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Model 1 – Alteration of Resting Membrane Potential

1. Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) is the potential difference that exists across a
membrane of a cell. What is the RMP for a typical neuron shown in model 1?

2. Depolarization and hyperpolarization are two types of membrane potentials. For the
following values determine if the membrane is depolarized or hyperpolarized
a) 0 mV - Depolarized d) -70 mV - RMP
b) -100 mV - Hyperpolarized e) -69 mV - Depolarized
c) -71 mV - Hyperpolarized f) +30 mV - Depolarized

3. Voltage is a recording of inside charge compared to the outside charge. Write a

grammatically complete sentence to define each RMP alteration:
a) Depolarization: Change in the voltage more positive because it’s above -70 RPM

b) Hyperpolarization: Change in the voltage more negative because it’s below -

Model 2 – Ion Movement Across Neuronal Membrane

Neurons use changes in membrane potential as communication signals (nerve

impulses). The RMP changes are due to ions crossing the plasma membrane through
specific ion channels.

4. Sodium Ion Movement:
a) What do you notice about the sodium in this diagram?
There is more NA outside compared to the inside of the Neuron Membrane.
There are only positive electrons along the ring
The Ion channel is positive.

b) What conclusions can you make about sodium movement and cell charge in
relation to a neuron?
As the Na moves through the cell, it starts to move to the side that has less due to
diffusion, trying to balance the levels of Na. (Diffusion: From high concentration to
low concentration)

5. Potassium Ion Movement:

a) What do you notice about the potassium in this diagram?
There is more K inside the cell compared to the outside.

b) What conclusions can you make about potassium movement and cell charge in
relation to a neuron?
6. a) First answer the following question individually, not with your group.
Predict the RMP alteration that would occur with each ion movement. Use the
terms depolarization and hyperpolarization to complete the below table.

Ion Influx (into cell) Efflux (out of cell)

Anion (-) Hyperpolarization Depolarization
Cation (+) Depolarization Hyperpolarization

b) Within your group, discuss your individual answers. As a group come to a

consensus and then label the table on the recorder sheet. The answer must be
agreed on by all group members.

7. In a resting neuron there is greater K+ permeability than Na+ permeability. What

would happen to the RMP if Na+ and K+ permeability were the same?
The charge would be 0 because the diffusion would balance out the Na and the K.

Model 3 – Action Potential

Model 3 shows a typical neuron action potential. Action potentials are brief reversals
of membrane potential in response to a stimulus. Action potentials travel along the
axon, and method of how neurons communicate.

8. What do you notice about the graph?

➢ when a neuron is affected by a stimuli mV increases rapidly

➢ Looks like a sinusoid (Kinda)
➢ Multiple stimuli that don’t cause action potential

9. Determine the voltage range for the four phases of the action potential.
1) Resting = -70 RMP

2) Depolarization = 30 RMP

3) Repolarization = -100 RMP

4) Hyperpolarization = -100 RMP

10. Action potentials traveling along a neuron are due to the opening and closing of
sodium and potassium ion channels. Predict if the Na and K channels are open or
closed in each phase. Place your answers in the above table.

# Potential Phase Sodium (Na+) Potassium (K+)

1 Resting closed closed

2 Depolarization open closed

3 Repolarization close open

4 Hyperpolarization close open

11. What conclusions can you make about the action potential from the table above?
K acts more as a negative rather than a positive.
To depolarize, you must add more Na to the membrane
To hyperpolarize, you must add more K to the membrane

12. The ion channels are opening and closing at different parts of the action potential.
What type of gated ion channel is used for an action potential (chemical,
mechanical, voltage)?
The channels are voltage

13. Examine the model. What must be reached in order to initiate an action potential
(be specific)?
When different ions cross the neuron membrane and when affected by a
stimuli that make it become positive.

14. Action potentials have an all-or-none principle. As a group, write a grammatically

correct sentence to explain what is meant by this phrase.
15. Although stimulus originate at the dendrite and travels through the cell body, an
action potential does not start until the axon hillock. Postulate why action potentials
do not occur on dendrites (even with a very strong stimulus) and why action
potentials first start at the axon hillock.

Review questions:
16. When a Potassium voltage-gated-channel opens in a neuron at rest, what will
happen to RMP: no change, depolarization, repolarization, or hyperpolarization?

17. A drug that opens sodium channels in a motor neuron would ____________ the
membrane. Predict how this drug would affect the probability of generating an
action potential.

18. Novacaine and lidocaine are two local anesthetic drugs used in dentistry.
Anesthetics block nerves from sending action potentials to the nerve. Determine
possible mechanisms of action for novocaine.

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