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1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Breathing Test Results for the user Milton

Dear Milton

I have reviewed your Free Breathing Test answers. You have great potential for
improving Nothing. I guarantee it.

What follows is a detailed interpretation of your answers and our supplemental

recommendations to augment the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit with nutritional
supplements, internal cleansers and lifestyle changes. Note that each program set or
"theme" mentioned at ( is included in the Kit, with varying
techniques and exercises pertaining to each theme. All you need to do is see which
theme, such as anxiety, shortness of breath, speaking or singing, sleep, weight
control, meditation, etc., is MOST important to you NOW, then just focus on that
theme. If you have no specific issue in mind and just want to improve your breathing,
then make sure you begin with the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit Theme 1 for
Better Breathing ( .
A summary of your test answers is given at the end of this report for your

A. Breathing Volume and Oxygen Uptake Efficiency

This is greatly impaired by UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing (more about

this later).

Your Answer: 70

Your number count score is mediocre. It is recommended that you work to improve it
to at least 90, which is the bottom of the good category. Above 150 is where little to
no diagnosed illnesses are reported.

Mike can reach a count of 200-225. So far the highest we have heard of is 310. The
worst is 4 and that person reported multiple health challenges.

Here is the breakdown by percentage of users in the following number count skill

Number Count Rating
of Users
150+ 2% Excellent
110-149 5% Very Good
90-109 10% Good
60-89 35% Fair
2-59 47% Poor

The number count ranges above were determined by statistical analysis of the
average number of diagnosed illnesses correlating with that score range. As the
number count score worsens, the average number of diagnosed illnesses
increases. In other words, the higher the number count, the fewer diagnosed 1/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

illnesses correlated with that skill level. Cancer is not listed at all in the Excellent
(150+) grouping.

We recommend a minimum number count of 90; the bottom of the "Good"

grouping. We see that if you have a score of 90 or above that your health is pretty
good overall as you have to have good volume and flow rate to achieve that good a
score. Those with a 90 or higher breathing skill level are much less likely to correlate
with a diagnosed illness than those with say 4-19. Those with less than 70 probably
have some kind of health challenge(s), mild or otherwise, that they suspect or know
about, such as any of the medically diagnosed conditions in Question K1. Many will be
unaware of any problem until it occurs and you may recall how many passed a stress
test and fell ill shortly thereafter.

We do not recommend trying to go higher than 150 because it is stressful and we do

not have sufficient reason for reaching such a high number.

The combined benefits of increased breathing volume and ease PLUS extra oxygen
absorption into the blood cells strengthens EVERY healthy biochemical reaction in the
human body such as:

Killing germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast

Enhancing oxygen to the brain.
Increasing vitality and endurance.
Strengthening the benefits of sleep
Speeding recovery times from stress, illness and trauma
Neutralizing free-radicals
Healing wounds
Calming the nervous system
Improving attention and concentration skills
Enhancing the body's waste treatment systems in the lungs, liver, kidneys,
bladder, colon and lymphatic system

The number count is an indicator of breathing volume, flow rate, and levels
of oxygen uptake efficiency. In simplified theory, if you had lungs ten times larger
than you do now, you would expect to be able to reach a 10 times higher number
count score, UNLESS you had very poor oxygen uptake efficiency and flow rate. Poor
efficiency or flow rate would be caused by breathiness or using up too much air during
relaxation, sleep, even moderate physical activity, speaking, singing or wind
instrument playing. See UDB mentioned later for more about all that. Poor breathing
pattern may cause excessive accumulation of oxygen that may (but not always) cause
insufficient blood carbon dioxide levels. Insufficient carbon dioxide levels is a condition
known as hypocapnea. This inhibits oxygen uptake into the blood cells which can
cause, worsen, or trigger a host of maladies, which are more clearly explained in the
UDB page. This hypocapnea can be over-ridden by techniques and exercises in the
Breathing Kit as well as specific inexpensive medical grade oxygen supplementation
described at O2E2.

Science has proven that your primary marker for longevity is how large your
breathing volume is and how much air you can expel in one second (flow
rate/FEV1), provided that it is not high chest volume only, such as with Superman
Syndrome. More overall volume allows for a slower breathing rate, a calmer nervous
system and more efficient oxygen cost of breathing while allowing for increased
oxygen uptake. Oxygen is critical to health and longevity. Oxygen uptake occurs
primarily during the exhale if the exhale is adequate in length. That makes the
number count, which is a LONG EXHALE, a reasonably good marker for volume. It is
also a good exercise for breathing efficiency. 2/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Children: We do not yet have enough tests taken from those not fully grown to draw
any defensible correlations but in our opinion, there has to be a significant correlation.
For example, autistic children are usually shallow breathers. A PhD colleague tells me
that in his view most children have lost their breathing by age 12. I know I did.

