Close Up B1 Students and Workbook

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Your World Vocabulary A. Complete the word groups. 1. anger sadness, y WN 2 aac, hao \ 2 though consid XN 4 thought ean, 5 sa ser, 6 cam stable 7 heating 2 plane thn B Complete the sentences with these words. 1 My ‘and | have boon living together for six months. We get along realy wel 2 Unfortunately, teenagers often give into pressure from theie 3AM) in the office can sometimes alzo be a good friend. 4 hate ewhen a thoughvless _______misbehaver in class= I'm here to learn! SS. Jane doesn't like you ater you lied to er. think she's become your worst = 6 My Is the quitaristTom Mozello. He's supertalented and very cool! 7 We can't invite that man to the party He's'a compote @ MrBoydis a(n) wha has been living in our country for years C Choose the correct answers. 11 Wheneves !m feeling blue, my friends aivays me that things will 9 a remind recall c rememiber 2. —_isrice, but money can't buy health or happiness. @ Lick B Stability ¢ Wealth 3 The comedian wes and went bright ed nhen nobody laughed at is jokes. a embarrassed b entertained c amused 4 | often eee my parents t2_ me howto do things, They have los to teach me: 2 signal show ‘© highlight 5. Forme, learing something new is sin) in itself a punishment b renard aggression 6 The | wear say alot about my personality a uniforms b objects © clothes 7. Playing on a baseball has taught me how te work with others to achieve @ goal a goup, team © css 18 Coffe isthe most popular for people working or studying, Ithelps them stay avake, 3 dominance b stimdant¢ atabilty D Read the quotes below and explain what they mean. Do you agree with thern? ‘The only way to make a man trustworthy isto trust him. (Henry L Stinson) + "With money in your pocket you are wisa, ou are handsome and you sing wel toe." Proverb} + ‘Alwaye forgive your enemies; nothing afeays thee so much." (Osear Wilde) "The person he knows How to laugh st henzolf will never cease to be amused Shiley MacLaine) Vocabulary Collocations & Expressions A Girdle the correct words. 41 You can really sve / male time Hf you take the bus. The tram isso sow! [think we should al ty to 0 / moke a diferonce by helping others Make sure you tae lose i touch by sending posteards and emails while you're traveling ‘A good way ta break / smash the ice st tala jake Try to save / use your strength, You've gota lang day shoad of you tomorom. I didnt want to make / got trouble for Phi, but had t tel the teacher he wae cheatin. You have to try hard to break / make a bad habit it isn't easy. You must alnays keep / save a promise thet you've made to someone and de what you've sid youl do B_ Choose the correct answers 1 Hf you see red, you are 2 very angry i very calm 2 When you are feeling blue, you ave 2 cheerful bb sad or dapressed 3H you are green with envy, you re a jeslous suspicious 4 Whon a porson ie iekled pink about something, they are very pleased very ties 5 The black sheep of the familly ithe person whe ls 2 unlike the others the same asthe others 6 you say someane is as good as gold, you mean they are a naughty b waltbehaved Prepositions C Complete the sentences with these prepositions. Some propositions can be used more than once. 1 You really shouldnt shout your mather, My boss said he has ge 3 hope my new diet and daly exercise wil have a postive confidence wre of me 4 Ident want tobe aasoeated Jatin any mare. Hots a nasty person, 5 Gary is getting engaged Lugy even though they hove very ttle ‘common 6 James is old fechioned. He dosen't approve _ women paying hei share ofthe oil D Discuss these questions with a partner. + What makes you see red? What makes you feel blue? + When sid you lest fee! green with envy? Why’? ‘+ Whats 2 good way to raak the ie when you mest someone new? ‘+ How important isi to make a difference in the world? Why? 1+ How de you keep in touch with your fiends? GICANAe Articles A. Read the sentences and underline the articles. Then answer the questions. Redes colour Reds the colour afblood, Which contance tals abour somathing in general? [] Which sentence tls about something specific?) Read the sentences and look at which articles Gf any) are used with the nouns in bold. Then, answer the questions. 