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SAP WM –Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits,

Advantages, Disadvantage- Complete Reference-Part 1
March 31, 2017 | 16,724 Views |

shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan

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SAP WM –Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits,

Advantages, Disadvantage- Complete Reference- Part
The aim of a SAP Warehouse Management System (WMS) or Extended
WMS should always be the same – to provide staff and managers with the
information necessary to more efficiently track and control the movement of
materials within the warehouse. To this end, SAP offers its own Warehouse
Management (WM) application, which provides flexible, automated support to
assist in processing all goods movements and maintaining current stock
But while SAP WM is a powerful solution that often proves to be a cost-
effective means of optimising material flow and enhancing stock management,
it’s one that I’ve found many warehouse managers are unaware of. In my
experience, it’s surprisingly common that companies do not know they could
be augmenting their existing SAP software with WM – a system that can offer
so much and is relatively cheap to implement. That is not to say everyone
should immediately rush out to change their existing WMS, or even for those
without a WMS to automatically
Choose WM, as this solution is not necessarily for all companies, especially
not for those without SAP. For those not already using SAP, WM as an
independent, and standalone option doesn’t offer the versatility or power of a
combined package, where WM is integrated within an existing SAP
framework. Moving away from an independent WMS solution and towards an
integrated approach, such as one utilizing WM in conjunction with SAP, offers
advantages to warehouse managers:
 If your company is already using SAP, it can implement SAP WM at
minimal cost, when compared to the initial implementation investment
 An integrated WMS means there is no need for complex interfacing
between different systems
 SAP WM is a stable, proven solution
 Key functionalities offered by other WMS can be built into SAP WM as
custom functionality at a much lower cost
 Supports high-end systems which include tracking and routing
technologies, such as Radio Frequency Identification and voice
 Processes goods receipts, goods issues and stock transfers quickly and
Warehouse Data in the Material Master:- Material Master Data
Warehouse Management
Warehouse number (XYZ)
Storage type (F01)
Picking storage type (F01)
Storage bin (A1-04-003)
Maximum bin quantity (50)
Minimum bin quantity (10)
Rounding quantity (blank)
Control quantity (blank)
Documents in WMS
Transfer requirement-This is a document that serves to plan goods
movements using the Warehouse Management System (WMS).On the one
hand, transfer requirements are used to pass on information on goods
movements that are posted in Inventory Management (MM-IM) to the
Warehouse Management System (WMS).
Structure: – The transfer requirement contains all the necessary information
on a planned goods movement.
What should be moved?
Which quantity should be moved?
When should it be moved?
The planning date is important for further automatic processing.
Which transfer type is the basis of the goods movement?
Each goods movement in the warehouse is classified by a transfer type
indicator. This key differentiates between:
A stock put away, a stock pick, a stock transfer.
Why is it to be moved? Was the transfer order created as a result of a
purchase order or a production order, or was it created manually?
Replenishment qty. (blank).
Transfer Order:- Document used for executing goods movements with the
help of Warehouse Management (WM). Logical, physical goods movements
or stock changes can be the basis for a transfer order. These include:
Picks, Put away, posting changes
We Can create the transfer order with reference to a source document from
WMS or other SAP application components. A source document can be a:
Delivery document, Transfer requirement, Material document, Posting change
Transfer Order Structure- A transfer order contains all the necessary
information on a planned goods movement. What should be moved? Which
quantity should be moved? Where should the bin be moved from (source
storage bin), and where to (destination storage bin)?
Posting change– A posting change generally refers to change to the stock
data of a material affecting bookkeeping information. In the case of most
posting changes, for example during release from quality inspection stock, the
goods remain in the same physical storage bin.
Integration. We generally trigger posting changes in Inventory Management
(MM-IM). If you implement the Warehouse Management system (WMS), you
process the posting change notice from MM-IM in the WMS. For more
information, we can also trigger material status changes in the WMS, for
example if a physical goods movement in the warehouse is the cause for the
posting change.
Posting Change Types in the WMS- Type of Posting Change
 Release from quality inspection stock
 Processing blocked stock
 Posting change in quality inspection stock
 Posting change from material number to material number
 Dividing batches amongst other batches
 Posting changes between storage locations.
Interim Storage Type
The Inventory Management (IM) application component communicates with
the Warehouse Management component through interim storage types.
Goods receipts and issues posted in IM are automatically updated in WM in
these interim storage types.
Standard SAP interim storage types:
901 GR area for Production
902 GR area for external receipts
910 GI area general
916 Shipping area deliveries
917 Quality assurance
999 Differences
How SAP IM and WM Movement Type Integrates and how Posting occurred
in IM and WM synchronises the Inventory updates in SAP System. Each
Inventory Management movement type that is relevant for the WM system is
allocated to a reference movement type, with which the system determines
the corresponding movement in the WM system. If you do not want to connect
an IM movement type to WM movement type, then assign Reference
movement type 999. For example goods receipt posting for account assigned
purchase order.
The warehouse management movement type provides the following
information required for stock placements and stock removals:
1.Interim Storage type
2.Coordinate of the storage bin
3.Confirming and printing transfer orders
4.Indicator for Storage type search
5.Outbound Shipping
SAP WM General Business Process (here I have added Yard management
steps for reference to SAP WM Inbound and Outbound Business process with
Yard management activated. It is to show how Yard Management can help a
company to track the Movements of Trailers (Tracks the movement of trailers
and provides inventory visibility with the receiving/shipping yard).
 SAP MM WM Inbound Process with yard Management Activated.
Creating Purchase Order
Approving / Releasing Purchase Orders
Creating Inbound Delivery with Reference to the Purchase Order
Creating an Unassigned Vehicle
Assigning Vehicle to Inbound Delivery
Checking Vehicle into the Yard
Scheduling a Dock Door
Moving Vehicle Using Mobile Device
Checking Vehicle Out of Yard
Viewing Activities on Vehicle Checked Out
Packing Receipt and Creating Transfer Order
Confirming Transfer Order
Posting Goods Receipt for Outbound Delivery
Checking Stock for Material.
Capture Excise Invoice
Creating Invoice Receipt.
 SAP MM WM Outbound Process with yard Management
If suppose if your company wants to track the movement of trailers and
provide inventory visibility with the receiving/shipping yard. Yard management
describes a vehicle being checked into the yard, moved within the yard,
scheduled to a dock, loaded with an outbound delivery, and checked out of
the yard.
Yard monitor helps yard managers constantly get up-to-date information in the
yard and to enable them to do quick responses. Yard scheduling chart
provides a graphical representation of scheduling activities in a yard, which
can give user overall status and is helpful to improve management efficiency.
Workers in the yard can execute yard activities using RF presentation
devices, and it supports personal customization, which supplies convenient
user interface.
Key Process Steps
Creating Sales Order
Creating Outbound Delivery for Sales Order
Creating Transfer Orders for Deliveries
Confirming Transfer Order
Creating an Unassigned Vehicle
Checking Vehicle into the Yard
Assigning Vehicle to Outbound Delivery
Schedule a Dock Door
Moving Vehicle Using Mobile Device
Checking Vehicle Out of Yard
Viewing Activities on Vehicle Checked Out
Posting Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery
Creating Billing.
SAP WM Putaway Strategies
Fixed bin – Fixed bin assignment per material (data entered in Material
Master, stored in Single fixed bin. Fixed bin storage is 005 in std. SAP.
Strategy Indicator is “F” for Putaway and We need to select Addition to
existing stock Indicator- X. Capacity check Method suggested here is “3”-
Check Max Quantity per storage bin in a storage type. We have many options.
Fixed Bin entered in Material master does not change until unless if any
changes to Material master (for this Field). Storage Type- 001. This strategy is
very simple.
Open storage – One storage bin per storage section (Materials stored in
open Floor, per storage type roughly divided in to section and one storage
section is represented by One storage bin. Normally people can ask how to
view stock in open storage strategies any specific report. This assumes like a
joke but I have faced this questions. E.g. Coal or some scrape or junk yard
storages treated as Open storage strategy when WM is implemented. TO can
be created using LT01. Movement type 501, Interim storage type is 902 and
received in open storage bin WE-ZONE. Strategy Indicator is C. Storage is
open and no restriction as rack storage. We need to set Mixed storage
Indicator-X and Addition to existing stock- X in Storage Type control for
strategies screen. Storage Type – 003
Addition to existing stock – Attempt to add material to existing stock
Next Empty bin – Search for next empty storage bin in the storage section. In
Manufacturing Industries (Sony, Samsung, and LG electronics- example)
producing electronic components, the parts are often small, delicate and
subjected to damage by static. This components are stored in containers in
warehouse that are safe for all Products. Many warehouses that store these
products use carousel storage where the Parts are stored in identical
containers in carousel system that places new Items in the next empty bin
available. Material can be stored in any available empty next bin. Different
Materials can be stored in different size containers.. We can check the stock
using LS04. Storage Type – 001. Strategy Indicator is “L”. We need to select
Stock Placement require confirmation check box. And SUT check active
should made active and Storage section check active should be selected,
because strategy is to find next empty storage bin. Defining storage section
search is not necessary but it will help Warehouse Operator to getter better
idea of where the next Empty bin will be located. We can use LS04 to check
the bins.
Bulk storage – Search for bin in the bulk storage area. It is for materials that
is stored in large quantities. Please do not get confuse with the materials
stored in Bulk containers such as Grain, Sand, Cement, Fertilizer.
Mainly beverages and food industry- like Coke, Pepsi, and Nestle…Etc…a
production run of beverages may produce several thousands of product. Once
this is placed in pack and then stored on pallets, it will be stored in bulk
storage type. Transaction to define Bulk strategy- OMM4. We have
sequence of configuration activity for Bulk. First we need to activate strategy,
then Defining storage type control thirdly Defining Bulk storage Indicator and
finally Defining Block structure. SAP STD Storage type used here is 004, Bulk
strategy Indicator is B. we need to activate the stock placement requires
confirmation switch because this allows more materials to be added to the
same Material currently in the Bulk storage type. Addition to existing stock
should get activated. SUT check active to be selected because bulk storage
users Storage units.
Near Picking Bin – This strategy suits to materials undergone frequent
Picking in Warehouse. So better to store material close to picking
area. Normally Warehouse can use this strategy to see the materials can be
placed in the fixed bin, If not system will try to reserve an area and finally try to
find a bin which is close to Picking area.. like we are doing in Train with huge
