Elsevier: Nexos - AN Support

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Copyright © IFAC Mechatronic Systems, ELSEVIER

Sydney, Australia, 2004



D A Bradley', M Hawley!, P Enderby\ S J Brownsell!, S MawsolI t

and C Acosta-Marquez'

• Unil'ersity o/Aberray Dundee. Bell Street. Dundee DD I I HG. Uf:

: Barnsley District General Hospital. Gall'ber Road. Barnsley .)'75 ]£P. U /\
* University a/Sheffield. Northern General Ho.lpital. Sheflield S5 7A U. U/\
t Sheffield Hallam University.

Abstract: Increasing pressures on physiotherapy services, the need to increase the

involvement of patients in their treatment and the development of telecare technologies
all mean it is necessary to consider new ways of providing the levels of support and
treatment required. The concept of an integrated and intelligent system based around the
use of an exoskeleton to support patients and physiotherapists during rehabilitation is at
the heart of the NeXOS project. The paper discusses the development of the NeXOS
concept. and of the interdisciplinary nature of the programme, aimed at providing a
prototype system capable of being integrated with patient support services using web-
based strategies. Copyright K;l 200.; IFAC

Keywords: Mechatronics, Engineering Design, Automation, Rehabilitation

I. INTRODUCTION Where mechanical systems are used, as for instance

in the case of a Continuous Passive Movement
Physiotherapy is an important component in the (CPM) machine that might be used following knee
rehabilitation process for individuals with a wide surgery, these are currently relatively limited in their
range of lower limb disabilities . In order to maintain operation and capability. are difficult to set up and
soft tissue tlexibility and promote the relearning of need frequent monitoring and adjustment, as for
Illotor patterns, repetition of the movement, over an instance when a patient moves position slightly. This
extended period of time, of the lower limbs through a is not however to say that there have not been a
series of controlled motions is essential. number of attempts to produce automated and semi-
automated systems to support the rehabilitation of the
Typically, this is achieved by the physiotherapist upper and lower limbs . These include systems such
directly moving the lower limb, requiring a as the Lokomat produced by Hokoma [Hokoma,
significant degree of physical effort on behalf of the 2003], the TEM system developed by Sakaki et 01
physiotherapist and meaning that they can only deal [Sakaki et aI, 1999], the REHAROB project [T6th et
with a single individual at a time. Further, the aI, 200 I] and the Leg Extension system produced by
requirement that the manipulation is carried out Monitored Rehab Systems [CMDSport, 2003], all of
manually means that it is not possible to provide which aim to provide a range of motion types for
additional specialist treatment at other times, for different purposes. In addition. use is being made of
instance in an individuals home environment as part Functional Electric Stimulation (FES) based on
of an extended telecare package. external electrodes to provide for and enhance lower

Fig. I. Simulated stride pattern

limb activities for purpose of therapy, as for instance

the cycling and standing systems developed at
Glasgow University in the UK [Hunt, 2003][Jaime et
01, 2002].

The paper discusses the initial stage of the design and

development of a nove l form of rehabilitation system
for the lower limbs which makes use of an
exoskeleton to provide the required motion and
which is capable of being used either locally or
remotely, usin g the World Wide Web as a
communication and control medium to link the
patient with their support team during the
rehabilitation process. The project, known as
Ne' XOS. is supported by the UK Department of
Health through its New and Emerging Applications
Fig. 2. Computer generated mannequin with
of Technology programmes and brings together
engineering design and mechatroni cs with clinical
and operational requirements in meeting patient need .