2 What ae your favourita colours? 15 ‘Tho education got at school didn't really prepare me Aor reali, ‘Ald should gram up in 3 lowing farly- “The teachers a this Schoo are very supportive, Depression can lea to very serious health problems ‘Alemous psychologist has come up witha new personality ter. The payehologi chine wil help us Understand oureeves better. Which example shows us 41 aroun that has been used forthe fist time and then mentioned again with liffrent article?) 2. a specie plural noun? o 3 aspectic uncountable noun? a 4 aplurel noun without en article and used with a general meaning? o 5. a singular countable noun with generel meaning? a 6 an uncountable noun used wih 2 general meaning? | a ire the correct words to complete the rules. fe defrize /indtrite antele Is used before singular countable nouns to refer to them in 3 gonoral sanse orto mention or the fret ee. “The defrite/ indefinite article i used before singular and plural countable and uncountable nouns to refer to them ina pacific sense, ts ako used when something has already been mentioned, 14-1. ofthe Grammar Reference on page 152 bofore you do the tases, C Circle the correct words. D These sentances each contain a mistake. Find the mistakes and then write the correct, 1. A/ The / An university education isa great stain life. fie Pee ea ey 2 A/-/ The Brah prefer groan apples to red ones. 1 This isa very good advice. 3 knew that man would end upin the /2/- plaon onedey . m Today is very hot day 2 4 My riend works asthe /2 /-scintis. 3 im red, so | think! will go tothe bed. s hakaarg ean 4 Some people don't have the breakfast in the he hourin a green room can helo yourelax mornings. © Woaring the /@/-red clothes makes you stand outin 5. The maths my fovourte subject at school sowed & Gobi Desereisin Asa 7. She hes a/ the /-specal place in her house where 7 Mount Olmeusizhighest mountinin Greece. the relaxes, 8 twant to go to 2 university in London next year 8 Nowadays, neaty al she /2/- people have gota 9 The Chinese is avery eit ansusce tena hens 410. Nivistho longest rivrin Ales, 9. Paint your kitchen yellow to increase an /2/ the appetite of your family 10. We wert to that new restaurant anche / a /- dinner wehad was great » 8 Your World writing Using colourful idioms & phrasal verbs When you write an informal leter to someone, use 8 few colourful idioms and phratal verbs ta make your \weriting sound more natural, more informal and more interesting. When you learn new idioms and phrasal verbs, make sure you make a nate ofthe structure that follows them, so thst you use ther properly For exemple, check to see they are followed by a noun, an infinitive, a gerund or a preposition. A. Mateh th: ioms and phrasal verbs with their meanings. 1 geten well with Oo 2 look forward ta something happening 2 have loads in carman with bb have the samo tastos and interests a2 3 get on somebody’s nerves € real Ike, be afan of, 4 be into c have a good relationship with 5 be dying to/for 18 be someone's favourite person or thing 6 bea natural at a # annoy someone 7 hang out with a 9 be extiemely good at a h be someone's number one] spend lsure ime with B. Read the writing task and answor the qiestions below. ‘Your English teacher at school has arranged penpals fr all the students in your class, s0 that you can practise writing in English. Write aletier to your new penpalintreducing yourself and your family and taking about the tings you ike. 1. What kind of task do you have to write? 2 How meny things ae you asked to include in your etter 3 What aresthey? 4 What details could you give about yourself and your family? 