If you are uncertain that you did the number count correctly, try it again until you get
nearly the same number twice in a row. Notice how you improve (a good sign) or
worsen (a bad sign). If you are still uncertain, view a short video demo of the number

Note: If you tried the number count several times and you're finding that your score
decreases with each try, you are trying too hard. Overdoing it will actually get in the
way and tighten up your breathing muscles. Just be patient and work with the Optimal
Breathing Kit , and your number count score will increase.

Since some people will be stronger or weaker in areas such as nutrition, toxicity, and
stress, we are always referring to correlation or possibility, not certainty. Breathing is
a HUGE element. If you feel any restrictions in breathing (Question G) and score
under 90 in the number count test, we suggest you take reasonably quick action.
Don't panic, don't worry, just begin improving your breathing AND the probability of
improving your overall health, and the potential for longevity should begin to rapidly

For more information:

Oxygen article
Longevity article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (

B. Breathing Rate at Rest

Too fast often indicates UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing (more about this

Your Answer: 6

Your breathing rate score is excellent. It is in the top 10% of all test takers. People in
this breath rate category typically report the fewest number of illnesses.

Here is the breakdown of user percentages at the following breath rates. We grade
them per our statistics, not what conventional medicine reports as "normal" which we
believe is VERY much asking for health troubles.

Breath Rate Rating
of Users
5-6 8% Excellent
7-9 18% Good
10-13 32% Fair
14-16 17% Fair to Poor 3/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

17+ 20% Poor

The more times per minute you breathe during rest, the higher the stress and
oxygen cost of breathing.

Higher breathing rates (UDB) carry over into sleep time and generally relate to a
tendency towards excessive stress responses, nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks,
heart conditions, high blood pressure, strokes, attention problems, asthma,
depression, chronic fatigue, allergies, overweight, shortness of breath, speaking,
singing and sleeping issues. Thus, if your breathing rate is above 10, it is
essential to work on lowering it.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

C. Breathing Pauses

Too short a resting pause length indicates possible or probable UDB - Unbalanced
Dysfunctional Breathing (more about this later).

Your Answer: Yes

The pause is the resting phase of the in and out breath and the nervous system. The
pause is "the vital preparation for what is to follow" (Elsa Gindler).

According to our research, we suggest lengthening your pause if it is less than

2.5 seconds, and especially if it is less than 1 second. A short pause rate often
correlates with severe and/or multiple maladies or predispositions to illness such as
anxiety, panic attacks, heart conditions, high blood pressure, weight problems,
fatigue, and excessive stress. To use the automobile metaphor, with a pause that is
too short, your engine is in effect still at high revolutions even while standing still at a
stop sign. With this form of UDB, your body does not really rest, even while sleeping.

During sleep, excessively long pauses (UDB), past approximately 9 seconds,

accompanied with abrupt wakening can be related to sleep disturbances including
snoring, sleep apnea, and existing or developing heart conditions (the extra long
resting pause does not give the heart the oxygen it needs), which demands medical
investigation and rapid correction. However, certain long pauses up to 6-7 seconds
may be good signs for some long-term meditators or distance runners.

There is an important relationship between breathing rate and pause length. With a
slow breathing rate (Question B), accompanied by a too-short pause (less than 2.5
seconds), you are not really breathing slowly but rather tentatively, possibly being
hyper-vigilant, or having a "Type A" personality. There may not be an ideal ratio, but
statistics from our Optimal Breathing Tests correlations clearly support a 5 or 6 breath
per minute and a 3-5 second pause rate. Because it is sometimes difficult to know
when the exhale stops and the pause begins, our preferred ratio of resting inhale time
to exhale time is 20-30% inhale and 70-80% exhale including the pause. This what
we deem as a "legitimate" breathing rate, as it is associated with deeper, easier, more
relaxing, restorative breathing. In this light, we suggest you pay extra attention to the 4/20
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Reflex Triggering exercises in the DVD2: Deepest Calm Theme which is included the
Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Note: Some people may have been trained to have a pause at the end of the inhale,
rather than having the pause at the end of the exhale. According to our research, this
is a very unhealthy way of breathing and we suggest you train yourself out of this kind
of breathing pattern with our Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

D. Breathing Pause Extension

Poor scoring is often caused by or associated with UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional

Breathing (more about this later).

Your Answer: 20

Your extended pause length is far below what is recommended. A low score can be an
indicator of health challenge and excessive stress. The absolute minimum score
recommended is 45, although the desired score is 60. To improve your extended
pause, it is absolutely necessary to take action.