The key aspect of the development of the NeXOS

project. and of the exoskeleton concept around which
it is based, is that of meetin g patient needs in relati on
to the rehabilitation process. The paper therefore
concentrates on the design processes necessary to
meeting that need rather than the technologies to be
used. Consideration is given to the solving of
problems such as the communication between
individuals with different domain expertise and
ensuring that there is a common understanding of the
requirements and of the means of so lution required. Fig. 3. Quarter-scale laborato ry model
Tools such as viewpoint anal ysis and focu s groups
have been used to assist in identifying requirements, senso rs in the crutches and shoes ensured a 4-point
and the information ga ined has been used to support stance before a step could be initiated.
the mathematical modelling of a range of so lution
options for the kinematic structure. The exoskeleton was devel oped into a quarter-scale
laboratory model (Figure 3). the performance of
which was compared with the predicted performance
.., BACKGROUND using video capture and analysis to contrast the
theoretical and achieved moti ons. Once the quarter-
The Ne' XOS proj ect was developed out of a research
scale model was function ing. consideration was
programme to develop an intelligent exoskeleton
given to the possibility of using the exoskeleton as
capable of providing ass isted walking to individuals
the basis of a rehabilitation system for use with the
with a range of lower limb disabilities [A costa-
lower limbs . Evaluation of the required modes of
l\·1arquez, 2001). This exoskeleton system uses a
operation for both walking and rehabilitation resulted
I inear actuator to activate the knee and to provide
in the decision to proceed in the tirst instance with
support for the walking function as suggested by
the implementation of the rehabilitation function as
Figure I . Additional support during walking was
this seemed to offer more immediate benefits to a
provided by the use of crutches, as shown in Figure
wider range of prospective user groups. The project
2, which had the controls for the walking function
team that was assembled to take the programme
embedded in th eir handgrips. Using this strategy, the
forward provided a balance of technical and clinical
user would be able to pre-define up to three gaits and
sk ill s typical of many mechat ronic projects, these
to select the appropriate one as required . Additional
skills are set out in Table I .
control enabled the user to adjust th e height of the lift
and, where appropriate, the length and speed of the While thi s grouping provided the necessary skills. it
step. Balance was facilitated by the crutches and created problems of communication that had to be

Fig.4. Typical exercise performed in the sagittal plane for SCI subjects showing tracks for ankle and knee.

Table I: Project team structure provide a balance of operation in which motion Illay
range frolll the purely passive in which the
Team Member Role exoskeleton is entirely responsible for the movement
University of System design and programme of the leg to active where the patient would be
Abertay Dundee management working against the exoskeleton, which would then
Barnsley District Clinical expertise and patient be providing a resistance to motion, to various
General Hospital management
combinations of active-assisted and resistive motions
Sheffield Remedial systems and user needs
within a cycle of operation.
Sheffield Hallam Physiotherapy and user needs
This meant that for the purposes of the initial
evaluation it was necessary to specify prospective
Table 2: Oxford scale user groups whose needs would retlect these
requirements in terms of the ability of the
Grade Definition exoskeleton to both provide and resist motion.
o or 1 No activity Specifically, there was a need to identity:
2 Active assisted'
A group whose requirement was for passive
3 and 4 Resisted
Functionally active muscle
movements only, but where a Illuch greater
degree of control over those movements than
solved if a viable system was to result. Specifically, currently achievable would be beneficial.
each of the team members viewed the system from a A group whose requirement was for a range of
di fferent perspective and required a different form of active-assisted movements involving the
interaction, expressed in relation to their own specific requirement to adjust the response of the system
skills. Thus, one set of team members were in relation to the movements achieved. These
concerned with an ability to express the operation of movements would be based around the Oxford
the exoskeleton in terms of its motions and forces in scale used by physiotherapists and set out in
order to define and implement control strategies, Table 2.
while others were concerned with establishing patient
Based on meetings with physiotherapists, and
relationships and others with the defining the
supported by a literature and patent review, it was
interaction with the physiotherapists who would
decided to establish the initial investigation around
deploy the system.
patients undergoing Knee Arthroplasty (KA) and
This difference of perspectives and the requirement Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) patients. The reasons for
and ability to ensure a robust communication this decision were:
between team members is a characteristic of most
Knee Arthroplastv - The rehabilitation of patients
mechatronic projects, and is thus an area to which
following Knee Arthroplasty is often based on the
particular attention has to be given. In the case of the
use of a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine
Nl' XOS project. this has meant using a variety of
to provide purely passive articulation of the knee
tools ranging from observation to analysis to
joint following surgery. As already indicated, these
establish a basis frolll which development can take
need to be reconfigured should the patient move
place. It is the use of these tools and the integration
during the therapy or be required to leave the
of the information that they provide that will be
machine for any purpose and, being purely passive,
considered in the following sections.
they do not allow for the exercising of the muscles.

