Annexure I: Statement of default(s) ‘Sh | Ruferenoa: Gudaineal | Tem (Daviatonsy Ramarta Aon tbe No. | SoP/ Notation any taken by PIA relevant document Annexure I ‘Supporting evidence ~ documents, photos, video, audio transcripts, etc: ‘Annexure i List of witnesses ‘SF 40.26: Response to Yellow (Level 1) Alert RESPONSE TO YELLOW (LEVEL 1) ALERT To Date: [Name of the Authorised signatory of CTSASRLM] File No: [Designation of the Authorised signatory of CTSAV/SRLM] [Name of CTSASRLM] [Adcross} Project Details ‘Sanction Order No ‘Sanction Order Dato: Project Commencement Date State(s) of Operation: 4. This fe with reference to the Yellow (Level 1) Alert No. [number of Yellow Alert} dated [date of issue of Yellow Alert] issued to our organisation under Secon 10.2 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushelya Yojana (DDU-GKY), 2. We would tke to inform you that we have taken necessay action and completed the task on [Date of task comploted] as per details provided in ‘Annexure 1, Supporting evidence for this is provided in Annexure 2 3, We request you to close the Alert and cancel the default. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘ ‘Address and Email 1D ce: 1. CTSA/SRLM 2. Joint Secretary (Skis), MORD 3. Office copy ‘Annexure |: Statement of tasks completed ‘Sr | Raterance: Tem (Deviations) | Remarks Acton to | Acton taken No | Guidelines! SoP/ betaken by PIA | by>IA Notioaton’ any relovant document Annexure Evidence (including documents, photos, video, audio transcripts) to support claim ‘that action has been taken to address the default, To Date: [Name of the Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] File No: [Designation of the Authorised signatory of the PIA] Red Alert Not! [Name of PA} Address) Project Details ‘Sanction Order No. Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date: ‘State(s) of Operation: Re, 1: Yellow Alert No. [Yellow Alort No.] dated [Date of issue of Yellow ‘Alert® Ret, 2: Response to Yellow Alert No. [File no. of PIA's response to Yellow Alert] dated [Date of PIA's response to Yellow Alert)" 4. This notice Is being issued to you under Section 10.2 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gramesn Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) 10 alert you to the continuance of defaull) in the Implementation of the above project by your organisation, as per the details given in Annexure 1 ‘You were alerted to the occurrence ofthe default vide @ Yelow Alert issued to You on [Date of issue of Yellow Alert}, However, no action insufclent action? hhas been taken by you to address the default. oR 1. This notice Is being issued to you under Section 10.2 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) to alert you to the occurrence of a defauit in the implementation of the above project by your organisation, as por the details given in Annexure 1 2. You are hereby advised to take corrective action immediately. as per the dotais given in Annexure 1, and Inform the undersigned of the same, along with supporting evidence of the action taken, and an explanation for the {Alt te ston pray ech ct and mona ecunal for rey et occurrencs/continuance of the default, on or before the 18 of this, month. Failure to 60 s0 may resut in inliation of penalty proceedings. 3. This Alert and the relevant annexures are being emailed to [Prmary email for all communication mentioned in SF 3.34) and may be acknowledged 4, All communications should be sent by email to the address given below. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] < CTSA SRLM> ‘Address and Email ID ‘Chief Executive Officer & Project Head CTSAISRLM Joint Secretary (Skis), MRD Office copy Annexure’ tatement of defaults) ‘Se [Reference] Ham ‘Raion to bo taken] Romans (Yalow Net hias baer No. | Guidelines) | (Devations) | by PIA ‘ssvod, and PIA has not ‘S0P) responded or response isnot Natioatord salstacton) any relevant socument Annexure It ‘Supporting evidence — documents, photos, video, audio transcripts, et: Annexure List of witnesses SF 10.2E: Response to Red (Level 2) Alert waa eet aes ea To Date: {Name ofthe Authorised signatory of CTSA/SRLM) Fle No: (Designation of the Authorised signatory of CTSAVSRLM) [Name of CTSAISRLM] (Address) Project Details Sanction Order No. ‘Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date: Slate(s) of Operation: 41. This is with reference to the Red (Level 2) Alert No. [number of Red Alert) dated [date of issue of Red Alen) issued to our organisation ander Section 410.2 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya ‘Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), 2. We would tke to Inform you thet we have taken necessary ction and completed the task on [Date of task completed) as per details provided in ‘Annexure 1. Supporting evidence for this fs provided in Annexure 2 3. An explanation for the occurrence/continuance of the default is provided in Annexure 3 4, We request you to consider our explanation and the corrective action we have taken, close the Alert and cancel the defaut, [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘Address and Email ID ce: 4. CTSA/SRLM 2. Joint Secretary (Skil), MoRD 3. Office copy Annexure I: Statement of tasks completed [Se] Reference: Tien (Deviaions) Remarks? Acton to | Aon taken by PIA No | Guidelines SoP/ bo taken by PIA Notioaion’ any relevant document Annexure tt Evidence (Including documents, photos, video, audio transcripts) to support claim that acton has been taken to addrese the defaut ‘Annexure Ill: Explanation for occurrencelcontinuance of default SF 10.2F: Closure of Red (Lovel 2) Alert “ CLOSURE OF RED (LEVEL 2) ALERT To Date: {Name ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] Fe No: [Designation ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] Alert Closure Nc [Name of PIA} [Adcress} Project Details ‘Sanetion Order (8) No" ‘Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date State (s) of Operation: Ret 1: Red Alert No. [Red Alert No, dated [Date of Issue of Red Alert] Ref 2: Response to Red Alert No. [Red Alert No, dated [Date of PIN'S response to Red Alert) 1. This is with reference to your corrective action and explanation fh response to the Red Alert issued to your organisation fora default inthe implementation of the above project. 2. You are hereby Informed that your action and explanation have been accepted. No further ation is necessary. 3 The default wil be recorded and counted at the time of performance assessment. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘Address and Email ID ccto: 4. Chief Executive Office & Project Head 2. CTSASRLM 3. Joint Secretary (Skis) 4 Office copy ‘SF 10.2G: Recommendation for Initiation of Penalty Proceedings " RECOMMENDATION FOR INITIATION OF PENALTY PROCEEDINGS To Date: Joint Secretary (Skils) File No: Ministry of Fural Development Recommendation for nition of [Adaress} Penalty Proceedings No. *: Project Details ‘Sanction Order No." Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date State of Operation ‘Sub: Recommendation to Initiate Penalty Proceedings against {Name of PIA] Sif Madam, 4. This is to recommend ination of penelty proceedings against Name of PIA] for defaul') in project implementation under Section 10.2.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana: 2. A Yellow Alert was issued to Mis [Name of PIA] on [date of isue of Yellow ‘Alert ‘Since no corrective action was taken, @ Red Alert was issued on [date of issue of Yelow Alert oR 2. ARed Alert was issued to Ms [Name of PIA] on [date of Issue of Red Alert). 8, However, in response to the Red Alert, no corrective action was taken by the ‘organisation’ no explanation was provided for the occurrence of the default! the ection andor explanation provided by the organisation is not satisfactory" 4, In view of this, we recommend that the Ministry of Rural Development initiate penalty proceadings against the [Name of PIA] for default under Section 10.23 of the Standard Operating Procedures. 5. A Summary of Alerts issued to [Name of PIA] and responses received from the organisation are included in Annexure | oR 1. Mis [Name of PIA], has committed seriousitepested default(s) under Section 102.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures, as per delals provided in Annexure I 2. As @ CTSA, we believe that penalty proceedings should be Initiated against the PIA directly, without issuance of any Alert. 3. In view of this, we recommend that the Ministy of Rural Development inate Penalty proceedings against the [Name of PIA] for default under Secton 10.2.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures. [Signature & Soal of Authorized Signatory] ‘Address and Email 1D ccto: 1. SRLM 2. Office copy Annexure I: Statement of defaul(s) ‘The following defaults have occured in implementation of the project ‘Si. | Default Details of evidences, IFany No. T “The default should be defined wih regard fo relevant SOP clauses. Annexure I ‘Supporting evidence ~ documents, photos, video, audio transcripts, et: Annexure List of witnesses Appendix: Summary of Alrts!® ‘SI Nature of Alt [Date of esue | Dovations | Dato of Curent Status No, | (Yelow’ Red) | of Alert response om | of defauit BR Enclosed lsued alert) and response to alat rom PIA, Hany SF 10.2 ‘enalty Recommendation intimation “To be printed on CTSA letarhoad> PENALTY RECOMMENDATION INTIMATION To Date: [Name of the Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] File No: [Designation ofthe Authorised signatory of the PIA] Penalty Recommendation Tntimation No®: [Name of PIA] Address} Project Details ‘Sanction Order No. Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date’ State(s) of Operation: 1. Ths is to inform you that @ recommendation is being sent to the Ministry of Rural Development for inilation of penalty proceedings against your organisation for defaul(s) In project implementation under Section 10.2.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen ‘Kaushalya Yojana in view ofthe following: 2. You have taken ne action! incomplete acton® to address the defaults) in response to the Red Alert No. (No. of Red Ale] warning you of the possibiliy of penal action, Issued fo you on [date of issue of Red Alert), ANDIOR You have not provided any explanation’s satisfactory explanation for the ‘occurrencefcontinuanee of the default in response to the Red Alert No. (No. ‘of Red Alert} warning you of the possibilty of penal action, issued to you on dated [date of issue of Red Alert] oR 4. This is to inform you that @ recommendation is being sent to the Ministry of Rural Development for intition of penalty proceedings against your ‘organisation for detaul(s) in project implementation under Sezton 10.2.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, 2. Adetalied statement ofthe items of dtauitis included in Anaenure I [Noon ob ed earache eg rune eau fr ov aoe: 3. The Ministy of Rural Development wil consider this recommendation and {decide whether penalty proceedings should be initiated against Mis [Name of PIA 4, You will be hearing from the Ministy of Rural Development in due course. ‘5, The memorandum and annexures are being emailed to [Primary email id for all communication mentioned in SF 3.34] and may be acknowledged by email to the address given below. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘Address and Email IO ccte: 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2 SRLM 3. Joint Secretary (Skis), MoRD 4 Office copy Annexure I: Statement of default(s) “The following defaults have occurred in implementation of the project ‘Si [Default Details of ovidenees, any No. ‘Annexure I ‘Supporting evidence — documents, photes, video, ausio transcript, ete. Annexure il List of witnesses ‘SF 10.2: Action on Penalty Initiation Recommendation * “ ACTION ON PENALTY INITIATION RECOMMENDATION (When penalty not imposed) To Dated [Name of the Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] File No [Designation of the Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] [Name of PIA] (Address) Project Details ‘Sanction Order (5) No. ‘Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date State(s) of Operation: 4. This is wth reference tothe Penalty Recommendation intimation No. [number ‘of Penalty Recommendation intimation] dated [date of issue of Penally Recommendation Intimation] sent to your organisation under Section 10.2 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Osen Dayal Upadhvaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) by [Name of CTSAl 2. You are hereby informed that after due consideration of all the facts and ‘circumstances of the case, the competent authority has decided not to initiate penalty proceedings against your organisation 3, You are hereby advise to comply fully in future with all the noms for project implementation epecified in the Standard Operating Procedures. Any further default willbe viewed seriously and liable for penal action. Under Secretary (RL-SP) ‘Adéress and Email |D ecto: 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. SRLM ‘SF 10.3A: Show Cause Notice ‘ ‘Address and Email ID CC: (fissuing authority is MRD) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. SRLM CC: (issuing author is SRLM) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 43, Joint Secretary (Skil), MoRD Annexu Statement of default(s) ‘The allowing defauits have eccurted in implementation of the project ‘S.No, [Default Details of evidences, ar L = ‘Annexure IF Reasons for non-acceptance of PIA’s explanation for occurrencelcontinance of default Annexure Il ‘Supporting evidence ~ documents, photos, video, audio transcripts, ete: Annexure IV: List of witnesses ‘SF 10.3B: Response to Show Cause Notice To be printed on organisation ltr head> RESPONSE TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE To Date: ‘The Joint Secretary (Skile) [SRLM Authorised Person] File No: Minitry of Rural Development [Name of SRLM] [Address] Project Detals ‘Sanction Order No.™: ‘Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date Slato(s) of Operation: 4. This is with reference to the Show Cause Notice No. [Show Cause Notioe No. dated [Date of issue of Show Cause Notice] issued to our organisation under Secion 102 of the Stendard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), 2. We wish to tnform you that we have completed! taken correctve action with respect to the activities mentioned in your notice by [Date of completion of tasks}. A statement of competion of tasks against the items of defauit is included in Annexure | along with evidence for the same in Annexure I oR 2. We wish to inform you that we will completltake corrective action with respect to the activities mentioned in your notice by [Proposed date of Completion of tasks), A statement of our plan for completion o'lasks against the items of default is included in Annexure | oR 2. We wish to inform you that there has been no default by our organisation, for reasons provided in Annexure | 3. In view of this, we request you to cancel the penalty proceedings initated ‘against our organisation oR 3, We request you to give us an opportunity to make a personal representation tothe. competent authorly against the proposed intiation of penalty proceedings against our organisation {Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory} ‘Address and Email ID ce: 1. CTSA/SRLM 2. Joint Secretary (Skils)** 3, Office copy Annexure I: Statement of Default(s) ‘SI [Dafauit | Botalls of evidences, i [Explanation of | Details ofovidences, | No. any BIA a ps x a a Annexure I Evidence (including dacuments, photos, video, audio transcripts) to support claim that there is no default ot that action has been taken to address the default SF 10.30: Personal Hearing intimation “ PERSONAL HEARING INTIMATION To Date: {Name ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe PUA] File No: [Designation ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] Personal Hearing ntimation No. [Name of PIA] (dares) Project Details ‘Sanotion Order No: Sanction Order Dat: Project Commencement Date: Stale(s) of Operation Ref 1: Show Cause Notice No, [Show Cause Notice No, dated (Date af Issue ‘of Show Cause Notice} Ref 2: Response fo Show Cause Notice No, [Show Cause Notice No} dated [Date of PIA responded to Show Cause Notice] oR Ref 4: Notice of Imposition of Penalty No. [Notice of Imposition of Penalty No,] dated [Date of issue of Notice of Imposition of Penalty] Ref 2: Appeal against Penalty from Mis [Name of PIA] dated [Dste of Appeal ‘against Penalty) 4. This is with reference to the Show Cause Notice! Notice of Imposition of Penalty issued to your organisation under Section 10.