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TEACHER Chelsey Hines

Subject/Class/Course Guided Reading of An Alien Ate my Homework (E Level book)
Topic Punctuation in Reading as a Strategy for Reading Comprehension
Grade Level Grade 1 Duration 15 minutes

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language)

GCO: 10. Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and media products to
enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness

SCO: Students will be expected to attempt to use punctuation (periods, question marks, exclamation marks)

SFL: Students can use periods, question marks, and exclamation marks while reading to help them understand what
they are reading.


 I am selecting this group of students because they are reading run on sentences and reading with no
expression, creating challenges in their reading comprehension. They all need to work on learning
punctuation to understand what they are reading.
 The rest of the class will be doing daily 5, while I am working with the group in the back of the class.
 I will be accessing prior knowledge by asking students to tell me: “how does punctuation help us read?” (2
 Student: it tells us how to read our sentences, it tells us if we take a pause, or if we are going to ask a
 Can you tell me one of the punctuation marks you remember?
 Student: A period
 Great, can you tell me what it is used for?
 Student: To end a sentence.
 Exactly. So when you see a period what do you do?
 Student: Pause

 What do the punctuation marks look like? (When I ask students what they look I will have cards with each
punctuation mark on them (2 minutes).

 For an anticipatory set I will read pages 12-13 of the book “An Alien Ate my Homework.” I will read it quick,
ignoring all punctuation, and reading in a flat voice. I will ask students if they were able to comprehend what I
read? (2 minute).

 Now are going to be practicing punctuation.

 I will use formative assessment during the instruction by watching to see if students understand, and are
using punctuation in their reading.
 I will also assess by doing a running record for the passage that the students read in the book.

Develop the Instruction

 I will have cards with different exclamation marks on them. You will match the different exclamation marks
with a one-word definition.
 Student: a period: pause
 Student: an exclamation point: yelling
 Student: a question mark: question
 Can you tell me what each punctuation mark does?
 Student: a period: it is a pause. You stop reading.
 Student: an exclamation point: someone is yelling or excited. You read with excitement.
 Student: a question mark: you are asking a question. You read like you are asking a question.
 (I will pick different students so that they all get a turn).

 I will read the passage on pages 12-13 a second time for the students to see the proper punctuation during
reading (1 minute). Do you think it was easier to understand this time? Using punctuation when reading helps
us to be better readers and understand meaning.

 I will walk students through the book, showing students the different punctuation marks, and the pictures. (1
minute). “Here is a question mark, here is a period, and here is a exclamation point.” “His mouth is wide open
when he is saying the sentence with the exclamation point at the end.”

 I will have the students whisper read the same passage I modeled on pages 12-13. While they are whisper
reading I will go around and listen in. I will ask each student to read a little piece to me out loud. I will be
listening and observing to see if the students read with punctuation marks (3 minutes). “You are all going to
whisper read the same passage I modeled and I will be coming around and ask you to each read a part of the
passage to me.”

 Possible extension activity: I will be handing you out a sheet “Pick the Punctuation.” There will be a sentence
on one side of the page and on the other side there will be a period, a question mark, and an exclamation
mark. You will circle the punctuation mark you think fits the sentence best (3 minutes).

 Closure comments: I encourage you to use these activities/strategies we’ve practiced in your reading and

 I will close by having students share what they’ve learned. What is one thing you’ve learned about
punctuation today?
 Student: That I need to stop reading when I see a period at the end of a sentence and pause.
 Great work! The purpose of the lesson was to practice and become better at reading using punctuation and
you all have done that!
 I will also have students share and reflect on which punctuation mark they like most and which they need to
keep working on when reading the passage in the book. (1 minute)

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

 I need 5 copies of the book, “An Alien Ate my Homework.
 Pictures of each punctuation mark and one-word definitions.
 I need 5 copies of “Pick the Punctuation” handout.

 My students were successful in meeting the outcomes and objectives.
 My instructional decisions meet the needs of all students.

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