3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Spinal Cord InjlllY - Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

patients undergo passive motion therapy, as
3. I Palienl Croups illustrated by Figure 4 where a physiotherapist is
working with a member of the project team, to help
Systems such as the CPM machine and the TEM to maintain a basic conditioning of the lower limbs.
system referred to earlier are essentially passive in This requires that the physiotherapist move the limb
their operations in that they act only to move the leg through a sequence of motions while providing
through a defined series of movements and require support for the limb. A specific problem that is not
the user to exert no forces during the Illotion. A key addressed by this forlll of therapy is the observed loss
feature of the Ne XOS exoskeleton is the ability to of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) leading to an

Fig. 5. Identification of viewpoints using brainstorming
lm<ll!lIioent R.habllltation
System (NEXOS)
1 .
p~ti.nt Physical
Commumcations Intelligt'lnce
Installation Structure

...... . . 1
System IfoJorld Interlace Control
Points Interface Software Softvr(ar.

System Task Plan

L(MIlevel Mounting &

Controller Fixing
.J 1 '1
Actualor5 Sensors Valve5
Supply Jomts Calibration

Fig. 6. Hierarchy of functional viewpoints


Cost IPR
.J ... J:. 1

Environment Extemal

Supplieri Reliability

Family Patient Physio Clinician EPR Safety Patents Stand3l'cH.

~ Extemal Patient
Interlace Intermc. Plan

Fig. 7. Hierarchy of non-functional viewpoints

increased risk of fracture [Kiratli ill (fl, 2000][Dauty, 6. Monitor the forces exel1ed by the machine and
2000] and addressing this problem is something to the patient throughout a cycle and
which consideration is being given. autonomously adjust these to maintain
parameters such as force, velocity and power
Based on the above it becomes possible to establish within agreed and defined limits.
some requirements for the exoskeletal system in that 7. Provide motivation to patients through feedback
it should: on their performance against agreed norms and
by allowing them to assume some degree of
Enable a variety of motions and motion types as control over the rehabilitation process. This
determined by the physiotherapist in could, for instance, include a dialogue with the
conjunction with the user. machine to establish a baseline of relevant
Enable the rapid reconfiguration to encompass activity prior to using the machine, with the
different forms of motion based around a basic work programme then being adjusted
defined motion. accordingly.
3. Enable the monitoring and control of the forces 8. Provide for 'jerk free' transitions and operation
applied along the axis of the major bones in the throughout the cycle.
lower leg in order to try to alleviate the loss of
BMD. 3.2 Physiotherapists
4. Support a rapid and automatic set-up procedure
for any individual patient based on knowledge In the case of the physiotherapists, the initial focus
of that patient's physical dimensions. This groups identified the requirement for an interactive
would enable patients to set the machine up procedure for setting up and configuring the system.
themselves rather than requiring assistance, This could perhaps take the form of a 'teach and
enabling its use in the home environment. repeat' procedure in which the system recorded and
5. AutonomoLlsly adjust, within definable limits, then played back the actions of the physiotherapist. It
to any change of patient position during the was also considered that, in the first instance, a
therapy process. system such as was being proposed would not be
used remotely, and safety issues were identified


+- :
,~ = Y. + d,'Sin-6j , ; = ,~ ~ d J'Co s ~

x, x. ., X, = X.· d!'Cos-&, )\:, = dtSin -e:
. . . . .
··1··I .
Bt "'" W,+ Bj - 90 , _. ... _... -...;-.--..,';:-.-.--.... - - --;:-----'.-.-.-.-···-·--·f- ---·--

