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Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry Chapter

Andrew Herlich, Brian P. Martin, Lisa Vecchione, and Franklyn P. Cladis

Human Dentition  1023 Dentist’s Needs and Techniques  1030
l Dental Development  1023 l Clinical Settings for Pediatric Dentists  1031
l Dental Identification  1025 Sedation and Anesthesia for Dental Procedures  1033
l Dental Anatomy and Physiology  1025 l Procedural Sedation  1033

Dental Pathophysiology  1027 l General Anesthesia  1034

l Orthodontic Pathology  1028 Postoperative Problems  1037
l Facial Cellulitis  1030 l Dental Complications of Anesthesia  1038

Patient Spectrum  1030 Summary  1040

I n light of the advances in health care, dental disease is

still among the most prevalent of diseases, accord-
ing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dental Development
Although dental caries (tooth decay) is largely preventable, it
remains the most common chronic disease of children aged Initial calcification of the primary tooth buds may be seen in the
6 to 11 years, and of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years. Tooth fourth month of prenatal life. In general, by the end of the sixth
decay is more common than many other common chronic dis- prenatal month, all of the primary teeth have begun to develop.
eases of childhood including asthma. It is four times more com- The newborn infant is edentulous, with the rare exception of a
mon than asthma among adolescents aged 14 to 17 years (CDC mandibular central incisor. This natal or neonatal tooth tends
Division of Oral Health). Maternal nutritional and behavioral to be quite mobile, and in the past it was thought to require
influences are very strong factors that propagate transmission immediate extraction. Recent data suggest that by the end of
of caries from the mother to her infant (American Academy of the neonatal period, this mobile tooth becomes quite stable and
Pediatrics, 2003). The impact of caries is pervasive; poor nutri- capable of normal masticatory function. This is indeed fortu-
tion may cause them or be the result of them. However, fluori- nate for the infant, because these neonatal teeth are frequently
dation of community water supplies, use of children’s vitamins the only primary teeth that develop in that position (King and
containing fluoride, and increased awareness of dental hygiene Lee, 1989; Cunha et al., 2001).
have produced a significant reduction in dental caries in the The sequence of eruption of human teeth may critically
general population. affect infant feeding, behavioral, and masticatory skills. Major
Despite advances in preventive dentistry, some conditions changes in the appearance of the dentition in the oral cavity
still require more than local anesthesia to facilitate dental probably alter important aspects of neurobehavioral develop-
treatment. General anesthesia may be required to treat chil- ment (Wright, 2000). As an example of eruption sequence alter-
dren with severe systemic disease or disabling congenital ations, premature infants and neonates requiring prolonged
anomalies, as well as infants and toddlers with milk-bottle car- orotracheal intubation have significant defects in both oral and
ies who require partial or complete oral rehabilitation. General dental structures that may persist past age 5 years, even after
anesthesia may also be required for children and adolescents removal of the orotracheal tube (Fadavi et al., 1992).
with severe developmental delay who require a safe and effec- The order of appearance of the teeth in the oral cavity tends to
tive environment to render the necessary dental treatment. In follow generalized patterns (Table 32-2). Usually the teeth erupt
addition, the fearful or combative child may require procedural in pairs. A mandibular right central incisor erupts at approxi-
sedation when behavior modification techniques have not suc- mately the same time as the mandibular left central incisor, at
ceeded. Proper care for these populations necessitates a care approximately 6 to 7 months of age. The mandibular teeth usu-
team approach, consisting of properly trained anesthesia and ally precede their maxillary counterparts; the maxillary incisors
dental providers. A glossary of commonly used dental terms is erupt approximately 1 month later than the mandi­bular inci-
shown in Table 32-1. sors. The eruption sequence continues and is usually complete

1024   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

TABLE 32-1. Glossary of Common Dental Terms TABLE 32–2. Eruption Sequence of the Human Dentition

Proper Name Common Name or Definition Approximate Age Approximate Age

Eruption Begins Eruption Is Completed
Abutment Tooth or teeth on either side of an
edentulous area supporting a bridge Primary Dentition
Amalgam Silver-coated restoration Maxillary
Bicuspid Premolar tooth (older term) Central incisor 7½ mo 1½ yr
Bitewing Dental radiograph that views several Lateral incisor 9 mo 2 yr
adjacent maxillary and mandibular teeth
simultaneously; especially useful in Cuspid 18 mo 3¼ yr
evaluating dental caries First molar 14 mo 2½ yr
Bruxism Involuntary tooth grinding Second molar 24 mo 3 yr
Burr Drill bit used to prepare a tooth for caries Mandibular
Central incisor 6 mo 1½ yr
Caries Dental cavity or cavities
Lateral incisor 7 mo 1½ yr
Composite Tooth-colored restoration
Cuspid 16 mo 3¼ yr
Crown Portion of the tooth seen in the mouth above
the gum line; also, term used for the dental First molar 12 mo 2¼ yr
restoration of the same anatomic region;
Second molar 20 mo 3 yr
popularly known as a cap
Cuspid Canine tooth (older term) Permanent Dentition

Diastemata Separations between the teeth; commonly Maxillary

seen between the maxillary central Central incisor 7–8 yr 10 yr
Lateral incisor 8–9 yr 11 yr
Dry socket Nonhealing extraction site
Cuspid 11–12 yr 13–15 yr
Endodontic therapy Root canal therapy
First bicuspid 10–11 yr 12–13 yr
Exfoliation Spontaneous loss of a tooth
Second bicuspid 10–12 yr 12–14 yr
Exodontia Dental extraction
First molar 6–7 yr 9–10 yr
Eye tooth Canine tooth (familiar term)
Second molar 12–13 yr 14–16 yr
Gingivitis Inflammation of superficial aspects of the
peridontium Mandibular
Handpiece Dental drill Central incisor 6–7 yr 9 yr
Ludwig’s angina Dental infection of the floor of the mouth Lateral incisor 7–8 yr 10 yr
involving the submandibular, submaxillary, Cuspid 9–10 yr 12–14 yr
and submental spaces bilaterally
First bicuspid 10–12 yr 12–13 yr
Milk tooth Primary or baby tooth
Second bicuspid 11–12 yr 13–14 yr
Occlusion Patient’s “bite”
First molar 6–7 yr 9–10 yr
Oral prophylaxis Dental cleaning
Second molar 11–13 yr 14–15 yr
Overbite Degree of vertical overlap of the maxillary
teeth over the mandibular teeth From Schour I, Massler M: The development of the human dentition, JADA
Overjet Degree of horizontal projection of the 28:1153, 1941. Reprinted by permission of ADA Publishing.
maxillary teeth beyond the mandibular
Periapical Area surrounding the apex of the root; a
periapical dental radiograph also includes
the clinical crown of the tooth by age 2 to 2½ years. The last tooth to erupt is the deciduous
Periodontium Soft and hard tissues surrounding and second molar, called the 2-year molar because of its appearance
supporting teeth at age 2 years.
Pulpotomy Therapeutic removal of the coronal portion
When completed, the primary dentition totals 20 teeth
of the dental pulp (Wright, 2000). As the toddler’s growth continues, the man-
dible and maxilla enlarge, causing separations, also known as
Pyorrhea Common name for periodontal
inflammation, or gum disease; except for diastemata, between the primary teeth (Zwemer, 1993). The
gingivitis, periodontal disease is rare in diastemata increase as the primary teeth are beginning to exfo-
children liate and the permanent or succedaneous teeth begin to erupt.
Rubber dam Square latex or vinyl sheet used to isolate The separations also permit sufficient room for the proper
the teeth from the oral cavity during dental alignment of the permanent dentition.
treatments The maintenance of the health and hygiene of the pri-
mary teeth is essential to avoid premature tooth loss. When
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1025

primary teeth are prematurely lost as a result of decay or p­ lacement, or other jaw manipulation, as immature permanent
trauma, the space needed for the permanent tooth erup- teeth may be predisposed to luxation or avulsion trauma if too
tion is also lost because the natural tendency of the tooth great a force is placed on them.
is to tip mesially (toward the midline) in the oral cavity.
Subsequently, dental malocclusions tend to occur. Finally,
the primary teeth may also function as the permanent teeth
Dental Identification
if the permanent analogous tooth fails to develop (Wright,
2000). There are two principal universal dental identification systems.
The transition period between exfoliation of the primary In both systems, the primary teeth are designated by letters,
teeth and eruption of the permanent teeth is called the mixed- and the permanent teeth are designated by numbers. These
dentition phase. This phase continues until the last primary systems differ in the way that the dental arches (mandible and
tooth is normally exfoliated or extracted. Unlike the primary maxilla) are divided. The first system uses a sequential means
teeth, the permanent teeth normally erupt so that there is for identification, with the primary maxillary right second
tooth-to-tooth contact. molar designated as tooth A and followed sequentially around
Development of the secondary, or permanent, dentition the contralateral side of the maxilla to the left second molar,
begins at birth with calcification of the buds of the permanent which is tooth J. The primary mandibular left second molar is
first molars. The permanent dentition begins its eruption pat- tooth K, and the sequence is completed on reaching the man-
tern with the permanent first molar, usually at approximately dibular right second molar, tooth T. Similarly, the numbering
6 years of age. Like their primary counterparts, the mandibular system for the permanent dentition starts with the maxillary
teeth usually precede the maxillary teeth, with the permanent right third molar as tooth 1 and continues to the maxillary left
mandibular incisors beginning to appear at approximately age third molar, tooth 16. The sequence continues with the man-
6 to 7 years. Unlike the primary dentition, where there is usu- dibular left third molar, tooth 17, and is completed with the
ally a variability of several months in the timing of eruption, the mandibular right third molar, tooth 32 (Herlich, 1990). Both
permanent teeth may vary as much as 1 to 2 years in eruption pediatric and general dentists commonly use this system of
sequence. After eruption of the permanent first molars, eruption tooth identification.
of the remaining permanent teeth then occurs in this sequence: The second designation system divides the dental arch into
mandibular central incisors, maxillary central ­incisors, man- quadrants. All primary central incisors are tooth A and follow
dibular lateral incisors, maxillary lateral incisors, mandibular distally or posteriorly, so that all primary second molars are
cuspids, maxillary and mandibular first premolars, maxillary tooth E. To make the designation more specific, the quadrant
and mandibular second premolars, maxillary cuspids, and man- is also named. For example, the primary maxillary right lateral
dibular and maxillary second molars (see Table 32-2). At the incisor is designated maxillary right B. Similarly, the perma-
completion of the eruption sequence, the permanent dentition nent dentition is divided into quadrants. All central incisors are
consists of 32 teeth (Wright, 2000). tooth 1 and continue posteriorly, so that all third molars are
The third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, have tooth 8. This system is most commonly used by orthodontists
the least predictable eruption sequence of any of the human (Fig. 32-1).
dentition. They may erupt as early as age 15 to 16 years, as late
as age 25 years, or not at all. Quite commonly, the third molars
fail to erupt because of dental germinal pattern alterations or
Dental Anatomy and Physiology
impactions in the soft or hard tissues. Impactions usually occur
because of insufficient bony growth of the maxilla or mandible The tooth is composed of a crown, which is usually visible for
in proportion to the individual’s full dental complement. clinical examination, and a root, which is not seen during rou-
In addition to the frequently absent third molars, two other tine clinical examination. They are separated by the cemento­
permanent tooth forms are sometimes congenitally absent. The enamel junction or cervical region of the tooth (Fig. 32-2). The
mandibular premolars and the maxillary lateral incisors may be cementoenamel junctions are seen more commonly in adult
congenitally absent, either singly or in symmetric pairs (Neville dentition if gingival (“gum”) recession occurs. The crown is
et al., 2002). Occasionally, a tooth that is thought to be congeni- responsible for the slicing, ripping, and grinding of foodstuffs
tally absent is actually impacted in the soft tissues or alveolar (incisors, canines, and molars, respectively). The root structure
bone. imparts stability to the tooth in its surrounding tissues. The
Just as there are congenitally absent teeth, there are super- anterior teeth, the incisors and the canines, are single rooted
numerary or accessory teeth. The most common supernumer- with a conical shape. The posterior teeth, the premolars and
ary tooth is the mesiodens, a conically shaped tooth consistently molars, are multirooted and impart most of their stability by
located in the midline between the maxillary central incisors. both the number of roots and the subtly divergent directions in
Other supernumerary teeth are the third premolars and fourth which the roots may grow.
maxillary molars (Neville et al., 2002). Surrounding the root structure of the tooth is the periodon-
Identification of mobile primary versus transitional, or tium, which is composed of three structures as follows:
mixed, dentition can be of importance to anesthesia personnel.
It is often recommended that mobile primary teeth be removed l The most external portion is a combination of the gingival
prior to airway instrumentation, as they may be at risk for dis- and alveolar mucosa, which constitute the soft tissue cover-
lodgment and airway obstruction. Likewise, it is important to ing for the remainder of the periodontal structures.
note that newly erupted permanent teeth are often slightly l The periodontal ligament attaches the external surface of
mobile, with incomplete root formation. For this reason, the root to the alveolar bone, acting as a shock absorber and
extra care should be taken during laryngoscopy, oral airway anchor during masticatory function.
1026   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