bags and luggage and we look for seat which is nearer to train compartment
entrance or nearer to the Door so that we won’t make others feels
Incontinence while getting down from the compartment, we can try to get the
seat, but Ticket checker will tell us temporarily you can take some seat and
once all sorted out I will give a nearest seat that suits your requirement. Here I
am just giving example. Transaction used to configure is OMLA. We need to
configure six steps 1. Putaway strategy activation 2. Storage type control
definition 3. Search per level definition 4. Row and shelf assignment 5.
Storage bin generation 6.Consistency check. Strategy Indicator is K. Storage
Type for this strategy is 035. We need to select Stock placement requires
Confirmation Indicator. It is good to leave the configuration with just one
setting, This will perform putaway in reserve storage bin, without searching for
Fixed bin or carrying out a search for a relevant bin.
SAP WM Picking Strategies
FIFO – The system proposes the oldest quant for the stock pick. It is more
commonly known and used strategy- removes the oldest quant from the
storage type in the storage type search. Normally found in manufacturing
companies wish to see their first stored stock material and longest time in the
Warehouse. Warehouse that have deep racks make it difficult for a
staff/Warehouse worker to get to the correct material. One Famous method is
Oldest material is picked is to use gravity flow racks for materials that are
picked individually and not in boxes. The boxes are placed at the back of the
rack and flow racks filled so that picking at the front moves the material
forward from the back. This method is especially used in picking areas.
Strategy Indicator is “F”. Transaction used to check material stock is LS24.
LIFO – The system proposes the most recent quant for picking. It is just
opposite to FIFO strategy. It is based on the last delivered Material to be
considered for picking first. It is used mainly by many companies for inventory
cost accounting. If stock is place more days in warehouse it will affect the
value reported on gross profit margins. Investors tend to be more cautious to
review gross profit margins, which are often considered as a measure of the
value provided to consumers. LIFO can give the accurate valuation of the
Warehouse stock. Mostly all retailers using LIFO, M& S, TIGER, TARGET and
many more retailers. When LIFO picking is used no value change occurs for
Older Material when new materials are received. Because of LIFO the older
materials is not affected by the potentially higher prices of the new deliveries
of the material. If older materials not affected that means it is not subjected to
valuation for a new Price changes in Market. Again if older materials price is
not increased then this prevents false valuation of current Inventory. Picking
with LIFO method is not that much common as FIFO Picking. It may be used
for financial department because of its more conservative view of the cost of
Inventory and there it shows positive lights by some financial experts. Strategy
Indicator is L. we need to activate Stock removal requires confirmation, Return
stock to same storage location and execute Zero stock check indicators. Here
storage type is 002. Transaction user to pick the material from storage is
Partial quantity – Removal from partial pallets first, then standard pallets.
Indicator used here is A. picking of partial quantities is associated with SUM.
Partial quantity is required by a warehouse if the Warehouse manager does
not want to pick all the contents of a storage unit and then have to return
some to the storage bin. A partial quantity allows the staff to remove some of
the Quantities/ Content of a storage unit. Warehouse staff often try to reduce
the number of storage units with partial quantities, and the partial quantities
picking strategy can be more appropriate to confirm this. We need to select
return stock to same storage bin. Initially the system will determine the
quantity to be transferred equals or is greater than the quantity of a standard
storage unit. If this is the case, then a standard storage unit can be picked
form the stock. However if no standard storage units are available, the partial
storage units quantities in the warehouse are used. If the system determines
that the quantity in the TO is less than the quantity of the standard storage
unit, then the system will initially proceed to remove partial storage units
quantities from the Warehouse. However if no partial storage units unit
quantities are available then the system will need to break down full storage
units to obtain the correct Quantities for the transfer order.
Large/small (Quantity relevant Picking)- Pick proposal based on quantity- it is
frequently used but it more suited for companies warehouse store the same
material in the varying sizes of bins and storage types. We find this in old
warehouse buildings. Quantity relevant strategy picking is based on the
Quantity required in the TO and whether that Quantity is defined by a large or
small. Warehouse may have storage types where small quantities of material
are stored and also have storage types where larger quantities are stored.
Here 2 step of configuration required 1. Activate the quantity relevant strategy
for the warehouse where picking will take place. 2. To determine the
sequence in which strategy type are searched so that the relevant material to
be picked is found. Strategy indicator user is M. once entries in storage type
search sequences are to be maintained.. it is necessary to say the first
storage type with smallest quantity and then the second in the sequence
would be larger than the first. ..and next larger in the sequence. In normal 2
sequence of storage type search to be maintained for the required picking. If
material is not available in the first storage type in the sequence then system
will search for second storage type in the same sequence. For picking
operation the key defined is E. if putway operation then A. if suppose material
is not found then warehouse staff manually process the TO and manually
enter the Storage type and storage bin in TO.
Fixed bin – Picking from the fixed bin. It always relies on the date entered in
Material master WM screen. In ECC 6.0 the storage type for fixed strategy in
WM 2 View but it depends on version to version. To view stock position we
can use LS24. Strategy Indicator is P. this strategy is used when material is
allowed to pick from any storage bin within the storage type mentioned in
Material master. We need to choose stock removal requires confirmation
switch. Transaction LT01 can be used to pick from fixed bin.
SLED- Shelf Life Date expiration- mainly in Retail, Grocery, Food and
beverages where perishable materials occupying majority space.this can be
sales- focused Shelf life where it’s validity to certain period of time(day/week/
Month/year) before expiration date is reached they need to sell to end
customer.Alternatively if it production focused then let say chemicals and raw
materials kept only for so long still meet tolerance limits for use in production
process. it is more important managers to re-view their date of expiration to
ensure out of date materials does not have to be scrapped. Based on SLED
date picking takes place. Details Maintained in material Mater.regarding shelf
life characteristics in plant/storage view. We have Period let us
sy 300, Min Rem.shelf life 30, Period ind. for SLED- D, Time unit – D, Total
shelf life- 180 etc.
Regarding configuration first we need to activate SLED Management indicator
for Warehouse and then as a second step we stock removal strategy to get
activated. Indicator for SLED strategy is H. we need to set stock removal
requires confirmation indicator. To display SLED stocks we can use LX27.
Transaction to use LT01 for creating TO for short SLED Materials for storage
type movement type used s 201 because it will remove the material
and issue to cost center.
Configuration Setting for storage type Control
Usage of Indicators /Switches in Storage type control Definition
*****We need to choose stock removal requires confirmation Indicator. If
this indicator is set then picking of entire item must be confirmed in the
destination St. Type or return storage type before the Quantity is made
available. If negative stock allowed indicator is set then system allows
posting of neg stocks Quants in storage type. This is done for Interim
storage type/areas. If full stock removal requirement is selected then
entire quant must be picked regardless of the qty required for actual
If return stock to same storage bin then it is required that a reminder of
the picked stock that was not needed Will be returned to the same bin
that picked earlier. If Execute Zero stock check is activated only after
stock picking is completed or emptied after stock pick. When Zero stock
check is made the storage bin can only be used for putaways when 0-
stock check is completed and confirmed. If Round- off Quantity for
Picking is selected then system will round-off qty in the warehouse
screen for the storage type in the MMR. Propose Post change @ storage
bin- when warehouse needs to post and leave the materials in the same
storage bin – especially during re-labelling process. This Indicator
controls no transfer is to take place for a posting change. Block upon
stock removal when blocking indicator is set when material is picked.
Value 1 for blocking storage bin and 2- for blocking Quant
only. Assigned Pick Point storage Type- if required for RF solution
related business process requirement. Return storage type- into which
any remaining qty of the picked Material to be stored now****.
Purpose of Storage Unit Management (SUM)
Storage unit (SU) management in Warehouse Management (WM) enables
you to optimize warehouse capacity and control material flow by utilizing
storage units within the warehouse.
A storage unit is a logical grouping of one or several amounts of material such
as a pallet or a container that can be managed within a warehouse as a unit
that belongs together. Storage units can be either homogeneous (containing
one material item only) or mixed (containing two or more material items).
All storage units, whether the materials are stored on standard pallets, wire
baskets or other containers, are assigned an identifier — a number — which
is maintained in the system as the storage unit number. Therefore, it is
possible at any given time to know where each storage unit is located in the
warehouse complex, the amount of material contained in it, and which
operations have been processed or planned for it.
When SU management is not active in a storage type, all stock is managed as
separate quants at the storage bin level. With SU management, stock is
managed at the pallet or storage unit level. A storage bin can have one or
more storage units. Similarly, each storage unit can consist of one or more
When SU management is not active in a storage type, all stock is managed as
separate quants at the storage bin level. With SU management, stock is
managed at the pallet or storage unit level. A storage bin can have one or
more storage units. Similarly, each storage unit can consist of one or more
Storage unit management is generally activated in the warehouse
for the following reasons:
 Movement of mixed pallets (with more than one material) as a single
unit within the warehouse
 Identification and management of materials using storage unit numbers
assigned internally or externally
 WM can communicate with fork lift control systems via an interface
without having to maintain material data in the external system.
It is only possible to deactivate SU Management in the warehouse number
record if it has first been deactivated in the subordinate storage types.
In addition to the capabilities already available in WM, the activation of
storage unit management in your system enables you to access several
functions that are specifically designed for working with storage units.
Using SU management, you can
 Create homogeneous and mixed storage units
 Place materials into storage using an identification (ID) point
 Create transfer orders and confirm stock movements for storage units
 Transfer whole storage units internally
 Add stock to existing storage units
 Display the contents of storage units
 Print documents to accompany storage units
 Plan goods issues, for example, to stage materials in replenishment
storage bins in production
All storage unit management functions are fully integrated with WM.
Mainly Configuration required at two levels in the Master Data
1. Warehouse
2. Storage Type
SU – Palletization Data in WM2 View – Material master

