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Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the

Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers
By B. Cameron Reed

I began my professional life by obtaining degrees in physics and entering a conventional academic
career in teaching and astronomical research, but I had always been curious about the physics of the
Manhattan Project and its role in ending World War II. With grants, publications and tenure
established, I began to indulge this interest as a legitimate part of my work and about 20 years ago,
to explore it in depth.

As anybody that comes to this topic in more than a casual way will attest, it can grow into an
obsession. I have now published two books on the Project, well over two dozen articles and book
reviews in technical, historical, and semi-popular journals, and have made a number of presentations
at professional conferences. Over this time I must have looked at thousands of archived documents
and held hundreds of real and electronic conversations with other scientists, historians, and writers
whose interest in this pivotal event parallels my own. While my knowledge of the Project is certainly
not and never will be complete, I have learned much about it over the last 20 years.

To my surprise (and pleasure) I am frequently asked questions about the Project by students, family
members, guests at dinner parties, colleagues at American Physical Society meetings, and even casual
acquaintances at my favorite coffee shop. Typical queries are:

“Why did we drop the bombs? Were they necessary to end the war?”

“Did President Truman and his advisors really understand the power of the bombs and the
destruction they could cause?”

“Have nuclear weapons helped deter subsequent large-scale wars, and do we still need a deterrent?”

“What about the ethical aspects?”

“In studying the Manhattan Project, what most surprised you? Do you think it or something similar
could be done now?”

At first I was awkward in trying to answer these questions but with passing years, increased
knowledge, and much reflection I now feel more comfortable addressing them. With accumulating
experience in a scientific career, you often learn that the questions you and others initially thought to
Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

be important may not be the ones that the facts address and that there may be much more
interesting issues behind the obvious ones. In this spirit, I offer in this essay some very personal
reflections on the Project and the legacies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, framed as responses to
questions like those above. In some cases a “yes” or “no” along with an explanation will do, but for
many issues the nuances involved obviate a simple response.

I begin with the issue of the “decision” to use the bomb and the state of President Truman’s
knowledge. In the spring of 1945, Secretary of War Henry Stimson assembled a committee to consider
and advise upon immediate and long-term aspects of atomic energy. This “Interim Committee”
comprised eight civilians, including three scientists intimately familiar with the Manhattan Project:
Vannevar Bush, James Conant, and Karl Compton. In a meeting on May 31 which was attended by
Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall, Stimson opened with a statement as to how he
viewed the significance of the Project 1:

The Secretary expressed the view, a view shared by General Marshall, that this project should
not be considered simply in terms of military weapons, but as a new relationship of man to the
universe. This discovery might be compared to the discoveries of the Copernican theory and of
the laws of gravity, but far more important than these in its effect on the lives of men. While
the advances in the field to date had been fostered by the needs of war, it was important to
realize that the implications of the project went far beyond the needs of the present war. It
must be controlled if possible to make it an assurance of future peace rather than a menace to

For his part, President Truman had been thoroughly briefed on the project by Stimson and General
Leslie Groves, director of the Project, soon after he became President in late April. In late July, Truman
recorded his reaction to the Trinity test in his diary 2:

We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. ... Anyway we think we
have found the way to cause a disintegration of the atom. An experiment in the New Mexico
desert was startling - to put it mildly. Thirteen pounds of the explosive caused the complete
disintegration of a steel tower 60 feet high, created a crater 6 feet deep and 1,200 feet in
diameter, knocked over a steel tower 1/2 mile away and knocked men down 10,000 yards
away. The explosion was visible for more than 200 miles and audible for 40 miles and more. ...
The target will be a purely military one and we will issue a warning statement asking the Japs

Minutes of Interim Committee meetings can be found at
R.H. Ferrell, Harry S. Truman and the Bomb. High Plains Publishing Co., Worland, WY (1996), p. 31

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

to surrender and save lives. I’m sure they will not do that, but we will have given them the
chance. It is certainly a good thing for the world that Hitler’s crowd or Stalin’s did not discover
this atomic bomb. It seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made
the most useful...

I have no doubt that Stimson, Marshall and Truman were well aware of the revolutionary nature of the
bomb and the possibility (indeed, likelihood) that a postwar nuclear arms race would ensue. Any
notion that Truman was a disengaged observer carried along by the momentum of events is hard to
believe in view of the above comments. These men were making decisions of grave responsibility and
were fully briefed as to both the immediate situation of the war and possible long-term geopolitical
consequences: the “mature consideration” that Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill agreed in
1943 would have to be carried out before use of the bombs was authorized. Perhaps Truman did not
so much make a positive decision to use the bombs so much as he opted not to halt operations that
were already moving along when he became President, but I have no doubt that he realized that
atomic bombs would be a profoundly new type of weapon. Further, let us not forget that it was
Truman who personally intervened after Nagasaki to order a halt to further atomic bombings when
the Japanese began to signal a willingness to consider surrender negotiations.

