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About me:

Saurabh Pant is a published author and research analyst, who was born on 4th of April, 1994 in Nainital-,
a hill station and famous city in Uttarakhand
The first book published by him was a novel (Affection Never Dies) and the other 4 books are research
works based on South Asian Analyses- He generally likes to work in online web portals including Yo
alfaaz and Story Mirror, but meanwhile His hobbies include making new friends and helping them the
way he can, in this sense his Vision Impairment doesn't block any idea he works through-
He is also Indian quiz captain, where he gets great support from his team mates, thus his efforts continues
for shifting sympathy into cooperation for V I people and in this way he likes peaceful life and He hopes
to go forward with good community circle in future also so one day he could establish himself an identity
at large...
Mr. Pant has also achieved a remarkable growth in international poetry. He has been two times guest poet
in Poem Kubili as well as He writes at different international online portals. However the most dynamic
achievement in field of international poetry by him is his 1st international book which was published on
12th of August.
this book is a joint collaboration between Mr. Pant and Jimmy Boom Semtex sir from Philippines, Thus
this duo poetic effort designates international status for 22 years old Mr. Pant who is in complete delight
as a visually challenged person with this effort indeed.
All in all, He tries to experiment with words, as well as tries to express the status of the visually
challenged society in his own country- Thus His dream is to establish cooperation replacing sympathy
which makes him a person who has a hunger to prove always and help his community people in whatever
way he can, so he can establish proper move for his community people at large...

Safron- The Blog's link:

First international poetry collection:

Triple Jimmy and A Glowing World
Official published link:

Second International Poetry Collection:

The official lulu link
Population explosion in India

India is the 2nd world largest populated country. It not only has densely populated states like Uttar
Pradesh and Rajasthan, but they also produce the favourable balance to the greatest majority in the
present scenario with their political and economic petrify. Anand Deshpandey has tried to repute the
population's management in India, as ratifying that the demographic solicitation has played an unrealistic
role in Indian perspective, while trying to radiate the global prestige in its own nature at present itself... 1.
To this respect, I should agree on the population factor which I tend to focus while trying to justify the
present Indian democratic republic itself.
It is true that the last population counting took place in 2011 and if it would be counted on the basis of
that particular stats, there are particular primary, secondary and upgraded level of unfolded tendencies,
which will come into light, while to judicator the Indian nationalist perspective and development of it's
own presentation as a 21st century nation state, but at the moment, it is not necessary to justify those
validated analysis. Nathan Alsworrie pointed out in 2008 that the factual duties done by Indian population
are not solicitude in a realist nature, while justifying to this initiative, he pointed out that India is growing
nation and in this respect, India is going to be a most prolific state, but for it's realist presentation, the
facts should be real and validated in it's original phase, hence forth India as a demographic state is still a
mystery... 2., to this respect, it is necessary to begin from theories of population explosion that how it is
going to effect India itself.
This is the simplest of the definition that population is generally created by the environment and the
settlements done by people according to its heritage inn a particular social communitarian restrain it.
when we should take into account that what population explosion is, we can take Malthe’s statement into
effect that population explosion occurs at that particular period of time, when a particular geopolitical
system has to face disorder due to un-nourish able practices, the domineer of birth rates and their counter-
effect takes place with increasing death tolls, in that particular stage, it is being pointed that the
population explosion actually occurs... 3. The death toll and birth rate are the primary factors in the
population explosion but we should take this into account that there are several different approaches
towards the role and inclination of the population explosion which I am now going to counter in my
analysis itself.