Here is the breakdown of user percentages in the following extended pause ranges:

Pause Length Rating
of Users
60+ 3% Excellent
45-59 6% Good
30-44 22% Fair
15-29 46% Poor
0-14 23% Very Poor

The extended pause is largely, but not totally, about having enough carbon dioxide in
your blood to signal the body that it needs more oxygen. Carbon dioxide has received
a lot of bad press due to global warming but to the human body it is absolutely
necessary for life and vitality. Without sufficient carbon dioxide in the blood, the
body's vascular system constricts and will not allow an adequate supply of oxygen and
nutrients to the cells and organs. The brain for example, can be shortchanged in its
oxygen supply by as much as 60%.

The longer your "extended pause" is, the more you can tolerate higher levels of
carbon dioxide. This increase of CO2, among other things, causes the vascular system
to enlarge or dilate to allow the nutrients of oxygen, vitamins, minerals etc. to be
properly distributed to the cells.

Note: Breath-holding at the end of the exhale differs from breath-holding at the top of
the inhale as the inhale version often causes tightness and constriction in the upper 5/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

chest, shoulders, throat, jaw, eyes, ears, and head, inviting lessened circulation in
those areas.

Recent research in Russia points towards a minimum requirement of 45 seconds

of being able to resist breathing. Our research leads us to believe that higher is
better up to 75 seconds. Above 75 seconds may lead now or later to sleep apnea

Not being able to resist breathing in at the end of an exhale for anything less than 45-
60 seconds may well correlate with hypocapnea (too low of CO2 levels), and
accompany shortness of breath and wheezing, often considered asthma. There may
also be some degree of or tendency towards poor physical conditioning, fatigue,
allergies, anxiety, overweight, panic attack, stress, or sleeping issues.

Note that a low score on the extended pause often correlates with a low number count
(Question A), on which you scored 70.

Bottom line: If you scored below 60 on the extended pause, we recommend

that you develop your breathing and increase your extended pause.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Energy Theme

E. Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing (UDB)

Your Answer:
E1: a.Raise collar bones b.Raise shoulders
E2: a.Shortness of breath l.Breathing heavy or labored m.Breathing forced
n.Breathing jerky, erratic, or irregular o.Breathing is shallow v.Feelings of suffocation
w.Breathing feels small, unsatisfying, or inadequate y.Breathing is suppressed or held
back z.Breathing seems to go in the wrong place or just doesn't feel right
aa.Frequently concerned or worried about your breathing

E1. Accessory Breathing Muscles (over-active). Neither your shoulders nor rib
cage should move upward, nor should your neck muscles bulge out at all. These are
muscles that outwardly support breathing mechanics and should not have much to do
with actual breathing sequencing and balance. The diaphragm and rib cage do the
inhaling and exhaling. Any other muscle being engaged is purely supportive. Properly
supported breathing is similar to the foundation or basement of a building supporting
the upper structure but having little else to do with its internal functioning. To restrict
this rib cage expansion and movement, with poor posture, for example, causes other
muscles to engage that should not engage, such as the shoulders and neck. Proper
support and guidance from accessory/supportive breathing muscles is similar to how
an elevator shaft guides the elevator but does not carry the passengers, though it
may enclose them. Bend the shaft (poor posture) and the elevator will not rise,
inhibiting ease and depth of the next inhale. As a result, the oxygen cost of breathing
greatly increases and the Autonomic Nervous System functioning becomes over-
stressed and distorted. Read about how the breathing wave is impeded.

This imbalance of musculature throws your breathing into an unbalanced pattern

resulting in lower number counts, higher breath rates, fewer or no pauses, and high 6/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

chest breathing which is covered later in these test answers.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

E2. Day To Day Breathing Experience. Even one checkmark in this section
indicates a breathing problem. Particular attention should be given to the first 7
items, as these may well be indicators of a severe breathing problem. We
suggest getting the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit. It's possible that a free 10
minute phone consultation may be needed. Call the phone number given in the
summary at the end of these test answers.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Free Phone Consultation

E2.a,d,e,f,g. Shortness of breath. These indicate possibly severe conditions that

probably include UDB but should be immediately examined by a licensed health
professional. Due to probable UDB presence, their successful healing outcomes most
often need Optimal Breathing development.

For more information:

Shortness of Breath article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Shortness of Breath Theme
Free Phone Consultation

E2.l,m,n,p,aa. Breathing is labored, forced, irregular, tentative, or frequently

concerned about breathing. These are all indicators that the breathing is being
efforted or controlled in some way, instead of just coming and going on its own, as it
most often should.

The Strapping Techniques and Reflex Triggering exercises in the Optimal Breathing
Mastery Kit are very effective for making breathing more deep, easy, effortless,
smooth, and automatic.