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya ‘Yojana (DDU-GKY). 2, This fs to inform you that Mis [Name of PIA] wil be given an opportunity for personal hearing to make such representation as your organisetion may wish {to make against the action proposed in the Show Cause Noice! Notice of Imposition of Penaliy® 3, The schedule forthe personal hearing Is as folows: Date: Time: Verve: 4 Please note thal only the CEO! Authorised signatory wil be allowed to make 2 personal representation on behalf of the organisation and that no other Fepresentative will be given a heating, 5, Please note that ifthe CEO/ Authorised signatory ofthe organisation falls to attend the personal hearing proceedings at the abovementined time and Venue, the matter wil be decided ex-parte and no further opportunity for personal representation willbe given. 6. The memorandum is being emailed to [Name of the Authorised Signatory), [Primary email id for all communication mentioned in SF 3.30] and may be acknowledged. The date of receipt of memorandum by your organisation is ddoemed to be the day ater the despatch of the email. A copy is also being sent by Registered Speed Post 7. All communications should be sent by email to the adéress glen below. All ‘documents should in addition be physically despatched by Regstéred! Speed Post tothe address given below. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] Adress and Email ID Ce: (if ssuing authority's MoRD) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. SRLM Ce: (issuing authori is SRLM) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. Joint Secretary (Skis), MORD SF 10.30: Proceedings of Personal Hearing (To be drafted as por case by MoRD/ SRLM) PROCEEDINGS OF PERSONAL HEARING ‘SF 10.3E: Notice of Imposition of Penalty! Dropping of Penalty Proceedings “To be printed on MoRO/SRLM loterheac> NOTICE OF IMPOSITION OF PENALTY! DROPPING OF PENALTY PROCEEDINGS To Dated {Name ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe PIA] Fle No: [Designation ofthe Authorised signatory of the PIA] Notice of postion of Penalty! [Name of PIA] Dropping of Penalty Proceedings No.™: Address) Project Details ‘Sanction Order No.” ‘Sanction Order Dato: Project Commencement Date: State(s) of Operation: Ref 1: Show Cause Notice No. [Show Cause Notice No] dated [Date of issue ‘of Show Cause Notice} Ref 2: Response to Show Cause Notice No. [Show Cause Notice No} dated [Date of PIA responded to Show Cause Notice) oR Ref 1: Personal Hearing Notice No. (Personal Hearing Notice No] dated [Date of issue of Personal Hearing Notice] Ret 2: Proceedings of Personal Hearing dated [Date of issue of Proceedings of Personal Hearing] 4. This is with reference to the Show Cause Notice/ Personal Hearing Notice Issued to you under Section 10.3.1 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) and the Subsequent personal representation made by you on [date of Personal hearing} 2, You are hereby informed that your action and explanation have been ‘accepted and thatthe penally proceedings initiated against your organisation are being dropped herewith. 3, You are advised that the penalty proceedings inated as azove are now closed. However, the defaults) wil be recorded and counted at the time of performance assessments. 4. You are hereby advised to comply ful in future with all the noms for project implementation speciied in the Standard Operating Procedures. Any further ‘Addvoss and Emall 1D CC: (issuing authority is MoRD) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. SRIM CC: (f issuing authority is SRLM) 1, Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3, Joint Secretary (Skis), MoRD ‘Annexure I: Statement of Default(s) SL ete Dats Esaaraton” | Usiaie of [CTSA Dass | Dsesion oF No. Srdonces | PA” | Regence, | comments | eiencan.t | Penaty cy a oy tponing Khor eel gems a z comeee| a £ ‘SF 10.3F: Request for Closure of Penalty Proceedings “To be printed on organisation ltr had> REQUEST FOR CLOSURE OF PENALTY PROCEEDINGS To Date: ‘The Joint Secretary (Skis) [SRLM Authorised Person] File No Ministry of Rural Development [Name of SRLM] [Address] Project Details Sanation Order No. Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date’ ‘State(s) of Operation: 1. This is with reference to the Notice of Imposition of Penslty No. {Notice of Imposition of Penalty No. dated [Date of Notice] issued to our organisation under Section 10.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) 2. We wish to inform you that we have complied withthe terms of the Penalty Imposition Notice by taking appropriate action. Evidence of compliance is enclosed, oR 11 This is with reference tothe Decision on Appesl against Penalty No. [Decision ‘on Appel against Penalty No} dated [Date of Decision] received by our ‘organisation under Section 10.3 ofthe Standard Operating Precedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY). 2. We wish to inform you that we have complied with the terms of the Decision ‘on Appeal by taking appropriate action. Evidence of compliance is enclosed. 3, In view of this, we request you to close the penalty proceedings initiated against our organisation. [Signature & Seal of Authorised Signatory] Address and Email ID CC: (f request being sent to MoRD) 1. CTSA 2. SRLM CC to: (ifrequest being sent to SRLM) 1. CTSA 2. Joint Secretary (Skis), MoRD SF 10.3G: Notice of Closure of Penalty Proceedings “70_be printed on MoRD/ SRLM letered> NOTICE OF CLOSURE OF PENALTY PROCEEDINGS To Date: [Name of the Authorised signatory ofthe PIA) Fle No: [Designation of the Authorised signatory of the PIA] Name of PIA Taddress} Project Details ‘Sanction Order (5) No*: ‘Sanction Order Date Project Commencement Date ‘State (5) of Operation: Ref: Request for Closure of Penally Proceedings No.: [Request for Closure ‘of Penalty Proceedings No, dated [Date of Request for Closure of Penalty Proceedings} 4, This is with reference to your request for closure of the penally proceedings initiated against your organisation on the basis of which penalty was imposed vide Notice of Imposition of Penalty dated [Date of issue of Notice of Imposition of Penalty] and which was confrmedimodfied in appeal as pet Decision on Appeal against Penally [Decision on Appeal agsin penalty No. and dater 2. In view of your compliance with the said Notice/ decision of the Appellate ‘Authority®, you are hereby informed that the penalty proceedings initiated as ‘above are now closed. However, the defaul(s) will be recorded and counted atthe time of performance assessments 13, You are hereby advised to comply fully in future with al the norms for project Implementation spectfed in the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY). Any further default willbe viewed seriously and liable for penal action. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘ ‘Adress and Email ID C6; (if issuing authority is MoRD) 4, Chief Executive Officer & Project Head Chief Executive Officer & Project Head CTSA Joint Secretary (Skils) 1 2 a SF 10.3H: Appeal against Penalty - ‘APPEAL AGAINST PENALTY To De ‘The Additional Secretary (Sklls) [SRLM Authorised Person] File No Ministry of Rural Development [Name of SRLM] [Address] Project Details Sanction Order No. Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date Stale(s) of Operation: 4. This is with reference to the Notice of Imposition of Penalty No. {Notice of Imposition of Penalty No} dated [Date of issue of Notice of Impostion of Penalty) issued 10 our organisation under Section 10.3 of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), 2. We have complied with the terms of the abovementioned Notice, Evidence for this i included in Annexure I 3, We wish to appeal against the penalty imposed and request a persons! hearing by the Appelate Authority to present our appeal [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘Adress and Email ID CC: (if sending to MoRD) 4, CTSA 2. SRIM CC: (i sending to SRLM) 4. CTSA 2. The doint Secretary (Skis) Annexure | Statement of Default(s) explana Dials | TSR [Use of SnetPia [evionce | commen | evidence ‘SF 10.31: Decision on Appeal against Penalty ‘To be printed on MoRDY SRLM letarheac> DECISION ON APPEAL AGAINST PENALTY To Date: [Name ofthe Authorised signatory of the PIA] File No: [Pesignation ofthe Authorised signatory of the PIA] [Name of PIA} [Address} Project Details SSanation Order No.*: ‘Sanction Order Date: Project Commencement Date: ‘State(s) of Operation: Ref 1: Notice of imposition of Penalty No. (Notice of Imposition of Penalty No] dated [Date of issue of Notice of Imposition of Penalty} of 2: Appeal against Penalty dated [Date of issue of Appeal apainst Penalty) Ref 3: Personal Hearing Notice No. [Personal Hearing Notice No, dated {Date of issue Personal Hearing Notice] Ret 4 Proceedings of Personal Hearing dated [Date of issue of Proceedings. of Personal Heering] 4. This has reference to the penalty imposed on your organisation for defaut(s) in project implementation under section 10.3 of the Standard Operating Provedures of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushatja Yojana, and the subsequent heering of your appeal against the said penalty. 2, We have considered al the facts and circumstances of the cese and wish to inform you that the penalty Imposed against your organisetion has been canealled herewith. 3. You are hereby informed that the defaults) will be recorded and counted at the time of performance assessments, 4. You are advised to comply fully in future with all the noms for project implementation specified in the Standard Operating Procedures. Any further default wil be viewed seriously ane lable for penal action. oR 4, This has reference to the penalty imposed on your organisation for defaults) in project implementation under section 10.8 of the Standard Operating Provadures of the Deen Dayel Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, and the subsequent hearing of your appeal agains! the said penalty, 2. We have considered all the facts and circumstances of the case and wish to inform you that we have taken the decision to uphold’ modify the penalty Imposed on your organisation. 3. Details of upheld! modified penalty are as follows: ‘ature of Ponaliy (ajo Winor) Datals of Penal imposed ‘Reasons Tor Penaliy postion Process of implementation of Penaly “ation to be taken By PIA ‘Dat by which aaton tobe akan By PA ‘4. You are hereby advised to comply withthe above order within [Days in Number] {days of receipt of this memorandum along with evidence of compliance. Any failure in this regard is likely to result in penal action against your organisation. 5. The memorandum Is being emailed to [Name of the Authorised Signatory), [Primary email i for al communication mentioned in SF 3.3A} and also being Sent fo Your organisation by Registered) Speed Post. The date of receipt of this, ‘memorandum will be deemed to be two days after tne despatch of he mai. 6. Al communications should be sent by email to the address given below along ‘with physical despatch of documents tothe address given below. [Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory] ‘< MoRDI SRLM> ‘Address and Emil 1D Cc: jf asuing authority's MoRD) 1. Chief Executive Offlcr & Project Head 2. CTSA 3. SRLM CC: (issuing authority is SRLM) 1. Chief Executive Officer & Project Head 2. CTSA 3) The doin Secretary (Skis) Annexure | Statement of Default(s) 3] Dat [Datal [Expla | Detal Dest [PIA ] Detai | CTS | Dotal | Com 1 |aut |teot | natio | of ston [app [leof |A__ |Isof | ment N[tu ovis |nof | evid of | eal com |evid | Sof © |. {ence |Pia | ence Peon | wit ‘men RSD, sit Suit ally | ton | sit | MoR any any imp | roa any |D fin | son eal a ls Aut hori y _| Tze 18 Behe pf ‘Annexure 1 440 ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) PLATFORM ‘AND INTERIM ARRANGEMENTS “The proposed IT architecture for DDU-GKY wil be as follows: ‘+All the entities Inthe system like PIAS, State govt,, CTSAs end MoRD will hhave IT systems for monitoring the projects + Primary data enty with reference to PIA project operations willbe done from PIA system. Simiary, any data requirements from CTSA and state govt. wil be done in their raspectve systems. ‘+ Project monitoring will be done from a designated central system to be esignated by MoRD and data integration mechanisms with other systems wil bbe specified by MoRD. ‘The central system, referred as ERP system of DDU-GKY or simply the ERP system, wil be the nerve centre for monitoring projects. a1 CENTRAL MONITOING CENTRE (CMC) PIAs, SRLMs and CTSAs should have @ Central Monitoring Centre (CMC) at an appropriate location ~ their strategic/operational headquarters beirg usually the ‘propriate. It should have regular monitoring and controling mechanism to ensure {ually of project implementation such as counselling of candidates, ensuring proper documentation, quality of training delivery, equipment availablity and maintenance, review of daiy failure report at the centre, trainers’ assessmert, candidates’ assessment and certiication, timely payment of candidate's enitlements and ‘address candidates grievances. Further ensure timely placement, tracking and also address problems associated with candidate transition to work spots. tis suggested that the CMC should have latest facilities to monitor centrally the CCTY footages. 2 call centre to get feedback and monitor the project health and other central ‘monitoring tools, Annexure Mt ‘SF 3.3A: Project execution readiness assessment at Project Headquarter “The form wil be designed and implemented in the ERP system and tilthen the form siven below may be used. The form wil be available on the ERP system to be filed ‘and monitored onine. A print version is given below: [Name ofthe project implementing Agency: (auto filed by system) Project code: (auto filed by system) Project Headquarter along with address ‘Adress for all official communication (preferably same as state ofce address fr PIA f wants a diferent address the same can be indicated here.) Primary recipient email forall communication®™: ‘Organisation management team Tallidy (ante Project head (Organization lov!) 2| France heed (Organization tovel. | Authorised signatory | CEO ‘ote: Same individual may hold one or more designations 7. Heads of core project functions | Funetionary Employee details | DOU-GRY fang deta No. TE [Name] OateoF [ld [Date oftaining | Ceriote appoint tals ‘ment 7 | Projet head 2 [Wi eam head 3. | Finance eae [is head [ Roter7. 