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 Introduction

o Project Information

o Aims and Objectives

o Scope

o Methodology

 Literature Study

 Case Studies:

o India International center,New Delhi

o India Habitat center,New Delhi

 Site Analysis

o The Site
o Area Programme

o Climatic Analysis

 Final Area Statement

 Concept

 Advance Objective

 Bibliography

 Photographs of Drawings and Model

The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. was established in 1955 by the Government of India with a
view to promote, aid and foster the growth of Small Industries in the Country. NSIC continues to remain at the
forefront of industries development through out the country with its various programmes and projects to assist
the small scale sector in the country. Recent transactions of industrial climate and liberalization of the total
economic environment within the country and international area has witnessed tremendous changes in the
domestic as well as international markets. These sudden changes have thrown up as many opportunities as
challenges to the small scale enterprises in the country. Over a period of four decades of transition, growth and
development of small scale sector, it has proved its strength within the country and abroad dynamically showing
its progressive attitude towards modernization, upgradation of technology, quality consciousness, strengthening
linkages with large and medium scale enterprises and boosting exports of products from small enterprises. The
small scale sector continues to remain an important instrument for enterprise building, dispersal of industries for
even regional economic development and employment generation. NSIC has been successfully able to play its
assigned role in this endeavor. Due to changed industrial scenario and gradual globalisation of the economy, small
scale sector has to face stuff competition as the insulated and protected market conditions are no more going to
be available to it. To enable the small scale sector to meet this challenge, NSIC has already initiated various steps
so that SSI can play their due role even during polarisation of various economic forces.

The contribution made by the SSI sector with reference to the export is commendable. SSI units are
exporting to the extend of 50% of the total export of the country but it is felt that the potential of the SSI in
India is still not properly utilised. Lack of infrastructure facilities and location disadvantage is a major bottleneck
for the export oriented SSI units to achieve the desired results.

Thus NSIC has decided to create a space to enhance the export and to provide exporters located at remote
places to meet the international buyers through out the year.


In the present atmosphere prevailing all around the world, there are rapid advancements in every sphere of
life. Also the man’s urge for knowledge and the urgency to solve the ever-growing problems of human being with
mutual consultations and through forums has broken the shackles of imaginary boundaries of countries. In the
present world, knowledge is now being exchanged freely among individuals, groups or countries in a much more
organized manner.
To bring this exchange of information, thought and knowledge, several national and international forums have
come up to make this exchange more organized and systematic. These forums are playing an important role in
bringing together nation to resolve their disputes and promote co-operation in the fields of trade, science,
technology, culture, etc.


The convention has evolved out of a need for a platform for such interactions to be carried out. A
convention involves a large congregation of people sharing some common ideology a need.

The total atmosphere and the stimulation generated by a convention center play a major role in the success

of a meeting or conference.


 To promote a platform for interaction between various sections of society. This would lead to better
understanding of each other’s trade and spread awareness among the people that is the need of the hour.

 To provide a conducive atmosphere and physical environment for discussions, lectures, etc. This would help in
efficient exchange of useful data and information.
 Exhibition halls help in extending interest, awareness and are good means of revenue generation.

 The main objective of designing a convention centre is to help organizations hire on temporary basis a few
common facilities like auditoriums, seminar halls, lecture rooms, etc., simultaneously in the same premise.

Aims & Objectives

 To study and understand the basics of convention centre design.

 To study some already designed convention centers in order to understand their functioning.

 To formulate a design strategies keeping in mind the functional requirements, the site nature, structural

system, spatial layout and visual relationship etc.

 To create a lively building complex to enhance the export of SSI units by providing them better infrastructural

facilities at a location convenient to transact export business.

Scope and Limitations

 Study of technical functions of the spaces and their interrelationship in a convention center.
 Study of the expectations of various uses of the building and their flow through the complex.

 Study of circulation and services of a convention center.


University conference facilities

It is designed for Business School Education Program, Educational Conferences

Purpose Design Convention Centre

It is designed with number of halls catering a specific need.


While designing an international convention centre, special attention needs to be given to certain planning
aspects, which have profound implications on the efficiency of functioning of the centre. These are:
The peak arrival period is very short and as most delegates arrive with little time to spare before the
session of their interest. This results in a very heavy peak time load on both the internal and external circulation

Exit from a hall after a meeting is also within a very short, 3 to 4 minute period, and this has important
repercussions on toilet, coffee, bar and meal services.

