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US 20120314283Al

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2012/0314283 A1
Jahromi (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 13, 2012


This 1nvent1on teaches a telescopic gun sight W1th a reticle
(76) Inventor: Omid Jahromi MCLe an VA (Us) placed at the ?rst focal plane such that the apparent siZe of the
’ ’ reticle remains substantially invariant When the sight’s mag
(21) APPI' NO; 13/156,298 ni?cation is changed. According to one embodiment, a tele
scopic gun sight comprises an objective lens, a magni?cation
(22) Filed; Jun_ 8, 2011 invariant reticle, an image relay means With variable
magni?cation, and an eye piece. The magni?cation-invariant
Publication Classi?cation reticle is designed in accordance to the invention such that its
apparent siZe is not affected by change in the sight’s magni
(51) Int‘ Cl‘ ?cation. This invention combines the bene?ts of telescopic
G02B 23/00 (200601) gun sights With ?rst focal plane reticle and second focal plane
(52) US. Cl. ....................................... .. 359/422; 359/428 reticle in a single design
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

1X Zoom 4X Zoom

Fig. 2 (Prior art)

1X 200111 Any Z00111

Fig. 3
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

@@ Fig. 421 Fig. 4b

Fig. 4c Fig. 4d
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

Fig. 5
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 621 Fig. 6b

Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

2X Zoom 4X Zoom

Fi g. 6c Fig. 6d

8X Zoom 16X Zoom

Fig. 66 Fig. 6f
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

90 -

85 -

80 -

75 -

70 -

65 -

60 -

55 -

50 -

45 -

40 -

35 -

30 -

25 -

20 -

15 -

10 -

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 7a (Prior art) Fig. 7b

Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

2X Zoom 4X Zoom

Fig. 70 (Prior art) Fig. 7d (Prior art)

8X Zoom 16X Zoom

Fig. 76 (Prior art) Fig. 7f (Prior art)
Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2012 Sheet 9 0f 9 US 2012/0314283 A1

