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Review Article

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Joseph M. Bellapianta, MD Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but life-threatening soft-tissue infection
Karin Ljungquist, MD characterized by rapidly spreading inflammation and subsequent
necrosis of the fascial planes and surrounding tissue. Infection
Ellis Tobin, MD
typically follows trauma, although the inciting insult may be as
Richard Uhl, MD minor as a scrape or an insect bite. Often caused by toxin-
producing, virulent bacteria such as group A streptococcus and
associated with severe systemic toxicity, necrotizing fasciitis is
rapidly fatal unless diagnosed promptly and treated aggressively.
Necrotizing fasciitis is often initially misdiagnosed as a more benign
soft-tissue infection. The single most important variable influencing
mortality is time to surgical débridement. Thus, a high degree of
clinical suspicion is necessary to avert potentially disastrous
consequences. Orthopaedic surgeons are often the first to evaluate
patients with necrotizing fasciitis and as such must be aware of the
Dr. Bellapianta is Chief Orthopaedic presentation and management of this disease. Timely diagnosis,
Resident, Albany Medical Center,
Albany, NY. Dr. Ljungquist is broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and aggressive surgical
Orthopaedic Resident, Ohio State débridement of affected tissue are keys to the treatment of this
University Medical Center,
serious, often life-threatening infection.
Columbus, OH. Dr. Tobin is Clinical
Associate Professor, Department of
Medicine, Albany Medical College,
Albany, NY. Dr. Uhl is Professor of
Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Albany Medical College. A lthough necrotizing fasciitis gar-
nered tabloid fame as a sensa-
tionalistic “new” and dangerous
rotizing fasciitis” in 1952 and de-
scribed the inflammation and necro-
sis of the subcutaneous fat and deep
Dr. Uhl or a member of his “flesh-eating bacterium” in the
immediate family is a member of a fascia, with sparing of the muscle,
speakers’ bureau or has made paid
1990s,1 it was described by Hip- that are the cardinal features of this
presentations on behalf of AO and pocrates in the 5th century BCE.2 devastating disease.7 This character-
has received research or institutional Necrotizing fasciitis has since had ization agrees with the current belief
support from CONMED Linvatec, many names, including phagedena,
DePuy, Smith & Nephew, Stryker, that a disease process, rather than a
and Synthes. None of the following phagedena gangrenosum, progressive particular organism, is implicated in
authors or a member of their bacterial synergistic gangrene, and this condition.
immediate families has received nonclostridial gas gangrene.3 The
anything of value from or owns
first report in the United States was
stock in a commercial company or
institution related directly or made in 1871 by Confederate Army Etiology
indirectly to the subject of this surgeon Joseph Jones, MD, who de-
article: Dr. Bellapianta, scribed “hospital gangrene” with a Necrotizing fasciitis typically follows
Dr. Ljungquist, and Dr. Tobin. an injury to the involved site. Even a
mortality rate of almost 50%.4 In
Reprint requests: Dr. Bellapianta, 1883, Fournier5 identified his ep- minor lesion may be sufficient to al-
Albany Medical College, Suite 202, low bacteria to breach the skin bar-
onymic form of gangrene and so de-
1367 Washington Avenue, Albany,
NY 12206. scribed the pathology of necrotizing rier. Necrotizing fasciitis has been as-
fasciitis affecting the perineum and sociated with minor or blunt trauma,
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2009;17:
174-182 external genitalia. Meleney6 identi- insect bites, surgical incisions,8 cuts,
fied hemolytic streptococcus as the abrasions, contusions, injection sites,
Copyright 2009 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
etiologic agent of the disease in cutaneous ulcers, perirectal ab-
1924. Wilson coined the term “nec- scesses, incarcerated hernia,7 burns,