Important design consideration is the fact that most visitors are first time arrivals, who are not familiar
with the site or building layout, and who stay for only 3 to 4 days. In order that the new arrivals get acquainted
with the layout quickly, it should be simple and easy to understand, the circulation should be clearly defined, both
inside and outside the building, and should be uncluttered, without too many intermediate connecting spaces.
Lastly, the entrance should be grand enough to be apparent to any newcomer.


In any International conference centre planning and design, the simplicity of layout, and the clarity and
definition of the circulation planning are very important consideration. Ideally, all vehicular and pedestrian access
ways should be distinct and free from bottle necks, crossings and other hindrances. Adequate care needs to be
taken to avoid any overlap whatsoever between, the VIP, delegate, staff and service related circulations. Service
areas and unloading bays should therefore be located in such a fashi8on that they can be accessed without any
intrusion, physical or visual, into the guest areas.

Another issues which requires careful planning consideration is on site parking. Arrival may be in self driven
cars, chauffeur driven cars, coaches or taxis, and all these categories have different on-site locations suitable for
them, taking into account both physical and visual aspects.


- Plenary Hall ( for 1000-1500 Persons)

- Commission & Committee Halls (200-500 Persons)

- Meeting Rooms (20-50 Persons)

- Breakout Rooms (8-20 Persons)

- Board Room


a) Delegate Flow
b) Public Flow

c) V.I.P. Flow

d) Staff Flow


 Should be well defined.

 Provide good view of interiors.

 Several doors in parallel are needed to admit large number of arrivals.

 Reception should be in close proximity.


 Should be a semi-formal area.

 Informal spaces where discussions continue.

 Environment here should be less rigid as compared to conference halls.

 Allied facilities needed in this area include public telephones, utilities etc.

Registration Space

 Should be near the entrances.

 Should be easily approachable by the visitors, delegates, press and personnel.

 Should have facilities like bank, post office, travel agency, first aid center, etc.


To ensure good acoustics and unobstructed sight lines, the floor of the main auditorium are almost always
raked or are provided with a mechanism to raise and lower seats in case the hall is intended for multiple use.
Performers / VIP/speakers must have a separate direct access to the stage and the front rows and the press and
spectators are seated separately.

Reception Auditorium Stage

Entrance Back of Stage Main Stage

Booking Hall Scenery Store Workshops

Foyer Dressing Room Rehearsal Room


 The stage must be designed to facilitate a variety of diverse uses to enable multifunctional use of the
auditorium for conference sessions, live performances or film shows.

 Sight lines should be properly worked out.

Projector Room:

 A room which houses projection equipment together with film and slide storage.

 It should be light and sound proof, with artificial ventilation and lighting.

 With conventional equipment, the projection room should be located as far back from the screen, on
the central axis as possible, to achieve maximum focal length.

Translation booths

 Simultaneously translation booths should have unobstructed view of audience as well as the stage.

 Entrance must be from outside the main hall, through an area not used by public.

 Good access to each other.

 Ample space for movement inside and outside of the booth personnel.
Shown here are the cases which depicts the dimension to be kept in mind while designing spaces


Measurement of Adult and six year old visitors in relation to cases.

Difficulties encountered in viewing details more than 3ft below or 1ft above one’s eye level.

 The design of the exhibition spaces should reinforce and promote the audience’s engagement with the
 The layout of exhibition spaces and main circulation to these should be flexible and provide
opportunities for the visitors to select multiple routes tailored to the duration and intensity of his or
her visit.

 Should provide visual presentation, graphic explanation of matters concerning the conferences or

 Large column free space required.

 Large display area, with all the support facilities viz. Storage area maintenance areas, etc should be

 Should be accessible and visually linked with the press/ delegates and public entrances.


Exhibition lighting needs will vary by exhibit, type and size of works, and layout of each exhibition.

Space Exhibition Materials Light Level

Exhibition Sensitive Work on paper prints, textiles dyed leather 5-10
Exhibition Sensitive Oil and Tempera paintings wood 15-20
Exhibition Less Sensitive Glass, Stone, Ceramics, Metals 30-50
A large number of halls and rooms of various capacities are required in a conference centre, to accommodate
groups of different strengths. The floor, unlike the main auditorium is usually flat, while the stage is raised to
provide unobstructed sight lines. In smaller meeting rooms, there is no stage; the participants in the discussion sit
around a long central table with rounded or chamfered edges.

The Architectural Program for salable conference and meeting spaces is essential to define the conference
center program.

1) Consider the type of general and special purpose rooms that are required.

2) Determine the optimum and maximum capacity for each.