1X 200111 8X Z00111

Fi g. 821 Fig. 8b

1x zoom 8X Zoom

Fig. 921 Fig. 9b

US 2012/0314283 A1 Dec. 13, 2012

TELESCOPIC GUN SIGHT WITH constant at all magni?cations. In FIG. 1, the reticle 20 is
MAGNIFICATION-INVARIANT RETICLE placed at the objective focal plane 2.
[0009] Traditionally, European designs have placed the
I. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED reticle at the ?rst focal plane. In this con?guration the reticle
APPLICATIONS and the image of the target are enlarged or reduced simulta
neously as the sight’s magni?cation is changed. This keeps
[0001] Not Applicable the scale factor betWeen the reticle and the target image
unchanged, thus alloWing the reticle to be used as a range
?nding aid. Another bene?t of ri?e scopes With ?rst focal
[0002] Not Applicable plane reticle is that their aiming precision is not affected by
the mechanical imperfections of the Zoom mechanism. In
III. SEQUENCE LISTING OR PROGRAM re?le scope With second focal plane reticle, even a very small
change in the concentricity of the moveable relay lenses can
[0003] Not Applicable change the point of aim during Zoom.
[0010] Most American shooters prefer that the reticle
IV. FIELD OF THE INVENTION remains constant as the target image changes siZe. Therefore,
many variable-magni?cation telescopic sights sold or manu
[0004] This application relates to telescopic gun sights. factured in the United States have reticles in the second focal
More speci?cally, this invention relates to telescopic gun
plane. This alloWs the shooter to aim very Well at small targets
sights having variable magni?cation and a reticle mounted at
at long distances because the reticle obscures only a tiny
the objective focal plane. portion of the target image at high magni?cations. Ri?e
scopes With loW magni?cation, such as those intended for
hunting dangerous game at short ranges, are also Well-suited
[0005] A telescopic gun sight, commonly called a ri?e to this design. When set at the loWest magni?cation for the
scope, is a device used to provide an accurate point of aim for Wildest ?eld of vieW, the reticle remains thick enough alloW
?rearms such as ri?es, handguns and shotguns. A telescopic ing fast and reliable target acquisition.
sight signi?cantly improves the functionality of a ?rearm by [0011] It is evident from the preceding discussion that a
providing the shooter With a simple yet highly accurate means ri?e scope With FFP reticle is far superior to one With SFP
for aiming at distant targets. reticle in terms of accuracy and usability as a range-?nding
[0006] A telescopic sight is essentially a Keplerian tele device. The only draW back of a ri?e scope With FFP reticle is
scope With an added reticle to designate the point of aim. that the reticle could appear too small (therefore di?icult to
Reticles are most commonly represented as intersecting lines see) at loW magni?cation and too large (therefore obscuring
called “cross hairs” though many variations exist, including the ?eld of vieW) at high magni?cation. This phenomenon is
dots, posts, circles, scales, chevrons, etc. A basic telescopic illustrated in FIG. 2. In this ?gure, a popular reticle design
sight is shoWn schematically in FIG. 1. With reference to this commonly knoWn as “German No. 4” is shoWn as it appears
