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Common Sign & Symptom

 Fatigue and malaise

 Mialgia
 Coryza
 Nausea and vomiting
 Anorexia
 Fever
 Jaundice

 Pale stools and dark urine

 Hepatomegali
 Right upper abdominal pain

Supporting Examination

↑ Aminotransferase (ALT ( SGOT) > (SGPT) AST)

Bilirubin serum normal (anicteric)/↑(icteric)

Alkaline phosphatase normal-mildly ↑

Protrombin time normal- ↑ 1-3second/ INR>1.7

Albumin normal-minimally depressed

Peripheral blood count : normal-mild leukopenia w/w.o relative lymphocytosis

Liver Biopsy

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