Central incisor (first incisor)
Lateral incisor (second incisor)
Canine (cuspid)
First molar
Second molar


Second molar
First molar
Lateral incisor (second incisor)
MANDIBULAR Central incisor (first incisor)

Central incisor (first incisor)

Lateral incisor (second incisor)
Canine (cuspid)
First premolar (first bicuspid)
Second premolar (second bicuspid)
First molar
Second molar
Third molar


Third molar
Second molar
First molar
Second premolar (bicuspid)
First premolar (bicuspid)
Canine (cuspid)
Lateral incisor (second incisor)
Central incisor (first incisor)
n  FIGURE 32-1. A, Tooth identification and sequence. B, Cast models of the primary dentition (upper) and permanent dentition (lower).
(A, From Herlich A: Dental complications of anesthesia, Prog Anesthesiol 11:250, 1990. B, From Ash MM Jr, editor: Wheeler’s dental anatomy,
physiology, and occlusion, ed 7, Philadelphia, 1993, Saunders, p 2.)
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1027

n  FIGURE 32-2. Schematic (left) and

Maxillary sinus radiographic (right) views of a right
maxillary molar. (Modified with permission
Alveolar bone
from Ash MM Jr, editor: Wheeler’s dental
anatomy, physiology, and occlusion, ed 7,
Periodontal Philadelphia, 1993, Saunders, p 6.)


Root canal
Pulp chamber

Buccal Palatal Mesial Distal

l The bony component is called the alveolar bone or tooth acquired during the intraoral lifetime of the tooth (Wright,
socket. Beneath the alveolar bone rests the supporting basal 2000). Two examples are tetracycline staining (developmental)
or skeletal bone. Basal bone, the part seen in edentulous and caffeine staining (acquired).
patients, forms the skeletal support for full or partial den- The pulp chambers of the primary teeth are larger than the
tures. When the tooth structure is lost, alveolar bone is also permanent teeth because of the relative thinness of the decidu-
lost and is not naturally regenerated. ous enamel and dentin (Wright, 2000). Less than meticulous
dental restorations or large carious lesions may predispose the
The individual teeth are composed of enamel, dentin, dental
primary teeth to pulpal or endodontic therapy earlier than their
pulp, and cementum (Wright, 2000) (see Fig. 32-2). The enamel
permanent counterparts.
covers the external surface of the dental crown. It is the hardest
The root structures of the primary molars are more saber
substance in the human body and, unlike bone, has no living
shaped and extend laterally beyond the crown width. This
cells. When intact, enamel functions as a thermal insulator and
unique root structure allows adequate room for the permanent
an impervious barrier to chemicals and microorganisms.
tooth bud to develop and mature until the exfoliative process is
On the internal surface of the enamel lies the dentin. It is
completed for the primary tooth (Wright, 2000).
composed of microtubules and has living cells in the dentinal
structure. When tooth decay is advanced, noxious stimuli are
readily transmitted via the dentinal tubules to the underlying DENTAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
dental pulp. The neurovascular supply of the individual teeth is
contained in the dental pulp. Pain is easily elicited by many dif- Despite declines in the overall caries rate of the general pop-
ferent stimuli—thermal, tactile, or liquid. The pain is transmit- ulation, dental caries remains a common chronic disease of
ted from the dental pulp through the root apices to the alveolar childhood. The high incidence is related to several risk factors,
bone and subsequently to the body’s pain receptors. including consumption of fermentable carbohydrates (sugar-
The final portion of the tooth structure is the dental cemen- containing beverages), lack of adequate oral hygiene practices
tum, which covers the external surface of the roots. Because and fluoride exposure, and socioeconomic status. Early child-
it is not nearly as hard and impervious to the surroundings hood caries specifically refers to severe caries involving mul-
as is enamel, noxious stimuli are perceived when the cemen- tiple teeth in the preschool age group.
tum is exposed. The cementum is similar to the dentin of the In the presence of fermentable carbohydrate, the metabolic
tooth. Patients who enjoy good dental health usually do not by-products of microorganisms (particularly Streptococcus
have exposed cementum. However, with gingival and alveolar mutans) result in the acidic demineralization of enamel of the
recession, root structure and its investing cementum may be teeth. If the body’s capacity for remineralization of the affected
exposed to the external environment. tooth is is overwhelmed, a microscopic cavity will form in the
Some morphologic differences exist between deciduous and surface of the enamel. Topical fluoride exposure in toothpaste
succedaneous teeth. The most obvious difference exists in the is an important resource for remineralization of these initial
size of the teeth in general. The deciduous teeth are signifi- lesions. If remineralization capacity is inadequate, the cari-
cantly smaller than their permanent counterparts. With respect ous lesion will progress through the enamel into the dentin,
to the molars, the buccal-lingual dimensions are proportion- or the inner layer of tooth structure. Further progression will
ately narrower. In contrast, the mesial-distal dimensions are involve the neurovascular bundle or pulp in the tooth. Bacterial
proportionately larger. contamination of the pulp will result in pulpal inflammation
Another difference between the sets of dentition rests in the (toothache) or outright necrosis. An acute or chronic dental
color of the enamel. The primary teeth are milky white, or opal- abscess may then develop. Localized signs of dental abscess
escent; hence, the name milk teeth. The permanent teeth, on include gingival edema, and pain during mastication or palpa-
the other hand, are significantly less “milky” because pigment tion. Treatment of dental abscess is accomplished with either
absorption has occurred during their development or has been endodontic therapy (root canal) or extraction of the tooth.
1028   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

n  FIGURE 32-3. Angle classification system for


Class I Class II Class III

Treatment of dental caries is surgical. Using a burr, the car- ­ ormal occlusion would result (Fig. 32-3). Angle’s classifica-
ious portion of the tooth structure is removed. The tooth is tion system is as follows:
then restored to form and function using an appropriate dental
Class I: Malocclusion, in which jaws are aligned well, but
restorative material, such as amalgam (traditional silver filling
teeth are crowded, rotated, or missing.
material), composite resin (mixture of plastic and silicate par-
Class II: Overbite, in which the maxilla may be too large and
ticles), or stainless steel (for crowns).
protrude, or the lower jaw may be too small and retruded.
The maxillary molar is anterior to the mandibular molar.
Class III: Underbite, in which the upper jaw is too small or
Orthodontic Pathology the lower jaw is too large and protrudes. The maxillary
molar is posterior to the mandibular molar.
Teeth erupt into the alveolar processes of the maxilla and man-
dible and are held into bone by the periodontal membrane and Discrepancies in the vertical or transverse dimension can
gingival fibers. Together, the teeth and the jaws provide struc- also contribute to a malocclusion. An openbite or deepbite
ture to the lower third of the face. In a normal bite, the maxilla describe how teeth fit together in the vertical dimension.
and maxillary teeth are larger, which allows the maxillary arch Whether orthodontic treatment should occur in one or
to overlap the mandibular arch. Occlusion describes how max- two phases of treatment is a source of controversy. Phase I,
illary and mandibular teeth fit together during chewing or at or early orthodontic treatment, may correct a problem when
rest. the patient still has primary teeth or has a combination of pri-
Malocclusion is the improper alignment of the teeth and jaws mary and permanent teeth. Some practitioners believe it may
or bad bite. A skeletal malocclusion describes a malalignment keep more serious problems from developing, and it may make
between the jaws. A dental malocclusion describes the inter- treatment at a later age shorter or less complicated. Typically,
arch relationship between the upper and lower teeth. A maloc- early treatment involves the use of materials and techniques to
clusion may be caused by both hereditary and environmental guide or modify growth as adult teeth are erupting (Kluemper
factors. Crowding, spacing, supernumerary teeth, hypo­dontia, et al., 2000)
and asymmetric jaw growth are determined mostly by inheri- Appliances used in early treatment may be removable or
tance. Environmental factors such as thumb sucking, dental fixed (cemented). They may be made of metal, ceramic, or
caries, premature loss of primary teeth, and trauma also can acrylic. Examples of appliances used to address transverse dis-
contribute to malocclusion (Mossey, 1999). An untreated mal- crepancies include palatal expanders, quad helixes, and trans-
occlusion can lead to tooth decay, periodontal disease, abnor- palatal arches (Fig. 32-4). Headgear therapy may be used to
mal wear of teeth, difficulty in chewing and speaking, and poor treat anteroposterior discrepancies (class II or class III maloc-
self-image. clusions) and are composed of a removable and fixed compo-
Edward H. Angle, who is regarded as the father of ortho- nent. A lower lingual holding arch is a banded appliance used
dontics, developed a classification system for malocclusion to maintain space for the eruption of permanent teeth in the
based on the sagittal (anteroposterior) relationship of the mandibular arch (Fig. 32-5). Functional appliances change
teeth and jaws (Angle, 1899). Angle believed the upper first the position of the lower jaw to produce movement of teeth
molars were critical to occlusion, and that the upper and and modification of growth. Examples of functional appli-
lower molars should meet so that the mesiobuccal cusp of ances include the Twin block, Herbst appliance (Fig. 32-6), and
the upper molar contacts in the buccal groove of the lower Bionator.
molar. If this molar relationship existed and the teeth were Phase II or active treatment involves placement of fixed
arranged on a smoothly curving line of occlusion, then appliances (braces) or Invisalign in the permanent ­dentition
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1029