?gure, a telescopic sight comprises an objective lens 1 to form in an FFP ri?e scope. On the left hand side, the reticle is
a ?rst image of the target at (or near) the objective focal plane shoWn as it appears at loW magni?cation (e.g, Zoom knob set
2. This ?rst image is laterally reversed and upside-doWn. An to 3x). On the right hand side, the same reticle is shoWn as it
image relay means, shoWn in FIG. 1 comprising of a pair of Would appear at 4 times higher magni?cation (e.g., Zoom
convex lenses 3a and 3b, takes this ?rst image and produces a knob set to 12x). It is clear from this illustration that for FFP
laterally-correct and up-right second image at the eyepiece ri?e scopes With a large Zoom range, excessive reticle
focal plane 4. Finally, an eyepiece 5 converts the second enlargement and shrinkage becomes a major problem. For
image into a virtual image at in?nity for vieWing by the this very reason, a famous European manufacturer
shooter. (SaWrovski Optik of Tyrol, Austria) has completely aban
[0007] To provide variable magni?cation (Zoom), the posi doned offering ?rst focal plane models in its neW line of ri?e
tions of the relay lenses 3a and 3b are individually shifted scopes.
along the optical axis. This is usually done by placing the [0012] The present invention teaches atelescopic sight With
entire image relay means inside a rotating inner tube Which a ?rst focal plane reticle that appears invariant (or almost
has a set of precisely calculated slots cut in its surface. A cam invariant) at various Zoom scales. This invention thus over
system connected to these slots moves each relay lens back comes the limitations of the prior art by combining the ben
and force as said inner tube rotates. Details of the mechanical e?ts of a ri?e scope having a ?rst focal plane reticle (precise
construction of the Zoom mechanism is not essential in under aiming and range ?nding capability at all Zoom scales) and a
standing the nature or bene?ts of the present invention and is ri?e scope having a second focal plain reticle (constant reticle
not shoWn in FIG. 1. siZe). Furthermore, the present invention achieves these ben
[0008] To designate the point of aim, a reticle is placed e?ts simply and inexpensively Without any additional manu
either at the objective focal plane or at the eyepiece focal facturing cost.
plane. These tWo planes are also referred to as the First Focal [0013] Many different shapes and patterns have been pro
Plane (FFP) and the Second Focal Plane (SFP), respectively. posed for reticles in the past. We refer the reader to US. Pat.
In either case, the reticle’s shape Will appear superposed on No. 7,100,320B2 issued Sep. 5, 2006 to E. A. Verdugo; US.
the target image providing a precise indication of the point of Pat. No. 6,729,062B2 issued May, 4, 2004 to R. L. Thomas
aim. The difference is that if the reticle is placed at the obj ec and C. Thomas; US. Pat. No. 6,681,512B2 issued Jan. 27,
tive focal plane, it appears to enlarge and shrink along With the 2004 to D J Sammut; US. Pat. No. 3,948,587 issued Apr. 6,
target image as the sight’s magni?cation is changed. If the 1976 to P. E. Rubbert and references therein for examples of
reticle is placed at the eyepiece focal plane, its siZe appears prior art.
US 2012/0314283 A1 Dec. 13, 2012