174 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joseph M. Bellapianta, MD, et al

splinters, childbirth, chicken pox, Figure 1 Figure 2

penetrating injury, and muscle
strains.9 Although the skin is the
most common portal of entry, in
45% of cases, no definitive access
point can be found,10 possibly be-
cause the inciting insult was so mi-
nor as to be forgotten. The extremi-
ties are most commonly involved,
but necrotizing fasciitis can affect
any body part.11 Infections of the
trunk and perineal regions have a
higher mortality rate than those of
the extremities, presumably because
amputation is not feasible as a life-
saving option.7 Developing blisters on the arm in
necrotizing fasciitis. Note the
presence of ruptured bullae
draining serosanguineous fluid in Necrotizing fasciitis of the arm.
Risk Factors the lower left quadrant of the Note the ecchymosis, erythema,
figure. and presence of serous drainage
Any host condition that results in an from ruptured blisters.
immunocompromised state is a risk
quently, the infection is often incor-
factor for necrotizing fasciitis. Diabe-
rectly identified as cellulitis. A high in-
tes mellitus, the most common co-
dex of suspicion is critical to avoid disproportionate to injury seen ear-
morbidity, is present in 18% to 60%
morbidity and mortality because, al- lier in the process gives way to anal-
of cases.8 Other risk factors include
though cellulitis without deeper in- gesia as cutaneous nerves are de-
obesity,12 peripheral vascular dis-
volvement is usually treatable with an- stroyed. Superficial fat and fascia
ease,13 intravenous drug use,13 alco-
tibiotics alone, necrotizing fasciitis necrose, producing the watery, gray-
hol abuse,14 malnutrition,8 smok-
requires surgical débridement.9 The ish, often foul-smelling “dishwater
ing,13 chronic cardiac disease,13,15
triad of swelling, erythema, and inor- pus” characteristic of the disease.20
chronic corticosteroid therapy,16
dinate pain—often disproportionate By this stage, the patient shows con-
chronic immune suppression,17 can-
to the observed lesion—in a patient stitutional symptoms of fever, chills,
cer,17 and age.17 The continued or
who is thought to have cellulitis hypotension, tachycardia, and possi-
chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-
should raise suspicion of necrotizing bly an altered level of consciousness,
inflammatory drugs has been sug-
fasciitis. Pain may precede warming and is critically ill21 (Table 1).
gested as a possible risk factor7 be-
and induration of skin (ie, wooden Acute renal failure is present in 35%
cause it may mask initial symptoms
skin) by several hours.18 Rapid mi- of patients, coagulopathy in 29%, liver
and delay diagnosis.18,19 Although
gration of the margins of erythema function tests are abnormal in 28%,
numerous risk factors have been
and skin induration (>1 cm/hr) de- acute respiratory distress syndrome is
identified, half of all cases of necro-
spite the use of intravenous antibiot- seen in 14%, and bacteremia is seen in
tizing fasciitis occur in previously
ics is another important clue in the 46%.22 The clinician must not be in-
healthy individuals.8
early stages of the disease.3 appropriately reassured by the ab-
Classic signs of necrotizing fasciitis sence of these findings because many
Clinical Presentation develop as the disease progresses. patients may lack these signs on pre-
Blisters and bullae form and drain sentation. In one series, only 47% of
Necrotizing fasciitis typically begins as first serosanguineous and then hem- patients presented with classic skin
a slightly inflamed area of soft tissue orrhagic fluid (Figure 1). The skin changes of bullae, vesicles, and ne-
that suddenly and dramatically may also show violaceous discolora- crosis, and only 51% were febrile.23
progresses to overt fasciitis with sys- tion before turning frankly necrotic Disproportionately severe pain, the
temic toxicity. Early diagnosis is made and sloughing (Figure 2). Crepitus most sensitive symptom, is noted in
difficult by a paucity of skin findings in may be present if there is soft-tissue nearly 100% of patients with necro-
the first stages of disease. Conse- gas. Edema develops rapidly. Pain tizing fasciitis.24