Many people asked what HUM & SUM is and where it is used…
In a WM we can work with SUM independently of HUM. The additional
features or function allows you to enter materials and logistics careers as a
logistic units that can only identify within a Warehouse using a Number. If we
user HUM in connection with WM, then we must activate sum for all storage
types in which you want to store handling units. During putaway, the system
creates a storage unit for handling unit of a reference document. Example
Inbound Delivery. This storage unit has the same identification number as its
brother Handling unit.
The basic difference b/n HUM and SUM is that, HUM is a combination of
Goods and Packing Material and it is mainly used for tracking purpose.
Whereas when it comes to SUM, its nothing but palletization of the materials.
The primary function of SUM is to effective use warehouse complex and gives
greater flexibility in terms of handling goods movement and storing goods
inside the warehouse.
For your clear understanding SUM is a subdivision of storage Bin where
stocks are stored with SU number rather in quant number. The another
advantage of SUM is, we can maintain two or more different quants inside a
Both SUM and HUM shares same identification number, whereas SUM
features limited within the warehouse, and HUM has its role outside the WMS.
HU is basically a material(s) which can be packed using packing material(s).
SU is defined for the purpose of handling and storing the material in
Warehouse. you can have full pallet, half pallet or pallets of different sizes and
Following are the differences i can think of.
– HU is at IM level and Pallet is used for SUs at WM level.
– HU mgmt. is activated at Storage location level while SU mgmt. activated at
Storage type level.
– HUs exists outside your organization (unique SSCC nos) while SUs are
within the org, specifically at WM level.
– You can have HU mgmt. without SU mgmt. or vice-versa.
– When a HU is put away in warehouse, it is put away as SU. System
automatically assigns the SU number same as HU. You can also work with
SUs alone without HU mgmt., in which case, you have to be very careful while
defining the number ranges for these two. I suggest you search forum for
further details.
Handling unit management can be used with or without WMS. But when
you have WMS in place you need SUM to process handling units.
1. SUM can be controlled for each storage type and allows you through
the use of SU’s to manage material quantities for each container or
pallet as a self-contained unit within a storage type.
2. Certain storage functions such as mixed storage control, removal from
storage functions in bulk storage, or capacity checks requires use of
SUM in the warehouse as prerequisite. SUM activated for following
3. Movement of mixed pallets as a single unit within the warehouse.
4. Identification & management of materials using storage unit numbers
assigned internally or externally.
5. WM can communicate with fork lift control systems via interface without
having to maintain material data in the external system.
1. HUM represents a packaging controlled logistics system in which all
movements are mapped through HU’s.
2. If we use HUM then you must use the GR process with inbound
3. If we use HUM in connection with WM then we must activate storage
unit management for all storage types in which you want to store HU’s.
4. During put away the system creates SU for the HU of the reference
document, e.g. inbound delivery. This SU has the same identification
number as its sister HU.
5. HUM must be activated for each plant/storage location combination.
6. HU itself is created in inbound delivery during packaging.

HUMO Transaction to View HU Data

The stock is no longer in warehouse, the goods issue process is completed,

the HU has PSTD status, and the delivery is posted. Hence a material
document related to the goods issue created. That HU could be reversed by
using the delivery document number in VL09. Notice that document where HU
is involved can only be reversed once. HU will reach different system status
based on the stage @ which HU exists. Some users complain that STO
cannot be reprocessed because HU needs reversal on both inbound and
outbound. It is a system restriction and in such case the operation needs to be
done in the opposite direction to release the HU for further operations.
In this article I am not interested to touch SAP WM Configuration and
how to Prepare SAP WM Questionner for collecting business
requirement Gatheration because I have already explained those
information in my earlier Articles. For those interested in SAP WM
Configuration steps and preparing Questionner before going for Fit- Gap
analysis, blue Print Documentation. It would be recommended to have a
look on the below links for reference.
Step by Step Approach for Configuration of Warehouse Management
Questionnaire for Warehouse Management (WM) Module (for
requirements understanding / understanding client’s business process)
SAP WM Monitoring ToolsPrimary warehouse process
monitoring and control tools:
Warehouse Activity Monitor (“WAM”): assists warehouse administrators to
oversee, plan and optimize work processes in the warehouse.

The drill down list provides information based on the Storage Types, Movements, etc.
Warehouse activity monitor is an instrument for monitoring warehouse
movements. It informs you processes that have failed to run completely or
have run with errors, and offers you the opportunity to create or correct
missing documents. The Warehouse activity monitor contains seven objects
for monitoring.
01 – Unconfirmed Transfer orders
02 – Open Transfer requirements
03 – Open posting change notices
04 – Open Deliveries
05 – Negative stocks
06 – Interim storage stocks
07 – Critical stocks for production supply.
A document or stock item is only displayed in the Warehouse activity monitor
if the defined processing periods (in customizing) are exceeded.
RF Activity Monitor: used to control RF work, work items in queues, and
assignment of work to associates
Yard Activity Monitor: used to control yard managers constantly get up-to-date
information in the yard and to enable them to do quick responses.
Types of Warehouse Stock
Available Stock, Inspection Stock (Q), Blocked Sock (S), Blocked stock
Returns (R), à we can check in Ls
Special Stock
Sales Order Stock (E), Consignment stock (K), Project Stock (Q), Returnable
Transport stock. We can check in LX03.
Features of Inventory Management
Inventory management by quantity
Visibility of on-hand quantity by storage location
Management of special stocks
Entry and documentation of all material movements
Real-time updates of inventory
Documentation of all receipts, issues and transfers
Physical inventory
Carry out physical inventory at the material level
Perform inventory adjustments
Inventory management by value
Postings update account assignments for cost accounting
Updates G/L account for financial accounting
Key integration points
Integrates directly with MRP, purchasing and invoice verification
Provides information for MRP, updates PO; used to check conformity during
invoice verification
Real-time updates
When transactions are entered, the results the stock updates real time to
reflect actual changes.
People will have a question on when Inventory management is more
useful and acceptable to Implement ?
Answer is :-Inventory Management is More useful when…
Small facility
Lower levels of inventory on hand
Simplistic material handling processes
Lower volume of activity
Outsourced warehouse operations
Only need storage location or bucket of inventory visibility.
Important thing to consider in SAP IM
Required data for IM
Plant, valuation and storage location data
Relevant data for IM
Work scheduling, accounting, materials planning, purchasing, and
classification, storage and quality management
IM menu
Goods movements
Material documents
Focused on reporting, lists and LIS
People will have a question on when Warehouse management is
more useful and acceptable to Implement ?
WM is great when
Larger facilities
Large number of materials on hand
Higher volume or flow through
Traceability and visibility is critical
Track material flow, status, inventory levels
Complex processes
Automated systems, wide spread site.

Important thing to consider in SAP WM

Extend material master
Warehouse management view
No required data
Define warehouse structure
Minimize the number of storage types
Define based on similar and different rules for storing materials
Mixed stock, Storage or Handling Unit Management
Define the WM Processes
Automatic, semi-automatic and manual processing
Transfer order creation, confirmation, posting changes

Main Difficulties or Drawbacks in Inventory Management

Lack of detailed visibility to material flow
e.g. When the delivery pick list is generated, the delivery’s “actual pick
quantity” is updated prior to actual picking
Requires manual updates when quantities differ
Inability to assign incoming materials to outbound demand to avoid multiple
material handling
Immediate update of inventory receipts and issues
System inventory and status NOT representative of the physical process
Limited visibility to locations of materials
Only possible to assign a single fixed bin location per storage location
Bin location is “text” only; no strategies are available
Warehouse Management is always advantageous when the Inventory
management could not handle the materials in storage locations.
You can track the material exactly where it is stored and whether it is on
the move or in storage bin.