[0014] Examples of commercially available reticle patterns sector or circle sector is de?ned as the portion of a circle
can be found in the catalogs and Websites of ri?e scope enclosed by tWo radii and an arc. A circular sector has the
manufacturers including Carl Zeiss (, property that its central angle is preserved under magni?ca
SWarovski Optik (, Schmidt and tion. This phenomenon is illustrated in FIG. 3. As shoWn in
Bender (, Night Force Optics this ?gure, the central angle 0 of a circular sector is preserved
(, Horus Vision (WWW.horusvi if the central part of the circle is enlarged using an image, Leupold ( and so on. magnifying device.
[0015] While the reticles invented to this date accomplish [0028] In this invention We use the above mentioned geo
their individual objectives, they do not describe a reticle that metric principle to construct reticle patterns that remain
appears substantially invariant to magni?cation When used in invariant under Zoom When placed in the ?rst focal plane of a
a Zoom FFP ri?e scope. The concept of magni?cation invari ri?e scope. Details of the arrangement of elements character
ance introduced in this invention is a fundamentally neW iZing the invention Will be more fully understood from the
design concept and represents a signi?cant departure from all description of preferred embodiments and With reference to
the design concepts previously used in the prior art. the accompanying draWings.
VI. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A. First Embodiment of the Invention
[0016] The present invention teaches a telescopic gun sight [0029] In accordance With a ?rst embodiment of the inven
Whose reticle is placed at the ?rst focal plane yet it appears
substantially invariant or near-invariant at different magni?
tion, a Zoom telescopic gun sight comprises an objective lens,
cations. In accordance With one embodiment, this invention
a magni?cation-invariant (MI) reticle, an image relay means
With variable magni?cation, and an eye piece. FIG. 1 shoWs a
introduces a variable-magni?cation telescopic gun sight
side-vieW schematic illustrating the arrangement of the ele
comprising an objective lens, a magni?cation-invariant ments in accordance to the ?rst embodiment of the invention.
reticle, an image relay means, and an eyepiece; Wherein said
FIGS. 4a to 4d depict a plurality of MI reticle shapes in
reticle is comprised of a plurality of posts in the form of
accordance to the ?rst embodiment of the invention.
circular sectors so that the apparent shape of the reticle
[0030] With reference to FIG. 1, the objective lens 1 forms
remains invariant at various magni?cation settings.
a ?rst image of a distant target at the objective focal plane 2.
VII. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS This ?rst image is laterally reversed and upside-doWn. An
[0017] The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant image relay means, shoWn symbolically in FIG. 1 comprising
advantages of this invention Will become more readily appar of a pair of convex lenses 3a and 3b, takes the ?rst image
ent With reference to the folloWing detailed description of the formed by the objective lens and produces a laterally-correct
invention, When taken in conjunction With the appended and up-right second image at the eyepiece focal plane 4.
claims and accompanying draWings, Wherein: Finally, an eyepiece 5 converts the second image into a virtual
[0018] FIG. 1 is a side-vieW schematic of a variable-mag image at in?nity for vieWing by the shooter.
ni?cation ri?e scope. [0031] With reference to FIG. 1, the ?rst embodiment of the
[0019] FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating reticle siZe variation invention further includes an MI reticle 20 placed at the
in conventional ?rst focal plane ri?e scopes. objective focal plane 2. The MI reticle 20 is comprised of one
[0020] FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating the magni?cation or more posts. Each post is in the form of a circular sector or
invariance property of a circular sector. “Wedge” originating from the center of ?eld of vieW and
[0021] FIGS. 4a to 4d depict a plurality of magni?cation extending to its edge. Four example reticle patterns that are in
invariant reticles in accordance With a ?rst embodiment of the accordance With this design are shoWn in FIGS. 4a to 4d.
invention. [0032] FIG. 4a shoWs an MI reticle comprising tWo hori
[0022] FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating the general design of Zontal posts and a vertical post Where each post is a circular
an almost-magni?cation-invariant reticle in accordance With sector With small central angle. The point of aim is at the
a second embodiment of the invention. center of ?eld of vieW Where the three sectors meet. This MI
[0023] FIGS. 6a to 6f illustrate a sample almost-magni? reticle is suitable for general hunting or tactical applications.
cation-invariant reticle, its angular pro?le, and its appearance The position of posts in this MI reticle has been inspired by
at various magni?cation scales, in accordance With the sec the popular “German No. 4” reticle used in many European
ond embodiment of the invention. ri?e scopes.
[0024] FIGS. 7a to 7f illustrate a conventional “plex” [0033] The MI reticle in FIG. 4b is similar to the previous
reticle, its angular pro?le, and its appearance at various mag reticle except that it has an additional post on the top. The
ni?cation scales for comparison purposes. position of posts in this MI reticle resembles the popular
[0025] FIGS. 8a and 8b illustrate an almost-magni?cation “plex” reticle used in many American ri?e scopes.
invariant reticle Which uses a variation of the designs [0034] The MI reticle in FIG. 40 is comprised of a single
described in the ?rst and the second embodiments of the vertical Wedge extending from the bottom to the center of
invention. ?eld of vieW. This vertical post is in the form of a circular
[0026] FIGS. 9a and 9b illustrate another almost-magni? sector With someWhat Wider central angle compared to those
cation-invariant reticle Which uses a variation of the designs used in FIGS. 4a and 4b. This MI reticle is particularly suited
described in the ?rst and the second embodiments of the for hunting running game and for tactical applications involv
invention. ing Close-Quarter Combat (CQB).
[0035] The MI reticle in FIG. 4d shoWs another useful
VIII. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE arrangement Where tWo circular sectors each With a relatively
INVENTION small central angle are arranged in an inverted V formation.
[0027] This invention is inspired by a fundamental geo This MI reticle is also suited for tactical and CQB applica
metrical property of circular sectors. In geometry, a circular tions. The advantage of this pattern is that there is some open
US 2012/0314283 A1 Dec. 13, 2012