Area Requirement
Executive or classroom set up
Multipurpose conference room (200-500 Per) 1.4 – 2.2 Sqm
Conference Room (20-50 per) 1.7 – 2.4 Sqm
Breakout Room (up to 12 persons) 3.7 Sqm per person
(Increased by 50% when providing projection room, pantry)

Seating Arrangements For Meetings

Standards for meeting facilities must take account of the wide differences both in the types of meetings
held and the group sizes normally involved .

 Capacity should be appropriate. Large groups break into smaller groups during a convention, hence
these should cater to such groups also.

 Halls of varying capacity are required.

 Capacity 10-15

 Should have separate lounge.

 Should be directly accessible from the entrance foyer.

 Furniture should not be fixed, space must be flexible.

 Having one kitchen is more economical.

 Should have proper and sufficient preparation area.

 Should have proper and sufficient serviceable area.

 Should be provided with a large storage area.


Eating spaces, both formal and informal are required in such a centre, in addition to food and beverage
services for residents (room service) and guests. The eating spaces which need to be provided are:
a) cafeteria
b) restaurant
c) bar of pub or saloon
d) banquet hall and
e) employee’s cafeteria

Depending on the type of space, table may be arranged in rows at right angles to the head, or in separate
groups with round tables.


The offices of the director and several managers (or other senior staff) are located here. These rooms
need to be well lit and ventilated naturally and should be located in the staff area.
India International Center, New Delhi
India Habitat Center, New Delhi
Indian Habitat Center,New Delhi
India habitat center has been planned as a moderately dense complex of institutional and office work
spaces, organized around link courtyards.

 The built form is home to cater 30-40 similar offices and institutions like housing and urban
development corporation (Hudco), The Delhi Arts Commission, Tata Energy Research Institute etc.

 This building is designed by Joseph Allen Stein.


 The convention center has a separate entrance from the Vardhaman marg.

 The convention block has been divided into two build structures- the auditorium block and the
convention center block.

 India Habitat center is located on the Junction of Lodhi Road and Max Muller Road in the Lodhi Estate
Institutional Zone, New Delhi.

 It is diagonally across the WWF building and has roads on three edges.


IHC houses a number of institution and offices in a complex of about 57,000 Sqm of covered area
integrated in a site of 9 Acres in the heart of New Delhi.


Parking is provided in two levels in the basement. Each driveway is provided with proper directional signage.
The movements are simplified by adopting one way system that generally follows clockwise movement pattern. It
has parking of total thousand cars in basements.

 The architect had tried to keep the auditorium block separate from the convention block to avoid

 The auditorium block had a theatre conceived in mind for basement but due to commercial reasons it
had been converted into a convention place with movable seating.

 Only three halls have been provided with the fixed convention type seating. Rest of the halls are free
to choose the kind of seating required.

 A single kitchen has been provided at the convention block so as to concentrate the kitchen activity
for better administration.


Convention Block

 There is no separate dining area and the width of circulation areas has been increased to cater the
need for dining space.
 Silver Oak on ground floor and Jacranda on the first floor are bigger halls which can be divided into
two, for small conferences.

 There is a pantry with a service lift in it on every floor to serve the food and refreshments for these
meeting rooms.

 There are two lift lobby on every floor for visitors.

 Three AHU are provided on every floor

 A stair case is provided going to the first floor directly from outside court.

 All the halls are properly carpeted, walls wrapped with fabric or wooden paneling.

 Rooms having fixed seating are acoustically treated and have control with them.

 The other halls having changeable layout are versatile for different spaces like exhibitions,
conferences, seminars, banquet, parties etc.

 Cloakrooms have been made out on acute angle so that public during circulation cannot peep into these

 The usage of circulation spaces for foyer as well as dinning purpose retards the circulation space
within convention center.

 The huge reception lobby has only one lift with it which is not sufficient.

 There exists two more lifts but they are at end and not in much use.

 There is no separate circulation for the food service and they too use the public circulation.


 Main hall has a seating capacity of 310 persons.

 Balcony has a capacity of 180 persons.