In Normal people would say that they will recommend to client to use
WM only if the standard logistics functionality is insufficient for your
Answer is: – it is not true. We have many Functional Modules and
customer/user Exits Provided by SAP. using FM/ Exits we can work on
any kind of scenarios client currently following. even we can club 2
more strategies using Exit. for example in case of beverages for picking
of Materials we need to consider FIFO and SLED because Materials in
Beverage/ Food/ Groceries Industries (Coke, PEPSI, NESTLE..etc..even
in our small Indian clients such as Subhiksha (TCS implemented
SAP) perishable in nature and we cannot use for a long as earlier said
they are sale oriented and mainly needs to concentrate in revenue (ROI)
so we need to activate SLED Picking strategy and also system should
pick First in First Out Materials for doing efficient Warehousing
Operation. so we need to club this 2 Picking strategies. In Standard SAP
this functionality is not available and so we need to use Exit. in Storage
type control Definition we have the option of selecting Exit Check box.
we need to activate from Config side. so that system will check the exit
used by the Developer.
SAP Function Module & Exits
We can use function modules to replace a series of existing batch-input
processes that is used in the Warehouse Management system. You can use
these modules to combine different transactions on one screen or to enhance
the range of functions in your system to meet your particular organisational
Create TR
Change TR
Create TO
Confirm TO
Cancel TO
Create multiple processing list
Start multiple processing list
Release multiple processing lists
Processing TR’s using Function Modules
It is possible to create and change transfer requirements in Warehouse
Management using function modules. You can and should use these function
modules instead of existing batch input processes. This will significantly
simplify and improve the performance in comparison with batch processing.
All plausibility checks are carried out in the same manner as with the creation
of transfer requirements using batch input.
The following function modules are available for WM:
Processing TO’s using Function Modules. in
website SAP Shared all the Details related to FM and
exits. In my next coming article I would try to explain
usage of FM and when to use suitable FM.

We can create, confirm, and change transfer orders in Warehouse

Management using the function modules listed below.
The online transfer order processing is divided into three reports. They also
allow you to update your own data when you Generate transfer order
confirmations. If you use this function to create your own Projects, you can
display additional information about each enhancement.
Customer Exits for Creating and Confirming TOs
Using customer-specified logic, the following customer exits permit you to
become involved in the storage bin search process and, afterwards, to update
customer data when creating and confirming transfer orders.
While creating customer-specific projects using this function, you can display
additional SAP information about each individual customer exit.
The following customer exits related to transfer orders are available for use in
Develop User Exits for Warehouse Management
The following SAP user exits are available for the area Warehouse
•MWMTO001 Update own data after TO creation
•MWMTO002 Update own data after TO confirmation
•MWMTO003 Own strategy
•MWMTO007 Palletization and storage type search for stock placements
•MWMTO004 Own strategy
•MWMTO008 Storage type search for removals
•MWMTO005 TO-related under delivery
•MWMTO006 Bin-related over delivery and under delivery
•MWMTO009 Prevents deletion of TO items
•MWMTO010 Determines total planned TO processing time
•MWMTO011 Correction of processing time for TO item
•MWMTO012 Transfer order split
•MWMTO013 Enhancements of stock removal strategy “Stringent FIFO”
•MWMPP001 WM/PP interface: Automatic TR creation
•MWMRP001 Replenishment control: Selection of delivery items
•MWMRP002 Replenishment control: TR quantity allocation
•MWM2S001 Predetermining 2-step picking
•MWMD0001 TO printing using print program RLVSDR40
•MWMD0002 TO printing (multiple processing) through print
program RLKOMM40
The SAP user exits MWMTO001 through MWMTO013 are in the same
function group and can communicate with one another (with limitations) via
global data.
For “Automatic TO creation (background processing)”, the following user exits
are available:
•MWMTOAU1 Selection of requirements for automatic creation of orders.
•MWMTOAU2 Reference number assignment.
•MWMTOAU3 Selection of posting change notices for automatic creation of
transfer orders.
All customer exits are in the same function group and can communicate with
each other via global data with some limitations (for example, asynchronous