March 2009, Vol 17, No 3 175

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Table 1 Table 2
Physical Examination Findings in Variables and Scoring of the
Diagnosis is primarily clinical, and Patients With Necrotizing Laboratory Risk Indicator for
Fasciitis Necrotizing Fasciitis (LRINEC)
no test is as valuable as a high degree
of suspicion. Laboratory and radio- Finding Patients (%) Value Score
logic evaluations can be helpful but
Pain 100 C-reactive protein level
are best used for confirmation of the (mg/L)
Erythema 95
diagnosis. Pursuing such tests should <150 0
Edema 82
never delay surgical intervention. Av- >150 4
Cellulitis 75
erage time from onset of initial White blood cell count
Fever (>38.5° C) 70
symptoms to diagnosis is 2 to 4 days, (cells/µL)
Discoloration 49
although some cases may take weeks <15,000 0
Crepitus 25
to be correctly identified.25 15,000–25,000 1
Vesicles 16
>25,000 2
Disorientation 14
Laboratory Evaluation Hemoglobin level (g/dL)
Initial laboratory evaluation should Adapted with permission from Childers BJ, >13.5 0
Potyondy LD, Nachreiner R, et al: 11–13.5 1
include a complete blood count, Necrotizing fasciitis: A fourteen-year
comprehensive metabolic panel, and retrospective study of 163 consecutive <11 2
patients. Am Surg 2002;68:109-116.
coagulation studies. Blood cultures Sodium level (mmol/L)
should be taken to obtain pathologic ≥135 0
diagnosis of involved microorgan- ficity (76%) and has a poor positive <135 2
isms and antibiotic sensitivities to predictive value (26%) for necrotiz- Creatinine level (mg/dL)
guide future targeted antibiotic ther- ing fasciitis, suggesting that it is use- ≤1.6 0
apy. Arterial blood gases should be ful only for ruling out the disease. >1.6 2
assessed, especially when signs of Another model for evaluating group Glucose level, mg/dL
sepsis are present.7 Azotemia, hy- A streptococcus soft-tissue infections ≤180 0
ponatremia, hypoproteinemia, throm- found that C-reactive protein levels >180 1
bocytopenia, hematuria, elevated >16 mg/dL are 89% sensitive and
creatine kinase and erythrocyte sedi- Adapted with permission from Anaya DA,
90% specific for necrotizing fasciitis, Dellinger EP: Necrotizing soft-tissue
mentation rates, metabolic acido- and that creatine kinase levels >600 infection: Diagnosis and management.
sis, hypoalbuminemia, anemia, and Clin Infect Dis 2007;44:705-710.
U/L are 58% sensitive and 95% spe-
hyperbilirubinemia are commonly cific for necrotizing fasciitis as op-
noted. Hypocalcemia secondary to posed to cellulitis.18 tissue infections when 6 was used as
extensive fat necrosis may be seen. Wong et al27 developed the Labora- the cut-off score.27
Few metabolic abnormalities may be tory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing
noted early on, but as the disease Fasciitis (LRINEC). This method dif- Radiologic Evaluation
proceeds toward sepsis and organ ferentiates necrotizing fasciitis from Plain radiographs are most useful for
failure, laboratory findings may be- other soft-tissue infections using the detecting gas in soft tissues. How-
come extremely deranged. parameters of C-reactive protein ever, their utility is limited, as studies
In addition to clinical monitoring, level, total WBC count, and hemo- are often normal until infection and
routine laboratory evaluations can globin, serum sodium, creatinine, necrosis are advanced, and in many
be used to distinguish necrotizing and glucose levels (Table 2). The cases, soft-tissue gas never presents.
fasciitis from other soft-tissue infec- probability of necrotizing fasciitis is Computed tomography (CT) scans
tions. Wall et al26 described a model <50% with a score ≤5, 50% to 75% are more beneficial than plain radio-
based on the white blood cell (WBC) with a score of 6 or 7, and >75% graphs. Increased attenuation of the
count and serum sodium levels. They with a score ≥8 (minimum score, 0; subcutaneous fat with stranding is
reported that concurrent findings of maximum, 13). The model had a seen in 80% of cases, and fascial
a WBC count >15,400 cells/µL and a 92% positive predictive value and a thickening may be present.25 Images
serum sodium level <135 mmol/L are 96% negative predictive value for may show gas in soft tissues or
90% sensitive for necrotizing fascii- detecting early cases of necrotizing tracking along fascial planes.25 CT
tis. However, this model lacks speci- fasciitis in patients with severe soft- scans are especially sensitive in iden-