n  FIGURE 32-7. Temporary orthodontic anchorage devices.

n  FIGURE 32-4. Appliances used to address transverse discrepancies

include bonded palatal expander (A), banded palatal expander (B),
quad helix (C), and transpalatal arch (D).

n  FIGURE 32-5. A lower lingual holding arch.

n  FIGURE 32-8. Nasoalveolar molding.

Combined surgical orthodontic treatment is used to treat

patients with severe malocclusions or craniofacial anomalies.
Presurgical orthodontic treatment is used to prepare patients
for surgery by removing dental compensations and upright
teeth over basal bone (Proffit and Miguel, 1995). In a traditional
orthognathic procedure, a surgical splint may be fabricated and
wired to the patient’s teeth. This splint may help the surgeon
determine the final position of the jaws.
Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is a presurgical orthopedic
technique used to reduce the severity of the cleft deformity in
infant patients with complete unilateral or bilateral cleft lip and
palate (Grayson et al., 1999). The appliance is composed of a
removable acrylic plate fabricated from an intraoral impression,
n  FIGURE 32-6. Herbst appliance, used to change the position and a nasal stent (Fig. 32-8). The amount of acrylic is sequen-
of the lower jaw. tially reduced to decrease the separation between the greater
and lesser alveolar segments. Once the gap between the alveo-
(Boyd, 2008). Treatment times vary with several factors, lar segments is 5 mm or less, the nasal stent is added to mold
including the severity of the problem being corrected, patient the nasal cartilage. Lip or nasal repair occurs at 4 to 6 months
response to treatment, and patient compliance. Temporary of age. Patients with NAM can present for cleft lip surgery or
anchorage devices (Fig. 32-7) are implants used to provide abso- ear, nose, and throat procedures such as myringotomy and
lute anchorage and help move teeth (Cope, 2005). Patients use tubes. The NAM appliance can be left in place during inhalation
retainers to keep teeth in their new positions after treatment. induction and mask ventilation, or it can be removed before the
1030   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

beginning of induction. The device should be removed before Emotionally impaired children or those who are too fear-
airway instrumentation for a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or ful to undergo routine treatment by a general dentist are fre-
endotracheal tube. quently referred to the pediatric dentist who is both familiar
with and comfortable in the treatment of such patients.
The pediatric dentist is routinely called on to treat the medi-
cally compromised child or adolescent when the general prac-
Facial Cellulitis
titioner is reluctant to get involved in treatment. For example,
Bacterial abscess can spread from the apex of the root of the pri- the pediatric dentist primarily treats the child with congenital
mary or permanent tooth into the surrounding alveolar bone heart disease, the insulin-dependent diabetic, the patient with
and periosteum into deep tissue planes of the face or neck, craniofacial anomalies, or the child with oncologic diseases in
resulting in an odontogenic facial cellulitis. Fever, dysphagia, conjunction with the pediatrician or primary care physician.
leukocytosis, trismus, and dehydration are common physical Both fear and lack of training may cause the general dentist
findings. The lateral pharyngeal, retropharyngeal, masticator, to feel quite uncomfortable in treating the compromised child
buccal, submandibular, and submental spaces may be involved. or adolescent. In addition, the general dental practitioner fre-
Appropriate antibiotic therapy and prompt surgical drainage and quently lacks the physical resources, such as specialized equip-
extraction of the infected tooth are critical components of care. ment, to care for these patients. The pediatric dentist is usually
Careful preoperative airway evaluation is critical in patients quite comfortable in recommending and prescribing antibi-
with facial cellulitis. Involvement of the masticator space or otic prophylaxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE), for
other anatomic spaces of the neck may threaten the airway. example, and keeps current with appropriate timing in dosage,
Ludwig’s angina, with bilateral involvement of the subman- effectiveness, and relative risks (Wahl, 1994; Hayes and Fasules,
dibular space and with associated superior displacement of the 2001; American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 2002e).
tongue base can cause airway compromise. A few unfortunate children develop such severe illnesses or
injuries that they require prolonged admissions in critical care
units. These children also need dental care, which takes place
PATIENT SPECTRUM at the bedside. For example, the child who has sustained sig-
nificant head injuries may develop neuropathic chewing, which
The population base of the pediatric dentist or pedodontist is damages dental tissues (wearing down of teeth via grinding
generally composed of healthy children who are able to com- action) or soft tissues (tongue or cheek maceration). The pedo-
prehend and follow simple directions by the pedodontists and dontist can fabricate an intraoral acrylic appliance to prevent
their staff. However, pediatric dentists are trained (2 years or further damage to oral tissues.
longer) to treat the following patient groups: Finally, the pediatric dentist may be called to the emergency
department of a hospital to treat orofacial trauma. This situ-
l Physically handicapped adolescents and adults
ation is more common in pediatric hospitals, where pediatric
l Neonates, young infants, and toddlers too young to coop-
dental house officers are on 24-hour call with attending super-
erate with routine dental care
vision. In general, in hospitals without specific pediatric dental
l Fearful, unmanageable, or psychologically challenged
services, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon handles pediatric
dental trauma.
l The entire spectrum of medically compromised children
l Children with dental problems in a hospital critical care
l Children with orofacial trauma
l Children requiring interceptive or minor orthodontic care
The pediatric dental patient requiring anesthesiology services
The physically handicapped patient most likely to appear for usually needs many dental procedures during a single anes-
pedodontal treatment has athetoid cerebral palsy, postencepha- thetic administration. The quality of dental restorations is
litis syndrome, profound mental retardation, or autistic behav- probably improved under general anesthesia (Tate et al., 2002;
ior (Dougherty et al., 2001; Shenkin et al., 2001; Waldman and Al-Eheideb and Herman, 2003). In addition, the parents of
Perlman, 2001). For example, patients with cerebral palsy may children who have had general anesthesia for pediatric den-
be wheelchair bound and have significant difficulty in control- tal care have greater satisfaction than parents of children who
ling athetoid motion. The use of nitrous oxide, which depresses did not have general anesthesia (Acs et al., 2001). After induc-
involuntary movement, may ensure a higher success rate in tion of general anesthesia and protection of the airway, the
dental treatments for patients with cerebral palsy (Kaufman anesthesiologist, the anesthesia machine, and the anesthesia
et al., 1991). The pedodontist is specially trained to deal with equipment cart are positioned at either the patient’s head or
these problems in the kindest and most expedient methods side.
available regardless of the clinical setting (Rosenstein, 1978; The dentist’s first step is to obtain necessary intraoral
Pope and Curzon, 1991). ­radiographs of the teeth (periapical, bitewing, and occlusal
The pedodontist may be called on to fabricate a presurgical radiographs). The dentist then performs a clinical examination.
appliance for cleft lip and cleft palate in newborn infants. These After placement of a pharyngeal pack (which should be noted on
presurgical appliances facilitate surgical closure of the palate. the anesthesia record), dental impressions may be taken if future
They also improve sucking and feeding in the cleft lip and palate orthodontic treatment is anticipated. Also, the dentist usually
patient. Toddlers who have circumoral burns from child abuse places a rubber dam around the dental arch to be treated. Despite
or domestic accidents may need an acrylic prosthesis to protect its name, the rubber dam is not usually latex. Nevertheless, if
their circumoral tissues from shrinkage. the patient is latex sensitive, care must be taken to ensure that
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1031