Creating/Confirming TOs Online or Through Update Programs

For the Warehouse Management function modules, the update program for
creating and confirming transfer orders can be controlled via a separate
Updates for normal transactions are carried out via the update program.
However, you can set this especially for creating and confirming transfer
orders. To do this, you must change the program ML03TPAR.
SAP uses an User Exit (SMOD/CMOD) in order to make an enhancement of
customers a lot more convenient. There are very many user exits available
within SAP. When using an user exit, the system does NOT become modified
what happens when you start changing SAP for your needs. So, it is very
interesting to make use of all options, that leave the SAP system as
unmodified as possible. Therefore, you should always check the available
user exits in the area for your needed enhancements.
You can activate user exits in the SAP transactions SMOD and CMOD. There
you can check for the appropriate user exit and insert the new enhanced code
in function modules for your needs.
Here you find the complete list of SAP User exits in SAP
(You can find this list in your SAP system as follows: you can see all the
Details in but here I would like to make the understanding
simple – so that new person entering SAP WM- LE can easily get the
knowledge Stuff. Please share your valuable comments.
CMOD -> Utilities -> SAP Enhancements -> F8 Execute)
Update own data during creation of TO
Update own data during confirmation of TO
Custom Putaway
Custom picking
Under & over deliveries
Palletization Data
Conversion of storage unit numbers
Interface for external systems
If you do not want the system to execute the posting changes immediately
after confirming the transfer order, but rather cumulatively using the
RLLQ0100 report, set the Combine post. changes indicator. You can also call
this report from transaction
LQ01 (in the application menu, choose Logistics à Logistics
Execution à Internal Whse Processes à Posting Change à Direct
to Bin Stock à Posting Change Storage Location to Storage
Stock Removal
strategies in Customizing by choosing Logistics Execution à
Warehouse Management à Strategies à Stock Removal Strategies. If you
need to make additional settings, you can access the relevant tables here.
Note: If you want to use your own search logic, you can use the SAP
enhancements MWMTO004 and MWMTO013.
In Warehouse Management, you activate the shelf life expiration date update
at quant level for a warehouse number. The expiration date is then stored in
the quant data record in addition to the goods receipt date. In Customizing,
Warehouse Management à Strategies à Stock Removal Strategies à Define
Strategy for Expiration Date. The Warehouse Management information
system contains a report (RLS30010) that checks stocks according to their
remaining shelf life.
Collective Processing of Outbound Deliveries
In addition to manual creation of single transfer orders for a single outbound
delivery, there are several options for collective processing:
 Automatic creation of transfer orders with report RLAUTA20
 Group creation in the outbound delivery monitor and subsequent
order creation for the group
 Two-step picking
To use report RLAUTA20, message type WMTA (automatic transfer order)
has to be determined in the outbound delivery message determination. This
message type is used to create a transfer order for the outbound delivery. The
program RLAUTA20 is called from the message control (program
RSNAST00). If you want transfer orders to be regularly created in the
background for your outbound deliveries, schedule the execution of the
RSNAST00 program for message type WMTA. You can define determination
records for the message type WMTA with the transmission medium 8 (Special
Note: The message type WMTA can be used in the same way to create
transfer orders for inbound deliveries.
The Stock Transfer Process
Two transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial
stocks within a warehouse number: transaction Create Transfer Order Without
Source Object (transaction code LT01) and transaction Create Transfer Order
from Stock
List (transaction code LT10). With the Create Transfer Order Without Source
Object transaction, you can only move the stock from one storage bin. If you
want to move the stock from entire storage section or picking sections in a
storage type, or even all of the stock in a storage type, you should use the
transaction Create
Transfer Order from Stock List (report RLS10034). In this program, you can
select the quant’s you want to move and then enter the destination data.
Caution: The system creates a separate transfer order for each quant.
Process Flow
The internal stock transfer process is at the core of all the different types of
Replenishment control covered in this lesson. Generally, partial stocks are
moved from one storage type to another within a warehouse number. As of
SAP R/3 4.6C, you can use replenishment control to supply both fixed storage
bins and bins in storage types with random storage. The following programs
are available in the SAP ECC standard system:
1. Report RLLNACH1 for fixed bin replenishment based on bin stock only
2. Report RLLNACH2 for fixed bin replenishment based on bin stock and
the current requirements in outbound deliveries
3. Report RLLNACH4 for replenishment in storage types with random
To use these programs, you first have to add some storage type specific fields
in the second Warehouse Management view of the material masters of all of
the affected materials. For delivery-related control, you have to enter a
replenishment quantity. For replenishment control based on the bin stock
alone, you have to enter a minimum and a maximum quantity (for fixed bin
materials, the maximum quantity is often already specified for the quantity-
based capacity check and this quantity can be used by replenishment control
as well).
Warehouse monitor
Note: After the physical inventory has been completed,
you can reset the Status of the storage bins to “not inventoried” using the
RLREOLPQ program.
Transaction LT09 in the SAP system allows you to confirm open transfer order
items and to generate new transfer orders for this purpose. If too many
storage units are preplanned, you can use the report RLVSPLRE to
reorganize the unused storage units.
There are three reports in the Warehouse Management system that provide
an overview of the quantity of stored hazardous materials:
 The fire department inventory list TX: LX06 (report RLS10060) displays
Information about the storage class, water pollution class and the amount of
water pollutants among the hazardous materials in your warehouse. You can
choose to run the report for a range of fire-containment sections and storage
types within the warehouse or for the entire warehouse.
 The correct storage check TX: LX07 (report RLS10070) creates a list for
each storage type that lists the number of bins that were checked, the number
of quants that were correctly stored and the number of quants that were
stored incorrectly due to the hazardous material storage parameters that were
Set up for your warehouse.
 The hazardous substance list TX: LX08 (report RLS10080) lists
by hazardous material record number, concentration, hazardous material
warning, aggregate state and quantity. This report only selects materials
from storage types that are defined as storage types for hazardous materials
in the WM system.
In addition, there is a report (TX: VM04) for Hazardous Substance Collective
Data Transfer (RLVM0400) to fill the hazardous material master based on the
EH&S specification data.
Archiving in Warehouse Management
The following programs are responsible for archiving the individual documents
in Warehouse Management:
Transfer Requirements:
RLREOB10: Deletes archived transfer requirements
RLRB0001: Report for reading archived transfer requirements
Posting change notices:
RLREOU00: Archives posting change notices
RLREOU10: Deletes archived posting change notices
RLRU0001: Report for reading archived posting change notices
Transfer orders:
RLREOT00: Archives transfer orders
RLREOT10: Deletes archived transfer orders
RLRT0001: Report for reading archived transfer orders
System inventory records:
RLREOI00: Archives system inventory records
RLREOI10: Deletes system inventory records
RLRI0001: Report for reading archived system inventory records
Inventory count records (history):
RLREOH00: Archives inventory count records (history)
RLREOH10: Deletes inventory count records (history)
RLRH0001: Report for reading archived inventory count records (history)
You can schedule all reports as jobs in archive administration (transaction
SARA) and you can read documents again that have already been archived.
For getting any output either by print, Fax, or any media you have to do output
determination. output determination is also carried by Condition techniques.
The detail procedure for Output Determination is :
Output Determination :
Output is a form of media from your business to one of its business partners
or it can be within the organization. The output can be sent to any of the
partners defined in the document. Outputs are usually in the form of Order
Confirmations, Freight List, Delivery Notes, and Invoices & Shipping
Notifications. Determining form of output is output determination. Here I have
given SD part of output Determination. This is same for MM/WM/PP.
Types of Output:
Print Output, Fax, Telex, E-Mail & EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
Configuration path: (following are the steps)
1) SPRO-> IMG-> Basic Functions-> Output Control-> Output Determination->
Output Determination using Condition Technique- >Output Determination for
Sales Documents (or you can use output determination for billing documents
depending on your requirement).
2) Create Condition Table: select the field Sales Doc Type from field catalog &
3) Maintain Access Sequence: 4-digits code & description.
4) Assign condition table to access sequence. Select Accesses line item and
Go To Fields. Fields will display the fields we have selected in the condition
table i.e. sales doc type.
Maintain Output Types:
AF00: Inquiry
AN00: Quotation
BA00: Order Confirmation
LD00: Delivery
RD00: Invoice
Select BA00 & Copy & Rename. Give the same 4-digit code as given to
access sequence.
You Can Maintain:
Languages of Output
Partners (to whom you need to send output)
Print Program- print specification
Sap Script- layout or SMARTFORMS.
Assign Output Types to Partner Functions: go to new entries & assign your
output type to partner functions.
Maintain Output Determination Procedure: V10000 (Standard Procedure). Go
to new entries and create your own 6-digit code with description. Select the
procedure, go to Control Data. Here mention the output type i.e. condition
type and leave requirement and manual only columns as blank.
Determination Rule: link the 6-digit procedure code to doc types.
Create Condition Records: VV11. Select document type and click on
Communication. Mention partner function, medium, time. Output device:
LP01, Spool request Name: SD_003, Suffix 2: order_confir & flag on print
immediately. Once you press enter you will come across 2 key combinations:
Sales organization/ Customer Number: fill SO, Customer No, Partner Function
Abbreviation, Partner to whom the output should be sent, time, medium,
It contains: Sales Organization, Customer, Partner Function (The abbreviated
form of the name that identifies the Partner) (During output determination, the
system determines the recipient of the output from the master record for the
specified partner function. In this field, you can explicitly specify a recipient
that will override the standard partner. There must also be a master record for
the partner that is specified explicitly.), Medium, Time & Language.}
Order Type: Document Type, Partner Function (abbreviation), Partner,
Medium, Time & Language.
Path For Output Determination For Sales Documents: Logistics à
Sales/distribution à Master data à Output à Sales Document à Create (t-code
Path for Output Determination for Delivery Documents: Logistics
àSales/distribution à Master data à Output à shipping à Create ( t-ode VV21)
Path for Output Determination for Billing Documents: Logistics
àSales/distribution à Master data à Output à Billing Document à Create ( t-
code VV31)
Assigning Output Type WMTA to Inbound & Outbound Deliveries
Output type WMTA is assigned to outbound deliveries in the standard
settings. This means that you can let the system create transfer orders
automatically for picking. To have the system create transfer orders
automatically for putaways in the Warehouse Management system (WMS),
assign output type WMTA to inbound deliveries.
Picking List output for WM
We can do this in the transaction OMLV -> ‘Print Code’, Form name depends
on the print code. Few are here with.
Single print / TO item LVSTAEINZEL
Multiple print / TO LVSTALISTE
Single print for LVSTAEINZEL
Multiple print LVSTALISTE
Picking list version 1 LVSKOMMIL1
Picking list version 2 LVSKOMMIL2
Posting change notice LVSUMBUCHEN
Single printout w. kanban LVSTOSOLOKANBAN
Single printout w.kanban LVSSAMMELKANBAN
EK00 is used for special case pickings which may not apply to what you are
looking for. Typically, LD00 under application V2 is used for picking list. This
picking list output type can be used for both IM and WM levels.
However, for WM, the transfer order acts as a picking list since the bin level
picks will appear on this form in lieu of the picking list generated via LD00.
The configuration transaction OMNU is the place where the transfer order
output determination is maintained. For additional documentation on WM
outputs, please use the following documentation:
Function Specs is a document which a functional consultant prepares to be
given to Abaper. This Document contains details like Tables & fields name,
Table joints, Logic for development, along with test case in sand box / test
server to verify the development.
Functional specification is nothing but the required functionality that user
required. the Functional consultant will gather requirement from the user and
will prepare a document. the template of this document is different for different
We can see following content in Functional Spec.
Document Control, Change History, Issue No, Date, Name, Change, Initial
Draft, Authorizations, Role, Business Process Lead (customer), Functional
Analyst (specification author), Technical Lead, Developer (if known), Select
program type below and then use menu option tools > unprotect to open other
fields for input, New Custom Objects Required
Include all new tables, key new fields/domains, new lock objects, new match-
codes, new transaction codes, new authorization objects, new function
groups, reports and module pools (transaction programs). Don’t specify all
includes, function modules, routines etc. here.
Impacted SAP Transactions/Tables, Process Flow, New Tables/Structures
Required Specify new tables and structures required. If appropriate, you may
defer detailed field list/specification to the technical specification (e.g. for
secondary tables and structures).
Error Handling
Specify what to do if a condition passes AND fails (e.g. – what happens if a
customer record is found, or is not found). Specify messages and type.
Specify any special error logging or table storage, including use of standard
application log where appropriate.
Field, Validation, Message type/no., Message text, Security Considerations,
Database Considerations, Conversion Implications, Batch Processing.
Functional Test Requirements
Consider all the conditions that need testing for this enhancement and
document below. For each logic branch in theory both (or more) conditions of
the branch should be tested. For each scenario that could impact program
execution, all situations must be tested.
Test condition, Expected result, Data set-up reqt.& Dependencies.
Technical specification is nothing but how the technical consultant is going to
develop the requirement. the step by step process to develop the same. This
is also having templates which are different for each project. Technical
Specification is the document prepared by the Technical consultants. These
documents are prepared basing on the Functional Specification given by the
Functional consultants. The Technical Specification contains the following;
Main objective of Technical Spec
based on user requirements, we need to analyze the requirement…then
check which all database tables needs to be accessed and what are the
links…then which way the select statements needs to be written…next are
there any calculations etc…what are steps for error handling…what are the
test cases….how output displayed… There are types of technical specification
for reports, Enhancements, BDC. these specs are different. There we write
description, selection screen variables, output variables, custom tables,
pseudo code, error messages, UTP(unit test plan).
Below are the standards for Tech specs
1.1 Development Attributes
Program Name:
Development Class:
Message Class:
Program Type:
Execution Mode:
Schedule Frequency:
1.2 Program Functionality
1.3 Output Fields
Output Label
Related SAP table-field (if any)
Output Characteristics
1.4 Proposed Solutions
1.5 Solution to be implemented
1.6 Reasons of selection/rejection
1.7 Pseudo-Code / Flow Logic of the selected solution
1.8 Selection Screen
1.9 Database Tables Used
Table Name
Table Description
How the table is used in the program
1.10 External Files Used
1.10.1 External File Layout <file name>
1.11 Components External to Program Used
1.12 Error Conditions
1.13 Key Technical Test Conditions
1.14 Sample Test Data
1.15 Assumptions
Here I have shared sample Functional specification & Technical Specification