(a) MatLAIJ model (b) Generated tracks

Fig. 8. Leg motion during rehabilitation using a track representation derived from video analysis

I'IHilloll Mnsnu·cJ ·H. Srrok~ PlIICt'flN'11t with Pol/nomilllll"d [xpont'nlhtllltthl~

analysis in order to be able to define the key
objectives in relation to meeting the performance
H.J .
requirements for the exoskeleton . The method chosen
for carrying out this analysis was viewpoint analysis
as this enabled the division of the identified
Po~lUoo 1\·1 f'1I,'lnd viewpoints into those directly concerned with the
I physical operation of the exoskeleton (the functional
..... i
, viewpoints) and those concerned with its integration
into clinical and other systems (the non)ill1ctional
viewpoints) [Bradley et al. 2000]. Using this
. ... ,.~ .. approach, a brainstorming session is first used to
U 1.4 identifY the viewpoints, which are then clustered to
create the groups of functional and non-functional
viewpoints. These can then be arranged to form
Fig. 9. Results of curve fitting routines for path hierarchy trees representing the interrelationships
generation between the individual viewpoints. Figure 5 shows
the results of the brainstorming session using a
whiteboard while Figures 6 and 7 show the resulting
T~'l =Tafgtlt PMitkln

Target Tr.ck

.. p ~ .....
........ ~..
Achl .... ed Tr.ck
+Flnal Error

P"" = Achie".d Position


Using the information obtained from the patient

p " = Current Position groups and physiotherapists and combining this with
the structure provided by the viewpoint analysis, the
Fig. 10 . Velocity vectors for path generation and research moved to consider both the development of
representati on the physical structure of the exoskeleton and its
control in parallel with the development of user
which would become the subject of detailed study views through a combination of analysis and focus
and evaluation as the kinematic geometry of the group studies.
exoskeleton became established.
4.1 Analysis
They also identified the need to establish an
appropriate, and easily reconfigurable, interface By introducing virtual markers into the video images
which will enable the user to have a degree of direct of a physiotherapist performing a series of
control over the operation of the machine, for manipulative exercises (Figure 4) it is possible to
instance in respect of their ability to terminate the extract information as to the range and types of
operation of the machine in case of discomfort. There movements involved, including information about
is also the need to establish mechanisms by which the the velocity profile established over a complete
system can respond to direct measures of patient manipulative cycle. This information can then be
performance. For instance, there is the possibility that used to construct a mathematical model of the motion
passive motion therapy may induce spasticity in of the ankle which can then be used to represent
some patients [Skold, 1999], the onset of which must patients of different leg lengths as shown in Figure 8.
be detected by the system, which should then respond Having established a mathematical model of the track
accordingly . of the ankle, curve-fitting routines can then be used
to establish a mathematical representation of the
3.3 Functional Analysis tracks generated by the physiotherapist during
manipulation as in Figure 9. This representation then
Having established the basic requirements for the forms the basis of the control strateb'Y that is
system. it was necessary to perform a functional proposed for the control of the exoskeleton in which