176 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joseph M. Bellapianta, MD, et al

tifying soft-tissue edema and often tizing fasciitis to be made within 15 suppuration of the arteries and veins
can be more useful than physical ex- minutes of biopsy and reduces the (Figure 3). Obliterative vasculitis of
amination in defining the margins of time between onset of symptoms and the subcutaneous vessels is seen early
infection. However, abnormal CT diagnosis. Although mortality rates in the disease.13 There is expansion
findings are not universal, and cases are lower with this technique, it is of fibrous septa by edema, mixed in-
have been reported of necrotizing somewhat cumbersome and requires flammatory cell infiltrate, and early
fasciitis with negative CT findings.24 the immediate availability of an ex- fibroblastic proliferation.29 As the
Magnetic resonance imagining perienced pathologist.28 Frozen- disease progresses, lesions develop
studies have demonstrated a high section biopsy is best used in cases in liquefactive necrosis at all involved
sensitivity (93% to 100%) for diag- which the diagnosis is unclear and tissue levels. A dense neutrophil-
the patient is stable. Surgical inter-
nosing necrotizing fasciitis.24 Lique- predominant inflammatory infiltrate
vention should never be postponed
factive tissue necrosis and inflamma- is present, and Gram stain of the af-
to perform such a biopsy in cases in
tory edema create fascial fluid that is fected tissues is usually positive.24
which necrotizing fasciitis is strongly
detected as abnormally increased sig-
nal intensity on T2-weighted images.
On T1-weighted images, necrosis Microbiology
and edema present as variably in- Mortality Aerobic, anaerobic, gram-positive
creased signal intensity along thick- and -negative organisms, and even
ened deep fascial planes.29 Although There are an estimated 500 to 1,000
fungi have been implicated in necro-
magnetic resonance imaging is very cases of necrotizing fasciitis in the
tizing fasciitis (Table 3). The infec-
useful in delineating the extent of in- United States annually,8 with mortal-
tion can be classified into three
fection, it is of lesser priority than ity ranging from 6% to 76%.27 A re-
groups based on Gram stain and
surgical débridement of necrotic tis- cent review of 147 patients revealed
bacterial culture results. Type 1 con-
sue when a patient is unstable with a mortality rate of 9.3%, suggesting
stitutes 80% to 90% of all cases and
worsening signs of sepsis. that outcomes are improving, pre-
is a polymicrobial infection involving
sumably because of more effective
non–group A Streptococcus along
Biopsy patient management.30 Patients aged
with anaerobes and/or facultative
<1 year or >60 years have the highest
The diagnostic benchmark for necro- anaerobes. It often involves entero-
mortality rates.13 Thrombocytopenia,
tizing fasciitis is the finding of fascial bacteriaceae as well. Typically, four
abnormal liver function tests, low se-
necrosis during surgery. Outside the to five species will be cultured from
rum albumin level,31 acute renal fail-
operating room, tissue-based diag- the wound. This type is associated
ure, and elevated blood lactate level
nostic procedures may be of use. The with postoperative abdominal and
are significantly associated with mor-
“finger test” is a bedside procedure perineal infections; it is most com-
tality,7 while advanced age, strepto-
that can confirm necrotizing fasciitis. mon in immunosuppressed patients.
coccal toxic shock syndrome, and
Under local anesthesia, a 2-cm inci- Virulence is not well understood but
immunocompromised status are in-
sion is made down to the deep fascia, is speculated to be the result of syn-
dependent predictors of death.32 A
and a gloved finger is inserted to its ergy between bacterial species.
study of 99 patients with necrotizing
base. The presence of dishwater pus, Type 2 necrotizing fasciitis is de-
fasciitis found that the risk of death
lack of bleeding on incision, and lack fined by the presence of group A β-
increased by 4% for every year of
of tissue resistance to blunt finger hemolytic streptococci, typically as a
life.32 However, the most important
dissection define a positive test. single agent,20 although Staphylococ-
clinical variable affecting mortality is
Frozen-section biopsy can also be cus or other organisms may be
the time from admission to initial dé-
done at bedside. A small elliptical present. This is the “flesh-eating”
bridement, making rapid diagnosis
section of skin, deep tissue, and fas- presentation of necrotizing fasciitis.13
of the utmost importance.7
cia is taken from the suspected area, Infection usually occurs in an ex-
along with another from the leading tremity and can develop in healthy
edge of any erythema, induration, or Histopathology individuals.
necrosis. The specimens are then Type 3 necrotizing fasciitis is caused
submitted for Gram stain, frozen sec- Necrotizing fasciitis is characterized by marine vibrios (gram-negative rods).
tion, and culture. This method al- by necrosis of the superficial fascia, Vibrio vulnificus is thought to be the
lows an accurate diagnosis of necro- fat, and nerves, with thrombosis and most virulent of these agents. Infection