SAP Warehouse Management

Initially released with R/2 as an Extension of IM
IM-WM integration is real-time and automatic
Enables granular traceability and control
Ability to synchronize the system and material flow
Simple-to-complex placement and removal strategies
Assignment of inbound orders to outbound deliveries
Allocation of storage bins
Processing of all stock movements valid for WM
Receipts, issues, transfers
Utilizes stock placement and removal strategies
e.g. Next empty bin, addition to stock, FIFO, LG/SM qtys.
Infancy to maturity
Functionality considerably expanded with 4.6x and higher
Two-step picking, two-step confirmation, managing multiple
storage locations with a single warehouse
Extension set 2.0 for Enterprise to include Cross Docking,
Yard Management, Value Added Services
Main Features of SAP WM
Management of materials
Provides bin-level tracking
Inventory management functions
Various placement and removal strategies
Value-added services
e.g. Special handling requirements (labeling, packaging)
Powerful picking control
Two-step picking, wave picking
FIFO, LIFO, large/small quantity picking strategies
Warehouse activity monitors
WAM, RF Monitor, outbound delivery monitor, wave picking monitor, TRM
Monitor, Yard Management Cockpit, Cross-Docking Monitor.
Management of inbound and outbound movements
Yard Management
Appointment scheduling, check in and check out, assignment of dock doors,
loading/unloading activities
Task Resource Management
Enhances WM by breaking work down into distinct task.
SAP WM sub-module of MM module takes care of ‘Warehouse
Management ‘ functionality. Warehouses can be managed efficiently at
‘Bin location’ level using WM module.
*****WM module of SAP R/3 provides flexible, efficient, automated
support that enables you to:
Manage complex warehouse structures
Define and manage storage areas and storage bins in the warehouse
Manage several different types of storage, such as high rack storage, block
storage or fixed bin storage
Process all relevant postings and transactions such as goods receipts, goods
issues and general stock transfers.
Monitor stock movements
Execute stock placements and removals using different put-away and picking
Process stock differences
Manage hazardous materials
Use bar code scanners
Interface to external non-SAP warehousing systems
Manage inventory at the storage bin level
Ensure that stock posted in the Inventory Management system is the same as
the stock in the warehouse
Integrate with materials management, product planning, quality management
and sales and distribution
It primarily aims at defining and managing complex warehouse structures
within a company.
SAP WM END USER Documentation
Comparison_between_SAP_IM_WM_Lean WM_DWM_EWM
The following points must be considered when implementing the SAP
R/3 WM module:

Path optimization for:

