Philosphy of Ed

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My Philosophy of Education

I am driven to pursue a career in education by my desire to positively impact the lives of

others. I hope to equip students with an understanding of the past and critical thinking skills that

will empower them and help them to become responsible citizens that actively engage in their

communities. Through developing curriculum that reflects the diverse backgrounds of my

students, I aspire to create a culturally responsive classroom that will give students the agency to

shape the world around them. By bridging the gap between academic content and students’ lives,

I hope to nurture a passion for learning in students they can carry throughout their lifetimes.

Reflecting on my childhood, many of my role models were teachers. Both my home and

school life consisted of educators who went out of their way to support and develop my passion

for learning. Having a mother who was a special education teacher within my school district

fostered a positive connection to teachers from an early age. As I continued my education, a

series of extraordinary history teachers furthered my love for education, inspiring me to commit

my life to this profession. I aspire to make a positive and lasting difference in students’ lives as

my history teachers did for me. I strive to be like the teachers who developed my passion and

curiosity with learning. I hope to spark students’ drive and enthusiasm by being a role model

who demonstrates the value of education in my classroom and creates a passion towards

knowledge that extends beyond the classroom and into the rest of their lives.

As an educator, I hope to create a classroom environment that promotes culturally responsive

learning. Throughout my own social studies education during public schooling, I always felt as if

the curriculum was far too Eurocentric and that other cultures whose values and practices differ

from the modern Western world were denied equal attention. It has always been a goal of mine

to create a classroom that refuses to favor and privilege one culture’s history at the expense of

others. I also understand that culturally responsive teaching is far more than just content

integration in a social studies classroom for the sake of multiculturalism. Being culturally

responsive doesn’t have to be just expanding my curriculum to include a diverse perspective that

is conscious of cultures, but it also can be effectively constructing bridges between home life and

school. I strive to be culturally responsive in ways beyond curriculum and work to reinforce ties

between the classroom and the community such as creating bilingual worksheets and translated

assignments for families who don’t speak English. With a culturally responsive pedagogy, I want

to reach all students regardless of their upbringing and inspire a critical consciousness capable of

analyzing the diverse sociopolitical world around them.

Throughout my experiences in Neag, my understanding of the role that school plays in

society has been expanding. While my own understanding of the purpose of education during

high school was limited to teaching basic academic skills as well as encouraging problem

solving, recent involvement in local schools has opened my eyes to the benefits schooling brings

to the collective good through strengthening understanding of the democratic process. With this

broadened appreciation for the purpose of education, I now understand that my role as an

educator is far more than just an intermediary of information to students but also as a figure

within the community that prepares students for democratic participation. As a secondary social

studies teacher, I am not only responsible for teaching students about the past and the world

around them but giving future generations the tools to understand and tackle contemporary issues

like the racial inequality or other social injustices. I will equip students with the skills they need

to achieve academic success and enact positive change within their local, state, and global


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