Arquivo de Escritos Do Professor Mark Tauger Sobre Os Flagelos Da Fome Nos Primeiros Anos Da União Soviética

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Archive of writings of Professor Mark Tauger on the famine

scourges of the early years of the Soviet Union

By New Cold, June 23, 2015

One of the world’s leading scholars on the development of agriculture in the Soviet
Union during its early years is Mark Tauger. He is an associate professor of history at
West Virginia University. He is the author of the 2010 book Agriculture in World
History. His writings on Soviet agriculture— articles, book chapters, and reviews–
are listed on his website at West Virginia University. The list is enclosed below.

Early Soviet agriculture

Professor Tauger’s writings challenge several interpretations of the famines which
struck regions of the Soviet Union during the first 15 years or so of the country’s
existence in the 1920s and 1930s, including in Ukraine. He argues that the periodic food
shortages which marked those years were a result of a complex of primarily natural
factors that waxed and waned, causing severe reductions in agricultural production.
Factors included periodic drought conditions and persistence of crop pests and diseases
when the means to combat them were still underdeveloped.

The most common and aggressively argued of the interpretations of the several famines
which struck post-1918, independent Soviet Ukraine in the late 1920s and early 1930s is
that of ‘Holodomor’—the claim that famines were the result of deliberate policies by
the leadership of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin to weaken and destroy the
political and economic independence of Soviet Ukraine, including by killing large
numbers of its citizenry through deliberate starvation. The proponents of ‘Holodomor’
posit a genocide equivalent in numbers to the Holocaust of World War Two. Tauger
argues sharply against this thesis.

Much scholarly literature sees the 1920s-1930s as a period in which peasant farming
had no problems when left alone and allowed to operate in a capitalist setting. The only
problems, it is argued, occurred when the Soviet government intervened with policies
that exploited the peasants. Professor Tauger documents the series of natural disasters
that devastated harvests repeatedly in the 1920s and 1930s. He argues that Soviet
policies were not aimed to exploit the peasants but to overcome natural disasters by
emulating American large-scale industrialized farming methods in their own Soviet

Among the writings of Mark Tauger which summarize his overall research and writing
are the following four. The first three are attached as pdf files :
 Stalin, Soviet Agriculture and Collectivization, (29 pages, plus notes), chapter
six in Food and Conflict in Europe in the Age of the Two World Wars, edited by
Frank Trentmann and Flemming Just, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006
 Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-33, (2001,
65 pages), Carl Beck Papers No. 1506, The Center for Russian and East European
Studies (University of Pittsburgh). This is the only study documenting the
underlying environmental causes of the famine of those years.
 The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, Slavic Review 1991
 Grain Crisis or Famine (on the 1928 famine in the Soviet Union, 25 pages, plus
notes), chapter seven in Provincial Landscapes: Local Dimensions of Soviet
Power, 1917-1953, Donald J. Raleigh editor, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001
Mark Tauger is preparing a book to be published later in 2015 on the history of famines
in Russia and the USSR. Among the subjects to be examined are the repercussions of
the environmental causes of the Soviet famines of 1931-33. One of the key scientists to
discover these causes was a plant breeder who went on to breed important new high-
yielding grain varieties that created a kind of Soviet green revolution.


Writings on Soviet famines and agriculture, by Mark Tauger

(From the page of Associate Professor Mark Tauger at the University of Virginia, here.
See the web page for explanatory notes on how to obtain the listed items not
immediately available).
 Review of After the Holodomor_
 Arguing from Errors
 Famine in Russian History
 Stalin, Soviet Agriculture and Collectivization
 The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933
 First exchange with Robert Conquest on The 1932 Harvest
 Second exchange with Robert Conquest on The 1932 Harvest
 Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933
 Soviet peasants’ resistance and adaptation in the 1930s
 Soviet Grain Stocks in the 1931-1933 Famine (with Davies and Wheatcroft)
 The Black Book of Communism on Soviet Famines
For the following two items, please contact Mark Tauger
 “Statistical Falsification in the Soviet Union: A Comparative Case Study of
Projections, Biases, and Trust.”
 “Grain Crisis or Famine? The Ukrainian State Commission for Aid to Crop-
Failure Victims and the Ukranian Famine of 1928-1929.”

Read also:
Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-1921, by Lars Ti Lih, University of California
Press, 1990 (full text here)

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