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In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in Management Consultancy

Rogationist College, Silang, Cavite


Submitted By:
BSA 801

Submitted To:
Mr. Armando L. Banares, CPA

November 29, 2017


I have friends who are asking for an advice in leading a youth organization in our
church. As a former Youth President in our organization, I can say that I can be qualified
to be a consultant. Though I may not be a perfect youth leader, I have equipped myself
with confidence, professionalism, and discipline to lead a youth group.

Being a Youth President is not an easy task. It was a surprise to be elected as

the president since we already have planned who to place in the positions and I was not
included with that plan. But, since God’s plan prevails, I didn’t let doubt overcome me
and accepted that known threat as one of the best opportunity in my life. Since it was
my first experience as a leader, I just followed my superiors and as well be a servant to
my members. Facing the challenges as a president being younger than my co-officers,
facing difficult moments, what I just did is to ask for advices, research, read books about
leadership, and keep my faith strong. And fortunately, I can say that I did my best for the
group serving God and His people.

Now, that we are on our way to adulthood, we are looking forward to make our
organization grow in service through training new leaders. As seniors in our
organization, we stand as advisers for our new leaders and members in keeping the
organization alive in its service.

These young leaders are asking for an advice on how should they cope up in
leading the group. Specifically in tqhe following areas:

 How can we manage leading the group and studying?

 How can we be accountable with our duties?
 How can we make our members disciplined?
 How can we approach our members to keep their service?
 How can we help in our little ways?
 How to manage funds in an organization?
 How to manage new members?
 How can we invite new members?

With my experiences to share and lessons I have learned, I can give advices that
could be a great help. Below are my advices on the problems stated above:

I. How can we manage leading the group and studying?

It’s a challenge! But we can manage it through knowing our schedule. Yes you
are the youth leader but it doesn’t mean that you will not focus on your studies. As a
youth leader, having the title of being a leader, we should be more responsible and be
more professional as good examples to our members. I can say that taking a
responsibility makes you responsible. And to keep your stand in class, you should have
balance. Do a realistic schedule and marked those seamless works with the works that
are “urgent” and “to follow”, so you can determine what to prioritize. Follow your
schedule. Like an audit plan, if there’s something missing or should be modified, modify
it for the better. For example, if you have made your schedule, you can see ahead the
upcoming activities, schedules and meetings. Therefore, there is a need for urgency to
make your school works as prompt as possible. Taking leadership is cutting
procrastination. If you cannot attend assemblies due to a heavy class schedule, make it
sure to tap someone to represent the youth group and take a report of the minutes of
the meetings.

II. How can we be accountable with our duties?

In our Youth organization, we have many activities and projects assigned to as

by our Shrine Rector. And these activities are very important part in the Shrine
Activities. Therefore, as leaders we are accountable for it. As leaders we cannot take all
responsibilities therefore, we should not work as leaders only but as a group. In an
organization, leaders are only titles, all people involve in the organization are
considered leaders and therefore be a follower and servant to each other. A good
advice to accomplish the duties tasked to is to segregate the responsibility so everyone
is responsible. In an organization, we are bound by harmony, meaning, we are different
from each other and we have our own expertise. If duties are segregated properly
according to one’s expertise, we could move faster and would not consider the duties
heavy. Moreover, if we could also try to extend beyond our expertise we can develop
more of our skills.

III. How can we make our members disciplined?

Discipline starts at home.

IV. How can we approach our members to keep their service?

By making them feel their at home.

V. How can we help in our little ways?

By making no idle moments. Make each moment meaningful.

VI. How to manage funds in an organization?

By making timely records.

VII. How to manage new members?

By making them feel they are part.

VIII. How can we invite new members?

By being a good example.

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