space immediately below the point of aim. This space can be y(r) or by the angular characteristic function ([)(r). It is easy,
used for placing additional markings or other indicators for using elementary trigonometry, to shoW that y(r):r tan(([)(r)).
range ?nding or bullet drop compensation. [0043] In this embodiment, the angular characteristic func
[0036] The patterns shoWn in FIGS. 4a to 4d are illustrative tion ([)(r) is used to design preferred AMI posts. This is
examples of MI reticles that can be constructed in accordance because ([)(r) shoWs hoW various parts of a post expand at
With the ?rst embodiment of the invention. These reticles are various Zoom scales. To see this, consider the post shoWn in
perfectly magni?cation-invariant in the sense that their shape FIG. 5 and assume that the sight’s maximum Zoom range is
and siZe appears constant once implemented at the ?rst focal M. During Zoom, the outer parts of the post for Which
plain of a telescopic gun sight in accordance to the invention. l/Mérél Will move toWards the edge of ?eld of vieW along
a radial direction With aZimuth angle ([)(r). These parts of the
B. Second Embodiment of the Invention post Will reach a maximum half-thickness of tan(([)(r)) just
before moving out of the ?eld of vieW. The inner parts of the
[0037] The telescopic sight described in the ?rst embodi post for Which 0<r§1/M Will also groW during Zoom and
ment of the invention has the property that its reticle siZe
move toWards the edge of the ?eld of vieW along a radial
appears completely unchanged at any Zoom range. While
very interesting from an engineering point of vieW, this level direction With aZimuth angle ([)(r). HoWever, these parts Will
remain visible and Will enlarge to a maximum half-thickness
of invariance is not alWays necessary in practice. In many
hunting situations it is suf?cient that the reticle remains thin given by Mr tan(([)(Mr)).
[0044] An MI post is produced When ([)(r) is constant for
enough at high Zoom (not to obstruct the ?eld of vieW) and
Oérél. In this case the posts Will be Wedge-shaped as
thick enough at loW Zoom (easily visible against the back
described in the ?rst embodiment of the invention. Such a
ground). In this embodiment We describe a Zoom telescopic
post Will groW “on itself" during Zoom therefore appearing
sight With ?rst focal plane reticle such that the reticle siZe
invariant. An AMI post is achieved When ([)(r) is alloWed to
appears suf?ciently unchanged for a ?nite Zoom range.
change a small amount as r changes. A preferred AMI post in
[0038] In accordance With the second embodiment of the
accordance to this embodiment is achieved When ([)(r) has
invention, a Zoom telescopic gun sight comprises an objective higher values near r:0 and loWer values When r approaches 1.
lens, an almost-magni?cation-invariant (AMI) reticle, an AnAMI post designed this Way Will have a thicker tip near the
image relay means With variable magni?cation, and an eye
center of the ?eld of vieW and Will be more easily visible at
piece. The arrangement of the elements and their function is
loW Zoom.
similar to the ?rst embodiment of the invention. The only
difference is the shape of the AMI reticle as described beloW.
[0045] An example AMI reticle utiliZing this angular char
acteristic is shoWn in FIG. 6a. The angular characteristic
[0039] The general design of an AMI reticle in accordance
to the second embodiment of the invention can be understood
function ([)(r) associated With this design is depicted in FIG.
6b. Here ([)(r) is designed to start at 6 degrees for r:0 and