 It has three conference halls

 Amaltas

 Rudraksha
 Kadamba

 This trinity of rooms is an extremely flexible set with individual as well as combined usage

Name of Hall Area Sqm Theatre Classroom Boardroom U Shape Buffet+ Seating Reception
Amaltas 164 110 40 30 40 55 90
Kadamba 58 30 24 16 24 24 30
Rudraksha 58 30 24 16 24 24 30
Theatre 280 225 70 -- -- 120 150
Auditorium 575 490 -- -- -- 60 --
Silver Oak-I 112 100 40 26 34 40 100
Silver-Oak II 78 60 30 26 28 110 80
Silver Oak Total 190 175 70 7 70 16 200
Chinar 30 18 12 16 12 35 25
Willow 530 44 26 24 24 -- 45
Gulmohar 265 -- 113 -- -- 60 --
Jacaranda –I 120 120 45 38 40 60 100
Jacaranda- II 120 120 45 38 40 130 100
Jacaranda Total 240 245 90 82 25 210

The air conditioning plant, water supply plant, electric substation, mechanical ventilation plant room etc. are
provided in the basement. Air handling unit rooms, fire fighting equipment and electricity panel room has been
provided on each floor with the circulation core.


4 AC of 600 TR centrifugal Hitachi Machines has been provided for Air-conditioned space of 53,000 Sqm.
Mechanical ventilation system is provided in the basement. The Air conditioning system consists of centrifugal
water cooling machines, cooling towers, chilled water and condenser water pumps air handling units fan coil units
condenser water piping safety and automatic energy saving controls electric wiring hot water generators.

For south block, Air Conditioning is provided by individual fan coils for each guestrooms, and by Air handling
units for the public areas such as conference halls, Library etc. each guestroom has its FCU located In the ceiling
space above entrance lobby, with a three speed control on fan in entrance lobby in guestroom.


Fir fighting and detection is done providing sprinkler system smoke and heat detector fire hydrants alarms
emergency exists.
Fire fighting plant having pumps is provided in the besetment a underground water tank of 2,50,000 Lts. and
overhead tank of 50,000 Lts. is provided for fire fighting systems.


It has three underground tanks of 1lakh Ltr. Capacity one tank is directly connected to Delhi Municipal
Corporation for drinking water other two are filled with boring water.


This center was designed so that grounds of India International Center and the Lodhi
gardens could function as one entity. This building is designed by Joseph Allen Stein.

This building is provided for a number of cultural and scholarly activities, including meetings
for national and international groups and research programs.

The center is composed of closely related domed auditorium, guest rooms, program block
and separately articulated hostel block and dining facilities. The requirements of various
functions and their special relationship in the combined cultural and residential institution have
resulted in the expression of a design rich in variations, yet governed by the integration of
modern techniques with local skills and materials.

Respecting the garden traditions of North India and the refinement of indigenous
techniques, stein integrates these elements with modern use of exposed roof pattern. The use of
local materials such as rugged quartzile stone and blue Kotastone flooring is softened by
screened Jalis in Ceramic Tiles.

Despite its institutional role, the architect conceived the IIC complex with an informal
approach. The curving façade of the residential wing corresponds to the curving paths and
walkways in the adjacent Lodhi Gardens. The large windows of the dining hall and conference
room on the second floor overlook the wide vistas of tombs and gardens.

Overall there is a sublime fusion of the India International complex with Lodhi Gardens.


India International Center is in central locality, Lodhi Estate near the eastern boundary of
Lodhi Gardens at Lodhi Estate Road.

. The sole vehicular access to IIC is from Max Muller Road, and pedestrian approach from NDMC
parking sides.

The site falls in the Lutyen’s Delhi Region. The site is in trapezoidal shape and measuring
about 4.6 acre. Various national and international agencies like WWF, INTCH,UNESCO, World
Bank etc. have their offices in the vicinity of the site. India habitat center is only 1.5Km away.


Except for dining rooms/lounge which face west overlooking the Lodhi garden, Rest has been
oriented North South, which is suitable for Delhi.


The whole complex can be divided in three wings:

1) North wing

2) South wing

3) West wing

North wing is residential block. It offers residential and catering facilities to members and
their guests, it consists of two type of rooms:
Single room

Double room

South wing is program block. It houses all the public areas, conference rooms, offices,
library and auditorium.

West wing consists of lounge, dining halls and services each wing is designed to serve a
separate function. It is possible to enter any section through the outdoor spaces without
disturbing activities in other access.

It also consist of two party lawns which has separate entry and exit to the complex.

1) Rock Garden

2) Central Lawn


No parking is allowed on the site except staff parking on the south offset. NDMC has
provided has common parking for the Lodhi Garden, World Bank, UNICEF, INTACH, WWF and the
rest. The parking plaza behind India Islamic Center provides ample parking spaces. The spillover
parking in case of conventions is done on the abutting service lane.