nonlatex products are being used. The rubber dam is held in attention span and optimal level of cooperation are early in the
place by a metal clamp that grasps the dental crown. A substan- day. Additional techniques include positive reinforcement, dis-
tial length of dental floss or umbilical tape is tied around the traction, and parental presence (American Academy of Pediatric
clamp before its placement, to prevent inadvertent loss in the Dentistry, 2008). Additional behavior modification techniques
aerodigestive tract. Except for extractions and oral prophylaxis, have been used by the dentist to physically restrain fright-
the remainder of the treatment is performed with the rubber ened children. This protective stabilization is the restriction
dam in place. Caries removal and tooth restoration take place of the patients’ freedom of movement, with or without their
with silver amalgam, tooth-colored composite, or preformed permission, to decrease the risk of injury and to allow the safe
crowns. The rubber dam affords the dentist a dry environment completion of the treatment. Included in these techniques are
in which the dental materials can cure optimally and achieve passive physical restraint with a rigid board (papoose board),
their greatest compressive and tensile strength. The rubber dam and active physical restraint by dental personnel. These tech-
is also a barrier to protect the patient from iatrogenic dental niques are controversial because of their potential psychologi-
trauma, including the accidental loss of dental materials or bro- cal trauma and legal implications (Nathan, 1989; Wilson, 1994;
ken instruments and their possible entrance into the aerodiges- Wright, 1994). Continuous monitoring of the patient is essen-
tive tract. The application of topical fluorides takes place after tial during protective stabilization.
all of the restorative dentistry is completed with the rubber dam Most analgesia for pediatric dental procedures is achieved
still in place (Mathewson and Primosch, 1995). by local anesthetic block. Most blocks are local infiltration in
When severe malocclusion, facial skeleton dysmorphism, the maxillary region, or mandibular nerve blocks in the man-
or tooth loss prevents rubber dam placement, the dentist dible. Adverse reactions to local anesthetics seldom occur when
still needs to maintain a dry intraoral environment. Injection they are administered alone. Most commonly, they are related
of ­glycopyrrolate (0.005 to 0.01 mg/kg) or atropine (0.01 to to a relative overdose or lapse in technique. However, even a
0.02 mg/kg) immediately after the placement of the intravenous low dosage, inappropriately injected, can cause palpitations,
cannula affords satisfactory intraoral conditions. The pedodon- diaphoresis, or even dizziness (Kaufman et al., 2000). Rarely
tist places cotton rolls along the buccal and lingual or facial does vasomotor collapse occur. True allergic reactions, includ-
and palatal margins of the adjacent soft tissues to assist in the ing allergy to metabisulfite or other preservatives of local anes-
achievement of a dry oral cavity. thetics (e.g., paraaminobenzoic acid), are probably the smallest
Pediatric dentistry may also encompass the need for oral and proportion of untoward reactions (Campbell et al., 2001).
maxillofacial surgery. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons frequently Behavior modification may include such novel approaches
perform these procedures after extensive training. Many oral as hypnosis or music therapy. Highly motivated, intelligent,
and maxillofacial surgeons have dual dental and medical train- attentive, or anxious children may have a good emotional and
ing, as well as fellowship training in head and neck surgery or analgesic response to hypnosis when other forms of behavior
plastic and reconstructive surgery. Because children may have modification, including pharmacologic forms, are precluded
craniofacial anomalies, including orofacial clefts, orthognathic (Kleinhauz and Eli, 1993). Children as young as 3 to 4 years
problems, tumors, and blunt or penetrating trauma, such sur- may be successfully hypnotized in the dental office (Lampshire,
gical management requires the ability to combine cosmesis, 1975). Music did not diminish pain, anxiety, or disruptive
restoration of normal occlusion, and the promotion of normal behavior in a recent study (Aitken et al., 2002), despite anec-
growth and development of the entire facial skeleton (Kaban, dotal beliefs of pediatric dentists and parents. Nevertheless, in
1993; Vig and Fields, 2000; Ord et al., 2002; Oza et al., 2002; this study, the patients enjoyed listening to the music and chose
Zeltser et al., 2003). to listen to music in subsequent visits.
Electroanesthesia (transcutaneous electronic nerve stimu-
lation [TENS]) has been used successfully for children in the
dental office setting. TENS is reported to be effective based
Clinical Settings for Pediatric Dentists
on several interrelated theories. These pain control theories
Most pediatric dental treatment occurs in the dental office include gate control, endorphin release, and serotonin release.
without the need for psychological or pharmacologic interven- For dental procedures, disposable electrode pads are placed
tion to address the child’s fear and anxiety. The hallmark of bilaterally in the treated dental arch after drying the buccal
dental pain management is a kind practitioner and staff and mucosa. Using a dentally specific TENS device, a pulse rate of
the responsible use of adequate local or topical anesthesia, or 110 Hz, and a pulse width of 225 microseconds in the normal
both. For some patients, simple behavior modification tech- mode, amplitude is slowly increased until the desired response
niques improve the level of cooperation in the dental chair. is obtained. Twitching of the lower lip is the amplitude end point
These techniques include the tell-show-do method and voice in the mandibular arch, and twitching of the orbicularis oculi
control for the fearful, hostile, or disruptive child. The tell- is the amplitude end point in the maxillary arch. Children are
show-do technique involves explaining before the procedure, instructed to raise a hand if the amplitude is too uncomfortable,
demonstrating the procedure outside of the child’s mouth, and and it is then diminished (te Duits et al., 1993). This technique
then actually performing the procedure on the patient. This works best in the area of restorative dentistry in the teeth that
technique removes the fear of the unknown from the proce- have relatively shallow lesions with respect to the dentoenamel
dure (Lenchner and Wright, 1975). Voice control involves junction (Quarnstrom, 1992; te Duits et al., 1993).
modulation of both the volume and tone of the dentist’s voice The spectrum of use of sedation is illustrated by the fact that
to achieve positive behavioral results (Wilson, 1994; American medication, including nitrous oxide, is being used less than in
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 2008). When behavior modi- previous years and studies. A study by Houpt (2002) suggests
fication is deemed necessary for a preschool child, it should that, although more sedation is being used, it is being used
be scheduled during the morning, because the child’s longest by fewer ­practitioners on more patients in the United States.
1032   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

A ­retrospective review of pediatric sedation management Retrospective data obtained from a national data bank ­indicated
suggests that at one U.S. dental school pediatric dental clinic, that dental office deaths were infrequent, and the number
nonpharmacologic behavioral management is favored more decreased substantially in the second survey. The decreases
frequently because of its greater success (Eid, 2002). One in deaths probably result from two factors. First, fewer gen-
British study estimated that more than 300,000 general anes- eral anesthesias were being administered in the dental office.
thesias are still being administered for dentistry each year in Second, the practice of the single individual being both dental
Great Britain, mostly for children. The authors suggest that practitioner and anesthetist is becoming less frequent because
fewer general anesthetics are available for dentistry now than of warnings and suggestions from the General Dental Council
in the 1970s (Blayney et al., 1999). It is implied that most gen- of Great Britain. The anesthetist and dental practitioner are
eral anesthesias in Great Britain, however, as opposed to in the more commonly two individuals, each of whose attention is
United States, are provided in a hospital setting. directed toward a single task. Also, the British survey indicated
Most pediatric dentists and those treating handicapped that the person providing anesthesia is more commonly a phy-
patients are experienced in the use of nitrous oxide and oral sician (Coplans and Curson, 1982, 1993). In the United States,
premedication when necessary in the dental office. The reported closed claims morbidity and mortality involving oral surgeons
advantages of nitrous oxide delivered via a Goldman nasal mask show that during the period of 1988 to 1999, there were 22
include analgesia and sedation (Nathan et al., 1988). The inci- deaths in the office and 136 anesthesia-related claims in total. It
dence of diffusion hypoxia is minimal after the use of nitrous was calculated that the death rate was 1 in every 747,732 (0.013
oxide and oxygen alone, as opposed to nitrous oxide supplemen- in 10,000) administrations of anesthesia in the dental office
tation to parenteral or oral sedatives (Quarnstrom et al., 1991; (Deegan, 2001). D’Eramo and colleagues (2008) in a survey of
Dunn-Russell et al., 1993). Hypoxemia may occur when 30% to oral maxillofacial surgeons in Massachusetts found the adult
50% nitrous oxide is added to chloral hydrate sedation (Litman death rate to be 1 in 1,733,055 from office-based anesthesia.
et al., 1998b). In a recent study, nasal midazolam and nitrous oxide Data from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium indi-
resulted in satisfactory sedation in 96% of the pediatric patients cated no mortality in over 49,000 propofol sedations, of which
without any clinically relevant oxygen desaturation (Wood, 2010). 307 were for dental procedures (Cravero et al., 2009).
However, in children with enlarged tonsils, oral midazolam In the United States, opposing forces create difficulties for
(0.5 mg/kg) and 50% nitrous oxide resulted in significant upper the pediatric dental patient. Economic issues tend to restrict
airway obstruction and implied hypoxia (Litman et al., 1998a). hospital-based procedures, including payment for the dental
Patients classified by the American Society of Anesthesiologists service only, without payment for the anesthesia service; pay-
(ASA) as having physical status I or II are appropriate candidates ment for the anesthesia service only, without payment for the
for treatment with pharmacologic adjuncts in the dental office dental service; and frequently no payment or only partial pay-
setting. If a child’s physical status is III or beyond, the hospital ment for the hospital service. Frequently, the patient’s family is
setting is probably a wiser choice. It must be emphasized that the faced with a significant out-of-pocket expense, which many can-
pediatric dentist should use local anesthesia to optimize analge- not afford. On the other hand, the litigious nature of our society
sia and anesthesia for the patient. Local anesthesia may add to the has prevented the rational expansion of anesthesia services in
potential complications of polypharmacy if attention is not paid the office environment beyond sedation. Mandated equipment
to dosages that are age and weight appropriate. This is especially and monitors and the cost of liability insurance may be prohibi-
true in the pediatric age group. The pediatric dentist rarely uses tive for the office practitioner.
intramuscular or intravenous sedation while serving as both Another issue with significant economic ramifications is the
the operator and the practitioner administering the sedation. cost of multiple treatments in the dental office with procedural
The reports of severe adverse outcomes include hypoxic brain sedation as opposed to a single session in the operating room
damage and occasional deaths, with the use of nitrous oxide, of the hospital under general anesthesia. In studying healthy
local anesthesia, and other premedicants. Anesthesiologists patients aged 24 to 60 months, Lee and colleagues (2001) found
should have an active role in the training of pediatric dentists that a patient who required more than three treatment visits
in techniques of anxiolysis and moderate sedation. Adverse with procedural sedation had more cost-effective treatment
outcomes will likely be diminished under these circumstances when all of the treatments were provided in a single visit under
(Herlich, 2010; Costa et al, 2010). Invariably, these adverse general anesthesia.
outcomes result from relative or absolute overdosage of one A reasonable compromise may be a well-equipped hospital or
or a combination of nitrous oxide, local anesthetic, and par- surgicenter dental clinic with standard monitoring devices and
enteral medication (Goodson and Moore, 1983; Doyle and resuscitation equipment. Pediatric patients with ASA status I or
Goepferd, 1989; Coté et al., 2000a). Because of the widely pub- II may be suitable candidates. With the use of proper equipment
licized adverse outcomes of dental office sedation and general and appropriately trained personnel, a large diversity of patients
anesthesia, the trend in this type of care has been to move away may be safely and satisfactorily treated on an outpatient basis.
from the dental office unless guidelines for deep sedation and If the clinic is rationally designed, including recovery areas
anesthesia by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry equipped with oxygen, suction apparatus, and essential moni-
are followed. These guidelines were promulgated in 1985 and toring devices, the anesthesiologist can safely administer the
restated in 2006 to promote and ensure that the public is aware anesthetic outside of the traditional operating room setting. It
and the pediatric patient is protected. The guidelines describe allows more efficient use of time and space as well as reduced
that the anesthesia care provider must be a separate individual cost. From the perspective of the parent and child, outpatient
with appropriate licensing, credentialing, and training to per- treatment permits a more rapid return to familiar surround-
form deep sedation and general anesthesia. ings and activities of daily living (Zuckerberg, 1994). Only the
In the United Kingdom, a group of investigators performed patients with disease or physical conditions that preclude off-
several retrospective analyses during the 1970s and 1980s. site clinical practice need to be treated in the operating room in
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1033