As much as I am convinced that Truman took his duties with the greatest sense of responsibility, I
cannot answer “yes” or “no” as to the necessity of the bombings: the question is always loaded with
so many unstated perspectives. If the Japanese could not be convinced to surrender, then Truman,
Stimson, and Marshall faced the prospect of committing hundreds of thousands of men to a horrific
invasion followed by a likely even more horrific slog through the Japanese home islands. After 70
years it is easy to forget the context of the war in the summer of 1945. Historians know that the
Japanese were seeking a path to honorable surrender and might have given up within a few weeks,
but the very bloody fact on the ground was that they had not yet surrendered; thousands of Allied
and Japanese servicemen were dying each week in the Pacific. Military historian Dennis Giangreco has
studied Army and War Department manpower projections for the two-part invasion of Japan
scheduled for late 1945 and the spring of 1946 3. Planning was based on having to sustain an average
of 100,000 casualties per month from November 1945 through the fall of 1946. The invasion of Kyushu
was scheduled to begin on November 1, 1945. Had this occurred, the number of casualties might well
have exceeded the number of deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let alone those which would have
occurred in the meantime. From the perspective of preventing casualties, perhaps it was unfortunate

D. M. Giangreco, “Casualty Projections for the U. S. Invasion of Japan, 1945-1946: Planning and Policy Implications.” Journal of Military
History 61, 521-582 (1997).

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

that the bombs were not ready at the time of the battle for Iwo Jima, one of the bloodiest protracted
battles from February 19 to March 26, 1945, during which more than 25,000 were killed on both sides.

Even if they believe that the Soviet Union’s declaration of war on the night of August 8, 1945, against
Japan was the most significant factor in the Japanese decision to surrender, most historians allow that
the bombs had at least some effect on that decision. The Soviet invasion came between the two
atomic bombings on August 6 (Hiroshima) and August 9 (Nagasaki). These two bombings would
convince the Japanese that Hiroshima was not a one-shot deal: America could manufacture atomic
bombs in quantity. The impact of the bombings was alluded to by Emperor Hirohito in his message to
his people on August 15, 1945, in which he stated that “ ... the enemy has begun to employ a new and
most cruel bomb,” which was one of the motivations for his government’s decision to accept the
terms of the Potsdam Declaration. But there are certainly political aspects that muddy this story,
namely justifying the immense resources poured into the Project and sending a message to the
Soviets that at least for a while America was the ascendant postwar power in the world. I give a
qualified “yes” to the question of necessity.

The necessity debate often overlooks a corollary issue which I have come to think of as “nuclear
inoculation.” Had the bombs not been used in 1945 and world leaders made aware of their
frightening power, what far more awful circumstances might have unfolded in a later war when there
were more nuclear powers armed with more powerful weapons? I am absolutely convinced that the
bombings have had a significant deterrent effect and that they may well have prevented the outbreak
of further major wars since 1945. Indeed, we know that there were occasions such as the Cuban
missile crisis when national leaders looked into the maw of a possible large-scale war and backed

The “inoculation” issue leads to the question of whether or not America continues to need a nuclear
deterrent. To this I say: “Yes, but for not entirely rational reasons.” Even very conservative military
planners estimate that a few hundred warheads would be enough for any conceivable nuclear-
mission scenario and that the thousands still stockpiled are a waste of resources and budgets. But the
deterrent issue seems to me to be more psychological than mission-driven. With potentially unstable
or irrationally-led states pursuing weapons and possibly encouraging proliferation, what “established”
nuclear power would consider unilaterally disarming itself? If America and Russia engage in further
rounds of treaties and draw down their numbers of deployed and reserved weapons from thousands
of warheads, a time may come when these numbers will get down to those held by powers such as
Britain, France, China, India and Pakistan 4. How then will negotiations proceed? Even if rigorous

4 Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, “Worldwide deployments of nuclear weapons, 2014,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 70(5),96-108 September 2014.

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

inspection regimes are agreed to, it seems to me that it will take decades until we might get to a level
of trust where we won’t feel compelled to rationalize: “They could be slipping a few weapons into
their arsenal under the table; we had better keep some in reserve.” In the meantime, I encourage
students and acquaintances to question their elected representatives regarding the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty and a possible Fissile Materials Cutoff Treaty.

What about the ethics of the bombings? To my mind the answer is: “The war had rendered this issue
irrelevant.” Even against the “standards” of present-day terrorist acts, the ferocity of World War II
seems almost incomprehensible. Deliberate atrocities against civilians and prisoners by the Axis
powers were beyond the ethical pale, but how does one classify the Allied fire-bombings of Coventry,
Dresden, and Tokyo even if there were arguable military objectives? The vast majority of victims at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki succumbed not to radiation poisoning but to blast and burn effects just like
the victims of these other attacks. I do not see that the bombs crossed an ethical threshold that had
not already been breached many times before.

