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Agrupamento de Escolas de Forte da Casa

Ano Letivo de 2017- 2018

PLANIFICAÇÃO ANUAL DE INGLÊS -Secundário – 10º Ano Manual: Link Up To You

Modalidades Nº de
Estratégias Recursos
Domínios Conteúdos Objetivos / Descritores e Instrumentos Aulas
de Avaliação Previstas
Funções: Gramática: Gerais: Específicos: •speaking •textbook 3 weeks
Unit 0- Get Students are Students should (12
Linked expressing structures expected to: be able to : •reading •Diagnostic test lessons of
opinions. learnt .Expand/ .mobilise •workbook 45m)
previously. express previously •listening
.agreeing/ knowledge acquired skills;
disagreeing orally and in •writing •exercise book •Direct
written work •interpret and observation of
.expressing about the infer ideas from •true/ false students’
time topic area. text; •blackboard involvement in
•finding class activities
.expressing • Read, write, •relate text with evidence
reason and listen to ones’ experience; •handouts
different types •multiple choice
of texts. •Punctuality
•matching •pictures
•Speak the •produce texts

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 10º Ano Página 1
Unit 1-The Expressing •Present English according to •cloze 7 weeks
world of purpose Simple and language guidelines; •flashcards (28
teens Present accurately, •sentence •Behaviour lessons)
Continuous showing •acquire correct completion
1.1-my Expressing knowledge of pronunciation
problems contrast/ •Adjectives or its rules, •video watching •TV set
and concession Adverbs different •expand
concerns usages, vocabulary •debating
•Order of characteristics knowledge •DVDs
1.2- my adjectives etc. acquire social •text •DVD player
dreams and Expressing awareness; completion
expectations condition •Adjective •CDs
degrees •criticise ideas; •gap filling
1.3- my •CD player •Participation
looks and •Past Simple •speculate about •table filling
likes Concluding future events;
•Past •Understand •surfing the net •dictionary
Continuous different types •analyse different
of texts text types; •online research
Unit 2 –A Arguing •Prefixation •internet •Homework
world of and Suffixation •verbalize •debating 7 weeks
many experiences, (28
languages •Future: will feelings and •forming new •computer lessons)
Comparing and be going emotions; words
to •Oral participation
2.1- young •research online; •maps
people on •Present
the move Convincing Perfect Simple •debate a subject;
•sorting out

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 10º Ano Página 2
2.2- getting •Articles •Identify words
in touch Expressing different types •develop according to
wishes •Passive Voice of structures citizenship semantic fields •Projects
2.3- English and use them values;
language •Modal verbs in meaningful •ordering
situations events
Expressing •Gerund and •give opinions anticipating the
feelings and the about different story end
Unit 3 – thoughts to+Infinitive topics; 7 weeks
Media and •finding •Group/Pair work (28
global •Connectors • Produce •argue equivalents lessons)
communicat personal texts for/against a
ion Suggesting •Connectors of showing subject; •giving
contrast coherence and opposites
a critical •discuss a topic;
3.1- the Giving •Connectors of attitude using
world of Information purpose an accurate •comment on •solving
media discourse quotations; crosswords •Research work
Listing an English •describe people/
3.2- the events/
power of the •Prepositional relationships;
Internet verbs •Speak the
English •express feelings
•Phrasal verbs language and emotions. •Text Production
3.3- ethics accurately
•Past perfect showing
simple knowledge of
Unit 4- The its rules and of

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 10º Ano Página 3
world of •Relative its functioning. 7 weeks
technology clauses (28
4.1- life- •Reported
changing speech •Formative Tests
4.2- living in clauses
a high tech
world •Future •Summative Tests
4.3- other
worlds •False friends

•Used to and
be used to

Extensive revision work
Reading: ½ weeks
A selected (4/8
short story lessons)

OBSERVAÇÕES: A ordem de lecionação das Unidades Didáticas pode ser alterada em função do perfil das turmas.