today’s environment. Some examples of the patients who may Conference, National Institutes of Health, 1985; Rosenberg
need the traditional operating room setting include those with and Campbell, 1991; Council on Scientific Affairs, AMA, 1993).
difficult airways, those with coagulopathies, and those with The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guidelines sug-
complex anomalies or cardiovascular disease for whom more gest that children who are status ASA III or IV should have
than standard monitoring is necessary. treatment that necessitates sedation performed in a hospital
The use of precordial/pulse oximetry for nitrous patients
SEDATION AND ANESTHESIA FOR DENTAL is not supported for nitrous oxide alone in the 2009 American
PROCEDURES Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Guidelines (American Academy of
Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 2006).
The key to success in anesthetic management is a good patient Additionally, a full E-cylinder of oxygen and a self-inflating bag
history and physical examination. The parent or caregiver of and mask capable of delivering 15 L/min of oxygen must be avail-
the child should be able to relate relevant data such as previous able in the care facility. An important monitor is a trained indi-
anesthetic successes and failures. These anesthetic experiences vidual whose sole duty is to pay attention to the electronic and
should also be related for any family members. Birth history, mechanical monitors in place and who is prepared to act on
growth, and development, including psychological issues and untoward events. As mentioned, the treating dentist should not
the child’s emotional status, may be helpful in conducting a be the person administering the anesthetic.
safe and pleasant dental experience. If the child has significant Before any sedation is administered, including nitrous oxide
fears or behavioral problems that warrant premedication, the with oxygen, appropriate fasting guidelines must be given to the
historical background permits the anesthesiologist to select an parents or guardians of the patient. Data suggest that prolonged
appropriate premedication agent. fasts meant to reduce the likelihood of vomiting and aspiration
The physical examination of the child must include the air- are somewhat deleterious to patient outcome. Guidelines for
way. Despite plans for nasotracheal intubation, the oral cavity fasting from solid foods, milk, and milk products remain at a
must also be examined, because nasotracheal intubation may minimum of 8 hours. However, clear liquids, including pulp-
not be successful. Loose teeth, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, or less juices, plain gelatin, and ice popsicles, are encouraged and
herpes labialis all affect the anesthesiologist’s management of acceptable until 2 hours before the anticipated arrival in the
the airway. Issues of nasal obstruction or sinus disease also have care facility. The pediatric patient is more cooperative and the
a great impact on the decision-making process for airway man- parents are more satisfied as a result of these suggested guide-
agement. Cardiac murmurs should be investigated as to their lines (Schreiner, 1994). All of these guidelines are predicated
relative seriousness. Most cardiac murmurs are in fact innocent on normal gastrointestinal function. If the patient has abnor-
flow murmurs; however, reasonable percentages are pathologic mal gastrointestinal function, more conservative fasting orders
conditions and warrant prophylaxis for endocarditis. Other fac- must be considered.
tors, such as coagulation status, neurologic history, and recent Oral, intranasal or transoral, parenteral, and rectal routes for
viral syndromes, may also affect the anesthesiologist’s decision- administration of sedative medications are used during proce-
making process. dural sedation. Pediatric dentists have traditionally and preferen-
tially used the oral route to administer premedication (Primosch
and Bender, 2001). The old practice of having the parents admin-
Procedural Sedation
ister a prescribed oral medication at home has been fraught with
In 1985, The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry estab- danger to the toddler and young child. Airway obstruction and
lished goals for sedation of the pediatric dental patient. These emesis with aspiration were real complications of that practice.
goals were updated in 2006 and are as follows: For reasons of safety, the practice has changed. Children are now
brought to the treatment facility or dental office 1 hour ahead
1. To guard the patient’s safety and welfare
of the scheduled procedure time, and the oral premedication is
2. To minimize physical discomfort and pain
administered under the guidance of the pediatric dentist. Two of
3. To control anxiety, minimize psychological trauma, and
the most popular agents have been hydroxyzine (1 to 2 mg/kg)
maximize the potential for amnesia
and chloral hydrate (50 to 75 mg/kg; maximal dosage, 2 g). These
4. To control behavior and/or movement so as to allow the safe
agents have had a good success rate and a reasonable margin of
completion of the procedure
safety. In addition, nitrous oxide may be given in conjunction
5. To return the patient to a state in which safe discharge from
with the usual administration of local anesthetic blocks (Moore
medical supervision, as determined by recognized criteria, is
et al., 1984; Shapira et al., 1992). More potent oral agents, such
as ketamine, diazepam, and midazolam, are also given in the
With these goals in mind, procedural sedation of the pedi- treatment facility or dental office. The practitioner must allow
atric dental patient may be considered. The foundations of a reasonable time for onset of action before dental treatment
pharmacologic sedation for the pediatric dental patient are (Sullivan et al., 2001). Oral midazolam has gained widespread
monitoring standards to which all practitioners should adhere popularity because of its reasonable margin of safety in addition
(Wilson, 2000). Minimum or moderate procedural sedation to its rapid onset for either premedication before general anes-
intended in the sensitive patient may become deep sedation or thesia or as the main agent for procedural sedation (Kupietzky
general anesthesia if vigilance is not applied. These standards and Houpt, 1993; Levine et al., 1993). These agents may be given
have been promulgated by several organizations, including alone or with another agent (Dallman et al., 2001; Bui et al.,
the ASA (2002), The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2002; Nathan and Vargas, 2002).
and American Academy of Pediatrics (McGuire, 2007), and the Mild oxygen desaturation has been noted and is easily treated
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2002d) (Consensus with supplemental oxygen and repositioning of the patient’s
1034   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

airway. In some cases, when nitrous oxide was added to the pain from a needle puncture has been successfully addressed
oral premedication, the degree of hypoxemia increased (Litman by inhalation of nitrous oxide in oxygen or the transmucosal
et al., 1998a). The use of traditional monitors such as clinical administration of midazolam. Use of EMLA (eutectic mixture of
observation, blood pressure, and pulse was clearly insufficient local anesthetics, 2.5% lidocaine, and 2.5% prilocaine) cream
to assess the degree of hypoxemia. Pulse oximetry, capnogra- or topical (ELA-Max) lidocaine cream before venipuncture has
phy, and precordial stethoscopes have become necessary to ade- been successful in reducing or eliminating needle puncture
quately assess and prevent poor outcomes despite limitations pain (Nilsson et al., 1994; Koh et al., 2004). Also, EMLA- and
in the pediatric dental environment (Anderson and Vann, 1988; lidocaine-impregnated patches have been used intraorally with
Poiset et al., 1990; Wilson, 1990; Dunn-Russell et al., 1993). The varying success before local anesthetic blocks and local pro-
use of supplemental oxygen also helps to reduce hypoxemia. cedures before the insertion of rubber dam clamps (Stecker
Novel means of improving oxygenation include the delivery of et al., 2002). The main disadvantage of the use of the transder-
supplemental oxygen via the saliva injector and the use of exter- mal local anesthetics in EMLA cream is that it requires applica-
nal nasal dilators (Milnes, 2002; Moses and Lieberman, 2003). tion at least 45 minutes to 1 hour before a painful procedure.
Intranasal or transoral administration of water-soluble agents ELA-Max is faster and requires approximately 30 minutes to
such as ketamine, midazolam, or sufentanil produces effective take effect (Koh et al., 2004).
sedation and premedication for procedural sedation. However,
sufentanil produces a significantly high incidence of respiratory
depression, even in relatively small dosages (1.0 mcg/kg) and is General Anesthesia
not recommended (Abrams et al., 1993). Midazolam (0.5 mg/kg
orally, or 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg intranasally) is ideal for creating a The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2002d) has issued
milieu in which the child is easily separated from the parent. It guidelines for the indications for general anesthesia for children
also transforms a disruptive child into a quiescent child in the having dental procedures (Box 32-1). Nunn et al. (1995) also
dental chair with minimal desaturation (Abrams et al., 1993; described the indications for general anesthesia in 265 pediatric
Levine et al., 1993). However, once the handpiece (dental drill) patients. These indications include extensive treatment needs,
was activated, the noise distracted the child sufficiently that the behavior management issues, medically compromised children,
pediatric dentist could not efficiently treat the child (Theroux extreme anxiety, and physical disabilities. The most common
et al., 1994). Despite the popularity of oral sedation, one group indication, accounting for 30.6% of the anesthesias, was intel-
of investigators found that there was no relationship between lectual impairment and autism. Dental phobia accounted for
oral sedation and behavior of the children in the dental office 21.4% of the patients.
on subsequent visits (McComb et al., 2002). Behavioral issues are a very common indication for sedation
The rectal route of administration for procedural sedation or general anesthesia in children. The behavioral issues may
and premedication has enjoyed popularity with only a small stem from fear and anxiety or an abnormality in development
number of practitioners. Midazolam (1.0 mg/kg or even higher such as autism, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy with
dosages) has been used for procedural sedation and for premed- mental retardation, and Down syndrome.
ication. Onset of action usually occurs within 15 to 30 min- Fear of dental procedures affects all ages. For some it may be
utes (Roelofse and Van der Bijl, 1991). The main drawback to so strong that dental visits are avoided altogether. In children,
rectal administration of these agents is the risk of expulsion of anxiety prior to a surgical or dental procedure centers on the
the sedative and the unreliable uptake from the distal colonic fear of pain, loss of control, and separation from the parent or
mucosa. guardian. Preoperative anxiety and its risk factors are discussed
Many drugs have been used as parenteral agents for proce- in Chapter 8, Psychological Aspects of Pediatric Anesthesia,
dural sedation in pediatric dentistry. Opioids, benzodiazepines, and Chapter 9, Preoperative Preparation. Children most at risk
antihistamines, ultra-short-acting barbiturates, and dissocia-
tives have been used successfully. All have had some negative
features as well. Short-acting agents with acceptable margins Box 32-1 American Academy of
of safety in dental sedation include methohexital, meperi- Pediatric Dentistry Guidelines for the
dine, ketamine, diazepam, and midazolam. Respiratory depres-
Elective Use of Sedation and General
sion and concomitant hypoxia have been the recurrent theme
in parenteral sedation by pediatric dentists (Allen, 1992; Coté Anesthesia
et al., 2000a, 2000b). As previously mentioned, clinical obser- l Patients who are unable to cooperate due to a lack of psy-
vation was insufficient and the airway was subsequently lost. chological or emotional maturity and/or mental, physical, or
Because of the fine line between moderate procedural seda- medical disability
tion, deep sedation, and general anesthesia, the dentist and l Patients who are extremely fearful, anxious, or non-commu-
assistant who administer procedural sedation must be experi- nicative or in instances where it may protect the developing
enced in recognizing and handling cardiorespiratory depres- l Patients who require significant surgical intervention or in
sion. Electrocardiography, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, instances where local anesthetic may be ineffective like an
capnography, and precordial stethoscope are essential moni- acute infection, anatomic variation, or allergy or patients
tors (American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy needing immediate comprehensive care.
of Pediatric Dentistry, 2006).
Other drawbacks to intravenous sedation in pediatric den- From the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry: Guidelines for the
tistry have been the potential for inflicted pain to achieve elective use of conscious sedation, deep sedation and general anesthesia
intravenous access and the lack of familiarity with drug com- in pediatric dental patients, Pediatr Dent 24:74, 2002.
binations on the part of the practitioner. The child’s fear of
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1035

