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Hinduism- Buddhism Essay

Task(s): Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of global history, write an essay in
which you:
· Describe the key beliefs and practices of both Hinduism and Buddhism.
· Discuss the differences, similarities and relationship between the two belief systems.

Hinduism is a religion practiced by many Indians. Hinduism believe that the existence is a cycle of birth ,

death and rebirth by Karma. Hinduism only believe in one supreme god. According to Hinduism, Dharma is

one of most important aspects of the religion. Dharma directs people to live a happy and balanced live.

Dharma is an important goal to people who believe in this religion. When a person achieves dharma they can

also achieve love and wealth.According to Document 1, “ Hindus believe in achieving moksha or union with

Brahman.” Following Dharma allows you to reach moksha in one lifetime with the help of vedas and good

karma. Dharma is also a sense of duty according to Hinduism. Vedas is a collection of sacred texts including

verses such as hymns and prayers. It has the knowledges of the world. According to the Vedas, each social

class has duties. Duty are certain kind of job a person is entitled to do such as being a warrior , farming &

hunting , trading goods and etc. Another belief Hinduism is the caste system. The caste system is a class

structure that is determined by birth. Which means If your parent’s was a farmer that means you yourself will

become a farmer. There was only a few groups that was allowed to reach Brahma. The Brahmins , Kshatriyas ,

Sudras , and Vaisyas was the only groups that was able to reach Brahma reason was that each groups was

part of the body of Brahma for example Brahmins ( mouth) , Kshatriyas (arms) , Vaishyas (legs) and Shudras

(feet). All this groups was able to return back to Brahma but not the untouchable , they was unable to reach

Brahma for they were an outcast therefore they were not able to return to Brahma or reach it.

Siddhartha is the founder of buddhism. He was born fully awake. Siddhartha means,“he who attained

his goals” . King Suddhodana who is Siddhartha father wanted his son to either become a great king

or even an emperor. Siddhartha father shield him from the outside world . Siddhartha grew up not

seeing people getting hurt or knowing about death.Later when he was old enough he was finally

exposed to the outside world . This led him to fulfill his prospheres. Siddhartha was determined to find

the reasons why people suffer and a way to end suffer. To find happiness. He created the four noble
truth and the eightfold path. The four noble truth are a foundation of Buddhism Religion and it

explains why people suffers and how to end suffering.The four noble truth are the truth of suffering ,

the cause of suffering , the truth to the end of suffering and the truth of the path leading to the end of

suffering. The truth of suffering is that everyone suffers. The cause of suffering is people craving ,

desires and ignorance. The truth to the end of suffering is removing all desires and ignorance from

your life. The truth of the leading to the end of suffering is to follow the middle path. The middle path

is a path that leads to the end of suffering.Stopping people from wanting more than they have also

letting us not seek endless pleasures. Closing, stopping endless pleasures will lead you to complete

happiness which is buddhism ultimate goal. Another path is the eightfold path which is the eight laws /

guidelines of the middle path and that all who follow this religion should follow to end suffering. The

eightfold path is to control your thoughts, to resist evil, free your mind of evil, practice meditation, to

respect life, to be able to know the truth, work for good of others and saying nothing to hurt

others.According to Siddhartha Gautama, That every individual should be willing to follow the

eightfold path and the four noble to be able to end suffering.

Both Buddhism and Hinduism were founded in india which is why they share so many similarities.

Including their belief in reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that after you die you will be reborn in

another form. Hindus believe in reincarnation where the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, from

one body to another.

3 paragraphs were required for 15 points Student did a good
this essay 10
5 points each Student didn’t job providing
have three full
paragraphs. details about the

religion but needs

to work on
All 3 body paragraphs must 30 points
providing a bigger
- A strong argument 5 points per STRONG argument (15) 20. Student
- Explanation and context provided strong insight and
(ideas are made clear) 5 points per explanation/context (15) context but didn’t
create a strong analyzing the
religion. Student

can also work on

making sure that

- Essay has at least THREE 15 points 10
pieces of direct textual Student didn’t the writer is clear
evidence. 5 points each have evidence in
the last paragraph.
and coherent.

Score: 52/85
10 structure is clear and 8 points structure does not hinder nor help 6
coherent. Helps in the comprehension. Structure was a
comprehension of the overall little unclear. A lot
argument. 6 points structure is unclear and hinders of details but no
comprehension connection.
- Essay should clearly state
similarities and differences.

(Should follow: Intro,

compare, compare, contrast,
and conclusion).

10 – student uses strong 8 points student’s vocabulary is average. 6

vocabulary and may make 1 or Student makes 2 - 4 grammatical mistakes. Student
fewer grammatical mistakes. vocabulary is
6 points student’s vocabulary is weak. average but many
Student makes more than 4 grammatical grammatical
mistakes. errors.

Student should use transition 5 points student uses transitions effectively 0

words to seamlessly flow Doesn’t use
between ideas. 2.5 points student attempts transitions transitions at all.

0 points student does not attempt at all to

use transitions.

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