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Lesson Plan Template

Name Rose Pence
Subject STEM
Grade Level 2-5
Date/Duration 02/14/18; 30 minutes
Big Ideas  Learning about STEM concepts helps with critical thinking and
problem solving skills.
Essential Questions  What is the best way to build the catapult that launches the cotton
balls the furthest?
PA/Common  3.4.3.C.2 Explain why the design process requires creativity and
Core/Standards consideration of all ideas.
Objective  Students will be able to build a catapult that successfully launches
cotton balls in a group with 100% accuracy.
Bloom's Taxonomy

Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)
Formative &  Formative assessment - observation
Summative  Summative assessment - none
ISTE Standards for  Framework for 21st Century Learning – Collaboration: Students
Students will work together to design and build a catapult.

Framework for 21st

Century Learning
Accommodations,  Since this is a learning support class, the project is designed to be
Modifications on the level of all of the students. The stronger students will also
be paired with students who need more help.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures

Learning Plan
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
 The students will be asked what they learned from yesterday’s
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
 The students will be shown pictures of a catapult.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions  Learning about STEM concepts helps with critical thinking and
problem solving skills.
Essential Questions Statement
 What is the best way to build the catapult that launches the cotton
balls the furthest?
Objective Statement
 Students will be able to build a catapult that successfully launches
cotton balls in a group with 100% accuracy.
 The students will move from their morning routines to the activity.
Key Vocabulary
 Catapult
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students
 The students will be asked what they learned about design and
building yesterday.
Modeling of the Concept
 The students will be shown pictures of catapults and told about
their history.
Guiding the Practice
 The students will be shown the materials to complete the activity.
Providing the Independent Practice
 The students will work in groups to design a catapult that will
launch the “snowballs” the furthest.
 The students will move from the activity to their next class.
Reading Materials  Smart Board
Technology  Recording worksheets
Equipment  Popsicle sticks
Supplies  Rubber bands
 Plastic spoons
 Cotton balls
Evaluation of the Formal Evaluation
Learning/Mastery  None
of the Concept Informal Evaluation
 Observation
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
 The students will be asked to describe some of their process.
 None
Teacher 
Self-reflection 

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