5 What things would a penpal be interested in knewing that you like? C Complete the model letter with on, in, with, to or into. Nor How are you? Im Lyndsay ~ your new penpal. My English teacher gave me your profil. Guess what? Weve got loads (0). common, Fora stat, we were bora on the same day — 17th eo Sig? Ana fs yo veto ler asters! They are reat ger Bat een each ober ers eel when ve bore each oer! does ee ol Doveugeton val) a hy nvm and dadate cool Did’ pt aclathes shop which sls al he nest 2Bap very buy What do your pues ot shions, Muss alawyer so shes and listening to musi. [do gymnastics three times a week | tsi, Tm really (4) Justin Belber. Are youa fan? ae “ rs [N= Sy ingin Look againt ead the model letter agin and tek the things the writer 1 sock or pop muse? 2 te other kd in your cans? 3 computer games? 4 band fal sme? 5. hat dows your mum do 2 ‘ atdeawing? 7 are you taking ths year? 4 Whats your beter 2° Over to you! G Read the writing task and make a paragraph plan for your let has done. 1 explained who sho switon about srilaritios tween her and Nuria ‘ven information about her immediate faily mentioned only one thing she kes \wten ina cheerful tone included adsresses ‘Write the carract paragraph number from the model letter next to these descriptions. {Discuss the things you ike bb Talk about the things you have In common with the reader. «Ack abou the reader ond invoduce yourself bref Tak about ather members of your family {© Bing the lotero en and and sig a. Look atthe Useful Expressions and complete these questions. ‘Sometimes more than one answer is possile. Remember to include some colourful idioms and some phrasal Same nnn Ter verbs to make your letter more friendly and interesting herby king fou questone Those Yar Engh eacher at school hie arranged penpal fo all the stents uestons und moreratur fyou in your class so that you can practise wring n English. White leter cael ocean to yovr new penpa introducing yoursell your Wiens and tling your x bout your paren, youcen ek bout penpal about your fovurte school subjects. (120-180 words) Eospplanetyicystm Bfenwands ‘Asking generally about the reader ‘Asking about kee How are you? ‘reyouatanel.? Wot have you been up to lately? ‘reyoulets 2 Howarethingsin? ‘aryou interested in? Fates iets iene Wha gets on your nerves? ‘at are you botesser’mum and dad/best rend ike? Whats your suber one Hav many people ate therein yourramiy? ‘Asking about schoot hers beng an only chia? Whos your favourte teacher? Were does yourbest rend ive? inst yourbestfovoure subject? Deyou geton el wth? (When subjesareyou aking this year? Have yougot atin caron with .? ‘reyou gondia natural at? How akin? Howiong have youbeen bestrends? Wiatdoes. doforaliving? Whats. ab? exelent mene te Before you watch A. Match the words to the meanings. + outback =] 2 picture 2 Aboriginal] b bacoming worse 42 Giisston | epldblooded animel shat lye 209s farake,crocodl, tur, et 4 image | dares cf Asal, faraway fromthe coset and town, capaci the dasatsin cone AL 5 reptile 5] @ the way ofife and culture of society from a particle part ofthe world © deterioration] relating tothe fist people of Australia While you watch B Watch the DVD and docide if those statemonts are true or false, Write T for true and F for false. 1. Alot of Dreamtime paintings at Kakadu National Park are over 30,000 years old 2. Ian Mori thinks that Aberiginal paintings aro similar to ancient rock paintings from other continents 13. The Aborigines have lived in the land we now call Australia fr between 40,000 and 100,000 years. 4 Anciont Aboriginal art describes everyday life, tlle storiae about animals and somatimes even about wats, 5 6 Ian Aboriginal group paintod kangaroos, they aso paintad tures ard bird. ‘Thore haven't been any Aboriginal rack artis since the 1940s Annann After you watch © Complete the summary of the DYD‘below using these words. Australi isa very large country with a varied (1) ____ thas rainforests, the cutback desert and the soasidle, Australis has also gota very long history that goss back to an ancient paople. They lived there many thousand of years ago and sil ive there now: Infact, they are the eldest continuous (2) —_____ calture on Earth They ate the Aborigines of Australi Long before there were towns in Australia, Aboriginal ariss painted the Dreamtime, the Aboriginal story ofthe beginning of the world. The ancient Aboriginal arists thought thes their paintings had spacial powers they wanted to catch alot of fish, they painted a lt offish. They alo hed special rules. Fer ‘example, they painted certain types of pictures at) ‘ieee ofthe your Tociy, many of the (@)_____reck paintings are losing their colour. This is (S)__to bad weather 35 wwoll as insects and reptiles walking ovar them. Naturalists like fan Moris are ‘ying to fight these agents of deterioration in order to prevent the © ‘of these wonderful paintings. They are the oldest art a fof human culation inthe world and they must be protected. Hopefully, these paintings wil help save tha oF the anciant word of the Aborigines in a modora ‘world thats (9) ____ changing. Modern Aboriginal arsts are also tying t help koap ther traditions by painting pictures on (10) _, paper and woce. Contemporary Aboriginal artis getting mare anc mare famous, and very expensive D Discuss these questions with a partner. Aboriginal artis tradition in Australia. What are some of the traditional types of art in your country? Are waditional arts in danger of disappearing? What are the problems they might fac in the future? + Which anciont visation would you ike to find out more about? Explain why. WORKBOOK B1+ KEY Unit 1 Reading 4 20 3c da Sb 6d Vocabulary a 1 generous 5 calm 2 fustworty 8 depressed 3 clump 7 ft 4 handsome 8 aggressive B 1 stablity considerate 2 embarrassed 6 attractive 3 peaceful §=— 7 athletic 4 healthy 8 sednass © 4 break 5 keop 2 seve 6 make 3 make 7 save 4 break 8 keep D 1 poors 5 ckinny 2h 6 with 3 classmates 7 in 4 sfiect & ski Grammar A 1 visit 2 krow 3 istesding 4 dont ike 5 goes 8 Do you understand 7 doesn't want 8 Are they playing 5 1 doosntwant § tastes 2 bolongsto 8 dosen't seem 3 issteying = 7s fying 4 amseeing — & is running Si 1 Line 4: People (without The) 2 Line 2: The most popular 3 Line 2: France (without the) 4 Line 3: the United Stctoe 5 Line 4: Europe (without the) 8 Line 4: in the werd 7 Line 5: the Pacific Ocean region 8 Ling 6: The United Nations 8 Lines 6-7: tree times a year 10 Line 7: an important source 182 > 1 fete = 5 athe 2 athe 6 tho,a 3 anthe = 7 Tae, the 4 Thethe 8 athe Use your English A Ya 2c 3d db Se 6d Th Ba 8d 10b These the not 10 are make personality thoughtful aggressive 8 punishment strength talented speak 10 generaly usually 6 7 teachers 8 ° ‘Ace Cathy.and Joan joining ‘always forgots | prefer comedies 10 is not iset going to We are listening is thinking abouver {an annoying habit like the blue iting aon up to lately What's ite tving Interested im music “or a living? “gets on your nerves ononang B 4F 27 aT a an only Whet's {do your parents do into ‘favourite all eonense ° Student's own answer Unit 2 Reading 1C 2D 3A 4° 58 Vocabulery Keay Sin Kew we Investigate solve exist hoax cometary legend theory 2c 3a at 5d Bo detocive 8 disappearance 6 magicen 7 cave 8 soreamed locked broke ‘was reading was exploring heard ‘were looking was researching thought lost was watching ware looking for used to didn't use to would isusedto aren't usad to Didn't you use to would cot used to used ie Was vould 5 8 7 a i evidence tue ‘conclu phenomenon usual ‘abendon archasclogst nyt ‘abandoned discovery, practical ridiculous alles were tng forgot put would Was dis Use tat MOURN G8UN=0 FRENaD weunso exe & w a> st Re ut Your World Reading tend ie text and cose the answer (2, b, ¢ or d) which fits best according to the text. Colour and the consumer Theworld ofthe consumerishecoming particular product staythesame.ifa some ofthese natura colours are more colourful place, 3s manufacturers packet oF ourfavourite snack isnot the lost Thisiswhy the food industry use colourste encourageshoppersto right colour we might not buy it. As, has aaysadded colours toa range buytheirproducts Asupermarietsells trecoleurcf the padaging.aanelpthe of food, Exserimeatshave shown ‘thousand: of products and each ones onsumerin a hurry to pck out is or when 3 food looks more like carefully packaged in parcular colours herfavourtte brand om amongst the che fresh version people think fees testigetaatiecter uclasdicore tied inna: aseskeerepectie ed ciemdupdetiarsce aessameumoreenyuas jmonectemenardy emote OACea, Colisea te cmunmmaien seegraee mete mounds ee =

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