E2.o,w,x,y,z. Shallow breathing. Shallow breathing is usually associated with high

chest breathing, which can be very inefficient, stressful, and unsatisfying. It invites
depression as in a "depressed chest". Also, when the person tries to breathe deeply,
he or she stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which can lead to elevated
stress levels, anxiety and panic attacks, and/or severe muscle tension throughout the
chest, shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, ears, and head, leading to numerous other

For more information:

Shallow Breathing article 7/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

E2.v. Feelings of suffocation. This is an indicator of shallow unsatisfying breathing

that is most likely caused by any number of physical restrictions listed in Question G.
Pay close attention to recommendations given in section G.

G. Physical Restrictions

Your Answer: 1.Shortness of breath, unsatisfying breath 3.Breathing feels stuck

5.Breathing feels like series of events 6.Breathing labored or restricted 18.Stiff neck
20.Tension around eyes

Physical restrictions are often correlated with UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional


Checking off just one item in this section already indicates that you have a breathing
restriction, so the more items that are checked off, the more restriction there is likely
to be, and the more important it is to take action. Items 1-10 are even more

Physical restrictions cause or worsen all high chest breathing tendencies, faster breath
rates, shallow breathing, compartmentalized breathing and unsatisfying breathing. If
a horse is standing on your foot, it is better to remove the horse's foot instead of first
taking painkillers. The air may be bad for you, but if not lethal or causing gasping,
first focus on removing any physical restrictions to easy inhaling.

Rib cages and spine should have over 120 movable joints where bone meets bone or
cartilage. Freedom and ease of movement are critical to optimal breathing.
Similar to having a python wrapped around your chest while slowly squeezing the
breath out of you, breathing restrictions (UDB) cause shallow as well as a host of
other sub-optimal breathing symptoms, causing decreased oxygen supply and
nervous system duress. These physical restrictions are direct causes of UDB
correlations such as hyperventilation, under-breathing and over-breathing as well as
the multitude of maladies and disabilities listed in Question K1. Depression, poor voice
quality, fatigue, allergies, anxiety, overweight, panic attacks, shortness of breath,
stress, and sleeping issues often stem from these restrictions.

Breathing that feels like a series of events instead of one smooth internally
coordinated, continuous flow is caused by restrictions in the ribs, poor posture, and
over-usage of accessory breathing muscles.

Physical restriction is also the key factor in the need for releasing tensions caused
from gasping and breath heaving in activities such as physically demanding sports, life
saving, fire fighting, or police work. Reduce or eliminate any severe restriction(s) first
and repeat at least weekly.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

H. Posture 8/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Your Answer:
H1: a.Slouch, slump, bend forward, lean to one side, sit/lie in a twisted position often
H2: a.Back b.Side

Posture is indispensable for optimal breathing and optimal health. Bend over and
notice how much harder it is to breathe. That is because your muscles are restricting
the ease and depth of your diaphragm and rib expansion. Slouching or slumped
posture can greatly inhibit breathing freedom, ease, volume, and expansion.
But just sitting or standing straight is not going to feel comfortable to most people
because their body has adapted to support itself in a slightly or severely slouched
position, and forcing one’s self to stand upright actually reduces easy breathing. This
can be changed quickly and painlessly.

For more information:

Posture article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (

Sleeping positions

Sleeping on your back is best but many people are not comfortable on their back
and/or are more likely to snore. This is caused by varied constrictions of breathing in
the front, sides or back of the thorax or throat and vocal tract due to posture or
trauma (including surgery), and/or poor development of overall physical coordination.
People often experience improvement in their ability to sleep on their back after
working with the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Sleep Theme

I. Sitting Positions

Your Answer: 4.Sit in a car, bus, train, plane or office seat more than a few hours

Car seats and easy chairs are made for the average overweight western body. They
allow anyone with less weight to sink into the chair or seat (like a divot in golf) and
suppress one's breathing depth and ease (UDB). This sinking in slowly erodes one's
energy, causes slower reaction times, and increases the incidence of auto crashes.
Many try unhealthy stimulants and drugs to offset what may easily be handled by
breathing development. Develop your breathing so that you know from moment to
moment when it is being restricted and when you are slowly losing your mental acuity
and reaction time. In this way you are more properly guided to know when to use a
pillow to prop yourself up to breathe easier or a Nada chair for sitting at the office or
in front of the computer.

For more information:

Chairs and Car Seats article 9/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Nada chair

J. Factors and Signs of Good Breathing

Your Answer:
J1: l.Through nose
J2: a.Never sick and don't take medications d.Quick recovery

Breath is life. Like anything else in the body, if you do not use it, you will lose it.
Breathing impacts every aspect of living. Some areas such as oxygen intake are more
obvious than others. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) function that is largely
influenced by the way we breathe is usually less obvious but quite often at least as
important as oxygen factors. Anxiety and panic attacks are examples of the ANS being
driven by poor breathing.