Stock placements, Stock removal, Stock transfer (for example,
replenishment), Even utilization of warehouse capacity, Balanced utilization
of warehouse personnel, Possibility for improvement in warehouse stocking,
Handling of means of conveyance for stock placement and stock removal,
Possibility for improvement of work papers.
SAP WM Integration with Other Key R/3 Modules
Processing of all material movements
Automated communication with configurable processing
Two-step picking with SD-WM integration
Wave picking opportunities
Processing individual deliveries
Production support with PP-WM integration
Supplying materials to the shop floor
Internal and external automated replenishment options
Handling of inventory samples
Inspection lot is maintained with the material data
Hand-held terminals-WM
Processing of transfer requirements
Processing of transfer orders
Bin and material inquiries
Key Benefits in Implementing SAP WM
Better control of inventory
More accurate inventory
Able to maintain lower inventory levels
Better control of information
Visibility to picking and put away status
Reduced cycle time
Gartner: 16-25% Picking Productivity Improvement
Better manage work and workforce to gain efficiencies
Tools to balance and optimize resources
Increased picking / shipping accuracy
11-25% Reduction in Customer Returns
Measurable benefits (In Approx…)
16-25% Picking Productivity Improvement
11-25% Reduction in Customer Returns
10-25% Savings in Material Handling Labor
10-40% Space Utilization Improvement
13-30% Reduction in Scrap
8-15% Reduction in Carrying Costs
SAP WM module is one of the effective tools available to manage
Warehouse and keep inventory at optimum level.
But it is a ‘Tool’ and you need a skillful craftsman who can understand your
business needs and satisfy them using the tool. Potentials of the tool must be
extracted fully for the best results. Here I would like to summarize SAP WM
Advantages and Disadvantages. In this article I am not pointing SAP EWM.
No doubt SAP EWM is more advanced and sophisticated than SAP WM
and SAP is not concentrating in promoting SAP EWM in current trend
due to its overwhelming importance in Logistics fields.
SAP Lean WM:-
If you do not wish to update stocks in your fixed bin warehouse at storage bin
level, Lean WM provides you with the option of using the advantages of
warehouse management through transfer orders in the same way as
warehouse management using the WMS.
If you are already using the standard WM system, we recommend that you
implement Lean WM in a further warehouse where no updating of stocks at
storage bin level is necessary. In this way, you ensure that the processes for
warehouse management are uniform in all warehouses.
Since Lean WM does not update stocks at storage bin level, you can display
the stock quantities solely in Inventory Management (IM) and not with the
stock overview function in WM. Also, you cannot process possible stock
differences that occur in the warehouse using Lean WM, only using Inventory
Management (MM-IM):
Track exact stock location within one storage location with FIFO
Provides put away functionality for palletizing. etc
Provides better picking functionality
Allows for picking locations with replenishment when falls below a defined
Allows segregation of stock types within a warehouse
Increased master data maintenance (This is hectic step normally people
experience. we need to first frame the Warehouse structure or org in an excel.
If not properly set storage type, section, bin, indicators, storage type search
sequence, storage section sequence, storage bin type.. etc.. It would results
in failure of put away or picking.
Additional process step for receipt and picking
Requires expert knowledge to configure for maximum benefit… because SAP
WM offers many more put away/ picking or internal Warehouse functionality
Control overs Material stock. In order to optimize the usage we need to know
complete concept in knowing which switch to activate or which indicator to get
deactivate based on the client requirements.
More complex to resolve problems caused by incorrect processing.
What is the BEST Stock Management Solution?
1 – Inventory Management
2 – Lean Warehouse Management
3 – Full Warehouse Management
4 – Decentralized Warehouse Management
Option#1:- IM – PRO’s & CONS
Key receipt, issue or transfer in a single step transaction
Immediate update of inventory
Requires less training commitment
Fewer transactions to document and present
Trace-ability of all material postings into SAP R/3
Date, user, material, quantity, storage location
Real-time update of accounting information.
Does not handle complex warehouses operations well
Unable to monitor activities
Lacks tools to manage resources and tasks
Lacks functionality to optimize key processes (picking)
Inaccurate system inventory
Inventory updated before the physical movement
Requires additional work if there are discrepancies
Limited trace-ability
Only visibility is when the system posting took place
No visibility to the follow on physical activities
Option#2:- Lean WM – PRO’s & CONS
Use of very small portion of WM capabilities
You do not process goods receipts or issues as a subsequent process in WM,
No storage bins are managed in the WM application
Evolved from SD pick list
Put-away and pick from 1 or more fixed bins
Bin is hard assigned on material master
TO’s are created for picks and put away, and pick list is created from TO’s
Requires less configuration than full WM
Reduced number of steps in the process
Use of transfer orders as pick lists
Confirmation is not required
Additional processing options
Confirm put-away, picking, over-deliveries, shortages, batches
Print transfer orders
Integration to HR
Additional picking functionality
Wave picking is possible with Lean WM.
Optimization opportunities
Picking – Two step picking
Packing – Pick and pack in a single step
Cross-docking – Inbound, outbound, prod. Materials
Monitoring and real time visibility to process status
Visual queues at the detailed steps
Open tasks, completed tasks
Additional inventory methods (annual, zero stock)
The module is FREE with the purchase of SAP.
Option#3:- Full Warehouse Management
Inventory counting interferes with operations without RF
Prior to 4.7 extension set 2.0
Initial overhead to set up depending on design
Master data
Capacity checking, control cycles
Configuration requirements
Designing the warehouse layout and set up
Potential for additional steps to support processing
Clearing differences
Processing posting changes.
Option #4 – Decentralized Warehouse Management
Use of SAP as a standalone WMS
With SAP or other ERP/host as the core system
Core system and decentralized WM run on separate machines
Communication is through BAPI’s for transactions and IDOC’s for master data
Goods movements done through delivery notes to the stand-alone SAP WM
On a separate machine
Decreases criticality of down time
24×7 operation
Can leverage newer SAP R/3 releases
Even if core system is on an older release
Can add additional warehouses without impact to the core system
Can communicate to multiple core ERP systems
Core system is not 24×7 operation
IDOC and/or BAPI errors
IDOC failures
Human intervention is required to work the error queue
IDOC overhead
IDOC’s do not offer all of the available field options that a user may or may not
use with the PC transaction
Must modify the IDOC
SAP Console has to be set up in the decentralized system and in the core
Physical Inventory Purpose
We can carry out a physical inventory of your company’s warehouse stocks
for balance sheet purposes.
Physical Inventory Procedures- The SAP System supports the following
physical inventory procedures:
1. Periodic inventory
In a periodic inventory, all stocks of the company are physically counted on
the balance sheet key date. In this case, every material must be counted.
During counting, the entire warehouse must be blocked for material
movements. The stocktaking of all stock in a company on a fixed date (usually
at the end of the fiscal year). There are no transfers in the warehouse on this
2. Continuous inventory
In the continuous physical inventory procedure, stocks are counted
continuously during the entire fiscal year. In this case, it is important to ensure
that every material is physically counted at least once during the year. In
continuous inventory, you distribute the physical inventory for all storage bins
over the course of the fiscal year, and can carry out inventories at different
times as you require.
3. Cycle counting
Cycle counting is a method of physical inventory where inventory is counted at
regular intervals within a fiscal year. These intervals (or cycles) depend on the
cycle counting indicator set for the materials. In cycle counting inventory, you
enter your material stocks physically at regular intervals within a fiscal year.
By dividing materials into various classes (for example, A, B, C, D, and so on),
you specify for those materials at which intervals or cycles the inventory is to
be performed. This allows you to inventory fast-moving materials in your
warehouse more often than slow-moving materials. The Cycle Counting
Method of Physical Inventory allows fast-moving items to be counted more
frequently than slow-moving items. Important thing here-
The cycle counting inventory at quant level is not based on the storage bin,
but rather on the individual quant in your warehouse.
4. Inventory sampling
In MM – Inventory sampling, randomly selected stocks of the company are
physically counted on the balance sheet key date. If the variances between
the result of the count and the book inventory balance are small enough, it is
presumed that the book inventory balances for the other stocks are correct.
SAP WM Control Cycle:- it is an integration Part of SAP WM with
Production supply from the warehouse is a stock removal operation.
Staging components for production from the warehouse is mapped as an
“other goods issue” in Logistic Execution. There are two ways of staging
components for production from the warehouse:
Without using WM-PP interface
With using WM-PP interface
Staging Components without WM-PP interface
 If you do not use WM-PP interface, then goods issue posting for the
work order / process order will generate a transfer requirement in an
interim storage area, the “Goods issue area”.
 The components requested are removed from interim storage area
using a transfer order which completes the staging process.
Staging Components with WM-PP interface
If using WM-PP interface, then the process flow is reversed.
 Transfer posting is not created as a result of goods issue posting, but
rather using request created with special transaction.
 The requested components are not transferred to goods issue area,
instead sent to a separate interim storage type, “Production supply”.
 Stocks in interim storage area are cleared immediately as a result of IM
posting, so there is no new transfer requirement.
Advantages of using WM-PP Interface
 We can backflush components, that is, post the goods issue after
completion of the production process together with the confirmation of
the work order.
 We can fine tune how and where you stage materials for production
using control cycles. This means that you can stage some components
for a specific order, others for multiple orders, and others with no
reference at all to an order.
 If there are changes to the quantities or dates/times in the plant order,
the system can adjust the transfer requirement automatically or create it
Terminology that are used in WM-PP interface
 Production Supply Area : Production supply areas (PSAs) are used
for material replenishment and are situated directly on the shop floor in
the production department.
The supply area groups work centers near production storage bins based on
the material staging methods. You need to enter the PSA in the work center
master data.
To create production supply areas in Customizing for Warehouse
Management in your system, choose : Logistics Execution – Warehouse
Management – Interfaces – Define Production
 Control Cycle : The control cycle record is made up of the plant,
production supply area and material and determines for the WM- PP
interface the production storage bin and the type of material staging that
is used. The production storage bin is defined by the whole key:
warehouse number, storage type and bin.
To create control cycles choose : Logistic Execution – Master data –
Warehouse – Production Supply – Control cycle production supply –
 Work Center : Operations are carried out at a work center. In SAP R/3
System work centres are business objects that can represent the
following real work centres, for example:
􀃆Machines, machine groups
􀃆Production lines
􀃆Assembly work centers
􀃆Employees, groups of employees
To create control cycles choose : Logistics –Production- Master data-
Work centers
 In order to use WM-PP interface, then one has to create at least one
production supply area and at least one control cycle for staging in
Warehouse Management.
 If you decide to use the WM-PP interface, you have to activate it for
your warehouse number(s). Once you have activated the interface, the
transfer requirements for material staging are created in special
transactions (LP10, LP11, and LP12), not as a result of Inventory
Management postings.
 As can be seen in above screen shot, PSA groups together work center.
So, its very important in deciding how many PSA’s are required. You
have to pay considerable attention to the distribution of work centers
you want to supply with materials from Warehouse.
 During creation of Control cycle, you can specify how and where you
want to stage materials from the warehouse. You can specify the type of
staging using the Material Staging Indicator.
 There are 4 material staging indicators that are available in control cycle
􀃆Indicator 1 (Pick Part), also known as Dispensed material
􀃆Indicator 2 (Crate Part)
􀃆Indicator 3 (Release order part), also known as Line side material
􀃆Indicator 4 (Manual Staging)
The Warehouse Management system (WMS) supports the
following inventory procedures for continuous inventory:
 Continuous Inventory
 Continuous Inventory during Putaway
 Continuous Inventory during Stock Removal (Zero Stock Check)
 Cycle Counting Inventory per Bin
 Cycle Counting Inventory at Quant Level
 Inventory Sampling (MM-IM-PI)
Interface with Quality Management
In case of materials subjected to quality checks, after goods receipt inspection
lots are generated in Quality Management module. This inspection stock of
the material can be handled using any of the following four options in
Warehouse Management.
Move Inspection lot stock to Interim storage type relevant for
Quality assurance (917) and the remaining to destination bin.
Retain Inspection lot stock at GR area interim storage type (902) and the
remaining to destination bin.
Move entire quantity to the destination bin.
Retain entire receipt stock at GR area interim storage type (902).
Benefits of Continuous Physical Inventory
Better distribution of workload in the warehouse
The inventory can be carried out in periods with lower workload
Periodic Inventories are usually time consuming and labour intensive
Up-to-date information on the availability of the stock in the warehouse
The cost of the inventory can be reduced by planning it carefully
Zero Stock Check- Purpose
In a zero stock check you use the fact that during checks of the bin stocks,
according to the storage bin data in the Warehouse Management system, a
storage bin should be empty after a stock removal. During the physical
removal of stock from storage, you check whether the storage bin data
matches the actual stock situation.
Tips for Optimizing and Overcoming Limitations With IM and WM
1 – Physical Inventory tips
2 – Enhance visibility of material flow and locations
3 – Automate picking and put-away
4 – Automatically replenish fixed bins
5 – Consolidate your picking activities
6 – Overcome bottlenecks with RF
1 – Physical Inventory tips in IM
Only possible if the storage location data has been maintained
Solution: Activate automatic storage location for movement types that receive
material into the plant
Avoids the need to create storage data manually
For materials with multiple storage location requirements.
Use the mass creation option for entering all valid storage locations at one
time into a single entry screen.
Transaction code = MMSC
2 – Enhance visibility of material flow and locations in IM
Use fixed bin assignment to gain additional visibility
Material master storage location view
Two-step transfers vs. one-step movements
Storage location-to-storage location (movements 313, 315)
Plant-to-plant (movements 303, 305, 351, 352)
Outbound delivery monitor
Use to view outbound deliveries, shipments and loading activities.
3 – Automate Picking and Put-away (WM)
Define a picking strategy per storage type
A – Partial quantity management
If picking results in partial quantities, pick from here first to avoid breaking new
M – Large/small quantities included
Use to facilitate larger quantity picks from bulk areas and smaller quantity
picks from rack areas
P – Fixed bin from material master
For fast moving items, assign a dedication location toward the front of the
Use replenishment to enough maintain stock for demand
Define a put away strategy per storage type
AVOID manual put away practices
C – Open storage
Use for large items that don’t require a specific bin assignment
I – Addition to existing stock
Useful for consolidating receipts of the same material upon put-away
Caution: Since only one quant resides in a bin, all materials in the bin adopt
the same receipt date (unless batch or storage unit managed).
L – Next empty bin
Great fit for high rack storage; whereby a standard rack section can hold 2-3
units of storage
Useful for storing pallets of material; one pallet per bin location.
Now Many People will think to know which Put away strategy and
Picking Strategy normally used for different Industry. Answer would be
depends on Client industry type, business Process they are following
and Materials they are handling, Nature of Material and their
4 – Automatically Replenish Fwd. Picking Locations Batch
program (WM)
A scheduled job to read fixed bin data and generate replenishment transfer
2 required programs
“Upon transfer order confirmation” option
Creates an automatic replenishment TO when a pick
Confirmation drives the fixed bin location below the min. stock level
5 – Consolidate Your Picking Activities (WM)
Two-step picking
Based on selection criteria, relevant deliveries are read and like material
requests are collected
This collection results in a single aggregated picking order and task for each
like material (first step)
TO splitting can be leveraged to distribute large picks
The second step is the re-allocation procedure
This is the process of “re-assigning” the specific materials and quantities back
to the original requirement
Reduces duplicate picking efforts
Cuts order fulfillment cycles
6 – Overcoming WM Performance Bottlenecks with RF
Potential bottlenecks and solutions
More detailed operations require more transactional steps
Leverage RF to reduce the data entry requirements
Leverage RF to consolidate/combine transactions
Physical inventory blocking
Leverage RF to reduce the time a bin is blocked
In R/3 Enterprise, inventory can be processed if an open transfer order exists
Pick and pack in a single step with RF
Incorporate RF to pick into a handling unit to avoid the need to perform
packing as a separate task
Points to be considered for Evaluating IM vs. WM
1 – Define business processes
2 – Evaluate ROI of a WMS solution
3 – Consider RF functionality
4 – Training resources and schedule
5 – Focus on optimization opportunities
Finally we need to scale the solution on SAP Warehouse Management
Products (IM, WM, Lean WM, Decentralized WM , Extended Warehouse
Management )based on
1. Operational Complexity
2. Transaction Volume
Responsibilities of the Warehouse Administrator
 Maintain the Material/ Equipment/ Equipment Master Data records
 Prepare the Warehouse workload daily
 Process and control the IBTs
 Process Drop Shipments (Third Party Receipt)
 Control Equipment Cycle Count
 Facilities & Monitors Put away/ Picking/ Cross Docking/ Internal-
Warehouse Movements
Tasks of the Warehouse Administrator
1. Preparation of the warehouse workload (incoming planning)
2. Plan and process the actual Internal Branch Transfer (IBT)
3. Process the new Material/ Equipment/Article Receipt at Third-Party
location (Drop Shipment)
4. Validate the Material/ equipment/ Article receipt (Third Parties & Special
Procurement materials)
5. Update the Material/ Equipment/ Articles Master Record
6. View the storage bin blocked for cycle count
7. Display open Purchase Orders (PO) and planned incoming Material/
equipment/ Articles
8. Prepare the equipment to be sent to the refurbished area
9. Launch the Material/equipment/ Articles cycle count
10. Co-ordinate with Warehouse supervisor and workers for Put
away, Picking, Cross Docking & Internal Warehouse Movements.
11. Preparing Reporting & Trending for Inbound/ Outbound of
Material Movements.
12. Planning and Organizing of Day to Day Warehouse activities.
13. Try to resolve the issues immediately without stoppage of Material
Flows technically and administratively.
14. He needs to quickly react to changing Technology and New IT
trends and bring efficient warehouse control and Material Flows.
Some Few Business Process

