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English Written Test

Date: ____/____/ 2015

Name: …………………………………………………….………………… 5th Form; Class: .…;Number: .…

Mark: ……………………………………………………… Teacher: ………………………………………….

Encarregado de Educação: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Read the text, please!

How old are you?
Bill: Hi, guys! Let’s fill in this form for the volleyball team. Sam, how old are you?
Sam: I’m ten years old.
Bill: Alison and Mathew, how old are you?
Alison and Mathew: We are twelve years old.
Bill: Martin… Martin?!!!
Jane: He’s in class. He’s ten and I’m ten, too.
Sam: Sheila is in class too.
Bill: How old is she?
Sam: She’s eleven years old.
Bill: What’s her surname?
Sam: It’s Barnes.
Bill: Can you spell it, please?
Sam: Sure. It’s B-A-R-N-E-S.
Bill: And how old are Dave and Caroline?
Alison: They are twelve years old.
Bill: I’m twelve, too. Today it’s 4th December and it’s my birthday. Here is your invitation to my
birthday party!
Sam, Allison, Mathew and Jane: Happy birthday, Bill!

A – Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. Sam is eleven years old. 

2. Jane isn’t in class. 
3. Sheila isn’t in class. 
4. Her surname is Barnes. 
5. Today it’s 3rd December. 
6. Bill is twelve years old.

7. It’s his birthday.

B – Ask or answer about age according to the text.

1. How ______________________________________________ Martin?

He ______________________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________, Alison and Mathew?

We’re twelve years old.

3. ________________________________________________Jane?

She’s ten years old.

4. How old are Dave and Caroline?


C – Answer the questions about the text.

1. Is Sheila in class?


2. How old is she?


3. What’s her surname?


4. Are Dave and Caroline eleven years old?


5. How old is Bill?


6. What is the date today?


D – Write the numbers in full.

1- ________________________________ 13 - _______________________________
2 - ________________________________ 14 - _______________________________
3 - ________________________________ 15 - _______________________________
5 - ________________________________ 17 - _______________________________
9 - ________________________________ 18 - _______________________________
12 - _______________________________ 20 - _______________________________

E – Complete the words using a or an.

1. ______ student 6. _____ exercise-book 11. _____ board

2. ______ teacher 7. _____ dictionary 12. _____ pencil
3. ______ rubber 8. _____ encyclopaedia 13. _____ pencil sharpener
4. ______ eraser 9. _____ desk 14. _____ pen
5. ______ book 10. _____ chair 15. _____ ruler
F – Order the words and make sentences.

1. your / ? / is / what / name

2. surname / her / Barnes / . / is
3. do / do / how / ! / you
4. Bill / . / name / his / is

G – Fill in the dialogue.

Bill: Hello!

Sheila: _____________________________!

Bill: __________________________________________________________?

Sheila: I’m fine, thanks. __________________________________________________?

Bill: ______________________________, too.

Sheila: What’s your name?

Bill: ___________________________________________. And, what’s your name?

Sheila: My first name’s __________________ and my ________________ is Barnes. What’s

your surname?

Bill: ______________________________________________________________ Jones.



Bill: Yes, of course. It’s J-O-N-E-S.

Sheila: Nice to ____________________________________________! Goodbye!

Bill: _____________________________________________!


H – Write the letters you hear then read the words.

1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________
I – Fill in the gaps and write a text about yourself.

My first name is ___________________ and my surname is


My address is ______________________________________

and my phone number is ________________________________.

I am ______________________ years old.

This is my friend. _______________________________ is

Helen and _______________________________ Smith.

_______________________________ 12 years old.


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