1 Project head (Organization fevl lds the posion of Projet heed, than pease repeat the name 2." Finance head (Organization ove) hold the positon of Finance head, hen please repeat the name 3: nance related communication wl be accepted only from one ofthe funconary below: 8. Finance head Finance head (Organization vel) © Project head (Organization eve) 4. Autorsod signatory CEO '. Individual nominated by Authorised signatoryiCEO 4. Al projec elated (non ance) information willbe accopted only ftom the designation below Unless spect expt ‘a. Project heed », Project head (Organization level) 6: Authorised signatory 2. CEO £ Indivual nominated by Authorised signatoyiCEO 5, The functional heads must compulsory bein place before a project is ised 6. Appointment later shouldbe uploaded tothe web-ink {7 DBU-GRY traning certfeate shouldbe uploaded on tothe web-lnk 8, Other Q team members a._ Existing ‘SUN. Employee details DDU-GRY training dots Td [Name] Daloaf [1d] Date ftrsining _] Corticate appoint setals ment b._ Tobe rected Adstional number to be recruited Start date of recutment End date of recrutment Note; Indicative plans o be given here. 9. Manpower deals other than © team) Project operations team Existing Tobe recruited | Total Pracamant Master Tainere cttrades) “Trainers or each ofthe proposed trades (use as many rows the number Engi sll ‘Gomiputer ss Sot eile Genie charges Regional coordinators Post Placement wacking aad abiieaion Finance ras” Hote Te nariber SoU match with the minum prescribed forthe project a per size yes No oO ‘V1. Are course curoulum aligned with NOVTISSCIMORO? 40. ld the PIA ensure rng fencing of PIA Q team from operations team sn comply with ‘SF 3.40€ (without comping with these conditions the project cannot be commenced) 5 | Wecietrade” [Te vas [SOF | Rignodis | Housof ——[ Remarc | ie forwtien tee, | NCVTISS | taining forthe |= Nam [C28 [FOU conteat | appiabt | c course (ora © |e |* Jewswte |etor rodestade issued? | primary s put toger (vesNo) | trade under a ade) [I] | Noe: “fits under NCVT, MES course number should be mentioned along ah total Hours Of taining. If is under SSC, NOS QP code should be mentioned along with hours of training. Copies of curculum shouldbe Uploaded and also shared along withthe document [As some SSC's do not provide course curiclum the PIA should get the coarse cucu (‘epeat only course curculum) approved by an SSC accredited assessment agency “in bo cases the training hours should be equal the hours specified for the courses less the hours earmarked for non-domain training, 12, Avalabity of ferent frm to nit the project ‘+ Registation form for mabitzed candidates © YESC)_=—NO «+ Tools for trade wise screening ofthe candidates YES. NO + Enitlement form yeso NOG + Parent consent form vsso oO + Feedback fom Yeso noo “+ Trade wiso activity cum lesson planner yes noo “+ Trade and batch wise enrolment frm yes Noo + Template or various boards ves noo 18, Outsourcing of actos Cutsourced core activites as per application Namie of he Rally | Agensyname [Te ]eame as] Detals of agreament iveninthe | areas covered and ‘application Petods (copes o be uploaded) Training Pracoment ‘outsourcing of non-core activites ‘Fay BE ‘Raeney Deas of agreement — coutsourved ‘areas covered and periods YeaINo (copies to be uploaded) | obi [Selection & ‘screening of ‘candidatos Tracking Omer “The representative of TSA wil have an intsractve session with the oor prec eam ofthe PIA. During the session, the PIA team should engage actively to develop an overall Understanding of project implementation. ‘Signatur of peojct head Nominated representatives forthe project from SRLM and CTSA ‘gen Name Designation [Ema Prana ‘SRL CTSA, Signature of representative 'SRLM for APSICTSA for YPS Note for online deployment ofthe frm: 4. PlAvill upload the form 2 CTSAISRLN wil validate the dat Sled by PIA after visit othe project Headquarter followed by review as por the timelines as prescribed in the process SF 3.3A1: Project execution readiness assossment at PIA Headquarter “The form wl be designed and implemented in the ERP system and tilthen the form siven below may be used. ‘To be validated and reviewed by SRLMICTSA 41, | ts there an Organisational Sucre in place, dedicstedly addressing all the allowing ~ 2) MIS & Planaing ») eC ©) Content Development ) Operations 2) Placomant 9 call Contre for “TrackingValtdation 9) ERP &IT Support 1h) Quay Assurance 1. Infra & documentation Faculty taining SOP traning & cation Iv. _ CCTV monitoring Prscaii Fin Acts ‘re the Job Descriptions detined fora key job oes inthe xganisation? ‘Ace Job Specticatons (hiring Fequiements) defined for each key sb Role? Have al key personnel beon hired 3s per the Job Speciation for cach Job role? ‘Ae all the personnel aware of their toles and responsiities and their Understanding of ther job is consistent with th db Description Have all porsonnel deployed on the DU GKY program undergone @ reasonable inductoniorentation rogram explaining the following — i. Organisation valves, te, processes et. i Datals of DOU GKY Project Have all personnel, deployed on the project been trained and certified on the DOU GKY SOP Js the bilingual training content and TLM avalable for all courses ‘conducted by the PIA including TT, English and Soft kits Tsai tat Welt) 9. |e there evidence of the training (SMEs and content and TLM being industy Instructional ‘cepted and regulary updated designers involved in Aeveloping the fontent or iis fom recognised! reputable institute tke Nn) 410,| Does the taining content include diferent tvalning.aidsimathodologies ke PPTs, audioNisual content, practical ‘demonstrations, mock exercises, routine tests etc. 11.| Has the taining content and TLM been ‘updated with contemporary industy practices and statutory requirements, 42,| Are there asle Qualification criteria laid down for each type of faculy required and are these cxtora Consietent with relevant NOVTISSC 413,| Are ll hed trainers meeting the laid down qualification ertoria 14,| Have all alners undergone a formal facitaion skils program and do they have a recognised certificate for the 45,| 1s there are 9 gular Trainor ‘development program conducted by the organization to keep thelr skis contemporary pean gue | 20) (ano) 16,| Is there a funcional ERP for managing In absence of the entre tle cycle of @ Trainee Jan ERP. (or avaiable and working in the small ‘organisation organisations), ie there an atemate system of data coletion and analysis available and working in the organisation 17.| ls te ERP, or altemate data collection tool, being regulary used and updted wath ve data everyday 418,|1s the ERP generating exception reports showing important areas of ron-complance o lag in project, for the senior management 10.| Are such exception reports being viewed seriously and timely acton taken by concerned people 20,| Are extraordinary achievements ofthe team which help in program elverabes, being highightes by the ERP and rewarded appropriately by the management 21.| Has regular intemal and extemal fsssasement of students been Insttutionaged into the DNA of the ‘organisation 22,| Is addtional fot being made to track ‘and upgrade the sklls of woak students | Je the CCTV footage with good audio ‘and video quality regularly avaiable {tom Training contres Is there a system in place to monitor COTY footage for qualty of citcal parameters 2s, Is COTY footage being roguary monitored by a teamMasier Trainers {for evaluation of taining qualy Is evidence of fre same avaliable through records. ‘Axe instances of poor ualtylapses in inrastructureatiendance being brought to the notice of the senior ‘management Is oorective acton being taken on ‘such reporslapses obsorved through CCTV montering and folow up review happening to ensure compliance, is thare a dedlosted Placement teem headed by a falty senior person deciated to this actvty Is the placement team roguary ‘meeting employers to capture requirments of manpower including feedback of trained and. previously Placod cance Js the feedback from employers regulary incorporated ito the traning ‘eaime a. ‘re the placement targets being met — if not what comactiva acton 1s bing | taken Js. the placement team regularly meeting pod candidates to dently thoi pln areasiobtin thelr feedback Is the placement toam proving any post placement support to ensure better retention of candidates after placement Does the PIA have a regular call centre to mortor placements and keep track f placed candidates ‘Ae there recordslevidence avaliable of requar placement validation actly ‘and is the placed candidates data updated Is there @ formal mechanism for regular revow of the program at the Head ofos level chaired bythe CEO? ‘Annexure 4.7 OUTLINE OF ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION PIA wall have to conduct Internal and extemal assessment of the candidates. The process for internal and external assessment and cetiication are detaled below: {A.7. Internal and formative assessment and course completion ‘overview Purpose Cutine procedures for internal assessment and course complation certfication of candidates Reference to | Para, page 29 Guidelines Prorequisitels | Admission ofa candidate to a batch Time for | Continuous during the traning completion Resourcels ‘SF 4.7: Common instucton for Internal and extenal assessment ‘atiiction of candidates and SF 47A1: Formathe assessment of candidate Process owner | PIAOP team aI To aa fear ‘Hold tests, save the tests in ‘candidates personal ‘ssler and upload them to a Trainers of PIA | » Conduct ome Every fortnight ‘SF 47At assessment of candidates Fema on Ate, Skis and assossme Knowedge (ASK) come PKG intemal assessments Verly | As por nepecion SATA ana je|* CoTVeampws oftests | schedule. Foritamal | 5.2 ‘teamvAcademic |" toing conducted onthe | assessments - Training committee of | examination process Check randomly selected | centre ea Candidates andardomy | inspection + Retest candidates and | seoctd videos during « fompare periomance | conve sk. Inspect ios of sessment proces on + Verity formative assesament |e fst ister the Beth repatfthe candidates | is ained SFATAT For APS SRL Same caus we Citar | As par nepocion secile [ SFA TA an But on a diferent set of B2A randomly selected ances + To. very enecated Seriied by PIA Q team Inetusing the inspection Hotes and compeance to the Plas. eam obooratons. + Very formative Sr art assessment report of the candidates os + Check on Gteam and] As par repodton sched, [SF.7A and 'SRLM repos 520 + Very formative assessment SFA report ofthe candidates For Ves TSA ‘Sam chacks as OToam but on | As prinspecton schedule | SFATA and 4 diferent set_of randomly B2A feloced candcate. In ation, check ene randomty selocted candela ftom Songs! he candidates vrliog Tai oa Verily formate assessment SF ATA ‘SRL Same checks ae C Team | Re por inspection schedile [Se 47K and but on diferent set of 524 + Vert formative SF ATA ‘cancites “+ Follow up on comaianes ‘Of SRLMs observations, 3 nea entation i ae = = ‘Accreditation and afiaton of center Extormal assessment and ceriication of cenddates by National Counc for Veationa Training (NCVT) and Sector Skil Counc Reference to guidelines Prerequisitels [Anytime ater uploadngot sanction order (1) ‘Time for completion Edornal assessment: Assessment tobe done in te lat ton days of taining by an agency ‘accredited by NCVTISSC ‘SF 4.7A: Common instuston or iternal and ‘catiication of PIAOP team Process owner cana lb cei cores tohe serait a Soi) seten) | scent Cea PA For 88 For NCVT toconcemned ROAT contre ‘Application for Testing centre Obtain approval of testing | winin 10 days of SF 478: Inttions for ‘Apply for accreditation of Before due dtigence of |onine application {raining centre fora job rol to | the conte fora tade |for accreditation NSDCISSC on the designated ee ce hanes (80) 1 testing centre (NCVT) Obtain afiation rom SSC | BY uploading training centre information on the ERP (Normally i takes almost 30 days to complete the afiition) \wanin 8 days of due] cligence approval by| ‘SRLMICTSA ‘application External Assessment of candidates (applicable for both SSC and NCVT trades) PIAOP toam | ootain canfimation about | ABH=ssarent has 10 ‘Apply with compete dotas of | within 5 days of batch] SF: are fa batch to be assessed along | freezing10 days before | Instuctons for with payment for assessment | the data of| online. application fee to SSCINCVT and prot of | assessment fer accrediation payment to be uploaded on ‘and afllaton ERP (ssc) 1 testing ‘entre (NOVT) "| dng win 10 dy ‘assessment date and logistics | completion of Batch (i requred to conduct| candidates have OST faesossment and assessment | PIA has an option to date tobe uploaded on ERP | complete the fasseeement —eihor before or after the hig should be Cont sssert to | and ne sen SSCINCVT — empanelled | orner), As perth assessment To ensure capture and cane cone eae te tas ‘SF 528: CCTV - ‘assessment ofeach batch Specifications, location and recording, review and storage of chapter 5 PIA Team — | To review CCTV footages of| As por the inspection | SF 5.28: CCTV assessment as per the | schedule ‘Speciation, Instuction given in SF 52K: locaton and “raining contre inspection recerding, review ‘and storage of chapter SRLMICTSA | To review COTY footages of| As per the inspection] SF 5.28 CCTY - easement as per the | schedule Spoctoations, Instruction ghen in SF 5.24: Training conte inspection tocaton and recording, reviow ‘and storage of chapter 5 Cortitication of candidate (applicable for both SSC and NCVT) cane cee ‘SSCINCVT | Upload the result in their own | Within 10. days of SF 4.7C: Exim: ‘website or share the | assessment ‘assassment Information with PIA ‘completion of@ batch cartficate report Assessment Corticates to be | within 45 days from {saved tothe PIA ‘competion of ‘assessment PIAGP team | Upload certificate details on| within 7 days of SF 4.7C: Extemal ERP and disrbute certificate | receipt of certicale assessment tothe candidates catiiate report Purcteam — | verity complete certtcate| As per the Inspection SF 4.70: Extemal dotails updatod for the schedule ‘assessment ‘candidates on ERP cetcate report SRLM for APS| Cross-verly Q team report| As per the inspection SF 47C: Extemal fand CTSA for| with certificate details updated | schedule ‘assessment Ps forthe candidat on ERP ctcate report CTSAforAPS | Cross-verty SRLM roport on] As por the inspection SF 4,7C; Extemal ith certiflcate dotais updated | schedule ‘assassment {or the candidatos on ERP ceatiicate report ‘Not: * if catioat isnot Issued by SSCINCVT within 45 days from completion of assessment, PIA has to escalate the issue to SRLM at State level and MoRD at cental evel. ll delays wil bb consolidatod and akon up with SSCINCVT, SF 4.7A: Common instruction for Internal and external assessment; ‘cartifcation of candidates Internal assessment protocol Sched for Internal assessment for a 3 month programme is as follows; “Two fortnight tests ater complation of 15 and 45 days of traning “Two monthly tests after completion of 30 and 60 days of training ‘One pre final test around 10 days before the final assessment by an external agency ‘acoredited with NCVTISSC. “The days when tests are to be conducted are indicative but can vary as per the lesson plan and this has o be indicated in SF 4.5A; Activity cum lesson planner In adition, surprise quizzes can be held for continuous assessment and feedback Note: If OJT is part of the training the PIA has freedom to complete the assessment ‘schedule before or after the OJT. However, PIA has to indioate the same in activity ‘cum lesson planner of Chapter 4 [Al intemal assessments, both theory and practical, wil be captured or COTY Video footage wil be viewed during inspection schedules by PIA @ team, SRLM and Ts. ‘Attendance inthe internal assessment tests is compulsory. ‘The