for heightened anxiety are between 1 and 5 years old and have
TABLE 32-3. Antibiotic for Subacute Bacterial
divorced ­parents, previous negative medical experiences, and
Endocarditis (SBE) Prophylaxis
heightened emotionality (Kain et al, 2007).
Autism is an abnormality in neurodevelopment that results
Single Dose 30 to 60 min
in abnormal social interactions and recurrent repetitive behav- before Procedure
ior. The diagnostic criteria include age of onset of less than 3
years old, severe abnormality of social reciprocity, severe abnor- Indication Agent Adults Children
mality of communication development, and restrictive, repeti- No contraindications Amoxicillin (oral)    2 g 50 mg/kg
tive patterns of behavior and imagination (Klein and Nowak,
Unable to take oral Ampicillin (IM or IV)    2 g 50 mg/kg
1998). The incidence of autism is increasing and is now esti-
medication OR cefazolin or    1 g 50 mg/kg
mated to be 1 to 2 per 1000 (Newschaffer et al., 2007). Autism ceftriaxone (IM or IV)
spectrum disorders are a heterogeneous group of disorders
Allergic to penicillins Cephalexin (oral)    2 g 50 mg/kg
that include autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Rett syndrome, and or ampicillin OR clindamycin (oral) 600 mg 20 mg/kg
Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified OR azithromycin or 500 mg 15 mg/kg
(PDD-NOS). Children with autism and autism spectrum disor- clarithromycin (oral)
ders can be uncooperative and often require behavioral inter- Allergic to penicillins Cefazolin or ceftriaxone    1 g 50 mg/kg
ventions, sedation, or general anesthesia to complete a dental or ampicillin and (IM or IV)
examination or procedure. unable to take oral OR clindamycin (IM 600 mg 20 mg/kg
The child with significant medical disorders may require medication or IV)
the assistance of an anesthesiologist during dental care. Some Adapted from the AHA SBE guidelines 2007, Table 4.
of these medical disorders may include the child with a known IM, Intramuscular; IV, intravenous.
difficult airway, congenital cardiac disease, or multiple coex-
isting disorders. Children with cyanotic congenital heart dis-
ease may require SBE prophylaxis (Box 32-2). The appropriate
antibiotic selection is summarized in Table 32-3. Patients with Benzodiazepines are a very effective anxiolytic. Adults or
one of the cardiac conditions in Box 32-2 having dental proce- adolescents can be given diazepam. In one study, patients
dures that manipulate the gingival tissue or periapical region with autism were sedated more effectively with midazolam
of the teeth or perforate the oral mucosa require SBE prophy- (0.5  mg/kg) than with diazepam (0.3 mg/kg) (Pisalchaiyong
laxis. Procedures that do not require prophylaxis include rou- et al., 2005). In younger children, midazolam can be admin-
tine anesthetic injections through noninfected tissue, taking istered orally in a commercially flavored liquid or the con-
dental radiographs, placement of removable prosthodontic or centrated intravenous solution can be given intranasally. The
orthodontic appliances, adjustment of orthodontic appliances, recommended dosage for midazolam is 0.5 mg/kg and 0.2 mg/kg
placement of orthodontic brackets, shedding of deciduous teeth, for oral and nasal administration, respectively (Davis et al,
and bleeding from trauma to the lips (Wilson et al., 2007). 1995; Kain et al, 2000). Buccal midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) was
described for dental procedures but found not to be effective
(Hosey et al., 2009). Ketamine can also be administered alone
or in combination with midazolam. This combination is effec-
Patients presenting for general anesthesia often require a tive and provides both anxiolysis and analgesia. The dosage
premedication to reduce anxiety and enhance cooperation. of oral ketamine is 3 to 10 mg/kg. When combined with oral
midazolam, the dosage is typically 3 to 6 mg/kg. This combi-
nation has been described to be very effective in patients with
developmental delay. In this case report, the authors suggest
Box 32-2 Indications for the Use using a flavored soda such as Dr. Pepper to mask the bitter fla-
of Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis vor of the medication (Shah et al., 2009).
Prophylaxis Clonidine has also been described as a premedicant for anxi-
l Presence of a prosthetic cardiac valve or prosthetic material olysis for children prior to surgical procedures. There are some
for cardiac valve repair significant advantages. It has no bitter taste, it may provide
l Previous infective endocarditis some analgesia, and it may decrease the incidence of emer-
l Congenital heart disease (CHD), including the following: gence agitation, and it may decrease postoperative nausea and
l Unrepaired cyanotic CHD, including palliative shunts and vomiting. A significant disadvantage is its slow onset time (30
conduits to 45 minutes) (Almenrader et al., 2007; Dahmani et al., 2010).
l Completely repaired congenital heart defect with pros-
α2-Agonists have been used in patients with autism, autism
thetic material or device, whether placed by surgery or spectrum disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
by catheter intervention, during the first 6 months after (ADHD) and have been shown to have some benefit (Ming et al.,
the procedure
l Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adja-
2008; Scahill, 2009). Clonidine may be an effective premedica-
cent to the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device tion for these patients when they present for dental procedures.
(which inhibit endothelialization) The dosage of oral clonidine for sedation is 4 mcg/kg.
l Cardiac transplantation recipients who develop cardiac
valvulopathy Induction and Maintenance
Adapted from the AHA SBE guidelines, 2007. There is no standard anesthetic for children having dental
procedures. Patients that require a general anesthetic require
1036   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

medications that will allow them to remain motionless dur- of action along with its antiemetic benefits (Coté, 1994).
ing repeated painful stimuli without feeling pain or having Remifentanil is also an appropriate choice.
recall. This can be achieved with intravenous or inhalational Studies have not demonstrated benefit of one anesthetic
anesthetics. The principles that guide the selection of anesthet- technique over another for dental procedures. Konig et al,
ics depend on the underlying medical disorders and the pro- (2009), in a double-blind study, compared a sevoflurane-based
cedure being performed. In the United States, the traditional anesthetic with a propofol-based anesthetic and found no dif-
induction technique for general anesthesia in the pediatric age ference in emergence delirium or postoperative pain. However,
group has been inhalational anesthesia. The anesthesia mask there was significantly less postoperative nausea and vomiting
is coated with a pleasant scent such as a fruit-scented lip balm. in the propofol group. Children with autism may have increased
Sevoflurane, nitrous oxide, and oxygen is administered using propofol requirements when compared with other children
high flows and concentrations while the anesthesiologist tells with intellectual impairments. In a retrospective study, Asahi
a story or employs another distraction technique. Intravenous and others (2009) found that an increased amount of propo-
induction techniques may include the use of a transdermal local fol was required to achieve adequate sedation in children with
anesthetic (ELA-Max), followed by the insertion of an intrave- autism.
nous cannula and subsequent administration of an appropri- Postoperative pain management for children having den-
ate intravenous agent, most commonly propofol or thiopental tal surgery is best accomplished with a multimodal technique.
(Zuckerberg, 1994). Propofol can be mixed with lidocaine (1 mL Intraoperatively, the dentist can place dental nerve blocks prior
of 1% lidocaine added to 9 mL of 1% propofol) to minimize local to dental extractions. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents
irritation and pain (see Chapter 13, Induction, Maintenance, such as ketorolac are very effective for dental pain. The phar-
and Recovery). Other, less commonly used techniques for the macology of ketorolac has been established in infants and chil-
induction of general anesthesia include rectal administration dren. A dosage of 0.5 mg/kg provides adequate analgesic plasma
of methohexital, thiopental, ketamine, or midazolam (Martone levels, and it is cleared at a faster rate in infants, even in those
et al., 1991; Roelofse and Van der Bijl, 1991; Zuckerberg, 1994). less than 6 months old, than in adults (Lynn et al., 2007; Zuppa
The nasal or oral transmucosal administration of water-­soluble et  al., 2009). Analgesia may also be supplemented with mor-
agents such as ketamine or midazolam has also been used phine (0.05 to 0.10 mg/kg), or fentanyl (1 to 4 mcg/kg).
(Levine et al., 1993).
When all other attempts have been futile for a child with
Airway Management
intellectual or emotional handicaps, an intramuscular injection
of ketamine and glycopyrrolate with or without midazolam is Management of the airway during general anesthesia for den-
used. These techniques should be attempted only with appro- tistry begins with mask ventilation. If the patient has a NAM
priate monitoring and when oxygen, self-inflating resuscitation device in place, it can be removed before initiating mask venti-
bag, and suction are available. lation. If the device does not interfere with mask ventilation, it
Once general anesthesia is induced, intravenous access can be left in place until the airway is instrumented. Intubation
and the airway are secured. All monitors may be placed before for dental procedures is typically performed nasally to keep the
or after induction of anesthesia, depending on the coopera- mouth clear for the dentist or oral surgeon. During the preop-
tion of the patient. When possible, the first monitors that are erative examination, a history of epistaxis should be elicited,
placed, regardless of the timing of their placement, should be and the nares should be inspected for evidence or recent nose-
pulse oximetry and a precordial stethoscope. Careful position- bleeds. A child who is old enough may be able to breath through
ing, padding, and application of thermal conservation devices the nares individually to determine which one is more patent.
must be accomplished before beginning dental treatment (see Despite these preoperative tests, epistaxis may still be a signifi-
Chapter 13, Induction, Maintenance, and Recovery). cant issue.
Maintenance of anesthesia for the pediatric patient having Preparation of the nasal cavity is essential to minimize the
dental surgery can be accomplished with either an inhalation risk of bleeding and to optimize the laryngoscopic or fiberoptic
technique or an intravenous technique. Sevoflurane is used view. Once the child has been anesthetized, a mucosal vasocon-
very commonly as an inhaled anesthetic for outpatient anes- strictor such as oxymetazoline (Afrin) is applied to the nasal
thesia. Its use has been described in children having dental mucosa in both nares. The dosage for the child between 2 to
procedures. Desflurane is also commonly used for outpatient 5 years of age is 2 to 3 drops of a 0.025% solution in each nos-
procedures because of its relatively low blood gas solubility. tril (Mcgee et al., 2009). Oxymetazoline can be administered as
There does not appear to be a significant advantage of either of drops or it can be applied via nasal cottonoids. There is con-
these agents over the other for ambulatory anesthesia in terms troversy regarding the use of topical vasoconstrictors. Some
of clinically significant discharge times. A potential concern pediatric anesthesiologists choose not to use topical vasocon-
for desflurane is its effect on airway reactivity. Patients recov- strictors (phenylephrine or oxymetazoline) because of concern
ering from desflurane may experience more coughing than about cardiac complications (e.g., pulmonary edema and car-
those receiving sevoflurane (White et  al., 2009). This occurs diac arrest) (Thrush, 1995; Groudine et al., 2000). Systemic
because, unlike sevoflurane, desflurane increases airway resis- absorption of the vasoconstrictor can result in profound sys-
tance in children having anesthesia. Patients with bronchial temic vasoconstriction and hypertension. Pulmonary edema
hyperreactivity (asthma, upper respiratory tract infections, occurs secondary to β-blockade treatment of the hypertension.
and bronchopulmonary dysplasia) may be particularly prone Before introduction of the nasal endotracheal tube, each
to the bronchospastic effects of desflurane and should prob- naris should be assessed to determine which is the most patent.
ably avoid this agent (von Ungern-Sternberg et  al., 2008). A lubricated nasal pharyngeal airway can be passed into each
If an intravenous agent is chosen for maintenance, an ideal naris to accomplish this. The most effective way to determine
agent may be propofol. It has the advantage of a short ­duration the best anatomic route for nasal intubation is to fiberoptically
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1037

