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Name: Shayla Parrish Date: February 21, 2018

Grade: Kindergarten Lesson Title/Unit: Plant Parts


I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goals-
Students will understand the parts of a plant.
B. Objectives –
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the parts of a plant by using pattern
blocks to create a flower and label each part.
Students will explore a live plant using magnifying glasses.
Students will identify and draw the magnified parts of plant.
Students will identify the characteristics of bean seeds.
C. Standard(s) –
K.LS.1 Describe and compare the growth and development of common living
plants and animals.
K.LS.2 Describe and compare the physical features of common living plants and
II. Materials
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle book
Pattern Blocks
Drawing Worksheets
2 Plants
Magnifying Glasses
Trays for the Plants
Bean Seeds
Plastic Bags
Paper Towels
Spray Bottles with Water
Anticipatory Set: 5 minutes
Lesson Presentation: 5 minutes
Extending the Learning: Each center is 7 minutes, equaling 21 minutes total
Closure: 2 minutes
Transition Time: 1 minute of transition each time, equaling 4 minutes
Total: 36 minutes

Students will start out sitting at their carpet spot during the anticipatory set and
lesson presentation. Centers will be placed at the three various location throughout the
classroom. Students will be sitting in chairs, standing, or walking around during the
centers depending on which one they are working at.

Behavior Management
Student will have to take a blurt from the blurt chart if they speak out or interrupt
out of turn. Students may also gain points for staying on task, making good choices, and
keeping their bodies safe. Students may also lose points for being disrespectful, not
keeping their bodies safe, and misusing the supplies.

III. Anticipatory Set

I am going to read this story to you today about a tiny seed that travels. Can
anyone tell me what a seed is? I will call on a student who has their hand raised. I am
looking for an answer that uses words like ‘plant’, ‘growing’, ‘something edible’. This
book is called The Tiny Seed and it is written by Eric Carle. I will then read the book.

IV. Purpose
Today we are going to learn the different parts of a plant so we can better understand
what we see growing around us outside.


V. Adaptions
Students of varying ability: Centers are tiered allowing for students to work at their level.
Each center has an adult present for extra support and guidance.
Students who are hyperactive: Centers include kinesthetic activities in order to engage
all students, particularly the hyper active students.

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) –

Starting with an anchor chart that is titled “Parts of A Plant”, I will call on
different students to tell me the parts of a plant. Leland, can you name one part of a plant
that the story told us about? Roots? Good job! Once the student tells me the part, I will
draw it on the anchor chart, labeling it off to the side. That will continue until roots, stem,
leaves, and flower are labeled. Students may also answer seed. When the anchor chart is
completed, I will talk about the hypothesis “How does a plant grow?” Let’s think about
how a plant grows. Keep your answer in your head. During each center I want you to be
thinking about that question. When they understand the question of inquiry I will explain
the stations to the students. Descriptions of each station can be found below in the check
for understanding section. Once descriptions are completed, I will tell the students where
to go based on premade groups. Leland, Emma, Bruce, Amyah, Lily, and Eden, you are
starting at Center 1 with Miss Mowery. Amoree’, Marley, Ariana, Imagine, Daylin, and
Car’veair, you are staring at Center 2 with Mrs. P. Avery, Baylee, Heidi, Joshua,
Kayleah, Lillian, and Malachi, you are starting at Center 3 with me. Students will then
be dismissed to their station.

VII. Check for Understanding/Extending The Learning

Center 1: Planting A Rainbow: Miss Mowery will ask the students: What are the
different parts of a plant? Students will tell her that the plant has a stem, roots, leaves,
seed, and flower. Good job remembering! Now, can you create a flower out of these
blocks that includes the different parts of the plants? She will model how to create a
flower, assisting students as needed. As students finish creating their flowers, she will ask
them to identify the different parts by pointing at them. Students may need to be show
how to create roots.
Center 2: Exploring A Real Plant: Mrs. P will have two trays, each one having
one plant laying on each. The plant should have a clump of dirt at one end exposing the
plant roots. Students will use magnifying glasses to examine the roots, stem, leaves, and
flower of the plant near them. Let’s use our magnifying glasses to see what plant stems
look like up close. What do you think they look like? Mrs. P will model for students how
to use the magnifying glasses. Following their exploration, each student will draw a
picture of what the parts looked like up close. Mrs. P will work with each grow to draw
what they think each part looks like magnified.
Center 3: Germinating A Bean Seed: I will lead students in exploration of the
bean seeds. At this center we are going to germinate a bean seed. A seed begins going
through germination when it begins to grow and shoot out roots. Using a spray bottle,
students will dampen their paper towel, following the teacher’s example. Use your spray
bottle to wet your paper towel. You only need to spray it 3 times. Try to get the whole
piece wet. Students will place their damp paper towel into a clear, plastic baggie that has
their name written on it. Carefully open your bag and slide your paper towel square
inside. Great! Now pick up your bean seed. Who can describe the bean using your 5
senses? After students have described the bean they will then place their bean between
the bag and the damp paper towel. I will give each student a piece of tape and help them
tape their baggie to the window, explaining that the sun will help the seed germinate.

VIII. Closure
When the time is up for the last rotation, I will have the students come back to
their carpet spot. Okay, boys and girls, let’s revisit the question I asked you earlier. I will
point to the question written on the anchor chart which reads “How does a plant grow?” I
will read the question for the students and allow time for response about what they
discovered. The question says how does a plant grow? What did you learn today about
plants? After allowing time for response, the students will be given wipes to clean their
desks for snack time.
Formative: I will listen for students’ understanding based off the answers they provide during
whole group time during lesson and closure. I will adjust my lesson as needed. I will also be
observing to see if the students are mastering the concept during centers and relying on the
feedback of the other adults. As I work with each group, I will check for understanding and
correct students as needed.

Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objectives? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Were the centers developmentally appropriate for each child based on level and interest?
8. Was each child actively engaged in at least one part of the lesson?

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