number of teats for courses of other duration wil increase proportonately. External assessment protocol Itis to be ensured that all the eligible candidates appear for external assessment, At least 70% of trained candidates should clear the extemal assessment test and become eligible for certification by NCVT/SSC. PIA should provide another chance to the failed candidates to appear for assessment test at its own cost ‘Success in external assessment wil be used as a clterion for 2°, 5%, 4" and final instalment release as epecfied in SF 3.4B: Decision rules for release of 2%, 3%, 4" ‘and final instalment in Chapter 3 and also for grading ofthe PIA as per chapter 8, Candidates wo are not eligible for certcation as per rules of the certfying body (NGVTISSC) should also be assessed. The assessment should be conducted by ‘agencies empanelled with NCVTISSC and folow the same assessment procedure ‘2 followed for assessment of NCVT/SSC candidates. If these canddates clear the ‘ssessment test PIA should arrange certification from the assessment body, Ths wil be of nap tothe candidates in their future endeavours. ‘The assessment has to be captured on the CCTV. It willbe reviewed when the next batch is inspected. Note: If OUT is part of the training the PIA has freedom to comploto the external assessment before or after the OJT. However, PIA has to indicate the same in ‘activity cum lesson planner of Chapter 4 Certification protocol For iseue of certificates 4 categories of candidates will emerge based on two criteria: |) Whether @ candidate has eligiiliy criteria prescribed by NCVT/SSC and i) Has @ Candidate cleared the asseesment test. The 4 categories and the action to be taken 's given in the Table below. a candidate fuls both the criteria (Category 1 in the Table) PIA has to ensure that 2 cartficate from NCVTISSC is issued. Ifthe candidate clears the assessment test but s not eligible as per criteria fixed by NCVTISSC (Category 2 in the Table) he will jot a cetficate from the assessing body. In all the cases including category 3 and 4, candidates should get a course completion cetficate to be issued by the PIA in the prescribed proforma of Annexure 4.7A(i) and Annexure 4.7A() Has a candidate cleared the assessment test? Yes No Whether a| Yes Category 1 Category 9 candidate has clgibititycrteria Wat get the caticate | Only course peecbed aby from NCVTISSC | completion ceteate Nevtisse? from PIA No Category 2 Category 4 Wal get certicate | Only course from assessing body | completion certcate from PIA as per | annemire-4.70() for DDU-sKY and 4.79) for Rosh Distribution of certificates Certificate should either be handed over to the candidates in person or sent by registered post to thei residential address, Recard of acknowledgement or proof of dispatch to ba maintained at canta ‘Annexure 4.7A(i) "Certificate of Proficiency fn. ——- (Sector) General rules: Regarding Training Duration, PIA use traning hours (with hrs. in word) according to ‘3 months! 6 months! 9 months! 12 months as given below: For 8 months: 676 Five Seven Six) For 6 months: 1152 (One One Five Two) For 9 months: 1728 (One Seven Two Eight) For 12 months: 2304 (Two Thvee Zero Four) In Final Certicate don't mention Words which are in“; those are for information purpose. Colour Code Combination: Notification, 31.2014 For Ad Size Page: India Emblem and State Emblem size 2.65 x 1.88 ¢m For Ad Size Page: PIA Logo size permissible maximum 2.5 x 5 om SF 4.71: Formative assessment of candidate 5 | Factors ‘Description of factor Weightag N 3 a 7 | Damain ee ‘Abi to caety aut a ae with pro-dalrmined resale 3 nd to the salsaction of customers, often win a ven ‘mount of ime, eneray, or both 2 | Verbal ‘Abit eter and understand, fo read aloud and 3 ‘communication | summarize (e.g. newspapers), and to efictivaly communicstethoughs 3 | Basie computer and | Abit to navigate computor and operate Took 3 internet operational | Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Exco, PowerPoint, ‘kil Outlook Express or ancther email program, Windows ‘Share Folders or other programs fo sharing information, Knowledge o 7 | Damain mnonledge | Thorough Knowadge about the ST what ts, wha a customers are looking fe, how te do why Is quired, how to delight customers 5] T mowedge ‘Knowledge about how to use computer, MiosaT 5 Office, Tablet PC and browse the ntemet to make work easier 6 | Erik Knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and domain fran 5 ingle language 7 | Numeracy and | Able underetand and werk wih numbers, anda e logis! reascning | solve problems based on ralonal, systematic sorescf steps 3 Other: General] General nowedge 5 knowledge, fancial_| Financial racy. Knowledge of fhance such as PF, Hersey. ESI, et. Righis & Knowledge of igh and responsibiies as cizen id responsboiies | as DDU-GKY candidate (ncluaing post placement benefits) Factors ‘Description of factor ‘aitade (Guidance note fo ienliy areas wire candidate fs strong ‘2nd aroas that candidate needs to develop to improve his ‘hances to progress in career. T | Poncuaiy “The fact of dang Wings a the agreed or caveat ime and not boing at, sch as candidates attends raring regulary and on time 7 | Bilgence & hard work ‘Careful and thorough work efor awards WaT har goals 3 | Condens ‘Asli in own ably to do things andl be soosstu with ‘confident posture (straight, eye contact, strong handshake) and not afl to speak out or make mistakes a Team spine ‘Gualty of working well asa member of team, ‘collaborating wih otters and helping them as heeded | Leadership & nave “Tho ably to ba a leader or ro quai a good leader should have such as abit o take decisions, negotiate, ete © | Etiguatie and polteness “The csomary code of pli behaviour at war and in society, including hygiene, cleanliness, respect oral iragpactve of easte, gonder or og 7 | Guay consciousness The atitudo of cooking fo improve qualy ol eenviba and ‘rodct constant o delight customers, rather han justo ota certain et goal 3 | Aap “The quality af being able To change or be changed i order to deal successfully with new situations, wih optimism 1 | rts & values “The quai hat somebody has tat makes people Deleve ‘or tut them. This comes from the the qualy of Beng honest and having stg mora principle 70) Cavioany ‘A sirong desire to know or lea, and proadively Wakes steps to Increase sil and knowiedge ‘Note to Tisnar: Canto’ Strengths and Development opportunites can be identified based on attude and parcpation in classroam and exra-cumiulr actus (such a8 carom, table terms, voleyball runnin, keke, rope-pulng, football ecko, quiz, debates, open-mic, oar References: Factors undor ‘attitude! based on exiting research and surveys on what employers look for nos ST nlm} and conversations with employers 1. Domain knowledge 2. Computer knowledge and skit 3. Punctuality 4. Diligence an hard work Development opportunities (your chances to succeed at work willean be Improved if you put mere afert on these) 4 Domain sil try to fed mere tne to practice 2, Communication: ry to find more time to practice 3, Confidence: ry to speak out more in class, stand straight, et. ‘Aroas of improvement from previous assessment: 1 2 3 ‘Sample Report ~ Assessment ‘Assessment 1 _Assessment2 Assessment _ Assessment 4 ‘Sal Demain is 35% Verbal & 20% ‘communication ‘Basic computerand | 60% Interet operational ss Knowledge = Domain knowidge 70% TTknowledgo 20% English 85% Numeracy and 3% al logleal reasoning ‘ier: General 3% knowledge & financial ea ‘Strengths: Further instructions on role of Acadamic Role: + Trainer and Academic committee ofthe PIA should assess the performance of the candidates an a continual basis + Assessing trainer's abities and training delivery quality should be an Jmportant component ofthe Academic commites work. + Trainer performance should be continually assessed by the Academic Committae and input provided for thairimaravamant Equipment condition should be continuously reviewed and down time should ‘be minimised, ‘TLM should be continuously updated. Develop interactive material for the Tablet computers. 7B: Instructions for online application for accreditation and affiliation (SSC) testing contre (NCVT) + Application form for accreditation and afflation of training centre under SSC is avalable at the web link snsesingl Docu suments(Afflation Format “raining-Providers-affliated-1o-Government-Schemes.od! ‘+ Online application for testing centre for NCVT avaliable at the web ink: hips: sis. gov in ‘SF 4.7C: Extemal assessment certificate report ‘Namo ofthe PI Traing coire Adare Sanction ltr Nor Projet unique i contre 0: Batch: Course name Course code atch start date Batch end date Unique 10 | Canaidat | Course tho| Name of | Certyin | Dato of ‘of the|eName |in which | candidate | Assessmen | g Agency | Cortificatio Candidat the | eligible (scl | e candidat | per Nev) fe is| SSCINCVT trained |? (resto) Note 4. @ team, SRLM and CTSA wal vrfy the details entered in th form wth the details ‘avalebe Inthe cetfeste uploaded in the ERP system for each candidate 2. Certifeate wil be uploaded against each candidate in ERP once the module Is functional TH that timo, thas o be shared manually Annexure V 2 INSPECTION OF TRAINING CENTRE a Purpose “To describe inspection procedures to ensure compliance af earler checks check the documentation + assess the quality of traning and + overall performance of traning centres Reference to guidelines | Para 32 17, page 23 Prerequisites ‘esas To apd ‘SF 101: Duo dligonce of training corte (excluding residential facsies) + SF 5.102: Due dligence of resident faites {SF 5-1HI: Batch summary a8 on day of tach freezing {SF 5:1H2: List of candidat in the batchand their profile + SF5:1: Attondance registers for candidtes (as por bbomettio) + SF'5.14: Atendance ogisters for tainrs (as por biometric) ‘+ SFP: List of equipment in the training centre {+ SF5.10: Listof equipment inthe trainees" ‘a0commadatonfecites (applicable for residential trang ony) “+ SF'5AT: Daly fare tems report SF SAU: 15-day summary of conte stats “Time Tor completion | Asporthe inspection schedule Resourcels ‘SF 82K: Talring corite iepacon and as por the SFs Tsted forthe aces table below racoss owner PIAOP toa ‘Activities ran aa eeu Tocnsure ‘uration varios — ‘+ Avalabity of alecords as per_|.28._ per _ each Tet gen in due digence and | activity and time Infermatin about the ats to | for completion is be cared autal the centre on | shown against ERP the actly 1+ Proper functioning ofthe trsining iigence lst centre [PRGTwan | + cary outanapesionss —_|Asperthe ——/SFS2R fd in SF: 5.28 ry rir conten ‘Shere inspection report and ‘advisories with SRLMICTSA + Folow up for compliance For APS. ‘SRL 7 Gary out the inspection as] As per the |SF 52K elaled in SF'5.2A Inspection + To votly toms checked by PUA] schedule @ team Including the Inspection holes. and compiance of the IAs Q team 1+ Share inspection report and | Within 3 days of visors wth PIA. for| conduct of ‘compliance and CTSA for| inspection information cTsa > Cany out the Inepocion as| As por the |SF52K otal in SF: 5.24 Inepecton ‘+ Check on team and sruM | rele ‘eports and share the advisories + Share inspection report and ‘advisories wth PIA for Ler Naso | Wihin 3 days of ‘compliance and SRLM to peas ne inspection PIA OP | Gomply withthe advisories shared | Witin 5 days of | SF52A _ receipt of fiscries PIA Gieam | Ensue compliance ofthe advcoros | Within B days of /SF52A receipt of svisories ‘SRLM | Very compliance report of PIA G team [AS | per the /SF52A ‘and intiate action as per dofeut | Scedule | procedure and report CTSA pers For ves. +} CTSA + Cany out he iepecion as dolaled Ae per the SF SAA in SF 5.28 Inspection + To vary toms checked by PIA Q| schedule but not team incdng the inspection notes | ater than 3 days fend compliance ofthe Plas Qteam | of inspection conducted | ‘+ Share inspection report and savisories th PIA for compliance | Witin 3 days of _ conduct fl ra ‘and SRLM for information inspection PIA OP | Comply withthe advisories shared Within 5 days of S528 receipt of ‘cam iors, PIR Gam | Ensure compliance ofthe advaoios [Win 8 Gaye of| SE SZK recaipt of avisries CTSA | Verily complanes report of PIA Q team | As per the | SF52A ohedtle procedure ‘and nate action as per default Beau resorbed in chapter ‘SF §.2A: Training centre inspection ‘Added Annexure land Annexure ll under SF 5.24, Annexure I: List of items to be verified during desk verification Desk Verification ‘wane of Verifeation Proof = ‘F465: On the job Waning | Documents uploaded on ERP to | OIT confirmation letter and conflation letter for be verified with candidates | audio transcript of candidates through telephone callfor | candidates interview randomly 5 selected candidatesin a batch ‘SFA.GC: OT completion Documents upleaded on ERP TO ‘OFT completion certfcate certieate for candidates | be verified with candidates | and audlo wanscrigt of ‘through telephone cllfor | candidates interview randomly 5 selected ‘candidates in a batch SFAD: Verification forOiT | Telephon verification with | Audio warwariptof randomly selected candidates. | caneidates confirmation inabatch SFA7C: Ertemal assessment | Verified with ERP System forall | Gericate verification 8 certificate report the candidates’ ‘Uploaded inthe ERP system ‘SALA: Candidate Feedback form SF5.112:Summary ofthe feedback given by the candidatesin SF 5.11: On completion of training programme Complation of feedback of ‘candidates and action taken report Report shed by PIA SF5.M: Summary of ‘As uploaded in the ERP system | Report shared by PIA evaluation and assessment | batch wise tone SF 4.7A1: Formative assessment of candidate ‘SF 5,101 Training certieate_| verifying record of ‘Document verfeation as ‘Acknowledgement and Courier | uploaded inthe ERP system ispatched. 