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Name ______________________

Heat Project
Minimize or Maximize Heat Transfer

Your task is to design a device which will either minimize or maximize heat transfer
from the sun (or a heat lamp - weather dependent). You will need to use materials found
either in the classroom or brought from home and be prepared to test your device 2 - 3
times over the next few weeks. You will be working with a partner for this project. Your
device will need to hold a s’more (graham cracker, chocolate & marshmallow) as this will
be the test of your device’s ability to either minimize or maximize heat transfer.

1. Decide whether you want your design to ​maximize (increase) ​heat transfer, or
minimize (decrease)​ heat transfer.
2. Plan out your design on paper (in your science notebook) & check off with Mrs. Lord
before you begin building your prototype. *Due by ​_________________
3. Begin building your prototype & have it ready to test in class by ​________________
4. After 1st testing, make any modifications you need (revisit your original goal and
how the first test went) and be ready to test for a second test by
5. As you test both times, create a table in your science notebook like the one below in
order to track your measurements.

Test #1 Test #2

Time Temperature Time Temperature

Ex: 1:15 50 degrees

1:25 55 degrees

6. Complete the following questions in your notebook before turning in:

a. Which test (#1 or #2) was more successful according to your goal?
b. What modifications did you do to your design in between the tests? Why?
c. Was your design effective for your goal (minimize or maximize heat transfer)?
d. If you could test your design one more time, what other modifications would
you make?
e. What is the best method you found for either maximizing or minimizing heat

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