Optimal Breathing is both a skill and a natural action. It directly impacts special
abilities such as achieving and attaining optimum health, maintaining average to
extreme levels of physical functioning, endurance, and recovery, developing lasting
mental strength and acuity, and having strong, clear singing and speaking. It also
greatly influences emotional balance and stability, which of course greatly impacts
relationships with ourselves, other people, and ideas or objects that impact our
personal experience. With Optimal Breathing we have our emotions instead of our
emotions having us.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Free Phone Consultation

You did not check all the items in J1. This means you are lacking important aspects of
good breathing mechanics. Consider ordering one or more breathing improvement
programs based on scores and recommendations in other test sections, especially if
you checked off very few or no items at all in J1. Checking off very few items in this
section qualifies you to receive a free phone consultation to help you choose the
program best suited for you. You especially need to work on making your breathing
more Satisfying, Deep and easy, Easy, Smooth and fluid, Balanced, Full, Free,
Effortless, Relaxed, Strong, Abdominal, belly, diaphragmatic, Quiet. Being able to
check off more items in this section will show clear signs of progress. Call us at the
phone number given in the summary of these test answers if you qualify for the free
phone consult by having checked no or very few items in J1.

K. Medically Diagnosed Conditions

Your Answer:
K2: c.Under physician care

These illnesses are caused or worsened by UDB = Unbalanced Dysfunctional

Breathing. 10/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

You checked off at least one diagnosed condition. Test statistics show clear
correlations between breathing dysfunction and diagnosed illnesses. The more
conditions you checked off, the more important it is for you to take action to develop
your breathing.

Start with the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Encourage your health professional to attend the Optimal Breathing School so that
he/she can get training in breathing development techniques and therefore be more
able to help you improve your breathing and your likelihood of lessening or eliminating
further illness.

"Breathing is the FIRST place, not the LAST place, one should investigate when any
disordered energy presents itself." Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD Ph.D. The Oxygen

Our research leads us to believe that repetitive or chronic illness almost ALWAYS has a
significant UDB breathing component and almost all acute health challenges can be
helped by better breathing.

If you have been medically diagnosed with an illness, know that many health
professionals miss causes and characteristics of how poorly people breathe and that
poor breathing causes or worsens most, if not all, health problems.

We do not treat illness. We believe that optimal integrated holistic function of the
mind/body/spirit treats illness. REMOVE THE CAUSE (including poor breathing-UDB),
AND THE BODY MOST OFTEN HEALS ITSELF. You can read about several testimonials
from people who have been greatly helped by this approach.

Alternative holistic approaches, many of which are listed in the Secrets of Optimal
Natural Breathing Manual included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit and
may often be superior to drug-based side effect medical physician approaches.

L. Body Signals

Your Answer: 6.Chronic pain 8.Repetitive strain injury 16.Excessive stress

Body signals are often associated with UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing.

There are hundreds of ways your body will tell you it is not breathing right. These
feedback signals in Question L are the ones we have noticed the most over the years.
As your breathing develops, many of the negative, unhealthy or sub-optimal ones will
reduce, become more manageable, or disappear, and the positive ones (like voice
strength or energy increase) will get stronger or more easily recognizable and
dependable. Your sensing, feeling, and intuition will become more apparent and

Stress is not necessarily harmful. DISTRESS is. Chest breathing in Question F tells us
that the more the breath is based in the lower front, side and back of the abdomen,
the more stress may be tolerated without one being distressed. Laughter for instance
is a form of stress to the human body, but is mainly regarded as positive. Reasonable
mental and physical challenges and moderate exercises are forms of healthy stress
that actually strengthen our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The key is to stay calm
as well as strengthen our connection to our inner strength/core/spirit for occasions
such as maintaining courage under fire or staying calm when most others are anxious 11/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

or terrified. Excessive stress and adrenaline production also contribute to food allergy

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme (for stress and nausea)
Optimal Digestion

L.6,7,9,12,13,14,15. Pain and tension. Improving your breathing will likely help
your body heal itself and lessen the pain and tension. It also will likely reduce your
need for pain killer medication.

For more information:

Pain and Drugs article
Chest Pains article

L.16. Excessive stress. This can be very detrimental to health and well-being. It's
likely that you also had mediocre or poor scoring in any one or all of sections A-G.
Improve your breathing with the Deepest Calm Program included the Optimal
Breathing Mastery Kit and most likely your stress levels will fall dramatically.

