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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Salary 2450 2450 2450 2450 2450 2450
Dividends 125 150
Savings interest 35 35 35 35 35 35
Transfer from Savings
Total Income 2485 2610 2485 2485 2485 2635

Mortgage 595 595 595 595 595 595
Gas 75 75 75 75 75 75
Electricity 78 78 78 78 78 78
Council tax 150 0 0 165 165 165
Water rates 65 65 65 75 75 75
Telephone 35 35 35 35 35 35
TV licence 13 13 13 13 13 13
Sky 45 45 45 45 45 45
Mobile phone 25 25 25 25 25 25
Car insurance 120 120 120 120 120 120
Petrol 125 125 125 125 125 125
Car tax 0 0 0 0 0 0
Food 500 500 500 500 500 500
Clothes 50 50 50 50 50 50
Eating out + T/ways 75 75 75 75 75 75
Holidays 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cash withdrawn 120 80 250 160 180 130
Repairs 45 0 0 0 0 0
Misc 75 56 63 52 45 12
Total Expenses 2191 1937 2114 2188 2201 2118

Surplus/Deficit 294 673 371 297 284 517

Opening Balance 550 844 1517 1888 2185 2469
Closing Balance 844 1517 1888 2185 2469 2986
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2450 2450 2450 2450 2450 2450

35 35 35 35 35 35

2485 2485 2485 2665 2485 2485

595 595 595 595 595 595

75 75 75 75 75 75
78 78 78 78 78 78
165 165 165 165 165 165
75 75 75 75 75 75
35 35 35 35 35 35
13 13 13 13 13 13
45 45 45 45 45 45
25 25 25 25 25 25
120 120 120 120 120 120
125 125 125 125 125 125
0 0 0 0 205 0
500 500 500 500 500 500
50 50 50 50 50 50
75 75 75 75 75 150
900 0 0 0 0 0
80 360 120 150 100 250
0 250 0 0 0 0
25 125 85 51 53 23
2981 2711 2181 2177 2334 2324