Theories of population explosion

I am certainly disagreeing on the matter of the fact, that those countries who have vast population
extensions, they have civilian issues towards the equal approach for the actual development according to
its state and nature. Singapore is the wonderful example of such multiple complexities and Greenland is
the direct example of the less-growth because of less-population. I am going to try some theories
regarding the population explosion now which are very common in the 21st century complex mechanism,
in the beginning of 20th century, Charles brayford mentioned that the discouragement of the regional by
focus becomes a primary factor in the population explosion, he believed that the global output might be
enabling the economic opportunities, but in the case of less-medical free world and it's extension, the
population explosion occurs to it's equal synthesis at present state itself... 1.
He was directly challenged by Andrew Maculson and George Wolf, who both believed that the population
explosion takes place in that particular area, where the growth is not being put into exact effect to the
direction of the economic and social patterns, these both scholars believed that the medical care is a
primary factor in the encompassment of the population but it never means that it will help or decrease the
population explosion in the complex systems itself.. 2. the best of the instances in the compasses of the
development was prepared by Melvin Johns in late 20th century, he believed that the countries which face
less-developed patterns in the world face the rise of the population because they are not able to control
their social parameters and due to this particular historical methodology of their ruined state, they have to
face the population explosions respectively... 3.
In this all field of research an Indian scholar got very famous and he proposed a different perspective of
the population explosion, in which he added Indian conditions as well, Vasmoorti Krishnandan believed
that there are four prime factors in eh rise of the population in the modern growth and developmental
tendencies; he believed that geographical aspirations, lack of medical facilities, rural and urban
connectivity of people through migration and the effect of technical aspect of social transportation and it's
mismanagement on several purpose by particular social groups to attempt vital forces but discomfort
social structure bring in the effect of the population explosion... 4. To this respect, it could be agreed as
pointed by Hemnandan Krishnamoourti that there are social disorders which take place due to the
population in nations like India, as disability, social d -generosity and social manufacturing of the heinous
crime taking place according to the rapid growth of the population... 5.
in the following demining, I will take these all statements into effect, as I will go through these all
inflammations and I want to close the theoretical aspect by John Bernard Colm who believed that the
modernity and it's effect on the social roots of the less-developed territories have brought a negative
effect, he believed that effect of the capitalism has brought factory system into process and due to this
factory system, the large religious families come into existence, which all together brought back a severe
problem, that is to be allied as population explosion... 6., I hope that this issue should be drenched out as
an issue, rather than a direct promulgated threat and I will talk later on that how population explosion can
be useful and in what way control unificiary can lead to the development of India, but let us first watch
the economic perspirations which population generally have to face in nations like India to have a clear
look of the general biasness through population explosion itself.
1. The economic perspective in population
India is an agrarian country, the best balance of its population growth lives within its strength to deviate
its economic perspiration, the examples of AMUL like companies in the dairy farming and global
economic sector show us that how globally it has developed within the present scenarios. It was firstly
firmly constructed by David Amlderelles that the Indian people had a general curiosity according to their
home, their wife’s, their authorities and their own perspiration, which make them feel that there will be
two hands more to their work, if the population creeps on, this particular dialect creates more population
in the nations like India to make the conditions much worse than the regular arena... 1. To this respect, we
can understand the actual affirmation of the farming sector in the relation to the explosion of population
of India itself.
The other aspect of India as an economic zone come into view, when we see that the labour force is
highly required in the employment sector, it is virtually profounder that there are two different ways in
which un-employment is being sorted out, while trying to have multiple access to social sphere, the
industrial and social set ups like education, authority, political sphere and social influence bring a direct
pressure to the multiple growth of the population in countries like India. To this respect, Vedika
Ananyamourti believes that India has a kind of diversion and diversity playing both into equal actions,
while extruding the pains and infirmity in the present scale. It should be taken into point that the social
growth is being restricted and due to this the human violence occur, hence forth the population explosion
becomes a threat in nations like India itself... 2.
The two best set up of ideal constrain presented in the framework of the population explosion are by
Anant Dravin, firstly, who believed that the religious disintegration in the nations like India make it clear
for the possibility of the population explosion, it is believed by him that the religion help different
communities to dominate or to disturb the nations like India, thus there is a kind of counter-imbalance
working in such nations... 3. as well as secondly, Narayan Vedopadhyay, who believed that h the cultural
disturbances within the social framework make it much violent in the social in-control thus the population
explosion gets an economic bases within different tribal and rural cultures of India itself.. 4. Hereby we
can assort that the economic influent plays a major role in the present structurisation of nations like India

