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THIS is the key list of Congressmen and women who wiII 'mark

in April - The House .rudiciiry committee. our goal is to the
time credits in HR3356 made retroactive. we need to make our voices

Robert W. Goodlatte (R-VA) 202-225-5431

23Og RaYburn House Office Bldg' Mary Pritschau
Washington, DC 20515 mary. pritschauGmai 1 - house' gov
Larmar smith (R_Tx) 202-225-4236
24Og Rayburn House Office Bldg' Christa Danford
Washington, DC christa. danfordGmai I. house'gov
Darrell Issa (R-CA) 202-225-3906
2269 Rayburn House Office Bldg' katie. weissQmail -
Washington, DC 20515 Katie Weiss
Steve King (R-IA) 202-225-4426
221A Rayburn House Office Bldg' CasadaY Loomis
;'; as hr ngton, DC 2051 5
casaday. loomis@mai l . house' gov
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) 202-225-3 0 35
2243 Rayburn House Office Btdg' Chelsea Cohen
Washington, DC 20515 chelsea. cohen@mai I - house' gov

Ted Poe (R-Tx) 202-225-6565

2412 Rayburn House Office BIdg' Jessica Carlton
Washington, DC 20515 j essica. carltonOmai I . house' gov
Tom Mariono (R-PA) 202-225-3731
410 Cannon House Office Building Sara Rogers
Washington, DC 20515 sara. rogers@mai I . house. gov

paul Labrador (R-ID) 202-225-661 1

1523 Longworth House Office Bldq. JoceIYn Jaszkowiak

)oceIyn. j as zkowiakGmai I ' house' gov
l'Jashington, DC 20515
Doug CoIlins (R-GA) -- Erin WaII
i 504 Longworth House office Bldq.
DC 20515 erin. wallGmai I' house' gov
Mimi Walters (R-TX)

- - Gabriela Sterling
236 Cannon House Office BIdg' g.n.i.f.. sterlingGmai I ' house' gov
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-667 3
John RatcLiffe (R-TX) Halzley D'Antuono
Jz) u3.Il:-tr:- -1--== v-::Y!
na!-i"y. o' a;:iucnoi"mai I ' house ' gov
WashingLon, DC 2051 5
Mike BishoP ( R-t{I ) -
Bldg' Susan Larson
428 Cannon House Office
susan. larson@mai I ' house. gov
Washington, DC 20515
(n:ET) 202-225-51 01
Jim Sensenbrenner Bui Iding Jacob Peterson
1A'ag- RaYburn Hot'=" of fice j acob. Peterson@mai I ' house.
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-221 6
Steve Chabot (R-OH)office -- Bui Iding KateIYn lvioore
Zlll RaYburn House katie . moore0mail' house'
Washington, DC 20515
Randy Forbes (R-VA) Carolyn King
)lZS- Rayburn House office bldg' carolyn. king0mai I . house' gov
Washington, DC 20515
qet vour letter delivered
email address is their staff person who can
name and

Trent Franks (R-AZ) 202-225-451 6

2135 RaYburn House Office Bldg' destinY Decker
Washington, DC 20515 destiny. decker@mai I' house' gov
Jim Jordan (R-oH) 202-225-267 6
1524 Longworth House Office Bldg' Melissa wade@mai I' house' gov
Washington, DC 20515 melissa.
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) 202-225-267 6
DanielIe Suber
2236 RaYburn House Office BIdq danieIIe. suber@mai I' house' gov
Washington, DC 20515
Trey GowdY (R-SC) 202-225-6030
BIdg. MarY-Langston wi-llis ^
1 404 Longworth House Office wi I Ii s@mai 1' house' gov
Washington, DC 29515 *-ty* lantston'
Blake Farenthold (R-Tx) 202-225-71 42
1027 Longworth House Office BIdg. EmiIY Wilkes
emiIY - wi lkes@mai l' house' gov
;'iashington, DC 20515
2A2-225-27 A5
Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Shira Gladstone
308 Cannon House office Building shira. lahavGmai I' house' gov
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-467 6
-iie Buck (R-CO)
House of f ice _-.
BIdg' sfreryf . fernandez@mai I' house'
Cannon Sheryl Eernandez
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-81 7

David Trott
"lTi"rZ"gworth House of fice BIdq' Marla Rondo
house. gov
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-81 7
John ConYers Jr' Rinia SheIbY
2426 RaYburn House Office BIdg' rinia. sheIbYGmaiI ' house. gov
Washington, DC 20515
(D-CA) 202-225-3072
Zoe Lofgren
-f,""gworth Kevin HiIke
f aOf House Of f ice BIdg' hi lkeOmai I ' house ' gov
Washington, DC 20515
Steve Cohen (D-TN) of ^...
f ice
-^ Btds' Susan Sowell
7ibi"n"v'6[fn'frouse susan. sowellGmaiI ' house'gov
Washington, DC 2051 5
Ted Deutch (D-FL) AIex Rocha
:::- ?.a-:'burn-;cHoug9 Of f ice BIdg' ex. rocha0mail . house' gov
22 ='t 3 al
202-225-7 084
Karen Bass (D-CA) Bldg' aIIison. fialkovGmail ' house ' gov
408 Cannon House Office
Washington, DC 20515
Allison Fialkov
202-225-631 1
Susan DelBene (D-WA)
ii A Cannon House office BIdg'
David CiciIIine (D-RI)

sPoerer@maiI ' Katie

))qq RaYburn House office BIdg Katie.
Jerry Nadler (D-NY) - janice.siegel0mail'house'gov
21Og RaYburn House Office bldg.
202-225-381 6
SheiIa Jackson Lee (D-Tx) BIdq ;i;*. tewoldeberhan@mai I . house'
2252 RaYburn House Office
Hank Johnson (D-GA) 202-225-1 605
2240 RaYburn House Office Bldg' david. mcdonald2@mai1 ' house'gov
Judy Chu 202-225-5464
2421 Rayburn House office BIdg' CourtneY Hruska
Washington, DC 20515 courtney. hruskaGmai l . house' gov
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) 202-225-8203
24OB Rayburn House Office BIdq' Audrey LoPez
Washington, DC 20515 audrey. IoPezGmaiI . house. gov
Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA) 202-225-6636
240 Cannon House Office Bldg' Kemah Dennis-t{oria1
Washington, DC 20515 kemah. denni s-morialGmai I ' house 'gov

Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY) 202-225-5936

1607 Longworth House Office BIdg' Katey McCutcheon
Washington, DC 20515 katey. mccutcheonGmai I ' house' gov
Scott Peters (D-CA) 202-225-0s08
1122 Longworth House Office Bldg' Anne MoriaritY
;', ashingtcn, DC 2051 5 anne. moriaritY@mai I. house'gov

each Congressman or
The names and email addresses to the right of coorespondence
handles for
are the names of the staff member who
the Representative-

You can call every one and Ieave a voice mail.

Be polite, brief, and to the point

fam and I am calling to ask You to make

the time credits in HR-3356 retroactive

when this bill is 'marked uP ' in April.
yiv mo*%J* alieady taken every class and work opportunity in pri son .
She cannot take these classes over, and there are no more to take.
Please qrive her credit for her hard work'
please make the time credits on HR-3356 retroactive
Thank you Mr./ Ms.

or however you want to saY what is in your heart'

you can also send an email to every one of these committee members'
This is the committee that will meet in April - and who can decide
to make the 'time credits' retroactive'
you wiII only have to serve half of your sentence'
If they are not made retroacti-ve, you will only get credit for classes
and work you do AFTER the law comes into

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