using the illustration in FIG. 5. In this ?gure, the telescopic
sloWly decrease to 2 degrees at 1:1. FIGS. 60 to 6f illustrate
sight’s ?eld of vieW at its loWest magni?cation is represented
hoW this reticle appears at various Zoom scales up to 16x. For
by a circle With normaliZed radius of one unit. A Cartesian
comparison, FIGS. 70 to 7f shoW hoW the conventional plex
coordinate system is de?ned Within this circle. The horiZontal
reticle shoWn in FIG. 7a enlarges at the same Zoom scales. It
coordinate r and the vertical coordinate y are chosen such that
is clear from this comparison that the AMI reticle enlarges
the center of the coordinate system is at the center of the ?eld
much less than the conventional plex reticle during Zoom. For
of vieW. When the sight’s magni?cation is increased, the ?eld comparative purposes, the angular characteristic function
of vieW is reduced proportionally. Let’s assume, for the sake
associated With the conventional plex reticle is also shoWn
of simplicity, that the sight’s minimum magni?cation is 1x
and its maximum magni?cation is 6x. As the user increase the (See FIG. 7b).
[0046] Persons skilled in the art may use the methodology
Zoom for this sight he Will observe that the ?eld of vieW Will
described above to design many different forms of AMI
reduce to a circle With radius r:0.5 at magni?cation 2x and to
reticles. The design is carried out by choosing a proper form
a circle With radius r:1/6 at maximum magni?cation 6x. These
tWo circles are shoWn in FIG. 5 using dashed lines.
for the angular characteristic function ([)(r). The general
guideline is to have ([)(r) start at a higher value near r:0 and
[0040] An AMI reticle is comprised of one or more AMI
sloWly take smaller values as r approaches 1.
posts. AnAMI post has a central axis Which is a radius of the
circle and tWo perimeters. Each perimeter may be de?ned by C. Advantages
a linear characteristic function y(r) Which represents the half
thickness of the post (measured perpendicular to the central [0047] Based on the above descriptions of some embodi
axis) as a function of normaliZed radial distance. An example ments of the invention, a number of advantages of one or more
AMI post is draWn in FIG. 5. Here, the central axis of the AMI aspects over existing sights are readily apparent:
post is the same as the horiZontal axis and the post’s upper and [0048] 1. The reticle is placed in the ?rst focal plane
loWer perimeters are assumed to be symmetric With respect to Which guarantees that the point of aim is not affected
its central axis r. When magni?cation is changed and the reticle occupies
[0041] Alternatively, the primeters of an AMI post can be substantially the same (or almost the same) area Within
de?ned using an angular characteristic function ([)(r). The the ?eld of vieW When magni?cation is changed.
angular characteristic function ([)(r) measures the angular [0049] 2. There is little extra design cost. The MI and
separation betWeen each point on a perimeter of an AMI post AMI reticles can be retro-?tted in existing telescopic
With respect to its central axis. The center of the angle is at the sights.
center of ?eld of vieW. The angular characteristic function [0050] 3. There is no extra manufacturing cost. In fact, a
([)(r) is illustrated in FIG. 5 as Well. single MI or AMI design can be used in many ri?e scope
[0042] Each point on the perimeter of a post can be models irrespective of individual scope’s magni?cation
uniquely speci?ed either by the linear characteristic function or Zoom range.
US 2012/0314283 A1 Dec. 13, 2012