33102: Taining verifying record of ‘Document verification as completion certificate [Acknowledgement and Courier | uploaded ir the ERP system distribution record ispatche. ‘SF 54U: 15-day summary of | As updated inthe ERP Report shaved by PA centre status system/PIA internal website _| SF 630d: Batch deals validate from ERP system | Batch deta report ‘SFESAT Batch enrolment [validate from ERP system | Batch detals report summary ‘SF 63A6:Listof candidates | validate rom ERP system | Batch detais report, after freezing ofthe batch SF 6387: Ust of candidates | validate from ERP system tobe | Biometric attendance after competion of training _| cross verfed wth biometric ofthe batch attendance _| Annexure I: List of items tobe verified during on site verification Desk Variation Means of Verification | Proof ‘SF 4.34: English sls content| ‘Checking ofthe TLM for | Pho:ograph ofthe Englsh sills book and | fron page and any content as mentioned in | onepage from SFA: English ails | inside the book content of chapter 4 $F 4.36: Computer sll content ‘Checking the TeM for | Photograph of the computer skis and | frort page and any content as mentioned in| onepage from 5.4.3 B: Computer sis | insie the book content of chapter 4 ‘FIC Soft sls content ‘Checking the Tua for | Phetopraph ofthe soft lls and content as | frort page and any mentionedin sé4.3.C: | onepage from Soft stil content of | insie the book. L chapter 4 ‘F&2K: Domain curiculam content and | As prescribed by Ae parthe equipment Nev/ssc Insbuctons given in point no.15 of Dut agence form related to class roomy Domain lab subheading ‘SFA.SA: Aatvty eam Tess planner CCTV Footage Photograph of Verieation ‘Activity cum lesson planand samples vides footage ‘SF &BA: Daly distribution oF Taba CoV footage Photograph of computers verification Activity cum lesson planand sampled video footage ‘SF S.1Ai: Look and feel ofa traning centre | To be verify physcaly | Photographs during the inspection ‘FS.IAR: Training centre name board | Tobe verfy physically | Photographs during the inspection ‘FSIAT Hostel centre name board “Tobe very physically | Photographs during the inspection ‘FS ABI Actiy summary and “To be verfy physically | Photographs achievement board uring the inspection SF 5.182: Contact detail ofimportant | Tobe verify physicaly | Photographs people uring the inspection ‘SF 5.183: Basie Information Board [Taiing | To be very physically | Photographs Cente) during the inspection ‘SF 5.184; Basi Information Board “Tobe verify physically | Pho:ographs (esidential Centre) daring the inspection ‘SF 5.185: Academic information Board [To be very physically | Phocoaraphs during te inspection ‘FS AB6: Living Area Information Board | To be verify physically | Phoxographs during the inspection ‘SF5.487; Code of conduct for candidates [To be verity physically | Phoxopraphs during te inspection ‘SF 5.188; Food specication: (residential | Tobe verify physically | Photographs and centre) during the inspection | video of verification and aso cross verify | wit the With the eanaidates | candidates. [SF SACL: Stadent entitlement Goardand | To verify physcaly | Photographs responsibilities boaed ding the inspection SF5.1C1A:Student Attendance and To and | Verify with SFS5.1I: | Photographs Frotntitlement Summary information | Attendance register for Board Candidates (As per Biometric) 7 SF5.2h Attendance register for ‘Trainers (As per Biometric) ‘BF SACE Welcome Rte Wainees| ‘Ask about ihe content| Photographs of ‘ofthe welcome kit & | checklist of tems approximate dateby | given tothe which they received, | candidates and ideo of verification withthe candidates. SSAC Fiat ald et Physically very during the inspection Veriication as per the Ist of Fest aid et specified in SOP “FSADE: Due diigence ofa raining |inffastucture verified | Photograph/video centre (excluding residential facilities) _| during due dligence_| of verification 'F 5.102: Due dligence for residential [Infrastructure verified | Photograph/video facities during due dligence _| of verification ‘SF 5.1F: Conaidate 1D template Pysiealy very with] Photograph ofthe ‘the randomiyS selected | cancidates candidates ‘FS. AGH Index of ndvidual candidate | Document tobe Video recording oF dossier validated with the | interview with fandomly selected | canddates Seandidates ina batch ‘FBR: Parenid consent form Document to be Video recoring of validated with the | intview with randomly selected | candidates candidates a batch ‘SERIA Plan of Wang ysialy verily atthe | Copy ofthe plan of training centre training avalale at the Taining contre FEA Attendance registers Tor candidates | Verly with Biometric | Bionetric Record (as per biomerric device) [Attendance Record and | andCCTV footages ‘CCTV footages for randomly selected candidates in a batch SF Sai: Attendance registers Tor wainers | Verify with Blometic | Biometric Record (as per biometric device) Atendance Record and. | andCCTV footages (CCTV footages ———— (applicable for residential traning only) SF 5.1K: Cheeklstof tems given to Verity CcTv footages | CCT\ footage and candidates with randomly Vides recording of selected candidates | candidate's fom a batch interview ‘SFSAPiLstoF equipment inthe raining [Confirm by viewing | Verity withthe centre crv footage forany | of equipment that five dyson which | must be available in practical trainings | the waining centre Schedules as per the aly activity planner, since the star ofthe batch ‘FSG; Lntof equipment avaliable inthe | verify with the Very wth the st trainees accommodation facilities candidates of equipment must be aalabe in the Fesicential centre ‘5.7 Daly falure hems report Tobe verily wth the candidates and CCTV footage Video footages while cross ‘verification with the candidates and centre in charge | SF6IAR Overview ofapitude test Tobe verify withthe | Video footages candidate dossier and | while cross Confirm withthe vetieation with candidate the andidates. ‘SF S.1ED Wainer? profile Physialy verify during | Relevant Inspection ‘documents for Trainers walfication and Experience inthe Dorrain and non- domain hee dealing with, ‘SF&AR: Finishing and workreadiness | CCTV Tootage review for | CCTV footage module randomly selected days ‘SF 3.104: Details of Centre Incharge and | Physically verfy during | Trainers trainers inspection asperthe | attendance, CTY Updated record foorge and canddate’s feedback ‘SF 5.181 Summary of aff deployed atthe | Physically verly dung | Biometric talning centre inspection attendance of the trainer and CCTV footage SF 4.6A:Onthe job training plan forthe | Plantobe checked _|Telephonic/physical_ batch whether the proposed | verification with ‘uTisin the same trade | the randomly ordifferent. solested candidates froma batch 'FS.ANTA/ DR calulation record (batch | verify withthe Bionetee Wise) ~To be linked with biometric candidates’ attendance | atterdance and attendance Video footages while ess vertfeaton with | the candidates SF 5.28: CCTV - Specifications, location and recording, review and storage Specifications ‘These specifications are aimed at ensuring a minimum standard setup at each Training Centar in DDU-GKY program. Each Training Center wil have to accordingly make necessary addition! modification in order to comply with these specications latest by 31.12.2016, All projects going to start operations after Issuance of these specications wll have to ensure compliance from the beginning. All existing projects going to open new training centers have to ensure compliance for these training Centers from the stat, All existing training centers will have to ensure compliance latest by 31.12.2016, Due aligence and! or inspection protocol of Training Centers will appropriately include review of compliance on these specications. 1p Camera The image! video quality of camera should be of high standards and the hardware should be ready to operate in all environments and all weather Installation of the camera shall cover all the areas where monitoring and survellance is requied for the taining centers, including, academic instruction, assessment and marking of attendance. Cameras should be placed such that all the concerned candidates should be visible in each frame ‘being captured, Few relevant parameters and specifications thereof are listed below for easy reference: enon Image sensor & Effective Phx | 1/3" or better CMOS Progressive Scan & (Resolution) Minimum (2 MP), D4 or beter Electronic Shuttor ‘130 to 1 10,00 sor bettor Min iurinaiony ight sensitivity (Colour o | Minimum 0.5 ux (30 IRE, F 12} or better batter Backlight Compensation oNorF IRIS Cont 1 or Automatic Focus ‘Automatic Manual ‘Atomatic Goin Control ‘Automatic! Manual Cour, rightness, Contrast Configurable funetionalty Required Frame Rate Minimum 12 FPS Lens te 2.8mm Vatocal ons or better video Day and Night functionality Automate, Color, Mono ARiuminator Ituminator may be interna or external 8 visbity should be at oast 15m video Reson Mrnimum D1 orbetor ‘Video Streams Indvidaly configurable 02 video. streams (#4254, MPEG 1) Video Compression Recording & Viewing Dual H.264 oF better, lossless compression reauies ude Au support as spooled ‘below under microphone Auto Compression Minimum 6.711 oe bat AACASKCHe or eter Two-way ausio ptioal Input Output o1IN&01 OUT Inertace RU-A6 or 10100 baso-T Etherret Urorede “Through web browser, cnn, fmware upgrade Network Protocols) other ‘compabiily and support protocols PVG, TOPIP, HTTP, DHCP, UDP, DNS, SMTP, RTP, RTSP, SNMP protocaléShould meet all functnal requirement ofthe project ‘Alarm Event Events / alerts send via FTP, HTTP, email, Pre- Post aiam video buerng. ‘Aer vO 4 potent Free In 1 Out compliance ONMF Profle S or better Securty Password Protection Required HTTPS enerytion Required lee auz.x Required oneal Operational temperature °C orc 50°C Pinan Humiity (010 80% RH non-condensing Power PoE (Upto 15.4 Watt) OR eACZ4VI DCI2V, 100- 230VAC Cortcatins ULand CEVENI FOG ova Storaga ‘80 card support ‘Agat rom NVR server, Gamera should support ‘SD card up to 22 GB. In the event of falure of connectivty tothe local mactine / servers the ‘camera shall record video lcaly onthe SD card ‘aulomatialy. After the comecy is restored these recordings shall be autematiclly merged ‘or can be merged manually 2s & when required ‘with the server recording such that no manual intervention i required to varsfer the SD card based rooortings to server. Microphone and Portable recorder ‘Audio captured in classroom, labor during interview! other proceedings et will have to be ofthe best quality fr ensuring Speech Analytis using an appropriate analytics, software usod by MoRDY CTSA/ State. The microphone! lapel’ portable digital recorder placement shouldbe close tothe trained instructor! assessor! inspector in ‘order to capture hishherspooch clearly for enabling a meaningful Spech Analytics Tater, Audio fotage recorded will have to be stored for vansfr to fetch from an authorized remote system, separately from CCTY footage. This audio Fotage will be ‘ompared with aio on CCTY footage fr a match to ensure compliance. Minimum ‘Specifications fr microphone and portable digital recorder are as follows: ‘+ Omni-irctional lapel microphone + Portable digital recorder, wearable on person “+ Tempo change (VSA) function for adjusting the speed from 0.5 to 1.5, times (in 0.1 increments) + Powered by batteries, USB power or optional AC adapter +16 bILPCM wav format Network Video Recorder (NVR) or Local Server with NVR functionality ‘Supports a Broad Range of IP Cameras and NVR supports H.264, MPEG-<4, MPEG, and other higher formats for recording from mutiple ONVIF compliant IP camera model. Inteligent Video Analytics (IVA) for Fast Video Retrieval with support of out of focus, and camera occlusion to provide fast video retrieval ‘Compatbilty between the NVR and the surveillance devices are strengthened to provide more event handling options when events are detected or slarms are triggered on the IP camerss. RAID Data NVR shall support RAID 1, 5, 6, 5thot spare, 6thot spare to protect the recording data against hard drive failure. Convenient video backup to extemal USB storage through one-touct-auto- ‘video-backup button to copy the data from the NVR to an external attached storage device LAN switch ‘Switch will ave fo be provided at each Training Center for connacting ‘cameras fo NVR local Server. Minimum requirement is as follows: It should be manageable switch, minimum 8 port 10/100 base 7 POE access ports. It should support all L2 functionalities along with SNMP & port level security. Should be IPVE ready. ‘Switch should have non-blocking wite-speed architecture with support for both IP v4 8 (Pv ‘Switch should support Dual Field Replaceable & upgradable Power Supplies Switch should support queuing as per IEEE 802.1P standard on all ports wlth mechanism for traffic shaping and rate-imitng features for speciied Host, network, Applications et. ‘Switch shall support minimum 0 to 50°C continuous operating temperature range and operating relative humiy: Up to 90% non-condensing WAN router Route! functionality will have to be provided at each Training Centro ensue CCCTY footage sabe to be fetched remotely by MoRDICTSA/State. Router should hve public Static IP for making it ircly accesible by authorised systems. Router should be of good quality, temperature and humidity resistant, compliant withthe latest industry standards an compatible with appropriate protocols freasy and ‘secure connectivity with LAN devices as well 8 easy and secure accessibility from an Authorised remote system. ‘Storage of CCTV footage (Video ancl Audio) Appropriate loca sorage capacity will have to be provide at each Training Cntr es per fxtant guidelines! SOP along witha reliable archival and restoration system inplace. This Storage wll have to accommodate all the audio/video recording from above specified Cameras and end recorder. Recording must be stored frat least 3 1/2 mons beyond {taining completion for each batch with proper ags for easy recognition and traceability of ‘TC, Batch, Dateime, location ete. Nomenclature of Footage ~ PRN no., Project Code (as per MoRD designated ERP system), TC code (as per MoRD designated ERP system), Batch no. (), date (last Gate of footage in démmyyyy format). All these parameters in that order should be concatenated in a single sting without space. CCTV footage forthe folowing events of every batch should be stored tl the project 's closed by MoRD: External assessment for each baton ‘Alinteral assessments fr each batch Distribution of welcome kit the candidates on batch freezing date Centre inspection by PIA @ team, SRLM and CTSA team members Video footages of some particular events as advised by PIA Q team, SRLM and CTSA other than those above ‘Sample videos viewed during the inspection schedules as per SOP ‘Nomenclature ofthe sample footage - SAM, PRN no, Project Code (as per MoRD fesignated ERP system), TC code (as per MORD designated ERP system), Batch no. Q), date (ast date offotage in ddmmyyy forma, All hese parameters in that ordershould be concatenated in single sting without space, Sampled CCTV footage, ination to being ‘Stored safely wll be uploaded othe MoRD designated ERP system and also on PIA website. Entire CCTV footage of a batch should be stored in the training centre til the inspection schedules speciied in SOP forthe batch are completed. Bandwieth ‘Adequate bandwith, say, 1 Mbps per camera shouldbe provided at each Training Center to ensure remote monitoring anor fetching of CCTY footage from an tuthorzed remote system, Each Training Center wil have to ensure ttt bandwidth ‘Shall not become abotleneck in viewing fetching CCTV footage remotely and therefore will make necessary enhancements as demanded by MORDICTSA/Siate to censure the same, Power and UPS ‘Adequate power supply and UPS back-up wil have tobe provided fora trouble free ‘operition ofall the above spectied equipment Review of CCTY footage [Video and Audio} CCT footage for review wil be selected through a system generated randomized scheme. Footage viewed on sample basis will bo saved an the ERP system. CCTV footage will be reviewed, inte alia, forthe following particulars “+ Training deliverables (as per activity cum lesson planner) + Trainers’ skis via domain experts Use of training aids and methodology for more Impactul learning + Uniform distribution + Tables distribution + Live distance leaming + Trainers’ attendance + nvolvement of trainees during the session ‘ dentiving uninterested and truant trainees ‘+ Candidates’ attendance + Identify any malpractice during assessment ‘SF 6.2A3: Candidate application form (This wi be uploaded on ERP eystom, il then this form willbe used) MoRD Logo PIA ogo Ministry of Rural Development, Government of india Name of the PIA Project number State Training Centre ‘Adsiess of Taing Centre ‘Nearest Pale staon ‘Balch Number Trade Rogistaion nariber Date of Registration ‘Tobe fled by candidate: A. Traine Profile ‘Name of Candidate ‘Gondor ‘Wale [Female [Other Date of Sith Age | ‘Contact phone | Home Mobile| number Email Photograph Facebook | Martal status [Sings [ Maried—[Diveread_[ Wiowed Religion of the [Hindu | Muslim | Sikh | Parsi ‘candidate Budahist [Christan [sain | Other Current | Student Yearly income of status [Working ‘the candidate (in (lease Loe Rs) specify) | Eaucation Below an [ah [OH [Tah | Gradua | Other | auaification . Thi asians wba ad by PIA aa auccal alan of he candidat University! Board of Passing year highest Porcontage/ grade qualification Technical TH ‘Oiher | Other, please uaification spocity Previous! Yes [No tyes, please ‘undergone ski specify name of training program Yes | No ifyes, please Work experience ‘specify number of yrs “Type of work Location of work ‘Aachar Number Enrolment No E10) RSBY Card Job Card Number / Number NREGA 'BPL Ration Card No ‘anivodaya Anna Driving [Two Yojana Ration Card License | Wheeler Number Number [MV —_| | Own a Bank Yes] No ‘Namo of Bank account Brana = Te sane | EB TEA ineurance coverage a Category sc__[st Native language Tanguag [Naive | Read wit ‘Spoak eknown [Hind | Read we ‘Spoak (basic, [English | Read wie ‘Speak medium, [Other — [Read wire ‘Spoak ‘00d, texcallent) PWD type, please Chronie disease (TB | Enopsy specify applicable any, please specty [Other B. Family Dew Name of Head of the Marital Status of Twaried Family Head of the Family | Weowed | Divorced ‘Occupation ofthe | Farmar [Labourer | Other, please spool, Head of the Family ‘Number of ‘Number of faily ‘members in the members working family outside vilage Ts any family Yes [No [Name of SHG member of candidate an SHG member? Monthiy income of nthiy expenses the family (ia RS) ofthe family (ln Rs.) Total land owned by “Agricultural land in family (in acres) eres) amily detail: Ware of | Ralato [Phone] Age [WI] Highost [Occur [ Monthy) Envoted in family [number F |evetot | pation | income | NREGS or member ceducato (ies) | straining Father we Mother F “Sceanahot rm vi gown wth Nene of SHG, SHG Id and Name ofmambse shale enclose sSnrtan am Soca sare sang ts candidat parte fay of SH C. Residence details: Present Address | House naribor Street ‘Near Landmark Vilage Block Post Otoe: Police Staton (Gram Panchayat Distt: State: Pin code: | Permanent Address | House namiber (ifaitferent rom | Steet Near Landmark: above) Vilage Block Post Ofc: Polls Station (Gram Panchayat Disc: State: Pin code: Yes [No] Electricity Yes [Ne ‘Own house been | Number of fiving Numbor of vehicles rooms in house inhouse Type of cooking | 005 Coal Elie Seve material used (check | Wood Kerosene 1G ‘llapoiicable) ‘Smokeless Ghuha | Gow dung Ober 'D. Candidate interests and preferences Trades youare | z WA (ram opente intorested in any ade) Proferred duration ‘Salary expectation of taining aftr training: Fave you metany [No] Yes | yes, please ‘alumni from the ‘specify how many: {raining program Have you met any [No | Vos | Wyes, please employers: specify how many Ts any of your family [No | Yes | Hfyes, please cor friends planning specly how many: to join the traning program with you ‘Are you willing to | No "Yas witing To migrate | Ves, wing To rigrate ‘migrate for raining wahinthe state | anywhere for rains ‘Are you willing to | No "Yes ling ora | Ves, wig to migrate migrato for work wahiathe stato | anywhere for work ‘What motivates you | Jo5 Cetfeaion (ier, pease speci to join the training an to continue — | Yes Ne Tran studles after training ‘Gram Panchayat | Fits Training cone How did you hear representative about this training | Famiy ‘iar, sabe spooky 1 Slo! Wio/ Do, hereby desare that the information provided above is tre to tho best ofmy knowledge & bel. selected for aning, I hereby undertake: va To ater and priate nal the sessionscasses of the aforesaid tring program sligenty b, Tomaintain icin sai traning rogram, To suocesstuly complete the traning program; and 1 follow te instructions ofthe trainer, whe undergcing the | understand that willbe deemed ineligible fr assessment and certification unless, 1 ff the shove otra and meet the assessment standards, ‘Signature of the cndidate ‘The flowing documents are attached: + 2phatos Phot entity Prot {Document as prof of dently (Aadhar carder ID/Diving Licence or any other IDjoard issued by Gow of nia) 1+ Document as proof f dmicle (Ration Cardo anyother) 1 GPL Card or Cortication by Panchayat Authority Job card (MNREGA) RSBY Card “aniyodaya Anna Yojana Ration Card! SHG certicalePIP st approved by Gram Sabha «+ Proof of SCISTIOBC! NinortyPWD, i applicable. (PWD se decaratin can be accepted) + Proof of Educational Quafation (Copy of educational certificates, selktosted) ‘Signature of Applicant [Bank acount wacking 1, ‘Sond Daughter Wie of, hereby allow Ninisty of Ral Development to view my bank transactions, nord to ack imely oat of ny salary and benefits that | receive in my bank account, fr period of 18 moths Bank account number Name of Bank ‘ranch name: District IFSC Code: Date Declaration of Guardia ty Slo Wio Dio, hereby doctor that the information provided by (Name of Candiate) Sio 1 Wio 1 Do shove is hue and corel | also decor that haf she does not have any poice case parang. | hereby gle my spproval to be hed aooountabie for (Name of ‘Candidat)indscipine! dropping out from traning! job after one year of ing of tho ODU- xy. Relation to candidat: dees Phone no ‘Qeeupation Date of Btn (dimmtyyy | nderstand that can be contacod by any privat! govertment agency nvlvedin DOU-GKY for any further query relate to canal or a period of 18 months ate Gusraian Slonatur of the 7 Guardian ean be candidate's paren, ralave, Geam Sabha member, Gramt Panchayat official or any adar who knows the candoate To be filed by PIA/ Officials ‘Candidate NPR Tin Household Tin Number (from No from SECC) seco) ‘Aptitude Test | Yes] No | Name of the ‘conducted test conducted | Apiude Test Score ‘Allocated Trade ‘Comments i any Remarks by Walnare moblizer who have Interactod with the eandidat™ ‘+ Softsisrainer: + Domain tainer: + Mobiizer: Selected for Training: YesINo 1 p0, eason fr elimination: Signature of PIA Representatives Designation, Name Designation, Name Designation, Name Designation, Name icefed nthe Sole Economic Case Consus (SECC) database using he ‘Slate, Distt Tehe, Tow Vilage Blok Number (avaiable), ame ofthe ei Canaiate cannot be anid, Cancaste's Household can be nie by fet venting Canaaes Parent using grater names and then noting down Hovreho Tin Number ‘domain raner one so Guldance note for interaction with candidate at mobilisation and for counselling “The below questons are designed tobe toolkit usd in selection interviews 0 give the Yr as demand out such tha placement work ousie of buts dstrevtat Is ight then 12 | PERSONAL | demcvstate? How do you | sie Ista ee fron? Have you dtaseed | parents ob! dropout couktoccr es It prior to today . ‘aie Candidate = evalateToaraao wil vod imo of for mariage cen o they tt need to move or gt obineome secanaioe | Rmess lor etie mared te mariage for caniste 12 | peRSONAL aming up in fue? Female Candidate - evaluate if candidate will fed tes for mariage ceremony o thay At nced to move oF top worngook ater Taf mmedattfaloning geting mated. Taos tha 1 yor tea ey fr ‘Does candidate have any | parental easans ahd poste crop out due to 14 | PERSONAL | voung chikiren? feeling homesick. If more than one year then pavenlspovse by inis eer Do youn ae ould be ceretynere youmignt | his i aking an honest innocent question to 15 | PERSONAL| Reotamctto tend | ty to dlcover fudden reason hy Tralning center 6 days a week for 8 hours @ day? {andidate may nt attend raningiplacoment Do you have any peteonaltamily plans oF Could reveal reagon when they would need 16 | PERSONAL | ovens to attend nthe nest oe {ine of during Wang pocanet acon duralon)? So ea al ay have aoe Do you have any sources of | whieh case ts portant to urdrstand hs 17 | PERSONAL | come at present? Inoney is equ to susan owas Ielnood during the taining pad reaaaroutiea ‘Cou nda tha candidate wal not be abe To iesaereceens, | ssc rete hoy rn 18 | PERSONAL | home for months signe? | tum Rome on. Denard on he wore Dayouretiaa "el ot ake Up the placement ater respontoiios at home? _| Med not ake up te pa i Gives you a ood idea of what the cance e 19 | uFesTyLe | How do you narmally send | going at the moment (eg, Workinghhoiping are famiyat hangin out wih ends) “Gives you good idea of whet re candiate 20 | UFESTYLE | Whats your day routine? | doing at he moment (eg, Werkingheping famiysthanging outwit os) Combined wih answer to fmlyszo consider Ffcandiata may drop aut or nae time oft ast with ary Wend a | uresryve | Whats vourrosponaity t ‘often candidates from ain backgrounds ford hardest to auto Wahing/woring ‘outnalit Tusing smar phone Han candidate may nob infnaeil need. Map eardite to SECC 22 | LIFESTYLE | whic phone do you use? | databace o ent nancial need of fouvehold. Noble woul ba good way to keepin oich vith candiato “This dic because candGate wl oT sans vitae | teed So 23 | urestv.e | $08 90 witout Candidates roacton. The vahin Sntres have ‘eonalags 3 mons | 2 enone on ts and cordate sao be sont home ad parents formed tld of the 7 ig reason Tor icp oul cordston get ‘Do youtke to work ousie | homesick or miss fay. if hoy are not 24 | UFESTYLE | sour allt? {avetng ouside vilage epualy hen hiss ‘nore ily. ‘big reason fer ap ous ecandaios Gat How oten do you vist age | homesick o mss fay. thoy are not 25 | UFESTYLE | Coytounfoustia tate? | ravting outde vlog epulary then tiie mora tke vate - what Wind of pve tanspor. di vinatTmapot. sou se |e caer an owt nowens, faa 26 | LIFESTYLE | Public or Pvate? How dd you get here today? potently not ancl need. Map anit to SECC database to identity ‘nancial need of household. Pubic - good sign as used to pubic ransport ‘which wl be needed to attend taining and placement. Also assess wheher commule ‘Sistanoe/avalabiyost wil te an issue ‘What your salary expedition so Figh or unveaisic t could mean the candidate wil drop out soon aftor placement. Could also mean they are not Serious about geting the ype of ob offered 27 | wreresr | expect? Newleatra | Saas andthe tang Alon sxesten posal tn er conssing eis Seteyerer rou srs mote nanos tel tebe patenert tyes ee oy ACT ‘Are you wiling to Work for || income wil be enough to susan their 2 | wrest |i Reicpr ont | Rei wl ereuh susan Pots eporscs wou batho wart ois ‘st cnen p,oeam nom, otpromaae Sndat pre ap. Nope responce wold be aging at Meee fay ee ay oom Tlanppaconer wratteyourtinee —_| No Rig hr aoa tan he 29 | wrenesr | ier oe ree eras Spetlans mn tobe maragos trou Stive counting sraserisis unio Steph i deco Srry eptonm seztao lena. Mow spe br ‘reatnet conte rarage ‘Spodabon bade ty wb rated or SBasuehis berg cnbe fortum sions pace Flood tocsion we Matgrss todo yp cs "i entan soo This can alo be ncn ne counseing bat nooted ar rae it ak |e tustaton fh satel 20 | anrerest | f a ‘realities of the job may at this stage cause a feet al day? BPO -on phone al day? FRutomodvettourim - ‘working ouside al dayn heat? siting in font of ‘computer? reaction in the candidate tha: rveals key true feelings. trade wil require good English and eandlcate background supposes English algo then seach the ‘conversation to Eralish and ‘ask some baste questions bout hobbiesimslschoo! they want too | Could reveal a mismatch between feauirements forthe jb and ganuine abil. “The fact that good english is fequred could mean candidat drops out dung airing ors rol accepted into placement Wihat radefprotession would you love 1a dof yu could ‘anything? What do think Your parents want you to Se? Tmparant lo soe Wi algns wie chosen ‘rade and If reveals parenial pressure to eam ticular trade (Tiwhite colar jb) when they fare nt gonulnely intrested or already have 8 scent. Who ie your role model? wny ‘Gandiate mora ily be Gen roe model is workin and independent. role model is “Unomployed, tha candidate has highor risk of roping out Annexure Vil 7.1.2. Desk verification of documents of candidates In Group A(who are tracked as por SF 7.181) version Ta ess Purpose ——| Tovey the doco oF he caneaates eterna — | Sop, Ta, Papo qutaines Prerestls— [Ai ari wo a co ar FTE Tnetor | Sonne pore eseucas | SF 7781 Tac rm root Grp A. STN items tobe veiled fom ferent documents to contim placement, SF 1 Provedure for deck verfiaton of canddates who are racked asper 5F'7.151, SF 864 Amount ransferrd to a candidate's bank ae 35 take hhome pay'and SF 7-1G: List of candidates who are in Group ‘A Process owner [PIA OP team ‘Activities _ ‘Retor ‘Ration Time for Relevant completion Documents ‘Document verification IA OP team | To fnalse and upload the dala | To be submited by] SF7. 7B Candidates forthe previous | Pot every month | Tracking form mont forcandicates in group’ ERP System or | Sample GeneraonterPIAG [On T0Wotevery [SF 7.181 SRLM for APS team month racking form and CTSA for for eanciatos Ps ingroup. SF TTA: Procedre fordesk veeation of candidates who fre wacked as per SF 7181 PIKGieam | Vorly candidate documents - | Tobe dono betweav | SF7.1B3: List oF Sample document verfeaton | 10®to 14 of month. tems to be “as persemeling | verified trom process aferent ‘secures to contr | placement ERP System or | Sample Generation for ‘Onis*ofevey [SF 7-181 SRLM for APS | SRLMICTSA ‘month Tracking form fand CTSA for forcandates Yes in gop’ | SRLW Tor APS Vary candidate dooumants- | Tobe done batwoun | SFT 183: Listof and CTSA for Ssamgls document varicnton | 19610 18" [Hom to ‘etor Ration Time for Relevant completion Documents Yes As por samping | verified from proves Gtferent documents to confirm placement ‘Salary payment ‘SRLM for APS | Veily tke home pay Cedied to | Ta be dane batween | SFR land CTSAfor | candidate's bank alcupleadedin | 14% to 18" of mont | Amount YPS (finance | ERP system “ns pee sempling | transfered to a teams) process: candidate's bank aie as fake home pay (input trom Chapter 8 ‘Combining document verification data and salary verification data ‘SRLM for APS | Combine both data. here are Tobe submitid by | SF 7.16: Let and CTSA for | dferences intake home pay, | 20" efevery month | candidates who Yes system should be programmed to ‘rein Group take the lower igure and prepare 2 list af elble candistes. Note: 1. For cases where a PIA could not submit data and documents as per the timeline: A PIA can submit data and documents wih a month delay for a ‘maximum of 20% of candidates in Group A in the month, For these candidates the ‘document verification schedule will be as per the month in which decuments and eta are submitted. For example i placement is in January but documents are submited as per March timeline (instead of February timeline) verification wil fallow the March timeline. With reference to the above the following is further clarified: ‘+ No candidate wil be doprived of PPS if PIA has submited the documents late and the PIA willbe eligible for reimbursement as per conditions lad out for payment of PPS in ChapterB Section 8.4.4, ‘+ APIA can withhold PPS payment if itis established by a sufficent proof that candidate did not submit the requisite documents. All these cases should be Teported to the SRLM for APS and CTSA for YPS and they wil be compiled by the ERP system for exception management + Delayed document submission for a month need not imply @ delayed physical verification, if itis already received at the time of sample generation. Else it will be delayed by a month after receipt of documents. It nt received even in next month, the candidates wil not be considered for physical placement ‘sample, 7.4.8. Desk verification of documents of candi ‘tracked as por SF 7.182) lidates in Group (who are | Precess owner | PIA OP team Overview Tem Descristion Purpose “To verify the documents ofthe candidates Reference to | No specific provision guidelines | Prerequistela | Al candidates who are Wacked as por SF 7182 Time for Continuous proves completion Resourcels | SF 7-182: Tracking form for candidates h group 'W and GF 7FE Procedure for desk verfication of candidates who ae tacked as por SF {7.462 and SF 7.1 List of candidates who aren Group 8 Activities ‘stor ation Time for Relevant completion Bocuments | ‘Document verification PIR OP team [To finalise and upload te dala of | Toba submited by | SF 7.TBZ candidates for the previous | oof every month | Tracking frm month {or eanaidatos ingroup 6 ERP System or | Sample Generation forPIAG [On T0Potevey STIRS SRLM Tor APS | teant ‘month “Tracking form and CTSA for for canaidatas Ys in group's! PIA Goa Verify candidate documents | done betwear” | SE 1Bz: sample document verfcaton | 10" to 14" of month | Tracking fom As per sampling | for candidates process in group's ERP System or | Samp Ganeration for On 15" cfevery ——}SF'7. 