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The end of the cold war provided India and Pakistan with opportunities to develop the concept of cooperative peace and
security. The desire for peace, recognition of the futility of confrontation and the utility of confidence-building measures, the
cumulative impact of ‘track two diplomacy’ and the intent to succeed in a dialogue process have all strengthened the peace
process in recent years. Added to this is a post-9/11 change in South Asia’s security environment and a perceptible shift in
US attitude to subcontinental affairs compelling the countries towards peace initiatives.

Post-cold war Indo-Pak friendship

Giving peace a chance after 9/11 Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan.

Sanjeeb Kumar Mohanty jihadi elements and obliging Musharraf to to go the extra mile for peace. Vajpayee such as demobilisation of the Indian army and the US. Peace talks have taken place
collaborate in the ‘war on terror’. wanted to go down in history as a man who and restoring dialogue over Kashmir. This under both dispensations (civilian rule and

E xternal powers have been instrumen-

tal in the process of regional peace
making. Post-cold war developments have
The Kargil conflict of 1999 revealed the
threat of Islamic fundamentalism in the
wanted peace with Pakistan. “The BJP-led
NDA government’s legitimate approach to
the US has been to leverage good relations
mutual reciprocation has brought the two
neighbours closer than even before.
military rule), making it difficult to draw any
facile connections between democracy in
Pakistan and good relations between the
changed the US’s attitude to subcontinen- region. India got a taste of this threat and with the world’s only superpower to project The urge for peace neighbours.
tal affairs. The US accepts that there are an opportunity to share its fears with the India’s interests: persuading Pakistan to The cry for peace is palpable across Paki-
possibilities of better relations with India. US. Kargil saw Pakistani attempts to inter- abandon support to Kashmiri militants”.4 stan especially among the younger genera- Intent to succeed is the most important
It also accepts India’s security concerns. nationalise the Kashmir issue fail as the This approach prompted India to take these tion, which feels that the strife is getting aspect of the current India-Pakistan dia-
However, this does not dilute US relations spectre of Islamic militancy struck terror peace initiatives unilaterally in the hope of in the way of their desire for economic logue process and hopefully both countries
with Pakistan. Pakistan remains important across the world. Islamabad’s efforts to winning US support over Kashmir. prosperity. Many of Pakistan’s youth want will exhibit the required degree of flexibility
to US interests in the region and ‘construc- persuade the major powers to intervene to see their country integrated with the and openness to offer the best prospects of
tive engagement’ is useful and necessary met with little success. Both regional and With the jihadi policy collapsing and inter- world community. The fact is that ‘peace a détente, if not a solution. Despite contin-
for monitoring and controlling cross-bor- international opinion favoured India and its national pressure mounting, Musharraf constituency’ has expanded much beyond uing political turmoil in Pakistan, the talks
der terrorism and religious extremism. policy of military restraint. The US argued used the peace initiative to rebuild his credi- the expectation of the leaders of both coun- to resolve the issues bedeviling Indo-Pak
Linkage with Pakistan is also considered that the rules of engagement in the sub- bility. In order to be a modern and moderate tries. There is great curiosity to understand relations continue. While both countries
necessary in maintaining an atmosphere continent fundamentally changed with Islamic state, Musharraf believes Pakistan one another. The inability to cross the bor- are still unable to address the crucial issues
of restraint in the region in the context of the introduction of nuclear weapons into must turn its back on religious extrem- der and visit the other was a real constraint. in meaningful terms, mutual tension and
the nuclear weaponisation of India and the equation in the 1990s. It believed that ism. Failure could see world public opinion Now, the two governments have agreed on suspicion has been reduced. . The peace
Pakistan. The US wooed Pakistan during irresponsible actions (such as Kargil) by branding Pakistan as an irresponsible state a bus service across the Line of Control. process remains highly vulnerable to Indi-
the cold war period, in particular after the Pakistan could destabilise the region with and earning the wrath of the US in the long Adopting more confidence-building meas- an and Pakistani political whims that have
