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COM 307

Engineering Journal Assignment

Now that we have learned about the tools available to us through the PNW library, we are going
to put them to immediate use.

You must use the PNW online library search tools to find a physical copy of a journal containing
an article or articles that pertain to a project you are currently working on. It does not have to be
a project for this class; it can be a personal project or a school project in a different class.

You must bring in a physical journal and explain to the class specifically why you chose it—
name of the journal, which articles appealed to you, who wrote them, and what your project is.
The journals are only allowed out of the library for 3 days at a time, so don’t get it too early, but
also, don’t wait too long to conduct your search.

Write up the report you will give in class and upload it to Blackboard BEFORE class begins on
the due date.

As a PNW student, there are wonderful research libraries at your disposal, including the
Regenstein Library at University of Chicago which is only 25 minutes from our campus. Feel
free to ask Natasha or another librarian what other schools we partner with. If you are ever
serious about a research project, you will have to know how to use the stacks.

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