inspect each nares. Previously unidentified anatomic abnormal- or an oral RAE tube can be used. A preformed orotracheal tube,
ities are most likely to be found with this technique (Smith and such as the oral RAE tube, may be disadvantageous because it
Reid, 1999). is designed to be a midline tube. Moving the preformed tube to
Other techniques to minimize bleeding during nasotracheal either side of the mouth may cause an eccentric positioning in
intubation in children include reducing the size of the endotra- the trachea. An endobronchial intubation may create difficul-
cheal tube (ETT) by a half to a full size, warming it in warmed ties in ventilation. If orotracheal intubation is needed, a  con-
saline, and telescoping its end into a rubber catheter (Elwood ventional ETT easily moves to either side of the mouth and
et al., 2002; Watt et al., 2007). The incidence of bleeding appears oropharynx with the compensatory eccentric tracheal position
to be reduced when the ETT is warmed in saline. The reduction of the tube. Another concern with moving an oral ETT from side
in bleeding is even more pronounced when its tip is covered to side is the increased risk of unintentional extubation. An oral
with a rubber catheter prior to introduction into the naris. In tube also decreases the ability of the dental operator to place
Watt’s study, 56% of children who had a room temperature ETT a rubber dam and complete the dental treatment efficiently.
placed had clinically significant bleeding. This was reduced to Suboptimal position and placement of dental instruments may
39% if the ETT was exposed to warm saline, and it was reduced also occur when an orotracheal tube is in place. A pharyngeal
even further (to 5%) when the tube was telescoped with a rub- pack reduces the likelihood that blood and debris are intro-
ber catheter. A final technique is to use an obturator, which can duced into the aerodigestive tract. Noting the times of insertion
be an esophageal stethoscope (Seo et al., 2007), a suction cath- and pack removal from the pharynx on the anesthesia record
eter (Herlich et al., 1996), or a fiberoptic scope. Beside bleeding, reduces the risk of airway embarrassment postoperatively.
complications of nasotracheal intubation include bacteremia, The armored version of the LMA, or flexible LMA, may be
dislodgment of adenoidal tissue, and laceration of aerodigestive indicated for some pediatric dental patients who need dental
mucosa with subsequent false passage. Turbinate ulceration care under general anesthesia. The advantages of the LMA are
may also occur. Fiberoptic guidance of nasotracheal intuba- its ease of placement and tolerance in the spontaneously ven-
tion may reduce some of the attendant comorbidities that the tilating patient. Like an orotracheal tube, it has disadvantages,
anesthesiologist may face (Herlich, 1991). Once the tip of the including its presence in the oral cavity, the interference with
ETT is positioned in the posterior pharynx, it can be guided into rubber dam placement, and its larger size in comparison with a
the larynx with direct laryngoscopy or with a flexible fiberoptic standard orotracheal tube. With a skilled pediatric dentist per-
scope. forming restorative dentistry or surgical procedures, minimal
Nasotracheal tubes need to be secured in a way that avoids hemorrhage may be seen on the LMA at the end of the proce-
alar pressure (Fig. 32-9). Prolonged alar pressure can result in dure (Alexander, 1990; Webster et al., 1993).
tissue ischemia and loss. In addition, the eyes must be protected Despite meticulous technique on the part of the pediatric
and the forehead padded. dentist who is placing a rubber dam, dental materials may lodge
Fiberoptic intubation may become the rule rather than the in the oropharynx and subsequently enter the laryngotrache-
exception in patients with facial trauma (Kaban, 1993), man- obronchial tree. Hence, a gentle but thorough cleaning and
dibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome), and other ­suctioning of the oropharynx before extubation are mandatory.
congenital craniofacial anomalies (Pierre Robin sequence,
Goldenhar’s syndrome). These patients frequently have palatal
clefts and severe dental problems that require dental therapy POSTOPERATIVE PROBLEMS
and possibly orthognathic surgery (Gendelman and Herlich,
1993). Most postoperative problems related to pediatric dentistry are
Patients with a history of recurrent epistaxis, recent nasal common to many other surgical procedures. Postoperative
trauma, or recent head trauma should potentially not have a pain, prolonged emergence difficulties with voiding and ambu-
nasal intubation performed. In these patients, a straight ETT lation, and nausea and vomiting are all seen in pediatric dental
patients. However, even after brief general anesthetics for den-
tal procedures, significant hypoxemia may be encountered that
is not relieved by administering supplemental oxygen alone.
A British study demonstrated that experienced postanesthesia
nursing after dental procedures was the most effective means of
preventing and treating hypoxemia (Lanigan, 1992).
Postoperative pain may be obviated by the early intraoper-
ative administration of analgesics such as morphine (0.05 to
0.1  mg/kg) or fentanyl (1 to 2 mcg/kg). In addition, an acet-
aminophen suppository (30 to 40 mg/kg), given shortly before
the end of the procedure, confers additional analgesia with min-
imal side effects. Oral acetaminophen (10 to 15 mg/kg) may be
even more effective if given preoperatively (Yaster et al., 1994).
Postoperative nausea and vomiting have numerous causes in
the pediatric dental population. A common cause is swallowed
blood. Once intraoral bleeding has ceased, the nausea and vom-
iting from this cause usually abate. Opioid use and abdominal
distention caused by bag-mask ventilation with upper airway
n  FIGURE 32-9. One method of taping a nasotracheal tube. Note obstruction or with excessive pressure may also produce post-
there is no alar pressure. operative nausea and vomiting. Nitrous oxide is a controversial
1038   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