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That era dangerous consequences. As a result, Paki- run. After 9/11 things changed drastically. ures (CBMs) to beef up people-to-people always been inconsistent. That said, both
is dead and those compulsions are now stan came under tremendous international the US administration left Musharraf with contacts and allowing the public sentiment sides exhibit tremendous political will and
gone. In the post-cold war era, Pakistan pressure to enter bilateral talks with India. no choice but to clamp down on state spon- for peace on both sides to emerge, leaders determination and recent peace initiatives
has little choice but to go along with US The American-led coalition operations in sored terrorism against India and begin a of both countries have succeeded in gen- have been responded to by both countries
interests, ending its isolation and carving Afghanistan in 2001, the international pres- dialogue for peaceful resolution of bilateral erating a climate of peace. The potential with equal vigour. There is room for guard-
out a new role as a frontline state fighting sure on Musharraf to wind up the jihadi cul- disputes. When terrorism - the Franken- utility of CBMs became evident in bilateral ed optimism.
the Islamic militants in South Asia. ture and the presence of US Special Forces stein’s monster that Pakistan had given life relations as the focus shifted to suit the
in Pakistan sent shock waves through Paki- to - struck back, Pakistan’s army found it changing security concerns and domestic Dr Sanjeeb Kumar Mohanty
Locked in a loveless embrace stan’s military-intelligence establishment, difficult to keep its house in order. “Some political compulsions. Instead of hast- Fakir Mohan University, Orissa, India
After 9/11, Pakistan and the US found with the effect of persuading Pakistan to critics feel that the rapprochement process ily conceived high-profile summitry as in
themselves locked in a loveless embrace. work more closely with India and the inter- with India was a tactical ploy on the part of Lahore and Agra, the two sides are now lay-
Their mutual relations conditioned more national community in order to neutralise Musharraf to face the new internal dangers ing a solid groundwork of confidence-build- Notes
by fundamental differences than by shared the networks of extremists. and not a strategic change of heart”.5 ing measures before expecting something 1 Zaman, Mohammad Qasim. 1999. ‘Reli-
convictions and interests. The US believes spectacular. gious Education and the Rhetoric of Reform:
a strong and friendly India can maintain Compulsions behind peace Pakistan’s partnership with the US in the The Madrassa in British India and Pakistan’.
stability and prosperity in South Asia. India initiatives ‘war on terror’ has forced it to be more CBMs include ‘track-two diplomacy’ and Comparative Studies in Society and History,
remains an obvious choice for the US: The US has been an effective mediator, pragmatic on the Kashmir issue. Pakistan’s the process of ongoing dialogue. “Track two XLI/2; Nasar, SVR. 2000. ‘The Rise of Sunni
Increasingly powerful in economic terms, encouraging both India and Pakistan to domestic elites stand divided on Mushar- diplomacy is not a substitute for track-one Militancy in Pakistan: The Changing Role
militarily responsible (despite Pokharan stick to the peace process. It has entered raf’s Kashmir policy. Mainstream political official diplomacy but it supplements the of Islamism and the Ulema in Society and
II) and with a track record of combatting into an historic nuclear deal with India and parties and liberals have made a strong process of unofficial manner to promote an Politics’. Modern Asian Studies. XXXIV/1.
terrorism. The US and India are building a has chosen Pakistan as an ally in its global case for ending the insurgency, believing environment through education of public 2 Johnson, Rob. 2006. A Region in Turmoil:
strategic partnership based on their shared war against terrorism. As the world’s sole that perpetual confrontation with India has opinion, that would make it safe for politi- South Asian Conflicts since 1947. Viva Books
commitment to freedom, prosperity and super power the US has proved that it can financially bankrupted Pakistan. Peace is cal leaders to take risk’s for peace”.9 Dur- Pvt. Ltd.
security. This new Indo-US partnership has haughtily influence the course of events. achievable only if Pakistan’s military-intel- ing the 1990s, despite officially imposed 3 Nazakat, Syed. ‘Sleeping with the Enemy?’,
changed the security environment in South Musharraf clearly anticipates a sympath- ligence establishment desists from waging constraints, both governments found it Sahara Time. New Delhi.
Asia, and India’s increased importance in etic response from the US by cooperating proxy war through militants in Kashmir.6 valuable to have a track-two channel avail- September 30, 2006.