What have I learned about the Manhattan Project that especially surprised me? Well, practically
everything. I approached the Project as a physicist, and it was a revelation for me that much of the
physics involved is entirely accessible to a good undergraduate student. Computing critical mass
involves separating a spherical-coordinates differential equation and applying a boundary condition:
advanced calculus. Estimating the energy released by an exploding bomb core is a nice example of
using the Newtonian work-energy theorem of freshman-level physics in combination with some
pressure/energy thermodynamics. Appreciating how a calutron separates isotopes is a beautiful
example of using the Lorentz force law of sophomore-level electromagnetism. Estimating the chance
that a bomb might detonate prematurely due to a spontaneous fission invokes basic probability
theory. These are exotic circumstances which require wickedly difficult engineering to realize, but the
physics is really quite fundamental.

Everybody knows that the Manhattan Project was a big undertaking, but I now realize just how truly
vast it was. At first, one’s attention is drawn to the outstanding personalities and dramatic events and
locales associated the Project: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Groves, Los Alamos, Trinity,
Tinian, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then the appreciation of the complexity of the production factories
at Oak Ridge and Hanford, facilities designed by unappreciated and now largely-forgotten engineers
of outstanding talent. Hundreds of contractors and university and government laboratories were
involved, staffed by hundreds of thousands of dedicated employees. Also, bombs are not transported
by magic to their targets; bombers had to be modified to carry them, and training of crews to fly the
missions was initiated well before the final designs of the bombs and choice of targets were settled.

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

The magnitude of the feed materials program to source and process uranium ores is rarely
mentioned, but without this there would never have been any bombs (or any later Cold War).

While physics, chemistry, and engineering were front-and-center, I have also come to appreciate that
the organization and administration of the Project was equally important. This is a hard thing for an
academic scientist to admit! The Project was incredibly well-administered, and there is a lesson here
for current times. Yes, the Project had its share of oversight and consultative committees, but they
were run by scientists, engineers, government officials and military officers of superb competence and
selfless dedication to the national good. These people knew what they were doing and knew how to
get things done through the bureaucratic channels involved. An existential threat is always good for
getting attention focused on a problem, but somebody has to actually do something. Of course there
were security leaks and some inefficiencies, but what else would you expect in an undertaking so
large and novel?

Could a Manhattan-type project be done now? I do not doubt for a moment that American scientists,
technicians, engineers, and workers still possess the education, brains, dedication, and creativity that
characterized Manhattan. But I do not think that such success could be repeated. Rather, headlines
and breathless breaking news reports would trumpet waste, inefficiency, disorganization, technically
clueless managers, and publicity-seeking politicians. The result would likely be a flawed product which
ran far over-budget and delivered late if at all, no matter how intense the motivation. Do the words
“Yucca Mountain” require further elaboration?

General Groves’ official history of the Project, the Manhattan District History, can be downloaded from
a Department of Energy website, and I encourage readers to look at it 5. It is literally thousands of
pages, and is simply overwhelming; I doubt that anybody has read it from end-to-end. Click on any
page and you will find some gem of information. Beyond the MDH lie thousands of secondary
sources: books, popular and technical articles, websites and videos. But I have not one iota of regret
that I plunged in. The Project was vast: many aspects of it have yet to be mined, and there are lessons
to be had for scientists, engineers, biographers, historians, administrators, sociologists, and policy
experts alike.

My research on the Project has made me much more aware of the world nuclear situation. Belief in
deterrence aside, I am astonished that there has not been an accidental or intentional aggressive
nuclear detonation over the last seventy years. We now know that on many occasions we came very
close and that we have been very lucky indeed. While I see the chance of a deliberate nuclear-power-

The Manhattan District History can be found at

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1
Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Manhattan Project: Questions and Answers

against-nuclear-power exchange as remote, the prospect of a terrorist-sponsored nuclear event does

cause me no small amount of concern.

Nuclear energy is the quintessential double-edged sword, and those of us who have some
understanding of the history, technicalities and current status of nuclear issues have a responsibility to
share our knowledge with our fellow citizens in a thoughtful, responsible way. The stakes are no less
existential now than they were seventy years ago.

B. Cameron Reed is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Physics at Alma College, where he teaches
courses ranging from first-year algebra-based mechanics to senior-level quantum mechanics. He
received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Waterloo (Canada). His research has included both
optical photometry of intrinsically bright stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and the history of the
Manhattan Project. His book The History and Science of the Manhattan Project was recently published
by Springer.

Federation of American Scientists | Public Interest Report | Winter 2015– Volume 68 Number 1

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