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IMSE 2030 - Fundamentals of Systems Design and Analysis

Individual Assignment No.2

Maani Ahmed

Due to difficulty in creating diagrams in computer, this paper will be provided in hand made diagrams.
This paper will illustrate the process of developing a functional model using an IDEF0
approach. It will show how the system of “Hot Box Pizza” will satisfy the requirements of the
model. These systems and sub-systems will be aligned to meet the overall objectives.
Furthermore, it will illustrates the relationship between main function and those of supporting
systems or sub-systems.

The main functions and sub-functions are listed below providing with a general A0

 A0. The general overall system of “Hot Box Pizza”.

 A1. Overall managing and information system that administrate the branch including
revenue from costumers, payments to materials, payments to wages and taxes and
 A2. Order handling that will take care of 4 types of costumers such as phone orders,
on-line order, single slice orders and dinning in orders.
 A3. Preparation of pizza overall in the kitchen.
 A4. Pack up and delivery process.

Government/Health and safety regulations/taxes

Payments/Invoices Hot Box Pizza Delivered

Hot Pizza Invoices

“Hot Box Pizza”
Costumers All types Employ antiquate
Human resources Customer Satisfaction
Packing Material

Delivery vans Maps/routs Cash box Installed pizza boxes

Delivery motors

Due to difficulty in creating diagrams in computer, this paper will be provided in hand made diagrams.
A1: Managing Procedure. Purchasing system that will ensure that raw materials
are fresh. For example, arranging meat and produce resources and purchasing it on daily basis.
Also, it takes care of various types of branch requirements, methods that are implemented
throughout the branch. It also designed to handle the finance/investments aspects of the branch
such as profits, taxes and regulated rules and regulations that are enforced throughout the
restaurant businesses. Furthermore, A0 is the most essential part of the entire system because all
the other parts of the system will be build upon this.

A2: Order Handling Procedure. Takes care of costumers of all sort such as
phone, on-line, single slice and dinning-ins.


Due to difficulty in creating diagrams in computer, this paper will be provided in hand made diagrams.

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