For more information:

Stress Management article

M. Mental Signals

Your Answer: 2.Negative attitude 5.Trouble concentrating or easily distracted

These mental signals are often associated with UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional

Our brain uses 25-40% of our total oxygen supply. It also gives us important feedback
about whether it is muddled, groggy, toxic, or we are clear-headed and in a good
mood with a positive can-do attitude. The most important way to get oxygen is in the
way you breathe. Other keys factors are: adequate water intake, eating raw foods,
moderate exercise, internal cleansing, and detoxification (to reduce oxygen being
diverted to clean-up instead of cellular metabolism).

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Focus and Concentration Theme
O2E2 Oxygen Concentrator

N. Emotional Signals

Your Answer: 1.Anxiety and/or panic attacks 2.Depression 11.Excessive anger

16.Extreme recent stress or emotional trauma These emotional signals are often
associated with UDB - Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing. 12/20
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Breathing and emotions are absolutely interconnected and interdependent. UDB

distorts one's perceptions and can cause wide swings of emotions and inappropriate
intra and interpersonal responses. In worst-case scenarios, UDB can drive the nervous
system like a blind driver of a bus in a hurry in rush hour traffic. Appropriateness,
speed, calm, evenness, and recovery-back-to-calm are keys. Have your emotions
without your emotions having you. A good rule of thumb is that any emotion one can
breathe through (in other words to keep breathing optimally and a little deeper
regardless of the intensity of the emotion) will eventually lose its grip on you. Keep
breathing, regardless of how grieved, hurt, angry, scared or sad you may be; just

Use the Strapping Techniques and Squeeze and Breathe Technique described in Video
2 included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit and stay open and willing to have
it all pass over and be released/finished/resolved. If you can not do that on your own
it is HIGHLY recommended you seek a psychotherapist well versed in transformational
breathwork or an experienced transformational breathworker such as Dan Brule, Denis
Ouellette, Michael Skye, or Tom Goode on the Faculty Page.

For more information:

Breathing and Emotions article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

P. Food and Nutrition

Your Answer:
P1: i.Caffeine j.Alcohol
P2: 8
P4: Yes

1. Specific Foods and 4. Raw and cooked foods

Cooking and processing foods kill natural enzymes that would ordinarily help digest
and assimilate the nutrients in the food. Your lungs act as major detoxification
mechanisms. Cooked and processed foods hinder the digestion process and often
cause excessive mucous production, just like when you get a cold and cough up
phlegm. This excess mucous backs up from the intestines into the lungs. Eating an
excessive amount of cooked foods will invite more potential for lung problems and
many other illnesses.

Cooked foods often also have little to no natural fiber. Fiber is the body's natural
broom. It helps sweep the body free of digested food and toxic debris.

Raw living organic food is filled with natural food enzymes, water soluble fiber and
oxygen. The enzymes break down the food and the fiber moves it through the
digestion elimination process while the oxygen aids all processes of digestion,
assimilation, and elimination. Raw foods taken into the body leave little or no toxic
residue or mucous behind for your lungs to collect, allowing them to function
optimally. 13/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Many people may have a misconception of what raw foods are and are not. They may
be eating cooked foods without realizing it. There are many non-raw foods that people
regularly eat cold or at room temperature. Any food that has been previously cooked
or baked (store-bought or home-made) automatically means that it is NOT a raw food.
Common examples of such foods include bread, cereal, crackers, cookies, candy bars,
donuts, potato chips, roasted nuts, pasteurized milk, and pasteurized orange juice.
None of these are raw foods since they have been previously cooked and processed.
As far as frozen fruits and vegetables, which are often touted as being more nutritious
than fresh produce, most people end up cooking these foods before eating them, so
they also are not raw foods when eaten.

If you are eating cooked and processed foods, chew each mouthful 50 times and/or
supplement with digestive enzymes and certain fermented foods.

For more information:

Cooked Foods and Breathing article
Enzymes article

Optimal Digestion
12 Steps To Raw Foods
Green For Life

2. Water

Every biochemical reaction in the body is driven by water. There are a multitude of
benefits of water:

Being a source of energy

Transporting substances throughout the body
Flushing toxic waste from the body
Preventing DNA damage
Providing power for all brain functions
Increasing the efficiency of red blood cells in absorbing oxygen from the lungs
Delivering oxygen to the cells
Carrying waste to the lungs for disposal
Keeping the vocal cords lubricated so as to prevent them from swelling and
becoming damaged

Many diseases and illnesses, such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and hypertension
are caused or worsened by water deficiency. Drinking an adequate amount of water
can help reduce, eliminate, or prevent many illnesses. It is often recommended that a
person drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight per day, but we
see activity levels as more important, and often reveal deeper insights about this and
many other breathing test factors in our weekly newsletters. Fresh (i.e.
unpasteurized) fruit juices may be included as water but not to replace it entirely.
Cloudy urine, among other factors, is an indicator that a person is not drinking enough

