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on a CATENA AUREA ‘The Dawn of Servitization ae 2 INDEX + Optumiz -~ The Journey Ahead + Introduction to the Dawn of Servitization + Views on Servitization | « Last Mile in Modern Logistics + Business models due to Servitization: Evolution and Changes + The Goat by Eliyahu Goldratt ~ Book. Review + Optitude O17 + New Initiative of the year Being on par in terms of price and quality only ony Allesandra Editor’s Note Welcome back to Catena Aurea!!! Once upow w time, the manufacturing service chain war comparatively black and white: manw- facturery would make thingy for people, and ser- vice companies would: do- thingy for people: Not| any more. Today, boundariey are blurring, aw tradblaging| manufacturery embark on w transformation| known ay ‘servitigatiow’. The articles of the studenty from esteemed B+ schooly all over Indiw have explored the contenv porary concepty such ay Last mile logistics, evolw- tion of business modely due to- servitization, ser. vitigation ay the competitive advantage which fov-| cilitates iw achieving operational advantages for| the modern business. In the year that just passed by Optumi, with the| support of Logisticy giant, UPS conducted “The| Last Haul’ case study which sew the participation] from the top B-schooly of India. Ow behalf of Op- tumiy, I thank all the industrial experts, faculty) and studenty for actively participating and mak- ing the journey memorable. ee ay we thrive for excel lence and brongong value for all our reader. With this we log out from this academic year and\ log into 2018-19 with fresh mindy and new en}, deavours. Happy Reading!!! EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR Himanshu Deshmukh ASSOCIATE EDITOR Abhishek Sukhadiya Kavita Soni CREATIVES Abhay Gupta Pratyaksh Agarwal CONTRIBUTORS Siddharth Sinbraj Rohit Maniyar Jigar Gada The views expressed in the articles and the interview ‘are,personal. Optumiz does Jgim ownership of the published in the ine. It is compiled ian Optumiz - The Journey Ahead — ee Dear Readers, It is indeed heartening to report that the current Year (201; 2018) was marked with the following series of events and activ ties organized by the Team Optumiz (1) Turbulent Times 2.0 the online simulation game based on airline industry, (2) Bat- tlooms - the simulation game on textile industry, (3) Optitude 17 (Flagship event) : Operational strategies in VUCA world, (4) The Case Study Competition by Web express and UPS, (5) KPMG green six sigma belt certification, (6) Advanced Excel certifica- tion workshop, (7) Basic R Program certification workshop, (8) Guess sessions, (9) Industrial Visits & (10) Digital media engage- ments (Magazine Optumiz) We hope to continue the good work done by the team. In adiition to the activities that we conducted last year we would Gike to focus on the following events for the Year 2018-2019: + Workshops and competitions in analytics domain. + Two industrial visits: one in advanced manufacturing plant and other in smart ware- fiouse. + Workshops for the students to handle Operations Management Consulting Interviews. + Session By seniors on different topics of operations in brief and various question asked in the summer placement interviews based on operation domain. + “Ops meet” an informa student faculty interaction session along with the alumni to dis- cuss changes in operations domain. We thank Dr. PN Mukherjee, the Optumiz team, all our faculty colleagues, our industry partners & our students for their whole hearted participation With Sincere Regards, Prof (Dr.) T Kachwala Operations Area Chair Introduction to the Dawn of Servitization If welook at the background of how a human being has devel- oped: One can easily see that we have evolved from doing basic activities like fishing, mining, ete that benefited human being- to w phase where humany strived to get maximizing output frowvit. This wy whew productwity and efficiency came into pic~ ture. Thew came w phase when all these things were outsourced. The: only thing that has really added value was the services. Today imany developed country, 8 out of 10 people are working iw services: . Therefore be- Lieve thix concept of servitization i going to stay. But creating value for the custom- er iv services iv a difficult task. This iw simply because one cannot define w service and also laying down the bench- mark for a good service iv w challenge. So- all this things hay to evolve and this evo~ lution ix going to make the industry very dynamic. What are the biggest challenger service industry will be facing in the future? One ix the role of technology. The technology iv changing at avery fast pace and it iw either helping the services or putting inhibitions on what the services can offer. Today nobody ivin the habit of reading newspaper and I an talking especially about Generation X or millennial. This iv because everything now iw available at the touch of w button and the best example ts inshorts. Thix inshorty have become the: norm and it’y a fornvof service. If this continues for another 10-12 yeary thew news- paper wil vanish. So-the technology iv enabling w product to- conwert into-w service. But this inshorty may also betemporary. There might be something else which may develop because of advance technology which will directly tell yow the newy iv your eary without reading. This dearly suggesty we are in wVUCA world. So-competing ow such platforms iv a big challenge: Another example ix driverless cars. These-driv- erless cary awe a fornof services. The second problem is thatjin services you cannot be sure of what you are going to offer. Avper definition of service, it iva gap between consumer expectations and consumer perceptions. Thiv hadmothing to do with the service providers. The challenge ley in matching this gap, One wrong move and you will drive away the customers.

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