March 2009, Vol 17, No 3 177

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Figure 3 Table 3
Organisms Identified in
Necrotizing Fasciitis

Gram-positive aerobic bacteria

Group A β-hemolytic streptococci
Group B streptococci
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacillus spp
Gram-negative aerobic bacteria
A, Low-magnification photomicrograph demonstrating necrotizing fasciitis. Escherichia coli
Note the skeletal muscle tissue (upper right) encircled on the left and below Pseudomonas aeruginosa
by infected fascial tissues featuring extensive acute suppurative inflammation Enterobacter cloacae
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×20). B, Higher-magnification
photomicrograph demonstrating the intense infiltrate of neutrophils in the Klebsiella spp
fascial septum, with extension into the adjacent skeletal muscle fibers Proteus spp
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×100). Serratia spp
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
Citrobacter freundii
usually begins with a puncture wound ders group A Streptococcus one of Pasteurella multocida
caused by a fish, or a cut or insect bite the most common human pathogens, Anaerobic bacteria
that is then exposed to seawater or ma- and it is capable of producing a vari-
Bacteroides spp
rine animals. Soft-tissue damage is ety of clinical disorders, including
Clostridium spp
thought to be mediated by an extracel- pharyngitis, cellulitis, impetigo, and
Peptostreptococcus spp
lular toxin synthesized by the vibrio scarlet fever. It is among the few bac-
Marine Vibrio spp
organism.20 Klebsiella, Escherichia teria that can cause a wound infec-
Vibrio vulnificus
coli, and other uncommon organ- tion, cellulitis, or necrotizing fasciitis
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
isms have also been reported as caus- within 24 hours following surgery.37
Vibrio damsela
ative agents of necrotizing fasci-
Vibrio alginolyticus
itis.31,33 Recently, cases of necrotizing
fasciitis resulting from community- Treatment Fungi
Candida spp
acquired methicillin-resistant Staphy-
There are five parameters of therapy for Aspergillus spp
lococcus aureus (MRSA) have been
necrotizing fasciitis: early diagnosis and Rhizopus
débridement, broad-spectrum antibiot-
The microbiology of type 2 necro- Adapted with permission from Green RJ,
ics, aggressive resuscitation, frequent re-
tizing fasciitis is the best character- Dafoe DC, Raffin TA: Necrotizing fasciitis.
evaluation, and comprehensive nutri- Chest 1996;110:219-229.
ized of the three groups. The natural
tional support (Figure 4).
habitat of group A Streptococcus is
human skin and mucosal surfaces. It The initial incision should be made
Surgical Débridement
has coevolved with humans and does directly over the involved skin, paral-
not survive outside a human host. Surgical débridement is the founda- lel to the neurovascular bundles and
The bacterium boasts an enormous tion of management because it is the down to the deep fascia. The surgeon
and evolving molecular diversity, fastest and most effective way to re- may encounter dull, gray, avascular ne-
driven by horizontal transmission duce the bacterial load and halt the crotic tissue demonstrating a lack of re-
among group A streptococci strains necrotic process. This is the only in- sistance to blunt dissection, lack of
and also between group A and other tervention proven to increase the rate bleeding of the fascia, and the presence
streptococci. Acquisition of pro- of survival.8 The goal of surgery is to of foul-smelling dishwater pus.24 The
phages confers virulence through remove at the first débridement all margins of débridement should be
phage-associated factors and in- necrotic tissue, including muscle and advanced until skin and fascia nor-
creases bacterial survival against skin if necessary, in addition to the mally adherent to the deep fascia are
host defenses.36 This diversity ren- involved fascia.11 encountered and must terminate in