Building Healthy Lungs Naturally
(included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit) 14/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

R. Digestion

Your Answer: 6.Combine proteins, starches, grains, fruit

Digestion is about enzymes, chewing, and proper food combining. Your food should be
reduced to liquid. Chew your foods 50 times each bite or you may well need food,
digestion, or metabolic enzymes to process the food. Enzymes act like the labor force
of your body, similar to the teamsters, warehousemen, and construction workers that
physically move material from place to place. In addition to the energetic loss via toxic
air, genetic engineering, extra long periods on the store shelves, or being picked green
instead of ripe, when you cook food, you kill the enzymes, and lung function is
reduced because extra oxygen is needed to enhance the digestion and processing of
the cooked deadened food. In effect, your lungs have to work harder to replace the
oxygen-based energy that the enzymes no longer support. Many foods do not digest
well when combined with others such as fruits with proteins, or proteins with starches,
which most often comprises the majority of the standard Western "meat and
potatoes" diet. More about food combining in Building Healthy Lungs Naturally
included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Copious enzymes mean extra natural energy; lots of it. They take a huge
detoxification load off the lungs and allow the lungs to better process simple and
complex carbohydrates via excretion of carbon dioxide. To inhibit this process with
dead fiber-less foods causes waste and toxins to back up into the breathing system,
blood, and other body tissues. There are thousands of plant and human body
(metabolic) enzymes and comparatively few digestive enzymes. Too few people take
enough supplemental digestive enzymes as they are too often too expensive. If you
eat less than 100% raw living foods, you need a good and affordable digestive

For more information:

Enzymes article

Optimal Digestion
Building Healthy Lungs Naturally
(included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit)

S. Environmental Risk Factors

Your Answer:
S1: a.In area with bad outdoor pollution/smog, etc. b.In building or home without
open windows

This indicates that your environment, perhaps even without you realizing it, is causing
you to slowly lose your "lung power". For good ways to clean and protect your
breathing environment, call us for our recommended Clean Air Specialist - 866
MyInhale 866 694 6425 or email at

For more information:

Air Pollution and The Air You Breathe Can Kill You 15/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

V. Tasks, Abilities, Skills

Your Answer:
V1. a.Sing, speak, or play musical instrument better c.Improved concentration
f.Improved coordinated movement h.Reducing performance anxiety i.Increased
V2. o.Other

Many skills and tasks are influenced by UDB = Unbalanced Dysfunctional Breathing.

Our brains may have hundreds of options or possibilities of resolution of any given
task, but if our breathing is frozen (UDB), we cannot access those options. Panic is a
good example. Trying to learn something new or improve something while you have
imperfect breathing is limiting or distracting. You can think of something or create it
with your mind or thoughts, but your breathing must properly engage and remain
balanced to allow for that thought to become a balanced reality. Breathing is the
force, the energy of motion and manifestation. Just thinking does not make it so. Just
breathing does not make it so. They MUST work together in balance and harmony.

V1.a. Sing or Speak Better and V2. Voice Quality

Your voice is often a reflection of your core-level internal power and vitality. If you can
breathe right, you can sing, but if you sing, you do not necessarily breathe right.

Singing and speaking are comprised of wind-passing membranes supported by

balanced breathing. Singing and speaking require internal integrity of the diaphragm
size and strength, erect physical posture, rib cage flexibility, windpipe roundness and
openness, plus open nostrils, clear sinuses, and a relaxed throat and jaw.

Due to its being the foundation of power and sustaining sound and shaping tone,
breathing should most often be addressed first. Singing teachers can then, or
concurrently with Optimal Breathing® development, more readily help develop style
and technique for special effects and performance goals of the singing person -
amateur, professional, or competitive.

Your voice is nothing more than wind passing membranes. Hold your breath and you
have no voice.

For more information:

Singing and Speaking article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Singing and Speaking Theme
Private Sessions with Mike

V1.c. Concentration and focus

The foundation of concentration is based in the smoothness and regularity of the
breathing. UDB makes it hard to concentrate. Attention Deficit Disorder often
correlates with this aspect of UDB.