Stock Transfer
St Loc –to-St Loc
MB1B: Transfer Posting Mov Type: 311 Need to fill Receiving St loc
LB11 (for sending Loc): Create TO wrt to TR
LT12: Confirm TO
LS26: Check the movement (goods move to 921 st type)
LB11 (for receiving loc): Create TO wrt to TR
LT12: confirm TO
LS26: Check the movement

Plant –to-Plant
MB1B: Transfer Posting Mov Type: 301 Need to fill Receiving Plant
LB11 (for sending Plant): Create TO wrt to TR
LT12: Confirm TO
LS26: Check the movement (goods move to 921 St type)
LB11 (for receiving Plant): Create TO wrt to TR
LT12: confirm TO
LS26: Check the movement

Storage Type –to- Storage Type

LT10: Stock Transfer ( For Mass) -> LT12

LT01: Stock Transfer (for Partial) -> LT12

1. Stock Transfer

T Code- LT10

Note: Movement type: 999

Here we are transferring “Elements’ from 030 St type.
Similarly 040 St type to enter above for ‘Loop set’.
And we get the following screen.
Select the material (with reference to batch no), that is to be transferred.

Here we selected ‘Element’ 0320.800.292 with batch AMIT-001

We see the following screen in with the transferred stock is shown with ‘Tick’.

Now we need to Create a TO for this Transfer and confirm the TO

Double click on the Document No
(Or go to LT21)

We get the following screen

For TO Confirmation.
Go to ‘Transfer Order’ Menu at the Task Bar.
And click on Confirm -> Transfer Order
(Or go to LT12)

We will get the following screen

We will get the following screen

we get the following screen

Save. – to Confirm the transfer Order.

Stock is transferred to 080.

You can verify this in LS24.

Enter the plant, warehouse, Material, and batch.

Stock Transfer St-type to St-type (Partial)

Click on confirm Internally icon and save.
TO is confirmed. be careful while moving the stocks related to a specific batch.
Bin –to- Bin
LT10: Stock Transfer -> LT12
Customer Return
The Screen shots are similar and so I like to share the Process flow with Transactions Details
VA01: Sales Order
VL01N: Create Outbound Delivery
LT03: Create TO
LT12: Confirm TO
VT01: Shipment
VF01: Invoice
VA01: Order type- RE (std SAP), YARB (MICO), with Doc type
VL01N: Return Delivery
LT03: TO
LT12: Confirm TO
VA01: remove the billing block (credit note) to blank
VF01: Invoice

Vendor Return- The Screen shots are similar and so I like to share the Process flow with
Transactions Details
ME21N :Create PO
MIGO: GR(Mat Doc)
MIRO: Vendor Invoice ( optional )
LT04/LT22: TO Creation
LT12: TO Confirmation
MIGO: Cancel Material doc
(Verify: Negative stock in 902)
LT01: Create TO
(Define source)Mov:999
LT12: Confirm TO
ME21N: Return PO

The Screen shots are similar and so I like to share the Process flow with Transactions Details
MB1A: Goods Issue,
Mov Type:551
Require cost centre
LT06: TO for the material Doc
Need to give source of the stock
LT12: Confirm TO
Change of Batch number or transfer of material from one batch to other batch within same plant
This process is used for transferring the quantity of stock from one batch to other batch without
affecting the accounting postings.
User should enter the quantity and batches very carefully. Otherwise it results in stock balances.
The stock should available with the batch from where you are going to transfer to new or existing
You can create new batch in the destination batch or can use the existing batch.

Please proceed with the following steps.

Transaction Code: MIGO
I hope i have pointed out important Functionality of SAP
WM. but it is like Ocean. We cannot summarize all in one
Article. My aim is to make understanding Simple to new
consultants and Warehouse business Managers, users. I
hope this article is not only useful to SAP MM WM LE
Guys but also for other module consultants- PP, QM, PM,
ABAP, EWM. because SAP is having very tight bondage
with all other modules. We can try our best.
I hope my earlier articles (Blog) will support more and it helps to understand
SAP WM Functionality more. In precise SAP is rocking in ERP/ SCM Field.
We cannot find this much versatile product in the ERP/ SCM Field of
Business. SAP is always number one.
Comparison between SAP IM- WM –Lean WM – Decentralized WM – EWM
SAP WMHU, IMHU, Reciept from vendor, issue to Production with in Warehouse in Process
SAP ASRS- Automated Storage & Retrieval systems in Warehouse
SAP Warehouse Management_Step by Step configuration Document
Thanks to SAP in bringing very useful, intelligent, Automated
system in the ERP Field.
*****I would like to Discuss some more business Process, Connecting
SAP WM to external systems in my Part-2 Article***
SAP WM- Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, Disadvantage-Complete Reference-
Part 2
Generally WM provide better automation of processes, particularly with
RF, but requires more maintain and process discipline. In this Article I
would like to share information only on SAP WM. if we need to discuss
on other SAP WM Products that would be lengthier. So I will complete
SAP WM Article. I hope experts will summarize more that this Article
would do. But it will give some starter pack information for a New
Person in Warehouse Field or a Functional business user- based on the
Industry Nature/ Functionality/ business Process/ requirements we need
to select the put away or picking strategies. I think almost all the gap
observed from SAP WM for the complicated scenarios (Consolidation,
De-consolidation, slotting and re-arrangement, Value added Services,
Inbuit AS/RS functionality, (no need of WCS components in EWM), MFS,
Connecting PLS’s, SCADA for Data Acquisitions and trending and now
SAP EWM speaks with SAP HANA and so trending is not a show
stopper) are handled thru Extended Warehouse management. So that
SAP EWM is sophisticated, Real-time intelligent Inventory control

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1. Bose GNApril 3, 2017 at 6:04 am

Hi Shivakumar
Thanks for an excellent documentation and a detailed process knowledge sharing. Really helps a lot

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1. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 3, 2017 at 8:06 am

Np. I will try to make some more blogs. I hope it is useful to everyone interested in SAP WM.
Thanking you.

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2. GOPAL DEENADAYALANApril 5, 2017 at 4:30 am

nice document, very informative. thanks , can u post wm rf config dox and process

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1. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 5, 2017 at 7:10 am

Thanks GOPAL. Sure I will post WM RF Document.

Shivakkumar. GV

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2. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 6, 2017 at 5:27 am


Please find below blog link for SAP RF/RFID Details
Please share your Views.


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3. Krishnan VApril 6, 2017 at 5:03 pm

Good Work. Thanks for an excellent documentation and a detailed process knowledge sharing.
Really helps a lot.

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1. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 7, 2017 at 5:09 pm

Thanks Krishnan

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4. Mark L leeApril 7, 2017 at 4:05 am

Process flow are explained well. I would recommend to add Handling unit management related
content. please share your contact number.

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1. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 7, 2017 at 5:08 pm

Thanks Lee.

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5. Shyam KumarApril 19, 2017 at 4:11 am

Hi Shiva,
Thank you for sharing valuable information and spending your valuable time to prepare this blog.

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6. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorApril 19, 2017 at 5:30 pm

Thanks Shyam for the appreciation.

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7. DICKSON DAVIDJanuary 28, 2018 at 5:14 pm

I really appreciate this. Am a learner and i want to know more.

I was thinking i should start ready MM materials but with this i now have interest in WM.
Is there a certificate exam on WM?

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8. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorJanuary 29, 2018 at 8:37 am

Hi David,

Thanks for the kind words and appreciation,

yes we have certification for WM. but I would recommong to got with SAP EWM for certification
purpose because SAP will given more importance to SAP EWM and one point of time they will stop
supporting SAP WM. please also get it confirmed with SAP.


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9. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorJanuary 29, 2018 at 9:14 am

Hi David,

Please find the details. now topic coverage is WM+LE [ both the areas ]—logistics-

SAP Certified Application Associate –

Logistics Execution and Warehouse
Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6

 All Training Locations

 +91 80 4082 9000


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10. dee cockFebruary 9, 2018 at 6:45 am

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11. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorFebruary 9, 2018 at 8:04 am

Thanks Lee. here i am adding the HUM related links created by Christina Rosa – it is very useful to
I hope it is more useful for the guys working in SAP HU + SAP WM/MM. we can considers
Christina’s documents as master reference. It is more appreciated. Thanks Christina.


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12. RUPESH KUMBHAKARNFebruary 25, 2018 at 9:38 pm

This is Excellent Shiva. Your blogs clears all my doubts to understand WM . I really appreciate your
Guidance and will be first follower for all your blogs now..Thanks again. great work.

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0. shivakkumar Geetha venkatesan Post authorMarch 4, 2018 at 6:27 am

Thanks Rupesh

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