actuators are controlled to move the ankle along a 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
track defined as a series of linked velocity vectors as
in Figure 10, each of which represents the desired The authors would like to acknowledge the support
movement in a specified time interval. This control provided for this project by the UK Department af
strategy is a modification of that which was used for Health through its New and Emerging Applications
the Lancaster University Controlled Intelligent ofTechnolagy (NEAT) programme.
Excavator (LUCIE) which demonstrated that the
velocity error and the rate of change of that error in a REFERENCES
track following situation could be used as the inputs
to an expert controller based around a production rule Acosta-Marquez C. & Bradley D.A., (200 I), An
structure [Brad ley, 1998]. intelligent Exoskeletal Aid for Gait
Assistance. Pmc. Of' the -/''' 1nl. Conl on
-1.1 Focus Groups Climbing and Walking Robots CLAIVAR '(il.
pp 55 -62
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orthopaedic physiotherapists as these have been Development, Control and Operation of an
identified as a key clinical groups and has Autonomous Robotic Excavator, Journal of'
concentrated on establishing their views on the Il1Ielligenl and Robotic Systems, Vol. 21, pp
relevant target groups of users and of the 73 -97
requirements for the introduction of a system such as Bradley, D., Seward, D., Dawsan, D. & Burge, S.,
Ne XOS within a rehabilitation environment. The (2000), Mecharronics and the Design of'
feedback from these groups has to date advised the Intelligent Machines and ,~vstel11s. Thomes
team on factors such as the structure of the interface CMDSport, (2003)
and the information it should contain and the target www.cmdsport.com/monitor/mr_leg.htm I
environments for system introduction. As the project Dauty, M., Perrouin Verbe, B., Maugars, Y..
develops, additional focus groups involving users Dubois, & Matghe, J.F., (2000), Supralesional
will be established to obtain their input into the and Sublesional Bane Mineral Density in
design process. Spinal Cord Injured Patients, Bone, Vol. 27,
No 2, pp 305 - 309
Hokoma, (2003),
Hunt KJ ., (2003), Enabling exercise for fitness and
On the basis of the requirements analysis, viewpoint
health in spinal cord II1JUry, l!vlechE
analysis. system analysis and focLls groups it
Workshop on Mechalronics in Medicine,
becomes possible to create a system schematic
Healthcare & Rehahilitation - Applications
incorporating the principal features of the
& Sollltions, Loughborough, Paper 6
exoskeleton and its related system components. The
Jaime R-P., Matjacic Z. & Hunt K..I ., (2002),
system is thus based around establishing appropriate
Paraplegic standing supparted by FES-
communication between the physiotherapist and the
controlled ankle stiffness, Trans. IEEE Neur.
patient. supported by reference to relevant clinical
5)ls. Rehah. Eng, Vol. 10, pp 239 - 248
databases and references, for instance to establish
Kiratli, B.1., Smith, A.E., Nauenberg, T., Kallfeltz,
patient identification and to store previously defined
C.F. & Perkash, I., (2000), Bone Mineral
motion profiles.
Density and Geometric Changes through the
Femur with Immobilisation due to Spinal
6. CONCLUSIONS Cord Injury, Journal qf Rehabilitation
Research and Development, Vol. 37, No 2, pp
The NeXOS project is an integrated and cross- 225 - 233
disciplinary project which invalves a range af subject Sakaki T., Okda S., Okajima Y. & Tanaka N.,
specialists caming together to develap and (1999), TEM: Therapeutic Exercise Machine
implement a new form of rehabilitation system. In for hip and knee joints of spastic patients,
doing so. conventional engineering design and Pmc. (i" 1nl. Conl on Rehabilitation
systems analysis methods are being combined with Rohotics, ICORR '99, pp I - 4
other forms of analysis to enable the system concepts Skold, c., Levi, R. & Seiger, A., (1999), Spasticity
to be integrated with stakeholder need. As part afthis after traumatic spinal cord injury: Nature,
process. extensive use has been made of system severity and location. Archives of' Physical
modelling and visualisation taols to support the Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 80. No 12,
communication of ideas between the project team pp 1548 - 1557
and to stakeholders through facus groups. T6th A., Arz G. , Varga Z. & Varga P., (2001),
Following on from the analysis and modelling stages, Conceptual design of an upper limb
the development rig will be used to. evaluate the physiotherapy system with industrial robots,
different control and aperatianal strategies as well as Integration qf'lnf'ormatiol1 Technology in the
to finalise the kinematic geometry of the exoskeleton. Information Age, Mokhtari, M (ed), 10C
Use will be made of web-based strategies as the basis Press, pp 109 - I 16
of both local and remote communications with the
exoskeleton and with stakeholders.


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