cause of postoperative nausea and vomiting. A cause of emesis Postobstruction or negative pressure pulmonary edema
or nausea unique to dentistry is the inadvertent ingestion of may be seen in children with large muscle mass or obesity. The
intraoperatively administered topical fluorides to reduce dental patients are usually adolescents, but this can occur in children
caries (Mathewson and Primosch, 1995). as young as 5 years (Van Kooy and Gargiulo, 2000; Ciavarro and
With prolonged postoperative nausea and vomiting, Kelly, 2002).
increased hydration and antiemetics may be administered with Postoperative oral bleeding should be treated with direct
their attendant caveats, including bladder distention, extrapy- intraoral pressure if a site can be located. Generalized ooz-
ramidal effects, and prolonged sedation (Herlich et al., 1996). ing of blood may be treated with gauze dental packs that have
Ondansetron (100 to 150 mcg/kg) is effective at lessening the large extraoral tails for retrieval. The oral packs act as com-
severity of postoperative nausea and vomiting when adminis- pression dressings, which should be left in place for 2 hours
tered prophylactically. Dexamethasone (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg, up and not be replaced unless there is significant ongoing hem-
to a maximum of 10 mg) is another highly effective medica- orrhage. Premature removal or replacement dislodges clots
tion for the prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea that have not sufficiently matured and retracted into the dental
and vomiting, especially in conjunction with ondansetron (see socket. Persistent, minor oral hemorrhage after extraction may
Chapter 13, Induction, Maintenance, and Recovery). Moderate also be created. Dislodgment of recently cemented crowns or
dose metoclopramide (0.5 mg/kg) has been described prophy- appliances, inadvertent movement of dental packs, or avulsion
lactically in children having tonsillectomies, but it is less effec- of loose teeth not previously extracted may require the pres-
tive than ondansetron (0.1 mg/kg) (Bolton et al., 2007). If the ence of the dentist in the postanesthesia care unit to treat the
emesis is severe enough to warrant admission to the hospital problem.
for control and rehydration, the pediatric dentist requires the
services of a primary care physician (presumably a pediatri-
cian) to assume the overall management of the pediatric dental
Dental Complications of Anesthesia
patient. Fluid and electrolyte management, as well as general
patient welfare issues, may be beyond the scope and comfort The dental complications of anesthetic care are varied, usu-
level of the pediatric dentist. Patients with refractory vomit- ally minor, but a frequent source of malpractice claims. Most
ing requiring admission should have their serum sodium mea- minor injuries are settled without going through malprac-
sured to look for hyponatremia. tice litigation. The incidence of periperative dental injury is
Some postoperative problems appear more frequently among based on retrospective data and varies from 0.02% to 0.05%
patients who have had dental rehabilitation, surgical removal of (Lockhart et al., 1986; Warner et al., 1999; Newland et al.,
impacted teeth, or other surgical lesions. Postoperative hyper- 2007). In one study of a large tertiary medical center, the fre-
pyrexia seems to occur with greater frequency in patients in quency of perianesthetic dental trauma requiring repair, stabi-
whom intraoral dental procedures have been performed. One lization, or removal of the tooth was approximately 1 in 4500
group investigated preschool-age children to ascertain the cases (Warner et al., 1999). Nevertheless, the anesthesiologist
etiology of such febrile states. In a randomized fashion, some must be aware of the potential pitfalls and take appropriate
children were given oral antibiotics 1 hour before their pro- safeguards. If a dental complication of anesthesia does occur,
cedure. All children received general anesthesia with nasotra- a dental consultation should be obtained as soon as possible.
cheal intubation and subsequent packing of the oropharynx to Also, the chief of the anesthesia department, the hospital’s risk
reduce the incidence of aspiration of gastric contents and blood. manager, and the patient’s family should be notified. Patients
Ventilation was controlled to reduce the likelihood of atelectasis old enough to understand what has transpired should also be
as a cause of postoperative temperature elevation. Intravenous informed.
fluid therapy was administered to both groups to reduce the The neonate is not immune from the dental complications of
contribution of dehydration as a cause of postoperative tem- anesthesia. Laryngoscopy of the neonatal oral cavity may result
perature elevation. The two groups were found to have equal in excoriation or laceration of the gum pads. Unilateral right- or
rates of significant postoperative temperature elevation. The left-sided hypoplastic enamel defects may be seen in the primary
authors suggested that other perioperative etiologies should be maxillary incisors as a result of laryngoscopy during the neona-
investigated, including anesthetic effects on temperature regu- tal period (Angelos et al., 1989). Oropharyngeal airways, as well
lation during dental procedures (Holan et al., 1993). There may as suction devices, may also cause lacerations or excoriation of
be certain dentally induced pyrogens, or an antibiotic with a the intraoral soft tissues. Prophylactic use of water-soluble lubri-
broader spectrum may be needed to cover the organism causing cants or saline solution applied to any of  these devices before
the hyperpyrexic bacteremia. their placement reduces the likelihood of intraoral trauma.
Nasotracheal intubation, as previously described, is the pre- Many children and their parents are aware of loose primary
ferred method of airway protection. However, transient post- teeth during the preoperative visit. However, a careful examina-
operative epistaxis is not uncommon in patients with boggy tion, including a mobility check of each primary tooth before
turbinates, traumatic intubation or extubation, or relatively induction of general anesthesia, is appropriate (Maxwell et al.,
stenotic nares (Herlich et al., 1996). Usually, direct pressure 1994).
adequately treats the problem. Rarely, vasoconstrictors and If an excessively loose primary tooth is noted during the
intranasal packing are needed to treat the epistaxis. exfoliative phase, the parents should be informed, and it may
Other sequelae of traumatic intubations or extubations, such be safely removed by the anesthesiologist once general anes-
as croup or generalized laryngeal edema, may need to be treated thesia has been induced. In this increasingly litigious society,
with intravenous dexamethasone (0.4 mg/kg) immediately after a separate, written consent may be necessary for removal of the
a traumatic or oversized intubation, and possible vasoconstric- loose primary tooth by the anesthesiologist. A gauze barrier
tors such as racemic epinephrine may be used after extubation. is placed lingually to prevent inadvertent introduction of the
C h a p t e r 32    Anesthesia for Pediatric Dentistry   1039

tooth into more distal locations in the respiratory or gastroin- Reimplantation also includes splinting of the tooth to one or
testinal tract. Subsequently, a second gauze is wrapped around two adjacent teeth on each side of the reimplanted tooth to con-
the loose tooth to be extracted. With a twisting and snapping fer stability. Despite early reimplantation, failures exist and may
action, the tooth is easily removed. The tooth is usually missing necessitate root canal therapy or extraction at an unspecified
most or all of its root structure. The reason for the root struc- later date. The time course of reimplantation failure is unpre-
ture loss is the natural resorptive processes that occur from the dictable (Herlich, 1990), but if reimplantation occurs within
underlying permanent tooth that is beginning to erupt. If some 30 minutes, success may be as high as 90% (Kainuma et al.,
of the root structure remains in the extraction site, no attempt 1996).
should be made to retrieve it. The retrieval process may cause Pediatric dentistry has made many advances to conserve
damage to the erupting permanent tooth bud. Also, the remain- tooth structure and space if deciduous teeth are lost pre-
ing root fragment naturally and harmlessly sequesters into the maturely. Various polymer and metal crown structures may
oral cavity (Herlich et al., 1996). be bonded or cemented in place. Normal intraoral forces
Conditions that may predispose the pediatric patient to or untoward unnatural forces may cause these prosthetic
dental avulsions under general anesthetic conditions include devices to be loosened or avulsed during airway manipula-
the scissors-like action of the anesthesiologist’s fingers in the tions. For the most part, they may be easily recemented or
mouth opening before laryngoscopy. If this maneuver is accom- bonded postoperatively. Most hospital dental consultants are
plished using the incisors, the likelihood of inadvertent avulsion able to rebond or recement these prostheses in place without
is increased. The mouth-opening maneuvers should be accom- difficulty.
plished by using the molars whenever possible to take advantage Interceptive orthodontic appliances, such as mandibular
of their inherent dental stability as well as to effect the largest lingual arch wires or maxillary segmental orthodontic wires,
opening possible. The use of oropharyngeal airways in the pedi- or both, are bonded by brackets to the teeth. These appliances
atric or adult patient as a bite block should be avoided for simi- may become loosened or avulsed during airway maneuvers.
lar reasons. The anterior teeth are single rooted. If the patient Like other prosthetic devices, they may also be recemented or
closes the mouth with excessive force, the force transmitted by bonded postoperatively with little harm to the patient or denti-
the tooth is essentially perpendicular to the airway and leads tion (Herlich, 1990).
to increased risk of avulsion or fracture. The ideal technique In general, a thorough preoperative history and examina-
uses gauze bite blocks with a long retrieval tag placed along the tion and prudent warnings to the parent reduce dissatisfaction
molar teeth. The forces are now directed toward softer mate- when inadvertent dental complications do occur. Congenital
rial and the multirooted molar teeth, which are more likely to craniofacial anomalies, such as palatal clefts, mandibulofa-
sustain and evenly disperse the vertical, shear forces (Herlich, cial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome), Pierre Robin
1990; Herlich et al., 1996). sequence, and hemifacial microsomia, may indeed increase
The inadvertent avulsion of loose primary teeth may never- the likelihood of dental complications because of intubation
theless be unavoidable during airway manipulations. If a pri- difficulties. Congenital dental anomalies, such as amelogen-
mary tooth is avulsed, it is imperative that it be retrieved. The esis imperfecta or dentinogenesis imperfecta, may subject the
tooth is usually found elsewhere in the mouth or outside of the patient to dental fracture with even the most trivial airway
oral cavity. It may also be found on the patient’s gown or bed manipulations.
sheets or on the floor. If it cannot be located in these likely Acquired dental problems, such as milk-bottle caries syn-
places, anteroposterior and lateral thoracoabdominal radio- drome, occur on the lingual surfaces of teeth in children
graphs are necessary to locate the tooth. If the tooth is found who are regularly put to bed with a bottle of milk, formula,
in the digestive tract, it should pass without incident within or glucose water. These carious lesions tend to require exten-
several days. If the tooth is found in the tracheobronchial tree, sive pediatric dental rehabilitation in very young patients for
however, it must be retrieved by whatever means necessary, whom prolonged dental visits are not feasible. As mentioned,
including thoracotomy. The sequelae of leaving a foreign body those lesions may also be subject to the dental complications
in the tracheobronchial tree are extremely dangerous (Herlich, of anesthesia.
1990; Herlich et al., 1996). Pharmacologic agents such as oncologic chemotherapy,
If a primary tooth was lost and then retrieved, it should not chronic inhaled or systemic steroids, diphenylhydantoin, and
be reimplanted. Such attempts are usually futile because of its nifedipine may also cause intraoral or dental damage. A child
advanced root resorption before exfoliation. Reimplantation with a blood dyscrasia or one who has had head and neck radio-
of a primary tooth may also cause significant damage to the therapy may also be subject to dental complications of anesthe-
underlying permanent tooth bud. However, if the avulsed tooth sia. Blood dyscrasias predispose the child to increased intraoral
is a permanent tooth and morphologically intact, attempts hemorrhage even during daily oral hygiene activities such as
should be made to reimplant it as soon as possible. The suc- tooth brushing.
cess of dental reimplantation depends on early reimplanta- Head and neck radiation result in significant xerostomia
tion. Because the periodontal ligament has remnants attached (dry mouth) because of the destruction of the salivary glands.
to the tooth that are crucial to the success of reimplantation, Because normal salivary flow has been eliminated, these chil-
the avulsed tooth should not be scrubbed with any material. dren are at a very high risk for cervical (gumline) caries and
Ideal preparation consists of gentle rinsing of the tooth in cool possible dental complications during anesthesia. Regardless of
physiologic saline solution to remove crude debris and gross the severity or nature of the injury, any head, neck, and oral
clots. Then the tooth should be placed in a cool saline-soaked trauma may predispose a patient to dental complications of
gauze pad until a dentist can reimplant it, either in the oper- anesthesia. With proper planning and care, the patient will
ating room or as early as possible during the postoperative have fewer and less severe dental complications (Herlich et al.,
period. 1996).
1040   P a r t  III    Clinical Management of Specialized Surgical Problems

SUMMARY to reduce the learning curve and the anesthesiologist’s anxi-

ety when problems do arise, as well as to provide a background
A diverse and potentially challenging pediatric population for future clinical research. Gentleness and understanding
requires dental care. For the most part, the dental needs of of the pediatric dental patient are required to meet the chal-
children are largely unappreciated by physicians, short of their lenges facing the anesthesiologist and to ultimately improve
personal experience in the dental chair. This chapter addresses patient care.
dental issues from the viewpoint of anatomy, physiology, and
dental growth and development. The dentist’s needs and tech- For questions and answers on topics in this chapter, go to
nical refinements are elaborated to prepare the anesthesiolo- “Chapter Questions” at
gist to deal with the spectrum of dental procedures. Particular
attention is paid to the behavioral and physiologic needs of the
pediatric dental population. Nonpharmacologic, pharmaco-
R eferences
logic, and practical technical strategies are suggested for both
the dental operatory and the operating room settings. The pit- Complete references used in this text can be found online at
falls and complications of each anesthetic technique are given

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