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Ingredients :

 425 g sweet corn kernels

 300 g cakalang*
 200 g peeled small or medium size shrimps
 100 g frozen grated coconut
 1 L water
 4 shallots (8 shallots for smaller size), thinly sliced
 25 lime basils
 4 limes

Spices to be ground:

 3 long red cayenne pepper

 5 bird eyes chilies (add more if you are able to handle spicy food)
 seasalt

Step By Step :

 For Broiled Cakalang:

1. Clean and rinse off the cakalang under running water.
2. Drizzle 2 key limes over and rub with salt. Set aside for 15 minutes.
3. Broil each side for 2 minutes at high. Cool down and shred the meat
by hand.
 For Binte Biluhuta:
1. In a pot, add water, corns and ground spices until the corn cooked.
2. Add grated coconut, shallots and bilimbi. Cook for the next 15
3. Add shrimp and cakalang shredded; simmer for the next 5 minutes.
Stir and remove from the heat. Ready to serve.

 4 plates of white rice
 200 grams of shrimp, fried
 100 grams of chicken breast, diced, fried
 2 red chilies, remove the contents, sliced diagonally
 2 tablespoons soy sauce
 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
 butter to taste
Seasoning Ingredients:
 5 spring onions
 3 cloves of garlic
 1 teaspoon salt
 1/2 teaspoon sugar
 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
Supplementary Materials:
 4 fried eggs
 fried onion to taste


 Heat the butter, then add the spices that have been smoothed and red
pepper, then cook until fragrant.
 Add rice, chicken and shrimp, then stir until smooth and all the
ingredients are mixed together perfectly.
 Remove and the special fried rice is ready to serve while warm.

Ingredients :

 2 cup rice (use the rice cup that come with the rice cooker)
 2 teaspoon turmeric powder
 1 lemon grass, bruised and chopped
 1 bay leaf
 1 kaffir lime leaf
 ½ teaspoon salt
 ½ teaspoon sugar
 100 ml coconut milk
 3 cup water (again use the rice cup that come with the rice cooker)

Step By Step :

1. Place all ingredients in the rice cooker and turn on the power. When
the machine indicates that the rice is ready (usually a “warm” light will
turn on), open the lid, fluff the rice, remove lemon grass, bay leaf, and
kaffir lime leaf. Close the lid again and let sit for another 10 minutes
before serving.
2. To serve, shape rice with the aid of a small soup bowl (or rice bowl if
you have one) and slightly press it down so the shape will hold, then
place a plate on top of the bowl and flip it so the rice sits right in the
middle of the plate. Place one piece of ayam ungkep, a couple of
perkedel kentang, 2 tablespoon of telur dadar gulung, some kerupuk
udang (shrimp crackers), some slices of cucumber, tomato, and lettuce
around the rice. Serve with some chili sauce.


 250 g non-fat beef, thinly sliced

 1 tablespoon lime juice for the sauce
 3 shallots or half medium red shallot
 8-10 red chillies, seeded and roughly grind
 2 fresh kaffir lime leafs (daun jeruk purut)
 salt to taste


1. Marinate the meat with lime juice. Leave it for 10 minutes.

2. Put the meat into oven tray pan and bake until half dry.
3. When it’s done, fry the meat. Set aside.
4. In remaining oil, sauté the shallots until fragrant, then add kaffir lime
leafs and chillies. Stir well. Add the lime juice, salt and the meat.
Continue cooking. Add a little of water if necessary.

 1 cup bean sprouts
 2 cups spinach leaves
 1 cup grated carrot
 1 cup green beans cut into 1" lengths
 1/4 head cabbage thinly sliced
 1-2 hard boiled eggs sliced (if desired)
 Sauteed tofu (if desired)

Peanut Sauce Ingredients:

 1 cup roasted peanuts
 2 garlic cloves
 2 finger length chilies (mild), deseeded and sliced
 1 bird's-eye chili (spicy), deseeded and sliced
 1" fresh kencur root, peeled and sliced (substitute ginger since this may
be hard to find)
 1 kaffir lime leaf
 3 T kecap manis (sweet soy sauce - substitute regular soy sauce and a
bit of brown sugar)
 1/2 t salt
 2 cups water
 1 t fresh lime juice

1. Make the peanut sauce by coarsely grinding the peanuts, garlic, chilies,
and kencur in a food processor. Add a little water if needed to keep the
mixture turning.
2. Add the peanut mixture, lime leaf, kecap manis, salt, and water to a
saucepan and simmer on low for about 1 hour stirring every 5 minutes
or so. Remove from heat and stir in lime juice.
3. Blanch the vegetables in salted, boiling water for the following times:
green beans - 5 mins, cabbage - 3 mins, carrots and bean sprouts - 2
mins, and spinach - 1 min. Add them to the pot in order listed so they
are finished at the same time. Remove from heat and drain well.

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