-496 -226 304 488 151 161

2986 2490 2264 2568 3056 3207
2490 2264 2568 3056 3207 3368
1 Month Expense Amount Details
2 Feb-11 Mortgage 858
3 Feb-11 Utility bill 65 Water rates
4 Mar-11 Petrol 20.78
5 Apr-11 Utility bill 65 Water rates
6 May-11 Utility bill 65 Gas
7 Jun-11 Food 2.23
8 Jan-11 Utility bill 79 Gas
9 Mar-11 Utility bill 79 Gas
10 Apr-11 Utility bill 79 Gas
11 May-11 Utility bill 79 Gas
12 Jun-11 Utility bill 79 Gas
13 Jan-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
14 Feb-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
15 Mar-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
16 Apr-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
17 May-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
18 Jun-11 Utility bill 82 Electricity
19 Jan-11 Utility bill 115 Council tax
20 Apr-11 Utility bill 125 Council tax
21 May-11 Utility bill 125 Council tax
22 Jun-11 Utility bill 125 Council tax
23 Mar-11 Petrol 3.46
24 Mar-11 Petrol 3.92
25 May-11 Petrol 6.16
26 Jan-11 Petrol 6.40
27 Apr-11 Petrol 11.39
28 May-11 Petrol 13.83
29 May-11 Petrol 17.10
30 Feb-11 Petrol 18.06
31 Jun-11 Petrol 19.41
32 May-11 Petrol 20.68
33 Mar-11 Petrol 23.77
34 Feb-11 Petrol 24.52
35 Feb-11 Petrol 26.13
36 Apr-11 Petrol 31.83
37 Jun-11 Petrol 33.89
38 Apr-11 Petrol 35.79
39 Feb-11 Petrol 39.31
40 Mar-11 Petrol 42.01
41 May-11 Petrol 43.92
42 Jan-11 Petrol 56.86
43 Apr-11 Petrol 58.29
44 Mar-11 Petrol 61.47
45 Feb-11 Petrol 63.58
46 Jun-11 Petrol 64.06
47 Jan-11 Petrol 66.17
48 Jun-11 Petrol 68.24
49 May-11 Petrol 69.57
50 May-11 Petrol 71.73
51 Jun-11 Petrol 71.83
52 Jun-11 Petrol 75.52
53 Apr-11 Petrol 78.93
54 Apr-11 Petrol 80.61
55 Jun-11 Petrol 80.89
56 Mar-11 Petrol 84.61
57 Jan-11 Petrol 86.96
58 Jan-11 Petrol 87.29
59 Jan-11 Petrol 87.59
60 Feb-11 Petrol 89.85
61 Jan-11 Petrol 94.60
62 Feb-11 Petrol 97.22
63 Apr-11 Petrol 97.49
64 Feb-11 Mortgage 858
65 Mar-11 Mortgage 858
66 Apr-11 Mortgage 858
67 May-11 Mortgage 858
68 Jun-11 Mortgage 950
69 Jan-11 Mortgage 1200
70 Jul-11 Mortgage 858.00
71 Jun-11 Food 2.23
72 May-11 Food 2.92
73 Feb-11 Food 7.85
74 Apr-11 Food 9.02
75 Jun-11 Food 14.40
76 Jan-11 Food 15.43
77 Mar-11 Food 19.24
78 Feb-11 Food 35.91
79 Jan-11 Food 36.13
80 Mar-11 Food 48.89
81 Mar-11 Food 50.21
82 Apr-11 Food 51.23
83 Feb-11 Food 53.92
84 May-11 Food 55.15
85 Jan-11 Food 62.43
86 Feb-11 Food 63.62
87 Jan-11 Food 64.69
88 Jan-11 Food 70.74
89 May-11 Food 81.94
90 Jun-11 Food 84.49
91 May-11 Food 85.32
92 Mar-11 Food 86.65
93 Apr-11 Food 87.39
94 Feb-11 Food 88.14
95 Jun-11 Food 90.29
96 Apr-11 Food 92.05
97 Mar-11 Food 97.72
98 Jun-11 Food 98.34
99 Apr-11 Food 98.97
100 May-11 Food 123.30
Sum of Amount Column Labels
Row Labels Food Mortgage Petrol Utility bill Grand Total
Jan-11 249.42 1200 485.87 276 2211.29
Feb-11 249.44 1716 358.67 147 2471.11
Mar-11 302.71 858 240.02 161 1561.73
Apr-11 338.66 858 394.33 351 1941.99
May-11 348.63 858 242.99 351 1800.62
Jun-11 291.98 950 413.84 286 1941.82
Jul-11 858 858
Grand Total 1780.84 7298 2135.72 1572 12786.56

This PivotTable was created using the data in the Expenses

worksheet. Click inside the PivotTable to make further
changes to it.
Sum invested 13585.9621 1 Data Validation List
Number of years 5 2 applies to cell B2
Interest rate 2.00% 3
Final value £15,000.00 4
Do not change this cell 6
£10,000 2% over 6 years

Page 8
£10,000 at 5% over 6 years

Page 9
£10,000 at 9% over 10 years

Page 10
Match Function
January February (Product Codes)
Product Code Sales Product Code Sales
CFD3243 £165.63 CFD3243 £172.63 1
CFD4123 £185.36 CFD4123 £122.32 1
CDC3123 £125.36 CGG4432 £158.96 0
CVH4154 £195.62 CVH4154 £251.32 1
Amount to borrow -15000
Number of repayments 60
Interest rate 7.50%
Amount of repayment £300.57 Do not change these two
Total repaid £18,034.15 cells
Cricket results
Name Score Ranking
James 2 6
Ted 5 5
Sam 8 4
Bob 10 3
John 25 2
Eddie 69 1
Jobs to Do Location Date entered Comments
Spread compost in front garden Garden 2/1/2011 Wait for ground to defrost
Repair ceiling in kitchen House 12/12/2010 Find plasterer
Clean carpet in hallway House 12/29/2010 Hire carpet cleaner
Renew spare tyre on car Car 4/25/2011
Reseal bath House 3/25/2011
Paint hallway House 10/1/2010 Need to choose paint colour
Repair fence in back garden Garden 1/15/2011 Buy wood
Remove dent from car door Car 3/28/2011
Overdue? 4/1/2018
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Overdue by more than 60 days
Distances from home Enter Town/City London
Town/City Country Miles Miles from home 198
Birmingham UK 105
Edinburgh UK 223 London is 198 miles from home
London UK 198
Paris France 423
Le Mans France 556
Nurburgring Germany 589
Leicester UK 97
Bath UK 241
Sheffield UK 37
Nottingam UK 68

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