2. The global Indian population mechanism

Once, the economic structures of nations like India is clear which is a permanent settlement for the rapid
growth of population here, I should come to the actual settlement, that how the nations like India are
having their global set ups of the maximum interest in the concern to the population explosion itself. let
me first take Naveen Macopadhyay's view in the framework of the population explosion, where he
assorted that the migration from the outer nations effect directly the trade roots of India, he gave examples
of Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and Mauritius pointing out that these countries do most of their migration to
assort their positions in the nations like India, which becomes their primary settlement and it is due to
their relations with the regional marital authorities, the population explosion takes place in the nations
like India... 1.
he was criticised by Aneeta Macopadhyay, who believed that the migration never had to play any role
with the explosion, but the globally in the trinity of India, it is only possible that the explosion is
internally taking place because the family system has totally ruined and it need to be justified in the light
of using the term 'global', while trying to discuss it's actual position... 2. In this respect, what we have to
see that regional emphasis of development is the major issue while constructing the path of the population
explosion. Samarth Gupta pointed out that the majority of the social spheres specially reconciling
particular child interests and deflating role of the medical authorities make the population explosion
possible in 'global India' which needed to be taken into right impact while having it's influence in the
present world itself... 3.
The question is that is India really global? if it's not, then in what way the population explosion should be
controlled from it's influence and sphere, it is believed by Jainendra Mathonkar that the global nations
never face the problems of the population explosion itself, thus India has been half developed as
according to the term 'global', in this respect, it has to take care of it's institutional framework to make
itself global from the primary basis of explosion itself... 4. He is being deviated by the argument
presented by Svasthik Chandran where he holds the view that if china like nations are global then their
policies are also inflicted to have 2 children in one family like exact basis, but the legal framework should
be shifted aside for such particular notion itself as well. 5.
In the following draft, I will try to seek, that to what level India is global and in what way the globalised
India will try to enchant the mist of population explosion in its own framework in the 21st century
structurisation itself. it was put forward by Jens Honritch that the facts presented for the view of the
Indian development and it's reconciliation are never equally discussed, what is necessary to analyse is that
we should be clear that how population explosion is responsible for globalised development and in India,
in what way it has taken place as well, the quest is that how it will be codified by the Indian scholars
itself... 6. To this respect, I will close this gear here and will move forward to prove that in what way the
nations like India can be best and healthy economies of the present world economic system itself.

3. The development in highly populated cultures

India went through several stages of development, through it's policy making in early 1950s to the end of
it's development process in 1990s, what was different in it's face of development that here was particular
difference in it's population, at one time where there was inequality between work and labour in fluctuate
hands, now here was a vast extension of inter-mechanism working for it’s processing and it's distribution
around the globe itself. Bernard Colm pointed out this particular stage as a transition from economic
demography to economic cartelism itself, he pointed out that India will have densely populated area
itself, but he also pointed out that there is a rise of metropolis in Indian sector itself... 1. in this respect, we
can coin Adriene Pallmosie who believed that the rise of the metropolis was the boost economy system
which was brought into ultimate light by the privatisation which took place in India in the late 1990s itself
as well. 2.
In this particular stage of rising metropolis and counter balance in Indian networking, what was best to
see that the communication sector developed, because the population explosion was still in its earliest
shape so were the rural and urban social and market sectors as well. Nazeem Hayat believed that after the
due course of change in the political system, this cause of threat was appeared in the balance of the
population explosion, before it's actual proceedings, the post modernism had entered India in it's actual
height, thus not taking the view that India is less developed as it represents a large number of population
would be pointless in this particular sector itself... 3.
while pointing out this particular argument, we can see the large developmental projects in Arunachal
pradesh and central northern Indian banking sector today, we can see the larger network of oil and gas in
Jharkhand, we can see large provincial settlement in the hills and as well as we can see the equal rise of
the technical prosperity in the nations like India, hence forth population explosion is a kind of prejudice
which is dwindling our own modernist approach itself. I would close this view by pointing out Agenda
Govalkar, who believed that the diplomatic sentiment was not able to actually settle up the equal human
resource in the nations like India, hence forth the unnecessary insentient of access of migration and refuge
and well an in controlling dispersion in it's own internal credit brought the rise of the prejudice like
population explosion, which can only be controlled by it's actual medical and physical prevention to the
modernist approach in nations like India itself... 4.
I am hopeful that during the cause and sentiment of the procurement for the initiative like Population
explosion, what can generally be done that Indian politicians should make exact policies to synchronise
that what is regional migration and what is international migration, otherwise the quest of the
development in the populated sectors which are densely areas will remain a dream for all of us. to this
respect, we can remember Ali Ahtar Khan's view that while trying to subjugate a community, Indian
politicians often forget their command in the balance of their threats, thus the explosions like
premeditative tendencies get more grounds on the basis of violence, riots and equations of the political
sentiment in such nations... 5. Hence forth at last but not the least, what we can finally attain from the
issues like explosion of population that they should b strictly taken into account by all spheres of the