182 SRLM for APS. | SRLMICTSA month “racking form ‘and CTSA tor forcanddates yes ingroup 8. ‘SRL Tor APS Verily candidate documenis- —[ Tobe dane bawwean TS SaGo and CTSAfor | sample document verication | 188 t0 19" of month. | Trackin frm ves —As per samping | for canto process ingroup’ | Nole: 1. For cases where a PIA could not submit data and documents as per the timeline: A PIA can submit data and documents with a month delay for a ‘maximum of 20% of candidates In Group B in the month, For these candidates the document verification schedule will be a data are submited, For exam ‘submitted as per March timetin the March timeline, er the month in which documents and ple if placement is in January but documents are © (instead of February timeline) verification wil fellow ‘SF 7.2C: Procedure to draw samples for physical verification and confirmation ‘of placement Procedure for physical verification The sampling strategy and decision rules to be followed for interpretation of Placement outcomes are discussed below. Placoment targets for release of instalments ‘The placement target should be 70% of the taining target for the project (Note: ‘Reduction from the earlier norm of 75 % to the new norm of 70 % of placement wall be applicable to all balches trained from the inoeption of the project). ‘As money is released in instalments, training target, placement target and the ‘amount released in each instalment are as follows: Winn paceman Training target (x) | Minimum PlsomenE Ta veteasee @0) | Instament | anid) Taiaioat Tian instant aa] Comaive | A coma | ME Cate iat 2 Fi 0 ° ; 3 6 as s Sail ea ; a : ‘ te [ws | as [a | aw Ts % rom [25 [1 | ae | w | @ Estimate of sample size ‘The sample size for physical verification varies as per the project size and is fixed os follows: [SE] Proleet size | —Sampio size for | —Total sampre (eum althe samples at] No. | (training target) | release of each | each instalment usually times ofthe instalment S| Previous column) N pt 3000 oF 150" O07 WAU 75 TS B07 Te 6000 700 300 ODT = 7500 725. 35 =a} THBVetS sof he ines of previows Gn Greater than | target rounded to next ral ighest number to ‘Si | Project sizo | Sample size for | Total sample eum of the samples at No. | (training target) | rolease of each | each instalment usually 3 times ofthe instalment S previous column) N Toe: *= toa placed candidates are le than S0, than the Saige sre Wile wane a8 He population. ‘Total samples wil be oss than 150, placed candidates are less than S0/n any instalment. Internal target for placement sot by PIA Past practical experience has been thet most PIAS place more than 70% candidates as safely mechanism against unforeseen errors or shor falls. Under DDU-GKY also, itis proposed to provide such a safety mechanism and use it for the benefit of the project and the PIA. Firstly, such a mechanism wil provide a cushion to the PIA against all sorts of mistakes that could happen in the process. In addition, the project and the programme wil also be benefited as the overall placement percentage will get a boost ‘Thus, all PIAS can specity a higher placement percentage as the project Internal target. However, tis clarified that placement target for DDU-GKY programme will be 70% and all the releases will be based on this target, ‘The higher intemal target wil be used In evaluation process to chack if he had ‘achieved the minimum 70 % based on sampling results. The implcstions become Clearer when we decide on the instalment release (Refer section on Decision Rules). Distribution of sample size over quality teams ‘Al projects will have qually teams; the PIA Q team, State Rural Livethood Mission (SRLM) teams for APS, Central Technical Support Agency (CTSA) teams for APS and YPS. ‘Majority ofthe semples are verfed by the PIA Q team and a smaller sample isto be verified by SRLM's team in APS and CTSA's team for APS and YPS. This ie called primary verification, Distribution of samples between quality teams for primary verification will be as follows: + PIA Q team will verify approximately 80 % of samples (rounded to nearest whole number) ‘+ InAPS: SRLM team will verfy approximately 18 % of samples (rounded down to nearest whole number) and CTSA team will check 5 % of samples (arrived atafter subtracting PIA Q team and SRLM samples from the tote samples) + In YPS: CTSA will vecify 20 % of the samples (arrived at after subtracting PIA (Qteam samples) ‘+ A detailed cistibution of samples between various quality teams for an APS and YPS is given in Annexure | Recheck samples. ‘Some samples checked by PIA Q team will be rechecked by SRLM and CTSA for ‘APS and by CTSA for YPS. These samples are called recheck samples. Recheck of ‘samples will be planned such that fr: ‘+ APS: Q team samples will be rechecked by SRLM and Q team and SRLM ‘samples willbe rechecked by CTSA + YPS: Q team samples wil be rechecked by CTSA Recheck sample size will be 10% of the primary sample size. The recheck samples will be distributed inthe ratlo of 40% and 60 % between SRLM and CTSA for APS ‘and assigned 100 % to CTSA for YPS, Distrbution of recheck samples is given in ‘Annexure Role of SRLM in YPS. ‘Though CTSA is soley responsible for verification in case of YPS, CTSA will make all efforts to progressively involve SRLMs of YPS in placement verification, This would help the slate to make a transition from YPS status to APS status. The ‘number of samples a state would lke to verify may be arived through a consensus. Drawing of samples for physical verification ‘The process for drawing samples in a month is as follows: ‘+ From the list of candidates uploaded every month by the PIA, an automated process will scan for candidates who are elgble for placement as defined by the DDU-GKY programme by the end of the previous month, + There wil be two cases and they are ilustrated below, (The actual semantics of how they are calculated is discussed inthe examples) (© Gase 1: The cumulative sum ofall placed candidates i less than target ‘numberof candidates to be placed for release of instalment. For example, ifthe target number of candidates tobe placed for release of instalment is 1000, then cumulative sum ofall candidates snould be less than or equal 1000. All the candidates placed in the month would be included for the sampling purposes. © Gase 2: The cumulative sum of all placed candidates is more than the target number of candidates to be placed for release of instalment For example, if the target number of candidates to be placed for release of instalment is 1000 then cumulative sum of all candidates placed should be ‘greater than 1000, In such a case, number of candidates willbe chosen such that cumulative sum equals the target number of candidates to be placed for release of instalment. Rest would be carried forward forthe next instalment. For example, if the candidates placed in the previous monty are 165 and cumulative total is 1070 then 95 candidates would be seacted so that 11000 candidates required for this instalment is flfiled. The rest 70 would be carrie forward for the next instalment. ++ These candidates wil form the sampling frame forthe month, *+ Samples wil be draw randomly and distributed between qusliy agencies (2 team or CTSA for YPS or CTSAISRLM for APS). Process wil be automated ‘and completed. + The quality agencies wil submit the action plan assigning personnel who would conduct on-site physical verification. + The process of notation of the sample units to diferent agencies is discussed in the section on verification process. ‘An example is given below to explain the above steps in Annexure I On-site Physical Verification process ‘The verification of the candidate would be conducted at the work lecation of the candidate, Alter the samples are generated in random, the verification process will commence. involves the following steps: + An automated system will Indicate the number of samples assigned to an ‘audit agency in each place (Place means elther an urban agglemeration- for ‘example, National Capital Region, Hyderabad Metropolitan region etc. or 2 district if tls a small place, which wil be shared by ERP on 214 of every ‘month after completion of desk verification. This is to ensure thel the samples remain anonymous til the day of check) +All qualty personnel should carry geo tagged and time stamped equipment to provide their location data to the ERP system, +All quality personnel wil fist goto the place and confirm their cation to the ERP system after which the Candidates work location details wil be ‘conveyed. ‘+ On reaching the work location, the qualty personnel should canfim his! her location to the ERP system. The candidate details wil be convayed and the, movements of the quailty personnel will be tagged with a geo tagged time stamped device. ‘+ Once the identity ofthe candidate is verified, use the questionnaie in SF 7.20 to interview the candidate with a geo tagged, time stamped, video device. The start and close time of the interview should be indicated to the E3P system * The interview willbe recorded with a geo tagged time stamped audio visual recording device * fer the interview is over, the video record will be uploaded in 60 minutes to the ERP system. * Gancldate Identity proof and photograph as available in the ERP system Should be attached along with the onsite physical verification of placement, either “Placed” or ‘Not Placed” should be updated within 2 hours, * Based on the interview withthe candidate, a further probe coud be inated i ecessary. Nature of the further probe required should be indieated along wth the report submitted within 24 hours of completion of intervon, * Any exception to the above, wil be treated by the system ae the candidate is not placed. * Al samples which are considered as not placed will be compiled by the fystom as exception reports and brought to the noice of PIA. n gun a ease PIA can fie @ counterclaim to CTSA for YPS and SRLM for APS * Fiatus of the sample could be decided based on evidence presented by the PIA Itnecessary, further probe can be inilated. * Final decision on the status of candidate would be taken by CTSA for YPS nd SRLM for APS after the counterclaim which is submited bythe PIA + Similar process should be repeated forall candidates Note: {more than one sample is availabe atthe same work location @ meximum of 6 Samples could be revealed to the qualty personnel at the same lime The aber of samples that wil be given wil depend on the number of samples tee {he quality audtor can assess in one session (say a forenoon of tenon session), tribe aistem ' not functional at the time of issue of SOP, interim arrangements willbe notified by MRD seperately, Pauaating the success rate and reconciling the variations in success rate between Q team samples, CTSA/SRLM samples and the recheck sempieg Zmmerure Ill Gives the method to estimate the success rate when there are Th, ilerences in success rato could be due io sampling erors (assuming that non Saroiing errs are common to all the samples) or bas, While the sampiry receee was robust enough to ade sampling enors, the bias should be contacted = especially bias arising out ofa conflict of interest in the working of a Q team. In order tw correct the bias the fllowing methodology is used: ‘The success rate arrived from Q team samples (say Pa) Is compared with success fale arrived from CTSA (Pc) samples plus @ margin of error (X) (Le. Pais compared with Pe), and the folowing action is taken: + If Pais ess than or equal to Pe +X (Pq =< Pe+ %), then the results reported by Q team are considered as unbiased and used as itis ocaleulate the sample success rote, ‘+ FP greatr than Pe +X (Pq > Po +X) than the resus reported by Q team are constorad as biased and a correction facoe sapped to caloulate the Q team sample succose rate, Calculation of final success rate + Let Tbe the total number of samples. + LetA be the successful cases from @ team sample (including recheck sample le. sample size is 0.87). + Let B be the successful cases from Q team sample (excluding recheck ‘sample ie. sample size is 0.77) ‘+ Let C be the successful cases from the CTSA sample (including recheck sample Le. sample size is 0.37). + Let D be the successful cases from the CTSA sample (excluding recheck: sample Le. sample size is 0.27). + Let E be the successful cases from recheck sample (adjudged as’ per procedure prescrived in SOP ~ refer Section 7.22.1 for the description of the procedure ie, sample size is 0.17) + Let F be the successful cases in the recheck sample as assessed by Q team (Le. sample size is 0.17). + Lot G be the successful cases in the recheck sample as assessed by CTSAISRLM team (Le. sample size is 0.17) Hence, Success Rate (P) (B+ D+ EVT Py PX ‘Suess Rate (P) = (Bnustes + D + E/T: if Pe > Pat Where Pg, Qteam success rate = A'(1 08°T) Pc, CTSAISRLM success rate = C1 10.3°T) Xs the error margin and method to caloulate is explained in the Annexure I Where Beassus=B * (G/F); when (G/F) <1 Or Bratint=B*l when (G/F) 1 or Decision rules for Release of instalments Let Pi be the sample success proportion for instalment i(/= 2,3, 4 1. 70%) the iteral target fixed by the PIA (I = 70 ¥, the program target if PIA hhas not fied a higher terget) Release of 2nd instalment ‘Tho instalment release will be as follows: + (Rx1)270%, then © PIA Is entiled for ful fund release duo in th intalment subject to {utting other condions for release of funds. + 50%2(RK)> 70% then, © The projet cost slowed shall be prorated to th placenent achieved and ful costs shal ot be allowed. © Release funds to PIA as per the success rate (22 Janes x] subject to fling other condtons fr rlease of fans. For example, iff =66%, then funds to be released would te $ ot tho instalment release, ©. Issue advisories. © Revise the minimum placement target for the project for the next Instamont to T %, 80 that te overall target of minimum of 70% wil be Achieved + IF (Rx1}<50% then, {© The project shal be terminated immediately © Provtata payments for candidates placed shall onl be allowed Release of 3rd instalment ‘The Placement will be against revised target T (2 70%) after 2" instalment is released, + W (2x27 then, © PIA i entiled for fl fund release subject to fuling othe conditions forrelease of funds, +I (Rxd)<1% and 50%2(P1)<70% then ‘© The project cost allowed shal be pro-ated to the placement achieved ‘and full costs shall nt be allowed Per © Re into a pre not ee (22) ma to fulting other conitons for release of funds. © Issue advisories, © Revise the minimum placement target for the project for the next instalment so that the overall target of minimum of 70 4% will be achieved. + (x1) <1% and (Pus) <50%, ‘© The project shal be terminated immetiately. © Pro-ata payments for candidates placed shall only be alowed, Release of 4th instalment + #(x1)27% ten, © PIA s ented for ful fund release subject to fling oer conditions forreleose of funds + (Bx1)<1% and 50%2(Px1)>70% then, © The project cost alowed shall be proated to the placement achieved and fil costs shal not be allowed © Release funds to PIA as per the overall success rate +! subject to {ulfting ther conditions for release of funds. © Issues advisories, +f (Bxd) [sor] 5 5 (4 from @ taam ané + fom | 8 4500 ‘SRLM samples) a1 6 (4 from @ team and 2 from 10 3 | 6000 a 7 'SRLM samples) 8 (6 from @ team and 2 trom| 13 4 Jecor-7s00]13 Js eaiesta Nearest Sane round — | wngjg | IE ~ Fl (60 2% from the @ team | as E 5 [Grater rambor or] Wl | Samples and 2034 fom SRLM than 7500] 0% ot] MUMPET Ct capls, bth earecod round sample umes) ‘Annexure II: An example of the process for drawing samples in a month for physical verification Basic Data Project size 1428 Placement percentage 70% Placement target (P) 1000 PIA internal target) 20% PIA intemal targetfor placement | 1142 In the table above, for release of instalment, the PIA’s internal target fer placement is Considered for sample generation. Instalment wise samples and target break up “Target placement Plus Amount | __As per| internal released | programme | tarcot Instalmont_| Samples | (in %) (70%) | at% a 50. 