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Professional Dispositions Statement Assessment

Kendra Ornoski

Grand Canyon University: EED-480NA

January 28, 2018


Professional Dispositions Statement Assessment

My personal professional disposition statement is as follows. To be a professional

and effective teacher, I must consistently strive to create a positive and fair classroom

environment that refuses to allow any inappropriate behaviors and to continuously

evaluate my students’ and my own performance through the use of assessment, reflection,

flexibility, differentiation, and genuine concern for every single student on a daily basis

so as to meet as many academic and basic needs as I can. To support my statement, I took

a self-assessment about various professional dispositions. For example, I scored myself a

five in the belief that a teacher’s classroom environment affects student learning. Thus, I

stated above that “I will strive to consistently create a positive and fair classroom that

doesn’t tolerate inappropriate behaviors” as I know it will help my students to feel more

comfortable and safe every day. In addition, I also gave myself a score of 5 in the area of

being willing to receive feedback about my teaching methods and seeking to adjust these

methods to better meet my student’s needs. Thus, I put in my statement that I will try to

“continuously evaluate my students’ and my own performance so as to meet every need I

can” since every student learns in a unique way and it is up to me to get the information

across in a meaningful way.

Throughout my time at Grand Canyon University, I have grown so much as a

professional individual. There are two main aspects that have helped grow my

professional dispositions. First, would be the GCU Honors College as it offered

assistance in creating and developing professional tools such as a resume and an elevator

speech. Additionally, the Honors College continuously held me to a higher standard of

academics as it required a minimum GPA of 3.5. The next area would be my internships

with various school districts and with the Walt Disney Company. In 2016, I was selected

to be a participant of the Disney College Program through GCU for 8 months in

Anaheim, California. While I was there, I learned about customer service and

professionalism in the work place from one of the top companies in the world.

Specifically, I learned about professional dress, about maintaining a positive

attitude/work ethic despite challenges, and about being courteous to all guests who come

through your work location. In addition to this internship, I also was able to complete 50-

80 observation hours inside of the Peoria (Elementary) School District, the Glendale

(High) School District, the private school- Phoenix Christian, and the special education

school- The ACES. Throughout this time, I was able to learn about the professional dress

code for a teacher, the collaboration between teachers/staff, and about the various

expectations of what it takes to be an effective school teacher. Overall, I have learned so

much about what it takes to be professional as a student, an employee, and as a teacher.

Looking back to my self-assessment, the areas I feel I need to work on more are my being

able to adapt to unplanned situations, to being more patient, and to treating each day like

a new day despite any misbehaviors that happened the previous day.

Professional Dispositions Assessment

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement listed below using the response scale

of 1-5. Use this assessment to inform your Professional Dispositions Statement.

1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree

Professional Dispositions Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

I believe a teacher must use a variety of instructional strategies to

optimize student learning.

I understand that students learn in many different ways. x

I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth. x

I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. x

I assume responsibility when working with others. x

I believe that all students can learn. x

I believe it is important to involve all students in learning. x

I believe the classroom environment a teacher creates greatly

affects students' learning and development.

I view teaching as an important profession. x

I understand that teachers’ expectations affect student learning. x

I view teaching as a collaborative effort among educators. x

I understand that students have certain needs that must be met

before learning can take place.

I am sensitive to student differences. x

I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness to become

involved with others.

I am punctual and reliable in my attendance. x

I maintain a professional appearance. x

I believe it is my job to create a learning environment conducive

to the development of students’ self-confidence and competence.

I respect the cultures of all students and am sensitive to cultural


I honor my commitments. x

I treat students with dignity and respect at all times. x

I am willing to receive feedback and assessment of my teaching. x

I am patient when working with students. x

I am open to adjusting and revising my plans to meet student


I communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the feelings,

ideas, and contributions of others.

I believe it is important to learn about students and their


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