The above description might tend to focus on the global issue and the position of the population as a role
model for the development in which the complexity of development was generally introduced in this
whole paper. My own personal view is that there is no way like less birth and death in this complex
situations, where the systems are generally dwindling within the power and authority of the complex
ruing in the front of the global aspirations, in such concerns, there are diseases coming into view, the
inspirations to get more children and get a fame and name for the families are going more high, a as the
global competition is approaching up and hence forth these both factors are responsible for the brand new
equations set up for the provincial background which is a general proliferation for the rise of the
population explosion in the nations like India itself.
I tried to cover the general theories in my paper, where I tend to debate that in what way the concept of
the population explosion went through the contemporary module, then I came to three different economic
reason which generally helped the explosion to create a platform for India, when I did that I found that
there was a kind of debate going on for the quest of India as a globalised state and thence forth, I
continued with the task of contributing to the debate by different scholars, I also went through the social
patterns like migration and social settlement that how they effect and at the end of the paper I finished off
with the political mediation, which has effected the most for the regional development of the population
explosion itself in the complex nature of India in 21st century itself.
I had mentioned in the final section that the development is possible in the complex mechanism of the
highly populated states and I also mentioned the role what India play in the globalised position around
the corner through the effect of refuges and migration hence forth what my personal belief is that if the
general awareness is possible, which is even available in some state of India and inside some states it still
has to be done, it is possible that the development can get that particular air of intimidation, which It
never achieved in such populated places, what is the general or basic need is that there should be a
structures and authorised legal and social background to promote it's actual global prosperity for the
universal harmony for the nations like India itself.

Introduction 1. deshpandey, C. Anand: the rise of the social systems and their damographic insolvence in
India: amoorti nagar press: 1991)
2. Alsworrie, S. Nathan: the equal distributive counting in world damographic, investigation and
perfection of counting: lodomore national press (norway): 2009
3. Jenkinson, D. Edmund: the theories on population explosion- malthes and his counter school:
norvandie school of historical analysis (norway): 2009

Theories of Population Explosion

1. Brayford, R. Charles: the stages of population development around asia: nortengen press (england):
2. wolf c. George and Maculson, K. Andrew: the rise of the population explosion and it's social cure in the
social systems: wandwash press (united states: 1933
3. Johns, N. Melvin: the developmental perspective in damographics of our world: rohandgurn press
(netherlands): 1951
4. Krishnandan, A. Vasmoorti: the 4 fold social order responsible for the Indian population explosion:
keral open press: 1957
5. Krishnamourti, R. Hemnandan: the rise of the social disorders through the population explosion in
India: raurkela socialist press: 1959
6. Colm, B. John: the social systems and damographics- their influence on a nation development:
rachrdom press (belgium): 1968

(1). The Economic Perspective in Population

1. Almderelles, S. David: the agrarian perspective of population explosion of india: kolkata christ press:
2. Ananyamourti, P. Vedika: the social spheres, structures and social disilusions within the population
growth in India: raurkela open press: 2004
3. Dravin, S. Anant: the religious bariors in the population control in Indian nation state: nalanda open
hindu press: 1997
4. Vedopadhyay, S. Narayan: the rise of the social patterns and their control through damographical
subducations: lal bahargar press: 1999

(2). The global Indian Population Mechanism

1. macopadhyay, R. naveen: the rise of the migration in Indian history and it's role in population
explosion: bangal press: 1997
2. Macopadhyay, S. Aneeta: the rise of the global asspects of population explosion in India: bangal
northern press: 1999
3. Gupta, S. Samartha: how globalisation effected indian population growth: southern hellstone press:
4. Mathonkar, S. Jainendra: the global challenges for indian population control: vasmira national press
(gujarat): 1999
5. Chandran, K. Swasthik: the redimes of global asian population and china's role in population
explosion: nagurkela open press: 2001
6. Honrich, E. Jen: the Indian economy and it's paradigm to the social damographics: loresten huze press:

(3). The Development in Highly Populated Cultures

1. Com, B. J.: the economic shift in indian population growth: norvandie press: 2003
2. Palmosie, N. Adriene: the supersticious indian society and it's duration for population explosion:
varvodillie press (romania): 2002
3. Hayat, S. Nazeem: the quest of development in Indian population growth: hadrabad open press: 2006
4. Govalkar, S. Rajendra: the rise of political influence and the promotion of population explosion in
India: maharasthra hindu valley press: 2007
5. Khan, A. Ali: the political agendas in Indian geographical system and it's relation to population
explosion: narmada aware craft press: 2009

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