The main circulation in the complex is horizontal because of its spread. Various blocks have
been connected to each other by means of covered passages. The main covered passage between
the program block and the residential block acts as an entrance canopy for the visitors and a
porch for the incoming vehicles.

The main approach to the program block is from side service lane through the pedestrian
The program block consist of following areas:

Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Basement

Library Kitchen, Account Section Toilets,

Auditorium Administration Office, Publications Drinking water

Conference Room (80 Per.), Computer wing record room

Engg. Room, Program office

Director’s room,

President’s room,

Projector room,

Board room (17 per.)


Main vehicular entry and exit is from Max Mueller Road. Vehicles can be driven upto the
entrance porch and move on to the NDMC parking after leaving passenger on the entrance porch.


It consists of 55 single rooms and 26 double rooms at all floors.


It houses all the public areas,conference rooms,offices,library and auditorium


It consists of following areas

Ground Floor:

Lounge, Toilet block, Bakery Shop, Pantry

First Floor:

Dinning Hall having capacity of 120 persons

Private Dinning hall

Second Floor:

Conference hall with seating capacity of 80 persons

Open terrace for organizing parties

Toilet Blocks


There is separate service entry on side lane having parking for two wheelers of staff.

All services are lying at the back of the program block. It has two basements for services.


Electric Substation

Carpentry Workshop


Generator Room

Staff Canteen

Staff Kitchen

Staff Restroom




The whole center is centrally Air Conditioned. This plant houses two units. One of capacity 80 Tons which is
used during the day. It has two AC cooling towers near the rear wall of the site. AHU has been provided on every
floor and in each wing.

The pool in the rear side of the garden that helps in keeping temperature low in summer is also landscape


Distribution of water is based on gravity supply system in which water is drawn from a lower level
underground tank to an overhead tank from where water is supplied to the service areas. The overhead tanks are
placed under the shell structures cantilevered over the residential block.

R.C.C. framed structural system has been used- columns beams and coffered, ceiling slabs in areas where
heavy loads are to be supported big stone piers have been constructed.

The concrete frame is filled in with several type of cladding( local stone, pre caste concrete panels) windows
and shading devices of various sizes, materials and degrees of operability in an attempt to maximize an appreciation
of the Indoor/ Outdoor relationships and the qualities of the site. The final construction was highly economical
largely as a result of efficient construction and use of simple exposed materials which required no additional

Auditorium Roof Dome:

The roof of the auditorium is composed of pre cast Y-shaped elements to form a six sided domical structure
based on hexagons and quadrilaterals.
Use of Jali as shading device:

For the auditorium windows and between the guest room balconies, Jalis of traditional blue glazed tile were
used. While entirely shading the windows in summer, the jalis allow in welcome sun in winter.


(Distribution of Circulation)

Entrance Lobby

 Distributes circulation to library/ Auditorium/ Reading room/ Stairs for first floor

 Easily approachable from the front porch and pedestrian entrance

 Serves as foyer to the auditorium

 Pre cast concrete slab are used in the ceiling about 2’ by 2’ in area

 Fully glazed walls for complete transparency

 Consists of reception counter.


 240 seating capacity

 About 260 sqm area including stage and backstage area

 Regular hexagonal unit with each side 36’ long

 Proscenium stage 18 feet deep, wooden flooring, 3 feet high

 2 public entrances from the foyer and 1 VIP entrance from the back stage

 Designed to function as multipurpose hall

 2 Aisles in between (1.6 M wide)

 Exposed black stone on walls and exposed concrete Y shaped elements on the roof ceiling 6-7m high

 Wooden paneling on wall facing the stage.


For use of delegates and member only it houses about 32,000 volumes of books and periodicals mostly on
social sciences history biography literature and arts.
 It has 6 cubicles for quiet reading

 Oblong 10m wide and 25m long

 Reception cum issue and deposit counter on the entrance.

 Magazines section opposite to the reception counter having

seating capacity of 15people

 Book stacks on the left of the circulation passage which divides

library into reading zone and stacks zone.

 Reading zone has windows overlooking the central lawn.

 Special booths for internet/photocopying/ typewriting etc.

Kitchen and Dinning facilities

 For members and guests

 Kitchen and stores are located on the first floor in the program block where as the dinning hall is in
western block. A service corridor connects the two. A big walk in refrigerator, butchery section is
provided in kitchen.
 A separate service stairs has been provided on the southern side of kitchen.

 It has dinning hall for 120 persons.

 This dinning hall is a hexagonal room with large opening overlooking the
Lodhi garden.

 It has bar having seating capacity of 40persons

 The lounge offers a more informal seating for discussions.

