Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai


Ch.E./1118/MSDP Dated 06.06.2016

Notice of Invitation for Tenders

1. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is implementing Mumbai Sewage

Disposal Project - Stage II Priority Works project. The objective of the project is to provide a
healthier and improved environment for the citizens of Mumbai while minimizing the impact
of wastewater on the natural environment achieved by improving the quality and reliability of
the waste water collection, treatment and disposal infrastructure.
2. The MSDP – Stage II Priority Works project comprises of infrastructure components
including expansion of sewage collection networks, wastewater treatment facilities, treated
effluent disposal and if required, upgrading of existing pumping station.
3. a) The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai invites e-Tenders in a three packages
system (Packages A, B, & C) from Parties having requisite experience in the field, and
financial and organisational competence for the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of 337 MLD Ghatkopar Wastewater Treatment Facility with O & M for 15
(Fifteen) years, on lump sum basis and the same will be displayed on the MCGM Portal:
b) The Contract period for Design-Build is 36 (Thirty Six) months inclusive Monsoon
4. Parties that can demonstrate suitable experience in the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of similar types of works, having a financial background as specified below, are
invited to tender for this package by submitting a completed Tender Submission. The
detailed qualification criteria required to be met are set out in the Instructions to Tenderers.
The qualification criteria are given below:
a) Financial Criteria-
Average annual construction turnover of the last 5 years shall not be less than INR 400
b) Technical Criteria-
(i) Relevant experience in the design construction and commissioning of infrastructure
works (excluding roads, railways and buildings) either fully completed or substantially
completed after 1st January 2000 in India as follows:
1) At least one Nr with minimum value of 740 INR Crore OR
2) At least two Nr with minimum value 0f 460 INR Crore each OR
3) At least three Nr with minimum value of 375 INR Crore each
(ii) Relevant experience in the design, construction and commissioning of sewage
treatment plants (STP) commissioned after 1st January 2000 in India with proven
biological treatment process (except waste stabilisation pond, and aerated lagons for
STP) in India with effluent discharge standards as per CPCB Draft Notification Dated
24th November 2015.
1) At least one Nr with minimum 120 MLD ADWF OR
2) At least two Nr. with minimum 80 MLD ADWF each OR
3) At least three Nr with minimum 60 MLD ADWF each
(iii) Minimum of 3 years’ experience in aggregate of O&M experience in STP /
Wastewater Treatment Facility (WwTF) of at least 60 MLD capacity in India OR
Waste Management Facility (WMF) of capacity at least 120 tonnes per day in India.

Ghatkopar Wastewater Treatment Facility

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

5. Joint Venture (JV) of maximum 3 firms is allowed in this tender.

6. For purchasing the Tender documents, the Tenderers will have to get registered with MCGM
for the e-tendering process and obtain login credentials to participate in the online Tender
process. The details of the same are available on MCGM portal (,
under e-procurement tab.
7. For registration enrolment for digital signature certificates and user manual, please refer to
respective links provided in e-tendering tab. Vendors can get digital signature from any one
of the Certifying Authorities (CA) licensed by the controller of certifying authorities namely
Safe crypt, IDRBT, National Informatics Center, TCS, CUSTOMS, MTNL, GSFC and
e-Mudhra CA.
8. Tender documents shall be downloaded from MCGM’s portal as per schedule at Sr. No. 16
after online payment of INR 13400/- plus applicable VAT by e-tendering process from
approved banks through bank gateway under section “Payment of Tender Fees”.
9. Tenders must be accompanied by Tender Security/EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) of
Rupees 21 Crores which shall be paid online through bank gateway. Contracting firms
registered with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and those who have paid a
Standing Deposit shall also have to pay a fresh Tender Security/EMD for this Tender. In
case of JV the EMD shall be paid by the lead member of the JV and each member of JV
shall have contribution to EMD amount equal to their share holding in the JV. The bidder
shall submit documentary evidence of contribution by each member.
e-tenders shall be uploaded as per schedule at Sr. No. 16. Also, two sets of hard copies of
Packages A, B & C shall be submitted as per tender data sheet appendix A in sealed
envelopes and delivered to the Chief Engineer on or before 30-08-2016 at 13:00 Hrs. the
address and during the office hours listed below.
10. Package A Tender Security and Qualification Submission of the Tender will be opened as
per schedule at Sr. No. 16 in the presence of Tenderers’ authorized representatives who
choose to attend. Package A shall contain all duly certified documents in accordance with
Appendix B, ITT and as per e-tendering process.
11. Package B, Technical submission will be opened on MCGM’s above mentioned portal in the
office of The Chief Engineer (MSDP) at the address mentioned below at Sr. No.14 and as
per schedule at Sr. No. 16 (& will be continued on the next working day, if required) in the
presence of Tenderers’ authorized representatives who choose to attend. The price Package
(Package C) of the responsive bidders will be opened after the technical evaluation, as per
schedule at Sr. No. 16. In the event of the specified date of opening of the Tender being
declared as a holiday for the MCGM, the Tender shall be opened on the next working day.
Tenderers should note that timing of submission/opening of the tender shall be considered
as per MCGM web time only.
12. A Pre-Tender meeting with the prospective Tenderers will be held as per schedule at
Sr. No. 16. Only those Parties who have purchased the Tender Documents will be allowed to
attend the meeting. A maximum of three representatives from each prospective Tenderer
may attend the meeting.
13. The MCGM reserves the right to cancel the e-tenders before submission/opening of
e-tenders, to postpone the e-tenders submission/opening dates and to accept/reject any or
all e-tenders without assigning any reason thereof at any stage.
14. Interested Tenderers may obtain further information from the Chief Engineer (MSDP) on
working days between the hours of 11:00 and 16:00, excluding the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of
the month, at the office of the Contact Person i.e.

Ghatkopar Wastewater Treatment Facility

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

The Chief Engineer (MSDP)

2nd Floor, Engineering Hub Building
Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli
Mumbai – 400 018.
MCGM portal:

15. All payments under this contract will be in Indian Rupees (INR) only.
16. The dates and time for uploading e-Tender & opening of the e-Tender are as under:

Event Date Day Time

The e-Tender sale will start from 08-06-2016 Wednesday 11.00
The last date of e-Tender fees 29-08-2016 Monday 16.30
The pre bid meeting 28-06-2016 Tuesday 11.00
Submission of e-Tender 07-09-2016 Wednesday 13.00
Package ‘A’ Opening 07-09-2016 Wednesday 16.00
Package ‘B’ Opening 14-09-2016 Wednesday 14.00
Package ‘C’ Opening 27-10-2016 Thursday 11.30

Pre bid meeting will be held in the office of AMC (P) on the date and time shown above.
If there are any changes in the dates the same will be displayed on the MCGM Portal:

Chief Engineer (MSDP)

Ghatkopar Wastewater Treatment Facility

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