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 10º Ano Página 4
Agrupamento de Escolas de Forte da Casa
Ano Letivo de 2016- 2017

PLANIFICAÇÃO ANUAL DE INGLÊS -Secundário – 11º Ano Manual: Link Up To You

Modalidades e Nº de
Unidade Estratégias Recursos
Conteúdos Programáticos Objetivos /Metas Curriculares Instrumentos de Aulas
Avaliação Previstas
Funções: Gramática: Gerais: Específicos: .speaking .textbook 1 week
Unit 0- Get structures Students should .Diagnostic test (4 lessons
Students are (optional)
Linked .expressing learnt expected to: be able to : . reading of 45m)
opinions. previously. .Expand/ .workbook
express .mobilise . listening
.agreeing/ knowledge previously
disagreeing acquired skills; . writing .exercise book .Direct observation
orally and in of students’
written work involvement in
.expressing about the .interpret and infer .true/ false
time ideas from text; .blackboard class activities
topic area.
.expressing . Read, write, .relate text with evidence
reason and listen to ones’ experience; .handouts
different .multiple choice
types of texts. .produce texts

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 11º Ano Página 1
according to .matching .pictures 7 weeks
Unit 1-The .Verb Tenses . Speak the guidelines; (28
Multicultura .expressing in the Present English . cloze .Behaviour lessons)
l World purpose language .acquire correct .flashcards
.Determiners accurately, pronunciation .sentence
1.1-Living in and Pronouns showing completion
an English- .expressing knowledge of .expand
speaking contrast/ .Verb tenses in its rules, vocabulary .video watching . TV set
country .Attentiveness
concession the Past different
usages, .criticise ideas; . debating
1.2- Coping .Double and characteristic . DVDs
with proportional s, etc. .analyse different .text completion . DVD player
diversity .expressing comparatives text types;
condition . gap filling . CDs .Participation
1.3- Helping .Connectors of .verbalize
out time, purpose, experiences, .table filling . CD player
addition, result feelings and
.concluding and cause emotions; .surfing the net
Understand . dictionary
Unit 2 –The .So…that/such different .research online; .online research . Homework
World of a/an…that types of texts
Work .arguing .debate a subject; . debate . internet
.Connectors of
contrast .develop .forming new
2.1- citizenship values; words .computer •Oral participation
Choosing a .comparing .Present
life path perfect simple .give opinions
about different . maps
•Present topics;

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 11º Ano Página 2
.convincing perfect .sorting out 7 weeks
2.2- The continuous .argue for/against words (28
changing .Identify a subject; according to •Projects lessons)
world of Expressing •The passive different semantic fields
work wishes types of .discuss any topic
•Phrasal verbs structures from the 11th .ordering events
2.3- (work) and use them grade syllabus; anticipating the
Searching in meaningful story end
for a job Expressing •Question tags situations .comment on
feelings and quotations; .finding •Group/Pair work
thoughts •Modal verbs equivalents
(first and .describe people/
Unit 3 – The second uses) events/ .giving
consumer .Produce relationships; opposites
society Suggesting •Past perfect personal
continuous texts .express feelings
showing and emotions; .solving
3.1- The age Giving •Countable coherence crosswords •Research work
of Information and and a critical
consumerism uncountable attitude using
nouns an accurate
Listing discourse
3.2- The role •Quantifiers
advertising •Indefinite •Text Production 7 weeks
pronouns (28
3.3- The lessons)
ethical •Relative
consumer pronouns

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 11º Ano Página 3
They should
.Relative speak the
clauses English
•Prepositional accurately .Formative Tests
verbs showing
knowledge of
its rules and
.If and unless of its
Unit 4- The functioning. •Summative Tests
around us •Conditional 7 weeks
clauses: types (28
4.1- Global 1, 2 and 3 lessons)
tal threats •The causative
use of have
Overpopulat •Prepositions
ion and of place and
sustainable movement

4.3-Towards •I wish…/If
a greener only
. Had

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 11º Ano Página 4
. The genitive
and the ½ weeks
Extensive possessive (4/8
Reading: case lessons)
A selected
short story
revision work

OBSERVAÇÕES: A ordem de lecionação das Unidades Didáticas pode ser alterada em função do perfil das turmas.

Departamento Curricular de Línguas – Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (330) – Planificação Anual de Inglês de 11º Ano Página 5

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