[0051] These and other advantages of one or more aspects c. an eyepiece lens for converting said second image into a
may noW be apparent to the reader from a consideration of the virtual third image of the target, said eyepiece lens being
foregoing description and accompanying draWings. positioned opposite said image relay means,
d. a reticle for indicating the point of aim, said reticle being
IX. CONCLUSION, RAMIFICATIONS, AND positioned coplanar With the objective focal plane, and
SCOPE e. said reticle comprising at least one post, said post being
in the form of a circular sector enclosed by tWo radii
[0052] The foregoing description of the speci?c embodi
ments Will so fully reveal the general nature of the invention meeting at the center of the ?eld of vieW,
that others can, by applying knoWledge Within the skill of the Whereby said operator can vieW and use said third image of
art, readily modify and/or adapt for various applications such the target for the purpose of aiming and the reticle’s
speci?c embodiments, Without undue experimentation, With apparent siZe remains unchanged When said operator
out departing from the general concept of the present inven adjusts said magni?cation.
tion. 2. The telescopic sight of claim 1, Wherein a small portion
[0053] While the above descriptions of the present inven of at least one post near the center of the ?eld of vieW is
tion contain numerous speci?cities, they should not be con removed.
strued as limiting the scope of the invention, but as mere 3. The telescopic sight of claim 1, further including a small
illustrations of some of the preferred embodiments thereof. dot, said dot being added to the reticle at the center of ?eld of
Many other rami?cations and variations are possible Within vieW.
the expositions of the various embodiments. For example: 4. The telescopic sight of claim 2, further including a small
[0054] 1. It is possible to combine MI and AMI posts in dot, said dot being added to the reticle at the center of the ?eld
the same reticle to suite speci?c needs. It is also possible of vieW.
to remove small parts from some posts and/or add some 5. The telescopic sight of claim 1, further including a set of
extra markings to make aiming easier. An example of markings added to the reticle near the center of the ?eld of
this variation in shoWn in FIGS. 8a and 8b. The reticle vieW, said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop
shoWn here has tWo horizontal MI posts and a vertical calculation.
AMI post. A small part from the tip of the MI posts has 6. The telescopic sight of claim 2, further including a set of
been removed and a small circle has been added to the tip markings added to the reticle near the center of ?eld of vieW,
of the AMI post to improve its visibility and facilitate said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop cal
aiming culation.
[0055] 2. Markings for bullet drop indication or range 7. The telescopic sight of claim 3, further including a set of
?nding may be added to AMI or MI reticles. An example markings added to the reticle near the center of ?eld of vieW,
of this variation in shoWn in FIGS. 9a and 9b. The reticle said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop cal
shoWn here has tWo horiZontal AMI posts and a vertical culation.
MI post. A small part from the tip of all three posts has 8.A Zoom telescopic sight for designating a Weapon’s point
been removed and small dots have been added. These of aim When pointed at a target, comprising:
dots are not visible at loW magni?cation hence the sight a. an objective lens for forming a ?rst image of the target,
is Well-suited for Close Quarter Combat. The dots said objective lens having a focal plane, said ?rst image
become visible at high magni?cation and can help the providing a ?nite ?eld of vieW around said target,
shooter adjust his point of aim for Wind and bullet drop b. an image relay means for converting said ?rst image into
When aiming at distant targets. an upright and laterally-correct second image, said
[0056] Therefore, such adaptations and modi?cations are image relay means being positioned opposite said objec
intended to be Within the meaning and range of equivalents of tive lens, said image relay means having variable mag
the disclosed embodiments, based on the teaching and guid ni?cation, said magni?cation being adjustable by an
ance presented herein. It is to be understood that the phrase operator,
ology or terminology herein is for the purpose of description
c. an eyepiece lens for converting said second image into a
and not of limitation, such that the terminology or phraseol
ogy of the present speci?cation is to be interpreted by the
virtual third image of the target, said eyepiece lens being
skilled artisan in light of the teachings and guidance. Thus, positioned opposite said image relay means,
the scope of the invention should be determined by the d. a reticle for indicating the point of aim, said reticle being
appended claims and their legal equivalents, as opposed to the positioned coplanar With the objective focal plane, and
embodiments illustrated. e. said reticle comprising at least one post, said post having
a central axis, said post being formed by the area
What is claimed is: betWeen tWo convex curves, said convex curves being
1.A Zoom telescopic sight for designating a Weapon’s point located on opposite sides of said central axis, said con
of aim When pointed at a target, comprising: vex curves originating from the center of ?eld of vieW
a. an objective lens for forming a ?rst image of the target, and extending to its edge, said convex curves each being
said objective lens having a focal plane, said ?rst image de?ned by an angular characteristic function, said angu
providing a ?nite ?eld of vieW around said target, lar characteristic function specifying the central angle
b. an image relay means for converting said ?rst image into subtendedbetWeen eachpoint on said convex curves and
an upright and laterally-correct second image, said said central axis, said angular characteristic function
image relay means being positioned opposite said obj ec specifying said central angle as a function of radial dis
tive lens, said image relay means having variable mag tance from the center of ?eld of vieW, said angular char
ni?cation, said magni?cation being adjustable by an acteristic function being a non-increasing function of
operator, said radial distance,
US 2012/0314283 A1 Dec. 13, 2012

whereby said operator can VieW and use said third image of 12. The telescopic sight of claim 8, further including a set
the target for the purpose of aiming and the reticle’s of markings added to the reticle near the center of the ?eld of
apparent siZe remains relatively unchanged When said VieW, said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop
operator adjusts said magni?cation. calculation.
9. The telescopic sight of claim 8, Wherein a small portion 13. The telescopic sight of claim 9, further including a set
of markings added to the reticle near the center of ?eld of
of at least one post near the center of the ?eld of VieW is
VieW, said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop
10. The telescopic sight of claim 8, further including a 14. The telescopic sight of claim 11, further including a set
small dot, said dot being added to the reticle at the center of of markings added to the reticle near the center of ?eld of
the ?eld of VieW. VieW, said markings being used for the purpose of bullet drop
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small dot, said dot being added to the reticle at the center of
the ?eld of VieW.

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