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[..Nama Lengkap..]

[..Alamat Lengkap..]

[..Nomor Telephon..]


Data Pribadi

Tempat Tanggal Lahir :

Status :
Harapan Gaji :


Kampus / Jurusan :
Lulus :


Komputer (Microsoft Exel, Word, Corel Draw, Power Point, dan Internet) 1996
Bahasa Inggris (Conversation) 1994

Pengalaman Kerja

PT. Airlangga Setia Sentosa – Manager Marketing 2000 – 2008

Royal Laudry – Staf CEO 1999 – 2017


Karyawan terbaik di PT. Airlangga Setia Sentosa pada tahun 2000 – 2008
Contoh Resume Bahasa Inggris





Academic Qualification

Got a bachelor degre in commerce ini […..] from […..] University.

Completed a public administrtion certificate course ini […..]

Extra Activities
Have been directly associated with the administrative sevices by working with scial
organizations and contributing in unearthing the perpetuated social problems through my write
ups, articles and journals.

Rundimentary stage of the employement or Intership.

Worked as a receptionist cum telephone operator in a print media till 1 and half years.
Served telecoms company to promote its mobile phones in the competitive world market
bringing a huge profit to it.


Have made a remarkable contribution in producing a documentary film to be screened on how to

improve the living standard by adopting some aspecific tips.

Professional Experience

Currently serving an oil producing company […..] since [….] as an […..].

Have adopted several market strategis to argument its production and sales on the basis of a
balance maintaining between supply and demand.
Mooted out a formula to reduce its maximum budget getting siphoned off regularly on trivial
In […..] by joining a software company as an assistant production manager analyzed financial
and statistical data and revived current and fixeed assts, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
Resume Bahasa Inggris






To hold the position of Senior Accountant Resume for an excellent career in the field of

Personal Profile

Own a better knowledge in the management of A/R, A/P Accounts.

Capable of converting the data on high tech system to keep the informations at a click away
distance and prossessing a unique power of keeping all the account administration under control.

Professional Expeince

– FG Finance Group, […..]- Presently serving

– Accountant
Controlled the company’s entire financial system lookng after Peroidan and General
Reconciliation, Cash flow and management.

Maintained the gneral ledger system, oversaw the month end and year end audit repots, financial
report, budgets and variance analysis.

Performed bookkeeping jobs, apart from debtors, contract payments, payroll, management
accounts and profit and loss by flights.

– GHF Limited, Canada, [….-…..]

– Assistant Accountant

Maintained the operations of the accounts payable systems with vendors.

Maintained the capital assets, handled the depreciation schedules and reconciliation of financial


Graduation in MBA.


Controlling and managing power with softest touch of suggestions, instructions and maifestation
of the norms. Computer skilled and best command over the language.

Langkah-langkah Membuat Resume yang Baik

Terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika kamu akan menulis sebuah resume, antara
lain yaitu:

 Pilih MS Word, tujuannya untuk mempermudah kamu dan HRD, usahakan tidak terlalu
panjang, buatlah tulisan singkat, padat, da jelas.
 Pada bagian pertama, isi data diri dengan benar, setidaknya ada nama lengkap, nomor
telephone, alamat, dan email aktif.
 Tulis riwayat pendidikan lengkap dengan kualifikasinya (jurusan).
 Tulis pengalaman kerja lengkap dengan jabatan kamu saat bekerja dan apa saja yang
dibebankan kepada kamu (tanggugjawab).
 Sebelum mengakhiri, cek terlebih dahulu setiap kalimat atau ejaan dalam setiap resume
yang kamu buat (pastikan tidak ada kesalahan di dalamnya).
 Terakhir, perhatikan juga permntaan HRD, apabila kamu tidak diminta fotocopy referensi
atau sertifikat, kamu tidak peru menyertakannya. Hal ini bisa kamu bawa nanti ketika ada
 panggilan wawancara kerja.

Perhatikan Juga Hal Berikut

1. Membaca teks atau naskah asli

2. Menentukan dan mencatat gagasan utama
3. Mulai menulis ringkasan (resume)
4. Membaca kembali ringkasan yang telah dibuat

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