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Writing Lesson

Name: Shayla Parrish Date: March 21, 2018

Grade: Kindergarten Lesson Title/Unit: 1st Person Narrative

Big Idea: Small parts work together to form a larger plan.
Lesson Rationale: This lesson takes the knowledge that the students have about plants and allows them to
grow in understanding of different perspectives.

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Students will write a first person narrative as a bean seed.
B. Objective(s)—
Students will write a first person narrative as a bean seed.
Students will use science terminology such as ‘sun’, ‘dirt’, ‘grow’, and ‘water’ in their
Students will show editing and revising techniques through following a provided
C. Standard(s):
a. K.W.1 Write for specific purposes and audiences.
b. K.W.3.2 Use words and pictures to develop a main idea and provide some information about a
II. Management
a. Materials
i. Anchor chart paper
ii. Markers
iii. Writing Paper
b. Time
i. Mini-Lesson: 15 minutes
ii. Independent Work: 10 minutes
iii. Closure: 5 minutes
c. Space
i. Students will be sitting on their carpet spot while I am teaching the whole group mini-
lesson. Students will then move to their seats for the independent writing extension.
d. Students
i. Students have the set expectation for noise level during writing time. Student will have to
take a blurt from the blurt chart if they speak out or interrupt out of turn. Students may
also gain points for staying on task, making good choices, and keeping their bodies safe.
Students may also lose points for being disrespectful, not keeping their bodies safe, and
misusing the supplies.


III. Adaptation to Diverse Students—
a. Students of varying ability: Whole group writing response activity is tiered allowing for students
to work at their level.

IV. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
(ACEI 3.3)
o Minilesson (Whole Group)
 Together we are going to read this book, which is called One Little Bean by Cecil Kim.
Let’s read it to hear the story of this little bean to see what happens! Maybe this story
will give us inspiration for our own writing! Students will be sitting on the carpet while I
 Today we are going to review how to write a first person narrative because that is how
we best learn how to write our own stories, or biographies. . A first person narrative is a
story written using ‘I’ statements such as “I am a teacher. I like to eat apples.” For your
writing today, you are going to pretend to be the bean seed that you are growing. Let’s
brainstorm something that we might say if we were a bean seed. Students will be given
time to brainstorm. Students will be scaffolded to answering with answers such as ‘sun’,
‘light’, ‘dirt’, ‘water’. As students answer, I will write their responses onto an anchor
chart. After modeling brainstorming, I will have the students help me create a shared
writing piece where I model writing a first person narrative as a bean seed. The students
will help me decide what order to write my story in as well as what details to include.
After we have finished writing, we will read my story together. Student assessment will
come from the answers they provide while helping me write my story. Students will then
be released back to their seats to begin the writing process. Students will be given 3-5
minutes for brainstorming with their tablemates. When that time is up, or all students
have had the opportunity to share, No Talk No Walk time will begin.
o Writing
 For conferences, I will call individual students back to help get them started on their
writing, but before that I will plan on pulling them back as a small group to further
discuss their ideas for writing. As they are working, I will walk around and check in/
conference with the other students at their seats.
o Sharing (Whole Group)
 I will ask individual students to share their writing when we go back to the carpet as I
walk around and conference. Two or three students will be chosen.

VII. Check for understanding.

To know if students have learned, we will discuss or read their writing together. This lesson is already a
review lesson on first person narratives. I will use a running record sheet to put student information on as
I conference with them.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

Students will put their writing into their writing folder and join me at the carpet. The students that I
selected to share with the group will bring their writing with them to present to the class.


To assess the students, I will read their writing. I will have a short checklist to grade their writing on.
This checklist would include having capital letters at the beginning of the sentence, finger space,
punctuation at the end of the sentence, and mostly lowercase letters throughout their words. This is a
checklist the students have begun recently using to evaluate their own work before turning it in.
(ACEI 4.0)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Did the students connect their learning from science to this assignment?
8. Did they achieve the objectives?

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