Conference Facilities

 Two conference halls with seating capacity of 80 persons in both.

 One in the Program Block has microphone between every two seats

 A small control room adjacent to it

 Has a coffered ceiling with exposed concrete and the southern façade
is glazed.

 A service corridor is running parallel to conference hall on southern side

 No acoustical treatment

 Second one in residential block on second floor

 Hexagonal in plan

 Has a pyramidal roof

 Wooden strips on the walls for acoustical treatment

 Overlooking the Lodhi gardens and has been appropriately glazed.

Board room

One small boardroom with capacity of 17people on first floor of program block.

No acoustical treatment.


 Every building unit is based on human scale. No Intentional use of monumental scale is seen even
though the building hosts a number of conferences and seminars of national and international
 Important component of the IIC is the use of courts and openings through the building to create a
lively sequence of visual experiences from approach to entry to exit.

 While most of the spaces are adequate and serve the purpose well but the lobby area serving both the
auditorium and the conferences hall is too small and get crowded during function.

 All the conference halls are placed scattered and facility of dinning is not possible with the
conference hall.

 Every block has separate entry and no area is disturbed by movements in other parts. All the services
are provided In the rear of site. There is separate service entry in the side lane of the site connected
to kitchen store.

 Auditorium seating capacity is not enough for all type of programs. It is better for seminars and
lecture activities as compared to dramatic and musical events.

 Parking on site and on the abutting service road is inadequate in today’s context.

 The conference rooms in themselves are ill equipped to hold large conferences.

 Air Conditioning is effective.

 Landscaping is used to such scale that it forms a single entity with the adjacent lodhi garden.

Auditorium (240 per) Area (M\m2)

Seating 210
Stage 50
Male Toilet 15
Female Toilet 15
Projector Room 20
Green Room Male 12
Green Room Female 12
Entrance Foyer 56
AHU 10

Meeting Halls Space Capacity Area (m2)

Conference Hall 1 80 110
Conference Hall 2 80 120
Dining Hall 120 120
Lounge 35 120
Private Dining 40 50
Kitchen 100
Bar 40 25
Pantry 30
AHU (2 No.) 10 (each)
Male Toilet 15
Female Toilet 15
Other Areas
Library (32,000 volumes) 300
Administration 400
Single Room (48 No.) 960
Double Room (26 No.) 780

India Habitat Centre India International Centre

Purpose IHC is developed with an idea to evolve an The building provides for a number of cultural and
appropriate form for multi disciplinary issues involved scholarly activities, including meeting of national
in the development of human settlement. An effort is and international groups and research programs. It
made to weave urban design in synergetic inter is intended to be a place where various currents of
relationship between institutions working in diverse intellectual, political, social and economic thought
habitat fields to optimize their effectiveness by would meet freely in the mind and hearts f men.
bringing together such institutions in an integrated
physical form with common facilities for mutual
Scale of The building is mammoth but has been given a human The building has been conceived on human scale and
project touch by relaying more on finishing material rather no attempt to impose monumentality has been made.
than scale. The munificent building standards and
sparkles with a gem.
Form An orthogonal moulding like C channel encompassing Two separate blocks that are further composed of
wonderfully articulated landscaped courts. different formal elements, which maintain their
Functionality Individual spatial units are best but the perfunctory Spaces are provided inter woven with landscaped
spaces get crowded at tune of entry/ exits to plenary courts, but the interior spaces like lobby and
hall. Catering/ dining/ exhibition spaces are well library gets crowded. Same with the vertical
designed. circulation tower.
Circulation The circulation via lounge and foyers, which are large Movement in other area disturbs no area. In
in size and do away with drawbacks associated with program block the circulation is through doubly
corridors. The staircase at the end of lounge provides loaded corridor while in residential block it is via
vertical circulation along the elevation. singly loaded corridor. Circulation has been
resolved very efficiently.
Parking Very well thought of and resolved parking separate 10-12 staff parking on site visitor parking provided
facilities for staff, night Parker's, two wheelers and in the Lodhi Plaza. Inadequate by any standards.
user group has been provided.
Structural RCC framed structure with brick cladding and inlaid Precast and prefabricated materials have been
System ceramic tiles. extensively used. RCC framed construction is also
used in restaurant and residential block.
Auditorium State of art facilities is provided. Capacity is Small auditorium and interiors are simple and
adequate and the hall has been designed to serve a elegant. No major acoustical treatment used by
number of functions IP booths/ Projection (slides/ artists and seminars.
video) are provided.

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