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COM 307 RFP Assignment

Fine Arts Building on PNW Hammond Campus

You will need to research what a fine arts building entails. Look to examples at other
universities, maybe even high schools or community centers. Remember that we are saying
PNW owns the land from Wicker to Woodmar and 169th to 175th.

 Cover page
 Cover letter
 Table of contents
 Introduction, with purpose
 A map of the area, particularly highlighting potential building locations
 Bibliography
 The rest is up to your group

Things to consider:
 Needs/absolutely necessary
 Wants/wishes/would-be-nice
 Area available for construction
 What sections do each of the sample RFP’s have in common?
 What sections are unique?
 Which ones are/are not applicable to the project you are creating?
 Is there something missing in these samples that is relevant or necessary to your project?

There is no minimum number of pages. The goal of this assignment is to really think about what
goes into designing something with which you are unfamiliar. You will be graded on detail,
effort, and your ability to communicate what it is you are looking for.


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