1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (

Focus and Concentration Theme

V1.f. Improved coordinated movement and V1.g. Improved physical

Work on redeveloping breathing during movement, such as walking or stretching.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Secrets of Optimal Natural Breathing Manual

V1.h. Reducing performance anxiety

Poor breathing is a huge cause of performance anxiety. Use the Straw exercise right
before performing and regularly practice Optimal Reflex Triggering (ORT). BOTH are
demonstrated in DVD2 included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Deepest Calm Theme

V1.i. Increased productivity

This is related to energy, stamina, and mental clarity. The Energy Theme which is
included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit is very effective in improving all of

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Energy Theme

W. Exercise Activity

Your Answer: 3.Active-moderate exercise or sports like cycling, skiing, tennis, heavy
weight training 3-5 days a week

Level 3. Active - moderate exercise or sports like cycling, skiing, tennis, heavy weight
training 3-5 days a week

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (
Energy Theme (Sports Performance Program)
Secrets of Optimal Natural Breathing Manual (for weight training)
Super Booster Green Food E3live
Oxygen Concentrator 17/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Y. Desired Longevity

Your Answer:
Y1.Age: 33
Y2.Sex: male
Y3.Desired longevity: 90

Breathing strength, volume, and internal coordination are primary markers for
biological age and longevity. Science has proven that your breathing quantity and
quality largely control how long you will live. How old you really are is largely a
function of your breathing volume and biological age, not your chronological age in
years. Plan on living to a very old age and make sure you are healthy enough to enjoy
it. To be REALLY ALIVE at age 105, learn to breathe better NOW.

For more information:

Longevity article

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (

Z. Top Priority

Your Answer: Nothing

You will discover that working on one area will positively affect other areas. For

"When my shortness of breath decreased, my sleep improved, my energy

increased, and my weight started to slowly go down."
"My anxiety is lessening, and my self esteem is increasing."
"My voice is getting stronger, and people are paying more attention to me and
taking me more seriously. I feel stronger as a person."


If you are not already certain, then begin with the

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit (

the most important of all. This will most often immediately make a
HUGE difference in your breathing freedom, ease, depth, balance,
quantity, and quality.

Why the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit's WHOLE 9 YARDS approach?

It is a very comprehensive collection of insights and information about breathing
development, including nutrition, internal cleansing, ergonomics, and various special
techniques and exercises. To do just one technique or exercise will help some now,
but if continued over time will reach a cross over point where that technique or
exercise becomes limiting and even harmful. Variety is mandatory to developing
one's breathing. Breath is life. Rotate the exercises and study breathing, for life. 18/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

Take action. Breath really IS life. Breathing Improvement is guaranteed.

Testimonials from previous customers and clients.

You can always e-mail or call us with your questions. We will be more than happy to
give you guidance.

Email or call Toll Free Eastern Time 866 694 6425 (866 My
International - phone 001 704.597.6775 Skype 704.315.2114


Michael Grant White, NCLMBT, NE, Optimal Breathing Development Master Trainer

If you wish to receive another copy of your test answers and our recommendations via
email, be sure to add to your spam filter and
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RECAP of ALL your answers

A. 70
B. 6
C. Yes
D. 20
E1. a.Raise collar bones b.Raise shoulders
E2. a.Shortness of breath l.Breathing heavy or labored m.Breathing forced
n.Breathing jerky, erratic, or irregular o.Breathing is shallow v.Feelings of suffocation
w.Breathing feels small, unsatisfying, or inadequate y.Breathing is suppressed or held
back z.Breathing seems to go in the wrong place or just doesn't feel right
aa.Frequently concerned or worried about your breathing
G. 1.Shortness of breath, unsatisfying breath 3.Breathing feels stuck 5.Breathing feels
like series of events 6.Breathing labored or restricted 18.Stiff neck 20.Tension around
H1. a.Slouch, slump, bend forward, lean to one side, sit/lie in a twisted position often
H2: a.Back b.Side
I. 4.Sit in a car, bus, train, plane or office seat more than a few hours daily
J1. l.Through nose
J2. a.Never sick and don't take medications d.Quick recovery
K2. c.Under physician care
L. 6.Chronic pain 8.Repetitive strain injury 16.Excessive stress
M. 2.Negative attitude 5.Trouble concentrating or easily distracted
N. 1.Anxiety and/or panic attacks 2.Depression 11.Excessive anger 16.Extreme recent
stress or emotional trauma
P1. i.Caffeine j.Alcohol
P2. 8
P4. Yes
R. 6.Combine proteins, starches, grains, fruit 19/20
1/7/2017 Your Answers to the Free Breathing Test

S1. a.In area with bad outdoor pollution/smog, etc. b.In building or home without
open windows
V1. a.Sing, speak, or play musical instrument better c.Improved concentration
f.Improved coordinated movement h.Reducing performance anxiety i.Increased
V2. o.Other
W. 3.Active-moderate exercise or sports like cycling, skiing, tennis, heavy weight
training 3-5 days a week
Y1. 33
Y2. male
Y3. 90
Z. Nothing
Z2. Enter comments here 20/20

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