10 to0| 114 3 50] 67.5 575 | 657 ae 50) 325 ‘325 [srt 150 ‘ooo | 1142. ‘A monthly breakup of the samples is given in Table below. Please notice the sample breakup given for months 2 and 6. In month 2 the placed candidates are distributed between 2° and instalment and in month 6 the break up Is between 3" and 4 instalment, Placement at 80% (as per internal Placoment at 70% targets) ‘Sample for ‘Sample for each month ‘each month Candidates and | Candidates, and a instalment io instalment placoment 2 | 3rd 4% | placement 2nd Month | reckoning | Cumulative L- | teckoning | cumutative 1 50 solast of of sol so) aa] of a Annexure Ill: Estimating the success rate and Reconciling the variations in success rate between Q team samples, CTSA/SRLM samples and the recheck ‘samples Method for calculating success rate ‘Let Tbe the total number of samples. + Let A be the successful cases from @ team sample (including recheck ‘sample i. sample size is 0.87), + Let B be the successful cases from @ team sample (excluding recheck ‘sample |e. sample sizes 0.77), + Let C be the successful cases from the CTSA sample (inciding recheck ‘sample i. sample size is 0.37) + Let D be the successful cases from the CTSA sample (excluding recheck ‘sample ie. sample size is 0.27) ‘+ Let E be the successful cases from recheck sample (adjudged as per procedure prescribed in SOP) i. sample size is 0.17), ‘+ Lot F be the successful cases in the recheck sample as assessed by @ team (ie. sample size is 0.17), ‘+ Let G be the successful cases in the recheck samplo as assessed by CTSAISRLM team (Le. sample size is 0.17) Step 1: Calculate Q team and CTSASRLM success rates. CQ team success rate, * T8xT © B CTSA/SRLM success rate, Stop 2: Estimate the margin of errr (X) is statistically determined and is given by the formula = Z * (standard deviation of CTSA sample proportion P,) + Correction for continuity ‘Where, Z isthe confidence level and committee recommends 95 % confidence using a single sided test. Based on this Zs 1.645, Standard deviation of Peis given by (Pe)"(1-Pc(0.3°7) Correation for cantinuly is given by 0.5/10.9°7) Note: For statistical detalls please refer any standard Statistics book or online ‘material ike - pZonlinesatbook.comi2/estimation/poportion cium or hpslln wikipedia orlwiki/ Binomial propost a ‘Stop 3: Compare Pq and Po +X lf Pris less than Pe + X (Le. Py <= Pe + X) then no bias is noticed in Qteam samples SD¥E and the Succes te = 2+ D+E T 1 Pa is greater than Pz + X (8. Py > Pe+ X) then bias Is noticed in @ team samples and'a correction factor is applied to Q team samples, Step 4: Calculation of correction factor and modification of number of successful Q team samples. Correction factor or say CF; [No.of success casein recheck sample a assessed by SRLMICTSA, No.of sues eases in eck sample as assessed by Q team, when 21 F @ cr F =hihen 21 or F=0 F The Q team successful cases excluding the recheck sample, Is corrected as CF Beasses Step 5: Calculation of final success rate Suooess Rate (P)=2+O4E, HER SAX Brats + DE. SIR > RA ‘SF 7.20: Items to be checked during on-site visit for placement verification ‘As per the format prescribed in the ERP system. Till the format is available in the ERP system the format prescribed below, will be used. Instructions Details in column marked R to be prepopulated (rom the ERP System. ‘The stings Montht, Month2, Month3 should be replaced and prepapulated in its respective place of occurrences from the ERP system, when the respective Candidate details is loaded in the form. The replacement should be as ‘allows. Montht First month of placement as per desk verification report Month ‘Second month of placement as per desk verficatox report Months “Thied month of placement as per desk verification report Format to be followed wile replacing Montht or Month? or Month3: frst 3 letters of the month, Year in the format YYYY (eg, For January 2018 the format should be JAN 2016), Section A: Details provided to the quality personnel during on-site physical verfeation (No changes t© be done in the data during the vedficaion). All the detalls are with respect tothe candidate who has to be vere. Candidate's identiy to be confirmed using the data in Section A, 'At: Photo ID card of tho candidate Isued by any ‘government organization (Pre populated trom the ERP system) ‘3: Candidates Basle Information ae ast [Name Pre 83.2. | Unique 1D number Pre populated 433 | Gender Pre populated 834 | whether cifereniaty abled | Pro Populated 1935 | Guardian's Name Pre populated 43.6 | Mobie No Pre populated 1317 | Dato of Bich Pre pulsed 438 | category Pre populated 43.9 | Domicile State Pre oputated ‘Ad: Candidate's Training Details: SNe Information ®) A441 _ | PIAName and Project ID Pre populates ‘442 | Training Contro Name.and code | Pre popuated 43 | Trade Pre populated ata | Course Duration Pre populated AS: Confirming the Candidate's presence at the location (to be done by the verifying officer) uinneernereae Petey esa Pot 'AS.1 | ts the candidate contacted at work location? Claiming tobe the right candidate) YasiNo (Yes, move to Section (Match the photograph ofthe candidate withthe person who ie | sand if No, Move to Section a ‘AG: Consent of the candidate for verification: Benen Peon Seite) he ‘46.1 | Are you ready to share the deta of your | Yes/No | If Yes Move to Section employment? owe to 6.2 TH No move to Seaton ©. ‘862 | Shall 1 record the video of this| YewNo | IYes stat cording the ‘conversation? wdeo ofthe conversation and move to Section B IF No move to Section 83 863 | shal 1 record the audlo of this| YowNo | I'Yes stat econting the ‘conversation? audo ofthe onversafon and move 10 Sector B HF No sat move to Section B without recording auto. Section B: To be verified from the candidate: Legend forthe column S + "Yes" ~ Candidate's response matches withthe columa “Data available as per the ERP systom™ ‘+ "No" - Candidate's response does not match with the column ‘Data available 2s per the ERP system” + “No response” - Candidate could not answer the question. 'B1: Confirming the identity and basic details of the candidate Glisten Gn ee eens) vriin Crit) Basi ayy ) © B14 | What Ie your Name7(Cross very YestNaNa wth the identity proof attachea) | Pre Populated Response 512 inwhich PUA di you get trained? | Pre populated pestene Response 81.3. | In which tade did you get trained YesiNatNo belore geting job? ae Respense £82: Details of employment 6 In bch enh ou on to ter “eanono ra completion of training? eee te 0 your yt or re ig 20 Yexnono lee days of employment? (Pre populated Response Yt tee name of the Company! #231 | Somoton'n wich jou ad waa! pats Ysemo ‘Montht? "a Vote the sare of tho Company! — 8222 [Omani neh yor hd wad mt |p pop Ronore onnar SRF WAR bar SEF — ny nea [Coa vena we | warps | eee #25 |rmensiceneyainenty atic? [popu |Touone oxo [maaan negra opens [ee ar |Feon nary monte eu rcnhe P| coping | YOuno 'B3: Details of Salary (ifthe candidate claims for a value groator than the pre Populated value then the validation may be considered as "Yes") Pekan Si) eh, Gasca) ess How nh ou a8 itr — ss |htren ree Panta ware oné | pepo | Ys Indes cathe & oven (nf) ow mh you ea a aay fr be 83.1.2 | Montht?(before PF and ESI deductions and pre populated | Yes/No/No Ines hee rine (1) Raerne How mh dou eh salar ahem 83.1.3 | Montht?(before PF and ESI deductions and Pre populated Response Indes oanthe & ovate tn) Viet wes te anoint ddd fom our Yesnione waa | Sin ove cotton rena | re popes 9 iat nth sour decd fom yout sohone 8322 | Seay tmnt Penton fornonneren | po popu | Yseote a 83.2.3 | what was he amount deducted tom your | re popuatad | Yesoino salary towards PF contribution fo Monihsoiin | Non 3 rae at at he amount doce fom your 83.3.1 | salary towards ES! contribution for Montht2{in| pre populated | Y8S/No/No 2 bole ia wa i anon decd ton yur 83.3.2 | salary towards ES! contribution for Month27(in | pre populated | Ye#NO/No Q Response Uist anoint etd tom or 923 |isiy ones ron | propane | Ystone a 'B4: Perquisites (if the candidate claims for a value greater than the pre populated value then the validation may be considered as ‘Yes') Nalaten Clown ea cel By tatty 10 Sales) ‘pasa | DM your employer provide accommodation for| pre | YesNo/No youn Monts 12 populated | Response paz _ | Didyour employer provide accommodation fr | pre | YesNalNo you in Month 2? Populated | Response Ba1.s | Did your employer provide eccammadation for | pre | Yes/No. S| youin Monta? populates | Response ‘paza.1 |Were you provided brosktest per day during | pre | YesINoINo Monit 12 populated | Response azz | Were you provided lunch por day during | pre | YesiNaNo Month 12 Populated | Response Were you provided inner par day during] pre | YesriomNo Ba2as Month 1? populated | Response a2.21 | Wee you provided breakfast per day dung | pra | YesmoINo populated | Response Month 22 Glatt ery Eran) [BBRES [employer ad provided to you hich suzza |r yor prowted tne per cy dra ro [eon tr Pore | Rerpenee ie you pot dw pr ay oa re ena 23 | Month 27 Populated | Response xans |e 10 mone rst por doy dn |e | Yana | ene Pete | Renee sxzng [Wee 8 ooo teh pr ay dug ore | veer 22 Non Pert | Renae Wire you rd dr ory cn | ore | Yoanane 242.33 | shonin 3? populated | Response br enor pote anes oy 4241 |yotr omen erguane nave yma || eee during Month 4 i oo. ur enya ana ay ( | you for which expenses were met by himiher | PFS tated oe during Month 2 — coos aon roe rapa cy xa | jute opm now moby er | | Yu during Months aes a Vist a6 tater fete at your 14221 leno tas peed to yeu for won|, | Yunato ‘expenses are met by hinvher during Month? | PP: Yet a the oer fin tat your 4282 | ber ao ody fr wen || ese ‘expenses are met by him/her during Montz? | PP! ote Chey EV |aieeon eee as per|by — qualily the ERP /personnel ‘Section C (to be filed by the quality personnel) C1: Remarks or suggestions (if any) Sites leat 62: Placement decision (to be submitted by the verifying officer who conducted the verification) 624 | Is thocanddate placed or not? _| Placed Not Placed 3: Details of verification and the verifying officer who conducted the verification 2:1 | Date and time of veritcaton Alto populated 632, | Nome re populates 33 _| Designation Pre popuated a4 | contactno Pre populated Annexure Vil 8.3.2 Cash inflows to the Project Account, ‘As stated earlier Project Account will be repository ofall cash inflows utlized for the Project iespective of the source of funds. + Al funds wil be released by CTSA for YPS and SRLM for APS after {eduction of income tax at source, The procedures related to Tax Deductod at ‘Source (TDS) are detailed in “SI 8.31: Applicability and settlement of TOS", + Interest eamed from the project account, if permitted, ‘+ Loans taken by PIA forthe purpose of project -PIA i permited to bring funds, {rom its own sources or through the normal banking system, info the Project ‘Account as loan. In such @ case, the PIA should only be allowed to book epayment of principal amount as allowable expenditure. Ary payment of Interest on such funds brought inlo the Project Account in form of Loan(s) shall not be eligible as allowable expenditure and a PIA shall not book any {such payment of interest as expenditure in books of account under a project This would often apply in cases where PIA has exhausted the funds and Subsequent instalment is stl not released. *+ In respect of CSR Funds! Funds from other sources, received for the project, it shall be necessary for the PIA to inform the same to the MoRD through the CTSAISRLM specifying the purpose for which the funds have beon received ‘and utlized. Such funds should not lead to double counting of targets, Furthermore, the PIA should have informed all the parties about funds ‘received from MoRD. It shall be the sole responsibilty of the PIA to ensure that such funds received are not classifiable as an offence unde: Chapter I of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, as amended from tim to time. 8.452 Insurance coverage e linely payment of cortect amount inf a can fsccount towards insurance coverage and complete relevant nk [Process owner documentation. Not Appreable zl Guidelines Prerequisite ‘Starting oa Waning batch Time for completion | A por the aaty Table below Instructions ‘Si BAR Common Tnsrucion on paymant of onilamants {and SI 8 4D: Instructions on One Tine Travel support [PIA Op Team Franca) — Activities ‘SFEAE Insurance premium amount for | Team | day after freezing | coverage to candidate Pradhan Mant | Finance) | ofa batch Jeovan Jyoti Bima Yojana _ (PMBY) and Pradhan Mant Suraksha Bima Yojana (PuSBY) Into candidates bank ‘account 2 [> Submit auio debi | PIA OP | Not lator han 10] SFRAE Trenance consent form duiy| Team | day after freezing | coverage to candidate signed by ofa batch and not candidates, tothe later than two bank for enrolment days. of money under Pradhan transfer Mansi Jeavan Jot! Bima Yojana (Pussy) and Pradhan Mant ‘Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) + Explain the insurance and ‘advice candidates ot to witharaw the money. Note 1. fa PIA transfers the money to a candidate's bank account but the candidate ‘withdraws money then it wil be deemed that PIA has done its work properly. 2. The candidates shall be educated that the insurance provided by the PIA is nly fora year that ends on 31" May. If candidates want to extond the coverage {or subsequent year, they can do so on payment of full annual premium on their 8.4.8 Mobile tracking support cost Overview Purpose ensue Mobile Wacking suppor cost 6 proved tthe ‘waned candidates as per elgibiiy. Rien fo Pare 32276 eae 98 Peet — | Fat an ROT SA infor complain | A pr yaa blow a 845 Froese for payment of bie tacking sipprt cost t concen Pisces ounot | PK OF Team (Fan) support tote instructions Provide mabie tacking Candidates a8 per tha Tim for Team roca (nance) SRT ‘SF 84H Mobile tracking PIA OP [continous | support Gost 2 Basking of expenditure Continue ‘on account of able | PIA OP | process tracking support cost | Tom (Finance) 8.8 TRAINING COST AND INCENTIVE PAYMENT ‘Table 1 of Section of the DDU-GKY Guidelines detail the unit training cost ‘and other cost component that are applicable under the programme. Tie Guidelines ‘also provide for training to range from 576 hours onwards. ‘SI 8.4At: Rates for payment of training cost, entitements to the candidates and incentives’ details the hourly rates forthe training cost and various other cost components ‘The incentives as detailed in the Guidelines (retention, career progression and ‘overseas placement) are also consolidated along with the rates in S18.

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