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1. - Description
The Deming Cycle is a dynamic cycle that can be used within the processes of
an Organization. It is a simple application tool and when is used properly, can
help in carrying out activities in a more organized and effective way. Therefore,
adopting the philosophy of the cycle provides a basic guide for the management
of activities and processes in any organization.
The Deming Cycle consists of 4 stages: PLAN, DO, STUDY, and ACT.

a) PLAN:
First of all in this stage are defined the plans and the goal of the Company,
after establishing the objectives, a diagnosis will be made to know the
current situation in that we find ourselves and the areas that need to be
improved by defining their problems and the impact they may have.
Consequently a theory of possible solution is developed and a work plan
is established to test the theory.

b) DO:
In this stage the work plan established previously is carried out, together
with some control to monitor that the plan is being carried out from A to Z
as planned.

In this verification, the planned results are compared with those obtained
as a result of the work plan. Before this, a measurement indicator is
established because what cannot be measured, cannot be improved in a
systematic way.

d) ACT:
Finally the results are verified, if what we had planned was achieved, then
the changes that were made were systematized and documented.
However, if the results aren’t the desired, then we acted quickly and
corrected the solution theory and established a new work plan.
2. - Conclusions
 The Deming Cycle is transformed into a continuous process of
improvement, that is to say, once the objectives of the first effort are
achieved, we must continue to establish it, and not stop planning, doing,
verifying and acting until the problem is solved.
 The Deming Cycle is the most used system to implement a system of
continuous improvement in the processes of organizations.
 Using the methodology promoted by Deming helps the company to
discover itself and guide changes that make it more efficient and
3. – Suggestions

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