178 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joseph M. Bellapianta, MD, et al

Figure 4

Treatment algorithm for necrotizing fasciitis. IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin G, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
*Amputation may be indicated at the first surgical intervention if the infection is quickly progressing, necrosis has
consumed most of the involved limb, and limb salvage is deemed impossible.

viable, vascularized tissue. Poorly for either adults or children.39 formation of granulation tissue, and
perfused tissue will act as a nidus for Careful management of the extensive may reduce wound pain.
continued bacterial proliferation.13 wounds that often result from this rad- Once the infection has resolved and
Although amputation does not im- ical form of surgery is critical. The a bed of healthy granulation tissue is
prove mortality in certain studies,38 it wound must be reevaluated daily be- present, the wound may be closed with
may be necessary with some very ag- cause repeated débridement is com- skin flaps or split-thickness grafts.7
gressive infections as a first-line sur- monly required. The wound should be Many cases will require reconstruc-
gery to avoid death. Some authors kept covered to protect against second- tive surgery with possible free-tissue
have described conservative manage- ary infection, encourage the formation transfer.13 Wound management tech-
ment in pediatric patients, allowing of granulation tissue, and absorb in- niques developed for burn victims
tissue demarcation to occur over a flammatory exudates. Both alginate and may be applicable, and the successful
period of several days before surgical hydrogel dressings have been used suc- use of the skin substitute Integra (In-
intervention, but this approach has cessfully. Topical negative pressure ther- tegra LifeSciences, Plainsboro, NJ)
not been adopted at our institution apy can reduce edema and stimulate the following surgical débridement for

March 2009, Vol 17, No 3 179

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Table 4
Initial Antibiotic Management for Necrotizing Fasciitis

Gram Stain Result

Polymicrobial With Gram-

Gram-positive Cocci Gram-positive Cocci in positive Cocci and Gram-
Initial Empiric Therapy* in Clusters Pairs or Chains negative Bacilli

Clindamycin plus any of the Clindamycin plus vancomy- Clindamycin plus any of the follow- Clindamycin plus any of the
following: imipenem, mero- cin, or monotherapy with ing: piperacillin/tazobactam, following: imipenem, mero-
penem, ampicillin/sulbactam, linezolid ampicillin/sulbactam, or high- penem, ampicillin/sulbactam,
piperacillin/tazobactam dose penicillin piperacillin/tazobactam

