ST Germans Newsletter - 1 April 2018 Easter Sunday

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St German’s Church
1 April 2018 - Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen! “Life changes it doesn’t end”, a line from a This week:
funeral preface. Life for Christ is changed
Alleluia, Alleluia. and he has conquered death for ever. The Sun 1 Easter Sun
reason why this reality is the most important 6am Dawn Vigil (St S)
belief for Christians is that his resurrection 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
from the dead is not just for him alone but is 11am Sung Mass (St G)
extended to everyone who welcomes and Mon 2:
receives this gift - Christ is risen from death 6pm Mass (St G)
and because of this, our own resurrected life Tues 3:
after death becomes possible. 10am Mass (St S)
Wed 4:
10am Mass (St G)
Parish Notes: Thur 5:
5:45pm Mass (St S)
Sick Visits - If you know of anyone who’d like a visit please contact Fr Phelim.
Fri 6:
Weekday mass times as normal this week for the Octave of Easter. No Monday or
6:00pm Mass (St S)
Wednesday mass next week in St German’s. Sat 17:
Parish lunch next Sunday - when we will be celebrating Barbara and Brian Williams 11am Mass (St S.)
50th Wedding Anniversary. The lunch begins in the Church Hall after the service on Sun 8: Easter II
Sunday 8 April. Please sign the form at the back of the church to indicate if you will St Saviour’s:
be coming. 9:30 Sung Mass;
Lent Charity - So far we have raised £301.00 for Christian Aid from our Friday St German’s:
morning soup lunches. If anyone would like to make a Lenten donation who was 11:00 am Sung Mass
unable to attend the soup lunches, then please have a word with one of the
Churchwardens. Parish Priest:
The Annual Vestry Meeting takes place on Sunday 15 April at 1:00pm – forms for Fr Phelim O’Hare,
the election of a People’s Warden and of PCC Members are available to sign at the 02922 411229,
back of the Church. There are also forms available that shows the duties and

responsibilities of a PCC Member (Day off - Friday)

Rose Vestments - Thank you to Heather Shepheard for her very generous gift of
new rose coloured vestments for use during Advent III and Lent III. Churchwardens:
Confirmation Classes - The next meeting will be this Thurs 19 April at 6:20pm in St
Saviour’s. This is also for those wanting to deepen their understanding of faith. Peter Lovitt
Social Events -Night at the Races & Bingo on Saturday 28 April at 7:15pm 02920 763754
Richard Hill
Recently Departed: Terence Wheeler, John Vincent Brown, Peter Paul Attard RIP
07519 352840

Today’s Hymns: 348 Jesus Christ is Risen; 667 The strife is over; www.saintgermanwith
676 This is the day; 97 Christ is made the sure foundation


Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Acts 4:32-35
Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 Alleluia, Alleluia,
Col 3:1-4 1 John 5:1-6 Alleluia! (3vv)
John 20:1-9 John 20:19-31


COLLECT appointed him to judge when Christ is revealed – and he

everyone, alive or dead. It is to is your life – you too will be
Lord of all life and power, who him that all the prophets bear revealed in all your glory with
through the mighty resurrection this witness: that all who believe him.
of your Son overcame the old in Jesus will have their sins
order of sin and death to make forgiven through his name.’ This is the word of the Lord.
all things new in him: grant that Col 3
we, being dead to sin and alive This is the word of the Lord.
to you in Jesus Christ, may reign
with him in glory; to whom with
you and the Holy Spirit
Acts 10 GOSPEL
be praise and honour, glory and A reading from the Holy Gospel
might, now and in all eternity. according to St Mark.
When the sabbath was over,
FIRST READING Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Mary Magdalene, and Mary the
mother of James, and Salome
The First reading is from the Give thanks to the Lord for he is
good, bought spices, so that they might
book of Acts.
for his love has no end. go and anoint him. And very
Let the sons of Israel say: early on the first day of the week,
Peter addressed Cornelius and
  ‘His love has no end.’ when the sun had risen, they
his household: ‘You must have
went to the tomb. They had been
heard about the recent
saying to one another, ‘Who will
happenings in Judaea; about The Lord’s right hand has
triumphed; roll away the stone for us from
Jesus of Nazareth and how he
  his right hand raised me up. the entrance to the tomb?’ When
began in Galilee, after John had
I shall not die, I shall live they looked up, they saw that the
been preaching baptism. God had
  and recount his deeds. stone, which was very large, had
anointed him with the Holy
already been rolled back. As they
Spirit and with power, and The stone which the builders entered the tomb, they saw a
because God was with him, Jesus rejected
  has become the corner stone. young man, dressed in a white
went about doing good and
This is the work of the Lord, robe, sitting on the right side;
curing all who had fallen into the
  a marvel in our eyes.s. and they were alarmed. But he
power of the devil. Now I, and
Psalm 118 said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed;
those with me, can witness to
you are looking for Jesus of
everything he did throughout the
Nazareth, who was crucified. He
countryside of Judaea and in SECOND READING has been raised; he is not here.
Jerusalem itself: and also to the
The Second Reading is from Paul’s Look, there is the place they laid
fact that they killed him by
letter to the Colossians. him. But go, tell his disciples and
hanging him on a tree, yet three
Peter that he is going ahead of
days afterwards God raised him
Since you have been brought you to Galilee; there you will see
to life and allowed him to be
back to true life with Christ, you him, just as he told you.’ So they
seen, not by the whole people
must look for the things that are went out and fled from the tomb,
but only by certain witnesses
in heaven, where Christ is, sitting for terror and amazement had
God had chosen beforehand.
at God’s right hand. Let your seized them; and they said
Now we are those witnesses –
thoughts be on heavenly things, nothing to anyone, for they were
we have eaten and drunk with
not on the things that are on the afraid.
him after his resurrection from
the dead – and he has ordered earth, because you have died,
and now the life you have is This is the Gospel of the Lord.
us to proclaim this to his people
hidden with Christ in God. But Mark 16
and to tell them that God has

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