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Lesson Plan 10 – Writer’s Workshop- Keep the Pencil in Your Hand/Silence the It’s No Good


Motivational Set
Speak about distractions in today’s world and relate distraction to writing.
- Cell phones
- TV
- Socialization
Talk to class about the benefits of writing and the use of it for relaxation and enjoyment. Make
connections between this and the danger of distraction while writing (accomplishing the
complete opposite by allowing distractions to affect us when writing).

Introduce concepts of Keep the Pencil in Your Hand and Silencing the It’s No Good Voice

1.1 – 3 Minute Quick-Write

Keep the Pencil in Your Hand
- Do not succumb to distraction during your free-write
- Keep your pencil in your hand/on the paper the entire time, do not stop to
think/talk/allow distraction
- If you are unsure of an idea, write it down. You can always take things out but it’s harder
to add them later
- If you are unsure about a name or idea, draw a blank space (model on board) and
continue writing, pencil still in hand!
Silence the It’s No Good Voice
- Write everything you think about down no matter if you think it’s a good idea or not
- You can take out these ideas in your writing later if you do not find they are adequate
but if you do not write them down you will not remember
- Often we think our ideas are not good enough to write about, this is what we need to
change, it is YOUR writing and YOUR ideas, therefore none of them are “right” or

1.2 – 3 Minute Quick-Write

Instruct students to write “Keep the Pencil in Your Hand” in top left corner of page, and “Silence
the It’s No Good Voice” in the top right. Allow the students 3 minutes to write using the
strategies explained.
Following the quick-write, have students volunteer to read their writing and share their ideas
on the strategies.
- Did you find it difficult to keep your pencil on the paper? Did you get distracted?
- Did you write down all your ideas, ones you might not have usually written down?
- Do you think these strategies helped your writing? Did it make it easier/harder?

1.3 – Prompted Writing Time – A Book Of Chance

In groups, have the class go to the classroom library, close their eyes, and choose a book at
random. Instruct them to open the book to any page and read the first full sentence on that
page. Use this sentence to inspire the writing. Encourage students to use the strategies from
today’s lesson when writing.

CC 8.3 - Select and use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning before (e.g., plan, organize, and sequence ideas
to fit purpose, point of view, and format), during (e.g., use and maintain appropriate point of view for audience and purpose),
and after (e.g., revise final drafts and presentations to ensure that the format and patterns within that format contribute to the
effectiveness of the composition) speaking, writing, and other representing activities.
CC 8.6 - Use oral language to interact purposefully, confidently, and respectfully in a variety of situations including one-to-
one, small group, and large group discussions (expressing feelings and viewpoints and contributing to group harmony).
CC 8.7 - Use oral language to effectively express information and ideas of complexity in formal and informal situations (e.g.,
to debate a point, to participate in a meeting, to give a dramatic reading of a poem or play excerpt).
CC 8.9 - Experiment with a variety of text forms (e.g., Reader's Theatre, role play, humourous instructions, an electronic
presentation, a dramatization, a mini-debate) and techniques (e.g., imagery, music, graphics and statistics in a multimedia

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