the eyes of the US after 9/11 has forced in every possible way to combat Islamic able in the absence of any serious official 4 Joshi, Manoj. ‘Back to the Future’. Times of
Pakistan to seek peace in the region. terrorism. Furthermore, the US has accepted India’s dialogue. It is non-official dialogue in a bid India. Bhubaneswar-National.
argument that Pakistan is part of the terror- to promote cooperation and resolve issues April 2, 2004.
Changes had already taken place prior At the heart of the renewed process after ism problem in South Asia and has rejected through conflict management and it aims 5 Kanwal, Gurmeet.‘Beyond the Rhetoric’.
to 9/11. When the Taliban took power in 9/11 is an apparent understanding by Islamabad’s claims that it lends only moral to heighten the level of trust and under- Sahara Time. New Delhi.
Afghanistan “they made use of their ISI and India to learn to deal with Musharraf. This and political support to freedom fighters standing. It tries to overcome past reserva- September 30,2006.
Pakistani military contacts, but also relied includes understanding his compulsions in Jammu and Kashmir. “The US has also tions, enmities and misunderstandings and 6 Dawn, ‘Giving Peace a Chance’, June 1,2002
on the support of drug barons and provin- and domestic problems. “India is mov- perceived the nuclear threat in South Asia, find creative solutions to difficult issues. at
cial governments. For recruits and for influ- ing from a position of being a victim of and for that reason, the Bush administra- Track-two has had a cumulative impact on 7 Piracha, Saukat and Imtiaz Gul, ‘Freedom
ence beyond the country they made use of Pakistan’s terrorism for the last 20 years tion has pressurised General Musharraf to the recent peace initiatives, creating inter- fighters are terrorist’. Daily Times. Pakistan.
networks of Deobandi Madarsas in Paki- to a position where we are endorsing deliver on his promises to stop cross-bor- est in the minds of the Indian and Pakistani May 29,2002.
stan”.1 These religious colleges politicised Musharraf’s assertion that Pakistan is also der terrorism in India-controlled Kashmir public to get to know each other better, to 8 Zaidi, Hassan. ‘The Return gift’. India Today.
Islam and generated a flow of recruits fed a victim of terrorism”.3 India also feels that and to reduce the political temperature in correct misperceptions and create oppor- April 11, 2005.
on a diet of religious dogmatism and jihad. Musharraf has made serious efforts in the region”.7 Both India and Pakistan have tunities for rational behaviour by leaders of 9 Montville, J.V. ‘The arrow and the olive
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, India fighting hardliners and jihadi outfits. Mush- made a commitment not to let terrorism both countries. branch: a case for track-two diplomacy’ in
and Pakistan saw advantage in courting arraf knows that these groups threaten not derail the peace process. Even the recent McDonald, John W. and Diane B. Bandah-
American patronage. India, eager to prove only the Kashmir peace process but Paki- US offer to sell F-16s to Pakistan is “aimed Ongoing dialogue mane. eds. 1995. Conflict resolutions: track-
Pakistan an untrustworthy ally, backed the stan’s own stability. India, therefore, does at giving the Bush administration leverage In the post-emergency phase, a civilian gov- two diplomacy. Washington D.C: Institute
Taliban and promoted insurgency in Kash- not want to press him too hard, for fear of on Musharraf in pushing him in the direc- ernment in Pakistan is likely to be friendly to for Multi-Track Diplomacy.
mir. Pakistan supported the Taliban in the further undermining his political base and tion of accommodation over Kashmir and India. Since the army would have to contin-
hope of protecting its western border in thus India-Pakistan dialogue. other bilateral disputes with India”.8 The ue its counter extremist operations for the
the event of war with India.2 The fall of the Musharraf regime, confronted with the foreseeable future, there is also the option
Taliban was seen as a spectacular failure of An intense international pressure to nor- responsibility of reining in the militant prox- of ‘buying’ peace with India. As a civilian
this policy. It also allowed the US to tilt the malise relations with Pakistan, plus a desire ies fighting in Kashmir, requires a political President, Musharraf is still able to dictate
regional security environment in favour of to address the international community and cover to hide retreat. India has offered this the terms of the peace process which he ini-
India, in turn persuading Pakistan to rein in the Kashmiris meant that India was ready cover by making reciprocal concessions tiated, as he enjoys the support of the army

IIAS NEWSLETTER #46 Winter 2008 15

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