* Before results of Gram stain are available

necrotizing fasciitis has been re- cocci in clusters seen on Gram stain is among patients with necrotizing fas-
ported. By providing early wound adequate to support the use of vanco- ciitis.42
coverage, grafting can be delayed un- mycin or linezolid because of the in-
til the patient has recovered from the creased prevalence of MRSA.34,35,41 In Supportive Care
initial injury.40 contrast, Gram stain revealing gram-
Adequate fluid resuscitation and
positive cocci in pairs or chains is
Antibiotic Therapy blood pressure support are essential
treated with clindamycin and a
because patients with necrotizing fas-
Antibiotics are an important comple- β-lactam antibiotic. When the Gram
ciitis often are septic at presentation
ment to surgical therapy but cannot stain reveals a polymicrobial flora, or become so very quickly. Nutri-
be the sole treatment because fascia initial empiric therapy should be tional support is necessary because
is poorly vascularized, and the dis- continued. As culture results and loss of fluid, protein, and electrolytes
ease process further reduces its blood sensitivities become available, antibi- from the large surgical wounds are
supply. This results in poor antibiotic otic therapy should be further ad- comparable to those observed in
delivery to the site of infection. De- justed if necessary. burn victims. In the acute phase, in-
spite having little effect on the Clindamycin is advised at the earli- take of twice the basal caloric re-
wound itself, antibiotics can reduce est suspicion of group A streptococ- quirement is appropriate. A patient
the bacterial load, terminate toxin cal or Staphylococcus aureus infec- who is unable to tolerate enteral
production, and help prevent organ tion because it shuts down bacterial feedings should receive total
failure. Intravenous antibiotic ther- ribosome function, which inhibits parenteral nutrition.13 Postoperative
apy should be instituted at presenta- both M protein and exotoxin pro- care must also address adequate pain
tion after microbial cultures are ob- duction. Linezolid also possesses this management, such as use of patient-
tained. ability. This inhibition facilitates controlled analgesia.43
Initially, the infection should be phagocytosis and suppresses the syn-
treated empirically with broad- thesis of tumor necrosis factor-α, Adjunctive Therapies
spectrum agents with activity against thereby reducing the overzealous im-
gram-positive, gram-negative, and mune response.9 The Eagle effect de- Adjunctive therapies include intrave-
anaerobic organisms until antimicro- scribes the limits of the efficacy of nous immunoglobulin G (IVIG), hy-
bial sensitivities are obtained (Ta- penicillin after a streptococcal infec- perbaric oxygen (HBO), and recom-
ble 4). tion has reached steady state,37 but binant human-activated protein C.
Acceptable regimens include imi- the efficacy of clindamycin is not af- The latter has been cited in a case re-
penem, meropenem, ampicillin/sul- fected by the size of the bacterial in- port as a promising new therapy for
bactam, and piperacillin/tazobactam, oculum or the stage of growth. Clin- sepsis that may reduce mortality in
all in combination with clindamycin. damycin has been shown to be more patients with group A streptococcus
Gram stain of pus or deep wound tis- effective than penicillin against strep- necrotizing fasciitis.44
sue acquired during surgery should tococcus species.24 One study found In both in vivo and in vitro studies,
guide initial adjustments to antibiotic that use of clindamycin reduced the IVIG has been found to inhibit the ac-
therapy. The presence of gram-positive risk of hospital mortality by 89% tivation of T-cells by superantigens and

180 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joseph M. Bellapianta, MD, et al

to inhibit the activity of streptococcal ture, seizures, and central nervous sys- references 3, 7, 9, 11-15, 18-22, 24, 26,
antigens to elicit cytokine production. tem oxygen toxicity.7 Because of the 28, 30-33, 36-39, 41, 42, and 47. Level
Thus, it has been speculated to be of po- lack of randomized, prospective data III/IV case-control or cohort studies in-
tential use in necrotizing fasciitis caused regarding the utility of HBO therapy, clude references 8, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34,
by group A streptococcus. The typical currently it is best characterized as 35, 46, and 48-51. Reference 10 is a
dosage is 1 to 2 g/kg of body weight per an adjunct therapy of potential bene- level V (expert opinion) report. The re-
day for 2 days.45 Some studies have fit that should never delay or inter- mainder are review articles, case re-
reported decreased mortality with fere with surgical intervention. ports, and textbook chapters.
the use of IVIG in patients with
Citation numbers printed in bold type
streptococcal toxic shock syndrome,
indicate references published within the
but a recent review found no evi- Summary
dence that it improves clinical out- past 5 years.
comes in necrotizing fasciitis.46 Necrotizing fasciitis is an uncommon 1. Stevens DL: The flesh-eating bacterium:
HBO therapy has been proved to infection of the superficial fascia and What’s next? J Infect Dis 1999;
179(suppl 2):S366-S374.
be efficacious for clostridial gan- surrounding tissue. It is typically the
result of a mixed infection with viru- 2. Hippocrates: On Regimen in Acute
grene,47 but its use in necrotizing fas- Diseases. Adams F, trans. Available at:
ciitis is supported only by anecdotal lent, toxin-producing bacteria, or
and retrospective reports. Bacterial group A Streptococcus alone. MRSA Hippocrates/On_Regimen_In_
infection is associated with reduced appears to be emerging as an addi- Accessed December 8, 2008.
tissue oxygen tension, and HBO may tional microbiologic factor. Early di-
3. Wong CH, Chang HW, Pasupathy S,
be able to reverse several of the agnosis is essential because the dis- Khin LW, Tan JL, Low CO: Necrotizing
pathophysiologic mechanisms poten- ease can rapidly progress to severe fasciitis: Clinical presentation,
microbiology, and determinants of
tiating the necrotizing process. It is systemic toxicity and shock, organ mortality. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;
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